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Previously we have shown that the COOH-terminal 100 residues (A4CT) of the amyloid protein precursor (APP), which carry the sequence of the amyloid beta A4 protein of Alzheimer's disease at N-terminal position, form highly insoluble aggregates if expressed in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Dyrks, T., Weidemann, A., Multhaup, G., Salbaum, J.M., Lemaire, H.-G., Kang, J., Müller-Hill, B., Masters, C. L., and Beyreuther, K. (1988) EMBO J. 7, 949-957). Here we report that aggregation of this COOH-terminal APP fragment A4CT and also of beta A4 itself depends on additional factors. In contrast to the reticulocyte expression system, expression of A4CT and beta A4 in the wheat germ expression system resulted in only monomeric forms. We have identified the factors which are capable of transforming both soluble A4CT and beta A4 into insoluble and aggregating molecules. Monomeric A4CT or beta A4 expressed in the wheat germ lysate could be transformed into aggregating molecules by the addition of metal-catalyzed oxidation systems. The addition of radical scavengers such as ascorbic acid, trolox, and amino acids prevented the aggregation process induced by the radical initiators. Thus, the aggregation of amyloidogenic APP fragments if analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis requires amino acid oxidation and protein cross-linking induced by radical generation systems.  相似文献   

The mechanism of proteolytic breakdown of the beta A4-amyloid protein precursor (APP) has attracted much attention because of its relevance for Alzheimer's disease. Apart from the pathological role of APP in the amyloidogenesis, many efforts have been made to identify the functional significance of this widely expressed protein in various biological processes. Employing biochemical techniques, we demonstrate that APP is involved in the initiation of the immune response. Upon stimulation, it is expressed by the major functional types of T-lymphocytes, i.e. CD4+ and CD8+ cells. As was demonstrated for the CD4+ lymphoid cell line H9, APP is predominantly secreted. The remaining COOH-terminal fragments generated upon secretion were highly unstable. Of the APP produced by immunocompetent cells, considerable amounts were shown to be leukocyte-derived APP (L-APP). In addition, we were able to identify the KPI-containing L-APP isoform, L-APP733, as the major expressed L-APP isoform in immunocompetent cells, including rat microglial cells and astrocytes. The L-APP expression pattern of these cells showed high similarity. These findings seem to be indicative of an important function of APP within the immune system. Therefore, APP may be involved in various immunopathogenic conditions of the periphery and in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Search for proteases responsible for an altered processing of APP which generates intermediates containing beta/A4 peptide is preceding to understand the formation of beta amyloid deposits characteristic of Alzheimer's disease, since many studies reveal that APP is ordinarily processed so as not to generate beta amyloid. Here, we have examined the action of thrombin, a serine protease in the blood clotting, in APP processing. Thrombin cleaved the mouse recombinant APP695 in vitro, resulting in the accumulation of 28 kDa fragment. The immunoblot analysis showed that the fragment is derived from the carboxy-terminal side of the recombinant APP695. Further, amino acid sequencing exhibited that the fragment is generated by the cleavage at Arg 510-Ile 511 and therefore includes entire beta/A4 peptide. We consider that the 28 kDa fragment is a possible intermediate for beta/A4 peptide. Thus thrombin may be involved in the altered processing of APP.  相似文献   

R L Neve  J Rogers  G A Higgins 《Neuron》1990,5(3):329-338
The deposition of cerebrovascular and plaque amyloid in the CNS is a primary feature of Alzheimer's disease and aged Down's syndrome pathology. The localization of the Alzheimer amyloid protein precursor (APP) gene on chromosome 21, along with its overexpression in Down's syndrome brain compared with normal brain, suggests that alterations in APP gene expression may play a role in the development of the neuropathology common to the two diseases. In the present report, we demonstrate that a specific spliced form of mRNA that is transcribed from the APP gene and that lacks the beta/A4 sequence is elevated in the nucleus basalis, occipitotemporal cortex, and parahippocampal gyrus in Alzheimer's disease brain relative to controls. These results are based on combined data from RNA slot blot analysis, in situ hybridization, and polymerase chain reaction quantification of specific mRNAs taken directly from tissue sections.  相似文献   

