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Regulation of protein kinase A (PKA) by binding of cAMP to the regulatory subunit and the resulting release of the active catalytic subunit is a very well established mechanism of kinase activation. We have shown recently that PKA in budding yeast is also subject to an additional level of regulation that that modulates its activity in response to nutrient availability. Nutrient regulation of PKA activity requires a pair of proteins, Gpb1 and Gpb2, that contain several kelch repeats, a sequence motif that predicts that they fold into a β-propeller structure. The regulatory process mediated by Gpb1 and Gpb2 causes an increase in the stability and phosphorylation of the PKA regulatory subunit Bcy1 in response to low extracellular glucose concentrations. Phosphorylation of serine-145 of Bcy1 controls its stability, and other phosphorylation events at the cluster of serines at positions 74-84 correlate with changes in nutrient availability. Here we present data consistent with a model in which the effects of Gpb1 and Gpb2 on Bcy1 are an indirect consequence of their primary effects on the PKA catalytic subunits.  相似文献   

Regulation of protein kinase A (PKA) by binding of cAMP to the regulatory subunit and the resulting release of the active catalytic subunit is a very well established mechanism of kinase activation. We have shown recently that PKA in budding yeast is also subject to an additional level of regulation that that modulates its activity in response to nutrient availability. Nutrient regulation of PKA activity requires a pair of proteins, Gpb1 and Gpb2, that contain several kelch repeats, a sequence motif that predicts that they fold into a β-propeller structure. The regulatory process mediated by Gpb1 and Gpb2 causes an increase in the stability and phosphorylation of the PKA regulatory subunit Bcy1 in response to low extracellular glucose concentrations. Phosphorylation of serine-145 of Bcy1 controls its stability, and other phosphorylation events at the cluster of serines at positions 74–84 correlate with changes in nutrient availability. Here we present data consistent with a model in which the effects of Gpb1 and Gpb2 on Bcy1 are an indirect consequence of their primary effects on the PKA catalytic subunits.Key words: protein kinase A, kelch repeat proteins, nutritional signaling, Saccharomyces cerevisiae  相似文献   

Grazer control of nutrient availability in the periphyton   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Benthic algal assemblages are regulated by both abiotic (e.g., nutrient) and biotic (e.g., grazing) constraint. The objective of this study was to determine how changes in these two factors affected the structure of an algal assemblage in an ephemeral stream. Coverslips were incubated for 21 days in enclosures containing one of three nutrient environments (ambient, phosphorus-enriched, or phosphorus and nitrogen enriched) and one of four densities of the snail Gonibasis (0, 40, 80, or 120 snails/m2) and examined directly to enumerate the algal assemblage. The effect of grazing on algal biomass was dependent on the nutrient environment. An overstory of diatoms was susceptible to removal by grazing and was not strongly affected by nutrient enrichment. An understory of Stigeoclonium was more resistant to grazing and responded strongly to nutrient enrichment only in the presence of grazers. Snail grazers may mediate nutrient availability to the understory indirectly by removing overlying cells or by direct excretion of nutrients. Multiple interactions occur between benthic herbivores and algae, and, as shown here, some of them are positive and involve modifications of the nutrient environment.  相似文献   

Cocklin R  Goebl M 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27099
Cell division is controlled in part by the timely activation of the CDK, Cdc28, through its association with G1 and G2 cyclins. Cdc28 complexes are regulated in turn by the ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Cdc34 and SCF ubiquitin ligase complexes of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) to control the initiation of DNA replication. Here we demonstrate that the nutrient sensing kinases PKA and Sch9 phosphorylate S97 of Cdc34. S97 is conserved across species and restricted to the catalytic domain of Cdc34/Ubc7-like E2s. Cdc34-S97 phosphorylation is cell cycle regulated, elevated during active cell growth and division and decreased during cell cycle arrest. Cell growth and cell division are orchestrated to maintain cell size homeostasis over a wide range of nutrient conditions. Cells monitor changes in their environment through nutrient sensing protein kinases. Thus Cdc34 phosphorylation by PKA and Sch9 provides a direct tether between G1 cell division events and cell growth.  相似文献   

