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Environmental enrichment involves increasing the complexity of a fish's environment in order to improve welfare. Researchers are legally obliged to consider the welfare of laboratory animals and poor welfare may result in less robust data in experimental science. Laboratory zebrafish Danio rerio are usually kept in bare aquaria for ease of husbandry and, despite being a well-studied species, little is known about how laboratory housing affects their welfare. This study shows that environmental enrichment, in the form of the addition of gravel substratum and plants into the tank, affects survivorship, growth and behaviour in laboratory-maintained D. rerio. Larvae reared in enriched tanks had significantly higher survivorship compared with larvae reared in bare tanks. Effects of the tank conditions on growth were more variable. Females from enriched tanks had a higher body condition than females maintained in bare tanks, but intriguingly this was not the case for males, where the only difference was a more variable body condition in males maintained in bare tanks. Sex ratio in the rearing tanks did not differ between treatments. Resource monopolisation was higher for fish in enriched tanks than for those in bare tanks. Fish from enriched tanks displayed lower levels of behaviours associated with anxiety compared with fish from bare tanks when placed into a novel environment. Thus, this study demonstrates differences in welfare for D. rerio maintained under different environmental conditions with enhancements in welfare more commonly associated with tank enrichment.  相似文献   

Females are aggressive in many species but relatively little is known about the hormonal basis of female aggression, especially in free-living animals. Female mountain spiny lizards aggressively defend territories from other females. Previously, we showed that plasma levels of testosterone (T) and estradiol (E) are positively associated with levels of female aggression. Here, we manipulated hormone levels in free-living females and examined aggression expressed by females returned to their natural territories. Females received one of the following: (1) ovariectomy + empty implant (OVEX), (2) ovariectomy + T implant (T-IMP), or (3) sham surgery + empty implant (SHAM). OVEX females had reduced plasma levels of E but not T relative to SHAM females. T-IMP females had elevated plasma levels of T. Levels of display and aggression in OVEX females were reduced relative to SHAM females. T-IMP females had restored levels of display behavior although, unlike SHAM, no T-IMP females expressed the overt aggressive behavior of charging. These data are most consistent with the hypothesis that an ovarian factor such as E promotes female aggression, since ovariectomy reduced both plasma E and aggression but had no effect on plasma T. The results from the T-IMP females are also consistent with this hypothesis if we assume that the effects of T are due to aromatization to E in target tissues. The data do not rule out a role for T in promoting female aggression since T-implants resulted in elevated plasma T and restored display behaviors. This study represents one of the first studies examining the hormonal basis of female aggression in free-living females.  相似文献   

The influence of progesterone on sexual and aggressive behaviors during aggressive encounters was investigated in pairs of TP-treated male and female rats. Gonadectomized females, chronically injected with testosterone propionate (TP), showed low but consistent levels of feminine sexual behavior which alternated with aggression. Progesterone when given in addition to TP facilitated receptive and proceptive behaviors, but reduced levels of aggression. In TP-treated males, levels of aggression were the same as observed in TP-treated females. However, TP-treated males seldomly showed sexual behavior during aggressive encounters and additional treatment with progesterone did not affect their behavior. After the aggression tests, animals were tested in a social preference test in which an ovariectomized female cage mate and the opponent from the aggressive encounter served as incentives. Positive correlations between levels of aggression and social preference for an opponent were found in both sexes, although correlations only reached statistical significance when progesterone was given in addition to TP. These correlations were found in both sexes, despite the fact that group analysis revealed pronounced sex differences in social preference: males preferred to spend their time near ovariectomized female cage mates, whereas females divided their time equally among female cage mates and opponents.  相似文献   

