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Nagao I  Aoki Y  Tanaka M  Kinjo M 《The FEBS journal》2008,275(2):341-349
The nuage is a unique organelle in animal germ cells that is known as an electron-dense amorphous structure in the perinuclear region. Although the nuage is essential for primordial germ cell (PGC) determination and development, its roles and functions are poorly understood. Herein, we report an analysis of the diffusion properties of the olvas gene product of the medaka fish (Oryzias lapites) in PGCs prepared from embryos, using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Olvas-green fluorescent protein (GFP) localized in granules thought to be nuages, and exhibited a constraint movement with two-component diffusion constants of 0.15 and 0.01 microm(2).s(-1). On the other hand, cytosolic Olvas-GFP was also observed to have a diffusion movement of 7.0 microm(2).s(-1). Interestingly, Olvas-GFP could be expressed in HeLa cells, and formed granules that were similar to nuages in medaka PGCs. Olvas-GFP also exhibited a constraint movement in the granules and diffused in the cytosol of HeLa cells, just as in the medaka embryo. The other two gene products, Nanos and Tudor of the medaka, which are known as constituents of the nuage, could also be expressed in HeLa cells and formed granules that colocalized with Olvas-GFP. Nanos-GFP and Tudor-GFP exhibited constraint movement in the granules and diffused in the cytosol of HeLa cells. These results suggest that these granules in the HeLa cell are not simple aggregations or rigid complexes, but dynamic structures consisting of several proteins that shuttle back and forth between the cytosol and the granules.  相似文献   

P Schwille  U Haupts  S Maiti    W W Webb 《Biophysical journal》1999,77(4):2251-2265
Multiphoton excitation (MPE) of fluorescent probes has become an attractive alternative in biological applications of laser scanning microscopy because many problems encountered in spectroscopic measurements of living tissue such as light scattering, autofluorescence, and photodamage can be reduced. The present study investigates the characteristics of two-photon excitation (2PE) in comparison with confocal one-photon excitation (1PE) for intracellular applications of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). FCS is an attractive method of measuring molecular concentrations, mobility parameters, chemical kinetics, and fluorescence photophysics. Several FCS applications in mammalian and plant cells are outlined, to illustrate the capabilities of both 1PE and 2PE. Photophysical properties of fluorophores required for quantitative FCS in tissues are analyzed. Measurements in live cells and on cell membranes are feasible with reasonable signal-to-noise ratios, even with fluorophore concentrations as low as the single-molecule level in the sampling volume. Molecular mobilities can be measured over a wide range of characteristic time constants from approximately 10(-3) to 10(3) ms. While both excitation alternatives work well for intracellular FCS in thin preparations, 2PE can substantially improve signal quality in turbid preparations like plant cells and deep cell layers in tissue. At comparable signal levels, 2PE minimizes photobleaching in spatially restrictive cellular compartments, thereby preserving long-term signal acquisition.  相似文献   

Abnormal aggregation of misfolded proteins and their deposition as inclusion bodies in the brain have been implicated as a common molecular pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer, Parkinson, and the polyglutamine (poly(Q)) diseases, which are collectively called the conformational diseases. The poly(Q) diseases, including Huntington disease and various types of spinocerebellar ataxia, are caused by abnormal expansions of the poly(Q) stretch within disease-causing proteins, which triggers the disease-causing proteins to aggregate into insoluble beta-sheet-rich amyloid fibrils. Although oligomeric structures formed in vitro are believed to be more toxic than mature amyloid fibrils in these diseases, the existence of oligomers in vivo has remained controversial. To explore oligomer formation in cells, we employed fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), which is a highly sensitive technique for investigating the dynamics of fluorescent molecules in solution. Here we demonstrate direct evidence for oligomer formation of poly(Q)-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteins expressed in cultured cells, by showing a time-dependent increase in their diffusion time and particle size by FCS. We show that the poly(Q)-binding peptide QBP1 inhibits poly(Q)-GFP oligomer formation, whereas Congo red only inhibits the growth of oligomers, but not the initial formation of the poly(Q)-GFP oligomers, suggesting that FCS is capable of identifying poly(Q) oligomer inhibitors. We therefore conclude that FCS is a useful technique to monitor the oligomerization of disease-causing proteins in cells as well as its inhibition in the conformational diseases.  相似文献   

