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In the last few years, matrix assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) has been introduced in clinical laboratories for routine identification. Initially used for research, MALDI-TOF-MS allows rapid and accurate identification of the main microorganisms isolated from clinical samples, by intact cell mass spectrometry or directly from positive blood culture or urines. Other applications are being in processed as bacterial typing, research and detection of antibiotic resistance or particularly virulent strains.  相似文献   

Scolecodonts, isolated pieces of jaw apparatuses of Annelida Polychaetia Errantida are rares after the Primary Era because a chemical modification which inferring is a bad preservation of the group. The meso-cenozoic pieces are different from the paleozoic ones. So, terminology and writing of the dental formula are inappropriate for secondary and tertiary teeth. This paper reminds, states precisely and proposes a terminology for paleozoic annelid teeth as well as modern forms. The dental formula coined by Taugourdeau is modified in the sense of a simplification. An english version of terms is given.  相似文献   



The aim of our study was to assess the variability of 18-FDG uptake in the liver and the relationship between hepatic SUVs and SULs and several clinical and technical factors among patients with 18-FDG avid lymphoma.


Two hundred and thirty eight patients who underwent 18-FDG PET/CT for a Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) or mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) at baseline (PET1), interim (PET2), and end-of-treatment (PET3) were retrospectively included. Linear regression models were used to assess the variability of hepatic SUVmax, SUVmean, SULmax and SULmean. Correlation between SUVs and SULs and several factors including Body Mass Index (BMI), age, histological type, Ann Arbor classification, LDH levels, AST and ALT levels, chemotherapy, corticosteroid therapy, fasting blood glucose, uptake time, and injected activity. Univariate and multivariate regression models were established. Finally, we compared residual lymphoma and hepatic SUVs at PET2 and PET3 for the patients categorized Deauville 3 and 4.


Liver SUVs were all significantly increased at PET2 and PET3 in comparison with PET1. SULmean was the less variable index. BMI, age, histological type and injected dose were significantly associated with SUVs. In multivariate analysis, only BMI and injected dose remained significantly associated with hepatic SUVs. Residual tumoral uptake at PET2 were lower than hepatic SUVmax in 32/47 patients classified Deauville 3 and higher than hepatic SUVmean and SULmax in almost all Deauville 3 patients.


While the hepatic SUVmax was the most prone to variability, especially sensitive to BMI, it appears to be more appropriate than SUVmean or SULmax in assessing tumor response to treatment. Factors affecting SUVs must be considered in the evaluation of therapeutic response in lymphoma.  相似文献   

Résumé Les auteurs présentent une analyse de la dynamique des populations de pucerons réalisée dans un verger expérimental de Pêchers dont les conditions de milieu sont précisées (climat, sol, pratiques culturales). La méthode d'estimation des effectifs a permis de suivre l'évolution des populations deMyzus persicae et des autres Aphides en rapport avec l'aetivité de leurs principaux ennemis naturels. Les conditions dans lesquelles se développe le phénomène de résistance deMyzus persicae aux esters phosphoriques ont été abordées. Des seuils de tolérance provisoires sont proposés pour les deux espèces les plus dangereuses:Myzus persicae etHyalopterus pruni.
Summary The sampling method adopted for the survey of populations of the Peach tree Aphids, consists in estimating, for each Aphid species, the total number of aphids per tree and in classifying the degree of infestation according to the power of five (degree 0=no aphids; degree 1∶1 to 5 aphids; degree 2∶6 to 25 aphids etc.). Each sample has been taken from 50 trees. By this method it was possible to estimate the highest degrees of infestation tolerated by the trees without apparent damage. The following economic thresholds are provisionally considered: degree 5 in May forMyzus persicae, degree 4 at the beginning of June forHyalopterus pruni. Experiments on artificial contamination of peach trees byMyzus persicae indicate that resistance of this species to organophosphates appears and is maintained on peach trees without any immigration of winged individuals of anholocyclic clones from secondary host plants. The biology and trends in populations on Peach trees of the following species:Hyalopterus pruni Geoff.,Brachycandus prunicola Kltb.,B. amygdalinus Schout.,B. persicae Pass.,Myzus varians Davids are discussed. The current research on Aphids is reconsidered within the larger framework of integrated control in Peach orchards.

R. Gruber 《Hydrobiologia》1962,19(3):225-242
Summary The author tries to determine the best area and the best experimental design in fish farming. He suggests 0,05 acre ponds to study fish production and 0,12 acre ponds to experiment reproduction and raising of young fish.If some groups controlling especially the effects of ponds areas, the after effects of treatments and the quality of waters, improve the precision of experiments, the best technic finally consists in the use of covariance analysis.In fish production, the determination of the flow and in fish breeding the mensuration of the total length of the females are equivalent to 15 and 32 repetitions of the experiment respectively.
Résumé L'auteur recherche la superficie et le plan d'expérimentation optimum en pisciculture. Il préconise des étangs de 2 ares pour les études de production et de 5 ares pour les essais de reproduction et alevinage. Si certains groupements contrôlant notamment les superficies des étangs, les arriéres effets de traitements antérieurs, les qualités d'eaux d'alimentation, améliorent la précision de l'essai, l'action la plus efficace revient à l'analyse de la covariance.En pisciculture de production, la détermination des débits et en pisciculture de reproduction alevinage, la mensuration de longueur totale des femelles équivalent respectivement à 15 et 32 répétitions de l'essai.

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