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The microbial transformation of [N-methyl-(sup14)C]aldicarb, a carbamate pesticide, occurred in aquifer, lake, and salt marsh sediments. Microbial degradation of aldicarb took place within 21 days in aquifer sediments from sites previously exposed to aldicarb (Jamesport, Long Island, N.Y.) but did not occur in sediments which were not previously exposed (Connetquot State Park, Long Island, N.Y.). At the Jamesport sites, higher aldicarb transformation rates occurred in deep, anoxic sediments than in shallow, oxic sediments. There was a significant negative relationship (P < 0.05) between transformation rates and ambient dissolved O(inf2) levels. Aldicarb hydrolysis rates in Jamesport sediments were 10- to 1,000-fold lower than rates previously reported for soils. In addition, aldicarb degradation rates were not significantly correlated with measurements of bacterial activity and density previously determined in the same sediments. Substantially higher aldicarb degradation rates were found in anoxic lake and salt marsh than in aquifer sediments. Furthermore, we investigated the anaerobic microbial processes involved in aldicarb transformation by adding organic substrates (acetate, glucose), an alternative electron acceptor (nitrate), and microbial inhibitors (molybdate, 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid) to anoxic aquifer, lake, and salt marsh sediments. The results suggest that a methanogenic consortium was important in aldicarb transformation or in the use of aldicarb-derived products such as methylamine. In addition, microbial aldicarb transformation proceeded via different pathways under oxic and anoxic conditions. In the presence of O(inf2), aldicarb transformation was mainly via an oxidation pathway, while in the absence of O(inf2), degradation took place through a hydrolytic pathway (including the formation of methylamine precursors). Under anoxic conditions, therefore, aldicarb can be transformed by microbial consortia to yield products which can be of direct benefit to natural populations of methanogens present in sediments.  相似文献   

Population densities of anaerobic Fe(III)-reducing bacteria (FeRB) and aerobic heterotrophs were inversely correlated in the surficial (0-2 cm) layers of Sapelo Island, Georgia, salt marsh sediments. In surficial sediments where densities of aerobic heterotrophs were low, the density of culturable FeRB correlated positively with the concentration of amorphous Fe(III) oxyhydroxides extractable by ascorbate. High FeRB densities and a decrease with depth of ascorbate-extractable Fe(III) were observed in the upper 6 cm of a tidal creek core. Culturable sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and SRB-targeted rRNA signals were also detected in the upper 6-cm depth. The disappearance of FeRB below 6 cm, however, coincided with a large increase in the abundance of SRB. Thus, when FeRB are not limited by the availability of readily reducible amorphous Fe(III) oxyhydroxides, FeRB may outcompete SRB for growth substrates. Shewanella putrefaciens- and Geobacteraceae-targeted rRNA signals were at or below detection limits in all sediment samples, indicating that these FeRB are not predominant members of the active FeRB populations. The ubiquitous presence of FeRB at the sites studied challenges the traditional view that dissimilatory Fe(III) reduction is not an important pathway of organic carbon oxidation in salt marsh sediments.  相似文献   

The anaerobic pathway of chitin decomposition by chitinoclastic bacteria was examined with an emphasis on end product coupling to other salt marsh bacteria. Actively growing chitinoclastic bacterial isolates produced primarily acetate, H2, and CO2 in broth culture. No sulfate-reducing or methanogenic isolates grew on chitin as sole carbon source or produced any measurable degradation products. Mixed cultures of chitin degraders with sulfate reducers resulted in positive sulfide production. Mixed cultures of chitin-degrading isolates with methanogens resulted in the production of CH4 with reductions in headspace CO2 and H2. The combination of all three metabolic types resulted in the simultaneous production of methane and sulfide, with more methane being produced in mixed cultures containing CO2-reducing methanogens and acetoclastic sulfate reducers because of less interspecific H2 competition.  相似文献   

