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Seasonal changes in the infestation and dispersion patterns of egg predatory nemerteans on their crab hosts were analyzed. Marked differences in the seasonal patterns of infestation were noted between worm species, yet, common patterns in the aggregation of the worms were found. Worm aggregation increased at the onset of the reproductive seasons of the hosts, and at the nadirs of the reproductive seasons for those hosts with year round breeding. The aggregation patterns of two worm species fluctuated with the physical environment of their estuarine hosts. Salinity changes as a result of seasonal rains may have caused changes in the underlying dispersion patterns of Carcinonemertes epialti on Hemiarapsus oregonensis, and C. mitsukurii on Portunus pelagicus. Lastly, the embryogenic cycle of the host species was significant in shaping the infestation and aggregation patterns of C. epialti on Cancer anthonyi and C. regicides on Paralithodes camtschaticus. Worm immigration and emigration were linked to crab embryogenesis and directly influenced the dispersion patterns of the worms.  相似文献   

The purple globe crab, Randallia ornata (Randall, 1839) (Decapoda: Leucosiidae) is a common crustacean found on sandy beaches from Northern California to Baja California, Mexico. An undescribed species of Carcinonemertes, which shares biological features with a partially described worm from Tasmania was recovered from R. ornata. The worm reaches 10 mm in length and secretes a sturdy tube with a distinctive spiral shape. The total prevalence of the worm on R. ornatawas 70% (85% for ovigerous female crabs, 67% for post-ovigerous female crabs, and 45% for male crabs). Intensities reached 32 worms per crab. Adult worms were found in crab egg masses, regressed adults were recovered from under the abdomen of post-ovigerous females, and encysted juveniles were found on the gill lamellae of non-ovigerous female crabs and occasionally from the gill lamellae of male crabs.  相似文献   

The possible presence of egg predators in brood masses of portunid crabs from Pacific Central America has not been studied yet. This survey reports the finding of a nemertean crab egg predator on the portunid crab, Callinectes arcuatus, from the Golfo de Nicoya, Pacific Costa Rica. Nemerteans were found in the egg masses of 26 out of the 74 crabs for a prevalence of 35%. The intensity (mean number of worms/ infected crab) was estimated to be 18 with a variance of 1–123 worms/infected crab. No nemerteans were observed either in the 19 Callinectes arcuatus from Golfo Dulce (southern Pacific coast) and the 10 Portunus asper from Herradura-Jaco (central Pacific coast). This nemertean is a member of the genus Carcinonemertes, which has been reported from the Caribbean coast of Panama. However, the encountered Carcinonemertes sp. is the first published finding and report from Costa Rica and Pacific Central America.  相似文献   

Artificial oviposition sites were used to estimate egg deposition rates in the field. Females laid an average of 10.76 eggs/minute with a mean duration of 22.81 minutes, giving an average clutch size of 245 eggs. Since one mating corresponded to one clutch of eggs, lifetime mating success was used as a measure of the number of clutches produced. Mean lifetime clutch production was 5.91 clutches per female, equating to 1447 eggs per female per lifetime. Eggs were hatched in the laboratory at temperatures comparable with those in the field. Hatching was highly synchronised and the overall hatching success was 75.1%. Causes of egg mortality in the laboratory were limited to infertility and unhatchability. Since no other sources of egg mortality could be found at the study site, this value was a good reflection of hatching success in the field. Lifetime egg production and hatching success were used to estimate the number of viable offspring produced per female, giving a higher order estimate of reproductive success than has previously been published for a zygopteran.  相似文献   

The European green crab, Carcinus maenas, is an introduced marine predator established on the west coast of North America. We conducted laboratory experiments on the host specificity of a natural enemy of the green crab, the parasitic barnacle Sacculina carcini, to provide information on the safety of its use as a possible biological control agent. Four species of non-target, native California crabs (Hemigrapsus oregonensis, H. nudus, Pachygrapsus crassipes and Cancer magister) were exposed to infective larvae of S. carcini. Settlement by S. carcini on the four native species ranged from 33 to 53%, compared to 79% for green crabs. Overall, cyprid larvae tended to settle in higher numbers on individual green crabs than on either C. magister or H. oregonensis. However, for C. magister this difference was significant for soft-shelled, but not hard-shelled individuals. Up to 29% of the native crabs arrested early infections by melanizing the rootlets of the parasite. Most native and green crabs settled on by S. carcini became infected, especially when settled on by >3 cyprids. Infected green crabs died at more than twice the rate of uninfected green crabs. In contrast to green crabs, all infected native crabs died without producing an externa (reproductive sac). At high settlement intensities, infected native crabs frequently exhibited neurological symptoms (twitching, loss of movement) before death. These results indicate that use of S. carcini as a biological control agent could result in the death of native crabs. The magnitude of this effect would be proportional to the density of infected green crabs in the environment and the probability that cyprids would contact native crabs in the wild. Potential benefits of biological control should be assessed in relation to these potential non-target effects.  相似文献   

