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From a survey of 30 species and varieties of ladybugs the presence of alkaloids appears to be correlated with the existence of aposematic colour and not with being carnivorous or phytophagous. The alkaloids described until now all belong to the Coccinellini and are closely related, but other types of bases have been detected in some genera. The observed distributions are in agreement with the modern taxonomy of the family.Ladybug alkaloids constitute an effective defence against ants, Myrmica rubra, and quails, Coturnix coturnix, but all the beetles containing alkaloids do not possess the same degree of protection. Individual quail react differently towards moderately protected species.The bioassay used for the first isolation of coccinelin is described. The repulsive activities of aqueous solutions of coccinellin and convergin towards ants have been compared.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among fungi belonging to the family of Ustilaginaceae (genera Microbotryum, Sphacelotheca, Ustilago, Sporisorium) are inferred from a parsimony analysis using the ITS sequences of nuclear ribosomal genes. The introduction in the phylogeny of sequences from species of Suillus, Puccinia and Taphrina as outgroup shows the polyphyletism of this family. These results support the division of this taxon into two groups: Ustilaginaceae s. str. formed only by the pathogens of Poaceae, and Microbotryaceae constituted by the pathogens of Dicotyledons. Furthermore, we proposed to extend the host plant spectrum of Ustilaginaceae s. str. to all the Monocotyledons. Several discriminating characteristics are listed to support this distinction.  相似文献   

Galperin  H. 《Human genetics》1967,4(1):6-12
Human Genetics - Ce travail comporte des analyses de la variance de la longueur et de l'indice brachial des chromosomes 1, 2 et 3, de cellules ayant subi une endoréduplication.  相似文献   

Résumé Les populations levuriennes de deux chais de Bourgogne sont étudiées sur deux années d'un point de vue taxonomique et biologique. 122 souches se rapportant à 26 espèces, ont été isolées à partir de la voûte et du sol de la cave, sur les madriers supportant les tonneaux, dans la cuve, sur le pressoir et sur les tonneaux. En dehors d'un certain nombre d'espèces classiques dans ce type d'habitat, telles que Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pichia membranaefaciens, Hansenula anomala et Kloeckera apiculata, nous avons pu mettre en évidence notamment: Debaryomyces hansenii, Torulopsis Candida, Saccharomyces italicus, ainsi qu'un certain nombre d'espèces appartenant aux genres Pichia, Candida et Trichosporon. La répartition qualitative et quantitative des espèces est également étudiée.
The yeast populations of two burgundy cellars were studied during two years from a taxonomical and biological point of view. 122 strains distributed among 26 species have been isolated from the vault and ground of the cellar, on the planks supporting the barrels, in the tank, on the winepress and on the barrels. Apart from a number of standard species in this type of habitat such Saccharomy cescerevisiae, Pichia membranaefaciens, Hansenula anomala, Kloeckera apiculata we have encountered the more rare Debaryomyces hansenii, Torulopsis Candida, Saccharomyces italicus as also species of the genus Pichia, Candida, and Trichosporon.

The holarctic subfamily Melitaeinae of Nymphalid butterflies (old genus Melitaea Hbn.) has been split into various genera by morphological systematics, but this division has been debated. This work presents the results of a preliminary survey of European taxa using two types of molecular criteria: analysis of enzyme variation by electrophoresis (19 loci) and sequencing of a mtDNA fragment (ND1 gene). The information provided by both kinds of markers are largely congruent. The division of the subfamily into two monophyletic lines corresponding to the genera Euphyryas s. 1. and Melitaea s. l. is validated. The subsequent division of the former genus into two units, Eurodryas and Hypodryas is also confirmed by molecular criteria. Inside rhe old genus Melitaea, a monophyletic assemblage, corresponding to the ‘Mellicta group’ is disclosed, but the phylogeny of the other species of the group is confused. Uniting them in a ‘Didymaeformia group’ or in a genus Melitaea s. str. risks rhe generation of a paraphyletic assemblage. It remains to be determined whether or not these results are due to insufficient resolution, or whether they reflecr a real evolutionary pattern  相似文献   

