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Intraspecific nest usurpation by foundresses was studied in 2 haplometrotic (solitary founding) species of different subgenera,Polistes (P.) riparius andP. (Polistella) snelleni, in areas where they cohabited. The overall probability for a nest to be usurped by a foreign foundress during the season was about twice as large inP. snelleni as inP. riparius. In both, however, probability of usurpation was largest on late pre-emergence nests, or in late June and early July. InP. riparius, all the usurpers of known origins were those foundresses that had lost their pre-emergence nests to destruction probably by some vertebrates; inP. snelleni, some usurpers had the same history as above, while the others had lost many of all larvae to predation by unknown agents before worker emergence. Usurpers of both species destroyed eggs and younger larvae to much greater extents than older larvae or pupae, and they produced fewer numbers of reproductives in comparison with non-usurping foundresses. We concluded that usurpation behavior has been maintained despite its relatively low productivity because renesting would lead to even lower or no reproductive production.  相似文献   

Summary The building decision process of the paper wasp,Polistes fuscatus, was studied by 1) analyzing the search pattern of the wasps prior to the addition of pulp to different areas of the nest, 2) comparing the pulp addition needs of the cell chosen for lengthening to those of other cells in the nest, and 3) presenting the wasps with eight types of dichotomous building choices, which provided information about the relative influence of different building cues. Wasps conduct a hierarchical search prior to pulp addition, which means that they search the comb face and petiole disproportionately more often and more thoroughly than the comb back and sides. Once a particular nest area triggers closer scrutiny, comparisons are made with adjoining areas. The most needy location is then chosen based on nest cues. When lengthening a cell, the development of the brood and relative cell length have a strong influence on which cell is chosen at all times, while distance of the brood from the cell mouth becomes important during the later stages of brood development. The results indicate that there is no simple hierarchical weighting of cues. The decision process involves comparisons among multiple cues, which for the most part have an additive influence when variation in relative cue strength is considered.  相似文献   

Who reproduces in colonies of social insects is determined bysome combination of direct competition and more peaceful convention.We studied these two alternatives in foundresses of the paperwasp, Polistes carolina, by examining two different contexts:what determines who becomes the dominant reproductive and whatdetermines the amount of reproduction obtained by subordinates.The dominant queen on most nests was the foundress to arrivefirst, rather than the largest foundress, expected to be bestat fighting. This suggests that dominance is initially determinedby convention, although the persistence of some aggressiveconflict throughout the foundress period suggests that thisconvention is not absolute. Attempts to explain the divisionof reproduction using several skew theories were generallyunsuccessful. Skew was not correlated with relatedness, size differences, colony productivity, and challenges by the subordinate.P. carolina showed high constraints against solitary nesting,with a minority of females attempting to nest alone, and nonesucceeding. In this situation, most skew theories predict thatgroup stability will be independent of relatedness, yet nearlyall collected subordinates were full sisters to the queen.Reproductive partitioning in early P. carolina colonies may have more to do with enhancing worker production than with conflictover direct fitness.  相似文献   

Successful Polistes dominulus nests can be started by one ormore nest founding queens (foundresses). Consequently, thereis much interest in the specific benefits that induce cooperationamong foundresses. Here, we experimentally demonstrate one majorbenefit of cooperation, namely that multiple foundresses increasecolony productivity. This increase is close to the value predictedby subtracting the productivity of undisturbed single-foundresscolonies from the productivity of undisturbed multiple-foundresscolonies. However, we found no evidence that an associatingfoundress' contribution to colony growth is preserved if shedisappears (assured fitness returns). Our correlational datasuggest that cooperation provides survival benefits, multiple-foundresscolonies are more likely to survive to produce offspring thanare single-foundress colonies, and individual foundresses inmultiple-foundress groups are less likely to disappear beforeworker emergence than foundresses nesting alone. Therefore,association provides substantial productivity and survival benefitsfor cooperating foundresses.  相似文献   