Alder aphid oviparae produced 14 eggs at constant temperature but in the field the average was 6. Favoured oviposition sites were bud axils and bark crevices. Summer pruning of host trees reduced the availability but not the choice of site. Oviparae reared on leaf regrowth of summer pruned alder were smaller and contained fewer eggs than those on mature leaves. Winter pruning resulted in the loss of 41% buds and 25% eggs. Total winter egg mortality was 65%, being greatest in early winter due to insect predation. Spring egg hatch was synchronised with bud burst and both were affected by temperature.
Distribution des oeufs et mortalité Pterocallis alni
Résumé Les ovipares de P. alni ont pondu 14 oeufs à température constante mais dans la nature la moyenne n'était que de 6. La taille estivale a réduit les disponibilités, mais n'a pas modifié le choix des lieux de ponte. Les ovipares élevés sur feuilles de repousses estivales d'aulnes taillént plus petits et contenaient moins d'oeufs que ceux élevés sur feuilles adultes. La taille hivernale a provoqué la perte de 41% des bourgeons et 25% des oeufs. La mortalité hivernale totale des oeufs a été de 65%, la partie la plus importante, due à la prédation par les insectes, ayant eu lieu au début de l'hiver. L'éclosion des oeufs au printemps était synchronisée avec l'éclatement des bourgeons, tous les deux étant conditionnés par la température.

Ray Gibson  Hongzhu Wang 《Hydrobiologia》2002,489(1-3):185-196
A new genus and species of freshwater monostiliferous hoplonemertean, Limnemertes poyangensis gen. et sp. nov., from Poyang Lake, People's Republic of China, is described and illustrated. The taxon is compared and contrasted with previously described freshwater hoplonemerteans. This is the fourth species of freshwater nemertean to be described from China and the first recorded from Poyang Lake.  相似文献   

Ovicides paralithodis sp. n. is described from the egg mass of the red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus (Tilesius, 1815) from the Sea of Okhotsk, off Hokkaido, Japan, and Alaska, USA. Among four congeners, Ovicides paralithodis can be distinguished from Ovicides julieae Shields, 2001 and Ovicides davidi Shields and Segonzac, 2007 by having no eyes; from Ovicides jonesi Shields and Segonzac, 2007 by the presence of basophilic, vacuolated glandular lobes in the precerebral region; and from Ovicides jasoni Shields and Segonzac, 2007 by the arrangement of the acidophilic submuscular glands, which are not arranged in a row. Ovicides paralithodis represents the third described species of egg-predatory nemertean from Paralithodes camtschaticus, the second described carcinonemertid species from Japan, and the 21st described species in the family. The intensity of infestations may exceed 24,000 worms per a single egg-bearing pleopod of Paralithodes camtschaticus. A preliminary molecular phylogenetic analysis based on sequences of 28S rRNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I genes among selected monostiliferous hoplonemertean species supported the monophyly of Carcinonemertidae, suggesting that within the lineage of the family, evolution of the unique vas deferens, Takakura’s duct, preceded loss of accessory stylets and accessory-stylet pouches.  相似文献   

