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We explored the extent to which two populations of Acanthoscelides obtectus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), maintained in the laboratory for about 60 generations on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum) seeds, differ genetically in life history traits. Using a half-sib breeding design, we screened for genetic variation in oviposition preference for two hosts within both populations, and examined whether this variation is correlated with weevil pre-adult (egg-to-adult viability and egg-to-adult developmental time) and adult (female fecundity and longevity) fitness components on these two hosts. Significant differences between the Phaseolus and Cicer population were detected in viability, developmental time and oviposition preference, but not in female fecundity and longevity. The absence of a significant population × host interaction in all traits, except for developmental time in males, indicates that the Cicer population has not attained the status of host race. The estimated narrow-sense heritabilities within population within host plant were in the low-to-moderate level (range: 1%–79%), with an overall average of about 24%. Within the population maintained on the chickpeas we detected significant genetic correlations between female developmental time on chickpea seeds and preference for chickpeas. In the population maintained on the primary host of this weevil species (the Phaseolus population) we found no significant preference/performance genetic correlations. Data are also presented on the genetic correlations of preference and performance across host seeds within both populations. These correlations are found to be positive for all traits in both populations, indicating the absence of trade-offs in either performance or behavioural response that might impose selection for host specialization within populations.  相似文献   

This study combined morphological and morphometric information on egg clutches, egg capsules and paralarvae of two sympatric coastal octopuses from New Zealand waters, Octopus huttoni and Pinnoctopus cordiformis, to provide species-specific traits to identify their early life stages obtained from field surveys. Eggs of O. huttoni (2.5 mm length; 1 mm width) were entwined with one another forming strings that ranged from 11 to 25.8 mm in length. Eggs of P. cordiformis (6.4 mm length; 1.5 mm width) were significantly bigger than those of O. huttoni and were grouped in small clusters of about seven eggs. Paralarvae O. huttoni and P. cordiformis differed in hatching size (1.4 mm versus 3.1 mm mantle length), number of suckers per arm (four versus eight), number of lamellae per outer demibranch (five versus ten) and arrangements of chromatophores in the body surface (29 to 59 versus 91 to 179), respectively. The morphological traits described in hatchlings from the laboratory allowed comparisons with field-collected paralarvae, suggesting that such characters were reliable species-specific patterns to enable a consistent differentiation between the early life stages of these two sympatric species, even in the absence of the brooding female.  相似文献   

A LS Houde  C C Wilson  B D Neff 《Heredity》2013,111(6):513-519
The additive genetic effects of traits can be used to predict evolutionary trajectories, such as responses to selection. Non-additive genetic and maternal environmental effects can also change evolutionary trajectories and influence phenotypes, but these effects have received less attention by researchers. We partitioned the phenotypic variance of survival and fitness-related traits into additive genetic, non-additive genetic and maternal environmental effects using a full-factorial breeding design within two allopatric populations of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Maternal environmental effects were large at early life stages, but decreased during development, with non-additive genetic effects being most significant at later juvenile stages (alevin and fry). Non-additive genetic effects were also, on average, larger than additive genetic effects. The populations, generally, did not differ in the trait values or inferred genetic architecture of the traits. Any differences between the populations for trait values could be explained by maternal environmental effects. We discuss whether the similarities in architectures of these populations is the result of natural selection across a common juvenile environment.  相似文献   

Analysis of 12 microsatellite loci from431 mountain lions (Puma concolor)revealed distinct genetic subdivision that wasassociated with geographic barriers andisolation by distance in California. Levels ofgenetic variation differed among geographicregions, and mountain lions that inhabitedcoastal areas exhibited less heterozygositythan those sampled inland. The San FranciscoBay and Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, theCentral Valley, and the Los Angeles Basinappeared to be substantial barriers to geneflow, and allele frequencies of populationsseparated by those features differedsubstantially. A partial barrier to gene flowappeared to exist along the crest of the SierraNevada. Estimated gene flow was high amongmountain lions inhabiting the Modoc Plateau,the western Sierra Nevada, and northern sectionof the eastern Sierra Nevada. SouthernCalifornia mountain lion populations mayfunction as a metapopulation; however, humandevelopments threaten to eliminate habitat andmovement corridors. While north-south geneflow along the western Sierra Nevada wasestimated to be very high, projected loss andfragmentation of foothill habitat may reducegene flow and subdivide populations. Preservation of existing movement corridorsamong regions could prevent population declinesand loss of genetic variation. This studyshows that mountain lion management andconservation efforts should be individualizedaccording to region and incorporatelandscape-level considerations to protecthabitat connectivity.  相似文献   

