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It has become obvious that a better understanding and potential elucidation of the nucleolar phosphoprotein B23 involving in functional interrelationship between nuclear organization and gene expression. In present study, protein B23 expression were investigated in the regenerative hepatocytes at different periods (at days 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) during liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy on the rats with immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis. Another experiment was done with immunolabeling methods and two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis for identification of B23 in the regenerating hepatocytes and HepG2 cells (hepatoblastoma cell line) after sequential extraction with detergents, nuclease, and salt. The results showed that its expression in the hepatocytes had a locative move and quantitative change during the process of liver regeneration post-operation. Its immunochemical localization in the hepatocytes during the process showed that it moved from nucleoli of the hepatocytes in the stationary stage to nucleoplasm, cytoplasm, mitotic spindles, and mitotic chromosomes of the hepatocytes in the regenerating livers. It was quantitatively increased progressively to peak level at day 3 post-operation and declined gradually to normal level at day 7. It was detected in nuclear matrix protein (NMP) composition extracted from the regenerating hepatocytes and HepG2 cells and identified with isoelectric point (pI) value of 5.1 and molecular weight of 40 kDa. These results indicated that B23 was a proliferate shuttle protein involving in cell cycle and cell proliferation associated with nuclear matrix.  相似文献   

Nuclear matrix in developing rat spermatogenic cells.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The nonchromatin structure or nuclear matrix in developing spermatogenic cells of the rat was studied using a biochemical fractionation in concert with resinless section electron microscopy. Observations demonstrated that the nuclear matrix of spermatogenic cells consisted of a three-dimensional network of filaments of variable thicknesses. In spermatogonia and spermatocytes the nuclear matrix consisted of relatively thin filaments, while that of round spermatids consisted of a thicker interconnecting network of filament. In elongating spermatids, the interior of the nuclear matrix consisted of a network of dense filaments bounded by a peripheral lamina. The protein composition of the nuclear matrix in spermatogenic cells was examined by high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and correlated with morphological changes characteristic of each stage. The results showed that the proteins of nuclear matrix changed in a cell stage-specific manner. These stage-specific changes corresponded to the major transitions of chromatin structure and function during spermatogenesis. Furthermore, immunocytochemical and immunoblotting analysis of DNA topoisomerase II (topo II) revealed that this enzyme exhibited stage-specific variations and was associated with the nuclear matrix. These results suggest that the nuclear matrix in spermatogenic cells may be involved in mediating DNA modifications and maintaining nuclear organization during spermatogenesis. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 59:314-321, 2001.  相似文献   

Liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy or liver injury is controlled by a wide variety of growth factors that are proven activators or inhibitors of hepatocyte proliferation. Liver regeneration post-hepatectomy has been proven to be decreased and delayed in cirrhotic vs. normal liver. Apoptosis seems to play an important role in cellular proliferation and in liver regeneration. Therefore, this study has analyzed the expression of apoptosis-associated genes following 2/3 hepatectomy in cirrhotic vs. normal rats. Cirrhosis was induced by a weekly intragastric administration of CCl4 for 16 weeks followed by hepatectomy and histological examination of the resected liver. Rats were sacrificed at 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, or 72 h after liver resection. The expression of proapoptotic (Bad, Bak, Bax) and antiapoptotic (Bcl-2, Bcl-XL) genes was analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR. We have observed an early increase in antiapoptotic mRNA levels and a delayed increase in proapoptotic mRNA levels in normal liver following hepatectomy. Before resection, proapoptotic mRNA levels were significantly higher in cirrhotic vs. normal liver. After hepatectomy, apoptotic mRNA levels were decreased and delayed as compared with that observed following hepatectomy in normal liver. These results indicate that apoptosis takes place in liver during CCl4-induced cirrhosis and could participate in the impaired regenerative response observed in cirrhotic liver.  相似文献   

