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Can phaeopigments be used as markers for Daphnia grazing in Lake Constance?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The formation of chlorophyll a degradation products was measuredwith natural phytoplankton from Lake Constance and Daphnia magnaand native Daphnia as grazers in grazing experiments duringspring bloom conditions using high-pressure liquid chromatography(HPLC). Chlorophyll a start concentrations were between 1.2and 16.3 µg l–1; phaeopigment weights constituted5% of chlorophyll a weight. Only phaeophorbide a was a markerfor Daphnia grazing; concentrations of other phaeopigments (phaeophytina, chlorophyllide a and two unidentified phaeopigments) didnot increase during Daphnia grazing. Conversion efficiencies(chlorophyll a to phaeophorbide a) were between 0 and 43% ona weight basis, and between 0 and 65% on a molar basis. Conversionefficiencies were highest at high grazer density (40 Daphnial–1) and after a 24 h exposure time. Grazing by microzooplanktonprobably led to the formation of the two unidentified phaeopigments.In Lake Constance, Daphnia density was significantly positivelycorrelated with the phaeophorbide a/chlorophyll a ratio whenit was <5000 Daphnia m–3. However, when higher Daphniadensities were included in calculations, then Daphnia densitywas positively, but insignificantly, correlated with the phaeophorbidea/chlorophyll a ratio. This suggests that when the level offood per Daphnia is low, then grazing is more efficient withless production of phaeophorbide a and a higher production ofcolourless products.  相似文献   

Some characteristics of the carbon compounds released by Daphnia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Daphnia species studied released 18–100% of the algalcarbon ingested as dissolved and particulate carbon compounds,presumably mainly as feces. The particulate fraction constitutedon average 79 5% of the total released compounds, leaving21% as dissolved compounds. The particles released were verysmall and transparent, not visible by light microscopy Moreover,they contained significant amounts of chlorophyll derivatives.The dissolved compounds consisted mainly of small molecules(mol. wt >103 daltons), and were shown to be utilized byplanktonic bacteria. Our results show that particulate organiccarbon and chlorophyll a should not be used as measures foralgal carbon in grazing experiments with Daphnia. Both theseparameters were influenced by the animals' fecal particles,yielding lowered clearance rates compared with those obtainedby using cell numbers as a measure for algal carbon.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was tested that Daphnia exhibit low populationrecruitment in a lake with phosphorus (P)-deficient food, whereDaphnia populations failed to increase in response to greatlylowered minnow density. Egg ratio analysis was performed onDaphnia retrocurva from L110 of the Experimental Lakes Area,Ontario, in 1994. L110 has high food abundance (seston carbon(C) 100 µM C), but the seston is P deficient (C:P atomic- 600). Chrysophytes dominated the algal community. The fishcommunity in this lake was manipulated in 1993 and 1994 by theaddition of northern pike, Esox lucius. Zooplanktivorous minnowswere greatly reduced after the piscivore addition, but the expectedincrease in abundance of the Daphnia to this altered predationregime was not observed, If food quality constrains the responseof the Daphnia to changed predation, there should be low recruitment in the relatively sparse Daphnia population in this lake.Birth rates estimated by standard egg ratio analysis were <0.1day–1 for most of the sample period. In comparison toannual averages from the literature, recruitment in L110 wasmoderately, but not dramatically, low. Daphnia exhibited pronounced‘normal’ vertical migration (up at night, down duringthe day) all year, and a strongly declining size at first reproductionthrough the season. Population density and birth rates seemedto show much less short-term change than previously observedin other lakes. Although the demo graphic predictions for foodquality constraints seemed clear, in situ demography unfortunatelyneither supported nor strongly rejected the overall hypothesisof food quality limitation in this lake with very high C:P ratios.Possibly, direct demographic effects of low food quality willbe difficult to observe in nature.  相似文献   