Accumulation of the amyloid A beta peptide, which is derived from a larger precursor protein (APP), and the formation of plaques, are major events believed to be involved in the etiology of Alzheimer's disease. Abnormal regulation of the metabolism of APP may contribute to the deposition of plaques. APP is an integral membrane protein containing several putative phosphorylation sites within its cytoplasmic domain. We report here that APP is phosphorylated at Thr668 by p34cdc2 protein kinase (cdc2 kinase) in vitro, and in a cell cycle-dependent manner in vivo. At the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, when APP phosphorylation is maximal, the levels of mature APP (mAPP) and immature APP (imAPP) do not change significantly. However, imAPP is altered qualitatively. Furthermore, the level of the secreted extracellular N-terminal domain (APPS) is decreased and that of the truncated intracellular C-terminal fragment (APPCOOH) is increased. These findings suggest the possibility that phosphorylation-dependent events occurring during the cell cycle affect the metabolism of APP. Alterations in these events might play a role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence indicates that aberrant production and aggregation of amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta)-(1-42) play a central role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease (AD). Abeta is produced when amyloid precursor protein (APP) is cleaved by beta- and gamma-secretases at the N and C termini of the Abeta domain, respectively. The beta-secretase is membrane-bound aspartyl protease, most commonly known as BACE1. Because BACE1 cleaves APP at the N terminus of the Abeta domain, it catalyzes the first step in Abeta generation. PAR-4 (prostate apoptosis response-4) is a leucine zipper protein that was initially identified to be associated with neuronal degeneration and aberrant Abeta production in models of AD. We now report that the C-terminal domain of PAR-4 is necessary for forming a complex with the cytosolic tail of BACE1 in co-immunoprecipitation assays and in vitro pull-down experiments. Overexpression of PAR-4 significantly increased, whereas silencing of PAR-4 expression by RNA interference significantly decreased, beta-secretase cleavage of APP. These results suggest that PAR-4 may be directly involved in regulating the APP cleavage activity of BACE1. Because the increased BACE1 activity observed in AD patients does not seem to arise from genetic mutations or polymorphisms in BACE1, the identification of PAR-4 as an endogenous regulator of BACE1 activity may have significant implications for developing novel therapeutic strategies for AD.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease is characterized by the accumulation of the beta/A4 fragment of the amyloid precursor protein in the hippocampal regions of the brain. We report here the isolation of genomic clones carrying exons 15, 16 and 17 of the beta/A4 coding region of the rabbit amyloid precursor protein gene. The complete sequence of these exons predicts that all three peptides are identical to their human counterparts. An unexpectedly high concentration of CpG dinucleotides seen in exon 15 were conserved and continued into the intron 15 region. MspI/HpaII southern blot analysis revealed the presence of a number of methylated CpG dinucleotides in the cloned region of the gene. These data suggest that the rabbit amyloid precursor protein gene could provide a new and useful model for the study of this important gene.  相似文献   

The secreted form of Alzheimer amyloid beta/A4 protein precursor (APP) has been shown to be involved in cell growth regulation (Saitoh, T., Sundsmo, M., Roch, J.-M., Kimura, N., Cole, G., Schubert, D., Oltersdorf, T., and Schenk, D.B. (1989) Cell 58, 615-622). Using a strong prokaryotic expression system, we expressed, in Escherichia coli, peptide fragments covering different regions of the secreted form of APP-695. The longest of these fragments (KB75, 572 amino acids from Val-20 to Ile-591), which contained neither the Kunitz-type protease inhibitor (KPI) domain nor the amyloid beta/A4-protein domain, was purified and shown to be biologically active in terms of growth regulation. Two other APP fragments (KB48, 316 amino acids from Val-20 to Met-335; and RB17, 150 amino acids from Thr-296 to Pro-445), overlapping by only 40 amino acids at a close site C-terminal to the KPI insertion site, were also active. Furthermore, a chemically synthesized 40-residue peptide corresponding to this region of overlap also stimulated the growth of A-1 fibroblasts. These results establish the presence of growth-promoting activity in the secreted form of APP-695 and suggest that the site of this activity of APP-695 lies within a 40-amino acid domain next to the KPI insertion site.  相似文献   