The ‘challenge hypothesis’ posits that variation in male testosterone levels is more closely associated with aggression in reproductive contexts than it is with changes in reproductive physiology. Numerous bird studies support this idea, but few tests have been conducted with primates. We conducted behavioural observations and noninvasive hormone sampling of 11 male chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii, in the Kanyawara study site, Kibale National Park, to test predictions of the challenge hypothesis. Results indicated that adult male chimpanzees showed significant testosterone increases during periods when parous females showed maximally tumescent sexual swellings. These periods were also marked by increased rates of male aggression. Male testosterone levels did not increase in the presence of maximally tumescent nulliparous females. Such females are less attractive to males: they are not mate-guarded, nor do rates of male aggression increase when they are swelling. Male chimpanzees copulate with parous and nulliparous females at similar rates, however, suggesting that testosterone increases in the presence of cycling parous females are associated with aggression rather than sexual behaviour. High-ranking chimpanzees were more aggressive than low-ranking males and produced higher levels of urinary testosterone. Thus, the predictions of the challenge hypothesis were generally upheld. This suggests that the hypothesis may have wider applicability among primates, including humans.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in evolutionary biology is how phenotypic variation is maintained in the face of selection that ought to deplete that variation. Much research has investigated this question in traits favored via sexual selection in males, with a common solution implicating the condition dependence of sexually selected phenotypes. Despite growing interest in sexual selection on females, it is not clear if the same mechanisms maintain variation in female ornaments, weaponry or other female behaviors targeted by sexual selection. An important step in testing condition dependence in females is thus to identify whether sexually selected female phenotypes are associated with condition and also with potential costs. Here, I examine these two components of condition dependence for a sexually selected behavior, intrasexual aggression, in female tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor. I asked whether high levels of intrasexual aggression map onto natural variation in female condition and whether aggression is associated with one potential behavioral cost: performance in a vertically challenging test of flight. More aggressive females were heavier for their body size, heavier for their wing size and showed decreased flight ability, relative to less aggressive females. These findings are consistent with condition dependence, where only females in better condition are able to be highly aggressive. The association between high aggression and reduced flight ability may result from the additional lift required to power these relatively heavier birds. These associations between natural variation in aggressive behavior, morphology and flight ability are consistent with condition dependence because they confirm two basic assumptions of condition dependence: a link between aggression and condition, and a link between aggression and a behavioral cost, the speed of escape flight. As the first study to examine these assumptions for a conspicuous behavior favored by intrasexual selection in females, this study suggests broad relevance of condition dependence.  相似文献   

The idea that territorial aggression is regulated by androgensand that aggression itself can modulate androgen levels is wellestablished in males. In many species, females also displayaggressive behavior, yet little work has been conducted on theeffects of female aggression on hormone levels. In this study,we compared the effects of a simulated territory intrusion (amethod for testing the Challenge Hypothesis) on males and femalesof the fish, Neolamprologus pulcher. This cichlid fish fromLake Tanganyika is a particularly useful species to examinesex differences in the behavioral mediation of hormones as breedingpairs remain in a territory year round and both sexes defendthis territory against conspecific and heterospecific intruders.In our study, both sexes indeed aggressively defended theirterritory against a simulated territory intruder. In responseto intruders, both males and females displayed elevated levelsof circulating 11-ketotestosterone, but only females exhibitedincreases in testosterone. Neither aggressing male nor femalefish showed changes in estradiol levels compared to control(nonaggressing) fish. Residents were more aggressive than theintruders and won most of the interactions. However, residents(or winners) did not show higher hormone levels than intruders(or losers). We suggest that aggression commonly modulates androgenlevels in both male and female teleost fish.  相似文献   

Growing evidence that female ornaments and armaments may be important for female reproductive success suggests that a reevaluation of the costs of these potentially sexually selected traits is also necessary. Here, I examine whether intrasexual aggression, a trait favored during direct female–female competition for nesting sites in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), is costly in terms of the quantity or quality of offspring. I compared measures of female aggressiveness to clutch size, and I also cross‐fostered offspring just after hatching to explore a possible causal link between female aggression and nestling mass, an established proxy for offspring quality. High levels of aggression in females were not associated with the quantity of offspring, but instead more aggressive females had offspring of lower quality. While several causal factors appear to influence offspring quality, the mechanism most consistent with this cost of aggression is a trade‐off between female aggression and aspects of maternal care. Site differences may create variation in how selection shapes female aggression, but the finding that more aggressive females had lower‐quality control offspring indicates that this cost may work counter to selection favoring aggressive behavior in the context of competition over nestboxes.  相似文献   

