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Conalbumin (CA)-specific type 2 helper T cell (Th2) clone, D10G4.1 (D10) produces IL4 when stimulated with varying doses of TNP-CA in the presence of mitomycin C-treated C3H spleen cells or purified B cells as antigen-presenting cells (APC). The production of IL4 was assessed by bioassay and by expression of IL4 mRNA. IL4 production reached maximum at 100 micrograms/ml of TNP-CA, whereas 1 microgram/ml of the antigen induced less than 10% of the maximum level of IL4. This lower level of IL4 production was augmented to the maximum level when monoclonal anti-TNP IgG1 was added to the culture at 0.5-1 microgram/ml. Anti-TNP IgE, but not anti-TNP IgM, was also effective, though IgE was 1/10 as effective as IgG1. IgG1 with an irrelevant specificity and F(ab')2 of anti-TNP IgG1 did not show augmenting effects. Moreover, the enhancement by anti-TNP IgG1 was completely abolished by monoclonal antibody against murine Fc gamma RII, 2.4G2. These results suggest that a low dose of the antigen complexed with IgG1 is focused on APC by means of Fc gamma RII, processed, and presented efficiently to the Th2 clone. On the other hand, the co-culture of D10 with normal C3H B cells in the presence of 1-100 micrograms/ml TNP-CA resulted in polyclonal IgE production. Anti-TNP IgG1 markedly augmented the lower level of IgE production induced by a suboptimal dose of the antigen (1 microgram/ml). This augmentation was shown to be dependent on endogenous IL4 because the enhancement was abolished by monoclonal anti-IL4 (11B11).  相似文献   

The function of IgE class-specific suppressor factor (IgE-TsF) from T hybridomas was studied by employing IgE-producing B hybridomas. IgE-TsF was obtained from IgE class-specific T hybridomas, which had been established by the fusion of a phosphorylcholine-conjugated Mycobacterium-primed T cell population with the T lymphoma cell line BW5147. The absorption experiments showed that IgE-TsF from T hybridomas was composed of the binding site(s) for IgE and I region gene products as observed in conventional IgE-TsF. Incubation of IgE-producing B hybridomas with IgE-TsF for 1 hr at 37 degrees C resulted in the reduction of the number of IgE-secreting cells when assessed by a reverse plaque assay. The proportions of surface IgE-positive cells were concomitantly reduced. After 24 hr incubation with IgE-TsF, the number of cytoplasmic IgE-positive cells was reduced, showing that IgE synthesis was inhibited by IgE-TsF. Antigen-specific TsF from phosphorylcholine-specific T hybridomas did not show any inhibitory effect, and IgE-TsF did not block the antibody production of IgM-producing B hybridomas. Precapping of IgE receptors by anti-epsilon antibody or the simultaneous addition of soluble IgE with IgE-TsF abrogated the suppressive function, suggesting that IgE-TsF acted directly on B epsilon cells through binding with IgE receptors.  相似文献   

Our findings using B cells from either wild-type, CD86-deficient, or beta 2-adrenergic receptor (beta2AR)-deficient mice suggest three mechanisms by which the level of IgG1 and IgE production can be increased on a per cell basis. Trinitrophenyl-specific B cells enriched from unimmunized mouse spleens were pre-exposed to Ag and/or the beta 2AR ligand terbutaline for 24 h before being activated by either a beta 2AR-negative Th2 cell clone or CD40 ligand/Sf9 cells and IL-4 in the presence or absence of an anti-CD86 Ab. Data suggest that the first mechanism involves a B cell receptor (BCR)-dependent up-regulation of CD86 expression that, when CD86 is stimulated, increases the amount of IgG1 and IgE produced in comparison to unstimulated cells. The second mechanism involves a BCR- and beta 2AR-dependent up-regulation of CD86 to a level higher than that induced by stimulation of either receptor alone that, when CD86 is stimulated, further increases the amount of IgG1 and IgE produced. The third mechanism is BCR-independent and involves a beta 2AR-dependent increase in the ability of a B cell to respond to IL-4. Flow cytometric and limiting dilution analyses suggest that the increase in IgG1 and IgE occurs independently from the isotype switching event. These findings suggest that the BCR, the beta 2AR, and CD86 are involved in regulating IL-4-dependent IgG1 and IgE production.  相似文献   