Most probable numbers (MPNs) of methanogens in various salt marsh and estuarine sediments were determined with an anaerobic, habitat-simulating culture medium with 80% H2 plus 20% CO2 as substrate. Average MPNs for the short Spartina (SS) marsh sediments of Sapelo Island, Ga., were maximal at the 5- to 7-cm depth (1.2 × 107/g of dry sediment). Populations decreased to approximately 880/g of dry sediment at the 34- to 36-cm depth. There was no significant difference between summer and winter populations. In tall Spartina (TS) marsh sediments, average populations were maximal (1.2 × 106/g of dry sediment) in the upper 0- to 2-cm zone; populations from the 5- to 36-cm zones were similar (average of 9 × 104/g of dry sediment). Methanogenic populations for TS sediments of James Island Creek marsh, Charleston, S.C., were similar (average of 3 × 106/g of dry sediment) for all depths tested (0 to 22 cm), which was comparable to the trend observed for TS sediments at Sapelo Island, Ga. Sediment grab samples collected along a transect of James Island Creek and its adjacent Spartina marsh had MPNs that were approximately 20 times greater for the region of Spartina growth (average of 106/g of dry sediment) compared with the channel (approximately 5 × 104 methanogens per g of dry sediment). A similar trend was found at Pawley's Island marsh, S.C., but populations were approximately one order of magnitude lower. In vitro rates of methanogenesis with SS sediments incubated under 80% H2-20% CO2 showed that the 5- to 7-cm region exhibited maximal activity (51 nmol of CH4 g−1 h−1), which was greater than rates for sediments above and below this depth. SS sediment samples (5 to 7 cm) incubated under 100% N2 and supplemented with formate exhibited rates of methanogenesis similar to those generated by samples under 80% H2-20% CO2. Replacing the N2 atmosphere with H2 resulted in an eightfold decrease in the rate of methanogenesis. In vitro methanogenic activity by TS salt marsh sediments, incubated under 80% H2-20% CO2, was similar for all depths tested (0 to 22 cm). TS sediment samples (0 to 7 cm) supplemented with formate and incubated under 100% N2 had greater rates of methanogenesis compared with unsupplemented samples.  相似文献   

Sulfate ions did not inhibit methanogenesis in estuarine sediments supplemented with methanol, trimethylamine, or methionine. However, sulfate greatly retarded methanogenesis when hydrogen or acetate was the substrate. Sulfate reduction was stimulated by acetate, hydrogen, and acetate plus hydrogen, but not by methanol or trimethylamine. These results indicate that sulfate-reducing bacteria will outcompete methanogens for hydrogen, acetate, or both, but will not compete with methanogens for compounds like methanol, trimethylamine, or methionine, thereby allowing methanogenesis and sulfate reduction to operate simultaneously within anoxic, sulfate-containing sediments.  相似文献   

Denitrifying microbial communities and denitrification in salt marsh sediments may be affected by many factors, including environmental conditions, nutrient availability, and levels of pollutants. The objective of this study was to examine how microbial community composition and denitrification enzyme activities (DEA) at a California salt marsh with high nutrient loading vary with such factors. Sediments were sampled from three elevations, each with different inundation and vegetation patterns, across 12 stations representing various salinity and nutrient conditions. Analyses included determination of cell abundance, total and denitrifier community compositions (by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism), DEA, nutrients, and eluted metals. Total bacterial (16S rRNA) and denitrifier (nirS) community compositions and DEA were analyzed for their relationships to environmental variables and metal concentrations via multivariate direct gradient and regression analyses, respectively. Community composition and DEA were highly variable within the dynamic salt marsh system, but each was strongly affected by elevation (i.e., degree of inundation) and carbon content as well as by selected metals. Carbon content was highly related to elevation, and the relationships between DEA and carbon content were found to be elevation specific when evaluated across the entire marsh. There were also lateral gradients in the marsh, as evidenced by an even stronger association between community composition and elevation for a marsh subsystem. Lastly, though correlated with similar environmental factors and selected metals, denitrifier community composition and function appeared uncoupled in the marsh.  相似文献   

The Pacific Estuarine Ecosystem Indicators Research Consortium seeks to develop bioindicators of toxicant-induced stress and bioavailability for wetland biota. Within this framework, the effects of environmental and pollutant variables on microbial communities were studied at different spatial scales over a 2-year period. Six salt marshes along the California coastline were characterized using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) analysis. Additionally, 27 metals, six currently used pesticides, total polychlorinated biphenyls and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, chlordanes, nonachlors, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane, and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene were analyzed. Sampling was performed over large (between salt marshes), medium (stations within a marsh), and small (different channel depths) spatial scales. Regression and ordination analysis suggested that the spatial variation in microbial communities exceeded the variation attributable to pollutants. PLFA analysis and TRFLP canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) explained 74 and 43% of the variation, respectively, and both methods attributed 34% of the variation to tidal cycles, marsh, year, and latitude. After accounting for spatial variation using partial CCA, we found that metals had a greater effect on microbial community composition than organic pollutants had. Organic carbon and nitrogen contents were positively correlated with PLFA biomass, whereas total metal concentrations were positively correlated with biomass and diversity. Higher concentrations of heavy metals were negatively correlated with branched PLFAs and positively correlated with methyl- and cyclo-substituted PLFAs. The strong relationships observed between pollutant concentrations and some of the microbial indicators indicated the potential for using microbial community analyses in assessments of the ecosystem health of salt marshes.  相似文献   

