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The cardiac morphology of 77 consciousAlaskan sled dogs before and after 5 mo of endurance training (20 km/day team pulling a sled and musher) was studied usingtwo-dimensional and M-mode echocardiography. Subgroups included dogswith at least one season of previous training ("veterans") anddogs undergoing their first season of training ("rookies").Training resulted in a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in resting heart rate (15%) and significant increases in interventricular septal thickness (systole, 15%; diastole, 13%), left ventricular (LV) internal dimension in diastole (LVIDd, 4%), LV free wall thickness in systole (9%) and diastole (LVWd, 9%), and left atrial diameter (5%) in all dogs, but the increase in LVWd was greater in rookies (16%) than in veterans (7%).Training increased end-diastolic volume index (8%), LV mass index(24%), and heart weight index (24%) and decreased the LVIDd-to-LVWd ratio (6%) but did not alter cardiac index. We conclude that increased LV mass attributable to LV dilation and hypertrophy isassociated with endurance training in Alaskan sled dogs.Disproportionate LV wall thickening accompanying LV dilation suggeststhat cardiac morphological changes are due to volume and pressureloading. These training-induced changes are similar to those documented in human athletes undergoing combined isometric and isotonic training and differ from studies of dogs trained on treadmills.


The Alaskan sled dog offers a unique mechanism for studying the genetics of elite athletic performance. They are a group of mixed breed dogs, comprised of multiple common breeds, and a unique breed entity seen only as a part of the sled dog mix. Alaskan sled dogs are divided into 2 primary groups as determined by their racing skills. Distance dogs are capable of running over 1000 miles in 10 days, whereas sprint dogs run much shorter distances, approximately 30 miles, but in faster times, that is, 18-25 mph. Finding the genes that distinguish these 2 types of performers is likely to illuminate genetic contributors to human athletic performance. In this study, we tested for association between polymorphisms in 2 candidate genes; angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and myostatin (MSTN) and enhanced speed and endurance performance in 174 Alaskan sled dogs. We observed 81 novel genetic variants within the ACE gene and 4 within the MSTN gene, including a polymorphism within the ACE gene that significantly (P value 2.38 × 10(-5)) distinguished the sprint versus distance populations.  相似文献   

The general activity and specific behaviours of adult sled dogs were observed following the end of the race season. Although heightened levels of activity occurred around sunrise and sunset, the dogs spent the vast majority of the day and night in a recumbent posture doing little, if anything. This quiescence was independent of ambient temperature, and was virtually unchanged when additional data were collected 2 years after the initial observations. Much of the limited amount of movement which was observed appeared to be reactive rather than spontaneous.  相似文献   

Melatonin is a hormone that is released from the pineal gland into the blood stream and is controlled by nerve impulses from the suprachiasmatic nuclei. Melatonin synthesis, which is inhibited by light on the mammalian retina, peaks in plasma concentrations during the night. Though still a subject of intense research, melatonin in mammals is known to effect the reproductive system, thyroid function, and adaptations to seasonal changes. Sled dogs in Fairbanks, Alaska (65 degrees N) can be exposed to anywhere from 21 h of daylight in the summer to 4 h in the winter. While light may be the primary factor influencing melatonin production, we hypothesized that exercise may also affect melatonin production. In the current study, sled dogs were used to study seasonal and diurnal variation in melatonin production. Sled dogs by nature are elite athletes and therefore exercise was a focus in the study. Both exercise and non exercise dogs from 2 distinct latitudes were used. The peak in melatonin production was prolonged in high latitude dogs (65 degrees N), compared with lower latitude dogs (45 degrees N). Dogs at both latitudes show a reduction in peak melatonin levels with exercise, and winter melatonin levels in both locations were higher than the summer. Surprisingly, sled dogs in Alaska had lower melatonin levels than sled dogs in New York.  相似文献   