The organization of the axonal cytoskeleton was investigated by analyzing the solubility and transport profile of the major cytoskeletal proteins in motor axons of the rat sciatic nerve under normal and regenerating conditions. When extracted with the Triton-containing buffer at low temperature, 50% of tubulin and 30% of actin were recovered in the insoluble form resistant to further depolymerizing treatments. Most of this cold-insoluble form was transported in slow component a (SCa), the slower of the two subcomponents of slow axonal transport, whereas the cold-soluble form showed a biphasic distribution between SCa and SCb (slow component b). Changes in slow transport during regeneration were studied by injuring the nerve either prior to (experiment I) or after (experiment II) radioactive labeling. In experiment I where the transport of proteins synthesized in response to injury was examined, selective acceleration of SCb was detected together with an increase in the relative proportion of this component. In experiment II where the response of the preexisting cytoskeleton was examined, a shift from SCa to SCb of the cold-soluble form was observed. The differential distribution and response of the two forms of tubulin and actin suggest that the cold-soluble form may be more directly involved in axonal transport.  相似文献   

The liver possesses the capacity to restore its function and mass after injury. Liver regeneration is controlled through complicated mechanisms, in which the phosphoinositide (PI) cycle is shown to be activated in hepatocytes. Using a rat partial hepatectomy (PH) model, the authors investigated the expression of the diacylglycerol kinase (DGK) family, a key enzyme in the PI cycle, which metabolizes a lipid second-messenger diacylglycerol (DG). RT-PCR analysis shows that DGKζ and DGKα are the major isozymes in the liver. Results showed that in the process of regeneration, the DGKζ protein, which is detected in the nucleus of a small population of hepatocytes in normal liver, is significantly increased in almost all hepatocytes. However, the mRNA levels remain largely unchanged. Double labeling with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), an S phase marker, reveals that DGKζ is expressed independently of DNA synthesis or cell proliferation. However, DGKα protein localizes to the cytoplasm in normal and regenerating livers, but immunoblot analysis reveals that the expected (80 kDa) and the lower (70 kDa) bands are detected in normal liver, whereas at day 10 after PH, the expected band is solely recognized, showing a different processing pattern of DGKα in liver regeneration. These results suggest that DGKζ and DGKα are involved, respectively, in the nucleus and the cytoplasm of hepatocytes in regenerating liver.  相似文献   

Extensive gene expression analysis was carried out after a 0, 4, 36, 72, 96 h short interval successive partial hepatectomy (SISPH) was performed. A total of 185 elements were identified as differing by more than two-fold in their expression levels at one or more time points. Of these 185 elements, 103 were up-regulated, 82 were down-regulated and 86 elements were unreported genes. Quite a few genes were previously unknown to be involved in liver regeneration (LR). Using cluster and general analysis, we found that the genes at five time points of the SISPH share eight different types of different expression profiles and eight distinct temporal induction or suppression patterns. A comparison of the gene expression in SISPH with that after PH found that 41 genes were specifically altered in SISPH, and 144 genes were simultaneously up-regulated or down-regulated in SISPH and after PH, but they were present in different amounts at the different time points. The conclusions are that (i) microarrays combined with suppressive subtractive hybridization (SSH) can effectively identify genes involved in LR on a large scale; (ii) more genes were up-regulated than down-regulated; (iii) there are fewer abundantly expressed genes than those with increased levels of 2–5 fold.  相似文献   

After partial hepatectomy (PH), the remnant paren-chyma can completely recover lost liver mass and function in about one week[1,2]. Although adult hepa-tocytes are normally quiescent, they are readily primed to pass from G0 to G1 phase within 2―6 h after PH. The first peak of DNA synthesis appears 24 h after PH, while cell division peaks at 36 h. The liver cells then enter a second cell cycle, and redifferentiation and reconstruction of structure and function[3―6] take place. A great nu…  相似文献   

Circular RNA (circRNA) is a subclass of noncoding RNA (ncRNA) detected within mammalian tissues and cells. However, its regulatory role during the proliferation phase of rat liver regeneration (LR) remains unreported. This study was designed to explore their regulatory mechanisms in cell proliferation of LR. The circRNA expression profile was detected by high-throughput sequencing. It was indicated that 260 circRNAs were differentially expressed during the proliferation phase of rat LR. Among them, circ-14723 displayed a significantly differential expression. We further explored its regulatory mechanism in rat hepatocytes (BRL-3A cells). First, EdU, flow cytometry and western blot (WB) indicated that knocking down circ-14723 inhibited BRL-3A cells proliferation. Second, RNA-Pulldown and dual-luciferase report assay showed that circ-14723 could sponge rno-miR-16-5p. At last, WB showed that the reported target genes of rno-miR-16-5p, CCND1, and CCNE1 were downregulated after knocking down circ-14723. In conclusion, we found that circ-14723 exerted a critical role in G1/S arrest to promote cell proliferation via rno-miR-16-5p/CCND1 and CCNE1 axis in rat LR. This finding further revealed the regulatory mechanisms of circRNA on cell proliferation of LR, and might provide a potential target for clinical problems.  相似文献   

