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The organization of the stomach in the compound styelid ascidian, Polyandrocarpa misakiensis, is described, and the morphology and cell types of the stomach is discussed from the phylogenetic viewpoint. The stomach is a sac-like organ whose wall is formed into longitudinal folds. The stomach consists of external and internal epithelium. The internal epithelium is simple columnar, except for the bottom of the folds. There are five cell types: absorptive cells, zymogenic cells, endocrine cells, ciliated mucous cells, and undifferentiated cells. The absorptive cells have numerous microvilli. The apical region of these cells is occupied by coated vesicles. The zymogenic cells have a conical outline and a few microvilli on their apical surfaces. There are secretory granules in the apical region of zymogenic cells. The endocrine cells have low cell height and electron-dense granules around the nucleus. Endocrine cells have one or two cilia and a few microvilli on the apical surfaces. The basolateral part of these cells often bulges into the adjoining cells. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that some endocrine cells have serotonin-like immunoreactivity. The ciliated mucous cells are restricted to a single ventral groove. They have numerous microvilli and a few cilia on their apical surfaces. Moderately electron-dense granules are accumulated in the apical part of the ciliated mucous cells. Undifferentiated cells, filled with free ribosomes, form a pseudostratified epithelium in the base of each fold. The nucleus of undifferentiated cells has a prominent nucleolus. The pseudostratified epithelium of the pyloric caecum consists of electron-dense and electron-light cells.  相似文献   


The growth pattern of zooids formed asexually by budding was studied in the colonial ascidian, Polyandrocarpa misakiensis. Each colony started from a blas- tozooid (the first generation) on the glass plate in two series of experiments. To evaluate the growth of colonies, lineage of all the zooids of three successive generations was traced on photographs which were taken once a week. The zooids of the first generation produced many buds from any basal margin of the zooidal body, and those of the second generation produced a small number of buds mainly from anterior parts of the zooidal body. The zooids of the second generation produced by early budding of mother zooids were clearly more prolific than those produced by late budding. Circular colonies which developed around a zooid of the first generation consisted of stratified zones of successive generations. Each zone was composed of two subzones; the outer one mainly containing early-produced zooids, and the inner one mainly containing late-produced zooids. The zooids in the marginal area of colony are early-produced ones from generation to generation. The seawater temperature may influence the growth of zooids and/or the frequency of budding.  相似文献   

H. Koyama 《Acta zoologica》2002,83(3):231-243
The dorsal strand of a budding ascidian, Polyandrocarpa misakiensis , was studied by light and electron microscopy. The length and morphology of this organ vary even among zooids in the same colony. After curving between the paired posterior nerve trunks, the strand turns left and terminates in a dead end. The dorsal strand of this species is one of the simplest types among ascidians, since there is no branching, no extensive nerve plexus, and no neuronal or non-neuronal endocrine cells surrounding it. The strand mainly consists of a simple cuboidal epithelium, but has several variations, such as multilayered regions, and protrusions of a cellular chain. The strand cells usually have mitochondria, free ribosomes and a Golgi complex of dictyosomal type. There are many mitotic cells in the strand epithelium. The presence, between the cerebral ganglion and dorsal strand epithelium, of cells with morphology intermediate between the strand and neuronal cells suggests that the dorsal strand might supply cellular components, such as neurones, to the cerebral ganglion in adult zooids. At the caudal end, the strand cells show ultrastructural features suggesting active protein synthesis and secretion. These cells appear to be liberated from the epithelium to release the content of their granules.  相似文献   

The protochordate ascidian Polyandrocarpa misakiensis has a striking ability to regenerate. When the posterior half of the adult body is amputated, the anterior half completely loses the esophagus, stomach and intestine. These organs are reconstituted in a week. Histological observation revealed that the regeneration involves transdifferentiation of the atrial epithelium near the cut surface. The morphological features of the gut primordium were similar to those observed in the developing bud of this species. Inhibitors of the synthesis of retinoic acid (RA) suppressed the formation of the gut. 13‐cis RA rescued the regenerates from the inhibitor‐induced hypoplasia. These results suggest that RA is required for the regeneration of the gut. A gene encoding the RA receptor (Pm‐RAR) and its target gene, TRAMP, were expressed in and around the regenerating gut. Pm‐RAR‐specific and TRAMP‐specific double‐stranded RNA molecules inhibited the regeneration of the gut, indicating that the RA signal is mediated at least in part by Pm‐RAR and TRAMP. These results suggested that RA triggers the transdifferentiation of the atrial epithelium into the gut in regenerating animals, as it does during asexual reproduction.  相似文献   