The development and differentiation of complex organisms from the single fertilized egg is regulated by a variety of processes that all rely on the distribution and interaction of proteins. Despite the tight regulation of these processes with respect to temporal and spatial protein localization, exact quantification of the underlying parameters, such as concentrations and distribution coefficients, has so far been problematic. Recent experiments suggest that fluorescence correlation spectroscopy on a single molecule level in living cells has great promise in revealing these parameters with high precision. The optically challenging situation in multicellular systems such as embryos can be ameliorated by two-photon excitation, where scattering background and cumulative photobleaching is limited. A more severe problem is posed by the large range of molecular mobilities observed at the same time, as standard FCS relies strongly on the presence of mobility-induced fluctuations. In this study, we overcame the limitations of standard FCS. We analyzed in vivo polarity protein PAR-2 from eggs of Caenorhabditis elegans by beam-scanning FCS in the cytosol and on the cortex of C. elegans before asymmetric cell division. The surprising result is that the distribution of PAR-2 is largely uncoupled from the movement of cytoskeletal components of the cortex. These results call for a more systematic future investigation of the different cortical elements, and show that the FCS technique can contribute to answering these questions, by providing a complementary approach that can reveal insights not obtainable by other techniques.  相似文献   

Lipids in eukaryotic cell membranes have been shown to cluster in "rafts" with different lipid/protein compositions and molecular packing. Model membranes such as giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) provide a key system to elucidate the physical mechanisms of raft assembly. Despite the large amount of work devoted to the detection and characterization of rafts, one of the most important pieces of information still missing in the picture of the cell membrane is dynamics: how lipids organize and move in rafts and how they modulate membrane fluidity. This missing element is of crucial importance for the trafficking at and from the periphery of the cell regulated by endo- and exocytosis and, in general, for the constant turnover which redistributes membrane components. Here, we review studies of combined confocal fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy on lipid dynamics and organization in rafts assembled in GUVs prepared from various lipid mixtures which are relevant to the problem of raft formation.  相似文献   

We investigate the challenges and limitations that are encountered when studying membrane protein dynamics in vivo by means of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). Based on theoretical arguments and computer simulations, we show that, in general, the fluctuating fluorescence has a fractal dimension D(0) >or= 1.5, which is determined by the anomality alpha of the diffusional motion of the labeled particles, i.e., by the growth of their mean square displacement as (Deltax)(2) approximately t(alpha). The fractality enforces an initial power-law behavior of the autocorrelation function and related quantities for small times. Using this information, we show by FCS that Golgi resident membrane proteins move subdiffusively in the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus in vivo. Based on Monte Carlo simulations for FCS on curved surfaces, we can rule out that the observed anomalous diffusion is a result of the complex topology of the membrane. The apparent mobility of particles as determined by FCS, however, is shown to depend crucially on the shape of the membrane and its motion in time. Due to this fact, the hydrodynamic radius of the tracked particles can be easily overestimated by an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

The spermine-induced DNA condensation is a first-order phase transition. Here, we apply a novel technique fluorescence lifetime correlation spectroscopy to analyze this transition in a greater detail. We show that the method allows for the observation of the condensed and uncondensed molecules simultaneously based solely on different fluorescence lifetimes of the intercalating fluorophore PicoGreen in the folded und unfolded domains of DNA. The auto- and cross-correlation functions reveal that a small fraction of the DNA molecules is involved in the dynamic intramolecular equilibrium. Careful inspection of the cross-correlation curves suggests that folding occurs gradually within milliseconds.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) provides a versatile tool to investigate molecular interaction under native conditions, approximating infinite dilution. One precondition for its application is a sufficient difference between the molecular weights of the fluorescence-labelled unbound and bound ligand. In previous studies, an 8-fold difference in molecular weights or correspondingly a 1.6-fold difference in diffusion coefficients was required to accurately distinguish between two diffusion species by FCS. In the presented work, the hybridization of two complementary equally sized RNA single strands was investigated at an excellent signal-to-noise ratio enabled by the highly photostable fluorophore Atto647N. The fractions of ssRNA and dsRNA were quantified by applying multicomponent model analysis of single autocorrelation functions and globally fitting several autocorrelation functions. By introducing a priori knowledge into the fitting procedure, 1.3- to 1.4-fold differences in diffusion coefficients of single- and double-stranded RNA of 26, 41, and 54 nucleotides could be accurately resolved. Global fits of autocorrelation functions of all titration steps enabled a highly accurate quantification of diffusion species fractions and mobilities. At a high signal-to-noise ratio, the median of individually fitted autocorrelation functions allowed a robust representation of heterogeneous data. These findings point out the possibility of studying molecular interaction of equally sized molecules based on their diffusional behavior, which significantly broadens the application spectrum of FCS.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that a novel high-pressure cell is suitable for fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). The pressure cell consists of a single fused silica microcapillary. The cylindrical shape of the capillary leads to refraction of the excitation light, which affects the point spread function of the system. We characterize the influence of these beam distortions by FCS and photon-counting histogram (PCH) analysis and identify the optimal position for fluorescence fluctuation experiments in the capillary. At this position within the capillary, FCS and photon-counting histogram experiments are described by the same equations as used in standard FCS experiments. We report the first experimental realization of fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy under high pressure. A fluorescent dye was used as a model system for evaluating the properties of the capillary under pressure. The autocorrelation function and the photon count distribution were measured in the pressure range from 0 to 300 MPa. The fluctuation amplitude and the diffusion coefficient show a small pressure dependence. The changes of these parameters, which are on the order of 10%, are due to the pressure changes of the viscosity and the density of the aqueous medium.  相似文献   