Sommer S  Pearman PB 《Genetica》2003,119(1):1-10
We estimated genetic and maternal variance components of larval life history characters in alpine populations of Rana temporaria (the common frog) using a full-sib/half-sib breeding design. We studied trait plasticity by raising tadpoles at 14 or 20°C in the laboratory. Larval period and metamorphic mass were greater at 14°C. Larval period did not differ between populations, but high elevation metamorphs were larger than low elevation metamorphs. Significant additive variation for larval period was detected in the low altitude population. No significant additive variation was detected for mass at metamorphosis (MM), which instead displayed significant maternal effects. Plasticity in metamorphic mass of froglets was greater in the high altitude population. The plastic response of larval period to temperature did not differ between the populations. Evolution of metamorphic mass is likely constrained by lack of additive genetic variation. In contrast, significant heritability for larval period suggests this trait may evolve in response to environmental change. These results differ from other studies on R. temporaria, suggesting that populations of this broadly distributed species present substantial geographic variation in the genetic architecture and plasticity of tadpole life history traits.  相似文献   

Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) were collected from 17 reservoirs on three islands in Hawaii, USA. Genetic and life history traits for adult females from these populations were used to evaluate hypotheses concerning short-term evolutionary divergence of populations recently established from a common ancestral source. The effects of founder events and drift on genetic variability and population differentiation were also examined. Significant differences in life history characteristics, allele frequencies, and multi-locus heterozygosities (H) were found among fish populations collected from different reservoirs and between reservoirs classified as stable or fluctuating on the basis of temporal fluctuation in water level. Females from stable reservoirs exhibited greater standard length (35.1 vs 32.8 mm), lower fecundity (11.9 vs 15.2 embryos), lower reproductive allocation (18.2% vs 22.8%), but larger mean embryo size (1.95 vs 1.67 mg) than females from fluctuating reservoirs. Consistency in means among replicates of each reservoir class and concordance in direction and magnitude of differences reported here and results of sampling conducted from these same locations 10 years previously (Stearns, 1983a) suggest that ecological factors intrinsic to these two environments are important in determing population life history traits. Females from stable reservoirs exhibited lower heterozygosity than females from fluctuating reservoirs (0.134 vs 0.158, respectively). Levels and direction od differences in heterozygosity, the high proportion of polymorphic loci and lack of fixation of alternative alleles argue against a purely stochastic explanation for genetic and life history variation among reservoir populations. Levels of genetic variability and interpopulation differentiation were similar to those observed in mainland populations of this species. A high proportion of the genetic diversity was apportioned between populations and within populations due to differences between juveniles and adults. Significant genotypic differences between adult and juvenile age classes suggest that the genetic divergence of local populations may occur over short periods of time.  相似文献   

濒危植物扇脉杓兰野生居群遗传多样性的AFLP分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扇脉杓兰(Cypripedium japonicum)是一种珍稀的地生兰。为了探索并制定针对性的保护措施,采用AFLP分子标记技术对现存于浙江省的6个扇脉杓兰天然居群进行了遗传多样性和遗传结构的研究。筛选出的7对引物共扩增出377条清晰条带,多态性比率为20.95%。居群总Nei基因多样性指数为0.0512,其中居群内基因多样性为0.0247,居群平均Shannon多态性信息指数为0.0417,群体间总遗传分化系数为0.5178,基因流为0.4655,表明扇脉杓兰居群的遗传多样性较低,居群间出现一定程度的遗传分化。UPGMA聚类和Mantel检测分析结果表明,居群间的地理位置与遗传距离之间不存在显著相关性(r=0.16,P=0.242)。基于本研究结果并结合扇脉杓兰的生物学特性,初步提出了相应的保育策略。  相似文献   