IL-4 promotes IgG1 and IgE secretion by murine B cells stimulated with bacterial LPS. We show that stimulation of unprimed resting splenic B cells with LPS and 10(4) U/ml rIL-4 results in the expression of membrane (m) IgG1 and mIgE on 40 to 50% and 15 to 25% of the total B cell population, respectively, on day 4 of culture. The possibility of a significant contribution to cell surface staining by cytophilic, secreted Ig isotypes was eliminated by either the addition of anti-Fc gamma or anti-Fc epsilon R mAb during the culture or by acid treatment before staining. A similar proportion of IgE-expressing B cells are also found, after stimulation with LPS and 10(4) U/ml IL-4, by cytoplasmic staining using fluorescence microscopy. Cell sorting analysis further indicates that B cell populations that express mIgG1 and mIgE secrete these respective Ig isotypes. In addition, such cells show striking diminution in IgM secretion compared to mIgG1- or mIgE- sorted B cells. Stimulation with LPS and IL-4 (10(4) U/ml) induces co-expression of mIgG1 and mIgE on LPS-stimulated B cells; up to 75% of mIgE+ B cells co-express mIgG1 and up to 19% of mIgG1+ B cells express mIgE. This striking co-expression of mIgG1 and mIgE is mirrored by the co-expression of mIgG1 with mIgG3 and mIgG2b by B cells stimulated with LPS and 200 U/ml IL-4. Cell sorting analysis demonstrates that the B cell population that co-expresses mIgG1 and mIgE secretes both IgG1 and IgE. However, "two-color" cytoplasmic staining fails to demonstrate any B cells that simultaneously secrete both IgG1 and IgE.  相似文献   

The production of IgE and IgG1 was studied in untreated, thymectomized. splenectomized, anti-thymocyte serum-treated, or sublethally X-irradiated mice. Dinitrophenyl Ascaris and ovalbumin were used as antigens, and aluminum hydroxide was used as adjuvant. A suppression of IgE production was observed in adult thymectomized mice, although the kinetic pattern of the antibody response was the same as in control animals. IgG1 antibody production was not affected by thymectomy. Splenectomy did not change either IgE or IgG1 production. A single dose of rabbit anti-thymocyte serum (ATS) given 8 days after immunization inhibited IgE antibody production. The effect of ATS was dose dependent and also varied with the amount of antigen used, the immune response to high doses being more susceptible to the effect of ATS. No alteration in IgG1 production was caused by ATS even when IgE antibody formation was completely inhibited. When preceding immunization, sublethal irradiation enhanced IgE antibody formation and partially suppressed IgG1 production; applied after immunization, irradiation caused an enhancement of IgE production which was inversely proportional to the interval elapsed between the two procedures. On the other hand, the IgG1 antibody production was fairly resistant to the same treatment. The results suggest a clearcut separation between the mechanisms regulating IgE and IgG1 production in mice.  相似文献   