A cDNA for cytochrome b(5) was cloned from a cDNA library of buds of the ascidian, Polyandrocarpa misakiensis, by a hybridization method involving a digoxigenin-labeled cDNA probe of human soluble cytochrome b(5). The nucleotide sequence of the cDNA for the ascidian cytochrome b(5) (Pmb5) consisted of about 1,800 base pairs including 5'- and 3'-noncoding regions, and a coding sequence of 405 base pairs. The amino acid sequence of 135 residues deduced from the coding nucleotide sequence exhibited 54% identity and 76% similarity to chicken cytochrome b(5). A highly conserved amino acid sequence was observed in the amino-terminal domain of 96 residues containing two heme-binding histidine residues. The putative soluble form of the recombinant Pmb5 expressed in Escherichia coli was purified to homogeneity by column chromatographies on an anion-exchanger and gel filtration. The purified Pmb5 showed the typical absorption spectrum of cytochrome b(5) with an asymmetric peak at 556 nm and a shoulder at 560 nm upon reduction with NADH and NADH-cytochrome b(5) reductase. The low temperature spectrum of the dithionite-reduced form of the protein contained the split peaks at 551 and 555 nm, this spectrum being very similar to that of mammalian liver cytochrome b(5). Expression of Pmb5 in the ascidian was examined immunohistochemically with a monoclonal antibody against the Pmb5. Apparently high level expression of Pmb5 was found in the developing buds, but the levels of cytochrome b(5) in the parents and juvenile adults were very low. This is the first report on the characterization of Pmb5, and the increased expression of Pmb5 in the ascidian.  相似文献   

Two closely related cDNA fragments, named pTC14-1 and pTC14-2, encoding C-type lectins were cloned from the budding ascidian Polyandrocarpa misakiensis by means of the polymerase chain reaction. The amino acid sequence deduced from pTC14-1 was identical to that of a 14-kDa calcium-dependent galactose-binding lectin, TC-14, that had been purified from this species. Between the two clones, nucleotide sequence similarity was 90%, whilst that of the deduced amino acid sequences was 82%. The cDNA inserts of these clones hybridized weakly with each other. Antisense RNA probes prepared from these clones gave intense hybridization signals on Northern blots of the W strain, but very weak signals on those of the other strains. Therefore, both clones were suggested to originate from the W strain, but from two separate genes, since the base substitution was scattered throughout the entire translated region. The amount of TC14-1 mRNA increased during bud development, and peaked at 36 h after separation of the bud from the parental body wall. At this stage, extracellular matrix containing TC-14 lectin developed in the mesenchymal space around the morphogenetic region of the bud. There was much less TC14-2, than TC14-1 mRNA at every stage of bud development. TC14-1 and TC14-2 mRNAs were detected on Northern blots of RNAs from adults and growing buds, suggesting that these genes can be used as the earliest markers of budding in this species.  相似文献   

A morpho‐functional study of the colonial ascidian Botrylloides leachi haemocytes was carried out to propose their classification, relationships and specializations. This characterization was obtained by (i) investigations of both living and aldehyde‐fixed cells by light and electron microscopy; (ii) cytochemical and cytoenzymatic assays; (iii) lectin‐affinity assays; (iv) phagocytosis and haemagglutination assays; and (v) anti‐CD34 immunocytochemical assay for vertebrate haematopoietic stem cells. Results indicate that the haemoblast is a circulating stem cell and there are at least five haemocyte differentiation pathways, the last two of which have never been described in botryllids: (i) phagocytic line (hyaline amoebocytes and macrophage‐like cells) share ultrastructural features, the same hydrolytic enzymes and WGA lectin binding, and are involved in yeast phagocytosis and erythrocyte rosette formation; (ii) cytotoxic line (granular amoebocytes and morula cells) with vacuoles containing oxidative enzymes and polyphenolic substrates; (iii) vacuolated cell line (pigment cells and nephrocytes) involved in catabolite storage; (iv) compartment cell line (compartment amoebocytes and compartment cells) able to agglutinate erythrocytes and characterized by vacuoles with a moderately electron‐dense content, positive to arylsulphatase activity and binding DBA, UEA‐I, HPA lectins; and (v) granular cell line includes trophic cells, able to infiltrate the gut epithelium, showing a cytoplasm filled of PAS‐positive vacuoles with arylsulphatase, chloroacetylesterase and β‐glucuronidase activities.  相似文献   