A series of six experiments was performed in order to explore the potential involvement of progesterone (P) in pregnancy-induced aggression (PIA) displayed by Rockland-Swiss mice toward adult male intruders. In Experiment 1, circulating levels of P and aggression were low on gestation Days 6 and 10 while both the behavior and the steroid reached peak levels by gestation Day 14. By gestation Day 18 (the day prior to parturition), serum P was at its lowest level yet aggressive behavior was still intense. Also, individual differences in the display of fighting behavior by pregnant females were not related to circulating P. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that supplemental P treatment to early pregnant female mice did not advance the onset of aggression. Experiment 4 showed that P treatment promoted the onset and elevated the incidence of aggression in virgin mice, but only in those females with intact ovaries. Experiment 5 showed that the aggressive behavior of P-stimulated virgin females was qualitatively and quantitatively different from that exhibited by pregnant mice in that the former exhibited fewer attacks and lunges than the latter. Finally, Experiment 6 showed that the removal of P from aggressive, P-stimulated virgins dramatically attenuated levels of the behavior. This contrasts sharply with the continued fighting behavior observed in late pregnant P-deficient mice. Thus, although P augments aggression in female mice it apparently is not a sufficient stimulus for producing pregnancy-like aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

In sex-role-reversed species, females compete for resources (e.g., mates) more intensively than do males. However, it remains unclear whether these species exhibit sex differences in the intensity of aggressive behavior in the context of within-sex contests. Cichlid fish in the genus Julidochromis exhibit intraspecific variation in mating systems, ranging from monogamy to cooperative polyandry with sex-role reversal. In the study reported here, we observed aggressive interactions among three same-sex individuals in Julidochromis regani in the laboratory and tested whether inter-female aggression was more intense than inter-male aggression. Although difference in body size strongly determined the direction of aggression in fish, aggression by a smaller-sized individuals toward larger ones was occasionally observed. This type of aggression was common between individuals of a similar body size (≤5 mm) and occurred more frequently among females than males. In contrast, differences in body size and sex did not affect the frequency of aggression by larger-sized individuals against smaller ones. Bidirectional aggression (i.e., mouth fighting) occurred frequently when two individuals had similar body size, and there was no difference in its frequency between sexes. However, temporal analysis showed that females performed bidirectional aggression more persistently than males. These sex differences in the intensity of intrasexual aggression could be the behavioral mechanisms underpinning cooperative polyandry.  相似文献   

Cortisol excretion in males of group living species is often associated with social rank and competition for oestrous females. Rank-related patterns of cortisol levels can be used to study mechanisms of rank maintenance and costs associated with mate competition. Bonobos (Pan paniscus) are interesting because males form a linear dominance hierarchy but are not dominant over females and therefore aggressive male-male competition over access to females alone is not considered to be a successful reproductive strategy. In this study on social correlates of urinary cortisol in wild male bonobos, we investigated the relationship between cortisol levels and several aspects of mate competition, including male rank, aggression rates, and association time with oestrous females. We found that cortisol levels correlated positively with dominance rank when oestrous females were present, but not when they were absent. This result is consistent with the idea that aggressive behaviour plays a minor role in maintenance of high rank. While aggression received from males and females explained within-individual variation in cortisol levels, it was the time spent in association with oestrous females that best explained between-individual variation in male cortisol levels. The observed increase in male cortisol may be associated with spatial proximity to oestrous females and could result from anticipated aggression from other group members, reduced feeding time in the males, or a combination of both.  相似文献   