Calcium limitation in Daphnia magna   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of ambient calcium concentrations on survival, moulting,growth and egg production was assessed in the cladoceran Daphniamagna. A threshold for survival was found in the range 0.1–0.5mg Ca l–1, even when ionic strength of the medium waskept constant. Accumulated length and length specific dry weightwas retarded at low Ca (0.5–1.0 mg Ca l–1) at foodconcentrations above incipient limiting level. For lower foodlevels, the effect of Ca on growth was less clear. The effectof low Ca on growth rate was most manifest during the firstdays after hatching, reflecting the higher Ca demands of theearly juveniles. Age-specific egg production was strongly reducedat Ca concentrations <10 mg Ca l–1. This was partlyan indirect effect of reduced growth rates, but could also bean effect of higher energetic costs associated with Ca uptakein a Ca-poor medium. The high Ca demands in D.magna may notbe representative of other Daphnia species. Nevertheless, highspecific Ca content seems to be a common property of Daphniaspp. and Ca deficiency could be a major determinant of speciessuccess and community structure among crustacean zooplankton;it also puts constraints on carbon sequestration in the pelagicfood web of softwater lakes.  相似文献   

Rotifers are a relatively well-studied component of lacustrinesystems but their role is only poorly understood in estuaries.Three species of the genus Synchaeta—S. baltica, S. triophthalmaand S.cecilia—dominate the cold-water assemblage of rotifersin Chesapeake Bay. Laboratory experiments were conducted todetermine the temperature dependence of egg development time(EDT) for each species; EDT varied over an approximate rangeof 90–9 h as temperature (T) varied from 2 to 22°C.The EDT/temperature relationships could be closely fitted bya simple polynomial equation of the form log(EDT) = a + b(logT) + c(log T)2 for each species. Natural populations of thesethree rotifers were sampled during a cruise in the Potomac River(7–11 March 1983). Estimates of specific reproductiverates (b) were calculated based on the previously defined EDT/temperaturerelationship and the observed ratio of eggs/rotifers for eachspecies. The two most abundant species, S.triophthalma and S.cecilia,showed a clear dependence of b on the observed chlorophyll aconcentrations. Maximum reproductive rates ({small tilde}0.015h–1) were attained only at relatively high phytoplanktondensities within a bloom of Heterocapsa triquetra where thechlorophyll a concentrations exceeded 10 µg l–1.Estimates of secondary production suggest that Synchaeta spp.may contribute to the trophic flow of carbon in this systemwith a significance at least similar to that of the planktoniccopepods.  相似文献   

The calanoid copepod, Eudiaplomus graciloides, was reared fromegg to adult on uni-algal diets (0.1. 0.5 and 2.5 mg dry wt1–1) using the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii,as food, or on a mixed diet consisting of Lake Esrom water filteredthrough a plankton net with pore size 45 µm and supplementedwith C. reinhardtii (2.5 mg dry wt 1–1). On the mixeddiet at 21.0°C growth in body dry wt (W, µg dry wt)was exponential, and the growth constants were 0.21 day–1in the early to mid juvenile stage (N1 - C4) and 0.11 day–1in the late juvenile to early adult stage (C4-A). At 14.5°Cthe corresponding growth rate constants were 0.10 and 0.08 day–1.Similar growth rates were found at uni-algal concentrationsof 0.5 and 2.5 mg dry wt I–1, and it was argued that thethreshold concentration for growth in Eudiaptomus was closeto 0.1 mg dry wt I–1. The clearance (C, ml h–1)of copepodites was measured on the uni-algal diets. The constantsof the regression (C = aWb) were: a = 0.125, b = 0.858 (2000C. reinhardtii ml–1), a = 0.068, b = 0.849 (10 000), a= 0.028, b = 0.875 (50 000). Ingestion rates were calculatedfrom the clearances and the average algal concentrations. Atthe three food levels the average daily rations were 30, 67and 125% of body dry wt. The respiration rate (R, nl O2 h–1)was measured in individuals reared on the mixed diet. The constantsof the regression (R = aWb) were: a = 4.82, b = 1.07 (nauplii,14.5°C), a = 4.17, b = 0.904 (copepodites and adults, 14.5°C),a = 6.87, b = 0.757 (copepodites and adults, 21.0°C). Nosignificant difference in the respiration rate of copepoditesreared on uni-algal diets and the mixed diet could be demonstrated.Energy budgets were calculated. The assimilation efficiencyand the gross growth efficiency of copepodites decreased markedlywith increasing food concentration, the net growth efficiencyvaried from an average of 0.44 at the lowest algal concentrationto 0.60 on the mixed diet. The results are discussed in relationto previous findings with both freshwater and marine copepods.  相似文献   

