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Nematode sperm contain unusual organelles, membranous organelles, which undergo dramatic morphological changes during spermatogenesis. Early in spermatogenesis, the membranous organelle functions to transport sperm specific components to the spermatids; later, during the formation of the crawling spermatozoa, it adds new components to the cell surface as it fuses with the plasma membrane. Genetic analysis of spermatogenesis in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has revealed mutations that specifically disrupt the proper cellular localization and morphogenesis of this organelle. In animals homozygous for the either the known deficiency hcDf1 or the probable deficiency h12, the membranes of the membranous organelles are aberrantly covered with ribosomes. A mutation in the spermatogenesis-defective spe-10 gene causes severe defects in the morphogenesis of a fibrous body-membranous organelle complex. In both cases, these mutations also disrupt the proper localization of both nuclei and membranous organelles in haploid spermatids and spermatozoa.  相似文献   

The PAR proteins are required for polarity and asymmetric localization of cell fate determinants in C. elegans embryos. In addition, several of the PAR proteins are conserved and localized asymmetrically in polarized cells in Drosophila, Xenopus and mammals. We have previously shown that ooc-5 and ooc-3 mutations result in defects in spindle orientation and polarity in early C. elegans embryos. In particular, mutations in these genes affect the re-establishment of PAR protein asymmetry in the P(1) cell of two-cell embryos. We now report that ooc-5 encodes a putative ATPase of the Clp/Hsp100 and AAA superfamilies of proteins, with highest sequence similarity to Torsin proteins; the gene for human Torsin A is mutated in individuals with early-onset torsion dystonia, a neuromuscular disease. Although Clp/Hsp100 and AAA family proteins have roles in diverse cellular activities, many are involved in the assembly or disassembly of proteins or protein complexes; thus, OOC-5 may function as a chaperone. OOC-5 protein co-localizes with a marker of the endoplasmic reticulum in all blastomeres of the early C. elegans embryo, in a pattern indistinguishable from that of OOC-3 protein. Furthermore, OOC-5 localization depends on the normal function of the ooc-3 gene. These results suggest that OOC-3 and OOC-5 function in the secretion of proteins required for the localization of PAR proteins in the P(1) cell, and may have implications for the study of torsion dystonia.  相似文献   

In C. elegans one-cell embryos, polarity is conventionally defined along the anteroposterior axis by the segregation of partitioning-defective (PAR) proteins into anterior (PAR-3, PAR-6) and posterior (PAR-1, PAR-2) cortical domains. The establishment of PAR asymmetry is coupled with acto-myosin cytoskeleton rearrangements. The small GTPases RHO-1 and CDC-42 are key players in cytoskeletal remodeling and cell polarity in a number of different systems. We investigated the roles of these two GTPases and the RhoGEF ECT-2 in polarity establishment in C. elegans embryos. We show that CDC-42 is required to remove PAR-2 from the cortex at the end of meiosis and to localize PAR-6 to the cortex. By contrast, RHO-1 activity is required to facilitate the segregation of CDC-42 and PAR-6 to the anterior. Loss of RHO-1 activity causes defects in the early organization of the myosin cytoskeleton but does not inhibit segregation of myosin to the anterior. We therefore propose that RHO-1 couples the polarization of the acto-myosin cytoskeleton with the proper segregation of CDC-42, which, in turn, localizes PAR-6 to the anterior cortex.  相似文献   