The effects on aggressive behavior of prolactin (PRL) and ergocornine hydrogen maleate, an inhibitor of PRL secretion, were investigated in the female golden hamster. Because high aggression and PRL levels are associated with lactation in hamsters, postpartum females were used as subjects. In the first experiment, three groups of ovariectomized and hysterectomized females were compared: normally lactating, ergocornine-treated, and ergocornine plus replacement PRL treated. Normally lactating mothers were typically aggressive towards males in an arena, whereas females given ergocornine were not. Females given both ergocornine and PRL showed an intermediate level of aggression. Although ergocornine suppressed aggression towards adult males, attacks on pups increased. A second experiment sought to determine if ergocornine would depress aggression when PRL involvement was unlikely. At least 30 days following pup removal, females from the first experiment were “trained” to attack home-cage intruders consistently. After ergocornine administration, home-cage attacks by these experienced females were not diminished. Since PRL levels were probably low in these animals, it was concluded that the effects of ergocornine on aggression were limited to instances in which PRL was involved, and that PRL probably can facilitate aggression.  相似文献   

We studied steroid hormone patterns and aggression during breeding in female Galápagos marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus). Females display vigorously towards courting males after copulating (female-male aggression), as well as fight for and defend nest sites against other females (female-female aggression). To understand the neuroendocrine basis of this aggressive behavior, we examined changes in testosterone (T), estradiol (E2), corticosterone (CORT), and progesterone (P4) during the mating and nesting periods, and then measured levels in nesting females captured during aggressive interactions. Testosterone reached maximal levels during the mating stage when female-male aggression was most common, and increased slightly, but significantly, during the nesting stage when female-female aggression was most common. However, fighting females had significantly lower T, but higher E2 and P4, than non-fighting females. It remains unclear whether these changes in hormone levels during aggressive interactions are a cause or a consequence of a change in behavior. Our results support the “challenge hypothesis”, but suggest that E2 and/or P4 may increase in response to aggressive challenges in females just as T does in males. Females may be rapidly aromatizing T to elevate circulating levels of E2 during aggressive interactions. This hypothesis could explain why non-fighting females had slightly elevated baseline T, but extremely low E2, during stages when aggressive interactions were most common. Although P4 increased rapidly during aggressive encounters, it is unclear whether it acts directly to affect behavior, or indirectly via conversion to E2. The rapid production and conversion of E2 and P4 may be an important mechanism underlying female aggression in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The Australian sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa, maintains monogamous associations for an average of 6 weeks before mating each spring. One hypothesis to explain this prolonged partnership is that males are guarding their female partners from rival males. This hypothesis has three predictions, that males are more aggressive than females to conspecific males, that male aggression will increase as the time of mating gets closer, and that males will be more aggressive towards conspecific males when they are with their partner than when they are alone. We tested those predictions with indirect evidence of aggression, using counts of scale damage on randomly encountered lizards, and with direct observations of their responses to approaches by conspecific and heterospecific models. As predicted by the mate guarding hypothesis, males showed more evidence of aggression towards conspecifics than did females. However, in contrast to the hypothesis, males did not become more aggressive as the time of mating came closer, and males in pairs were less aggressive than males on their own. Mate guarding cannot be the only process that has led to the prolonged monogamous associations in this species. Parental care is also unknown in these lizards, and we suggest that monogamy may be maintained through some form of female coercion, allowing females to gain additional fitness from the enhanced vigilance that results from male proximity.  相似文献   