The major pathological change in Alzheimer's disease is the deposition of amyloid beta/A4-protein (beta P) in the brain. beta P is derived from a small part of the much larger amyloid protein precursor (APP). In the normal condition, APP is cleaved in the interior of beta P, preventing the formation of beta P, by a hypothetical proteinase "secretase". To characterize this enzyme, APP and mutated APPs were expressed by cDNA transfection in COS-1 cells, a monkey kidney fibroblast derived cell line. The mutant APPs with the mutations of the proposed cleavage site (Gln686-Lys687) were processed in the same way as wild APP. The deleted mutant APP (deletion of Arg676-Asp694) was also cleaved in a similar way to wild APP. The cleavage site of this deletion mutant was located at the 12 amino acid residues from the predicted membrane spanning domain. Hence, "secretase" cleaves APP, depending not on its specific amino acid sequence, but probably on the relative conformation with plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Hydrogenation of oils and diary products of ruminant animals leads to an increasing amount of trans fatty acids in the human diet. Trans fatty acids are incorporated in several lipids and accumulate in the membrane of cells. Here we systematically investigate whether the regulated intramembrane proteolysis of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) is affected by trans fatty acids compared to the cis conformation. Our experiments clearly show that trans fatty acids compared to cis fatty acids increase amyloidogenic and decrease nonamyloidogenic processing of APP, resulting in an increased production of amyloid beta (Aβ) peptides, main components of senile plaques, which are a characteristic neuropathological hallmark for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Moreover, our results show that oligomerization and aggregation of Aβ are increased by trans fatty acids. The mechanisms identified by this in vitro study suggest that the intake of trans fatty acids potentially increases the AD risk or causes an earlier onset of the disease.  相似文献   

Proteolytic processing of the transmembrane domain of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) is a key component of Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. Using C-terminally tagged APP derivatives, we have identified by amino-terminal sequencing a novel cleavage site of APP, at Leu-49, distal to the gamma-secretase site. This was termed -cleavage. Brefeldin A treatment and pulse-chase experiments indicate that this cleavage occurs late in the secretory pathway. The level of -cleavage is decreased by expression of presenilin-1 mutants known to impair Abeta formation, and it is sensitive to the gamma-secretase inhibitors MDL28170 and L-685,458. Remarkably, it shares similarities with site 3 cleavage of Notch-1: membrane topology, cleavage before a valine, dependence on presenilins, and inhibition profile.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, affects greater than 10% of the population of individuals greater than 65 years of age. A principal neuropathological feature of this disease is the senile plaque, a fibrillar extracellular deposit primarily composed of a approximately 4-kDa peptide, beta/A4, derived from the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Studies in cultured cells have documented that APP matures through a constitutive secretory pathway and is cleaved at or near the cell surface to release a large ectodomain into the extracellular space. To define the APP cleavage site, we constructed a Chinese hamster ovary cell line, which constitutively overexpresses human APP-770, and analyzed the COOH termini of secreted APP-770-related molecules. Using plasma desorption mass spectrometry and chemical microsequencing, we document that an APP cleavage site in Chinese hamster ovary cells leading to secretion occurs immediately COOH-terminal to lysine residue 687, which lies adjacent to the hydrophobic membrane-spanning domain.  相似文献   

