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In the wing dimorphic sand cricket, Gryllus firmus, there is a pronounced trade-off between flight capability and fecundity. This trade-off is found both between morphs and within the macropterous morph, in which fecundity is negatively correlated with the mass of the principle flight muscles, the dorso-longitudinal muscles (DLM). In this paper, we examine how this trade-off is affected by a reduction in food and its genetic basis. We find that the relative fitness of the two wing morphs is not changed although both fecundity and DLM mass are decreased. A quantitative genetic analysis shows that the trade-off function is genetically variable but that most of the variation occurs in the intercept rather than the slope of the function. Analysis further indicates a very high genetic correlation between environments (food ration) supporting the hypothesis of a strong functional constraint between reproduction and flight capability.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic theory assumes that trade-offs are best represented by bivariate normal distributions. This theory predicts that selection will shift the trade-off function itself and not just move the mean trait values along a fixed trade-off line, as is generally assumed in optimality models. As a consequence, quantitative genetic theory predicts that the trade-off function will vary among populations in which at least one of the component traits itself varies. This prediction is tested using the trade-off between call duration and flight capability, as indexed by the mass of the dorsolateral flight muscles, in the macropterous morph of the sand cricket. We use four different populations of crickets that vary in the proportion of macropterous males (Lab = 33%, Florida = 29%, Bermuda = 72%, South Carolina = 80%). We find, as predicted, that there is significant variation in the intercept of the trade-off function but not the slope, supporting the hypothesis that trade-off functions are better represented as bivariate normal distributions rather than single lines. We also test the prediction from a quantitative genetical model of the evolution of wing dimorphism that the mean call duration of macropterous males will increase with the percentage of macropterous males in the population. This prediction is also supported. Finally, we estimate the probability of a macropterous male attracting a female, P, as a function of the relative time spent calling (P = time spent calling by macropterous male/(total time spent calling by both micropterous and macropterous male). We find that in the Lab and Florida populations the probability of a female selecting the macropterous male is equal to P, indicating that preference is due simply to relative call duration. But in the Bermuda and South Carolina populations the probability of a female selecting a macropterous male is less than P, indicating a preference for the micropterous male even after differences in call duration are accounted for.  相似文献   

The concept of phenotypic trade-offs is a central element in evolutionary theory. In general, phenotypic models assume a fixed trade-off function, whereas quantitative genetic theory predicts that the trade-off function will change as a result of selection. For a linear trade-off function selection will readily change the intercept but will have to be relatively stronger to change the slope. We test these predictions by examining the trade-off between fecundity and flight capability, as measured by dorso-longitudinal muscle mass, in four different populations of the sand cricket, Gryllus firmus. Three populations were recently derived from the wild, and the fourth had been in the laboratory for 19 years. We hypothesized that the laboratory population had most likely undergone more and different selection from the three wild populations and therefore should differ from these in respect to both slope and intercept. Because of geographic variation in selection, we predicted a general difference in intercept among the four populations. We further tested the hypothesis that this intercept will be correlated with proportion macropterous and that this relationship will itself vary with environmental conditions experienced during both the nymphal and adult period. Observed variation in the phenotypic trade-off was consistent with the predictions of the quantitative genetic model. These results point to the importance of modeling trade-offs as dynamic rather than static relationships. We discuss how phenotypic models can incorporate such variation. The phenotypic trade-off between fecundity and dorso-longitudinal muscle mass is determined in part by variation in body size, illustrating the necessity of considering trade-offs to be multi factorial rather than simply bivariate relationships.  相似文献   

Inbreeding, the mating of close relatives, is known to have deleterious effects on fitness traits in organisms. Developmental stability (DS) and canalization may represent two processes that allow an organism to maintain a stable development that will produce the fittest phenotype. Inbreeding is thus expected to affect either DS or canalization. We tested if inbreeding affects DS and canalization using an inbreeding experiment on the cricket Gryllus firmus. We compared mean length, fluctuating asymmetry (as an index of DS), and morphological variation (as an index of canalization) of four limb traits between seven highly inbred lines, their F1 crosses, and outbred lines originated from the same stock population and maintained in the same environmental conditions. We show evidence for moderate inbreeding depression on the four measures of leg length. The nonsystematic difference in fluctuating asymmetry indices between breed types indicates that inbreeding or heterozygosity did not affect DS, or that fluctuating asymmetry is not a reliable index of DS. In contrast, inbreeding appears to affect canalization, as shown by the significantly higher variation in inbred lines compared to other lines. Identical low variation values in the crossbred and outbred lines indicate that heterozygosity could affect canalization. High variation in morphological variation and fluctuating asymmetry within crossbred or inbred lines, however, suggest the effect of recessive deleterious alleles on both canalization and DS. Although the strong correlation in morphological variation among traits suggests that identical genetic mechanisms govern canalization for all the limb traits, the absence of significant correlation in fluctuating asymmetry among traits causes us to reject this hypothesis for DS. For most of the traits, morphological variation and fluctuating asymmetry were not significantly correlated, which support the hypothesis that canalization and DS consist in two distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