Testosterone is assumed to be the key hormone related to resource-defence aggression. While this role has been confirmed mostly in the context of reproduction in male vertebrates, the effect of testosterone on the expression of resource-defence aggression in female vertebrates is not so well established. Furthermore, laboratory work suggests that progesterone inhibits aggressive behaviour in females. In this study, we investigated the hormonal changes underlying territorial aggression in free-living female African black coucals, Centropus grillii (Aves; Cuculidae). Females of this sex-role reversed polyandrous bird species should be particularly prone to be affected by testosterone because they aggressively defend territories similar to males of other species. We show, however, that territorial aggression in female black coucals is modulated by progesterone. After aggressive territorial challenges female black coucals expressed lower levels of progesterone than unchallenged territorial females and females without territories, suggesting that progesterone may suppress territorial aggression and is downregulated during aggressive encounters. Indeed, females treated with physiological concentrations of progesterone were less aggressive than females with placebo implants. This is one of the first demonstrations of a corresponding hormone-behaviour interaction under challenged and experimental conditions in free-living females. We anticipate that our observation in a sex-role reversed species may provide a more general mechanism, by which progesterone--in interaction with testosterone--may regulate resource-defence aggression in female vertebrates.  相似文献   

Summary In a study on intraspecific host plant acceptability, Liriomyza trifolii females that had previously been exposed to plants of high nitrogen content, showed a feeding and oviposition preference for plants of high nitrogen (Minkenberg and Fredrix 1989). Females showed a preference to feed and oviposit on the high middle leaves within plants. It was hypothesized that the preference between plants was related to a better performance of females and offspring on high nitrogen plants compared to low nitrogen plants. Different nitrogen dosages were applied to tomato plants, resulting in plants containing 3.4, 3.9, 4.6 or 4.9% leaf nitrogen. L. trifolii females responded to increased leaf nitrogen with significantly increased feeding and fecundity, longer oviposition periods, and higher feeding and oviposition rates. Their offspring on the same plants showed reduced developmental time, lower mortality and increased pupal size. Consequently, intrinsic rate of increase was positively linearly related to leaf nitrogen. Size of L. trifolii females appeared to be independent of fecundity, longevity and developmental time. Pupal length of males increased with increasing developmental time. These results indicate that L. trifolii is well adapted in its intraspecific host plant selection, because the ability to distinguish between plants with differences in leaf nitrogen content will directly lead to an increase in their fecundity, longevity and overall fitness. The implications of leaf nitrogen as a significant factor in the behavior and population dynamics of L. trifolii are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper represents a comprehensive test of the hypothesis that aggression in salmonids increases with the duration of stream residence. The intraspecific aggression of eleven juvenile salmonids was compared with their normal duration of stream residence. Salmonids maintained in 1 metre tanks and observed over two days could be separated into four groups based on statistical differences between the frequencies of aggressive behaviour. Non-anadromous Salvelinus fontinalis showed the highest levels of aggressive behaviour, followed by Oncorhynchus masou and O. mykiss (rainbow and steelhead trout). Least aggressive were the early migrants O. nerka (kokanee and sockeye salmon) and O. keta. The remaining species, O. rhodurus, O. kisutch, S. leucomaenis pluvius and Salmo trutta formed a moderately aggressive group. Aggressiveness was significantly and positively correlated with the duration of stream residence.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that selective breeding of animals for docile behavior is correlated with early onset of puberty and improved fertility. We wished to test the hypothesis that mink bred for docility would show earlier onset of puberty and greater fecundity than mink bred for aggressiveness. We used farm-raised, 7-mo-old mink females that had been selectively bred for 7 to 10 generations on the basis of behavior towards humans. Onset of puberty was estimated once (between 15 and 20 December) by vaginal smears and was said to start wtih preponderance of cornified epithelial cells in the cytological specimen. Fecundity was measured by litter size and rate of folliculogenesis, with and without hCG stimulation, by histomorphometric examination of ovaries and uteri. A total of 43/100 (43%) docile females achieved proestrus and estrus as compared to 16/136 (12%) of the aggressive ones. Overall pregnancy rate, survival to 5 d after whelping and litter size did not differ between the docile and aggressive females. Docile females showed significantly higher numbers (P < 0.05 and < 0.001) of growing, maturing and atretic follicles than the aggressive ones, however the latter showed a highly significant (P < 0.001) folliculogenic response to hCG. The response of the ovary of aggressive females to hCG is particularly dramatic because in most aggressive females the ovaries contained none or only few follicles of any kind. The inhibition of folliculogenesis in aggressive mink is similar to that reported in Silverblue and Sapphire mink homozygous for the Stuart factor. The paradoxical response to hCG may be an indication that selective breeding for aggression may be correlated with the disturbance at the early stages of folliculogenesis which creates a deficiency of follicles that are sensitive to LH-type stimulation.  相似文献   