The effect of varying algal availability on byssal thread productionby re–attaching zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) wasquantified. The byssal apparatus was severed and mussels allowedto re–attach to a hard substratum for a 21 day periodduring which they were fed at algal concentrations of 0.0, 0.1,0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mg C l-1. Byssal thread production was quantifiedby counting the number of new attachment plaques present eachday. Results showed that starved mussels continued to partition organiccarbon towards thread production but the resultant byssal masswas compromised, containing fewer threads than those producedby fed mussels. The daily average byssal thread production bymussels fed at 2.0 mg C l-1 was greater than that of starved musselsand the final mean dry soft tissue weight higher. At algal Cconcentrations below maintenance requirements byssal threadproduction was elevated compared to starved mussels, but therewas no concurrent increase in soft tissue. This suggests thatbelow maintenance levels assimilated carbon was solely partitionedtowards byssus production and stored reserves may have beenutilized. The ratio of organic carbon contained in the byssusto that in the soft tissues remained relatively constant acrossall feeding levels. This suggests that the carbon content ofthe byssus is a constant function of that of the soft tissuemass. These results may explain seasonal variation in attachmentstrength of numerous byssate species and seasonal vertical migrationsby D. polymorpha. Present Address-Queen Mary & Westfield College, Dept of Biology,University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK (Received 16 March 1998; accepted 30 September 1998)  相似文献   

The impact of fish-mediated changes on the structure and grazingof zooplankton on phytoplankton and bacterioplankton was studiedin Lake Søbygaard during the period 1984–92 bymeans of in vitro grazing experiments (14C-labelled phytoplankton,3H-labelled bacterioplankton) and model predictions. Measuredzooplankton clearance rates ranged from 0–25 ml l–1h–1 on phytoplankton to 0–33 ml l–1 h–1on bacterioplankton.The highest rates were found during thesummer when Daphnia spp. were dominant. As the phytoplanktonbiomass was substantially greater than that of bacterioplanktonthroughout the study period, ingestion of phytoplankton was26-fold greater than that of bacterioplankton. Multiple regressionanalysis of the experimental data revealed that Daphnia spp.,Bosmina longirostris and Cyclops vicinus, which were the dominantzooplankton, all contributed significantly to the variationin ingestion of phytoplankton, while only Daphnia spp. contributedsignificantly to that of bacterioplankton. Using estimated meanvalues for clearance and ingestion rates for different zooplankters,we calculated zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton and bacterioplanktonon the basis of monitoring data of lake plankton obtained duringa 9 year study period. Summer mean grazing ranged from 2 to4% of phytoplankton production and 2% of bacterioplankton productionto maxima of 53 and 88%, respectively. The grazing percentagedecreased with increasing density of planktivorous fish caughtin August each year using gill nets and shore-line electrofishing.The changes along a gradient of planktivorous fish abundanceseemed highest for bacterioplankton. Accordingly, the percentagecontribution of bacterioplankton to the total ingestion of thetwo carbon sources decreased from a summer mean value of 8%in Daphnia-dominated communities at lower fish density to 0.7–1.1%at high fish density, when cyclopoid copepods or Bosmina androtifers dominated. Likewise, the percentage of phytoplanktonproduction channelled through the bacteria varied, it beinghighest (5–8%) at high fish densities. It is argued thatthe negative impact of zooplankton grazing on bacterioplanktonin shallow lakes is highest at intermediate phosphorus levels,under which conditions Daphnia dominate the zooplankton community.  相似文献   