沙蟋Gryllus firmus是一种翅多型性的昆虫, 是研究种内迁飞和生殖调控的模式生物。本研究应用高效液相色谱仪(HPLC)、 气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对沙蟋长翅(有飞行能力)和短翅(无飞行能力)雌虫飞行肌内保幼激素(juvenile hormone, JH)和脂肪酸进行了定性定量分析。结果表明: 在温度28℃, 光周期16L∶8D条件下, 第5和第7日龄的沙蟋长翅雌虫飞行肌中JH的滴度具有明显的昼夜节律, 在飞行前(即关灯前)4 h, JH的滴度分别由386.52±68.40 ng/g和630.36±37.26 ng/g增加至1 327.53±277.98 ng/g和1 685.77±143.95 ng/g, 与短翅型SW相比分别增加了约3.4倍与2.7倍 (P<0.05)。而相同日龄的短翅雌虫及第1日龄的两型雌虫均无明显的节律变化。进一步在第5和7日龄的长翅雌虫中发现了一个16C的脂肪酸--14-甲基十五烷酸, 也具有节律变化且与JH节律出现的时间相吻合, 而在无飞行能力的沙蟋中没有发现这种现象。实验还证明JH滴度的增加和节律不是由飞行肌的重量或者飞行肌重量比的变化所致。这些发现有助于探讨和了解保幼激素对飞行调控的内在机理。  相似文献   

Many models of life history evolution assume trade-offs between major life history traits; however, these trade-offs are often not found. The Y model predicts that variation in acquisition can mask underlying allocation trade-offs and is a major hypothesis explaining why negative relationships are not always found between traits that are predicted to trade-off with one another. Despite this model's influence on the field of life history evolution, it has rarely been properly tested. We use a model system, the wing dimorphic cricket, Gryllus firmus as a case study to test the assumptions and predictions of the Y model. By experimentally altering the acquisition regime and by estimating energy acquisition and energy allocation directly in this species, we are able to explicitly test this important model. Overall, we find strong support for the predictions of the Y model.  相似文献   

Although largely ignored until recently, parental effects on the phenotypes of their offspring are both ubiquitous in nature and of a potentially great importance to evolution. Our study examines the presence of extra-nuclear (maternal and paternal) effects in growth traits, development time and adult size in the sand cricket Gryllus firmus using a diallel cross of inbred lines. Sex linkage was shown to be nonsignificant for development time but the other traits could not be tested. We assume that they are nonsignificant but use the term 'reciprocal' effects to include this effect. We show that reciprocal effects are present in the growth traits and development time, where they account for 10-30% of the phenotypic variance. They are not present in adult size as indexed by head width. We demonstrate that reciprocal effects are due, at least in part, to maternal effects by an analysis of the positive correlation between egg size, a maternal trait, and the growth traits. The growth rate traits show no significant decline with age either with respect to extra-nuclear contributions to variance or difference between phenotypic means of reciprocal pairs. This study demonstrates that extra-nuclear effects are important contributors to the phenotypic variation in life history traits of G. firmus.  相似文献   

沙蟋翅多型性的调控机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙蟋Gryllus firmus Zera&Denno成虫的后翅有长翅和短翅2种类型,是翅多型性机理研究的极佳模式昆虫。长翅成虫从第5日龄开始迁飞,而短翅成虫的主要特点是繁殖。除了翅的表型差异外,长翅成虫的飞行肌发达,呈褐色;卵巢幼小,直到飞行停止后(大约在10d以后)才开始发育。而短翅成虫的飞行肌退化并呈乳白色;卵巢在第4日龄就发育成熟,表现为卵巢硕大。对翅多型性机理的深入研究,将有利于了解沙蟋迁飞和扩散的内在机理,为准确地预测预报该虫的发生提供重要的理论和实际依据。文章概述沙蟋翅多型性与外界环境的相互关系,以及体内生化代谢和内分泌激素等的变化对该虫迁飞和生殖的影响和作用,进而探讨翅多型的遗传机制和进化意义等问题。  相似文献   