We have isolated nine gain-of-function (gf) alleles of the sex-determination gene fem-3 as suppressors of feminizing mutations in fem-1 and fem-2. The wild-type fem-3 gene is needed for spermatogenesis in XX self-fertilizing hermaphrodites and for male development in both soma and germ line of XO animals. Loss-of-function alleles of fem-3 transform XX and XO animals into females (spermless hermaphrodites). In contrast, fem-3(gf) alleles masculinize only one tissue, the hermaphrodite germ line. Thus, XX fem-3(gf) mutant animals have a normal hermaphrodite soma, but the germ line produces a vast excess of sperm and no oocytes. All nine fem-3(gf) alleles are temperature sensitive. The temperature-sensitive period is from late L4 to early adult, a period just preceding the first signs of oogenesis. The finding of gain-of-function alleles which confer a phenotype opposite to that of loss-of-function alleles supports the idea that fem-3 plays a critical role in germ-line sex determination. Furthermore, the germ-line specificity of the fem-3(gf) mutant phenotype and the late temperature-sensitive period suggest that, in the wild-type XX hermaphrodite, fem-3 is negatively regulated so that the hermaphrodite stops making sperm and starts making oocytes. Temperature shift experiments also show that, in the germ line, sexual commitment appears to be a continuing process. Spermatogenesis can resume even after oogenesis has begun, and oogenesis can be initiated much later than normal.  相似文献   

Ceramide glucosyltransferase (Ugcg) [uridine diphosphate (UDP)-glucose:N-acylsphingosine D-glucosyltransferase or UDP-glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase (GlcT): EC] catalyzes formation of glucosylceramide (GlcCer) from ceramide and UDP-glucose. There is only one Ugcg gene in the mouse genome, which is essential in embryogenesis and brain development. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has three Ugcg genes (cgt-1, cgt-2 and cgt-3), and double RNAi of the cgt-1 and cgt-3 genes results in lethality at the L1 larval stage. In this study, we isolated knockout worms for the three genes and characterized the gene functions. Each gene product showed active enzymatic activity when expressed in GM95 cells deficient in glycosphingolipids (GSLs). When each gene function was disrupted, the brood size of the animal markedly decreased, and abnormal oocytes and multinucleated embryos were formed. The CGT-3 protein had the highest Ugcg activity, and knockout of its gene resulted in the severest phenotype. When cgt-3 RNAi was performed on rrf-1 worms lacking somatic RNAi machinery but with intact germline RNAi machinery, a number of abnormal oocytes and multinucleated eggs were observed, although the somatic phenotype, i.e., L1 lethal effects of cgt-1/cgt-3 RNAi, was completely suppressed. Cell surface expression of GSLs and sphingomyelin, which are important components of membrane domains, was affected in the RNAi-treated embryos. In the embryos, an abnormality in cytokinesis was also observed. From these results, we concluded that the Ugcg gene is indispensable in the germline and that an ample supply of GlcCer is needed for oocytes and fertilized eggs to maintain normal membranes and to proceed through the normal cell cycle.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The polarization of the anterior-posterior axis (A-P) of the Caenorhabditis elegans zygote depends on the activity of the par genes and the presence of intact microfilaments. Functional links between the PAR proteins and the cytoskeleton, however, have not been fully explored. It has recently been shown that in mammalian cells, some PAR homologs form a complex with activated Cdc42, a Rho GTPase that is implicated in the control of actin organization and cellular polarity. A role for Cdc42 in the establishment of embryonic polarity in C. elegans has not been described. RESULTS: To investigate the function of Cdc42 in the control of cellular and embryonic polarity in C. elegans, we used RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) to inhibit cdc-42 activity in the early embryo. Here, we demonstrate that RNAi of cdc-42 disrupts manifestations of polarity in the early embryo, that these phenotypes depend on par-2 and par-3 gene function, and that cdc-42 is required for the localization of the PAR proteins. CONCLUSIONS: Our genetic analysis of the regulatory relationships between cdc-42 and the par genes demonstrates that Cdc42 organizes embryonic polarity by controlling the localization and activity of the PAR proteins. Combined with the recent biochemical analysis of their mammalian homologs, these results simultaneously identify both a regulator of the PAR proteins, activated Cdc42, and effectors for Cdc42, the PAR complex.  相似文献   