A 70% partial hepatectomy (70%PHx) induces cell proliferation until the original mass of the liver is restored. Mitochondria are involved directly in the process of liver regeneration (LR); however, their role in the early phase of LR is not clear. In an attempt to identify mitochondrial proteins that are correlated with the early phase of LR, we obtained a mitochondrial fraction via Nycodenz(R) density gradient centrifugation and subcellular proteomic analysis was performed. The mitochondrial proteins were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and identified by mass spectrometry. Compared to the sham-operation control group, 3 proteins were up-regulated and 22 proteins were down-regulated at 24 h after 70%PHx. We identified 22 differentially expressed proteins that were associated with carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism, the respiratory chain and oxidation-phosphorylation, biotransformation and other metabolic pathways. Prohibitin, a proliferation-regulating protein that was down-regulated at 24 h after PHx, was analyzed by applying RNAi (PHBi) with BRL-3A. This demonstrated a decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, implying a potential role in maintaining mitochondrial integrity. These results indicated that hepatic mitochondrial adaptations to LR after 70%PHx affect various cellular metabolic pathways, which advances our knowledge of the role of mitochondria in the early phase of LR.  相似文献   

Membrane and membrane-associated proteins are rich in known or potential pharmaceutical drug targets for carcinogenesis. In order to systemically analyze membrane proteins of human breast cancer, we isolated membrane from MCF-7 cells by sequential extraction by washing with three different buffers, namely, phosphate buffer (5 mM, pH 8.0), Tris (40 mM, pH 9.5), and sodium carbonate (100 mM pH 11). The extracted proteins were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) using cup-loading and were then analyzed by peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF). A total of 137 spots from the gels of the three procedures were successfully identified. They corresponded to 79 distinct proteins. Among them, 22 exclusive proteins belonging to each washing procedure were also found, including P-glycoprotein, endoplasmin, Stress-70 protein, ADAM 10, protein disulfide isomerase, and glutamate receptor. These results indicate phosphate buffer to be the most beneficial for enrichment of peripheral membrane proteins, and sodium carbonate is beneficial for the presentation of integral membrane proteins but usually with poor resolution. The reference maps and identified proteins will serve as a basis for the further investigation of breast cancer, especially the proteomic comparison among different cell types of breast cancer, or among the different stages in the drug interfering process of the MCF-7 cell line.  相似文献   

We have studied calcium movement from blood into the bile by injecting 45Ca2+ intravenously and measuring the radioactivity appearing in the bile. 45Ca2+ started to appear in the bile at 3 min and maximum values were observed at 5 min after its administration. The amount of calcium secreted into the bile was proportional to the blood calcium concentration indicating that the main pathway involved in calcium movement behaved as a non-saturable system. We have also studied the 45Ca2+ circulation from blood into the bile in rats subjected to a partial hepatectomy. Thereafter, the calcium transported into the bile per gram of liver increased by about 50 per cent. Since bile flow behaved in a similar way, the biliar calcium concentration remained unmodified after hepatectomy. Determination of the activities of the Ca2+ transporting systems in isolated plasma membrane fractions from regenerating livers showed no modification in these activities suggesting that the elevation in calcium movement observed after hepatectomy is not due to an increase in the circulation of Ca2+ through the transhepatocyte pathway, an observation compatible with the absence of saturation in the transport.  相似文献   

Chronic liver injury leads to the accumulation of myofibroblasts resulting in increased collagen deposition and hepatic fibrogenesis. Treatments specifically targeting fibrogenesis are not yet available. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are fibroblast‐like stromal (stem) cells, which stimulate tissue regeneration and modulate immune responses. In the present study we assessed whether liver fibrosis and cirrhosis can be reversed by treatment with MSCs or fibroblasts concomitant to partial hepatectomy (pHx)‐induced liver regeneration. After carbon tetrachloride‐induced fibrosis and cirrhosis, mice underwent a pHx and received either systemically or locally MSCs in one of the two remaining fibrotic/cirrhotic liver lobes. Eight days after treatment, liver fibrogenesis was evaluated by Sirius‐red staining for collagen deposition. A significant reduction of collagen content in the locally treated lobes of the regenerated fibrotic and cirrhotic livers was observed in mice that received high dose MSCs. In the non‐MSC‐treated counterpart liver lobes no changes in collagen deposition were observed. Local fibroblast administration or intravenous administration of MSCs did not ameliorate fibrosis. To conclude, local administration of MSCs after pHx, in contrast to fibroblasts, results in a dose‐dependent on‐site reduction of collagen deposition in mouse models for liver fibrosis and cirrhosis.  相似文献   