Abstract In order to clarify the genetic diversity and population structure of Ranunculus japonicus , allozymic analysis was conducted on 60 populations in southwestern Japan. Considerable genetic variati ons were detected among the populations of R. japonicus . The genetic diversities within species ( H es = 0.215) and within populations ( H ep = 0.172) were slightly higher than those of other perennial herbs with widespread distribution and outcrossing plants. Significantly higher values of fixation index were detected in some populations, which might have arisen from restricted mating partners. The majority of genetic variation (approx. 80%) resided within a population and a moderate level of genetic differentiation ( G ST = 0.203) was observed among populations. The F ST value (0.203) suggests the existence of a substantial population structure in this species. The highly significant correlation between geographic distance and F ST values indicates that isolation by distance has played an important role in the construction of the genetic structure of this species.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. We tested the effect of ultraviolet-B (UVB)-irradiated phytoplankton on life history characteristics of Daphnia magna . Two phytoplankton species were used, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Cryptomonas pyrenoidifera . The phytoplankton species were cultured under photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) conditions, and under PAR supplemented with ultraviolet-A and ultraviolet-B radiation, and fed to Daphnia .
2. Life history traits of Daphnia were negatively affected when fed on UVB-irradiated Cryptomonas . Size at maturity was depressed and fewer juveniles with lower fitness were produced in the UVB treatments. In the Chlamydomonas experiment, no significant effects were found.
3. The cause of the observed UVB effects is likely to be constraints in food quality. Ultraviolet-B radiation thus has the potential of inhibiting energy transfer from the first to the second trophic level.  相似文献   

应用rDNA-ITS2基因序列对云南各地理种群西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)的遗传结构和遗传分化程度进行初步研究。经过比对112条序列,共发现了59个变异位点,定义了30种单倍型。云南省西花蓟马的单倍型多态性较高(Hd=0.90219),而核酸多态性较低(Pi=0.00891)。各地理种群西花蓟马的遗传分化指数Fst为0.00810,基因流Nm为30.61,表明各地理种群间遗传分化程度非常低,种群间存在充分的基因交流。对群体进行中性检验、错配分析表明西花蓟马群体曾经历过近期的种群扩张。分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明,云南西花蓟马的遗传变异主要来自于种群内部,种群间的遗传变异水平还非常低。从分子生物学的角度上也证实了西花蓟马近期入侵云南的事实。  相似文献   

Genetic data suggest that the littoral and pelagic forms of brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis in Lake Bondi are two populations with partial reproductive isolation and non-random mating. Genetic differentiation between the two groups was supported by differences in allele frequencies and by deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium when the two groups were pooled; no such deviation was observed when fish were divided into littoral and pelagic groups. In contrast to Lake Bondi, no clear evidence of genetic differentiation was observed in Lake Ledoux. Discriminant function analyses of morphological characters support the existence of littoral and pelagic groups in Bondi and Ledoux Lakes. In Lake Bondi, the two groups differed significantly in two shape variables (pelagic fish had shorter dorsal fins, and longer body length posterior to the dorsal fin than littoral ones) whereas in Lake Ledoux, the groups differed in four shape variables (pelagic fish had shorter pectoral fins, shorter dorsal fins, and a shorter and higher caudal peduncle than littoral ones). Discriminant analyses of these characters were effective in reclassifying fish into their appropriate groups in both populations, with an efficiency of 78% for juveniles in Lake Bondi and 69% for adults in Lake Ledoux. Differences in morphology between the two forms are consistent with adaptations required to forage in each zone, i.e. benthic form in the littoral zone and planktivorous form in the pelagic zone.  相似文献   