Alaskan sled dogs are a genetically distinct population shaped by generations of selective interbreeding with purebred dogs to create a group of high-performance athletes. As a result of selective breeding strategies, sled dogs present a unique opportunity to employ admixture-mapping techniques to investigate how breed composition and trait selection impact genomic structure. We used admixture mapping to investigate genetic ancestry across the genomes of two classes of sled dogs, sprint and long-distance racers, and combined that with genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to identify regions that correlate with performance-enhancing traits. The sled dog genome is enhanced by differential contributions from four non-admixed breeds (Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky, German Shorthaired Pointer, and Borzoi). A principal components analysis (PCA) of 115,000 genome-wide SNPs clearly resolved the sprint and distance populations as distinct genetic groups, with longer blocks of linkage disequilibrium (LD) observed in the distance versus sprint dogs (7.5-10 and 2.5-3.75?kb, respectively). Furthermore, we identified eight regions with the genomic signal from either a selective sweep or an association analysis, corroborated by an excess of ancestry when comparing sprint and distance dogs. A comparison of elite and poor-performing sled dogs identified a single region significantly associated with heat tolerance. Within the region we identified seven SNPs within the myosin heavy chain 9 gene (MYH9) that were significantly associated with heat tolerance in sprint dogs, two of which correspond to conserved promoter and enhancer regions in the human ortholog.  相似文献   

Effects of psycho-emotional stress on contents of steroid hormones in the blood were studied in dogs with different typological properties of the higher nervous activity. Under stress condition, a significant correlation between the cortisol and testosterone levels and the dogs' typological characteristics was found. The more obvious fluctuations in the hormones level occurred in animals with strong and excitable type of the nervous system as compared with dogs belonging to weak and inert type.  相似文献   

The purpose of these studies was to determine how plasma levels of arginine vasopressin (pAVP) are related to workload, plasma osmolality (pOsm), blood volume (BV) and plasma angiotensin II (pAII) in exercising dogs. Measurements were made in dogs running on a treadmill at 7.5 km. hr-1 at slopes of 0, 10% and 20% when they were hydrated ad lib and when they had been deprived of drinking water and also in dogs running on a 20% slope after an IV infusion of hypertonic NaCl. Dehydration increased pOsm by 6.6% and reduced BV by 10% in resting dogs. In dehydrated animals, pAVP, pAII and pOsm were elevated above hydrated levels at rest and during exercise at all three workloads. In hydrated dogs, pOsm rose during exercise at 10% and 20% slopes but pAVP rose above resting levels only at the highest workload and pAII was not affected by exercise. In dehydrated dogs, pOsm and pAVP rose during exercise at 10% and 20% slopes and pAII was elevated at the 20% slope. BV decreased during exercise at the highest workload in both hydrated and dehydrated animals. After hypertonic NaCl, pAVP rose during exercise but pOsm and pAII did not. The results suggest that both osmotic and nonosmotic factors contribute to the release of AVP in exercising dogs and that exercise leads to a leftward shift in the relationship of pAVP to pOSM which could be a result of reduced blood volume.  相似文献   