Two methods of hole repair used by the paper wasp, Polistes fuscatus,were examined and compared, and the hypothesis that nest repair behavior may improve with experience was tested. Similarly sized holes were repeatedly made in the sides of nests and the repair behavior of the nest residents was recorded. The distance of the hole from the cell mouth determined which repair method was used. In addition, both the amount of time for hole repair completion and the number of pulp loads used in making the repair decreased significantly with experience.  相似文献   

General principles derived from studies of morphological ontogeny are useful in ethology. Behavioral ontogeny may be interpreted from an holistic view in which a series of behaviors is treated as an ontogeny toward a larger, complex, behavioral product. If the component behaviors are defined broadly, many taxa may be compared to find general principles that are not evident when behaviors are dissected to their smallest recognizable units. Flow charts can illustrate such general ontogenetic sequences in a manner that shows what sorts of modifications have evolved from the general pattern. Certain changes may illustrate forms of ontogenetic evolution that are well known for morphological development, such as addition or embellishment of terminal ontogenetic steps, or compression of ontogeny by acceleration or deletion of early steps. The major modifications in nest construction behavior of 28 genera of paper wasps are presented to test the predictions of the biogenetic rule with respect to character polarity. Cladistic analyses of separate morphological and behavioral data sets show that polarity is accurately inferred with respect to the five major patterns of nest construction in paper wasps.  相似文献   

Circulating hemocytes from larval stages of the paper wasp Polistes dominulus were characterized by light and transmission electron microscopy. Three types were identified: prohemocytes, plasmatocytes and granulocytes. The first two are agranular cells while the latter present typical cytoplasmic inclusions called granules. Plasmatocytes differ from prohemocytes being larger, showing lower nucleus/cytoplasm ratio and they possess many phagolysosomes. The substantial uniformity of most subcellular features and the presence of "intermediate forms" support the "single-cell theory" i.e., there is only one cell line that originates from the prohemocyte and leads to the granular cell passing through the plasmatocyte. This hypothesis seems to be confirmed by functional tests. Indeed, most part of cells adheres to the glass and is able to phagocytize fluorescent microspheres.  相似文献   

Temperature characteristics in paper models of Polistes wasp nests with various numbers (N = 7, 19, 37, or 61 cells) and lengths (L = 10–50 mm) of cells were measured in the field. Temperature distribution in a N61L50 model showed that the central cell provided the best thermal conditions in terms of gained temperature and its fluctuation. The mean temperature excess (difference between cell and ambient temperatures) observed in the diel trial 1 (L50 models with different cell numbers) was 1.5°C in N7 model and 2.3°C in N61, whereas in trial 2 (N37 models with different cell lengths) it was 0.6°C in the L10 model (with 10-mm-long cells) and 2.4°C in L50. In these trials, models with larger numbers of cells or longer cells attained a higher temperature. It seemed that length was more effective in gaining higher maximum temperature than the number of cells. By their heat insulation effect, peripheral cell rings ameliorated the temperature fluctuation in cells at the central part of the comb. Models with more and longer cells maintained temperature slightly higher than the ambient level even during the nighttime. Received: March 10, 2000 / Accepted: December 18, 2000  相似文献   

Females in hibernation site (FH) were significantly larger than foundresses (FO), suggesting that larger FH were less successful in founding their nest. Body size of FO did not correlate with two nest characters, i.e., the number of cells at pupal stage (CP) and the timing of nest foundation (DP). However, CP negatively correlated with DP in 2 of 3 studied years, suggesting that foundress who founded her nest earlier than others tended to construct larger number of cells irrespective of her body size.  相似文献   

The Dufour's gland of the paper wasp, Polistes fuscatus,is a source of the cues used by dominant females to recognize the eggs laid by subordinates or nonnestmates on pre (worker)-emergence nests. When dominant wasps were presented with an egg covered with either (1) the Dufour's gland extract of a subordinate cofoundress, (2) the extract of an egg from the same subordinate, or (3) the solvent alone, the dominant female destroyed and replaced the eggs covered with the Dufour's extract significantly more frequently than the other eggs. Eggs with the extract of a nonnestmate's Dufour's gland were also eaten significantly more frequently than those with the solvent. Given similar choices, subordinates did not destroy any eggs. The Dufour's gland appears to have little or no role in communicating dominance directly among aggressively interacting cofoundresses.  相似文献   

