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Previous work has shown thorax length to be under directional selection in the Drosophila buzzatii population of Carboneras. In order to predict the genetic consequences of natural selection, genetic variation for this trait was investigated in two ways. First, narrow sense heritability was estimated in the laboratory F2 generation of a sample of wild flies by means of the offspring-parent regression. A relatively high value, 0.59, was obtained. Because the phenotypic variance of wild flies was 7-9 times that of the flies raised in the laboratory, "natural" heritability may be estimated as one-seventh to one-ninth that value. Second, the contribution of the second and fourth chromosomes, which are polymorphic for paracentric inversions, to the genetic variance of thorax length was estimated in the field and in the laboratory. This was done with the assistance of a simple genetic model which shows that the variance among chromosome arrangements and the variance among karyotypes provide minimum estimates of the chromosome's contribution to the additive and genetic variances of the trait, respectively. In males raised under optimal conditions in the laboratory, the variance among second-chromosome karyotypes accounted for 11.43% of the total phenotypic variance and most of this variance was additive; by contrast, the contribution of the fourth chromosome was nonsignificant. The variance among second-chromosome karyotypes accounted for 1.56-1.78% of the total phenotypic variance in wild males and was nonsignificant in wild females. The variance among fourth chromosome karyotypes accounted for 0.14-3.48% of the total phenotypic variance in wild flies. At both chromosomes, the proportion of additive variance was higher in mating flies than in nonmating flies.  相似文献   



Chronic inflammation is involved in the pathogenesis of chronic age-associated, degenerative diseases. Pro-inflammatory host responses that are deleterious later in life may originate from evolutionary selection for genetic variation mediating resistance to infectious diseases under adverse environmental conditions.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In the Upper-East region of Ghana where infection has remained the leading cause of death, we studied the effect on survival of genetic variations at the IL10 gene locus that have been associated with chronic diseases. Here we show that an IL10 haplotype that associated with a pro-inflammatory innate immune response, characterised by low IL-10 (p = 0.028) and high TNF-α levels (p = 1.39×10−3), was enriched among Ghanaian elders (p = 2.46×10−6). Furthermore, in an environment where the source of drinking water (wells/rivers vs. boreholes) influences mortality risks (HR 1.28, 95% CI [1.09–1.50]), we observed that carriers of the pro-inflammatory haplotype have a survival advantage when drinking from wells/rivers but a disadvantage when drinking from boreholes (pinteraction = 0.013). Resequencing the IL10 gene region did not uncover any additional common variants in the pro-inflammatory haplotype to those SNPs that were initially genotyped.


Altogether, these data lend strong arguments for the selection of pro-inflammatory host responses to overcome fatal infection and promote survival in adverse environments.  相似文献   

Takahata N 《Genetics》1981,98(2):427-440
By using a numerical method of solving stochastic difference equations, the level of genetic variability maintained in a finite population and the rate of gene substitution under several models of fluctuating selection intensities were studied. It is shown that mutation and random genetic drift both play an important role in determining genetic variability and the rate of gene substitution. Compared with the case of neutral mutations, the fluctuation of selection intensity caused by temporal and spatial heterogeneity of environments generally increases the rate of gene substitution, but the level of genetic variability may be increased or decreased, depending upon the model and the parameters used. Although such a type of selection per se can not be ruled out, when mutation is taken into account, it is difficult to explain both the observed amount of genetic variability and the rough constancy of evolutionary rate within a framework of fluctuating selection models.  相似文献   

In contrast to our growing understanding of patterns of additive genetic variance in single- and multi-trait combinations, the relative contribution of nonadditive genetic variance, particularly dominance variance, to multivariate phenotypes is largely unknown. While mechanisms for the evolution of dominance genetic variance have been, and to some degree remain, subject to debate, the pervasiveness of dominance is widely recognized and may play a key role in several evolutionary processes. Theoretical and empirical evidence suggests that the contribution of dominance variance to phenotypic variance may increase with the correlation between a trait and fitness; however, direct tests of this hypothesis are few. Using a multigenerational breeding design in an unmanipulated population of Drosophila serrata, we estimated additive and dominance genetic covariance matrices for multivariate wing-shape phenotypes, together with a comprehensive measure of fitness, to determine whether there is an association between directional selection and dominance variance. Fitness, a trait unequivocally under directional selection, had no detectable additive genetic variance, but significant dominance genetic variance contributing 32% of the phenotypic variance. For single and multivariate morphological traits, however, no relationship was observed between trait–fitness correlations and dominance variance. A similar proportion of additive and dominance variance was found to contribute to phenotypic variance for single traits, and double the amount of additive compared to dominance variance was found for the multivariate trait combination under directional selection. These data suggest that for many fitness components a positive association between directional selection and dominance genetic variance may not be expected.  相似文献   