The Glénan Archipelago was investigated, from the surface to a depth of 60 m, byScuba diving. Four distinct communities (“peuplements”) have been determined that fit into the system of zonation defined by the Genoa Symposium (1957). The results are compared with observations made in the English Channel (Cabioch 1968) and in the Atlantic Ocean (Glemarec 1971). Since illumination depends upon the angle of the rocky face, photophilic species exhibit a maximum range when the rock surfaces are horizontal. The sublittoral zone is dominated by laminarians. They form two distinct communities with the animal and vegetal species they overshadow. The upper community is characterized byLaminaria digitata (Linné)Lamouroux (horizontal rocky face from 0 to 6 m; vertical rocky face from +0.5 to ?3 m). The lower cummunity, characterized byL. hyperborea (Gunner)Foslie has a greater vertical extension (horizontal: ?6 m to ?26 m; vertical: ?3 to ?30 m). The circalittoral zone is colonized by several animal species growing in a ramified manner: the upper community is characterized by Axinellidae (?30 m), the lower byDendrophyllia cornigera (Lamarck) (?55 to ?60 m). Upright algae disappear somewhere between ?40 and ?47 m.  相似文献   

Résumé ChezCalotermes flavicollis, la formation des sexués néoténiques est plus facile, ou plus rapide, dans le sexe femelle que dans le sexe mâle.Les sexués femelles montrent un pouvoir inhibiteur à l'égard des individus femelles; les sexués mâles inhibent les mâles de façon moins complète; la stabilisation complète peut être obtenue dans les élevages unisexués, formés uniquement de mâles ou de femelles.La régulation du nombre des néoténiques ne se fait pas de la même façon dans les élevages et dans les élevages . Dans les premiers, 2 néoténiques subsistent, quelquefois 3; dans les seconds ne persiste qu'un seul néoténique , rarement deux.Ces résultats mettent en lumière le rôle différent joué par les mâles et les femelles dans les sociétés de Termites.  相似文献   

La comparaison des protéines des polyèdres des Baculovirus deGalleria mellonella L.,Lymantria dispar L.,Autographa californica Speyer,Mamestra brassicae L.,Arctia caja L.,Bombyx mori L. etAntheraea pernyi Guer. en immunodiffusion montre qu'il existe entre elles une étroite parenté antigénique. Des différences entre ces protéines peuvent être mises en évidence à l'aide de sérums spécifiques obtenus dans des conditions particulières d'immunisation.  相似文献   

Intraleft dyssynchrony is strongly correlated to contractile dysfunction associated to severe heart failure. Dyssynchrony is also a predictive marker for cardiac resynchronization therapy response. We measured dyssynchrony values for both ventricles from gated blood pool SPECT images.Material and methodsThree groups of patients were sampled from normal patients (n = 7), mild heart failure patients (n = 24) and severe heart failure patients (n = 9). Time-derivative parametric images were obtained from 24-time bins gated blood pool SPECT data. We measured intraleft and interventricular contractile and relaxing dyssynchrony values from these images.ResultsIntraleft dispersions values linked to ventricular peak emptying rate were 107 ± 21 ms, 141 ± 58 ms and 515 ± 104 ms for each of the three groups. The values linked to left ventricular peak filling rate were 122 ± 62 ms, 219 ± 117 ms and 603 ± 164 ms respectively. Statistical significant differences (p < 0.01) were observed both for contractile and relaxing phases for severe heart failure patients. Mild heart failure patients had isolated statistical significant (p < 0.01) alterations of the ventricular relaxing phase. Correlation between isotopic dyssynchrony values and left ejection fraction led to a R square coefficient of 0.71 and 0.64 for time to peak emptying and to peak filling respectively. Correlation to QRS width values led to a R square coefficient of 0.76 and 0.62 respectively.ConclusionVentricular dyssynchrony correlated to the importance of the ventricular mechanical dysfunctions is a robust predictor of heart failure. Separate analysis of contractile and relaxing dyssynchrony may lead to a better understanding and characterization of the mechanical dysfunctions involved in heart failure.  相似文献   

