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Organization of human immunoglobulin heavy chain diversity gene loci   总被引:43,自引:3,他引:40       下载免费PDF全文
The variable region of immunoglobulin heavy chain is encoded by three separate genes on the germline genome: variable (VH), diversity (DH) and joining (JH) genes. Most human DH genes are encoded in 9-kb repeating sequences. We determined the nucleotide sequence of a 15-kb DNA fragment containing more than one and a half of these repeating units, and identified 12 different DH genes. Based on the sequence similarities of DH coding and the surrounding regions, they can be classified into six different DH gene families (DXP, DA, DK, DN, DM and DLR). Nucleotide sequences of DH genes belonging to different families diverge greatly, while those belonging to the same families are well conserved. Since the 9-kb DNA containing the six DH genes are multiplied at least five times, the total number of DH genes must be approximately 30. These DH genes are sandwiched by 12-nucleotide spacer signals. Most of the somatic DH sequences found in the published VH-DH-JH structures (the somatic DH segment being defined as the region which is not encoded either by germline VH or JH gene) were assigned to one of the germline DH genes. Other than these typical DH genes, however, we found a new kind of DH gene (which we termed DIR) the spacer lengths of whose neighbouring signals were irregular. The DIR gene appears to be involved in DIR-DH or DH-DIR joining by inversion or deletion. Two of the somatic DH sequences were assigned to the DIR genes. Long N segments might, therefore, originate from DIR genes.  相似文献   

We have used a bioinformatics approach to evaluate the completeness and functionality of the reported human immunoglobulin heavy-chain IGHD gene repertoire. Using the hidden Markov-model-based iHMMune-align program, 1,080 relatively unmutated heavy-chain sequences were aligned against the reported repertoire. These alignments were compared with alignments to 1,639 more highly mutated sequences. Comparisons of the frequencies of gene utilization in the two databases, and analysis of features of aligned IGHD gene segments, including their length, the frequency with which they appear to mutate, and the frequency with which specific mutations were seen, were used to determine the reliability of alignments to the less commonly seen IGHD genes. Analysis demonstrates that IGHD4-23 and IGHD5-24, which have been reported to be open reading frames of uncertain functionality, are represented in the expressed gene repertoire; however, the functionality of IGHD6-25 must be questioned. Sequence similarities make the unequivocal identification of members of the IGHD1 gene family problematic, although all genes except IGHD1-14*01 appear to be functional. On the other hand, reported allelic variants of IGHD2-2 and of the IGHD3 gene family appear to be nonfunctional, very rare, or nonexistent. Analysis also suggests that the reported repertoire is relatively complete, although one new putative polymorphism (IGHD3-10*p03) was identified. This study therefore confirms a surprising lack of diversity in the available IGHD gene repertoire, and restriction of the germline sequence databases to the functional set described here will substantially improve the accuracy of IGHD gene alignments and therefore the accuracy of analysis of the V–D–J junction.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

We have isolated 23 different cosmid clones of the heavy-chain variable region genes (VH) of human immunoglobulin. These clones encompass about 1000 X 10(3) base-pairs of DNA containing 61 VH genes. Characterization of the 23 clones by Southern blot hybridization showed that VH genes belonging to different families were physically linked in many regions. Cluster 71, which was analyzed in detail, comprised seven VH segments arranged in the same orientation with different intervals. This clone contained internal homology regions, each carrying two VH segments of different families. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of VH segments within each family showed that profiles of accumulation of mutations in framework (FR) and complementarity-determining (CDR) regions were different. CDR had more mutations at amino-acid-substituting positions than at silent positions, whereas FR had the reverse distribution of mutations. Five out of seven VH segments of this cluster were pseudogenes containing various mutations. VH pseudogenes were classified into two distinct groups; one with a few replacement mutations (conserved pseudogenes), and the other with rather extensive mutations (diverged pseudogenes). The possibility that conserved pseudogenes serve as a reservoir of VH segments is discussed.  相似文献   