Social aggression is a pervasive feature of insect societies. In eusocial Hymenoptera, aggression among females can affect task performance and competition over direct reproduction (egg laying); in most species males participate in social interactions relatively rarely. Males of the independent-founding paper wasp Mischocyttarus mastigophorus are exceptional: they are aggressive toward female nestmates, leading us to explore the function of this unusual behavior. We applied social network analyses to data on M. mastigophorus social aggression to quantify sex differences in giving and receiving social aggression. The network analyses supported the pattern of biased male aggression toward female nestmates; females are relatively rarely aggressive to males. We then asked whether male aggression toward females was biased by females’ relative ovary development. Males were more aggressive toward females with better-developed ovaries, opposite to patterns of aggression among females. Because food brought to the colonies is often monopolized by dominant females, we suggest that males direct aggression toward socially dominant females with better-developed ovaries to obtain food. The implications of biased male aggression for female task performance and physiology are unknown.


Male field crickets frequently engage in agonistic contests to establish dominance in social interactions and gain access to mate attraction territories. Crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) are often used as a model taxon to study aggression, but limited documentation of aggression in some cricket species hinders our understanding of its evolutionary costs and benefits. Our study investigated cricket aggression at two scales: the within‐species scale for two cricket species, Gryllus assimilis and G. veletis, whose aggression had not been adequately documented and the among‐species scale to detect evolutionary patterns in species’ levels of aggression. In both G. veletis and G. assimilis, winners spent more time being aggressive than losers, but they were not larger or heavier. Collectively, our results reveal that G. veletis males are more aggressive than G. assimilis. Male G. veletis had higher aggression scores that male G. assimilis. The majority of G. veletis contests escalated to grappling (a highly aggressive behavior), while less than one quarter of G. assimilis contests escalated to grappling. Further, G. veletis males transitioned between two of the most aggressive behaviors most often while G. assimilis transitioned between two of the least aggressive behaviors most often. We integrate this new information on aggression for G. assimilis and G. veletis with previously documented aggression data for many cricket species to investigate aggression in a broader evolutionary context than previously possible. Within a phylogenetic context, we test the hypothesis that species whose males use burrows from which to call and attract females are more aggressive than species with non‐burrowing males. We found evidence consistent with this hypothesis; species with burrowing males tended to be more aggressive than species with non‐burrowing males. Together, our study provides fine‐scale understanding of aggression in two cricket species and broad‐scale evolutionary context for aggression across cricket species.  相似文献   

Across many fish species, large females tend to exhibit higher individual reproductive success due to elevated fecundity and the provisioning of better conditioned eggs and offspring compared to small females. By contrast, effects of paternal body size on reproductive success are less well understood. We disentangled the maternal- and paternal-size dependent effects on reproductive output and early life history in zebrafish (Danio rerio). In the laboratory, females and males from four size categories (small, medium-sized, large and very large) were allowed to spawn freely in a full factorial design with 10 replicates per size combination. As expected, larger females produced more eggs and better conditioned offspring compared to smaller females. Male body size further contributed to zebrafish reproductive success: offspring sired by large males exhibited higher hatching probability and these offspring also hatched earlier and larger than offspring fertilized by small males. However, the largest males experienced lower mating success and received fewer eggs than males of the smaller size classes. While male body size substantially affected reproductive success in zebrafish, it remained unclear whether and to what degree direct paternal effects (e.g., related to sperm quality) or indirect paternal effects stemming from differential allocation patterns by females were the mechanism behind our findings. Answering this question constitutes an important future research topic.  相似文献   

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