Polarization of cells by PAR proteins requires the segregation of antagonistic sets of proteins into two mutually exclusive membrane-associated domains. Understanding how nanometer scale interactions between individual PAR proteins allow spatial organization across cellular length scales requires determining the kinetic properties of PAR proteins and how they are modified in space. We find that PAR-2 and PAR-6, which localize to opposing PAR domains, undergo exchange between well mixed cytoplasmic populations and laterally diffusing membrane-associated states. Domain maintenance does not involve diffusion barriers, lateral sorting, or active transport. Rather, both PAR proteins are free to diffuse between domains, giving rise to a continuous boundary flux because of lateral diffusion of molecules down the concentration gradients that exist across the embryo. Our results suggest that the equalizing effects of lateral diffusion are countered by actin-independent differences in the effective membrane affinities of PAR proteins between the two domains, which likely depend on the ability of each PAR species to locally modulate the membrane affinity of opposing PAR species within its domain. We propose that the stably polarized embryo reflects a dynamic steady state in which molecules undergo continuous diffusion between regions of net association and dissociation.  相似文献   

K Nishiwaki 《Genetics》1999,152(3):985-997
The rotational symmetry of the Caenorhabditis elegans gonad arms is generated by the symmetrical migration of two distal tip cells (DTCs), located on the anterior and posterior ends of the gonad primordium. Mutations that cause asymmetrical migration of the two DTCs were isolated. All seven mutations were recessive and assigned to six different complementation groups. vab-3(k121) and vab-3(k143) affected anterior DTC migration more frequently than posterior, although null mutants showed no bias. The other five mutations, mig-14(k124), mig-17(k113), mig-18(k140), mig-19(k142), and mig-20(k148), affected posterior DTC migration more frequently than anterior. These observations imply that the migration of each DTC is regulated differently. mig-14 and mig-19 also affected the migration of other cells in the posterior body region. Four distinct types of DTC migration abnormalities were defined on the basis of the mutant phenotypes. vab-3; mig-14 double mutants exhibited the types of DTC migration defects seen for vab-3 single mutants. Combination of mig-17 and mig-18 or mig-19, which are characterized by the same types of posterior DTC migration defects, exhibited strong enhancement of anterior DTC migration defects, suggesting that they affect the same or parallel pathways regulating anterior DTC migration.  相似文献   

We have determined the thermodynamic stability and peptide binding affinity of the carboxy-terminal Src homology 3 (SH3) domain from the Caenorhabditis elegans signal-transduction protein Sem-5. Despite its small size (62 residues) and lack of disulfide bonds, this domain is highly stable to thermal denaturation--at pH 7.3, the protein has a Tm of 73.1 degrees C. Interestingly, the protein is not maximally stable at neutral pH, but reaches a maximum at around pH 4.7 (Tm approximately equal to 80 degrees C). Increasing ionic strength also stabilizes the protein, suggesting that 1 or more carboxylate ions are involved in a destabilizing electrostatic interaction. By guanidine hydrochloride denaturation, the protein is calculated to have a free energy of unfolding of 4.1 kcal/mol at 25 degrees C. We have also characterized binding of the domain to 2 different length proline-rich peptides from the guanine nucleotide exchange factor, Sos, one of Sem-5's likely physiological ligands in cytoplasmic signal transduction. Upon binding, these peptides cause about a 2-fold increase in fluorescence intensity. Both bind with only modest affinities (Kd approximately equal to 30 microM), lower than some previous estimates for SH3 domains. By fluorescence, the domain also appears to associate with the homopolymer poly-L-proline in a similar fashion.  相似文献   