We have mapped and annotated the variable region of the immunoglobulin heavy (IGH) gene locus of the Brown Norway (BN) rat (assembly V3.4; Rat Genomic Sequence Consortium). In addition to known variable region genes, we found 12 novel previously unidentified functional IGHV genes and 1 novel functional IGHD gene. In total, the variable region of the rat IGH locus is composed of at least 353 unique IGHV genes, 21 IGHD genes, and 5 IGHJ genes, of which 131, 14, and 4 are potentially functional genes, respectively. Of all species studied so far, the rat seems to have the highest number of functional IGHV genes in the genome. Rat IGHV genes can be classified into 13 IGHV families based on nucleotide sequence identity. The variable region of the BN rat spans a total length of approximately 4.9 Mb and is organized in a typical translocon organization. Like the mouse, members of the various IGHV gene families are more or less grouped together on the genome, albeit some members of IGHV gene families are found intermingled with each other. In the rat, the largest IGHV gene families are IGHV1, IGHV2, and IGHV5. The overall conclusion is that the genomic organization of the variable region of the rat IGH locus is strikingly similar to that of the mouse, illustrating the close evolutionary relationship between these two species.  相似文献   

The human immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) gene contains at least two tissue-specific regulatory regions, which are similar to the mouse IgH gene. One is the J-C enhancer and another is located in the 5' promoter region. Using an electrophoretic mobility shift assay and DNase I footprint, we have examined the interaction of factors in B cell nuclear extracts with the two regulatory regions of the human IgH gene. We have identified a nuclear factor in mouse B cell nuclear extracts which bound to specific sequence in the human IgH enhancer. This factor is apparently not present in mouse fibroblast nuclear extracts. We also found factor(s) which bound to the highly conserved octanucleotide sequence within the human IgH enhancer and 5' promoter regions.  相似文献   

An 80,000 base-pair region from the gene locus encoding the variable regions of the human immunoglobulins of the kappa type (V kappa genes) was cloned and analysed. The region comprises five V kappa sequences of subgroup I and one interspersed V kappa pseudogene of subgroup II. The six genes and pseudogenes are arranged at different distances but in the same orientation. The organization of the cluster can be explained by a series of amplification steps; the existence of a V kappa II pseudogene in a V kappa I gene cluster may have been the result of a transposition event; a final duplication step led to a second closely related copy of the cluster. From sequence data for altogether 16,000 base-pairs it appears that gene conversion-like events and subsequent selection contribute to both homogeneity and diversity of the V kappa repertoire.  相似文献   

We have studied the organization of the human immunoglobulin heavy-chain genes by pulse field gel electrophoresis as well as by isolation of cosmid clones. The total length of the heavy-chain variable region locus was estimated to be approximately 3000 kb. We found that D segments including a recently isolated D5 segment were dispersed among VH segments. We identified a pseudo V segment 18 kb 3' to the D5 segment in isolated cosmid clones. A 300 kb fragment produced by MluI digestion contained VH, D, JH segments and the distance between VH and D was estimated to be approximately 240 kb. Overlapping cosmid clones containing the human D1, D2, D3, D4, JH, Cmu and C delta genes were isolated. Restriction maps of these regions indicated that the distance between D and JH is about 22 kb. A partial restriction map of the VH locus was constructed using the pulse field gel electrophoresis technique and deletion of VH segments in B cells.  相似文献   

Genetic analyses of multiple restriction fragment length polymorphisms, revealed by a single DNA probe containing the switch region of the immunoglobulin constant heavy-chain (IgCH) mu gene, are presented here in detail. Five of the polymorphic loci segregate in complete linkage with IgCH allotypic markers, while one appears to be located at more than 10 centimorgans from the IgCH region. A study of over 100 random haplotypes typed at eight linked loci, including the Ig switch polymorphisms and the classical Gm-Am allotypes, allowed us to construct an evolutionary tree by which each haplotypic variant can be derived one from the other either by single-step mutation or by recombination. A few of the recombinant haplotypes appeared to carry large DNA duplications that could be explained by unequal crossing over; others might postulate gene-conversion events. Linkage disequilibria observed between the IgCH-linked loci were compared with expected ones. A heterogeneous distribution of recombination rates is clearly documented, a "hot" region of recombination being present between the gamma 2 and switch alpha 2 loci.  相似文献   

