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SpiC encoded within Salmonella pathogeniCity island 2 on the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium chromosome is required for survival within macrophages and systemic infection in mice. Additionally, SpiC contributes to Salmonella-induced activation of the signal transduction pathways in macrophages by affecting the expression of FliC, a component of flagella filaments. Here, we show the contribution of SpiC in flagellum synthesis.  相似文献   



Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is an intracellular bacterial pathogen which can colonize a variety of hosts, including human, causing syndromes that vary from gastroenteritis and diarrhea to systemic disease.  相似文献   



Bacterial genomes are mosaic structures composed of genes present in every strain of the same species (core genome), and genes present in some but not all strains of a species (accessory genome). The aim of this study was to compare the genetic diversity of core and accessory genes of a Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhimurium (Typhimurium) population isolated from food-animal and human sources in four regions of Mexico. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and macrorestriction fingerprints by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) were used to address the core genetic variation, and genes involved in pathogenesis and antibiotic resistance were selected to evaluate the accessory genome.  相似文献   

Transporting swine to slaughter is often linked with an increase in shedding of Salmonella, but little information exists to explain the role of stress. Recent research has suggested the catecholamine norepinephrine (NE) as a potential host signal during stress. The current study sought to investigate the prevalence of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in fecal samples and various tissues following inoculation with S. Typhimurium exposed to NE in vitro. The samples were collected at 3 and 24 h post-inoculation (p.i.) from pigs inoculated with S. Typhimurium cultured in either Luria–Bertani medium (LBC) or NE-infused, SAPI minimal medium (NEC). Bacterial quantification of tissue and fecal samples revealed a difference in the concentration of Salmonella between the two infections for six tissues at the two time points, five of which were greater in the NEC animals (p<0.05). Upon observing an increase in the number of Salmonella associated with the stomach wall tissues at 3 h p.i. for the NEC culture, an experiment was conducted using an ex vivo swine contents assay to determine the effect of NE exposure on the ability of the organism to survive the conditions of the porcine stomach; NE treatment enhanced the survival of S. Typhimurium more than 2 logs (p<0.007). Our results demonstrate an increase in the number of Salmonella associated with various swine tissues following experimental inoculation with NE-treated S. Typhimurium; thus, a possible scenario could be envisioned with a Salmonella-infected pig being stressed during transportation/mixing, resulting in the shedding of NE-stimulated Salmonella and exposure of naïve, stress-compromised penmates with a “primed” microorganism.  相似文献   

【背景】沙门氏菌(Salmonella spp.)是重要的人畜共患病原菌,其毒力和耐药性的不断增强引起广泛关注。【目的】了解从通辽市一犊牛死亡病例中所分离牛源都柏林沙门氏菌的毒力及耐药性情况。【方法】以病死犊牛肺脏为材料,经细菌分离纯化及16S rRNA基因测序,鉴定病原为沙门氏菌。采用动物试验、药敏试验和PCR方法对分离菌进行毒力、耐药性,以及毒力基因和耐药基因检测,并对其进行全基因组测序分析。【结果】分离菌具有较强毒力,对小鼠半数致死量为2.8×106 CFU/mL。分离菌为多重耐药菌,仅对多粘菌素B和噻孢霉素敏感,对强力霉素和恩诺沙星中度敏感。检测13种沙门氏菌常见毒力基因,检出率为92.3%。对分离菌进行全基因组测序分析,该菌株为都柏林沙门氏菌,基因组大小为4 965 370 bp,GC含量为52.12%,同时携带2个质粒,大小分别为79 524 bp (pTLS-1)和45 301 bp (pTLS-2)。分离菌中共携带996个毒力基因和24个毒力岛;共携带42个耐药基因,其中4个为可水平转移基因,基因组中存在9个可移动遗传元件,包括插入序列和转座子等。【结论】分离牛源都柏林沙门氏菌菌株具有较强毒力且为多重耐药株,携带大量毒力基因及耐药基因。  相似文献   