The second division of the gut precursor E cells is lethally accelerated during Caenorhabditis elegans gastrulation by mutations in the emb-5 gene, which encodes a presumed nuclear protein. We have isolated suppressor mutations of the temperature-sensitive allele emb-5(hc61), screened for them among dpy and other mutations routinely used as genetic markers, and identified eight emb-5 suppressor genes. Of these eight suppressor genes, at least four encode extracellular matrix proteins, i.e., three collagens and one proteoglycan. The suppression of the emb-5 gastrulation defect seemed to require the maternal expression of the suppressors. Phenotypically, the suppressors by themselves slowed down early embryonic cell divisions and corrected the abnormal cell-division sequence of emb-5 mutant embryos. We propose an indirect stress-response mechanism to be the main cause of the suppression because: (1) none of these suppressors is specific, either to particular temperature-sensitive emb-5 alleles or to the emb-5 gene; (2) suppressible alleles of genes, reported here or elsewhere, are temperature sensitive or weak; (3) the suppression is not strong but marginal; (4) the suppression itself shows some degree of temperature dependency; and (5) none of the extracellular matrix proteins identified here is known to be expressed in oocytes or early embryos, despite the present observation that the suppression is maternal.  相似文献   

The widely conserved Arp2/3 complex regulates branched actin dynamics that are necessary for a variety of cellular processes. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the actin cytoskeleton has been extensively characterized in its role in establishing PAR asymmetry; however, the contributions of actin to the maintenance of polarity before the onset of mitosis are less clear. Endocytic recycling has emerged as a key mechanism in the dynamic stabilization of cellular polarity, and the large GTPase dynamin participates in the stabilization of cortical polarity during maintenance phase via endocytosis in C. elegans. Here we show that disruption of Arp2/3 function affects the formation and localization of short cortical actin filaments and foci, endocytic regulators, and polarity proteins during maintenance phase. We detect actin associated with events similar to early endosomal fission, movement of endosomes into the cytoplasm, and endosomal movement from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane, suggesting the involvement of actin in regulating processes at the early endosome. We also observe aberrant accumulations of PAR-6 cytoplasmic puncta near the centrosome along with early endosomes. We propose a model in which Arp2/3 affects the efficiency of rapid endocytic recycling of polarity cues that ultimately contributes to their stable maintenance.  相似文献   

The differentiation of body-wall muscle cells was studied in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Specific antibodies to myosin and paramyosin, major protein constituents of differentiated muscle, react with mesodermal cells in wild-type embryos towards the end of the first half of embryogenesis. Immunoreactive cells (2–16) first appear in embryos with 400–450 of the 550 cells present at hatching. Such embryos have developed at 25.5°C for 3–412 hr beyond the two-cell stage. As development proceeds, a maximum of 81 immunoreactive cells forms four columns running anterior-posterior. Each column is composed of two lines of tightly opposed round cells, which then elongate into spindle-shaped cells. Mutant embryos in which cleavage arrests prematurely also generate cells that produce myosin and paramyosin. The initiation of muscle differentiation appears to be independent of the number of cell or nuclear divisions within a lineage or of the proliferation of other cells. These results suggest that the biosynthesis of muscle-specific proteins by nematode embryonic muscle cells is regulated by mechanisms intrinsic to these cells.  相似文献   

The conserved PAR proteins are localized in asymmetric cortical domains and are required for the polarized localization of cell fate determinants in many organisms. In Caenorhabditis elegans embryos, LET-99 and G protein signaling act downstream of the PARs to regulate spindle positioning and ensure asymmetric division. PAR-3 and PAR-2 localize LET-99 to a posterior cortical band through an unknown mechanism. Here we report that LET-99 asymmetry depends on cortically localized PAR-1 and PAR-4 but not on cytoplasmic polarity effectors. In par-1 and par-4 embryos, LET-99 accumulates at the entire posterior cortex, but remains at low levels at the anterior cortex occupied by PAR-3. Further, PAR-3 and PAR-1 have graded cortical distributions with the highest levels at the anterior and posterior poles, respectively, and the lowest levels of these proteins correlate with high LET-99 accumulation. These results suggest that PAR-3 and PAR-1 inhibit the localization of LET-99 to generate a band pattern. In addition, PAR-1 kinase activity is required for the inhibition of LET-99 localization, and PAR-1 associates with LET-99. Finally, examination of par-1 embryos suggests that the banded pattern of LET-99 is critical for normal posterior spindle displacement and to prevent spindle misorientation caused by cell shape constraints.  相似文献   

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