Within-plant heterogeneity in growth, morphology, and chemistry is ubiquitous, and is commonly attributed to differences in tissue age, light availability, or previous damage by herbivores. Although these factors are important, we argue that plant vascular architecture is an underappreciated determinant of heterogeneity. Vascular architecture can restrict the transport of resources (nutrients, photosynthate, hormones, etc.) to within specific sectors of the plant: this is referred to as sectoriality. Although studies have documented sectoriality in the transport of isotopes and dyes from roots to shoots, the ecological consequences of this sectoriality remain poorly understood. We tested the hypothesis that spatial variation in belowground nutrient availability combined with sectorial transport results in localized "fertilization" of aboveground plant parts and generates heterogeneity in traits important to herbivores. Our split-root experiments with tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) clearly demonstrate that fertilization to isolated lateral roots generates heterogeneity in leaf morphology, phenolic chemistry, and side-shoot growth. Specifically, leaflets with direct connections to these lateral roots were larger and had lower levels of rutin and chlorogenic acid than did leaflets in other sectors lacking direct vascular connections. Moreover, side-shoot production was greater in the connected sectors. We discuss the implications of this heterogeneity for plant-herbivore interactions.  相似文献   

Here we show that Mtl1, member of the cell wall integrity pathway of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, plays a positive role in chronological life span (CLS). The absence of Mtl1 shortens CLS and causes impairment in the mitochondrial function. This is reflected in a descent in oxygen consumption during the postdiauxic state, an increase in the uncoupled respiration and mitochondrial membrane potential and also a descent in aconitase activity. We demonstrate that all these effects are a consequence of signalling defects suppressed by TOR1 (target of rapamycin) and SCH9 deletion and less efficiently by Protein kinase A (PKA) inactivation. Mtl1 also plays a role in the regulation of both Bcy1 stability and phosphorylation, mainly in response to glucose depletion. In postdiauxic phase and in conditions of glucose depletion, Mtl1 negatively regulates TOR1 function leading to Sch9 inactivation and Bcy1 phosphorylation converging in PKA inhibition. Slt2/Mpk1 kinase partially contributes to Bcy1 phosphorylation, although additional targets are not excluded. Mtl1 links mitochondrial dysfunction with TOR and PKA pathways in quiescence, glucose being the main signalling molecule.  相似文献   

Trott A  Shaner L  Morano KA 《Genetics》2005,170(3):1009-1021
The Sch9 protein kinase regulates Hsp90-dependent signal transduction activity in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Hsp90 functions in concert with a number of cochaperones, including the Hsp110 homolog Sse1. In this report, we demonstrate a novel synthetic genetic interaction between SSE1 and SCH9. This interaction was observed specifically during growth at elevated temperature and was suppressed by decreased signaling through the protein kinase A (PKA) signal transduction pathway. Correspondingly, sse1Δ sch9Δ cells were shown by both genetic and biochemical approaches to have abnormally high levels of PKA activity and were less sensitive to modulation of PKA by glucose availability. Growth defects of an sse1Δ mutant were corrected by reducing PKA signaling through overexpression of negative regulators or growth on nonoptimal carbon sources. Hyperactivation of the PKA pathway through expression of a constitutive RAS2 allele likewise resulted in temperature-sensitive growth, suggesting that modulation of PKA activity during thermal stress is required for adaptation and viability. Together these results demonstrate that the Sse1 chaperone and the growth control kinase Sch9 independently contribute to regulation of PKA signaling.  相似文献   

