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刘建湘  王鸿利  陈竺 《遗传》1999,(2):41-44
血友病甲为最常见的遗传性出血性疾病,是由于血浆凝血因子Ⅷ(FⅧ)缺陷所致.FⅧ基因位于Ⅹ染色体,所以患者绝大多数为男性,女性杂合子为携带者,而女性患者极少见。重型患者自幼即有反复自发性出血,不经治疗者往往造成关节畸形和致残.严重者可因颅内出血死亡。目前仍以替代疗法为主[1]。随着FⅧ基因的克隆和基因突变检测技术的发展,血友病甲的直接基因诊断和遗传咨询等方面已经取得突破性进展.基因治疗的实验研究也正开展得如火如茶.我国近年不仅对血友病甲进行了大规模的流行病学调查,也从分子水平进行了多方面的研究。1F见Ⅷ…  相似文献   

现代生物技术的应用与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
现代生物技术作为高科技领域之一,对解决人类面临的重大问题如:粮食,健康,环境和能源等将开辟广阔的前景,日益成为影响国计民生的科学技术支柱和21世纪高新技术产业的先导,本文主要介绍现代生物技术在医药。农业,环境和海洋等领域的应用与发展。  相似文献   

刘科 《生物学杂志》2002,18(3):47-48
生物技术 (biotechnology)是由英文“biologicaltech nology”组合而成的 ,直译为“生物工艺学”。生物技术是对 2 0世纪 70年代以来出现的新的生物体操纵技术的称呼。尽管生物技术这个概念出现得比较晚 ,但是人类对生物体的利用、操作和改造的历史 ,则可追溯到史前时代。1 经验形态的技术人类属于异养型的生命形态。人类要生存下去 ,必须从外界摄取营养物质 ,以其它生物体为食。这就促使人类去认识和利用周围的生物体 ,以至于对它们进行改造。人类首先通过采集、狩猎等方式获得生物体及其成分 ,对它们进…  相似文献   

尽管全世界的医药学家对癌症进行了长期的研究并取得了很大进展,但至今其分子机制仍不祥。但在抗肿瘤药物的开发中有一点是相同的,即增强药物对肿瘤的特异性,降低或减少药物的毒性。因此生物制药公司采用不同的方法对付癌症,开发出许多有潜力的新诊断与治疗方法(许多最近已得到  相似文献   

生物技术被世界各国视为一项高新技术 ,它对于提高国力 ,迎接人类所面临的人口、食物、资源、能源和环境等五大危机及经济问题的挑战是至关重要的关键性技术之一。它的广泛应用 ,将促进传统产业的技术改造和新兴产业的形成 ,对人类社会生活将产生深远的革命性影响。生物技术是现实生产力 ,也是有巨大经济效益的潜在生产力 ,是 2 1世纪高技术革命的核心内容 ,生物技术产业将是 2 1世纪的支柱产业。现代生物技术是指人们以现代生命科学为基础 ,结合工程技术手段和其它基础学科的科学原理 ,按照预先设计改造生物体或加工生物原料 ,为人类生产出…  相似文献   

现代生物技术制药工业发展概况   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

2005年1月,新西兰科学技术部发布了《2025年生物技术发展报告》。该报告分析了未来20年中全球生物技术的发展趋势,并预测了生物技术在健康保健、初级生产、产业与环境和国防领域的可能应用。本文以报告内容为基础,对其研究成果进行了概括与总结,希望这些信息能够开阔我国生物技术界的视野,对我国相关科技研究与管理活动起到决策参考作用。1全球生物技术产业发展现状“生物技术”一词既可以用来描述科技技术的一个门类,也可以泛指经济活动中的一个产业。从研究开发向实际应用转换的情况看,在全球范围内生物技术产业当前依然是一个较为幼小但…  相似文献   

随着生物技术的发展,人们可以对生物体进行不同层次的设计、控制、改造或模拟,产生巨大生产力的同时,但与此同时,生物技术的发展也带来了生物物种伦理的问题。接下来,本文将结合现代生物技术研究的新进展,探讨现代生物技术存在的伦理问题以及与之相关的解决对策。  相似文献   

农业生物技术的发展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着遗传学、细胞生物学和分子生物学等学科的进展,形成了包括组织培养、原生质体融合、遗传工程等技术在内的一门新兴学科,统称“生物技术”。利用这些新技术或有时将制造和改造生物产品的技术过程,也称为“生物技术”。虽然“生物技术”一词古已有之,当代的“生物技术”则是指“利用生物体或生物有机体来制造或改进产品、改良品种或培育微生物供特定用途的新技术”。  相似文献   

生物技术的现代概念   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对生物技术的现代概念,其在应用领域的最新成就,生物技术在未来神经经济中的支柱地位及其巨大的潜势作了阐述。  相似文献   



Standard methods of mutation detection are time consuming in Hemophilia A (HA) rendering their application unavailable in some analysis such as prenatal diagnosis.


