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The complex floral structure in the southern African genusConophytum (Mesembryanthemaceae; 77 spp.) is described in detail and assigned to three basic floral types, two of which can be divided into two subtypes. Correlations between structural features and phenological patterns are demonstrated and discussed in the family context as well as in relation to the systematic subdivision of the genus.  相似文献   

Floral phenology, as most of natural phenomena, shows, as an inherent feature, a high degree of spatial continuity. Geostatistics are a family of statistics that describe correlations through space/time and they can be used for both quantifying spatial correlation and interpolating no monitored sampling points. The combined use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and geostatistics can be an essential tool for spatial analysis in phenological and aerobiological studies. In the present work, Kriging interpolation by using linear geostatistic analysis has allow us to estimate phenological data of a wide olive crop area of the province of Cordoba (Andalusia, Southern Spain), on the basis of a limited number of␣phenology sampling points. The main a priori hypothesis was that 7 traditionally observed sampling points (with 10 olive trees in each site) uniformly distributed through the main olive crop areas could be enough for interpolating phenological information of the whole Cordoba olive area. Geostatistical results reject this hypothesis. The optimum/minimum number and location of sampling points was determined in 13 sites (including the original 7 sites and 6 new sites). The obtained phenological maps will improve␣olive pollen aerobiological information and forecasting in the area. The application of such new combined space analysis tools on floral phenology allows optimising human and economic resources on field phenology campaigns. Moreover, an appropriate use of GIS and geostatistic software to create phenological maps will be an essential complement in pollen aerobiological studies, given the increased interest in obtaining automatic aerobiological forecasting maps.  相似文献   

Comparative floral anatomy and ontogeny in Magnoliaceae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Floral anatomy and ontogeny are described in six species of Magnoliaceae, representing the two subfamilies Liriodendroideae (Liriodendron chinese and L. tulipifera) and Magnolioideae, including species with terminal flowers (Magnolia championi, M. delavayi, M. grandiflora, M. paenetalauma) and axillary flowers (Michelia crassipes). The sequence of initiation of floral organs is from proximal to distal. The three distinct outermost organs are initiated in sequence, but ultimately form a single whorl; thus their ontogeny is consistent with a tepal interpretation. Tepals are initiated in whorls, and the stamens and carpels are spirally arranged, though the androecium shows some intermediacy between a spiral and whorled arrangement. Carpels are entirely free from each other both at primordial stages and maturity. Ventral closure of the style ranges from open in Magnolia species examined to partially closed in Michelia crassipes and completely closed in Liriodendron, resulting in a reduced stigma surface. Thick-walled cells and tannins are present in all species except Michelia crassipes. Oil cells are normally present. Floral structure is relatively homogeneous in this family, although Liriodendron differs from other Magnoliaceae in that the carpels are entirely closed at maturity, resulting in a relatively small stigma, in contrast to the elongate stigma of most species of Magnolia. The flower of Magnolia does not terminate in an organ or organ whorl but achieves determinacy by gradual diminution.  相似文献   

Summary The breeding phenology of temperate wood-lice is strongly seasonal, the result of physiological constraints and precise environmental cues for reproduction. The adaptive value of such mechanisms is that the release of offspring coincides with favourable conditions for growth and survival (Willows 1984). We recorded the breeding phenology of Armadillidium vulgare (Latreille) on two grassland sites in Great Britain and found between-site and between-year variation in the onset of reproduction, the duration of reproductive activity, the release of offspring, the size of reproductive females and the number of broods per female. Between 82.7 and 97.7% of gravid females sampled were semelparous at 23 months, with the remainder iteroparous, producing a second brood after 35 months. On one site (Weeting Health) improved growth conditions during 1984 allowed some females (19.3% of gravid females sampled in that year) to produce a brood after 11 months. There was also an increase in the number of 3-year-old females found to be gravid. An experimental manipulation of the same habitat confirmed that such changes in life history tactics could be phenotypic responses. The observed phenotypic variation was sufficient to produce a range of life history tactics within a population. Mixtures of life history tactics within a population may be typical of invasive species and populations at the edge of the species range. Our results support the idea that phenotypic plasticity can be an appropriate tactic to maximise fitness in a fluctuating environment (Caswell 1983, 1989).  相似文献   