Autoimmune MRL-lpr/lpr and NZB/W mice spontaneously secrete large quantities of pathogenic IgG1 and IgG2a autoantibodies. NZB mice also produce autoantibodies but these tend to be of the IgM H chain class. This work examines whether differences in the isotype of autoantibody produced by lupus-prone mice reflects differences in the sensitivity of autoreactive B cells to lymphokine-mediated IgG secretion. Twenty-five percent of normal BALB/c B cells produced IgG1 when stimulated in vitro with IL-4 plus LPS. This was comparable with the effect of IL-4 on small resting B cells from MRL-lpr/lpr and NZB/W mice. In contrast, less than 8% of the resting B cells from NZB mice produced IgG1 under these conditions. LPS plus IFN-gamma induced 5% of BALB/c and NZB/W but only 1% of NZB B cells to secrete IgG2a. Because lymphocytes from both young and old NZB mice showed diminished IgG1 and IgG2a secretion after lymphokine treatment, B cells from this strain appeared to be intrinsically resistant to the effects of IL-4 and IFN-gamma. In contrast, a disproportionately large proportion (22%) of B cells from adult MRL-lpr/lpr mice produced IgG2a when treated with IFN-gamma in vitro. Only B cells from MRL-lpr/lpr mice with active disease responded with such high levels of IgG2a production: cells from animals that had not yet developed clinical disease produced normal levels of IgG2a. Within each strain, B cells producing antibodies against autoantigens such as DNA, bromelain-treated mouse RBC and Sm responded to treatment with IL-4 and IFN-gamma in a manner indistinguishable from B cells producing antibodies against conventional Ag such as TNP and ARS.  相似文献   

The mechanism(s) controlling activation of naive B cells, their proliferation, Ag receptor affinity maturation, isotype switching, and their fate as memory or plasma cells is not fully elucidated. Here we show that between 24 and 60% of CD19+ cells in PBMC bind soluble CD14 (sCD14). Tonsillar B cells also bind sCD14, but preferentially the CD38-ve/low cells. Interaction of sCD14 with B cells resulted in higher levels of IgG1 and marked inhibition of IgE production by activated tonsillar B cells and Ag-stimulated PBMC. We found that sCD14 interfered with CD40 signaling in B cells, inhibited IL-6 production by activated B cells, and increased the kinetics and magnitude of CD40 ligand expression on T cells. Together with the previously reported effects on T cells, these findings define sCD14 as a novel soluble regulatory factor capable of modulating cellular and humoral immune responses by interacting directly with T and B cells.  相似文献   

During the course of generating tetanus toxoid (TT)-specific T cell clones frm an HLA-DR2,7 donor, four clones were obtained which proliferated in the presence of autologous monocytes alone without the addition of TT antigen. This proliferation was specifically inhibited by anti-HLA-DR framework mouse monoclonal antibody, and appeared to be HLA-DR-restricted. Two of the clones proliferated in response to HLA-DR2-bearing monocytes, and the other two clones proliferated in response to HLA-DR7-bearing monocytes. The capacity of these four autoreactive human T cell helper clones to induce IgE synthesis in B cells was studied. All four clones stimulated autologous peripheral blood B cells to synthesize IgE and IgG antibody. Induction of IgE synthesis in B cells by the autoreactive T cell clones followed the same pattern of HLA-DR restriction which governed the proliferative response of these clones. These results suggest that the interaction of autoreactive helper T cells with B cell HLA-DR antigens may be important in the activation of IgE immune responses in humans.  相似文献   