Comment on: Carr SM, et al. EMBO J. 2011; 30:317-27.  相似文献   

Microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) is a major component of cross-bridges between microtubules in dendrites, and is known to stabilize microtubules. MAP2 also has a binding domain for the regulatory subunit II of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). We found that there is reduction in microtubule density in dendrites and a reduction of dendritic length in MAP2-deficient mice. Moreover, there is a significant reduction of various subunits of PKA in dendrites and total amounts of various PKA subunits in hippocampal tissue and cultured neurons. In MAP2-deficient cultured neurons, the induction rate of phosphorylated CREB after forskolin stimulation was much lower than in wild-type neurons. Therefore, MAP2 is an anchoring protein of PKA in dendrites, whose loss leads to reduced amount of dendritic and total PKA and reduced activation of CREB.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of food resources is a major factor influencing animal populations. I studied the effect of a roe and red deer population decline on diet composition, home range size and foraging pattern in the Eurasian lynxLynx lynx (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Bia?owie?a Primeval Forest (BPF), eastern Poland. The population of cervids in BPF experienced a nearly two-fold reduction in size from 1991 through 2006 due to severe hunting pressure between 1991 and 1996. Comparison of published data on lynx diet during the high abundance of ungulates with new data obtained for the low abundance period showed that despite a significant decline in their availability, cervids (roe and red deer) continued to form the majority of the diet of lynx, with roe deer being most preferred in both periods. Home range sizes of lynx showed a tendency to increase with declining prey densities, as indicated by relative percentage increases in average yearly home range sizes amongst different sex/age groups. In response to lower availability of their main prey, lynx increased their daily straight-line movement distances by 44% and doubled the ranges covered in 5-day periods. This illustrated that, with declining prey abundance, the lynx increased their hunting efforts by either spending more time actively searching for prey or continuing foraging even after a successful hunt. Spatial analysis of the distribution of ungulates and lynx indicated that deer were evenly distributed throughout lynx ranges in BPF and spatial proximity of the predator to prey sites did not play an important role in the efficiency of hunting. Lynx may adapt to changing prey availability by increasing search effort, but this was not sufficient to prevent the negative influences of the prey decline on the lynx population. Prey depletion has an immediate effect on lynx spatial organization and, in consequence, on their density. This information has to be considered in prioritizing lynx conservation measures and management of ungulates.  相似文献   

Through functional analyses, integrative physiology is able to link molecular biology with ecology as well as evolutionary biology and is thereby expected to provide access to the evolution of molecular, cellular, and organismic functions; the genetic basis of adaptability; and the shaping of ecological patterns. This paper compiles several exemplary studies of thermal physiology and ecology, carried out at various levels of biological organization from single genes (proteins) to ecosystems. In each of those examples, trade-offs and constraints in thermal adaptation are addressed; these trade-offs and constraints may limit species' distribution and define their level of fitness. For a more comprehensive understanding, the paper sets out to elaborate the functional and conceptual connections among these independent studies and the various organizational levels addressed. This effort illustrates the need for an overarching concept of thermal adaptation that encompasses molecular, organellar, cellular, and whole-organism information as well as the mechanistic links between fitness, ecological success, and organismal physiology. For this data, the hypothesis of oxygen- and capacity-limited thermal tolerance in animals provides such a conceptual framework and allows interpreting the mechanisms of thermal limitation of animals as relevant at the ecological level. While, ideally, evolutionary studies over multiple generations, illustrated by an example study in bacteria, are necessary to test the validity of such complex concepts and underlying hypotheses, animal physiology frequently is constrained to functional studies within one generation. Comparisons of populations in a latitudinal cline, closely related species from different climates, and ontogenetic stages from riverine clines illustrate how evolutionary information can still be gained. An understanding of temperature-dependent shifts in energy turnover, associated with adjustments in aerobic scope and performance, will result. This understanding builds on a mechanistic analysis of the width and location of thermal windows on the temperature scale and also on study of the functional properties of relevant proteins and associated gene expression mechanisms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Invasion by alien plants may be partially related to disturbance-related increases in nutrient availability and decreases of competition with native species, and to superior competitive ability of the invader. Oxalis pes-caprae is an invasive winter geophyte in the Mediterranean Islands that reproduces vegetatively via bulbs. An investigation was made into the relative responses of O. pes-caprae and the native annual grass Lolium rigidum to nutrient availability and to competition with each other in order to understand patterns of invasion in the field. Because Oxalis accumulates oxalic acid in its leaves, which could ameliorate soil phosphorous availability, field observations were made to determine whether the presence of Oxalis alters soil P availability. METHODS: A full-factorial glasshouse experiment was conducted with nutrient availability (high and low) and competition (Lolium alone, Oxalis alone, and Lolium and Oxalis together). Plant performance was assessed by determining (1) above- and below-ground biomass at the time of Oxalis maximum biomass and (2) reproductive output of Oxalis and Lolium at the end of their respective growth cycles. Measurements were also taken for leaf N and P content. Soil samples were taken in the field from paired Oxalis-invaded and non-invaded plots located in Menorca (Balearic Islands) and available P was determined. KEY RESULTS: High nutrient availability increased Oxalis and Lolium vegetative biomass and reproductive output to a similar degree. Competition with Lolium had a much stronger negative effect on Oxalis bulb production than reduced nutrients. Lolium was a superior competitor than Oxalis; the latter did not affect Lolium maximum biomass and spike production. Significantly greater soil-P availability in Oxalis-invaded field soils relative to paired non-invaded soils suggest that Oxalis influences soil P cycling. CONCLUSIONS: Oxalis is a poor competitor. This is consistent with the preferential distribution of Oxalis in disturbed areas such as ruderal habitats, and might explain its low influence on the cover of native species in invaded sites. The results also suggest that certain disturbances (e.g. autumn ploughing) may greatly enhance Oxalis invasion.  相似文献   