Summary The hair-peg organs of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, are modified hair-sensilla. A small hair shaft (peg) is surrounded by a tuft of solid cuticular bristles (hairs). Each hair-peg organ is innervated by 6 sensory neurons, 2 of which have scolopidial (type-I) dendrites. The outer segments of all dendrites pass through a cuticular canal extending to the articulated hair base in which the 2 type-I dendrites terminate. The other 4 (type-II) dendrites reach the clavate tip of the hair shaft and have access to a terminal pore and a large sickle-shaped aperture. Three inner and 8–12 outer enveloping cells belong to a hair-peg organ. The innermost enveloping cell contains a scolopale, which has desmosomal connections to the ciliary rootlets of the type-I dendrites. An inner and an outer sensillum lymph space are present. The ultrastructural features of the dendrites and the cuticular apparatus indicate that the hair-peg organs are bimodal sensilla, comprising 2 mechano- and 4 chemosensitive sensory neurons. Extracellular recordings from the leg nerve indicate that the chemosensitive neurons of the hair-peg organs respond to changes in seawater concentration in the physiological range of Carcinus maenas.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 45/A1; W. Gnatzy)  相似文献   

In a study of the quality ofTrichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammidae), we compared female wasps emerging from natural hosts, parasitized in the laboratory or the field with those emerging from factitious hosts used for commercial mass production. Females from the natural hosts were larger, more fecund, and longer lived than those from the factitious hosts. Compared to small females, large female wasps are substantially more fecund when honey (carbohydrate) is available but marginally more fecund when honey is unavailable. The size of a femaleT. pretiosum depends on two factors: the size of the host egg from which it emerges even when the wasp was gregarious, and the number of conspecifics that emerge with it. The similarities in the size distribution of female wasps emerging from natural hosts, in conjunction with the mechanism by whichTrichogramma measure host size and allocate eggs accordingly, suggests the hypothesis that size related components of fitness in femaleT. pretiosum are under strong selection in the field.  相似文献   

Emergence, preening, and flight initiation were studied in laboratory-reared Trichogramma minutum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Male parasitoids emerged first and flew before females. When both sexes were present in flight cylinders, female parasitoids flew before males. Flight propensity in males was negatively related to the number of emerging females, while flight propensity in females was independent of the number of males present. Ambient temperature significantly affected the propensity and timing of flight; between 70–80% of the parasitoids flew at 25 and 30 °C while less than 4%, mostly males, flew at 20 °C. No flights were observed at 15 °C. The presence of fresh host eggs caused a reduction in the proportion of female parasitoids that flew and a delay in the time to flight for the females that did fly. The presence of food increased the flight propensity of female parasitoids, but did not affect the timing of flight. The relationship between flight behaviour and the efficiency of mass-reared Trichogramma is discussed in terms of its importance for inundative release programmes.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of a Metopograpsus population (Muzhupilangad estuary) had three distinct periods: (1) growth-reproduction (January–May), when crabs were involved in moult and reproduction; (2) inactive period (June–July), and (3) reproductive period (August–December). Usually, spawning was immediately followed by another vitellogenic cycle, paralleled by the embryogenesis of prehatch eggs in the brood. Moulting was seemingly an annual event. In the programming of moult and reproduction, the species deviated from the common brachyuran pattern, inasmuch as the postmoult females engaged in active vitellogenesis. The synchrony in the stages of maturation and spawning, and the precision with which the physiological events are programmed, make this highly fecund species an ideal model for an integrated study of the physiology of growth and reproduction.  相似文献   

A fungal infection occurred in the eggs and larvae of mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) in seed production in Bali, Indonesia. The causative fungus was classified as a member of the genusLagenidium (Oomycetes, Lagenidiales). After comparison of its biological and physiological characteristics with those ofL. callinectes ATCC 24973, a known parasite of various crustaceans, was concluded that the isolate is a new species ofLagenidium, L. thermophilum, because of its rapid and thermotolerant growth and unique discharge process. Fungal growth was observed on PYG agar containing 0–5.0% (w/v) NaCl and 0–2.5% (w/v) KCI. Similar pathogenicity toward the zoeae of swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus) was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The spermathecal contents of primiparous, multiparous and barren female snow crabs were observed by a scanning electron microscope. Bacteria colonies were observed with a significantly higher frequency in the spermathecae of primiparous and old barren females. Bacteria infect the spermathecae and destroy the spermatophores and spermatozoa inside. These observations suggest that bacteria in the spermathecae do not exclude opportunistic microbes by modifying pH of the medium as suggested in the literature. The prevalence of bacteria in primiparous and old barren females suggests that they infect individuals with a weak anti-microbial protection. The absence of bacteria in the highly acidic seminal fluid derived from males upon copulation suggests that it may provide anti-microbial protection. Bacteria do not seem to be able to survive in an anaerobic environment for a long period.  相似文献   