The production of anti-trinitrophenyl (TNP) antibodies of different isotypes from in vivo primed B cells was studied using the plaque-forming cell method. It was shown that these B cells secrete anti-trinitrophenyl antibodies of different isotypes only in the presence of Th2 cells specific for keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) and the hapten-carrier conjugate TNP-KLH. Lipopolysaccharide-stimulated primed B cells without cells from the Th2 clone did not produce anti-TNP-specific IgG1 or IgE antibodies even in the presence of the hapten-carrier antigen TNP-KLH. Supernatants from these Th2 clones cultured with antigen-presenting cells and the complete antigen were unable to activate primed B cells for antibody secretion. Cognate interaction between primed B cells and carrier-specific Th2 cells is a prerequisite for hapten-specific IgG1 or IgE production. Anti-IL-4 antibody inhibited secretion of anti-hapten IgE antibody. Therefore, for production of anti-hapten antibody of the IgE isotype IL-4 is also necessary.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that insulin receptor substrate (IRS)1 and IRS2 mediate proliferative and antiapoptotic signaling through the IL-4R in 32D cells; however their role in regulating normal B cell responses is not clear. To investigate the role of IRS2 in normal B cell function, we developed IRS2 transgenic (Tg) mice on the C57BL/6 background. Western blot analysis revealed a 2-fold elevation in IRS2 protein levels in Tg(+) mice compared with littermate controls and a 3-fold increase in basal tyrosine phosphorylated IRS2 in the absence of IL-4 stimulation. IL-4-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS2 was elevated in Tg(+) B cells, whereas IL-4-induced phosphorylation of STAT6 was similar between Tg(+) and Tg(-) B cells. Tg expression of IRS2 had little effect on IL-4-mediated proliferation and no effect on protection from apoptosis. However, production of IgE and IgG1 by Tg(+) B cells using standard in vitro conditions was diminished 50-60%. Because Ig production in vitro is known to be highly cell concentration-dependent, we performed experiments at different cell concentrations. Interestingly, at very low B cell concentrations (1000-5000 B cells/well), IgE and IgG1 production by Tg(+) B cells was greater than that of controls, whereas at higher cell concentrations (10,000-20,000 cells/well) Ig production by Tg(+) B cells was less than controls. Furthermore, in vivo immunization with OVA-alum or goat anti-IgD resulted in elevated serum IgE levels in the Tg(+) mice. These results indicate that overexpression of IRS2 alters the B cell intrinsic density-dependence of IgE and IgG1 production in vitro and enhances IgE responses in vivo.  相似文献   

It has been reported that IL-27 specifically induces the production of IgG2a by mouse B cells and inhibits IL-4-induced IgG1 synthesis. Here, we show that human na?ve cord blood expresses a functional IL-27 receptor, consisting of the TCCR and gp130 subunits, although at lower levels as compared to na?ve and memory splenic B cells. IL-27 does not induce proliferative responses and does not increase IgG1 production by CD19(+)CD27(+) memory B cells. However, it induces a low, but significant production of IgG1 by na?ve CD19(+)CD27(-)IgD(+)IgG(-) spleen and cord blood B cells, activated via CD40, whereas it has no effect on the production of the other IgG subclasses. In addition, IL-27 induces the differentiation of a population of B cells that express high levels of CD38, in association with a down-regulation of surface IgD expression, and that are surface IgG(+/int), CD20(low), CD27(high), indicating that IL-27 promotes isotype switching and plasma cell differentiation of naive B cells. However, as compared to the effects of IL-21 and IL-10, both switch factors for human IgG1 and IgG3, those of IL-27 are modest and regulate exclusively the production of IgG1. Finally, although IL-27 has no effect on IL-4 and anti-CD40-induced Cepsilon germline promoter activity, it up-regulates IL-4-induced IgE production by naive B cells. These results point to a partial redundancy of switch factors regulating the production of IgG1 in humans, and furthermore indicate the existence of a common regulation of the human IgG1and murine IgG2a isotypes by IL-27.  相似文献   