The quantitative genetic basis of traits can be determined using a pedigree analysis or a selection experiment. Each approach is valuable and the combined data can contribute more than either method alone. Analysis using both sib analysis and selection is particularly essential when there are likely to be nonlinearities in the functional relationships among traits. A class of traits for which this occurs is that of threshold traits, which are characterized by a dichotomous phenotype that is determined by a threshold of sensitivity and a continuously distributed underlying trait called the liability. In this case, traits that are correlated with the liability may show a nonlinear relationship due to the dichotomy of expression at the phenotypic level. For example, in wing dimorphic insects fecundity of the macropterous (long-winged) females appears in part to be determined by the allocation of resources to the flight muscles, which are almost invariably small or absent in the micropterous (short-winged, flightless) females. Pedigree analysis of the cricket Gryllus firmus has shown that wing morph, fecundity and the trade-off between the two have additive genetic (co)variance. It has also been shown that selection on proportion macroptery produced an asymmetric correlated response of fecundity. The present paper details the results of direct selection on fecundity and the correlated response in proportion macroptery. Selection for increased fecundity resulted in increased fecundity within both wing morphs and a correlated decrease in proportion macroptery. Similarly, selection for decreased fecundity resulted in a decrease within morphs and a correlated increase in the proportion of macropterous females. This provides additional evidence that the trade-off between fecundity and wing morphology has a genetic basis and will thus modulate the evolution of the two traits.  相似文献   

赵吕权  朱道弘 《昆虫学报》2013,56(6):622-629
为探讨丽斗蟋Velarifictorus ornatus翅二型个体飞行与生殖发育间生理权衡的内分泌控制机理, 本研究调查了外用保幼激素Ⅲ(JH-III)与早熟素Ⅰ(P-I)对丽斗蟋翅二型个体飞行肌与生殖发育的影响。结果表明: 成虫羽化后当日分别注射1, 5, 10和25 μg保幼激素7 d后, 显著促进了丽斗蟋长翅雌虫卵巢发育, 卵巢重量分别从对照组的16.8±11.4 mg/♀增加到43.9±10.7, 33.6±14.0, 56.8±7.6和 39.3±30.7 mg/♀; 但对卵巢内怀卵量无显著影响。相反, 外用保幼激素则诱发飞行肌降解, 1, 5和10 μg JH-III处理组飞行肌重量分别下降为12.9±4.7, 11.7±4.8和8.8±0.8 mg/♀, 显著低于对照组飞行肌重量(17.7±1.6 mg)。对短翅雌虫注射P-I时, 当注射的剂量超过50 μg/♀时, 能够显著抑制卵巢发育, 而低于50 μg/♀时则对卵巢发育无明显影响。外用JH-III对丽斗蟋长翅雄虫飞行肌、 精巢、 附腺的发育无明显影响; 外用P-I对短翅型雄虫精巢与附腺的发育也无明显影响。因此, 丽斗蟋翅二型雌虫与雄虫的飞行肌与生殖器官的内分泌控制机理可能存在差异。  相似文献   

Immune defence is hypothesized to be a trait that bears significant fitness costs as well as benefits in that mounting a defence depreciates the value of other life‐history traits. Thus the cost of mounting an immune response could affect the evolution of both the immune system and correlated life history traits. In this study we examined, by means of a diallel cross of four inbred lines, the genetic basis of two measures of immune function, metabolic rate and several traits in the sand cricket, Gryllus firmus. We specifically addressed the following questions: (1) is immune function determined primarily by genetic constitution or correlations with phenotypic traits that could reduce the effectiveness of the immune response; (2) do the two measures of immune function covary; (3) What are the contributions of additive, nonadditive and maternal effects to the immune function? As estimates of immune function, we used lytic activity and encapsulation rate. We found that inbred crickets were smaller than individuals from the crossed lines and took longer to develop. However, inbred lines did not differ from the crossed lines in immune function nor metabolic rates, suggesting that increased homozygosity has little or no effect on these traits in G. firmus. We found that both immune parameters showed significant genetic variation but no consistent relationships with the other phenotypic traits (metabolic rate, head width, body mass, development time and activity). There was significant additive genetic variation only in encapsulation rate, but, with the exception of the activity measure, significant nonadditive and reciprocal variances were found in all traits. Metabolic rate of crickets was heritable, but there was neither phenotypic nor genetic association between metabolic rate and the two parameters of immune function. Further, there was no correlation between these two measures. Females showed a higher encapsulation response than males, but there was no sex differences in lytic activity. Our study indicates that genetic variation in immune parameters can be a very significant contributor to phenotypic variation in immune function.  相似文献   