The multi-kinase inhibitor Sorafenib increases the survival of patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Current data suggest that Sorafenib inhibits cellular proliferation and angiogenesis and promotes apoptosis. However, the underlying pro-apoptotic molecular mechanisms are incompletely understood. Here we compared the pro-apoptotic and anti-proliferative properties of Sorafenib in murine hepatoma cells and syngeneic healthy hepatocytes in vitro and in animal models of HCC and liver regeneration in vivo. In vitro, we demonstrate that cell cycle activity and expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 like proteins are similarly downregulated by Sorafenib in Hepa1-6 hepatoma cells and in syngeneic primary hepatocytes. However, Sorafenib-mediated activation of caspase-3 and induction of apoptosis were exclusively found in hepatoma cells, but not in matching primary hepatocytes. We validated these findings in vivo by applying an isograft HCC transplantation model and partial hepatectomy (PH) in C57BL/6 mice. Sorafenib treatment activated caspase-3 and thus apoptosis selectively in small tumor foci that originated from implanted Hepa1-6 cells but not in surrounding healthy hepatocytes. Similarly, Sorafenib did not induce apoptosis after PH. However, Sorafenib treatment transiently inhibited cell cycle progression and resulted in mitotic catastrophe and enhanced non-apoptotic liver injury during regeneration. Importantly, Sorafenib-mediated apoptosis in hepatoma cells was associated with the expression of p53-upregulated-modulator-of-apoptosis (PUMA). In contrast, regenerating livers after PH revealed downregulation of PUMA and were completely protected from Sorafenib-mediated apoptosis. We conclude that Sorafenib induces apoptosis selectively in hepatoma cells but not in healthy hepatocytes and can additionally increase non-apoptotic hepatocyte injury in the regenerating liver.  相似文献   

Host cell proteins (HCP) are a problematic set of impurities in downstream processing (DSP) as they behave most similarly to the target protein during separation. Approaching DSP with the knowledge of HCP separation behavior would be beneficial for the production of high purity recombinant biologics. Therefore, this work was aimed at characterizing the separation behavior of complex mixtures of HCP during a commonly used method: anion‐exchange chromatography (AEX). An additional goal was to evaluate the performance of a statistical methodology, based on the characterization data, as a tool for predicting protein separation behavior. Aqueous two‐phase partitioning followed by two‐dimensional electrophoresis provided data on the three physicochemical properties most commonly exploited during DSP for each HCP: pI (isoelectric point), molecular weight, and surface hydrophobicity. The protein separation behaviors of two alternative expression host extracts (corn germ and E. coli) were characterized. A multivariate random forest (MVRF) statistical methodology was then applied to the database of characterized proteins creating a tool for predicting the AEX behavior of a mixture of proteins. The accuracy of the MVRF method was determined by calculating a root mean squared error value for each database. This measure never exceeded a value of 0.045 (fraction of protein populating each of the multiple separation fractions) for AEX. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:1453–1463, 2016  相似文献   

Nuclear lamins are among the more abundant proteins making up the internal nuclear matrix, but very little is known about their structure in the nucleoplasm. Using immunoelectron microscopy, we demonstrate the organization of lamins in the nuclear matrix isolated from rat hepatocytes for the first time. Lamin epitopes are arrayed both in locally ordered clusters and in quasi-regular rows. Fourier filtering of the images demonstrates that the epitopes are placed at the nodes and halfway between the nodes of square or rhombic lattices that are about 50 nm on each side, as well as along rows at regular ∼25-nm intervals. In addition, we have compared this structure with that of the internal nuclear matrix isolated from persistent hepatocyte nodules. In transformed hepatocytes, the islands of lamin lattice are lost, and only a partial regularity in the rows of gold particles remains. We suggest that orthogonal lattice assembly might be an intrinsic property of lamin molecules, and that the disassembly may be triggered by simple molecular events such as phosphorylation.  相似文献   

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