The present study examines the role of the immunosuppressive agents methylprednisolone (MPN) and cyclosporin (Cs)A on IL-4-dependent IgE and IgG production. Addition of optimal amounts of IL-4 (100 U/ml) to cultures of tonsil mononuclear cells resulted in a mean increase in IgG production of 175% and in IgE production of 2460%. Frequency analysis of IgE- and IgG-producing B cells, using an ELISA spot assay, showed parallel increases in both Ig production and numbers of Ig-secreting B cells. IgE production was also enhanced by addition of IL-2 (10 U/ml) and maximal IgE production was obtained with a combination of IL-4 and IL-2. MPN (10(-7) M) and CsA (1 microgram/ml) markedly reduced IL4-induced IgE and IgG production as well as numbers of Ig-secreting cells in a dose-dependent fashion. The suppression of Ig production by the cyclosporins was restricted to the immunosuppressive compounds CsA, CsG, and dihydro-CsD, but not the nonimmunosuppressive drug CsH. Delayed addition of CsA revealed that inhibition was maximal when the drug was added during the first 48 h after addition of IL-4 to the culture. Addition of IL-2 (10 U/ml) partially overcame the inhibition induced by CsA. In coculture experiments, in which separated T or B cells were precultured with the drugs and the cells were then combined and further incubated in the presence of IL-4, the suppressive effects of CsA on IgE production were related to pretreatment of the T but not B cells. The maximum inhibiting effects of MPN were similarly observed when the drug was present in the cultures from the beginning, and addition of IL-2 also partially reversed this inhibition. In contrast to the results with CsA, pretreatment of the B but not T cells with MPN-reduced IgE production. These studies demonstrate that IL-4 increases both numbers of IgE-secreting cells as well as IgE production and CsA and MPN differentially affect the responding T and B cells, resulting in inhibition of Ig production.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that mAb Ly-5 which on B cells recognizes a 220,000-Da (B220) molecule, inhibits LPS-induced IgG responses without affecting IgM or proliferative responses, whereas mAb Lyb-2 which modulates B cell activation processes induced by B cell stimulatory factor-1 (BSF-1) or IL-4, has no effect on LPS-induced B cell responses. In this report we further examined the cellular mechanisms of Ly-5 antibody action and the effect of Lyb-2 antibody in IgG responses induced by LPS and BSF-1. The results presented demonstrated that the inhibitory effect of Ly-5 antibody seems to be restricted to the IgG class and is observed in all IgG subclasses induced by LPS. Limiting dilution analysis showed that the Ly-5 antibody reduces primarily the precursor frequency of IgG-secreting cells and that the effect on the clone size is partial. Lyb-2 antibody, on the other hand, greatly inhibited IgG1 induction initiated by LPS and BSF-1 by the action on processes triggered by BSF-1, although it could not reverse the reduced IgG2b or IgG3 responses. Limiting dilution analysis revealed that Lyb-2 antibody reduces the precursor frequency but not the clone size of BSF-1-induced IgG1-producing cells, supporting our previous proposition that Lyb-2 plays a critical role in the B cell differentiation mediated by BSF-1. Taken together, these results indicate that both Ly-5 and Lyb-2 are important molecules in IgG subclass regulation, each acting on a distinct activation step.  相似文献   

T regulatory-1 cells induce IgG4 production by B cells: role of IL-10   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The study was aimed to find out whether T cells with a regulatory profile could regulate the secretion of IgG4. Using tetanus Ag we found that PBMC of healthy human donors responded to exogenous IL-10 by down-regulating IgG1 and increasing IgG4 secretion. IgE was not affected. To investigate the direct effect of IL-10-producing T cells on B cells, we generated T cell clones (TCC) with two different cytokine profiles: first, IL-10high, IL-2low, IL-4low TCC, and second, IL-10low, IL-2high, IL-4high. The T cell-dependent Ab secretion was measured by coculturing purified CD19+ B cells and the TCC. Interestingly, we found that IgG4 production in the coculture correlated with the TCC production of IL-10 (r2 = 0.352, p = 0.0001), but not with IL-2, IL-4, nor IFN-gamma. IgE showed only a trend with regard to IL-4. Further, there was decreased Ab secretion in the absence of T-B cell contact. IL-10 also induced IgG4 when added to a Th1 TCC-B cell coculture system. The present study thus shows that in T-B cell coculture, IL-10, if induced by the TCC or added to the system, down-regulates the immune response by inducing IgG4 secretion. This establishes a direct implication of IL-10 in humoral hyporesponsiveness, particularly in compartments where the T-B cell interplay determines the subsequent immune response. The correlation between IgG4 and IL-10 (r2 = 0.352) indicates that IL-10 is an important but not the only factor for IgG4 induction.  相似文献   