1. Trade‐offs play a fundamental role in the evolution of many traits. 2. In wing‐polymorphic field crickets, the long‐winged morph can disperse from unfavourable environments, but has lower reproductive success than the short‐winged morph, because of costs associated with flight capability. 3. However, long‐winged individuals may minimise costs in favourable environments by histolysing their flight muscles and becoming flightless. 4. Few studies have examined how flight‐muscle histolysis affects male signalling and mate attraction. 5. We examined differences in singing activity and song characteristics among the flightless (short‐winged and histolysed long‐winged) and the flight‐capable male morphs, and female preferences for male song, in the sand field cricket. 6. We found: (i) both flightless morphs sang more than the flight‐capable morph, (ii) song characteristics varied among the three morphs, and (iii) females preferred songs characteristic of the long‐winged morphs. 7. Histolysis should increase mating success of long‐winged males because it increases singing activity. 8. Histolysed long‐winged males may have higher mating success than short‐winged males as they sing as frequently but produce more attractive songs. 9. Therefore, plasticity within the long‐winged morph may reduce costs of maturing in environments from which dispersal is not advantageous; non‐flying morphs may be pursuing different reproductive tactics.  相似文献   

A classical paradigm in population genetics is that homozygosity or inbreeding affects individual fitness through increased disease susceptibility and mortality, and diminished breeding success. Using data from an insular population of mouflon (Ovis aries) founded by a single pair of individuals, we compare embryo number of ewes with different levels of inbreeding. Contrary to expectations, ewes with the highest levels of homozygosity showed the largest number of embryos. Using two different statistical approaches, we showed that this relationship is probably caused by heterozygosity at specific genes. The genetics of embryo number coupled with cyclic dynamics could play a central role in promoting genetic variation in this population.  相似文献   

The hormonal basis of variation in life-history traits is a poorly studied topic in life-history evolution. An important step in identifying the endocrine-genetic causes of life-history variation is documenting statistical and functional associations between hormone titers and genotypes/phenotypes that vary in life-history traits. To this end, we compared the blood ecdysteroid titer and the mass of the ovaries during the first week of adulthood among a flight-capable morph and two flightless morphs of the wing-polymorphic cricket Gryllus firmus. Ecdysteroids are a group of structurally related hormones that regulate many important aspects of reproduction in insects. Both the ecdysteroid titer and ovarian mass were significantly higher in each of two flightless morphs compared with the flight-capable morph throughout the first week of adulthood. Genetically based differences in the ecdysteroid titer and ovarian mass between morphs from different selected lines were similar to phenotypically based differences among morphs from the same control (unselected) lines. By day 7 of adulthood, ovaries were typically 200-400% larger and the ecdysteroid titer was 60-300% higher in flightless versus the flight-capable morph. In addition, highly significant, positive, phenotypic correlations were observed between the ecdysteroid titer and ovarian mass in pooled samples of the two flightless and flight-capable crickets from control lines or from selected lines. The ecdysteroid titer was sufficiently elevated in the flightless morphs to account for their elevated ovarian growth. This is the first direct documentation that naturally occurring phenotypes/genotypes that differ in early fecundity, a key life-history trait, also differ phenotypically and genetically in the titer of a key reproductive hormone that potentially regulates that trait.  相似文献   