Amino acid composition of the protein in the oral secretion, which is widely used for construction and maintenance of social wasp nests, was analyzed in preemergence nests of Polistes (Polistes) riparius. The kinds and proportion (%) of amino acids of the protein detected from nests of P. riparius were very similar to those of a consubgeneric species, P. (P.) chinensis, but were conspicuously different from those of other social wasp genera. Further, it was estimated that protein contents in oral secretion of P. riparius were nearly the same as those of P. chinensis; namely, foundresses of P. riparius, which build much larger nests than those of P. chinensis, did not reduce relative protein contents to produce more oral secretion at a smaller cost. Amino acid composition may reflect phylogenetic relationships among wasp taxa. Received: March 10, 2000 / Accepted: May 29, 2000  相似文献   

Summary Five cases of the early emergence of males in a Japanese paper wasp,Polistes chinensis antennalis, in which male emerged together with the first group of workers, were described. In one case of the five where the queen disappeared before the emergence of male, worker(s) produced female offspring. The frequency of the nests where the early emergence of male was observed was 16.7% (5/30 nests). In two colonies, worker(s) and/or queen chased off males. But in an orphan nest where worker(s) produced female offspring, the dominance order among workers which was similar to that of colony without male was observed. The significance of the early emergence of male in the social evolution of wasps was discussed.  相似文献   

The specific features of spatio-temporal organization of the parasitoid-host system in a heterogeneous environment was analyzed. The spatial distribution of ectoparasitoids in different habitat types of their host Polistes dominulus (Christ) (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) was found to be non-uniform. Latibulus argiolus (Rossi) (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) prevailed in the host nests located in shelters, while Elasmus schmitti Ruschka (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) prevailed in the nests attached to plants.  相似文献   

In multiple-foundress nests of the wasp Polistes dominulus, dominance hierarchies are established among foundresses, and only the dominant (=alpha) individual lays eggs. The alpha female can be distinguished from subordinate females and workers on the basis of the proportions of some hydrocarbons present on the cuticle, suggesting that chemical signaling of her reproductive status could occur. P. dominulus is also the host species of the obligate social parasite Polistes sulcifer. After aggressively usurping host colonies and behaviorally replacing the host alpha female, parasites are characterized by a change in the proportions of their cuticular hydrocarbons to match that of the host cuticular profile at both species and colony levels. In the current study, we demonstrate that P. sulcifer queens also modify their cuticular hydrocarbon proportions after usurpation to match that of the host alpha female. Parasite females, therefore, acquire the dominant rank in host colonies both reproductively and chemically by mimicking the typical alpha profile of the host. Parasite females were not able to fully inhibit ovary development in host foundresses, and 10 days after usurpation, parasites, alpha and beta foundresses show similar chemical profiles and ovarian development.  相似文献   

Colonies of the polistine wasp Polistes dominulus are parasitized by the permanent worker-less social parasite Polistes sulcifer. After usurpation of the host colony, parasite females are characterized by a change in the relative proportions of their cuticular hydrocarbons to match those of the host species. In this paper we present evidence from field data and laboratory experiments that P. sulcifer females adopt a colony-specific host odour that facilitates their acceptance by host females of the usurped colony. Presentation experiments demonstrate that parasite females are recognized as foreign individuals by workers of other parasitized nests. We show that the modification of parasite cuticular compounds is sufficient for this recognition. This provides evidence that, after invasion, P. sulcifer queens do not require appeasement or propaganda substances for their acceptance by host colonies. Furthermore, multivariate discriminant analysis of the cuticular hydrocarbon proportions of the parasites after usurpation assigns the parasites together with P. dominulus females of their own host colony. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first confirmation that social parasites adopt colony-specific host odours.  相似文献   

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