Amyloid beta-protein precursor (APP), a type I membrane protein, is cleaved by primary alpha-or beta-secretase and secondary gamma-secretase. Cleavage of APP by beta- and gamma-secretases generates amyloid beta-protein, the main constituent of the cerebrovascular amyloid that accompanies Alzheimer disease. The generation and aggregation of amyloid beta-protein in the brain are believed to be a primary cause of Alzheimer disease pathogenesis, and indeed, early onset Alzheimer disease is genetically linked to APP and also to presenilins 1 and 2, which are components of gamma-secretase. Proteolytic cleavage of APP has been investigated as a candidate target for Alzheimer disease therapy, but the mechanisms regulating APP metabolism are still unclear. APP is a type I membrane protein with a short cytoplasmic region consisting of 47 amino acids. Recent research has elucidated the significance of the cytoplasmic region in the metabolism, trafficking, and physiological function of APP. The structure and function of the APP cytoplasmic domain can be modified by phosphorylation and through interaction with cytoplasmic proteins. This minireview summarizes a large body of recent information on the regulation of APP by phosphorylation and protein interaction, along with some of the physiological functions of APP. Recent findings regarding the regulation of APP processing contribute to the development of novel drugs and/or therapies for Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   

The amyloid deposited in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is composed primarily of a 39-42 residue polypeptide (beta AP) that is derived from a larger beta amyloid protein precursor (beta APP). In previous studies, we and others identified full-length, membrane-associated forms of the beta APP and showed that these forms are processed into soluble derivatives that lack the carboxyl-terminus of the full-length forms. In this report, we demonstrate that the soluble approximately 125 and approximately 105 kDa forms of the beta APP found in human cerebrospinal fluid are specifically labeled by several different antisera to the beta AP. This finding indicates that both soluble derivatives contain all or part of the beta AP sequence, and it suggests that one or both of these forms may be the immediate precursor of the amyloid deposited in AD.  相似文献   

Amyloid plaques, composed of the amyloid beta-protein (Abeta), are hallmark neuropathological lesions in Alzheimer disease (AD) brain. Abeta fulfills a central role in AD pathogenesis, and reduction of Abeta levels should prove beneficial for AD treatment. Abeta generation is initiated by proteolysis of amyloid precursor protein (APP) by the beta-secretase enzyme BACE1. Bace1 knockout (Bace1(-/-)) mice have validated BACE1 as the authentic beta-secretase in vivo. BACE1 is essential for Abeta generation and represents a suitable drug target for AD therapy, especially because this enzyme is up-regulated in AD. However, although initial data indicated that Bace1(-/-) mice lack an overt phenotype, the BACE1-mediated processing of APP and other substrates may be important for specific biological processes. In this minireview, topics range from the initial identification of BACE1 to the fundamental knowledge gaps that remain in our understanding of this protease. We address pertinent questions such as putative causes of BACE1 elevation in AD and discuss why, nine years since the identification of BACE1, treatments that address the underlying pathological mechanisms of AD are still lacking.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Aberrant metabolism of the Alzheimer amyloid precursor protein (APP) or its amyloidogenic A beta fragment is thought to be centrally involved in Alzheimer's disease. Nonamyloidogenic processing of APP involves its cleavage within the A beta domain by a protease, termed alpha-secretase, and release of the large extracellular domain, termed APPS. Secretion of APPS can be stimulated by phorbol esters, activators of protein kinase C, with concurrent inhibition of A beta production. While the role of protein kinases of APP metabolism has been investigated, considerably less effort has been devoted to elucidating the role played by protein phosphatases. Okadaic acid, a protein phosphatase inhibitor, has been shown to stimulate secretion of APPS, but the identity of the phosphatase involved has not been investigated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The secretion of APPS from COS-1 cells was measured in the absence or presence of various doses of serine/threonine-specific phosphatase inhibitors. Quantitation of the derived IC50 values was used to determine the identity of the phosphatase involved in the control of APP secretion. RESULTS: The availability of protein phosphatase inhibitors with different relative potencies against the different types of serine/threonine-specific protein phosphatase allowed us to examine which of the four known types of protein phosphatase might be involved in the regulation of APP secretion. Both okadaic acid and calyculin A stimulated the secretion of APP from COS-1 cells in a dose-dependent manner. The half-maximal dose for stimulation of APP secretion was approximately 100-fold higher with okadaic acid than with calyculin A. CONCLUSIONS: The nearly 100-fold difference in the observed IC50 values for okadaic acid and calyculin A implicates a type 1 protein phosphatase in the control of APPS production. Protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) is known to be highly expressed in adult mammalian brain, both in neurons and glia. The identification of a specific phosphatase type in the control of APP secretion opens new avenues to the development of rational therapeutic intervention strategies aimed at the prevention and/or treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.  相似文献   