Floral morphology ofBrasenia schreberi Gmel. andCabomba caroliniana A. Gray was observed chiefly from an anatomical point of view. The receptacle ofB. schreberi is rather flat and a vascular plexus is observable in the mature flower. The vasculature in this plexus is so complex taht it is not easy to trace its structure in detail. by observation on small buds, it can be seen that the receptacular vasculature consists of a girdling bundle in the basal area and usually nine receptacular strands from which traces to the petals and stamens branch off. The vasculature in the receptacle is reconstructed and diagramatically shown as though split longitudinally and spread out in one plane. Floral vasculature inCabomba caroliniana is simpler, and is probably related to the smaller number of stamens and carpels. It also has a girdling bundle at the bottom of receptacle and this vasculature is suggested to be derived by simplification from aBrasenia-type vasculature. Evidence from floral anatomy suggests that these two genera are closely related. InNymphaea, a vascular plexus in the receptacle is also observed (Moseley, 1961; Ito 1983). The plexus ofBrasenia andNymphaea are not the same in their construction. Nevertheless, their fundamental floral vasculature is comparable and it is preferable to place them in the same family or same order.  相似文献   

Questions: Does plant species richness and composition of eastern Mediterranean dwarf shrubland (phrygana) correlate with soil pH? How important is the effect of pH on species diversity in relation to other environmental factors in this ecosystem? What is the evolutionary background of the diversity–pH relationship? Location: Western Crete, Greece. Methods: Species composition of vascular plants, soil and other environmental variables were sampled in 100‐m2 plots on acidic and basic bedrock in phrygana vegetation. The relationships between species composition and environmental variables (including climate) were tested using canonical correspondence analysis, and relationships between species richness and environment using correlation and regression analyses. Data were analysed separately for different plant functional types based on life form and life span. Results: Although soil pH varied across a narrow range (5.9‐8.1), species composition changed significantly along the pH gradient within all plant functional types. For most functional types, the effect of soil pH on species composition was stronger than that of other environmental variables. Species richness of annuals, geophytes and suffruticose chamaephytes increased with soil pH, while richness of hemicryptophytes and shrubs was not correlated with pH. Conclusions: The results are consistent with the evolutionary species pool hypothesis. High numbers of calcicole annuals, geophytes and suffruticose chamaephytes may be a result of the evolution of these groups on base‐rich dry soils in the Mediterranean climate. In contrast, hemicryptophytes, a life form typical of the temperate zone, evolved on both acidic and basic soils and therefore their species numbers do not respond to soil pH across the narrow range studied. The lack of a relationship between shrub species richness and pH is difficult to explain: it may reflect the more diverse or older origin of Mediterranean woody species and their conservative niches.  相似文献   

A review of the life history,reproduction and phenology of Gracilaria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The basic life history of the red alga Gracilaria is of the three-phase Polysiphonia type but a number of species show deviations. Plants can bear both gametangia and tetrasporangia, either on separate parts of the thallus or on the same. Explanations include the in situ germination of tetraspores (allowing gametophytic thalli to be epiphytic on tetrasporophytes), the coalescence of spores or developing discs (resulting in chimaeras), mitotic recombination during cell division in the mature diploid thallus (resulting in patches of diploid male and female cells on the tetrasporophyte), a mutation eliminating the repression of female expression allowing haploid male plants to be bisexual and initial failure of cell walls to form during the development of tetraspores. Polyploids can be produced from plants with diploid gametangia. The sexes and phases are usually morphologically identical but gametophytes or their parts may be smaller. The growth rates of the sexes may differ and diploid juveniles may survive better than haploid. Neither polyploidy nor hybridization results in superior growth. The sex ratio is probably 1:1 but females may appear to be more abundant. Diploid and haploid phases are usually either about equal or diploids predominate, often depending on the type of substratum. At high latitudes reproduction peaks in late summer whereas in the tropics it may be high all year. In temperate regions growth rate is fastest and biomass highest in late summer; in the tropics peak biomass is mainly in the winter. Spermatia are effective for only a few h. Spores vary in size around 25 \m, diploid ones usually being larger. Cystocarps or tetrasporangia in the field may not currently be releasing spores. In the laboratory spore release shows a diurnal rhythm, peaking during the night or day according to the species. All the above attributes are potentially important in planning and executing Gracilaria cultivation.  相似文献   

