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Transforming activity of nitrogen mustard-crosslinked DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

不同离子辐照对离体质粒DNA损伤与转化活性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用 30Kev的N+ 、Ar+ 离子辐照离体质粒DNA ,分析了不同离子对DNA单双链断裂及转化活性的影响。结果表明 :N+ 、Ar+ 离子辐照均可引起质粒DNA单双链断裂和转化活性的变化 ,且随着辐照剂量的增加 ,单双链断裂频率增加 ,转化活性下降。Ar+对离体质粒DNA比N+ 具有更强的单双链断裂效应 ,且从 9× 10 15Ar+ cm2 剂量开始 ,质粒可完全丧失转化活性。质粒转化活性的大小与DNA单双链断裂频率呈正相关  相似文献   

Transforming activity of plasmid and chromosomal DNA inEscherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
An auxotrophic strain ofEscherichia coli with therecB recC sbcB genotype was transformed by chromosomal DNA of the prototrophic strain and by plasmid DNA carrying genes for antibiotic resistance (R1drd 19). The donor plasmid DNA obtained by cell lysis in the presence of Triton X-100 and subsequent centrifugation in a caesium chloride-ethidium bromide gradient was shown to have a circulaf molecule and to retain its completeness after penetration into the recipient. Experiments with mixtures or plasmid and chromosomal DNA indicate a competition between these two DNA types during the transformation reaction in the given system.  相似文献   

Transforming DNA integrates into the host chromosome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A series of rat liver cotransformed cell lines have been constructed containing from 5 to 100 copies of a variant human growth hormone gene. We have used hybridization in situ to demonstrate that most, if not all, cotransformed sequences reside in a chromosome of the host cell. In each of four cell lines examined, hybridization was restricted to a single chromosomal site with no extrachromosomal sites apparent. The site was invariant within each line; however, each line revealed a different site of integration for transforming sequences. In two of the four lines, transforming DNA resided at or near the site of gross chromosomal rearrangements, in one line near an rDNA site, and in one line in the middle of an apparently normal chromosome. Thus, insertion is not restricted to a unique chromosome or chromosomal region.  相似文献   

The action of DNase I on transforming DNA, both adsorbed to marine sediment and in solution, was investigated. DNase I reduced the transformation frequencies of free DNA more than of adsorbed DNA. Changes in salt concentration or pH did not have a significant influence on the DNA-sediment complex. Soil components other than organic materials and clay minerals can bind DNA and retard its enzymatic degradation.  相似文献   

Nonglucosylated and fragmented T4 DNA shows a gene-specific variation in transformation efficiency.  相似文献   

以外源红细胞生成素cDNA的表达产物为指标,研究了运载DNA和重组表达质粒的构象对电穿孔转染CHO细胞的效率的影响.结果250mg/L的运载DNA可使外源基因表达水平提高3倍;线性化质粒DNA比超螺旋DNA更适合于用电穿孔方法获得永久表达.这一结果提示,运载DNA的存在和质粒DNA的线性化对提高电穿孔转染CHO细胞的效率是必须的.  相似文献   

 本文将克隆于pBR322的人胃癌Ha-ras基因(PGC6.6)和带有上游区片段的Ha-ras基因(PGC9.1)的CC~*GG位点甲基化后,转化NIH3T3细胞。发现pGC6.6甲基化与非甲基化对转化效率无明显影响,而pGC9.1甲基化后转化效率明显低于非甲基化pGC9.1者,甲基化/非甲基化pGC9.1的转化效率均明显高于甲基化/非甲基化pGC6.6者。本文又对人胃癌组织及癌旁组织DNA中Ha-ras基因的HpaⅡ、Msp Ⅰ限制性内切酶图谱作了比较,并同对比较了癌及癌旁组织中Ha-ras基因的mRNA水平,发现一例病人癌组织中Ha-ras基因的CC~*GG位点甲基化程度较癌旁组织中者低,且该例中Ha-ras基因表达水平在癌组织中明显地高。这些结果,结合我们以前的研究表明:在人胃Ha-ras癌基因上游区可能存在一增强子样作用的区域,对Ha-ras基因起调控作用。该上游区CC~*GG位点的甲基化能降低这种调控作用。仅Ha-ras结构基因的CC~*GG位点甲基化不足以明显影响其转化活性。在体内,Ha-ras基因甲基化水平降低可能与其达表水平升高以至诱发癌症有关。  相似文献   