Planktonic primary production in the German Wadden Sea   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
By combining weekly data of irradiance, attenuation and chlorophylla concentrations with photosynthesis (P) versus light intensity(E) curve characteristics, the annual cycle of planktonic primaryproduction in the estuarine part of the Northfrisian WaddenSea was computed for a 2 year period. Daily water column particulategross production ranged from 5 to 2200 mg C m–2 day–1and showed a seasonal pattern similar to chlorophyll a. Budgetcalculation yielded annual gross particulate primary productionsof 124 and 176 g C m–2 year–1 in 1995 and 1996,respectively. Annual amounts of phytoplankton respiration, calculatedaccording to a two-compartment model of Langdon [in Li,W.K.W.and Maestrini,S.Y. (eds), Measurement of Primary Productionfrom the Molecular to the Global Scale. International Councilfor the Exploration of the Sea, Copenhagen, 1993, pp. 20–36],and dissolved production in 1996, were both in the range of24–39 g C m–2 year–1. Annual total net productionwas thus very similar to particulate gross production (127 and177 g C m–2 year–1 in 1995 and 1996, respectively).Phytoplankton growth was low or even negative in winter. Inspring and summer, production/biomass (Pr/B) ratios varied from0.2 up to 1.7. Phytoplankton growth during the growth seasonalways surpassed average flushing time in the area, thus underliningthe potential of local phytoplankton bloom development in thispart of the Wadden Sea. The chlorophyll-specific maximum photosyntheticrate (PBmax) ranged from 0.8 to 9.9 mg C mg–1 Chl h–1and was strongly correlated with water temperature (r2 = 0.67).By contrast, there was no clear seasonal cycle in B, which rangedfrom 0.007 to 0.039 mg C mg–1 Chl h–1 (µmolphotons m–2 s–1)–1. Its variability was muchless than PBmax and independent of temperature. The magnitudeand part of the variability of PBmax and B are presumably causedby changes in species composition, as evidenced from the rangeof these parameters found among 10 predominant diatom speciesisolated from the Wadden Sea. The ratio of average light conditionsin the water column (Eav) to the light saturation parameterEk indicates that primary production in the Wadden Sea regionunder study is predominantly controlled by light limitationand that nutrient limitation was likely to occur for a few hoursper day only during 5 (dissolved inorganic nitrogen) to 10 (PO4,Si) weeks in the 2 year period investigated.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of seston food quality and quantity were measuredin subalpine Castle Lake for particulate carbon, chlorophylla, fatty acids and phosphorus in addition to abiotic parametersincluding water temperature and dissolved oxygen levels. Fieldand laboratory incubation experiments were employed to manipulateDaphnia rosea growth environments. Sestonic eicosapentaenoicacid (EPA) content was much lower, whereas carbon to phosphorus(C:P) ratios were much higher in the epilimnion compared tothe deep-water chlorophyll maximum (16–20 m). In a temperature-controlledincubation, Daphnia grew faster when fed seston from the deep-waterchlorophyll maximum. In in situ cage incubations, D. rosea grewfastest in the epilimnion. Daphnia rosea in a migrating treatmentexhibited intermediate growth rates between the ones for epilimnionand hypolimnion. A projection of D. rosea growth rates by growthmodels without regard to water temperature showed much highergrowth potentials in the hypolimnion. However, with inclusionof water temperature, epilimnetic water always gave higher potentialgrowth rates. In this lake, warmer temperatures of epilimneticwater override the higher food quality and quantity providedby the deep-water chlorophyll maximum.  相似文献   

For Gyrodinium aureolum significant irradiance and daylengtheffects were found on the division rate and on the growth-relevantChla-normalized photosynthetic rate (gPB). Optimum conditionsof irradiance and daylength were found at 230 µmol m–2s–1 and 14 h for the division rate, and at >260 µmolm–2 s–1 and <6 h for gPB.gPB showed no photoinhibition,while the division rate decreased markedly at irradiances abovesaturation. This difference and the difference in optimum irradiancebetween the division rate and gPB are explained by a decreasein cellular Chla/carbon ratio with increasing irradiance. Thecellular content of carbon and nitrogen decreased significantlywith increasing irradiance. Total phosphorus was independentof irradiance and daylength. Below the saturation irradiancefor gPB the daily Chla-normalized carbon yield may be describedas an exponential function of the daily irradiance (irradiancex daylength).  相似文献   