张丽芳  裘利洪 《广西植物》2017,37(10):1301-1311
为探讨蛛网萼(Platycrater arguta)传粉生物学特性,该研究以江西上饶广丰铜钹山国家级自然保护区、江西阳际峰国家级自然保护区蛛网萼为材料,采用野外观察和人工授粉等方法,对蛛网萼开花物候、花部形态及繁育系统进行了研究。结果表明:(1)蛛网萼为伞形花序,种群花期一般在6月中下旬至8月中旬,单花花期为2~3 d,花序花期持续10 d。两个保护区由于年均温度与光照的不同,花期进程有显著不同。(2)蛛网萼可孕花与不孕花从绿色变为白色时对访花昆虫有吸引作用,不孕花能够增加昆虫的访花频率。(3)蛛网萼花粉胚珠比(P/O)为2 520~3 100,杂交指数即是3或4。(4)繁育体系属于以异交为主,部分自交亲和,需要传粉者;熊蜂(Bombus sp.)、四条蜂(Apis florea)和油茶地蜂(Andrena cammelia)是蛛网萼的有效传粉昆虫。(5)套袋和人工授粉结果显示,蛛网萼为兼性自交和异交授粉,异株异花授粉能显著提高坐果率及结籽率,这主要与生境中有效传粉昆虫种类、数量少,花粉传递效率低,种群间基因流交流降低以及柱头自花及同株异花传粉等有关,从而表明在蛛网萼现有生境中植株的早期生殖成功受到影响。蛛网萼种群分布范围扩张以有性繁殖为主,无性繁殖作为重要补充及繁殖保障。  相似文献   

The relationships between flowering plants and their insect visitors were studied in a Mediterranean grassland in north-east Spain. Floral traits (size, shape, symmetry, and colour), floral rewards (pollen and nectar), flowering period, and floral visitors were recorded for the 17 most abundant plants in the community. Flowering was year-round, but most species flowered in spring. The three species that flowered after spring had small flowers, but the distribution of floral features (including rewards offered) did not show a strong seasonality. Ants contributed 58.5% to the flower visits recorded. Other frequent visitors were beetles (12%), flies (9.5%), honey bees (6.4%), wild bees (6.4%), and wasps (5.2%). Honey bees were most abundant in April, wild bees from April to July, beetles from May to July, and ants from May to September. The lack of tight plant-insect associations was the rule, with most plant species visited by a rather diverse array of insects representing two or more orders. The plant species having narrower spectra of visitors either had flower rewards exposed or attracted mostly illegitimate visitors. By means of correspondence analysis four categories of plants were defined according to their main groups of visitors: (1) honey bees and large wild bees; (2) large wild bees; (3) ants and beetles; and (4) beetles and small-sized bees. The Mantel test was used to calculate correlations among four matrices representing similarities in visitors attracted, floral morphological traits, pollen-nectar rewards, and blooming time, respectively. In spite of seasonality shown by the different insect groups, results indicate that the observed patterns of visitor distribution among plants were most affected by pollen-nectar rewards. Received: 28 May 1996 / Accepted: 19 October 1996  相似文献   

M. N. Melampy 《Oecologia》1987,73(2):293-300
Summary In the eastern Andes of Colombia, the shrub Befaria resinosa (Ericaceae) has peaks of flowering that are separated by extended periods of low flower production. The effect that these fluctuations in flower production have on pollen flow was investigated by using fluorescent dye as a pollen analog. Dye applied to open flowers was dispersed over long distances more often during low flower production than during high flower production. Whether enhanced pollen dispersal during flowering lows is of benefit to individual plants is not clear. The proportion of flowers that set fruit is positively correlated with flower abundance, negating the possibility that increased pollen dispersal results in a higher rate of fruit production due to outbreeding effects. It is also difficult to attribute the pattern of fruit production to changes in pollinator visitation rates, which are negatively correlated with flower abundance in the case of hummingbirds and not correlated at all with flower abundance in the case of insects. An opportunistic, large-bodied hummingbird (Colibri coruscans) visits B. resinosa during high flowering and may be a particularly effective pollinator, accounting for some of the increase in the proportion of flowers setting fruit. Rainfall is positively correlated with flower production and may be an important factor in shaping flowering phenology, but it is not significantly correlated with the proportion of flowers setting fruits. The possibility that low-level flowering may counteract inbreeding that results from peak flowering is discussed.  相似文献   