The Baja California killifish, Fundulus lima, is found in six desert oases of the southern Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. The recent introduction of exotic fishes, particularly redbelly tilapia, have impacted the ecology of Fundulus lima such that it is now endangered. Plans of relocating F. lima to bodies of freshwater that are free of exotics have been proposed, however little is know about the genetic identity of the current populations. In this study, we examined the mitochondrial control region of F. lima samples from 4 oases, and in addition, compared these samples to their sister species, the California killifish F.␣parvipinnis. Using a combination of phylogenetic and coalescent approaches, we were able to determine that the two subspecies of the California killifish, F. p.␣brevis, and F. p. parvipinnis, and F. lima form an unresolved trichotomy that diverged between 200,000 years and 400,000 years ago. The one F. lima individual that we were able to collect in the southernmost oasis grouped with the southern subspecies of the California killifish, F. parvipinnis brevis. In contrast, we found that the 3 northern oases grouped together in a “Fundulus lima” clade. Each oasis is genetically distinct, yet there is no evidence of a␣marked genetic bottleneck in any populations (Haplotype diversity between 0.5 and 0.8). Future relocation plans will therefore need to be done cautiously to preserve the genetic identity of the original populations.  相似文献   

Aim The effect of habitat fragmentation on population genetic structure results from the interaction between species’ life history traits and the particular landscape context, and both components are inherently difficult to tease apart. Here, we compare the genetic (allozyme) structure of four co‐occurring woody species with contrasting life histories to explore how well their response to the same fragmentation process can be predicted from their functional traits. Location A highly fragmented forest landscape located in the lower Guadalquivir catchment, south‐western Spain. Methods We sampled four species (Cistus salviifolius, Myrtus communis, Pistacia lentiscus and Quercus coccifera) from the same 23 forest fragments known to form a representative array of habitat characteristics in the region. We assessed genetic diversity (A, He and Ng) and differentiation (FIS and FST) for each species and explored their potential drivers using a model‐selection approach with four fragment features (size, historical and current connectivity, and stability) as predictor variables. Results Regional‐scale genetic diversity increased from the shortest‐lived to the longest‐lived species, while population differentiation of the self‐compatible species was roughly double that of the three self‐incompatible species. Fragment size was the only feature that did not consistently affect the genetic diversity of local populations across all species. Three species showed signs of being affected by fragmentation, yet each responded differently to the set of fragment features considered. We observed several trends that were at odds with simple life history‐based predictions but could arise from patterns of gene flow and/or local‐scale demographic processes. Main conclusions Our comparative study of various landscape features and species underscores that the same fragmentation process can have very different, and complex, consequences for the population genetic structure of plants. This idiosyncrasy renders generalizations across natural systems very difficult and highlights the need of context‐oriented guidelines for an efficient conservation management of species‐rich landscapes.  相似文献   



Life history traits and range size are key correlates of genetic diversity in trees. We used a standardized sampling protocol to explore how life history traits and range size relate to the magnitude, variance and structuring (both between‐ and within‐population) of genetic diversity in Neotropical tree species.


The Neotropics


We present a meta‐analysis of new population genetic data generated for 23 Neotropical tree species (=2,966 trees, 86 populations) across a shared and broad geographic area. We compared established population genetic metrics across these species (e.g., genetic diversity, population structure, fine‐scale genetic structure), plus we estimated the rarely used variance in genetic diversity among populations. We used a multivariate, maximum likelihood, multimodel inference approach to explore the relative influence of life history traits and range size on patterns of neutral genetic diversity.


We found that pioneer and narrow range species had lower levels but greater variance in genetic diversity—signs of founder effects and stronger genetic drift. Animal‐dispersed species had lower population differentiation, indicating extensive gene flow. Abiotically dispersed and pioneer species had stronger fine‐scale genetic structure, suggesting restricted seed dispersal and family cohort establishment.

Main conclusions

Our multivariable and multispecies approach allows ecologically relevant conclusions, since knowing whether one parameter has an effect, or one species shows a response in isolation, is dependent on the combination of traits expressed by a species. Our study demonstrates the influence of ecological processes on the distribution of genetic variation in tropical trees, and will help guide genetic resource management, and contribute to predicting the impacts of land use change.