Daphnia can suppress ciliates and rotifers through predationand interference competition, but it is not known whether thisproduces any direct benefit to Daphnia. We conducted survivorshipand cohort lifetable experiments to determine whether Daphniacan utilize ciliates and rotifers as food. Three species ofoligotrich ciliates (Halteria grandinella, Strobilidium gyransand Strobilidiumvelox) and one rotifer (Keratella cochlearis)were used. Lifetable experiments were conducted with a basallevel of algae (Cryptomonas sp.), plus either ciliates or rotifers,while survivorship experiments had only the rotifers or ciliates.Densities of 30 H.grandinella ml–1, 50 S.gyrans ml–1and 15 S.velox ml–1 enhanced Daphnia pulex's populationgrowth rate 35–50% over controls with only algae. TenS.gyrans ml–1 did not produce a significant change inDaphnia's growth rate. Densities of 100 and 300 K.cochlearis–1 increased Daphnia population growth rates by II and10%, respectively. Both 10 and 50 S.gyrans ml–1 enhancedDaphnia's survivorship compared to starved controls, but neither100 nor 300 K.cochlearis l–1 enhanced its survivorship.The amount of enhancement of Daphnia growth rates by rotifersand ciliates is roughly proportional to the death rates imposedby Daphnia. The death rate imposed by Daphnia on rotifers isa function of both algal density and Daphnia size. Per unitbiomass, neither ciliates nor Keratella appear to be as nutritiousfor Daphnia as is Cryptomonas.  相似文献   

A water-soluble Chl a/b-protein complex, CP668, from Chenopodiumalbum converts to another form of protein complex, CP743, uponlight illumination. Structural changes of pigments and proteinsupon photoconversion were studied using resonance Raman (RR)and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies. RR spectraof CP668 and CP743 and a light-induced FTIR difference spectrumshowed that the macrocyle C=C bands of Chl a in CP668 considerablychanged upon conversion to the pigment (not chemically identifiedyet) in CP743. The C=C band pattern of the RR spectrum of CP743was similar to that of bacteriochlorophyll a, suggesting thatthe conjugated system of the CP743 pigment resembles a bacteriochlorinring. Judging from the C=O frequencies, the 131-keto C=O groupsof Chl a and b in CP668 are free from hydrogen bonding, whereasthe 132-ester C=O groups of both Chl a and b and the 7-formylC=O of Chl b in CP668 are hydrogen bonded. Upon conversion toCP743, interactions of the 131-keto and 132-ester C=O groupswere basically unaffected, demonstrating no drastic changesaround these C=O groups. FTIR spectra in the amide I' regionof CP668 and CP743 in D2O buffer showed a peak at 1,633 cm–1,which represents a major component of ß-sheet conformation.Second-derivative spectra of the amide I' bands as well as alight-induced FTIR difference spectrum suggested that drasticchange in the protein conformation does not occur upon photoconversion. (Received November 1, 1998; Accepted December 24, 1998)  相似文献   

During the 1st GAP Workshop at Konstanz in April 1982 comparativemeasurements of phytoplankton primary production by severaltechniques were conducted simultaneously at an offshore stationin Lake Konstanz and an experimental algal pond. Suspended glassbottle exposure techniques using 14C and 13C uptake gave Pz(mg C m–3 h–1) values which varied considerablynear-surface, but estimates of areal rates for the euphoticzone Pcu(mg C m–3 h–1) which were reasonably close.In the lake, Pz, from a vertical tube exposure (with 14C uptake)was greater than rates derived for integrated bottle samples.The oxygen bottle method permitted a good estimate of compensationdepth, corresponding to in situ growth studies. There were difficultiesin direct comparison between O2 and carbon methods. Correlationbetween them for Pz was good in the lake but poor in the pond,both for suspended bottle and vertical tube methods. This seriesdemonstrates that despite reasonable overall estimates, comparativelyminor methodological differences in experimental technique cancause large variation. + Coordinator of the group for comparative measurements of photosyntheticproduction at the GAP Workshop, Konstanz, April 1982. *This paper is the result of a study made at the Group for AquaticPrimary Productivity (GAP) First International Workshop heldat the Limnological Institute, University of Konstanz, in April1982.  相似文献   