【目的】研究不同剂量的植物乳杆菌后生元缓解小鼠伤寒沙门氏菌(Salmonellaenterica Typhimurium, ST)感染的作用效果及分子机制。【方法】选择60只5周龄的C57BL/6小鼠,分为5组:Control、ST、CFS-L+ST、CFS-M+ST和CFS-H+ST,后三组分别灌胃低、中、高剂量植物乳杆菌后生元,即50、100和200μL的无细胞培养上清(cell-free culture supernatant, CFS)预处理21 d,然后在第22天灌胃3×108 CFU ST进行攻毒,3 d后采样。【结果】与对照组相比,饲喂低、中剂量CFS小鼠体重增长无明显变化,而高剂量组体重显著降低(P<0.05)。中、高剂量CFS预处理组可显著缓解沙门氏菌感染引起的小鼠体重损失(P<0.05);饲喂3种剂量的CFS均可显著降低ST在小鼠肝脏、脾脏、结肠和脑组织的细菌移位数量(P<0.05),并缓解结肠和脾脏病理损伤。ST攻毒显著降低盲肠乙酸和丁酸含量,而中剂量CFS预处理组具改善趋势,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。与ST组相比,预饲中剂量CFS可通...  相似文献   



Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (Typhimurium) is an important pathogen that infects a broad range of hosts. In humans, Typhimurium causes a gastroenteritis characterized by vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pains. Typhimurium infection occurs mainly through the ingestion of contaminated food including poultry, pork, eggs, and milk. Chickens that are asymptomatic carriers of Typhimurium constitute a potential reservoir for infection. The type three secretion systems encoded by Salmonella pathogeniCity islands (SPI) 1 and 2 are major virulence factors of Salmonella. However, only a few studies have investigated their role during the infection of chickens.  相似文献   

The invasion-associated type III secretion system (T3SS-1) of S. Typhimurium is required to initiate and sustain an acute inflammatory response in the intestine. We investigated the relationship of S. Typhimurium T3SS-1-induced IL-8 expression and invasion with intracellular Ca2+ mobilization in HeLa cells. Compared to the sipAsopABDE2 mutant, strains carrying a mutation in sipA, or mutations in sopABDE2 induced higher levels of IL-8 and greater bacterial internalization despite the fact that these mutants elicited similarly low intracellular concentrations of Ca2+. Likewise, complemented sipAsopABDE2 mutant with sopE2 did not affect intracellular Ca2+ concentrations or IL-8 expression, but significantly increased bacterial internalization. Treating HeLa cells with the calcium chelator BAPTA-AM or with D-BAPTA-AM, a derivative with greatly reduced Ca2+ chelating activity, yielded strong evidence that BAPTA-AM does not affect invasion and inhibits IL-8 secretion by a calcium-dependent mechanism. These findings suggest that, although wild-type S. Typhimurium-induced IL-8 expression and bacterial internalization in HeLa cells coincides with increased cytosolic Ca2+, the differing levels of IL-8 and invasion induced by strains carrying different effector proteins are unrelated to levels of intracellular Ca2+.  相似文献   

The intracellular growth and virulence of Salmonella serovar Typhimurium for mice is dependent on a plasmid-borne gene cluster termed mka. We studied the regulatory interactions of the genes mkaA, mkaB, mkaC and mkaD using lacZ gene fusions. Complementation experiments with cloned DNA fragments encoding each of the four MKa proteins indicated that mkaC enhances the expression of beta-galactosidase from the mkaA-, mkaB- and mkaC-lacZ gene fusions in trans. An mkaD-lacZ fusion or mkaA-lacZ fusion that did not contain DNA proximal to mkaB was not inducible with MkaC, indicating that at least mkaB and mkaA are induced together as an operon. MkaC is thus the first virulence protein whose function has been resolved.  相似文献   



Salmonella is a highly successful parasite of reptiles, birds and mammals. Its ability to infect and colonise such a broad range of hosts coincided with the introduction of new genetic determinants, among them 5 major pathogeniCity islands (SPI1-5), into the Salmonella genome. However, only limited information is available on how each of these pathogeniCity islands influences the ability of Salmonella to infect chickens. In this study, we therefore constructed Salmonella Enteritidis mutants with each SPI deleted separately, with single individual SPIs (i.e. with the remaining four deleted) and a mutant with all 5 SPIs deleted, and assessed their virulence in one-day-old chickens, together with the innate immune response of this host.  相似文献   