Tracer Analysis of Methanogenesis in Salt Marsh Soils   总被引:1,自引:10,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Differences in paths of carbon flow have been found in soils of the tall (TS) and short (SS) Spartina alterniflora marshes of Sapelo Island, Ga. Gaseous end products of [U-14C]glucose metabolism were 14CO2 and 14CH4 in the SS region and primarily 14CO2 in the TS region. Sulfate concentration did not demonstrably affect glucose catabolism or the distribution of end products in either zone. [U-14C]acetate was converted to 14CO2 and 14CH4 in the SS soils and almost exclusively to 14CO2 in the TS soils. Sulfate concentration did not affect acetate metabolism in the SS soils; however, a noticeable effect of sulfate dilution was seen in TS soils. Sulfate dilution in TS samples resulted in increased methane formation. Total glucose and acetate metabolism were similar in TS and SS soils despite differences in end products. A microbial community characterized by fermentative/sulfate-reducing processes has developed in TS soils as opposed to the fermentative/methanogenic/sulfate-reducing community found in SS soils.  相似文献   

The microbial ecology of anaerobic carbon oxidation processes was investigated in Black Sea shelf sediments from mid-shelf with well-oxygenated bottom water to the oxic-anoxic chemocline at the shelf-break. At all stations, organic carbon (Corg) oxidation rates were rapidly attenuated with depth in anoxically incubated sediment. Dissimilatory Mn reduction was the most important terminal electron-accepting process in the active surface layer to a depth of ~1 cm, while SO42− reduction accounted for the entire Corg oxidation below. Manganese reduction was supported by moderately high Mn oxide concentrations. A contribution from microbial Fe reduction could not be discerned, and the process was not stimulated by addition of ferrihydrite. Manganese reduction resulted in carbonate precipitation, which complicated the quantification of Corg oxidation rates. The relative contribution of Mn reduction to Corg oxidation in the anaerobic incubations was 25 to 73% at the stations with oxic bottom water. In situ, where Mn reduction must compete with oxygen respiration, the contribution of the process will vary in response to fluctuations in bottom water oxygen concentrations. Total bacterial numbers as well as the detection frequency of bacteria with fluorescent in situ hybridization scaled to the mineralization rates. Most-probable-number enumerations yielded up to 105 cells of acetate-oxidizing Mn-reducing bacteria (MnRB) cm−3, while counts of Fe reducers were <102 cm−3. At two stations, organisms affiliated with Arcobacter were the only types identified from 16S rRNA clone libraries from the highest positive MPN dilutions for MnRB. At the third station, a clone type affiliated with Pelobacter was also observed. Our results delineate a niche for dissimilatory Mn-reducing bacteria in sediments with Mn oxide concentrations greater than ~10 μmol cm−3 and indicate that bacteria that are specialized in Mn reduction, rather than known Mn and Fe reducers, are important in this niche.  相似文献   

Salinity effects on microbial community structure and on potential rates of arsenate reduction, arsenite oxidation, sulfate reduction, denitrification, and methanogenesis were examined in sediment slurries from two California soda lakes. We conducted experiments with Mono Lake and Searles Lake sediments over a wide range of salt concentrations (25 to 346 g liter−1). With the exception of sulfate reduction, rates of all processes demonstrated an inverse relationship to total salinity. However, each of these processes persisted at low but detectable rates at salt saturation. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of partial 16S rRNA genes amplified from As(V) reduction slurries revealed that distinct microbial populations grew at low (25 to 50 g liter−1), intermediate (100 to 200 g liter−1), and high (>300 g liter−1) salinity. At intermediate and high salinities, a close relative of a cultivated As-respiring halophile was present. These results suggest that organisms adapted to more dilute conditions can remain viable at high salinity and rapidly repopulate the lake during periods of rising lake level. In contrast to As reduction, sulfate reduction in Mono Lake slurries was undetectable at salt saturation. Furthermore, sulfate reduction was excluded from Searles Lake sediments at any salinity despite the presence of abundant sulfate. Sulfate reduction occurred in Searles Lake sediment slurries only following inoculation with Mono Lake sediment, indicating the absence of sulfate-reducing flora. Experiments with borate-amended Mono Lake slurries suggest that the notably high (0.46 molal) concentration of borate in the Searles Lake brine was responsible for the exclusion of sulfate reducers from that ecosystem.  相似文献   