Metabolic and hormonal responses to prolonged treadmill exercise in dogs fed a fat-enriched meal 4 h prior to the exercise were compared to those measured 4 h after a mixed meal or in the postabsorptive state. Ingestion of the fat-enriched meal caused significant elevations in the resting values of plasma triglyceride (TG), free fatty acid (FFA), and glycerol concentrations. A reduction of the plasma TG concentration (from 1.6 +/- 0.2 to 1.1 +/- 0.10 mmol X l-1, P less than 0.005) occurred only in dogs exercising after the fat-enriched meal. No significant changes in this variable were noted in dogs fed a mixed meal, whilst in the postabsorptive state exercise caused an increase in the plasma TG level (from 0.42 +/- 0.03 to 0.99 +/- 0.11 mmol X l-1, P less than 0.01). The exercise-induced elevations in plasma FFA and glycerol concentrations were the highest in the dogs given the fat-enriched meal. Plasma glycerol during exercise correlated with the initial values of circulating TG (r = 0.73). The plasma FFA-glycerol ratio, at the end of exercise was lowest in the dogs taking the fat-enriched meal (1.39 +/- 0.19), suggesting an increased utilization of FFA in comparison with that in the postabsorptive state (3.27 +/- 0.37) or after a mixed meal (2.88 +/- 0.55). Basal serum insulin (IRI) concentrations were similarly enhanced in dogs fed fat-enriched and mixed meals, and they were reduced to control values within 60 min of exercise.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Studies show mixed conclusions about acute responses of copper status to strenuous exercise. Because copper function involves metalloenzyme activities, which might take days to change, the present study examined the response of three copper metalloenzyme activities to sustained strenuous exercise in sled dogs. A race lasting 12–15 d depressed activities for both plasma ceruloplasmin and erythrocyte superoxide dismutase in dogs consuming commercial dog foods and meats. A shorter, 3-d training run for dogs fed a commercial balanced diet also depressed ceruloplasmin activities but not superoxide dismutase activities. Dogs fed the same diet but that did not run showed no changes in either parameter. Activities of a third copper enzyme, plasma diamine oxidase, also decreased after a 3-d training run. In summary, blood activities of three copper enzymes were depressed by sustained strenuous exercise in sled dogs.  相似文献   

Estrogen receptor stereochemistry: receptor binding and hormonal responses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Estrogen stimulation of the uterus elicits a spectrum of biochemical responses which are customarily linked together. DES and certain structural analogs, indenestrol A (IA), indenestrol B (IB), indanestrol (I), and pseudo DES (PD), were used as probes to segregate various genomic responses previously considered interrelated, most notably the events of specific protein synthesis, DNA synthesis, and mitosis. These compounds have poor uterotrophic activity; except for I, they interact specifically with mouse uterine estrogen receptors (ER) with high affinity. All translocate stoichiometrically similar amounts of ER complex to the nucleus. IA and IB possess a single chiral carbon atom and exist as a mixture of enantiomers (ENT). We investigated whether the poor biological activity of IA could be explained by differential activity of the enantiomers. The IA ENT were separated to greater than 98% purity using a chirally active HPLC column. Competitive binding assays to cytosolic ER demonstrated a stereochemical chiral preference. This preference was also evident from nuclear ER translocation experiments. IB was as active as DES to induce mouse uterine glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD), while the other compounds had weak activity. Induction of cytosolic progesterone receptor (PR) was stimulated by all the DES compounds. Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) was stimulated 600% by DES and 180% by IB; the other compounds had no significant activity. Uterine DNA synthesis was increased by DES and IB. Thymidine autoradiography indicated nuclear labeling was occurring primarily in luminal epithelium. Treatment with PD increased uterine cell height but not cell numbers, suggesting the two responses are not necessarily interdependent as previously thought and may require two separate receptor interactions. Such a probe should be useful in studying the individual events involved in estrogen-induced uterine growth. These data also indicate that induction of ER, PR and G-6-PD are not coupled. Therefore, stimulation of a certain uterine response may depend on the structure of the particular ligand receptor complex formed, and its interaction may be regulated by specificity at the genomic acceptor site.  相似文献   

The metabolic and hormonal response during squash was observed in eight normal men. Significant increases from resting were found for blood glucose, lactate, pyruvate, alanine and glycerol while total ketone bodies and plasma nonesterified fatty acids rose after play stopped. Insulin and C-peptide decreased significantly and catecholamines, ACTH, prolactin and growth hormone increased.  相似文献   

The simultaneous time courses of hydromineral hormones (renin-aldosterone system, arginine vasopressin, and atrial natriuretic peptide) and renal responses were examined during and after the completion of hyperhydration induced by glycerol and fluid ingestion. Eight healthy young male Caucasian subjects participated in two separate trials, each including three consecutive phases in a thermoneutral environment. Phases 1 and 3 involved a 90-min period at rest, while phase 2 involved a 120-min period at rest designed to provide either (i) euhydration (control trial) or (ii) hyperhydration induced by ingestion of glycerol (1.1 g/kg body mass) and fluid (21.4 mL/kg body mass). During the 2-h time period of glycerol and fluid ingestion, urine flow, urine osmolality, and plasma levels of hydromineral hormones remained at basal values. In contrast, after hyperhydration completion during phase 3, the diuresis increased markedly together with a dilution of the urine (p < 0.05) while hormonal responses did not change. These results indicate significant differences in renal responses during and after hyperhydration completion and suggest that these changes are independent of fluid-regulating hormonal responses.  相似文献   