To evaluate the feasibility of combinatorial sequencing-by-hybridization (cSBH) as an alternative and reliable tool for mutation detection in FVIII gene.


We have applied a new method of cSBH that uses two different colors for detection of multiple point mutations in the FVIII gene. The 26 exons encompassing the HA gene were analyzed in 7 newly diagnosed Italian patients and in 19 previously characterized individuals with FVIII deficiency.


Data show that, when solution-phase TAMRA and QUASAR labeled 5-mer oligonucleotide sets mixed with unlabeled target PCR templates are co-hybridized in the presence of DNA ligase to universal 6-mer oligonucleotide probe-based arrays, a number of mutations can be successfully detected. The technique was reliable also in identifying a mutant FVIII allele in an obligate heterozygote. A novel missense mutation (Leu1843Thr) in exon 16 and three novel neutral polymorphisms are presented with an updated protocol for 2-color cSBH.


cSBH is a reliable tool for mutation detection in FVIII gene and may represent a complementary method for the genetic screening of HA patients.  相似文献   



Hemophilia A (HA), being an X-linked recessive disorder, females are rarely affected, although they can be carriers.


To study the mutation in F8 gene in an extended family with a homozygous female HA.


All the seven affected members (six males and one female) were initially screened by Conformation Sensitive Gel Electrophoresis (CSGE) and direct DNA sequencing.


A homozygous missense mutation c.1315G>A (p.Gly420Ser) was identified in exon 9 of F8 gene in homozygous state in the affected female born of 1° consanguinous marriage and in all the affected male members of the family. Her factor VIII levels was found to be 5.5%, vWF:Ag 120%.


In India, as consanguineous marriages are very common in certain communities (up to 30%), the likelihood of encountering female hemophilia is higher, although this is the first case of HA out of 1600 hemophilia families registered in our Comprehensive Haemophilia Care Center. Genetic diagnosis in such cases is not necessary as all the male children will be affected and daughters obligatory carriers.  相似文献   


The importance of highly efficient wastewater treatment is evident from aggravated water crises. With the development of green technology, wastewater treatment is required in an eco-friendly manner. Biotechnology is a promising solution to address this problem, including treatment and monitoring processes. The main directions and differences in biotreatment process are related to the surrounding environmental conditions, biological processes, and the type of microorganisms. It is significant to find suitable biotreatment methods to meet the specific requirements for practical situations. In this review, we first provide a comprehensive overview of optimized biotreatment processes for treating wastewater during different conditions. Both the advantages and disadvantages of these biotechnologies are discussed at length, along with their application scope. Then, we elaborated on recent developments of advanced biosensors (i.e. optical, electrochemical, and other biosensors) for monitoring processes. Finally, we discuss the limitations and perspectives of biological methods and biosensors applied in wastewater treatment. Overall, this review aims to project a rapid developmental path showing a broad vision of recent biotechnologies, applications, challenges, and opportunities for scholars in biotechnological fields for “green” wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

Hemophilia A (HA) is a bleeding disorder caused by deficiency of the coagulation factor VIII (F8). F8 replacement is standard of care, whereas gene therapy (F8 gene) for HA is an attractive investigational approach. However, the large size of the F8 gene and the immunogenicity of the product present challenges in development of the F8 gene therapy. To resolve these problems, we synthesized a shortened F8 gene (F8-BDD) and cloned it into a lentiviral vector (LV). The F8-BDD produced mainly short cleaved inactive products in LV-transduced cells. To improve F8 functionality, we designed two novel F8-BDD genes, one with an insertion of eight specific N-glycosylation sites (F8-N8) and another which restored all N-glycosylation sites (F8-299) in the B domain. Although the overall protein expression was reduced, high coagulation activity (>100-fold) was detected in the supernatants of LV-F8-N8- and LV-F8-299-transduced cells. Protein analysis of F8 and the procoagulation cofactor, von Willebrand Factor, showed enhanced interaction after restoration of B domain glycosylation using F8-299. HA mouse hematopoietic stem cell transplantation studies illustrated that the bleeding phenotype was corrected after LV-F8-N8 or -299 gene transfer into the hematopoietic stem cells. Importantly, the F8-299 modification markedly reduced immunogenicity of the F8 protein in these HA mice. In conclusion, the modified F8-299 gene could be efficiently packaged into LV and, although with reduced expression, produced highly stable and functional F8 protein that corrected the bleeding phenotype without inhibitory immunogenicity. We anticipate that these results will be beneficial in the development of gene therapies against HA.  相似文献   