Bacteria in nature often live within biofilms, exopolymeric matrices that provide a favorable environment that can differ markedly from their surroundings. Biofilms have been found growing on mineral surfaces and are expected to play a role in weathering those surfaces, but a clear understanding of how environmental factors, such as trace‐nutrient limitation, influence this role is lacking. Here, we examine biofilm development by Pseudomonas putida in media either deficient or sufficient in Fe during growth on biotite, an Fe rich mineral, or on glass. We hypothesized that the bacteria would respond to Fe deficiency by enhancing biotite dissolution and by the formation of binding sites to inhibit Fe leaching from the system. Glass coupons acted as a no‐Fe control to investigate whether biofilm response depended on the presence of Fe in the supporting solid. Biofilms grown on biotite, as compared to glass, had significantly greater biofilm biomass, specific numbers of viable cells (SNVC), and biofilm cation concentrations of K, Mg, and Fe, and these differences were greater when Fe was deficient in the medium. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) confirmed that biofilm growth altered the biotite surface, smoothing the rough, jagged edges of channels scratched by hand on the biotite, and dissolving away small, easy‐to‐access particles scattered across the planar surface. High‐resolution magic angle spinning proton nuclear magnetic resonance (HRMAS 1H NMR) spectroscopy showed that, in the Fe‐deficient medium, the relative amount of polysaccharide nearly doubled relative to that in biofilms grown in the medium amended with Fe. The results imply that the bacteria responded to the Fe deficiency by obtaining Fe from biotite and used the biofilm matrix to enhance weathering and as a sink for released cation nutrients. These results demonstrate one mechanism by which biofilms may help soil microbes overcome nutrient deficiencies in oligotrophic systems.  相似文献   

Gram-negative phytopathogenic bacteria, such as Pseudomonas syringae, deliver multiple effector proteins into plant cells during infection. It is hypothesized that certain plant and mammalian effector proteins need to traverse the type III secretion system unfolded and are delivered into host cells as inactive enzymes. We have previously identified cyclophilin as the Arabidopsis eukaryotic activator of AvrRpt2, a P. syringae effector that is a cysteine protease. Cyclophilins are general folding catalysts and possess peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase (PPIase) activity. In this paper, we demonstrate the mechanism of AvrRpt2 activation by the Arabidopsis cyclophilin ROC1. ROC1 mutants lacking PPIase enzymatic activity were unable to activate AvrRpt2. Furthermore, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed a structural change in AvrRpt2 from an unfolded to a folded state in the presence of ROC1. Using in vitro binding assays, ROC1's consensus binding sequence was identified as GPxL, a motif present at four sites within AvrRpt2. The GPxL motifs are located in close proximity to AvrRpt2's catalytic triad and are required for protease activity both in vitro and in planta. These data suggest that after delivery into the plant cell during infection, cyclophilin binds AvrRpt2 at four sites and properly folds the effector protein by peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerization.  相似文献   

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