In at least 4 genera of theMonimiaceae (Tambourissa, Wilkiea, Kibara, Hennecartia) extremely specialized flowers with a hyperstigma occur, i.e. a secretory zone in the narrow entrance of the floral cup. The mucilaginous secretion of the hyperstigma and of the carpels produces a transmitting medium for pollen tubes continuous from the mouth of the floral cup to the ovules. As to their floral morphology, the two extreme types,Hortonia andTambourissa, are connected gradually by various other genera. Possible evolutionary trends and systematic problems are outlined.  相似文献   

采用实地观测的方法,对南充市金城山三个不同生境中柔毛淫羊藿的开花物候特征及其生殖特性进行了研究。结果表明:柔毛淫羊藿花期为3月上旬至4月上旬,其种群、个体、花序和单花的花期分别历时30~41、22~34、9~18和4~8 d。三个生境中柔毛淫羊藿种群的开花物候进程基本相同,均呈单峰集中开花式样,因而能够吸引更多的传粉者访问而达到生殖成功。开花物候指数与坐果数之间的相关分析结果表明,坐果数与始花日期存在显著的负相关关系,与花期持续时间和开花数均呈极显著的正相关关系。揭示了药用植物柔毛淫羊藿的开花物候特征与生殖特性。  相似文献   

Isolated shrub patches are a key element for community structure and dynamics in semi-arid ecosystems, and may act as “hot spots” of understorey species diversity. Despite its importance, the relationships between shrub patch characteristics and understorey species richness, and the relative importance of these characteristics against other factors driving understorey species richness, are still poorly understood. We studied perennial species richness under the canopy of late-successional shrubs in semi-arid Stipa tenacissima steppes of SE Spain. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between shrub size and understorey richness, and to test if this relationship is modified by species identity. We also aimed to know the relative importance of shrub patch characteristics and abiotic factors as predictors of the distribution of understorey species under shrub canopies. Altitude and geographical co-ordinates were able to significantly explain the patterns of shrub occurrence and abundance in the study area. Understorey species richness was significantly related to the size of individual shrubs according to a simple power relationship for all evaluated species. Slope values of linear regressions with log-transformed data, ranging between 0.22 and 0.37, did not differ between species. Site characteristics, patch characteristics and patch species identity significantly explained the occurrence of species on patches. However, the relative importance of site characteristics was higher than that of patch characteristics and species identity in explaining these patterns. Our results agree with the general expectations of the theory of island biogeography and complement previous studies that emphasise the importance of late-successional shrubs in semi-arid Stipa steppes. Environmental management activities within these steppes should promote the conservation of remnant shrubs, as well as its introduction with restoration activities.  相似文献   

孙颖  刘松  李梦雨  崔兰明  马翠青 《广西植物》2020,40(8):1071-1078
北黄花菜是百合科萱草属的优秀观赏植物材料,也是进行品种创新的极有价值的野生种质资源。该研究对野生环境中北黄花菜的开花物候与传粉特性进行了连续三年的追踪观测,探讨其开花进程和传粉机制。结果表明:(1)北黄花菜种群的开花物候只有1个高峰期;种群始花时间为5月末,盛花期为6月中旬,开花时间在30 d以上,单株花期为6~12 d;开花同步性指数(Si)分别为0.36、0.27和0.21,种群内个体开花时间重叠程度较低。(2)北黄花菜的开花数量与坐果数呈显著正相关(P<0.05),坐果数与单株花期长度呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),单株花期长度与始花时间呈显著负相关(P<0.05),表明北黄花菜开花数量越多,其坐果数越高。(3)北黄花菜的访花昆虫分属于4目10科共10种;各访花昆虫的访花时间和行为区别较大;主要的传粉昆虫有4种,其活动范围大,活动特点与北黄花菜午后开放的规律相匹配,能保证传粉效果;部分访花昆虫虽然活动范围小,但可以帮助植物进行自花授粉;两类访花昆虫的共同作用,使得北黄花菜的自然结实得到较大保障。上述结果可为北黄花菜的引种栽培和资源创新发挥实际作用。  相似文献   