We investigated the specific binding of epidermal growth factor (EGF) to its membrane-bound receptors in cultured cells. The specificity of the binding was attested by the consistent displacement of bound rhodamine-labeled EGF (Rh-EGF) following addition of 1000-fold molar excess of unlabeled EGF. The binding specificity of EGF was further confirmed when vascular EGF was unable to displace Rh-EGF binding, demonstrating no cross-reaction. Evidence for the specific interactions was verified by an equilibrium saturation binding experiment. EGF binding to the cell membranes is saturated at nanomolar concentration. The Scatchard plots show a binding process with K(ass) of 1.5 x 10(9) M(-1). The dissociation kinetics follow a single exponential function characteristic for a relatively slow dissociation process with k(diss) = 2.9 x 10(-4) s(-1). The appearance of two binding complexes through the distribution of diffusion times may suggest that these are representatives of two different forms or subtypes of EGF receptors. This study is of pharmaceutical significance as it provides evidence that fluorescence correlation spectroscopy can be used as a rapid technique for studying ligand-receptor interactions in cell cultures. This is a step forward toward large-scale drug screening in cell cultures.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells is continuously remodeled by polymerization and depolymerization of actin. Consequently, the relative content of polymerized filamentous actin (F-actin) and monomeric globular actin (G-actin) is subject to temporal and spatial fluctuations. Since fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) can measure the diffusion of fluorescently labeled actin it seems likely that FCS allows us to determine the dynamics and hence indirectly the structural properties of the cytoskeleton components with high spatial resolution. To this end we investigate the FCS signal of GFP-actin in living Dictyostelium discoideum cells and explore the inherent spatial and temporal signatures of the actin cytoskeleton. Using the free green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a reference, we find that actin diffusion inside cells is dominated by G-actin and slower than diffusion in diluted cell extract. The FCS signal in the dense cortical F-actin network near the cell membrane is probed using the cytoskeleton protein LIM and is found to be slower than cytosolic G-actin diffusion. Furthermore, we show that polymerization of the cytoskeleton induced by Jasplakinolide leads to a substantial decrease of G-actin diffusion. Pronounced fluctuations in the distribution of the FCS correlation curves can be induced by latrunculin, which is known to induce actin waves. Our work suggests that the FCS signal of GFP-actin in combination with scanning or spatial correlation techniques yield valuable information about the local dynamics and concomitant cytoskeletal properties.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is now a widely used technique to measure small ensembles of labeled biomolecules with single molecule detection sensitivity (e.g., low endogenous concentrations). Fluorescence cross correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) is a derivative of this technique that detects the synchronous movement of two biomolecules with different fluorescence labels. Both methods can be applied to live cells and, therefore, can be used to address a variety of unsolved questions in cell biology. Applications of FCCS with autofluorescent proteins (AFPs) have been hampered so far by cross talk between the detector channels due to the large spectral overlap of the fluorophores. Here we present a new method that combines advantages of these techniques to analyze binding behavior of proteins in live cells. To achieve this, we have used dual color excitation of a common pair of AFPs, ECFP and EYFP, being discriminated in excitation rather than in emission. This is made possible by pulsed excitation and detection on a shorter timescale compared to the average residence time of particles in the FCS volume element. By this technique we were able to eliminate cross talk in the detector channels and obtain an undisturbed cross correlation signal. The setup was tested with ECFP/EYFP lysates as well as chimeras as negative and positive controls and demonstrated to work in live HeLa cells coexpressing the two fusion proteins ECFP-connexin and EYFP-connexin.  相似文献   

The morphology and dynamics of DNA in a bacterial nucleoid affects the kinetics of such major processes as DNA replication, gene expression. and chromosome segregation. In this work, we have applied fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to assess the structure and internal dynamics of isolated Escherichia coli nucleoids. We show that structural information can be extracted from the amplitude of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy correlation functions of randomly labeled nucleoids. Based on the developed formalism we estimate the characteristic size of nucleoid structural units for native, relaxed, and positively supercoiled nucleoids. The degree of supercoiling was varied using the intercalating agent chloroquine and evaluated from fluorescence microscopy images. The relaxation of superhelicity was accompanied by 15-fold decrease in the length of nucleoid units (from approximately 50 kbp to approximately 3 kbp).  相似文献   