Two hundred and ninety second chromosomes extracted from a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster were analyzed to estimate the genetic variance of viability and its components by means of a partial diallel cross (Design II of Comstock and Robinson 1952). The additive and dominance variances are estimated to be 0.009 and 0.0012. Using the dominance variance and the inbreeding depression, the effective number of overdominant loci contributing to the variance in viability is estimated to be very small, a dozen or less. Either the actual number of loci is small, or the distribution of viabilities is strongly skewed with a large majority of very weakly selected loci. The additive variance in viability appears to be too large to be accounted for by recurrent harmful mutants or by overdominant loci at equilibrium with various genetic parameters estimated independently. The excess might be due to frequency-dependent selection, to negative correlations between viability and fertility, or possibly to the presence of a mutator. The selection for viability and fertility, or possibly to the presence of a mutator. The selection for viability at the average polymorphic locus must be very slight, of the order of 10(-3) or less.  相似文献   

In analogy to the concept of breeding value defined for random mating equilibrium populations, the “transmittable genetic value” of an individual is defined as the average value of its expected progeny for any system of mating. The genotypic value is then characterised in terms of transmittable and residual genetic values and components of genetic variance redefined which can be estimated by the conventional procedure based on resemblance between relatives.  相似文献   

Biological invasions often cause major perturbations in the environment and are well studied among macroorganisms. Less is known about invasion by free-living microbes. Gonyostomum semen (Raphidophyceae) is a freshwater phytoplankton species that has increased in abundance in Northern Europe since the 1980''s and has expanded its habitat range. In this study, we aimed to determine the genetic population structure of G. semen in Northern Europe and to what extent it reflects the species'' recent expansion. We sampled lakes from 12 locations (11 lakes) in Norway, Sweden and Finland. Multiple strains from each location were genotyped using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP). We found low differentiation between locations, and low gene diversity within each location. Moreover, there was an absence of genetic isolation with distance (Mantel test, p = 0.50). According to a Bayesian clustering method all the isolates belonged to the same genetic population. Together our data suggest the presence of one metapopulation and an overall low diversity, which is coherent with a recent expansion of G. semen.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a candidate for cellulosic bioenergy feedstock development. Because biomass yield is the most important biological factor limiting the commercial development and deployment of switchgrass as a cellulosic bioenergy feedstock efforts must be undertaken to develop improved cultivars. The objectives of this study were (1) to conduct two cycles of within-family selection for increased biomass yield in WS4U switchgrass and (2) to simultaneously evaluate progress from selection relative to the mean of the original WS4U population. Each of the 150 WS4U families was subjected to phenotypic selection for vigor, seed production, and disease resistance. The mean of all families increased relative to the original WS4U population by 0.36 Mg ha?1 cycle?1 for biomass yield and 3.0% cycle?1 for ground cover. Gains were uniform across two diverse evaluation locations, indicating that selection gains were robust relative to some variation in Hardiness Zone and soil type. Two cycles of within-family selection led to a homogenization of the diverse families, creating novel recombinations and reducing the family genetic variance to near zero. It is hypothesized that selection and recombination has led to replication of favorable alleles across pedigrees with differing genetic backgrounds, increasing the likelihood of including these favorable alleles in the progeny of future selections. The rate of genetic progress is expected to increase in future cycles of selection with a combination of within-family phenotypic selection and half-sib progeny testing of selected families.  相似文献   

红松半同胞家系遗传变异分析及果材兼用优良家系选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以临江林业局闹枝林场内48个红松半同胞家系为材料,连续3年对其生长性状进行测定分析。方差分析结果表明不同家系间各性状差异均达极显著水平(P<0.01);家系间各指标表型变异系数变化范围为2.74%~51.39%;半同胞家系间各性状遗传力均超过0.97;48个半同胞家系树高、胸径和单株球果数量的一般配合力变化范围为(-1.82~1.70)、(-7.91~9.99)和(-14.85~15.15);不同树龄树高间、胸径间的相关系数达极显著水平(0.993 < r < 0.999,0.995 < r < 0.998);分别利用生长性状和结实性状对家系进行综合评价,以10%的入选率,初步选出5个生长性状优良的家系,入选家系树高和胸径平均值分别为8.02 m和21.95 cm,遗传增益分别为7.63%和46.29%。初步选出5个结实性状优良的家系,球果数量和千粒重平均值分别为30.26个和736.20 g,遗传增益分别为86.49%和1.46%。本研究中评价选出的优良家系可为红松良种登记提供材料,选择方法为其它果材兼用树种良种选育提供理论基础。  相似文献   