Salmonella enterica serovar Gallinarum (S. Gallinarum) is the causative agent of fowl typhoid, a severe systemic disease of chickens that results in high mortality amongst infected flocks. Due to its virulence, the immune response to S. Gallinarum is poorly characterised. In this study we have utilised infection by the live attenuated S. Gallinarum 9R vaccine strain in inbred chickens to characterise humoral, cellular and cytokine responses to systemic salmonellosis.  相似文献   

Sensing and responding to environmental cues is a fundamental characteristic of bacterial physiology and virulence. Here we identify polyamines as novel environmental signals essential for virulence of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, a major intracellular pathogen and a model organism for studying typhoid fever. Central to its virulence are two major virulence loci Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 1 and 2 (SPI1 and SPI2). SPI1 promotes invasion of epithelial cells, whereas SPI2 enables S. Typhimurium to survive and proliferate within specialized compartments inside host cells. In this study, we show that an S. Typhimurium polyamine mutant is defective for invasion, intracellular survival, killing of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and systemic infection of the mouse model of typhoid fever. Virulence of the mutant could be restored by genetic complementation, and invasion and intracellular survival could, as well, be complemented by the addition of exogenous putrescine and spermidine to the bacterial cultures prior to infection. Interestingly, intracellular survival of the polyamine mutant was significantly enhanced above the wild type level by the addition of exogenous putrescine and spermidine to the bacterial cultures prior to infection, indicating that these polyamines function as an environmental signal that primes S. Typhimurium for intracellular survival. Accordingly, experiments addressed at elucidating the roles of these polyamines in infection revealed that expression of genes from both of the major virulence loci SPI1 and SPI2 responded to exogenous polyamines and was reduced in the polyamine mutant. Together our data demonstrate that putrescine and spermidine play a critical role in controlling virulence in S. Typhimurium most likely through stimulation of expression of essential virulence loci. Moreover, our data implicate these polyamines as key signals in S. Typhimurium virulence.  相似文献   

Exposure to bile induces curing of the virulence plasmid in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (pSLT). Disruption of the ccdB gene increases pSLT curing, both spontaneous and induced by bile, suggesting that the pSLT ccdAB genes may encode a homolog of the CcdAB addiction module previously described in the F sex factor. Unlike the F sex factor, synthesis of pSLT-encoded pili does not confer bile sensitivity. These observations may provide insights into the evolution of virulence plasmids in Salmonella subspecies I, as well as the causes of virulence plasmid loss in other Salmonella subspecies.  相似文献   

【目的】研究高渗胁迫条件下德尔卑沙门氏菌(Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Derby, S. Derby)的转录组调控机制,分析差异表达基因(differentially expressed genes, DEGs)表达水平,探究在高渗胁迫影响下德尔卑沙门氏菌耐渗反应的相关代谢通路。【方法】通过高渗胁迫诱导德尔卑沙门氏菌的耐渗性,提取菌株的总RNA,去除rRNA,构建cDNA文库。利用转录组测序技术及生物学信息技术分析相关DEGs,并通过实时荧光定量PCR (real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR, qRT-PCR)进行验证。【结果】胁迫组德尔卑沙门氏菌通过转录组测序结果发现有3 950个DEGs,其中具有显著上调的基因21个,显著下调基因38个。涉及到细胞膜蛋白、氨基酸的代谢等相关基因上调,协助德尔卑沙门氏菌在高渗环境中存活。与此同时,胁迫组德尔卑沙门氏菌的糖转运系统(sugar transport system, PTS)、糖酵解过程以及抗氧化性相关基因表达显著下调,这是由于高渗环境菌体需要在体内储存大量糖类等物质,从而降低了糖原的消耗,进而导致细胞外膜的脂多糖合成受到抑制,降低了高渗胁迫下德尔卑沙门氏菌细胞膜表面的O抗原的合成。【结论】高渗环境诱导后显著提高了德尔卑沙门氏菌的耐渗性,其中Na+/H+逆向转运蛋以及谷氨酸的代谢通路发挥着重要的作用,为进一步了解以及更好地控制其在食品中的污染提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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