A chimeric mouse variable::human constant immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene was expressed in transfected mouse Sp2/0 cells. The chimeric immunoglobulin genes were integrated in tandem in the genome of stably transformed cells. These integrated gene copies were amplified by selection with a second drug marker. The gene amplification led to an increase in the expression of chimeric heavy-chain protein. The level of gene expression appears to be related to the site of integration; a few gene copies in one transfectant can yield as much heavy-chain protein as many copies in a second transfectant. In addition, we found that an adventitious oligo(C) sequence, introduced by our method of gene construction at a site located 8 nt residues downstream from a splice acceptor, can apparently direct splicing towards a cryptic splice acceptor downstream from the oligo(C).  相似文献   

The identification of the genes that make up rearranged immunoglobulin genes is critical to many studies. For example, the enumeration of mutations in immunoglobulin genes is important for the prognosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and this requires the accurate identification of the germline genes from which a particular sequence is derived. The immunoglobulin heavy-chain variable (IGHV) gene repertoire is generally considered to be highly polymorphic. In this report, we describe a bioinformatic analysis of germline and rearranged immunoglobulin gene sequences which casts doubt on the existence of a substantial proportion of reported germline polymorphisms. We report a five-level classification system for IGHV genes, which indicates the likelihood that the genes have been reported accurately. The classification scheme also reflects the likelihood that germline genes could be incorrectly identified in mutated VDJ rearrangements, because of similarities to other alleles. Of the 226 IGHV alleles that have previously been reported, our analysis suggests that 104 of these alleles almost certainly include sequence errors, and should be removed from the available repertoire. The analysis also highlights the presence of common mismatches, with respect to the germline, in many rearranged heavy-chain sequences, suggesting the existence of twelve previously unreported alleles. Sequencing of IGHV genes from six individuals in this study confirmed the existence of three of these alleles, which we designate IGHV3-49*04, IGHV3-49*05 and IGHV4-39*07. We therefore present a revised repertoire of expressed IGHV genes, which should substantially improve the accuracy of immunoglobulin gene analysis.  相似文献   

A multigene deletion within the immunoglobulin heavy-chain region   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The immunoglobulin heavy-chain genes are located in a cluster on chromosome 14. The simultaneous absence of the human IgG1, IgG2, IgG4, and IgA1 subclasses was previously reported in a healthy Tunisian Berber and was later shown to be due to a multigene deletion. We now describe a serological and molecular study of a different deletion observed in a healthy Tunisian. Blot hybridization analysis of the proband's DNA using gamma, epsilon, alpha, and mu switch probes showed that the deletion involves a large region of the immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene cluster: C psi epsilon, C alpha 1, C psi gamma, C gamma 2, and C gamma 4. Incidentally, we showed that the restriction enzyme EcoRI alone can be used with the alpha probe to differentiate A2m types. The deletion described, present in a person homozygous for GM-Am haplotypes (Gm1,17;..;5,14,11,13,10 A2m2), is consistent with previous location, by association analysis, of C psi gamma between C alpha 1 and C gamma 2. There is evidence to suggest that deletions may be more common in the Mediterranean region than in North American Caucasians.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA from twelve laboratory mouse strains, in addition to 21 wild-derived strains belonging to different taxa (Mus musculus domesticus, Mus musculus musculus, Mus spretus, Mus macedonicus, a and Mus spicilegus) and four mouse strains that are evolutionarily more distant, were analyzed by Southern blot for polymorphism of the Ig heavy chain constant region isotype (Igh-C) and for the distribution of the duplicated Igh-1 (C2) haplotype. Distinct allelic forms of each Igh-C locus could be defined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). In laboratory mouse strains RFLP proved to be more sensitive in the detection of Igh-4 (C1) alleles than serological methods. Taq I digestion allowed the definition of two alleles in the Igh-8 (C3) locus, which is absolutely conserved at the protein levels. More extensive RFLP could be found in wild strains belonging to the subgenus Mus and in the evolutionarily more distant Mus species belonging to other subgenera. In previous studies we have shown that the Igh-1 locus is duplicated in M. m. musculus subspecies. We now extend this observations to the wild mouse strains belonging to M. spicilegus and M. macedonicus species and to the evolutionarily more distant wild mouse strain Mus pahari (subgenus coelomys), which is thought to have diverged from domestic mice about 5 million years ago. In addition, we found a similar RFLP pattern in ten of 18 wild mice trapped in India, suggesting that the haplotype containing the two Igh-1-like genes, organized in tandem as distinct isotypes, is widely spread in natural populations. The evolution of murine Igh-C-encoded isotypes is also discussed. Correspondence to: P.-A. Cazenave.  相似文献   