Identifying and explaining bottlenecks in organic carbon mineralization and the persistence of organic matter in marine sediments remain challenging. This study aims to illuminate the process of carbon flow between microorganisms involved in the sedimentary microbial food chain in anoxic, organic-rich sediments of the central Namibian upwelling system, using biogeochemical rate measurements and abundances of Bacteroidetes, Gammaproteobacteria, and sulfate-reducing bacteria at two sampling stations. Sulfate reduction rates decreased by three orders of magnitude in the top 20 cm at one sampling station (280 nmol cm?3 d?1 – 0.1 nmol cm?3 d?1) and by a factor of 7 at the second station (65 nmol cm?3 d?1 – 9.6 nmol cm?3 d?1). However, rates of enzymatic hydrolysis decreased by less than a factor of three at both sampling stations for the polysaccharides laminarin (23 nmol cm?3 d?1– 8 nmol cm?3 d?1 and 22 nmol cm?3 d?1– 10 nmol cm?3 d?1) and pullulan (11 nmol cm?3 d?1– 4 nmol cm?3 d?1 and 8 nmol cm?3 d?1– 6 nmol cm?3 d?1). Increasing imbalance between carbon turnover by hydrolysis and terminal oxidation with depth, the steep decrease in cell specific activity of sulfate reducing bacteria with depth, low concentrations of volatile fatty acids (less than 15 μM), and persistence of dissolved organic carbon, suggest decreasing bioavailability and substrate limitation with depth.  相似文献   

Anaerobic San Francisco Bay salt marsh sediments rapidly metabolized [14C]dimethylselenide (DMSe) to 14CH4 and 14CO2. Addition of selective inhibitors (2-bromoethanesulfonic acid or molybdate) to these sediments indicated that both methanogenic and sulfate-respiring bacteria could degrade DMSe to gaseous products. However, sediments taken from the selenium-contaminated Kesterson Wildlife Refuge produced only 14CO2 from [14C]DMSe, implying that methanogens were not important in the Kesterson samples. A pure culture of a dimethylsulfide (DMS)-grown methylotrophic methanogen converted [14C]DMSe to 14CH4 and 14CO2. However, the organism could not grow on DMSe. Addition of DMS to either sediments or the pure culture retarded the metabolism of DMSe. This effect appeared to be caused by competitive inhibition, thereby indicating a common enzyme system for DMS and DMSe metabolism. DMSe appears to be degraded as part of the DMS pool present in anoxic environments. These results suggest that methylotrophic methanogens may demethylate methylated forms of other metals and metalloids found in nature.  相似文献   

Microbial Formation of Ethane in Anoxic Estuarine Sediments   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Estuarine sediment slurries produced methane and traces of ethane when incubated under hydrogen. Formation of methane occurred over a broad temperature range with an optimum above 65°C. Ethane formation had a temperature optimum at 40°C. Formation of these two gases was inhibited by air, autoclaving, incubation at 4 and 80°C, and by the methanogenic inhibitor, 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid. Ethane production was stimulated by addition of ethylthioethanesulfonic acid, and production from ethylthioethanesulfonic acid was blocked by 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid. A highly purified enrichment culture of a methanogenic bacterium obtained from sediments produced traces of ethane from ethylthioethanesulfonic acid. These results indicate that the small quantities of ethane found in anaerobic sediments can be formed by certain methanogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

14C-tracer techniques were used to examine the metabolism of methanol and methylamines and acetogenesis from hydrogen and carbon dioxide in sediments from the profundal and littoral zones of eutrophic Wintergreen Lake, Michigan. Methanogens were primarily responsible for the metabolism of methanol, monomethylamine, and trimethylamine and maintained the pool size of these substrates below 10 μM in both sediment types. Methanol and methylamines were the precursors for less than 5 and 1%, respectively, of the total methane produced. Methanol and methylamines continued to be metabolized to methane when the sulfate concentration in the sediment was increased to 20 mM. Less than 2% of the total acetate production was derived from carbon dioxide reduction. Hydrogen consumption by hydrogen-oxidizing acetogens was 5% or less of the total hydrogen uptake by acetogens and methanogens. These results, in conjunction with previous studies, emphasize that acetate and hydrogen are the major methane precursors and that methanogens are the predominant hydrogen consumers in the sediments of this eutrophic lake.  相似文献   