Suppression by IL-2 of IgE production by B cells stimulated by IL-4.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IgE production was obtained from B cells of BALB/c or nude mice when these cells were cultured with IL-4 plus LPS. IL-2 added to these cultures at the start (day 0), 1 or 2 days later completely suppressed the production of IgE. The production of IgG1 was also inhibited, but only if IL-2 was added on day 0. The production of other isotypes (IgM, IgG2a, IgG2b) was only slightly decreased by addition of IL-2. No suppression of IgE or IgG1 production was observed if monoclonal anti-IL-2 was added, whereas anti-IFN-gamma had no effect on the suppression of the production of these isotypes. The expression of CD23 on the third day of culture on B cells stimulated with LPS and IL-4 was markedly decreased when IL-2 was added to the cultures on day 0. Addition of monoclonal anti-IL-2 suppressed all effects produced by IL-2, whereas addition of anti-IFN-gamma had no effect. These results show that the suppression by IL-2, at least for the first signaling processes, are different from the suppression produced by IFN-gamma.  相似文献   

Seven T cell clones were established from mixed leukocyte cultures in which PBMC from two healthy donors and from one patient suffering from the hyper-IgE syndrome were stimulated by the irradiated EBV-transformed B cell lines JY or UD53. Five of seven T cell clones, after activation by co-cultivation with JY or UD53 cells, induced a low degree of IgE production by normal blood B cells. In one experiment in which the normal B cells could activate the T cell clones directly, IgE production was also observed in the absence of the specific stimulator cells. IgE production was also obtained with supernatants of the T cell clones collected 4 to 5 days after activation by their specific stimulator cells. In addition, the supernatants induced IgG, IgA, and IgM synthesis. All seven clones produced variable concentrations of IL-4 and IFN-gamma. The clones FA-28 and BG-39, which failed to induce IgE synthesis, produced, compared with the other clones tested, relatively high quantities of IFN-gamma (4700 and 2500 pg/ml, respectively). These high levels of IFN-gamma accounted for the lack of induction of IgE synthesis, because in the presence of a polyclonal anti-IFN-gamma antiserum, supernatants of FA-10 and BG-39 induced significant IgE production. In addition, the low degree of IgE production induced by supernatants of two other T cell clones (FA28 and BG24) was 15- and 3-fold enhanced, respectively, in the presence of the anti-IFN-gamma antiserum. IgE synthesis by normal B cells was also induced by rIL-4, indicating that IL-4 present in T cell clone supernatants was responsible for induction of IgE production. This notion was supported by the finding that IgE production induced by supernatant of BG-24 was strongly inhibited by a polyclonal anti-IL-4 antiserum. In contrast, IgG and IgA production induced by supernatant of BG-24 were not significantly affected by the anti-IL-4 antiserum. Only a slight inhibition of IgM synthesis was observed. Collectively, our results indicate that both recombinant and naturally produced IL-4 induce normal human B cells to synthesize IgE. However, final IgE production induced by T cell clone supernatants is the net result of the inducing and suppressive effects of IL-4 and IFN-gamma respectively, that are secreted simultaneously by the T cell clones upon activation.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E2 promotes IL-4-induced IgE and IgG1 synthesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PG of the E series are generally known to suppress immune responses, however, we have found that PGE synergizes with IL-4 to induce IgE and IgG1 production in LPS-stimulated murine B lymphocytes. PGE2 and PGE1 (10(-6) to 10(-8) M) significantly increase IgE and IgG1 production (up to 26-fold) at all concentrations of IL-4 tested. In addition to its effects on IgE and IgG1, PGE also causes a significant decrease in IgM and IgG3 synthesis, suggesting that PGE may promote IL-4-induced class switching. The specificity of the E series PG effect is demonstrated by the fact that PGF2 alpha (10(-6) M) does not alter production of any of these isotypes. Because PGE can mediate its effects through cAMP in some cases, we investigated the importance of cAMP levels in regulation of isotype expression. Other agents that increase intracellular cAMP levels (cholera toxin and dibutyryl cAMP) were assessed for their ability to regulate isotype differentiation. Cholera toxin (100 pg/ml) and dibutyryl cAMP (100 microM) significantly enhanced IgE and IgG1 production and diminished IgM and IgG3 synthesis. We also show that PGE and cholera toxin elevate intracellular cAMP in B lymphocytes in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, PGF2 alpha (10(-6) M) and the B subunit of cholera toxin (100 pg/ml) did not increase cAMP and did not regulate the isotype of Ig produced, reiterating the importance of cAMP in enhancing isotype differentiation. Although PGE is known to inhibit a number of immune responses, our data show that it is not always inhibitory. PGE may play a role in atopy in vivo where PGE-secreting cells such as macrophages, follicular dendritic cells, and fibroblasts can promote IgE synthesis. This research emphasizes the importance of PGE in regulation of the humoral immune response and adds a new stimulatory action to the repertoire of known PGE effects.  相似文献   