Here we discuss the application of scanning fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (SFCS) using continuous wave excitation to analyze membrane dynamics. The high count rate per molecule enables the study of very slow diffusion in model and cell membranes, as well as the application of two-foci fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy for parameter-free determination of diffusion constants. The combination with dual-color fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy with continuous or pulsed interleaved excitation allows binding studies on membranes. Reduction of photobleaching, higher reproducibility, and stability compared to traditional FCS on membranes, and the simple implementation in a commercial microscopy setup make SFCS a valuable addition to the pool of fluorescence fluctuation techniques.  相似文献   

The complex and dynamic architecture of biological membranes comprises of various heterogeneities, some of which may include lipid-based and/or protein-based microdomains called "rafts". Due to interactions among membrane components, several types of domains can form with different characteristics and mechanisms of formation. Model membranes, such as giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs), provide a key system to study lipid-lipid and lipid-protein interactions, which are potentially relevant to raft formation, by (single-molecule) optical microscopy. Here, we review studies of combined confocal imaging and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) on lipid dynamics and organization in domains assembled in GUVs, prepared from various lipid mixtures, which are relevant to the problem of raft formation. Finally, we summarize the results on lipid-protein interactions, which govern the targeting of several putative raft- and non-raft-associated membrane proteins to domain-exhibiting GUVs.  相似文献   

Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) can measure diffusion on the cell surface with unparalleled sensitivity. In appropriate situations, this can be the most sensitive and accurate method for measuring receptor interaction and oligomerization. Here we attempt to describe FCS in sufficient detail so that the reader is able to judge when there is a compelling reason to choose this technique, understand the basic theory behind it, construct a FCS spectrometer in the laboratory, and analyze the data to obtain a meaningful estimate of the physical parameters.  相似文献   

Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) signals via a receptor complex consisting of the specific CNTF receptor (CNTFR) and two promiscuous signal transducers, gp130 and leukemia inhibitory factor receptor (LIFR). Whereas earlier studies suggested that the signaling complex is a hexamer, more recent analyses strongly support a tetrameric structure. However, all studies so far analyzed the stoichiometry of the CNTF receptor complex in vitro and not in the context of living cells. We generated and expressed in mammalian cells acyl carrier protein-tagged versions of both CNTF and CNTFR. After labeling CNTF and CNTFR with different dyes we analyzed their diffusion behavior at the cell surface. Fluorescence (cross) correlation spectroscopy (FCS/FCCS) measurements reveal that CNTFR diffuses with a diffusion constant of about 2 × 10− 9 cm2 s− 1 independent of whether CNTF is bound or not. FCS and FCCS measurements detect the formation of receptor complexes containing at least two CNTFs and CNTFRs. In addition, we measured Förster-type fluorescence resonance energy transfer between two differently labeled CNTFs within a receptor complex indicating a distance of 5-7 nm between the two. These findings are not consistent with a tetrameric structure of the CNTFR complex suggesting that either hexamers and or even higher-order structures (e.g. an octamer containing two tetramers) are formed.  相似文献   

The DNA packaging machinery of bacteriophage T4 was studied in vitro using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. The ATP-dependent translocation kinetics of labeled DNA from the bulk solution, to the phage interior, was measured by monitoring the accompanied decrease in DNA diffusibility. It was found that multiple short DNA fragments (100 basepairs) can be sequentially packaged by an individual phage prohead. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer between green fluorescent protein donors within the phage interior and acceptor-labeled DNA was used to confirm DNA packaging. Without ATP, no packaging was observed, and there was no evidence of substrate association with the prohead.  相似文献   

Recent advances in fluorescence correlation spectroscopy   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy is a method in which fluctuations in the fluorescence arising from a very small sample volume are correlated to obtain information about the processes giving rise to the fluctuations. Recent progress has been made in methodologies such as two-photon excitation, photon counting histogram analysis, cross-correlation, image correlation and evanescent excitation. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy techniques have been applied to several biological processes, including fluorescent protein photodynamics, binding equilibria and kinetics, protein oligomerization, nucleic acid interactions, and membrane and intracellular dynamics.  相似文献   

The interactions of several affinity reagent displayed T7 and M13 phage particles with their corresponding target molecules were examined using Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS). Diffusion times, relative fractions of each component in the recognition reactions at the equilibrium state, and ultimately the dissociation constants were deduced from analyzing the fluorescence autocorrelation curves. Although the sample preparation and FCS characterization of icosahedral T7-related systems were relatively straight forward, procedures with filamentous M13-related systems were complicated by the physical size of M13 and its aggregate formation. Methods that accommodate the FCS measurement of the M13 phage via changing confocal optics, fitting procedures, and aggregate discrimination are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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