How new mutations contribute to genetic variation is a key question in biology. Although the evolutionary fate of an allele is largely determined by its heterozygous effect, most estimates of mutational variance and mutational effects derive from highly inbred lines, where new mutations are present in homozygous form. In an attempt to overcome this limitation, middle-class neighborhood (MCN) experiments have been used to assess the fitness effect of new mutations in heterozygous form. However, because MCN populations harbor substantial standing genetic variance, estimates of mutational variance have not typically been available from such experiments. Here we employ a modification of the animal model to analyze data from 22 generations of Drosophila serrata bred in an MCN design. Mutational heritability, measured for eight cuticular hydrocarbons, 10 wing-shape traits, and wing size in this outbred genetic background, ranged from 0.0006 to 0.006 (with one exception), a similar range to that reported from studies employing inbred lines. Simultaneously partitioning the additive and mutational variance in the same outbred population allowed us to quantitatively test the ability of mutation-selection balance models to explain the observed levels of additive and mutational genetic variance. The Gaussian allelic approximation and house-of-cards models, which assume real stabilizing selection on single traits, both overestimated the genetic variance maintained at equilibrium, but the house-of-cards model was a closer fit to the data. This analytical approach has the potential to be broadly applied, expanding our understanding of the dynamics of genetic variance in natural populations.  相似文献   

During adaptive evolutionary processes substantial heterogeneity in selective pressure might act across local habitats in sympatry. Examples are selection for drug resistance in malaria or herbicide resistance in weeds. In such setups standard population-genetic assumptions (homogeneous constant selection pressures, random mating etc.) are likely to be violated. To avoid misinferences on the strength and pattern of natural selection it is therefore necessary to adjust population-genetic theory to meet the specifics driving adaptive processes in particular organisms. We introduce a deterministic model in which selection acts heterogeneously on a population of haploid individuals across different patches over which the population randomly disperses every generation. A fixed proportion of individuals mates exclusively within patches, whereas the rest mates randomly across all patches. We study how the allele frequencies at neutral markers are affected by the spread of a beneficial mutation at a closely linked locus (genetic hitchhiking). We provide an analytical solution for the frequency change and the expected heterozygosity at the neutral locus after a single copy of a beneficial mutation became fixed. We furthermore provide approximations of these solutions which allow for more obvious interpretations. In addition, we validate the results by stochastic simulations. Our results show that the application of standard population-genetic theory is accurate as long as differences across selective environments are moderate. However, if selective differences are substantial, as for drug resistance in malaria, herbicide resistance in weeds, or insecticide resistance in agriculture, it is necessary to adapt available theory to the specifics of particular organisms.  相似文献   

Three two-trait selection methods were analyzed for their effects on genetic variance and correlation by multivariate methods, two-locus methods and computer simulation. The two-trait selection methods studied were independent culling levels (ICL), index (IND) and extreme (EXT) selection. The effects of the selection methods on genetic variance and correlation were partitioned into permanent effects due to changes in gene frequencies and temporary effects due to nonrandom association of alleles at different loci. Multivariate methods were used to predict temporary effects from a single generation of selection by each method and from several generations of index selection. Two-locus theory was used to determine the stability and rank of temporary effects on genetic correlation for all three methods. Predictions were compared to computer simulation results. When selection increased the means of both traits, EXT had the lowest (closest to -1.0) genetic correlation and highest variances, while ICL tended to have the highest (closest to 1.0) genetic correlation. When selection increased the mean of one trait and decreased the mean of the other, EXT had the highest genetic variances and correlation, while ICL had the lowest genetic variances and correlation.  相似文献   

Associations between neutral genetic markers and genes under selection have been suggested to explain the population genetic structure of neutral genes in cyclically parthenogenetic freshwater invertebrates. A simulation model was constructed in order to analyse the extrapolated consequences of observed fluctuations in genotype frequencies in Daphnia, in the presence of egg banks. When of sufficient depth and magnitude, egg banks in combination with fluctuating selection were shown to maintain genetic variation within populations indefinitely. The level of equilibrium diversity increased with the depth and magnitude of the banks, and with intensity of selection. The same threshold was responsible for genetic differentiation between populations, which was independent of migration rate, and which was attained very rapidly following initial Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. In the absence of selection, egg banks increased the effective size of local populations, thereby decreasing genetic differentiation at migration-drift equilibrium. These results suggest that egg banks are crucial to the genetic structure in the presence of fluctuating selective pressures, but more data are needed if this knowledge is to be used in an improved general understanding of the genetic structure of cyclically parthenogenetic species.  相似文献   