Individual variation in two species of host plants (thistle,Cirsium kamtschaticum, and blue cohosh,Caulophyllum robustum) of the herbivorous ladybird beetleEpilachna pustulosa was examined under laboratory conditions for their acceptability to adult beetles as a food resource, for adult preference and for larval performance. When clones of these plants were subjected to non-choice tests using posthibernating female beetles, there was found to be significant intraspecific variation among clones in terms of their acceptability, but interspecific variation was not detected. Significant intraspecific as well as interspecific variation were frequently detected in the two host plants when clones of these plants were subjected to choice tests using posthibernating female beetles; the magnitude of interspecific plant variation for beetle preference is not necessarily larger than that of intraspecific plant variation. Individual variation across plant species with respect to beetle larval performance was also significant. A positive correlation between adult preference and larval performance is suggested across the two taxonomically remote host plant species, thistle and blue cohosh, although this needs further investigation.  相似文献   

The birth rate of natural cladoceran populations can change rapidly (during 2–3 days), reflecting rapid changes in their environment. If the egg ratio is calculated on the basis of egg age distribution, the birth rate can be estimated at short sampling intervals (shorter than egg stage duration) by modified Paloheimo's (1974) formula. When female size structure and age of eggs in clutches at the beginning and the end of a sampling interval are known, death rates of ovigerous females and eggs in separate size classes can be determined and incorporated in birth rate estimates. All these methods have been employed using the data on the population of Diaphanosoma brahyurum from the lake Obsterno (North-Western Belarus) in July–August, 1992. The birth rate values computed by the proposed methods and Poloheimo's formula differed significantly in many cases. The accuracy of birth rate estimations from various calculation methods was tested using a computer simulation. The model contains the essential features of cladoceran life history: distinct egg, juvenile and adult stages, development of eggs and reproduction. The population was divided into 25 age classes, each of 1 day duration. Durations of the egg, juvenile and adult stages were set at 3, 6 and 20 days, respectively. The embryogenesis was divided into three egg stages, each of 1 day duration. Survivorship was set from 0.2 up to 1.0 for each age class. The survivorship and brood size were changed through each of five time intervals (days) that allowed to simulate an increase or reduction of population density. Fecundity, survivorship and egg stage duration remained constant during each of 5 days that assumed stability of an environment (this does not occur in nature). Nevertheless, the egg ratio, proportion of juveniles and birth rates were variable even under these circumstances. Computer simulations showed that Poloheimo's formula evaluates birth rate with the relative error of 62% and usually overestimates its values. We propose methods to decrease errors of birth rate estimations by 3.5–5.5 times.  相似文献   

Michael Marten 《Hydrobiologia》1990,199(2):157-172
Embryonal development of the five congeners Protonemura auberti Illies, 1954, P. hrabei Rauser, 1956, P. meyeri (Pictet, 1841), P. nitida (Stephens, 1835), and P. praecox (Morton, 1894) was studied under various laboratory temperatures and different photoperiods.Mean number of eggs in field collected batches was between 470 (P. praecox) and 1211 (P. auberti). Spring species had smaller egg batches than autumn species (Table 1). Mean hatching success in the laboratory was 50–100% at 2–18 °C. In most species hatching success decreased slightly with increasing temperature (Figs. 1a-e). None of the eggs incubated at 24 °C developed. Hatching pattern followed an asymmetric frequency distribution. In general, the hatching periods were the shorter the higher the incubation temperature.Embryonic development of all five species was inversely temperature dependent (Figs. 2a-e), and well described by a power law relationship (Figs. 3a-e). Interspecific differences in incubation periods were notable at nearly all temperatures (Fig. 4). There was a distinct interspecific sequence in length of incubation period (with steps of about 4 days), which was the same as can be seen in the flight periods: The later the species flies the longer the incubation period. Temperature fluctuations and variations in photoperiod had no influence on incubation and hatching periods or hatching success.The thermal demand of the egg stage neither explains the recent geographical distribution of the Protonemura species, nor does it directly correspond to the field temperatures common during their egg development. However, it is optimal in respect to resource partitioning between the five species, with the consequence of temporal displacement of life cycles.Derived from Brittain's (in press) proposal to compare the two constants a and b of the regressions describing the temperature dependence of embryonal development, a new index (Integral Development Time, IDT) indicating the thermal demand was created for easier comparison of numerous species (Table 2). Evaluation of the IDT for various species of Plecoptera (Fig. 5) suggests that species belonging to the family group Systellognatha generally have higher thermal requirements in the egg stage than species belonging to the Euholognatha.  相似文献   