The carbon and nitrogen content of Noctiluca scintillans cellsfrom the Seto Inland Sea, Japan was investigated in order toestimate its biomass in natural samples. The carbon contentof N.scintillans ranged from 123 to 627 ng C cell–1 witha mean value of 353 ng C cell–1, or 1.12 to 2.67 fg Cµm–3 with a mean value of 1.98 fg C µm–3.The nitrogen content ranged from 36.0 to 232 ng N cell–1with a mean value of 131 ng N cell–1, or 0.499 to 0.910fg N µm–3 with a mean value of 0.694 fg N µm–3.Total cell carbon and nitrogen increased but the carbon andnitrogen per cell volume decreased with increasing cell volume.The C/N ratio of the cells ranged from 2.3 to 4.4, which wasrelatively low compared with the Redfield ratio. The carbonand nitrogen content was extremely low (91.2 ng C cell–1,41.8 ng N cell–1) for starved cells, whereas it was extremelyhigh (528 ng C cell–1, 205 ng N cell–1) for cellswhich had ingested the large diatom, Coscinodiscus wailesii.Our results suggest that the carbon and nitrogen content ofN.scintillans varies depending on its physiological conditionand the type of food that it has recently consumed.  相似文献   

Resting egg production and oviducal cycling were investigatedfor the calanoid copepods Arctodiaptomus alpinus and Acanthodiaptomusdenticornis both in the laboratory and in a small karstic alpinelake by making a census of the number of eggs produced and theproportion of females in each of four morphologically distinguishedreproductive conditions each day in the laboratory or duringa 2–3 week period in lake enclosures. In the laboratory,individuals were maintained on a mixed diet of natural phytoplanktonat constant temperatures of 4, 10, 15 and 20C, respectively.Both species differed considerably in their temperature requirementsfor reproduction. Lifetime fecundity was highest at 10C in A.alpinusand at 20C in A.denticornis, with up to 327 eggs –1 spawnedin the former and up to 582 eggs –1 in the latter species.Unfavorable temperatures were further reflected in an increasein egg mortality and the allocation of time spent in a post-reproductivephase, as well as in a decrease of longevity. Increasing temperaturesenhanced egg production rates due to decreasing clutch productionperiods, although clutch size was negatively correlated withtemperature. Maximum rates reached 5.88 and 7.98 eggs –1day–1 in the laboratory, and 0.73 and 0.55 eggs –1day–1 in enclosures in A.alpinus and A.denticornis, respectively.Egg production rates and clutch size were clearly governed bynutritional conditions in the lake, but were less affected byfood supply in the laboratory. Here, rates of egg productionwere adapted to improving food supply by increasing the frequencyof spawning events, rather than the number of eggs per clutch.No correlation was found between female body size and reproductiveparameters in the laboratory. A very low proportion of totalclutch production resulted in clutches composed of subitaneouseggs, i.e. 0.14% in A.denticornis and 1.20% in A.alpinus. Oviducalphase duration allocations indicate that there exists a temperatureoptimum for gamete maturation.  相似文献   

Copepod daily egg production and growth rates in Bahia Magdalena, Mexico   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The hydrography, chlorophyll (Chl) a and egg production of thecopepods Paracalanus parvus (Claus), Acartia lilljeborgii Giesbrecht,Acartia clausi Giesbrecht and Centropages furcatus were estimateddaily between 7 February and 5 March 1998 in Bahía Magdalena,Baja California Sur, México. Temperature was homogeneousthroughout the water column during the study (20°C). Positiveanomalies of the sea surface temperature were recorded 10 monthsbefore and during the sampling period compared with a temperature–timeseries, 1982–1989. Chlorophyll a concentration indicatedoligotrophic conditions with <10 Chl a mg m–2 from15 m depth to the surface during the first half of the study,with a pulse of moderate concentration in the second part. Theegg production of these copepod species was usually suboptimal,and not correlated with Chl concentration or temperature. Eachgenus responded differently to Chl a and to environmental variables.The rate of input of turbulent kinetic energy to the ocean bythe winds, indicated by the cube of the wind speed, was negativelycorrelated to copepod egg production, suggesting that turbulencecan disperse phytoplankton patches and may affect the carboninput to these copepod populations. Turbulence and a previouslong warming event observed several months before the winterseason were probably the most important factors in limitingcopepod production and growth rates.  相似文献   