The ability of IL-4 to influence the developmental expression of the murine B cell IgE Fc receptor (Fc epsilon R) was examined. Spleen cells from neonatal mice of increasing age were incubated overnight with IL-4 and subsequently examined with multicolor flow cytometry. The results demonstrate that IL-4 can significantly increase the number of maturing B cells which express the Fc epsilon R. This effect was only seen however, on those neonatal B cells which already displayed surface IgD. Splenic B cells which were IgM+, IgD- failed to express the Fc epsilon R when treated with IL-4, even though they responded by increasing their level of class II Ag expression. Further experiments showed that the inability of IgD- immature B cells to express the Fc epsilon R could not be entirely explained by their assignment to the Ly-1 lineage. Taken together, these results indicate that IL-4 can accelerate the developmental expression of the B cell Fc epsilon R, but only on those B cells that are mature enough to express IgD.  相似文献   

A functional IL-13R involves at least two cell surface proteins, the IL-13R alpha 1 and IL-4R alpha. Using a soluble form of the murine IL-13R alpha 1 (sIL-13R), we reveal several novel features of this system. The sIL-13R promotes proliferation and augmentation of Ag-specific IgM, IgG2a, and IgG2b production by murine germinal center (GC) B cells in vitro. These effects were enhanced by CD40 signaling and were not inhibited by an anti-IL4R alpha mAb, a result suggesting other ligands. In GC cell cultures, sIL-13R also promoted IL-6 production, and interestingly, sIL-13R-induced IgG2a and IgG2b augmentation was absent in GC cells isolated from IL-6-deficient mice. Furthermore, the effects of the sIL-13R molecule were inhibited in the presence of an anti-IL-13 mAb, and preincubation of GC cells with IL-13 enhanced the sIL-13R-mediated effects. When sIL-13R was injected into mice, it served as an adjuvant-promoting production to varying degrees of IgM and IgG isotypes. We thus propose that IL-13R alpha 1 is a molecule involved in B cell differentiation, using a mechanism that may involve regulation of IL-6-responsive elements. Taken together, our data reveal previously unknown activities as well as suggest that the ligand for the sIL-13R might be a component of the IL-13R complex or a counterstructure yet to be defined.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a major pathway for degradation of cytoplasmic components, and is induced by some apoptotic stimuli mostly in cancer cells under the condition in which apoptosis is blocked. Ligation of the B cell antigen receptor (BCR) induces apoptosis and plays a crucial role in self-tolerance. However, whether BCR ligation induces autophagy is not clear. Here, we demonstrate that autophagosomes are extensively formed in normal mouse B cells as well as the WEHI-231 B cell line upon induction of BCR ligation-induced apoptosis regardless of whether apoptosis is blocked by overexpression of Bcl-2. In contrast, autophagosomes were not formed during apoptosis of spleen B cells cultured with medium alone or in BCR-ligated BAL17 cells which do not undergo apoptosis. Moreover, autophagy is not induced when apoptotic BCR signaling is abrogated by CD40 signaling. These results indicate that autophagy is induced specifically by apoptotic BCR signaling even in unmanipulated normal B cells.  相似文献   

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