Owing to certain drawbacks, such as energy-intensive operations in conventional modes of wastewater treatment (WWT), there has been an extensive search for alternative strategies in treatment technology. Biological modes for treating wastewaters are one of the finest technologies in terms of economy and efficiency. An integrated biological approach with chemical flocculation is being conventionally practiced in several-sewage and effluent treatment plants around the world. Overwhelming responsiveness to treat wastewaters especially by using microalgae is due to their simplest photosynthetic mechanism and ease of acclimation to various habitats. Microalgal technology, also known as phycoremediation, has been in use for WWT since 1950s. Various strategies for the cultivation of microalgae in WWT systems are evolving faster. However, the availability of innovative approaches for maximizing the treatment efficiency, coupled with biomass productivity, remains the major bottleneck for commercialization of microalgal technology. Investment costs and invasive parameters also delimit the use of microalgae in WWT. This review critically discusses the merits and demerits of microalgal cultivation strategies recently developed for maximum pollutant removal as well as biomass productivity. Also, the potential of algal biofilm technology in pollutant removal, and harvesting the microalgal biomass using different techniques have been highlighted. Finally, an economic assessment of the currently available methods has been made to validate microalgal cultivation in wastewater at the commercial level.  相似文献   

梅文瀚  卢健  钱关祥 《生命科学》2001,13(4):174-176
基因治疗是彻底治愈血友病A的最理想方法,逆转录病毒是最为常用的载体之一,本文对逆转录病毒在血友病A基因治疗中的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Anti-factor VIII (FVIII) inhibitory IgG may arise as alloantibodies to therapeutic FVIII in patients with congenital hemophilia A, or as autoantibodies to endogenous FVIII in individuals with acquired hemophilia. We have described FVIII-hydrolyzing IgG both in hemophilia A patients with anti-FVIII IgG and in acquired hemophilia patients. Here, we compared the properties of proteolytic auto- and allo-antibodies. Rates of FVIII hydrolysis differed significantly between the two groups of antibodies. Proline-phenylalanine-arginine-methylcoumarinamide was a surrogate substrate for FVIII-hydrolyzing autoantibodies. Our data suggest that populations of proteolytic anti-FVIII IgG in acquired hemophilia patients are different from that of inhibitor-positive hemophilia A patients.  相似文献   

生物技术在农业中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要阐述了生物技术发展的几个阶段,包括传统生物技术和新兴生物技术的发展状况,着重论述了生物技术在农业上的应用进展,将基因工程、细胞工程、发酵工程和酶工程的含义及其应用状况进行了描述,展望了生物技术在农业上的应用前景。  相似文献   

褚鑫  王力为  许虹  张燕飞 《生物工程学报》2022,38(11):4019-4026
随着石化资源逐步消耗,气候问题日益凸显,工业生物技术被认为是解决能源和资源供给、应对气候变化、实现绿色可持续发展的重要方向。得益于理论突破、技术变革和学科交叉,工业生物技术主要经历了由生命科学突破性成就、多学科技术理念交汇融合和产业应用导向推动的3个阶段。本文回顾总结了工业生物技术的发展历程及近年来取得的重要突破,并展望了其未来发展方向。  相似文献   

杨明  周桔 《生物工程学报》2022,38(11):4027-4034
随着工程生物学、基因编辑等共性技术的快速发展,工业生物技术领域的颠覆式创新在低碳合成、未来食品、药物开发等工业生物技术领域不断取得颠覆式创新,支撑了生物产业高质量创新发展。工业生物技术正在为变革传统工业制造模式,构建碳中性工业制造路线形成重要科技支撑。本文从战略规划、创新机构、人才建设、基础研究、科技创新、产业推进等方面系统介绍了中国科学院在工业生物技术领域的整体安排、建制化研发与科技进展,并提出了加快工业生物技术发展的建议。  相似文献   

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