Evolution of the rat immunoglobulin gamma heavy-chain gene family   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M Brüggemann 《Gene》1988,74(2):473-482
The sequences of the four immunoglobulin gamma heavy chains of the rat (gamma 1, gamma 2a, gamma 2b, gamma 2c) have been determined. These sequences reveal that the rat genes have evolved differently from the closely related mouse gamma genes (gamma 1, gamma 2a, gamma 2b, gamma 3): in rat two of the four genes (gamma 2a and gamma 1) are 94% homologous to each other and best resemble the single mouse gamma 1 gene. Rat gamma 2b is equivalent to the mouse gamma 2a/gamma 2b pair as regards both nucleotide sequence and antibody effector functions whilst rat gamma 2c resembles mouse gamma 3. In evolutionary terms this suggests the existence of a set of three common C gamma genes before separation of rat and mouse as individual species. In addition, two independent duplication events must have occurred after species separation affecting different constant regions; this yielded rat gamma 2a and gamma 1 as a recently evolved pair and mouse gamma 2a and gamma 2b as a different pair. Furthermore, the sequence comparisons reveal several other features of interest; rat IgG2b lacks two amino acids in CH1 which are conserved in all other sequenced gamma chains. Residues believed to be essential for monocyte interaction (FcRI) are retained only in rat gamma 2b and not in the other rat gamma genes whilst a particular motif involved in C1q interaction shows a variation in both rat IgG1 and rat IgG2a which has not been observed previously.  相似文献   

D G Macejak  P Sarnow 《Enzyme》1990,44(1-4):310-319
Translation of the mRNA encoding the immunoglobulin heavy-chain binding protein (BiP) is enhanced in poliovirus-infected cells at a time when translation of host cell mRNAs is inhibited. To test whether the mRNA of BiP is translated by internal ribosome binding, like picornaviral RNAs, we constructed plasmids for the expression of dicistronic hybrid RNAs containing the 5' noncoding region (5'NCR) of BiP as an intercistronic spacer element between two cistrons. Expression of these dicistronic mRNAs in mammalian cells resulted in efficient translation of both cistrons, demonstrating that the 5'NCR of BiP can confer internal ribosome binding to a heterologous RNA. This result suggests that the mRNA encoding BiP is bifunctional and can be translated by an internal ribosome-binding mechanism, in addition to the conventional cap-dependent scanning mechanism. This is the first demonstration of a cellular mRNA that can be translated by internal ribosome binding, and implies that this may be a mechanism for cellular translational regulation.  相似文献   

We have characterized 10 VH polymorphic loci of the VH2, VH3, VH4, and VH5 families. Eight of 10 VH polymorphisms were found to be insertion/deletion polymorphisms, probably the result of nonhomologous recombination over the course of evolution of the current human VH repertoire. The 10 VH polymorphic loci were analyzed in 10 three-generation and 10 two-generation Canadian caucasoid families. Linkage disequilibrium (allelic association) was measured between pairs of VH polymorphic loci, and 12 significant associations were found. The degree of linkage disequilibrium measured between IGH polymorphic loci was then compared with the physical distance separating the loci. The physical distance between IGH polymorphic loci does not entirely determine the degree of linkage disequilibrium between polymorphic loci. Two regions, one in the VH region (between VH3f-2 and VH5-2 and one in the CH region (between C delta and C gamma 3), were found to have linkage disequilibrium values approximately 1/3,000 of that observed in other portions of the IGH region. The previous identification of recombinants in the C delta-to C gamma 3 region indicates that these areas of low linkage disequilibrium are consistent with the presence of recombination hot spots. The observed high amount of recombination in the subtelomeric portion of chromosome 14 therefore appears to be the result of specific hot spots for recombination, rather than a general increase in recombination in this region.  相似文献   