孙颖  崔兰明  李梦雨  王蕾  王欢  何淼 《广西植物》2018,38(5):608-616
该文对绵枣儿的开花物候与传粉特性进行了研究,分析了绵枣儿的开花进程、开花物候指数、开花物候指数对其生殖成功的影响,重点探讨了绵枣儿对传粉昆虫的种类及其活动规律。结果表明:(1)绵枣儿始花日期为7月中下旬,单株持续时间15 d左右,种群持续时间30~35 d。呈现出"M"型开花物候曲线,其两年的开花同步指数分别为0.862、0.885,表明开花的年际间差异较小。并且分析出植株的相对开花强度分布在30%~60%之间。(2)相关分析表明:绵枣儿的开花数目与坐果数和持续时间呈现出极显著正相关(P0.01),绵枣儿的持续时间与坐果数之间呈现出显著相关(P0.05),而其始花日期与开花数目、坐果数和持续时间并没有显现出相关性,即绵枣儿植株开花的数目越多,其坐果率越高,持续时间也就越长。(3)绵枣儿的访花昆虫总共有14种,可分属为5目10科。其中传粉昆虫有5科10种。该研究结果表明各传粉昆虫在单花停留的时间和其访花频率上呈现出显著的差异,在日访花频率上也差异明显。  相似文献   

The pollination of Aristolochia involves the temporary confinement of visitors inside the flower. A literature review has shown that some species are visited by one or a few dipteran families, while others are visited by a wider variety of dipterans, but only some of these are effective pollinators. We observed flowering phenology and temporal patterns of pollinator attendance in diverse populations of Aristolochia baetica and A. paucinervis, two species that grow in SW Spain, frequently in mixed populations. The two species had overlapping floral phenologies, extended flowering periods and long-lived flowers. A. baetica attracted a higher number of visitors than A. paucinervis . Drosophilids and, to a lesser extent, phorids, were the main pollinators of A. baetica, whereas in A. paucinervis , phorids were the only pollinators. Attendance to A. paucinervis flowers by phorids in mixed populations was markedly lower than in pure populations. This effect was more evident in years with lower pollinator density. Our results suggest that A. baetica and A. paucinervis may compete for pollinators in mixed populations.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of inflorescence pubescence on floral temperatures and fecundity were examined in four species of Puya in the Ecuadorian Andes. These species span an elevational range from 1,980–4,000 m and comparisons among these species showed that pubescence production increases significantly with elevation. Flower temperatures of glabrous or slightly pubescent species of Puya from lower elevations closely tracked air temperature, while those of the pubescent páramo species did not. Pubescence removal experiments on Puya hamata, a páramo species, demonstrated that pubescence is an effective insulator, maintaining elevated flower temperatures. In Puya clava-herculis (also a páramo species) elevated flower temperatures were associated with higher seed set. Thus, the greater production of inflorescence pubescence in páramo species of Puya may be an important factor contributing to reproductive success in these higher elevation species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Patterns of diversity were analyzed in a boreal coniferous forest and its strata (tree, shrub, herb and bryophyte layers): number of species per community — α-diversity, total species richness — γ-diversity, mean similarity — β-diversity, and mosaic diversity, a measure of complexity. These four measures of diversity consistently decreased from lower to upper vegetation layers. To study the effect of juveniles of larger life forms on diversity of lower layers, they were removed from the data and the measures of diversity reanalyzed. Number of species per community and mosaic diversity decreased substantially, but β-diversity did not change. So, the effect of juveniles on γ-diversity is due to the greater number of species per community. Multiple regression models revealed that the relationships between α-diversity and the environmental variables were the same for the whole forest and for the herb layer. Elevation and soil pH were the major variables explaining α-diversity in the whole community. Climate was the only environmental gradient related to species richness in all individual strata. Tree and herb richness values were negatively related to soil drainage and acidity, respectively. Species richness of the plant community was affected by environmental variability mostly through the herb layer. Various explanations of the observed diversity patterns included: environmental constraints, resource competition, generation time, and colonization processes.  相似文献   