The two principal theories of the causal mechanism for inbreeding depression are the partial dominance hypothesis and the overdominance hypothesis. According to the first hypothesis, inbreeding increases the frequency of homozygous combinations of deleterious recessive alleles thereby decreasing fitness, whereas the overdominance hypothesis posits that inbreeding increases homozygosity and thus reduces the frequency of the superior heterozygotes. These two hypotheses make different predictions on the effect of crossing inbred lines: the overdominance hypothesis predicts that trait means will be restored to the outbred means, whereas the partial dominance hypothesis predicts that trait means will exceed those of the outbred population. I tested these predictions using seven inbred lines of the sand cricket, Gryllus firmus. Fourteen generations of brother-sister mating resulted in an inbreeding depression of 20-34% in four traits: nymphal weights at ages 14 days, 21 days, 28 days, and early fecundity. An incomplete diallel cross of these lines showed genetic variation among lines and an increase in all trait means above the outbred means, with three being significantly higher. These results provide support for the partial dominance hypothesis and are inconsistent with the overdominance hypothesis.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of temperature and wing morphology on the quantitative genetic variances and covariances of five size-related traits in the sand cricket, Gryllus firmus. Micropterous and macropterous crickets were reared in the laboratory at 24, 28 and 32 degrees C. Quantitative genetic parameters were estimated using a nested full-sib family design, and (co)variance matrices were compared using the T method, Flury hierarchy and Jackknife-manova method. The results revealed that the mean phenotypic value of each trait varied significantly among temperatures and wing morphs, but temperature reaction norms were not similar across all traits. Micropterous individuals were always smaller than macropterous individuals while expressing more phenotypic variation, a finding discussed in terms of canalization and life-history trade-offs. We observed little variation between the matrices of among-family (co)variation corresponding to each combination of temperature and wing morphology, with only one matrix of six differing in structure from the others. The implications of this result are discussed with respect to the prediction of evolutionary trajectories.  相似文献   

Variation in the magnitude of inbreeding depression (ID) among families may have important consequences for mating system evolution. Experimental studies have shown that such variation is a common feature of natural plant populations. Unfortunately, the genetic and evolutionary significance of family level estimates remains obscure. Almost any kind of genetic variation will generate differences in ID among families, and as a consequence, a non-zero variance in family level ID is not sufficient to distinguish genetic architectures with wholly different implications for mating system evolution. Quantitative genetic methods provide a means to extract more information from ID experiments. Estimates of quantitative genetic variance components directly inform questions about the genetic basis of ID and should ultimately allow tests of alternative theories of mating system evolution.  相似文献   

Loss of fitness due to inbreeding depression in small captive populations of endangered species is widely appreciated. Populations of all sizes may also experience loss in fitness when environmental conditions are ameliorated because deleterious alleles may be rendered neutral and accumulate rapidly. Few data exist, however, to demonstrate loss in fitness due to relaxed selection. Loss of fitness in life‐history traits were compared between LARGE (Ne ≥ 500) and SMALL (Ne = 50) populations of the housefly Musca domestica L that were subjected to curtailed life span at 21 days to remove selection on late‐acting deleterious alleles. During the early part of the life history (≤21 days), the rate of decline in fecundity and progeny production over 24 generations was greater in the small (1.5%) than in the large populations <0.2%), but rate of loss in late‐life fecundity and progeny production (>21 days) was equivalent across populations, consistent with neutral theory, and amounted to 1.7% per generation. This rate of loss due to relaxed selection was equivalent to the rate of loss due to inbreeding in populations with an effective size of 50 individuals. Even if captive populations are kept large to avoid inbreeding, breeding them in benign environments where the forces of natural selection are curtailed may jeopardize the capability of these populations to exist in natural environments within few generations. Zoo Biol 20:145–156, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Wing dimorphism, where some macropterous long‐winged (LW) individuals can fly whereas micropterous short‐winged (SW) individuals cannot, is common in insects and believed to be maintained in part by trade‐offs between flight capability and reproductive traits. In this paper we examine differences in whole‐organism respiration rate between wing morphs of the sand cricket Gryllus firmus. We hypothesized that maintenance of the flight apparatus would result in elevated CO2 respired because of the high metabolic cost of these tissues, which, in turn, constrain resources available for egg production in females. As the trade‐off involves calling behaviour in males, we predicted no equivalent constraint on organ development in this sex. We found female macropters (particularly older crickets) had significantly higher residual respiration rates than micropters. In males, we found only marginal differences between wing morphs. In both sexes there was a highly significant effect of flight muscles status on residual respiration rate, individuals with functional muscles having higher respiration rates. Both female and male macropters had significantly smaller gonads than micropters. Whole‐organism residual respiration rate was negatively correlated with fecundity: macropterous females with high respiration rates had smaller gonads compared with macropterous females with lower respiration rates.  相似文献   

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