Solutions of Haemophilus influenzae transforming DNA were irradiated at temperatures ranging from 25°C to - 196°C. Temperature dependence of the formation of thymine-containing dimers was closely correlated with inactivation of transforming activity; in general, both dimerization and inactivation decreased with decreasing temperature. The fraction of nonphotoreactivable damage increased with increasing dose at low temperatures. The nonphotoreactivable spore-type photoproduct was formed at low temperatures with a maximum at - 100°C, a temperature at which the nonphotoreactivable biological inactivation was also a maximum. Intrastrand cross-linking, like dimer formation, decreased with decreasing irradiation temperature.  相似文献   

进展期前列腺癌多会发生骨转移,导致患者骨质破坏甚至死亡。前列腺癌发生骨转移的机制目前尚未研究清楚。既往多认 为是因为前列腺癌细胞表面携带者容易在骨环境中生长的表型。但是目前多认为是肿瘤细胞与骨骼微环境之间的相互作用导致的结果。它们之间是通过细胞因子来传递信息。在众多因子中,TGF-beta对前列腺癌骨转移灶中的各种细胞都起着重要作用。研究表明在体外实验中TGF-beta的作用极易受到细胞生长环境的影响,表现出不同的功能。这提示着TGF-beta信号通路和其他信号通路之间存在非常强的交互作用。本文的重点在于对TGF-beta在前列腺癌骨转移中的作用研究进展进行综述,阐述TGF-beta对转移灶中不同细胞的作用,为今后肿瘤的治疗研究寻找一个好的方向。  相似文献   

Partial recovery of ultraviolet-damaged denatured or native transforming DNA from Hemophilus influenzae, has been obtained by exposing the irradiated DNA in the denatured form to nitrous acid. Some factors that affect this recovery are described. An erythromycin marker (E20) was not reactivated. The UV damage reactivable by nitrous acid is different from that repaired by the photoreactivating enzyme from bakers' yeast. The pretreatment with nitrous acid affords a slight protection for denatured C25 DNA and Sm250 DNA against ultraviolet irradiation, but this pretreatment sensitized the E20 DNA to this irradiation.  相似文献   

The transforming and oncogenous activity of uncleaved DNA of simian adenovirus SA7 (AdSA7) and the products of its restriction by endonucleases R. Bam HI and R. SalI was studied. It was shown that uncleaved virus DNA transformed the rat kidney cells and rat embryo fibroblasts and induced tumors in newborn hamsters. AdSA7 DNA, hydrolysed by R. Bam HI, posessed the transforming activity. The mixture of DNA fragments, obtained after hydrolysis by R. SalI was oncogenous in hamsters.  相似文献   

Photoreactivation of Transforming DNA by an Enzyme from Bakers' Yeast   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Ultraviolet-inactivated Hemophilus influenzae transforming DNA recovers its activity when mixed with cell-free extracts of bakers' yeast and exposed to visible light. The active agent in the extract is not used up in the reaction, and purification has not separated it into more than one non-dialyzable component. It differs from the agent in Escherichia coli extract, which produces very similar photoreactivation, but which can be resolved into non-dialyzable and dialyzable components, the latter being used up during illumination. The yeast agent can be salted out of solution and recovered quantitatively; it is inactivated by crystalline trypsin and chymotrypsin and by brief heating at 60°C.—all facts suggesting that it is an enzyme for which ultraviolet lesions in the DNA serve as substrate. The kinetics of recovery are also consistent with such an assumption. This enzyme is unusual both because it is involved in a light-dependent reaction and because it has a non-destructive action on DNA outside an intact cell.  相似文献   

Kotanidou, Anastasia, Augustine M. K. Choi, Richard A. Winchurch, Leo Otterbein, and Henry E. Fessler. Urethan anesthesia protects rats against lethal endotoxemia and reduces TNF- release. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(5):2304-2311, 1996.Urethan is a commonly used animalanesthetic for nonrecovery laboratory surgery. However, urethan hasdiverse biological effects that may complicate the interpretation ofexperimental findings. This study examined the effect of urethan on theresponse to an intravenous bolus of lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 30 mg/kg)in rats. In instrumented rats, urethan (1.2 gm/kg ip) completelyprevented the fall in arterial pressure immediately after LPSadministration but did not prevent late cardiovascular collapse. Inuninstrumented rats, urethan also attenuated indexes of organ injurymeasured 4 h after LPS administration, including mural bowelhemorrhage, hemoconcentration, hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis, andlung myeloperoxidase activity, a measure of neutrophil sequestration.The peak increase in tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) 90 min afterLPS administration was reduced 88% by urethan (2,060 ± 316 vs.16,934 ± 847 pg/ml; P < 0.001).In uninstrumented animals, urethan at 1.2 gm/kg reduced the 90%mortality rate of a lethal dose of LPS to 0-10% whengiven up to 24 h before LPS administration but did not reduce mortalitywhen given 2 h after LPS. Urethan neither directly bound LPS byLimulus assay nor inhibitedLPS-stimulated TNF- mRNA expression in cultured mouse peritonealmacrophages, but TNF- mRNA expression was suppressed by serum from aurethan-treated rat. Moreover, rauwolscine, which shares2-adrenoceptor-blocking activity with urethan, also prevented death from a subsequent 90% lethal dose LPS bolus. We conclude that urethan or its metabolites protect against LPS, in part, by reducing TNF- release andspeculate that this may be mediated by2-adrenoceptors. These actionsof urethan make it an undesirable anesthetic agent for in vivo studies of sepsis or LPS.