Understanding among and within population genetic variation of ecologically important plant traits provides insight into the potential evolutionary processes affecting those traits. The strength and consistency of selection driving variability in traits would be affected by plasticity in differences among genotypes across environments (G×E). We investigated population divergence, selection and environmental plasticity of foliar plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) in a dominant tree species, Eucalyptus globulus. Using two common garden trials we examined variation in PSMs at multiple genetic scales; among 12 populations covering the full geographic range of the species and among up to 60 families within populations. Significant genetic variation in the expression of many PSMs resides both among and within populations of E. globulus with moderate (e.g., sideroxylonal A h2op = 0.24) to high (e.g., macrocarpal G h2op = 0.48) narrow sense heritabilities and high coefficients of additive genetic variation estimated for some compounds. A comparison of Qst and Fst estimates suggest that variability in some of these traits may be due to selection. Importantly, there was no genetic by environment interaction in the expression of any of the quantitative chemical traits despite often significant site effects. These results provide evidence that natural selection has contributed to population divergence in PSMs in E. globulus, and identifies the formylated phloroglucinol compounds (particularly sideroxylonal) and a dominant oil, 1,8-cineole, as candidates for traits whose genetic architecture has been shaped by divergent selection. Additionally, as the genetic differences in these PSMs that influence community phenotypes is stable across environments, the role of plant genotype in structuring communities is strengthened and these genotypic differences may be relatively stable under global environmental changes.  相似文献   

Natural Selection for within-Generation Variance in Offspring Number   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
John H. Gillespie 《Genetics》1974,76(3):601-606
In this paper it is shown that natural selection can act on the within-generation variance in offspring number. The fitness of a genotype will increase as its variance in offspring number decreases. The intensity of selection on the variance component is inversely proportional to population size, although the fixation probability of a gene which differs from its allele only in the variance in its offspring number is independent of population size. The concept of effective population size is shown to be of limited use when there is genetic variation in the variance in offspring number.  相似文献   

群体融合对遗传方差的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王身立 《遗传学报》1991,18(6):537-544
探讨了群体融合对遗传方差的影响,无显性时基因型方差对群体中的基因频率为一凸函数,群体融合将导致它的增加,完全显性时,当群体中显性基因的频率时,群体融合导致基因型方差增加;而当时,融合导致基因型方差减小。超显性时,群体融合导致基因型方差增加,对加性方差和显性方差也分别进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The variance between and within backcrosses of two populations is partitioned on the base of (I) multinomially distributed numbers of effects of specific chromosomes taking (II) recombination into account and on the base of (III) normally distributed sums of gene effects. The method of estimation makes use of a specific structure of data with backcross parents taken from different generations of random mating reproduction of crosses between the two populations.  相似文献   

I. M. Hastings 《Genetics》1991,129(4):1167-1176
Population geneticists make a distinction between sexual and asexual organisms depending on whether individuals inherit genes from one or two parents. When individual genes are considered, this distinction becomes less satisfactory for multicellular sexual organisms. Individual genes pass through numerous asexual mitotic cell divisions in the germline prior to meiosis and sexual recombination. The processes of mitotic mutation, mitotic crossing over, and mitotic gene conversion create genotypic diversity between diploid cells in the germline. Genes expressed in the germline whose products affect cell viability (such as many "housekeeping" enzymes) may be subjected to natural selection acting on this variability resulting in a non-Mendelian output of gametes. Such genes will be governed by the population genetics of the sexual/asexual life cycle rather than the conventional sexual/Mendelian life cycle. A model is developed to investigate some properties of the sexual/asexual life cycle. When appropriate parameter values were included in the model, it was found that mutation rates per locus per gamete may vary by a factor of up to 100 if selection acts in the germline. Sexual/asexual populations appear able to evolve to a genotype of higher fitness despite intervening genotypes of lower fitness, reducing the problems of underdominance and Wright's adaptive landscape encountered by purely sexual populations. As might be expected this ability is chiefly determined by the number of asexual mitotic cell divisions within the germline. The evolutionary consequences of "housekeeping" loci being governed by the dynamics of the sexual/asexual life cycle are considered.  相似文献   

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