To examine genetic variation in defensive chemistry within and between natural populations of Plantago lanceolata, we performed a greenhouse experiment using clonal replicates of 15 genotypes from each of two populations, from a mowed lawn and an abandoned hayfield. Replicates of each genotype were harvested for determinations of aboveground biomass and leaf chemical content either at the beginning of the experiment (initial controls), after exposure to herbivory by larvae of Junonia coenia, a specialist on P. lanceolata (herbivory treatment), or at the end of the experiment without exposure to herbivory (final controls). Allocation to the iridoid glycosides aucubin and catalpol and the phenylpropanoid glycoside verbascoside displayed significant genetic variation within and between populations, and differed with leaf age. Significant genotypextreatment interactions indicated genetic variation in response of leaf chemistry to the treatments. There was no evidence for a cost of allocation to chemical defense: genetic correlations within and between chemical pathways and between defensive chemicals and aboveground growth were positive or nonsignificant. Although iridoid glycosides are known to be qualitative feeding stimulants for J. coenia, multiple regression of larval survivorship on leaf chemical content and shoot biomass indicated that larvae had lower survivorship on P. lanceolata ge-notypes with higher concentrations of aucubin in the leaves. Larval survivorship was unaffected by levels of catalpol and verbascoside. Thus, although specialist herbivores may respond to defensive chemicals as qualitative feeding stimulants, they do not necessarily have higher fitness on plant genotypes containing higher concentrations of these chemicals.  相似文献   

Previous research has identified extensive inter-population variability in the morphology of the shore crab (Carcinus maenas L.). To determine the source of this variation (genetic or environmental), morphological and genetic data were analysed from crabs collected from eight sites around the coast of the UK. Ten morphometric traits were measured from over 800 crabs and the degree of morphological similarity among sites was calculated using multivariate techniques. Allozyme electrophoresis was used to investigate patterns of genetic similarity. Extensive morphological variability was detected: eight out of the ten morphometric traits analysed were useful when discriminating between crabs from each site. Discriminant function analysis revealed that over 35% of individuals could be classified to their site of origin on the basis of their morphology. In contrast, the allozyme analysis revealed low levels of genetic variability, both within the meta-population and among the crab population at each site. Pairwise comparisons revealed a moderate correlation between the degree of morphological and genetic similarity of crabs at each site, which suggests that the observed phenotypic variability has a genetic component. However, only around 20% of the phenotypic variability detected was associated with the patterns of genetic similarity. This means that patterns of morphological variability in this species are largely determined by the local environmental conditions: local factors could have a within-generation selective influence on mean trait values or C. maenas may exhibit phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Cozzolino  Salvatore  Caputo  Paolo  De Castro  Olga  Moretti  Aldo  Pinto  Gabriele 《Hydrobiologia》2000,433(1-3):145-151
Cyanidium caldarium, Cyanidioschyzon merolae and Galdieria sulphuraria are three unicellular algae characteristic, of acid thermal environments. Recently, on the basis of morphological characters, three new species of Galdieria (G. partita, G. daedala, G. maxima ) isolated from acid-thermal springs in Russia have been instituted. A selected region of rbcL and the sequence of the intergenic spacer between the rbcL and rbcS have been amplified and sequenced from different Galdieria species and strains, in order to define molecular relationship among these interesting algae. The obtained cladogram shows that Cyanidium caldarium and Cyanidioschyzon merolae form a sister group which, in turn, is in a sister group relationship with Galdieria. This last genus is divided in two clades, one of which includes G. sulphuraria accessions from Naples (Italy), California, and Yellowstone and the other one includes G. sulphuraria accessions from Java (Indonesia) and from the Russian species. These results support the status of the genus Galdieria and suggest that G. daedala, G. maxima and G. partita are three very similar strains of G. sulphuraria; the rbcL variation within Galdieria accessions has a pattern which is broadly connected to the geographial distribution. The data obtained from the intergenic rbcL-rbcS spacer partly confirm those from the rbcL analysis.  相似文献   

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