The budding ascidian Polyandrocarpa misakiensis proliferates asexually by budding. The atrial epithelium is a multipotent but differentiated tissue, which transdifferentiates into various tissues and organs after the bud separates from the parental body. We isolated cDNA clones homologous to the myc proto-oncogene from P. misakiensis. The cDNA, named Pm-myc, encoded a polypeptide of 639 amino acid residues, containing Myc-specific functional motifs, Myc box I and Myc box II, and the basic helix-loop-helix domain. Expression of Pm-myc was observed in the atrial epithelium in the organ-forming region of the developing bud, where the epithelial cells dedifferentiate and re-enter the cell cycle. The expression was also observed in fibroblast-like cells, which are known to participate in the organogenesis together with the epithelial cells. Unexpectedly, the atrial epithelium expressed Pm-myc more than one day before the dedifferentiation. The organogenesis was disturbed by Pm-myc-specific double-stranded RNA. In situ hybridization revealed that Pm-myc-positive fibroblast-like cells disappeared around the organ primordium of the dsRNA-treated bud. The results suggest that the mesenchymal-epithelial transition of fibroblast-like cells is important for the organogenesis in this budding ascidian species.  相似文献   

During the implementation of a large project aimed to investigate the benthic community structures of the Sea of Marmara, specimens of the invasive ascidian species Styela clava were collected on natural substrata (rocks) at 10 m depth at one locality (Karamürsel) in İzmit Bay. The specimens were mature, containing gametes, indicating that the species had become established in the area. The Sea of Marmara seems to provide suitable conditions for this species to survive and form proliferating populations.  相似文献   

Summary Secretin-like cells have been detected in the digestive tract of the ascidian Styela plicata by means of immunofluorescent and immunocytochemical methods.Especially, in the esophageal epithelium there are immunoreactive cells (S2) in which a biogenic amine (5-HT) and a regulatory peptide (secretin) occur together. In the gastric epithelium only secretin-like cells (S1) are present.Tests of cross-reactivity performed with glucagon, GIF and VIP, have confirmed the presence of a secretin-like molecule only in the S1 and S2 cells.  相似文献   

Eight microsatellite loci were characterized in the colonial ascidian Pycnoclavella sp. from an enriched library of genomic DNA. Most microsatellites were large and compound. Allelic variation was assessed in 30 individuals collected from Cerro Gordo (SW Mediterranean Sea). The number of alleles per locus ranged from one to nine, observed heterozygosity from 0.05 to 0.29 and expected heterozygosity from 0.15 to 0.39. No significant linkage disequilibrium between pairs of loci was detected, but five loci showed significant heterozygote deficiency that may be explained either by inbreeding, population substructure or the presence of null alleles.  相似文献   

Summary The process of egg segregation in the tunic of the ovoviviparous ascidian Diplosoma listerianum was studied by light and electron microscopy. One egg at a time was seen to mature in each zooid. The eggs had large yolk and grew on the ovary wall enveloped in four layers: (1) outer follicle cells (OFC), long and rich in RER (rough endoplasmic reticulum) and with dense granules in the Golgi region; (2) flat inner follicle cells (IFC); (3) a loosely fibrillar vitelline coat (VC); (4) test cells encased on the egg surface. The growing egg protrudes from the ovary wall and presses on the contiguous epidermis. Granulocytes enter the space between the epidermis and the egg and insinuate cytoplasmic protrusions, disrupting the continuity of the OFC layer. At ovulation, OFC and IFC are discharged and form a post-ovulatory follicle (corpus luteum). The epidermis shrinks and closes, possibly by activation of microfilaments, causing the egg to be completely surrounded by the tunic. In the zooid, the wound caused by the passage of the egg is repaired both by contraction of the epidermis and by phagocytic activity. Altered spermatozoans are found in phagocytosing cells in the lumen of the ovary. These are presumably remnants of those which entered to fertilize the egg before segregation.  相似文献   

The distribution of carbohydrates was demonstrated in the embryonic, larval, and juvenile tunics of Halocynthia papillosa. An enzyme-gold marker (cellobiohydrolase-Au) was used to identify cellulose on ultrathin sections. This is the first time this biopolymer has been detected in the embryonic or larval tunic of an ascidian. Cellulose is present from the initial tail-bud stage onwards, as soon as the outer compartment of the tunic appears. Both compartments of the larval tunic also contain non-cellulosic polysaccharides, as demonstrated by the periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate (PA-TCH-SP) method. Our observations point to two types of cellulose synthesis. One occurs during the embryonic and larval stages, when glycogen-like material is stored in epidermal intracellular lacunae and discharged into the tunic where it is presumably used to synthesize cellulose throughout the depth of the tunic. The second occurs from the onset of metamorphosis onwards, just above the apical plasmalemma of epidermal cells, like cellulose biogenesis in plants.  相似文献   