In a controlled greenhouse experiment young Deschampsia cespitosa,Grindelia integrifolia, Distichlis spicata and Salicornia virginicaplants were subjected to dry, field capacity, and saturatedsoil conditions. Plant height, stem diameter, stem density,number of leaves, number and length of internodes, and numberof primary and secondary branches varied among the three treatments.The quantity of aerenchyma in S. virginica was greatest in thesaturated treatment. In G. integrifolia the amount of secondaryxylem was greatest in the dry treatment. Maximum above- andbelow-ground biomass occurred under field capacity conditionsfor the four species. Root to shoot ratios of D cespitosa andS. virginica were not affected by changes in soil moisture whilethat of D. spicata was lowest in the saturated treatment andthat of G. integrifolia was lowest in the dry treatment. Key words: Salt marsh, soil moisture, plant structure  相似文献   

Sediments from natural marsh and four microecosystem (MES) tanks were compared with reference to ATP, carbon content, and physical properties. Mean values for bacterial numbers and ATP were about twice as high in the MES, carbon content was slightly higher in the artificial systems, and the sediment of the MES was enriched for larger grain sizes and depleted of silt and clay. In the natural marsh sediment, ATP was strongly related (Pearson's correlation coefficient) to granulometric (or physical) factors, whereas ATP was related to biological factors in the MES. Approximately 61% of the variation in ATP concentrations in the marsh sediments could be accounted for by the parameters measured. Only half that amount could be explained on the basis of those same variables in the MES. Furthermore, one of the four tanks was significantly different from the other three in terms of ATP concentration, and an anomaly in respect to silt-clay content was demonstrated in another. Careful control and some type of equilibrating procedure will be necessary before the MES can be employed as replicate units.  相似文献   

Mining-impacted sediments of Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, contain more than 10% metals on a dry weight basis, approximately 80% of which is iron. Since iron (hydr)oxides adsorb toxic, ore-associated elements, such as arsenic, iron (hydr)oxide reduction may in part control the mobility and bioavailability of these elements. Geochemical and microbiological data were collected to examine the ecological role of dissimilatory Fe(III)-reducing bacteria in this habitat. The concentration of mild-acid-extractable Fe(II) increased with sediment depth up to 50 g kg−1, suggesting that iron reduction has occurred recently. The maximum concentrations of dissolved Fe(II) in interstitial water (41 mg liter−1) occurred 10 to 15 cm beneath the sediment-water interface, suggesting that sulfidogenesis may not be the predominant terminal electron-accepting process in this environment and that dissolved Fe(II) arises from biological reductive dissolution of iron (hydr)oxides. The concentration of sedimentary magnetite (Fe3O4), a common product of bacterial Fe(III) hydroxide reduction, was as much as 15.5 g kg−1. Most-probable-number enrichment cultures revealed that the mean density of Fe(III)-reducing bacteria was 8.3 × 105 cells g (dry weight) of sediment−1. Two new strains of dissimilatory Fe(III)-reducing bacteria were isolated from surface sediments. Collectively, the results of this study support the hypothesis that dissimilatory reduction of iron has been and continues to be an important biogeochemical process in the environment examined.  相似文献   

An investigation of the terminal anaerobic processes occurring in polluted intertidal sediments indicated that terminal carbon flow was mainly mediated by sulfate-reducing organisms in sediments with high sulfate concentrations (>10 mM in the interstitial water) exposed to low loadings of nutrient (equivalent to <102 kg of N · day−1) and biochemical oxygen demand (<0.7 × 103 kg · day−1) in effluents from different pollution sources. However, in sediments exposed to high loadings of nutrient (>102 kg of N · day−1) and biochemical oxygen demand (>0.7 × 103 kg · day−1), methanogenesis was the major process in the mediation of terminal carbon flow, and sulfate concentrations were low (≤2 mM). The respiratory index [14CO2/(14CO2 + 14CH4)] for [2-14C]acetate catabolism, a measure of terminal carbon flow, was ≥0.96 for sediment with high sulfate, but in sediments with sulfate as little as 10 μM in the interstitial water, respiratory index values of ≤0.22 were obtained. In the latter sediment, methane production rates as high as 3 μmol · g−1 (dry weight) · h−1 were obtained, and there was a potential for active sulfate reduction.  相似文献   

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