In situ bacterial net production and growth yield were measuredusing thymidine, leucine incorporation and dark oxygen consumptiontechniques in marine enclosures and in the Bay of Aarhus, Denmark.Bacterial respiration was significantly correlated with thymidine(r2 = 0.42, P < 0.01, y = 0.l2x + 0.054) and leucine (r2= 0.45, P < 0.01, y = 0.09x + 0.043). The range of bacterialgrowth yield, calculated from the relationship net production/netproduction + respiration, was 0.07–0.77 with 74% of theobservations lying in the 0.15–0.45 growth yield interval.Substrate was an important determinant of growth yields. A significantdifference was found between growth yields obtained from anenclosure with added glycine (mean 0.32±0.096) and onewith added inorganic nutrients (mean 0.16±0.051) (P <0.01, t-test). Growth yield showed a weak but significant negativecorrelation with temperature (r2 = 0.0.35, P < 0.001, y =–0.017 + 0.52). No correlation between chlorophyll a andgrowth yield was found (r2 = 0.25, P > 0.05). The resultssuggest that thymidine and leucine techniques reflect the levelsof bacterial production to better than an order of magnitude.The variations found in the growth yield support the notionthat relying on fixed growth yields reduces the accuracy ofestimating gross bacterial production.  相似文献   

BOKHARI  U. G. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(5):969-979
The influence of various treatments and temperature regimeson total chlorophylls and on the chlorophyll a:b ratio of westernwheatgrass and blue grama plants was investigated at differenttime intervals during the 120-day growth period. Western wheatgrass,a C3 species, accumulated greater amounts of chlorophyll thandid blue grama plants, a C4 species. Maximum concentrations(mg gd wt–1) of chlorophylls in western wheatgrass andin blue grama were recorded at the lower (13/7°C) and higher(30/18°C) temperature regimes. Nitrogen fertilizer alonedecreased the chlorophyll content in both species. The chlorophylla:b ratio in blue grama ranged from an average of 2·00under irrigated plus fertilized conditions to 3·00 undercontrol and fertilized conditions. On the other hand, the chlorophylla:b ratio in western wheatgrass remained constant at 3·00throughout the growing season under various treatments and temperatureregimes.  相似文献   

In situ light measurements were used to obtain information oninherent and apparent optical properties. The average verticalattenuation coefficient Kd(ave) varied from 1.1 to 4.6 In unitsm–1 During three periods the variation in Kd(ave) correlatedwith changes in chlorophyll a concentration and specific attenuationcoefficients Ks, of 0.013, 0.014 and 0.022 m2 mg Chl a–1were calculated. Chlorophyll-specific diffuse absorption coefficients(A,) for these periods were 0.012. 0.013 and 0.017 m2 mg Chla–1 and only varied significantly from estimates of Ksin the period when scattering was intense. Absorption coefficientsa(zmid) and scattering coefficients b(zmid) calculated for themid-point of the euphotic zone ranged between 0.45 and 2.9 mand 3.5–52.0 m respectively. Chlorophyll-specific absorptioncoefficients Ka, of 0.005, 0.006 and 0.007 m2 mg Chl a–1and scattering coefficients Kb of 0.05. 0.09 and 0.191 m2 mgChl a–1 were measured during the three periods. The highKb value occurred when gas-vacuolate cyanobactena were dominant.Algal photosynthesis and light absorption were related throughthe maximum quantum yield m which varied between 0.019 and 0.11mol C Einstein–1 while average quantum yields a, variedbetween 0.006 and 0.024 with a mean of 0.013 mol C Einstein–1A comparison of changes in the mean irradiance of the mixedzone and chlorophyll concentration indicated that growth waslight limited below 0.04–0.05 Einsteins absorbed mg Chla–1 day–1.  相似文献   

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