Phytohormones not only orchestrate intrinsic developmental programs from germination to senescence but also regulate environmental inputs through complex signalling pathways. Despite building an own signalling network, hormones mutually contribute several signalling systems, which are also essential for plant growth and development, defense, and responses to abiotic stresses. One of such important signalling cascades is G-proteins, which act as critical regulators of a wide range of fundamental cellular processes by transducing receptor signals to the intracellular environment. G proteins are composed of α, β, and γ subunits, and the molecular switching between active and inactive conformation of Gα controls the signalling cycle. The active GTP bound Gα and freed Gβγ have both independent and tightly coordinated roles in the regulation of effector molecules, thereby modulating multiple responses, including hormonal responses. Therefore, an interplay of hormones with G-proteins fine-tunes multiple biological processes of plants; however, their molecular mechanisms are largely unknown. Functional characterization of hormone biosynthesis, perception, and signalling components, as well as identification of few effector molecules of G-proteins and their interaction networks, reduces the complexity of the hormonal signalling networks related to G-proteins. In this review, we highlight a valuable insight into the mechanisms of how the G-protein signalling cascades connect with hormonal responses to regulate increased developmental flexibility as well as remarkable plasticity of plants.  相似文献   

The majority of injuries in scuba-divers are attributable to inappropriate behavior under stressful diving conditions, predominantly involving panic reactions emerging from elevated levels of anxiety. Divers with an elevated level of anxiety and poor coping are at higher risk of developing panic reactions than those possessing more adequate stress-coping-mechanisms. In the comparison of two extreme groups of seven divers each with opposite stress coping strategies, prolactin was found to be a hormonal marker with a significant increase in the sub-group of the stress-controllers. This hormonal response was observed in a recreational and a stressful dive, and in the latter with a more distinct elevation. Along with the self-reported emotional conditions under immersion, these data suggest that an increased prolactin level reflects a state of elevated physical and mental activation and vigilance. Facing a stressful situation subjects with more emotional concern and the tendency to surrender react by "blunted responses" and show significantly lower elevations of the prolactin levels in contrast to subjects with the very opposite psychological features. The other observed somatic parameters (epinephrine, norepinephrine) showed significant increases during and after dives (with the exception of saliva cortisol), however without any significant group difference.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of lower body positive pressure (LBPP) on kidney function while controlling certain cardiovascular and endocrine responses, seven men [35 +/- 2 (SE) yr] underwent 30 min of sitting and then 4.5 h of 70 degrees head-up tilt. An antigravity suit was applied (60 Torr legs, 30 Torr abdomen) during the last 3 h of tilt. A similar noninflation experiment was conducted where the suited subjects were tilted for 3.5 h. To provide adequate urine flow, the subjects were hydrated during the course of both experiments. Immediately after inflation, mean arterial pressure increased by 8 +/- 3 Torr and pulse rate decreased by 16 +/- 3 beats/min. Plasma renin activity and aldosterone were maximally suppressed (P less than 0.05) after 2.5 h of inflation. Plasma vasopressin decreased by 40-50% (P less than 0.05) and plasma sodium and potassium remained unchanged during both experiments. Glomerular filtration rate was not increased significantly by inflation, whereas inflation induced marked increases (P less than 0.05) in effective renal plasma flow (ERPF), urine flow, osmolar and free water clearances, and total and fractional sodium excretion. No such changes occurred during control. Thus, LBPP induces 1) a significant increase in ERPF and 2) significant changes in kidney excretory patterns similar to those observed during water immersion or the early phase of bed rest, situations that also result in central vascular volume expansion.  相似文献   

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