In northeastern North Carolina, outbreaks ofTetranychus urticae Koch on commercial corn and peanut plantings were observed to coincide with flowering and fruiting of the crop host. In greenhouse studies, when equal mite numbers were started on plants in either vegetative or reproductive growth stages, populations increased significantly more after 3–4 weeks on reproductive plants of both corn and peanut. This direct response of mite populations to differences in plant phenology appears to be an important component in the population dynamics ofT. urticae. The importance of this effect in understanding mite outbreaks on corn and peanut is discussed, especially in reference to the corn-peanut agroecosystem in North Carolina.
Réponse de populations deTetranychus urticae Koch., aux phénologies du maïs et de l'arachide
Résumé Les populations de tétraniques sont souvent associées à la floraison et à la fructification des plantes attaquées. Dans les agrosystèmes maïsarachide du N.E. de la Caroline du Nord, l'augmentation rapide de populations deT. urticae a été observée lors de la maturation des épis mâles du maïs et du maximum de floraison de l'arachide. Bien que ces observations suggèrent une relation causale avec la phénologie des plantes hôtes, il est difficile de déterminer dans les conditions de la nature si l'augmentation des populations d'acariens sur les stades reproducteurs des plantes est due à une réponse à la phénologie des cultures ou à une autre cause, comme le passé de la population ou une immigration. Des expériences ont été réalisées dans une serre pour mettre en évidence l'action de la phénologie du maïs et de l'arachide sur les populations d'acariens en maîtrisant ces autres hypothétiques facteurs. Des effectifs identiques d'acariens femelles ont été libérés sur des plantes à des stades tant végétatifs que reproductifs, et ensuite laissés sans interventions pendant plusieurs semaines, au bout desquelles les effectifs sur chaque plante ont été dénombrés. Sur les deux hôtes, les populations sur plante à un stade reproducteur avaient augmenté significativement plus que sur les plantes de même espèce à un stade végétatif. Ces résultats montrent queT. urticae répond directement à des différences entre plantes à un stade végétatif et à un stade reproductif. Cette réponse semble jouer un rôle important dans la dynamique des populations deT. urticae.

Argan (Argania spinosa (Sapotaceae)) forest covers about 700,000 ha in the Souss region (Morocco). The medfly Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae) is known to develop in argans. In this study, we examine variations in medfly infestation rates according to argan phenology from 1987 to 1990. Argan phenology varies greatly among trees, total fruit drop spreading from late March to mid-July; moreover, an exceptional fructification may occur in Autumn in some trees. From February to about May, the infestation rate is low except in fruit produced during autumnal fructification. In June and July, the rate increases greatly reaching 100% in some trees. Ripe and ripening argans are the most heavily infested; only 10% of immature fruits on the average are attacked by the medfly. Fallen argans are more heavily infested than fruit still on the tree. Productivity per argan averaged from one to three adult medflies. Our results demonstrate that argan forest in the Souss acts as an enormous reservoir of medflies for the nearby citrus orchards.
Résumé L'arganeraie (Argania spinosa) couvre environ 700000 ha dans la région du Souss, au Maroc. La mouche méditerranéenne des fruits, Ceratitis capitata, est connue pour se développer dans les arganes. Des études ont été menées, de 1987 à 1990, pour étudier comment le taux d'infestation des arganes variait selon leur degré de maturation. La phénologie des arganiers varie fortement selon les arbres: par exemple la chute totale des fruits s'étale de fin mars à mi-juillet. De plus, une fructification peut être observée en automne mais elle ne concerne qu'un nombre limité d'arbres. De février à mai environ, le taux d'infestation des arganes reste faible, sauf pour les fruits produits pendant la fructification de l'automne précédent. En juin en juillet, le taux augmente fortement atteignant 100% dans certains arbres. Les arganes mûres ou mûrissantes sont les plus attaquées; seuls 10% en moyenne des fruits immatures sont infestés. Les fruits tombés sont toujours (sauf à la fin) nettement plus attaqués que ceux encore présents dans l'arganier. De une à trois Cératites adultes sont formées à partir d'une argane. Nos résultats démontrent que la forêt d'argane du Souss constitue un réservoir gigantesque de la Cératite pour les infestations des vergers d'agrumes proches.

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