Using antibodies directed against N-terminal and C-terminal epitopes we have immunologically detected APP species in the membrane and saline-soluble fractions of unstimulated platelets, and in the conditioned medium of thrombin-stimulated platelets. These studies demonstrate an intact 140 kD membrane-associated form of APP that is released on degranulation. Evidence that platelets synthesize at least one form of APP (APP751) was obtained by enzymatic amplification of specific mRNA using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and direct sequence analysis of PCR product. Processing of APP for release may occur via successive C-terminal truncations, and/or by the release and proteolysis of an intact membrane associated form. An intact form of APP in platelets provides a circulating substrate upon which proteases from many tissues may act to produce beta protein (AB) during pathologic conditions.  相似文献   

Alzheimer amyloid precursor protein (APP) is the precursor for the Abeta peptide involved in pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. The soluble ectodomain fragment of APP (sAPP) functions as a growth factor for epithelial cells, suggesting an important function for APP outside neuronal tissue. Previous studies have shown that in polarized epithelial cells, APP is targeted to the basolateral domain. Tyr653 within the cytoplasmic tail of APP mediates the basolateral targeting of APP, but the sorting machinery that binds to this residue has largely remained unknown. In this study, we analyzed the role of adaptor complexes in the polarized sorting of APP. We show that the medium subunit mu1B of the epithelia-specific adaptor protein (AP)-1B binds onto the cytoplasmic tail of APP in a Tyr653-dependent way. Moreover, ectopic expression of mu1B in cells lacking AP-1B resulted in correction of apical missorting of wild-type but not Tyr653Ala APP. Basolateral secretion of sAPP was found to be independent of Tyr653. We propose a model for polarized targeting of APP according to which sorting of APP to basolateral domain is dependent on binding of AP-1B on Tyr653 in basolateral endosomes. This model is in accordance with the current understanding of sorting mechanisms mediating polarized targeting of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

12/15 Lipoxygenase (12/15LO) protein levels and activity are increased in pathologically affected regions of Alzheimer's disease (AD) brains, compared with controls. Its metabolic products are elevated in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with AD and individuals with mild cognitive impairment, suggesting that this enzyme may be involved early in AD pathogenesis. Herein, we investigate the effect of pharmacologic inhibition of 12/15LO on the amyloid beta precursor protein (APP) metabolism. To this end, we used CHO and N2A cells stably expressing human APP with the Swedish mutant, and two structurally distinct and selective 12/15LO inhibitors, PD146176 and CDC. Our results demonstrated that both drugs dose-dependently reduced Abeta formation without affecting total APP levels. Interestingly, in the same cells we observed a significant reduction in secreted (s)APPbeta and beta-secretase (BACE), but not sAPPalpha and ADAM10 protein levels. Together, these data show for the first time that this enzymatic pathway influences Abeta formation whereby modulating the BACE proteolytic cascade. We conclude that specific pharmacologic inhibition of 12/15LO could represent a novel therapeutic target for treating or preventing AD pathology in humans.  相似文献   

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