We have begun to purify and characterize several proteins which bind to the mouse immunoglobulin heavy-chain enhancer to understand the molecular interactions important for enhancer activity. Three proteins which bind to different sites on the immunoglobulin heavy-chain enhancer have been chromatographically separated and partially purified. One protein binds a site which has not been reported previously and does not bind to other reported protein-binding sites on the immunoglobulin heavy-chain enhancer. Binding-site boundaries for the three partially purified proteins have been precisely mapped by methylation interference, DNase I footprinting, and orthophenanthroline/copper chemical nuclease footprinting. We have also characterized these three proteins with respect to dissociation rate constants.  相似文献   

The immunoglobulin heavy-chain switch is mediated by a recombination event between DNA switch regions associated with donor and recipient constant-region genes. We have determined that the mutations which can be found in some switch regions after recombination appear to arise on only one strand of DNA. This result suggests that switch recombination involves error-prone synthesis of one DNA strand and ligation of the other strand from preexisting DNA.  相似文献   

Moon S  Cho S  Kim H 《Genomics》2008,92(2):85-93
Currently, the spatial patterns of mitochondrial genes and how the genomic localization of (pseudo)genes originated from mitochondrial DNA remain largely unexplained. The aim of this study was to elucidate the organization of mitochondrial (pseudo)genes given their evolutionary origin. We used a keyword finding method and a bootstrapping method to estimate parameter values that represent the distribution pattern of mitochondrial genes in the nuclear genome. Almost half of mitochondrial genes showing physical clusters were located in the pericentromeric and subtelomeric regions of the chromosome. Most interestingly, the size of these clusters ranged from 0.085 to 3.2 Mb (average ± SD 1.3 ± 0.73 Mb), which coincides with the size of the evolutionary pocket, or the average size of evolutionary breakpoint regions. Our findings imply that the localization of mitochondrial genes in the human genome is determined independent of adaptation.  相似文献   

Gm typing by immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene RFLP analysis.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
This study was undertaken to investigate a means of assigning Gm allotypes to Caucasians by RFLP analysis. A single immunoglobulin heavy-chain gamma-4 cDNA probe (HU gamma 4) was hybridized with genomic DNA digested separately with two restriction enzymes, TaqI and PvuII. Results showed excellent correlation (P less than .001) between serologically defined Gm allotypes G1m(1), G1m(2), G2m(23), and G1m;G3m (3;5,10) and RFLPs identified with the (HU gamma 4) probe. We conclude that it is now possible to define common Gm haplotypes in Caucasians by RFLP analysis. This method provides a useful adjunct to serological allotyping and indeed has several important advantages over traditional serology: it allows confident Gm assignment and the definition of homozygous and heterozygous Gm arrangements, is highly reproducible, and is readily executed in any molecular genetic laboratory.  相似文献   

The murine immunoglobulin heavy-chain (Igh) locus provides an important model for understanding the replication of tissue-specific gene loci in mammalian cells. We have observed two DNA replication programs with dramatically different temporal replication patterns for the Igh locus in B-lineage cells. In pro- and pre-B-cell lines and in ex vivo-expanded pro-B cells, the entire locus is replicated early in S phase. In three cell lines that exhibit the early-replication pattern, we found that replication forks progress in both directions through the constant-region genes, which is consistent with the activation of multiple initiation sites. In contrast, in plasma cell lines, replication of the Igh locus occurs through a triphasic pattern similar to that previously detected in MEL cells. Sequences downstream of the Igh-C alpha gene replicate early in S, while heavy-chain variable (Vh) gene sequences replicate late in S. An approximately 500-kb transition region connecting sequences that replicate early and late is replicated progressively later in S. The formation of the transition region in different cell lines is independent of the sequences encompassed. In B-cell lines that exhibit a triphasic-replication pattern, replication forks progress in one direction through the examined constant-region genes. Timing data and the direction of replication fork movement indicate that replication of the transition region occurs by a single replication fork, as previously described for MEL cells. Associated with the contrasting replication programs are differences in the subnuclear locations of Igh loci. When the entire locus is replicated early in S, the Igh locus is located away from the nuclear periphery, but when Vh gene sequences replicate late and there is a temporal-transition region, the entire Igh locus is located near the nuclear periphery.  相似文献   

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