Au cours de leur transit épididymaire, les spermatozo?des rencontrent un environnement varié, au regard des protéines avec lesquelles ils rentrent en contract. Dans la partie proximale de l'épididyme, ils sont soumis à l'action d'enzymes, et exposés à des protéines susceptibles de modifier les membranes. Dans la partie moyenne prédomine une autre catégorie de protéines et d'enzymes; celles associées au transport de stérols pourraient modifier les membranes spermatiques afin de permettre l'ancrage de protéines de liaison à la zone pellucide: P 34H et CD52. Dans la partie distale les spermatozo?des rencontrent des activités croissantes d'enzymes lytiques, des protéines impliquées à la fois dans la liaison à la zone pellucidé et la fusion ovocytaire, l'antigène de maturation CD 52, une activité anti-microbienne, et enfin des agents décapacitants qui facilitent leur survie avant l'éjaculation. L'adhérence des protéines aux différents domaines membranaires (comme la région antérieure ou le segment équatorial de l'acrosome) peut dépendre de la nature de la protéine, de la composition lipidique de la région membranaire concernée, et de l'environnement ionique dans la lumière épididymaire. La localisation des protéines sur le spermatozo?de, qu'il soit à acrosome intact (membrane acrosomique) ou acrosome-réagi (segment équatorial) pourra dicter leur r?le, concernant par exemple la fixation à la zona (P 34H), ou la liaison à l'ovocyte (gp 20). Les protéines comme les membranes peuvent être modifiées durant le transit épididymaire par des enzymes qui peuvent ajouter ou retirer des sucres et des peptides de la surface spermatique.  相似文献   

The first step of male differentiation is the testis determination which is genetically controled. The key role of SRY gene is now established. However, a number of clinical and genetic data favoured the role of other genes taking place upstream or downstream SRY. Most of 46, XX males possess a translocated SRY gene and thus develop testis, but SRY gene is not found in 10% of such patients. Likewise, the molecular study of 46, XY females participated in the identification of SRY as testis determining factor, but 80% of XY gonadal dysgenesis are not explained by an abnormality of SRY gene. Several clinical situations permitted to suspect the role of autosomal (chromosome 1, 9, 10 17 …) and X chromosome loci in the pathology of sex determination. Some recent works concern, in particular, the testis determining factor of the X chromosome (TDF-X) that could act as a repressor of the testis differentiation. In conclusion, molecular mechanisms of sexual determination appear to be much complex, involving probably several genes in a pathway that remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Since the first publication on the detection of sperm-agglutinating antibodies in infertile men, multiple assays have been described. The most useful tests are able to detect antibodies bound to the sperm membrane of motile spermatozoa. The immunobeads test (IBT) is considered to be the most advantageous in terms of its sensitivity, the low incidence of false-positive results, and its ability to localize antibodies of different immunoglobulin classes on the sperm surface. The IBT assay can be used in parallel with the mixed antiglobulin reaction (MAR), to detect sperm-associated antibodies in the ejaculates of infertile men, the most rational way to test for antisperm antibodies (ASA) in males. In view of the high level of agreement between the two assays, MAR, the easier of the two, may be used as a first step in the detection of these antibodies. A positive MAR must be confirmed by IBT, as this assay is more specific for the detection of IgA antibodies. The clinical significance of sperm-associated antibodies is usually established according to the proportion of motile spermatozoa coated with immunobeads, its class and its localization on the sperm surface. However, binding of immunobeads does not provide any information about the antigens against which the antibodies are directed. As the functional effects of sperm-associated antibodies may vary as a function of their antigenic specificities, other assays, using purified fertilization related antigens, are necessary to establish, for each individual, the specific impact of the antibodies on the fertilization process. The indirect IBT assay has recently become the most widely used test to detect the various classes of ASA in serum and cervical mucus of infertile women and in the serum and seminal fluid of infertile men, in combination with the direct assay described above. However, in most laboratories, it is performed with only one dilution of the biological fluid tested, usually a low dilution, so that antibody levels of no significance for fertility could be detected. This may explain a recente debate (Human Reprod, 1999) on the significance of ASA as a cause of infertility. At present, and in the absence of standardized assays able to identify the antigens involved in each individual immune reaction, antibody assays, as detected by the IBT assay, in the serum and/or genital secretions of infertile subjects might provide useful clinical guidance.  相似文献   

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