The genomic revolution has fundamentally changed how we survey biodiversity on earth. High‐throughput sequencing (“HTS”) platforms now enable the rapid sequencing of DNA from diverse kinds of environmental samples (termed “environmental DNA” or “eDNA”). Coupling HTS with our ability to associate sequences from eDNA with a taxonomic name is called “eDNA metabarcoding” and offers a powerful molecular tool capable of noninvasively surveying species richness from many ecosystems. Here, we review the use of eDNA metabarcoding for surveying animal and plant richness, and the challenges in using eDNA approaches to estimate relative abundance. We highlight eDNA applications in freshwater, marine and terrestrial environments, and in this broad context, we distill what is known about the ability of different eDNA sample types to approximate richness in space and across time. We provide guiding questions for study design and discuss the eDNA metabarcoding workflow with a focus on primers and library preparation methods. We additionally discuss important criteria for consideration of bioinformatic filtering of data sets, with recommendations for increasing transparency. Finally, looking to the future, we discuss emerging applications of eDNA metabarcoding in ecology, conservation, invasion biology, biomonitoring, and how eDNA metabarcoding can empower citizen science and biodiversity education.  相似文献   

DNA extracts from sediment and water samples are often contaminated with coextracted humic-like impurities. Estuarine humic substances and vascular plant extract were used to evaluate the effect of the presence of such impurities on DNA hybridization and quantification. The presence of humic substances and vascular plant extract interfered with the fluorometric measurement of DNA concentration using Hoechst dye H33258 and PicoGreen reagent. Quantification of DNA amended with humic substances (20-80 ng/microl) using the Hoechst dye assay was more reliable than with PicoGreen reagent. A simple procedure was developed to improve the accuracy for determining the DNA concentration in the presence of humic substances. In samples containing up to 80 ng/microl of humic acids, the fluorescence of the samples were measured twice: first without Hoechst dye to ascertain any fluorescence from impurities in the DNA sample, followed with Hoechst dye addition to obtain the total sample fluorescence. The fluorescence of the Hoechst dye-DNA complex was calculated by subtracting the fluorescence of the impurities from the fluorescence of the sample. Vascular plant extract and humic substances reduced the binding of DNA onto the nylon membrane. Low amounts (<2.0 microg) of humic substances derived from estuarine waters did not affect the binding of 100 ng of target DNA to nylon membranes. DNA samples containing 1.0 microg of humic substances performed well in DNA hybridizations with DIG-labeled oliogonucleotide and chromosomal probes. Therefore, we suggest that DNA samples containing low concentrations of humic substances (<20 ng/microl) could be used in quantitative membrane hybridization without further purification.  相似文献   

Five human PRL-secreting pituitary tumors were tested for the presence of DNA-transforming sequences. After calcium phosphate transfection to NIH-3T3 mouse fibroblast cells, DNA samples derived from two prolactinomas induced foci of morphologically transformed cells which subsequently grew in soft agar. After retransfection of transformant DNA, resulting secondary transformants elicited rapidly growing solid tumors in nude mice. Southern analysis of transformant DNA revealed the integration of Alu-positive human DNA sequences into the mouse fibroblast NIH-3T3 cells, as judged by hybridization to a Blur-8 probe. The Alu signal became increasingly more difficult to detect with the multiple passaging (greater than 20) of transformant cells in culture. Alu polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was, therefore, used to selectively amplify human DNA sequences from the NIH-3T3 rodent background. PCR using a human Alu-specific primer resulted in amplification of an Alu-containing DNA region within these transformants. The transformant DNA did not hybridize to human genomic probes for genes known to evoke focus formation in this assay, including H-ras, K-ras, N-ras, trk, ret, ros, or met. Further identification of the Alu-containing region revealed that it contained sequences from the human hst gene, a member of the fibroblast growth factor family. The presence of human hst was demonstrated by strong hybridization to a 40-mer oligonucleotide probe to the second exon of hst, by amplification of this region with human hst-nested amplimers within the first and second introns, and finally by direct sequencing.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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