Revision of material from Australian waters previously assigned to Herdmania momus ( Savigny, 1816 ) has resulted in the recognition of five species (including two new indigenous species). A tropical Indo-West Pacific range is recorded for the type species ( H. momus ), although it is not recorded from Western Australia. A circum-continental range for the third and largest species, H. grandis ( Heller, 1878 ) is confirmed. Herdmania pallida (Heller, 1878), with a wide range in the western Pacific and Indian Ocean including the north-eastern and north-western coasts of Australia, is a different species from the Atlantic Ocean species (formerly thought to be conspecific). Herdmania fimbriae , a new species with a geographical range from southern to north-eastern Australia, is distinct from H. mentula , also a new species, from the north-western coast. The structure of the gonads and their ducts and accessory membranes and the arrangement and number of body wall muscles distinguish the species. Species differences are supported by the maximum size of individuals, nature of their test, number of branchial folds, number of internal longitudinal vessels on the folds and between the dorsal lamina and dorsal fold, the size and form of the dorsal tubercle and dorsal lamina, and the shape of the ciliated opening of the neural duct, although these characters are affected to some extent by growth. A variety of accessory membranes associated with both male and female gonoducal apertures are found in the majority of species in this genus. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 134 , 359–374.  相似文献   

Chemical investigation of the methanolic extract of the ascidian Didemnum psammatodes has led to the identification of fourteen known compounds: three methyl esters (methyl myristate, methyl palmitate and methyl stearate), four steroids (cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol and beta-sitosterol), two fatty acids (palmitic acid and stearic acid), three glyceryl ethers {(1,2-propanediol, 3-(heptadecyloxy), batyl alcohol and 1,2-propanediol, 3-[(methyloctadecyl)oxy]} and two nucleosides (thymidine and 2'-deoxyguanosine). Their structures were proposed by NMR and comparison with literature data and GC analysis in comparison with authentic sample. The cytotoxic activity of these compounds was evaluated against human leukemia cell line panel using the MTT assay. The mixture of the three methyl esters was the most active group of compounds, showing antiproliferative and cytotoxic effects. Further studies on their mode of action suggest that these activities are connected with inhibition of DNA synthesis and induction of both necrosis and apoptosis.  相似文献   

Trididemnum clinides is a multi-photosymbiotic ascidian that inhabits shallow coral reef lagoons. Three types of cyanobacteria are harboured in the tunic of the ascidian colony; of these, two are unicellular coccoid cyanobacteria and the other is a multicellular filamentous type. They also differ in ultrastructure and distribution patterns within the host tunic. Microspectrophotometric analysis revealed the composition of photosynthetic pigments in each photosymbiont. One of the coccoid types is yellowish-green and is distributed under the colony surface. This photosymbiont cell preferentially absorbs red and blue light, and therefore the dominant colour in the inner tunic is green. The other two types of coexisting photosymbionts contain the green-light-absorbing R-phycoerythrin as the major photosynthetic pigment; they exploit the wavelengths of light not used by the first type of photosymbiont. In T. clinides, the outer and inner photosymbionts in the tunic have different photosynthetic pigments, which adapt to each microhabitat, thereby sharing the incident light resources effectively.  相似文献   

C-type lectins are calcium-dependent carbohydrate-recognising proteins. Isothermal titration calorimetry of the C-type Polyandrocarpa lectin (TC14) from the tunicate Polyandrocarpa misakiensis revealed the presence of a single calcium atom per monomer with a dissociation constant of 2.6 microM, and confirmed the specificity of TC14 for D -galactose and related monosaccharides. We have determined the 2.2 A X-ray crystal structure of Polyandrocarpa lectin complexed with D -galactose. Analytical ultracentrifugation revealed that TC14 behaves as a dimer in solution. This is reflected by the presence of two molecules in the asymmetric unit with the dimeric interface formed by antiparallel pairing of the two N-terminal beta-strands and hydrophobic interactions. TC14 adopts a typical C-type lectin fold with differences in structure from other C-type lectins mainly in the diverse loop regions and in the second alpha-helix, which is involved in the formation of the dimeric interface. The D -galactose is bound through coordination of the 3 and 4-hydroxyl oxygen atoms with a bound calcium atom. Additional hydrogen bonds are formed directly between serine, aspartate and glutamate side-chains of the protein and the sugar 3 and 4-hydroxyl groups. Comparison of the galactose binding by TC14 with the mannose binding by rat mannose-binding protein reveals how monosaccharide specificity is achieved in this lectin. A tryptophan side-chain close to the binding site and the distribution of hydrogen-bond acceptors and donors around the 3 and 4-hydroxyl groups of the sugar are essential determinants of specificity. These elements are, however, arranged in a very different way than in an engineered galactose-specific mutant of MBPA. Possible biological functions can more easily be understood from the fact that TC14 is a dimer under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

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