(1) We studied the variation in characters of two Andean populations of Rhinella spinulosa with different larval thermal regimes as a function of geographic origin and temperature.
(2) In both populations, survival and growth rate were greater at the higher temperature. Size at metamorphosis was only determined by locality, while there was a divergence in growth rate and age at metamorphosis as a function of locality and temperature.
(3) Variation was found in seven of the 12 morphological characters evaluated in post-metamorphic toadlets, which was determined only by their locality of origin.
Keywords: Aclimatation; Body size; Common garden experiment; Geographic variation; Temperature  相似文献   

The mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, exhibits extensive latitudinal clinal variation in a number of physiological and biochemical traits, coupled with phylogeographical patterns at mitochondrial and nuclear DNA loci that suggest a complicated history of spatially variable selection and secondary intergradation. This species continues to serve as a model for understanding local and regional adaptation to variable environments. Resolving the influences of historical processes on the distribution of genetic variation within and among extant populations of F. heteroclitus is crucial to a better understanding of how populations evolve in the context of contemporary environments. In this study, we analysed geographical patterns of genetic variation at eight microsatellite loci among 15 populations of F. heteroclitus distributed throughout the North American range of the species from Nova Scotia to Georgia. Genetic variation in Northern populations was lower than in Southern populations and was strongly correlated with latitude throughout the species range. The most common Northern alleles at all eight loci exhibited concordant latitudinal clinal patterns, and the existence of an abrupt transition zone in allele frequencies between Northern and Southern populations was similar to that observed for mitochondrial DNA and allozyme loci. A significant pattern of isolation by distance was observed both within and between northern and southern regions. This pattern was unexpected, particularly for northern populations, given the recent colonization history of post-Pleistocene habitats, and was inconsistent with either a recent northward population expansion or a geographically restricted northern Pleistocene refugium. The data provided no evidence for recent population bottlenecks, and estimates of historical effective population sizes suggest that post-Pleistocene populations have been large throughout the species distribution. These results suggest that F. heteroclitus was broadly distributed throughout most of its current range during the last glacial event and that the abrupt transition in allele frequencies that separate Northern and Southern populations may reflect regional disequilibrium conditions associated with the post-Pleistocene colonization history of habitats in that region.  相似文献   

Little is known about the relationship between animal movements and the emergent structure of populations, especially for species occupying large continuous distributions. Some such mammals disperse disproportionately into habitat similar to their natal habitat, a behavioural bias that might be expected to lead to habitat-conforming genetic structure. We hypothesized that coyotes (Canis latrans) would exhibit such natal-biased dispersal, and used 13 microsatellite loci to test, correspondingly, whether genetic structure conformed to major habitat breaks. First, we used a model-based approach to assign coyote genotypes to distinct genetic clusters irrespective of geographical location. Visualization on a geographical information system revealed a strong concordance between the locations of cluster assignments and habitat bioregions, not explainable in terms of physical dispersal barriers or intervening low-quality habitat. Next, we used a multiple Mantel test, which controlled for effects of geographical distance (itself, marginally significant; P = 0.06), to statistically determine that genetic distance was indeed higher between than within bioregions (P < 0.001). Whereas previously published examples of landscape effects on gene flow have typically been explainable in terms of species-wide habitat affinities or dispersal barriers, our finding that genetic subdivisions were associated with unobstructed boundaries between contiguous habitats suggests a role for intraspecific variability in habitat affinities as a factor underlying genetic structure. In addition, our data combined with previously published data suggest a pattern of genetic isolation-by-distance throughout western North America, consistent with independent evidence that the western half of the coyote range predates European settlement.  相似文献   

The interspecific relationships between egg size and body size in butterflies (Papilionoidea and Hesperiidae), and between size and egg and larval development time, larval trophic specificity, foodplant structure, climate, and phenology were investigated based on a sample of more than 1180 species. The independent contrasts mediod was used to avoid taxonomy-dependent results. Egg size is allometrically related to adult wing length by a slope of 0.43. Based on a subset of species, fecundity is correlated to adult body size, and there is evidence for a compromise between egg number and egg size (relative to adult size) across species. Butterfly size increases in correlation to the mean annual temperature of me species geographic range, but decreases in relation to increased aridity (or die length of the dry season). Larger butterflies tend to have longer larval development times, use large or structurally complex host plants, and are more likely to lay their eggs in batches, irrespective of climate. Larger eggs tend to develop more slowly, and give rise to larvae with longer developmental periods that will result in larger adults. No evidence was found to support a relationship between butterfly body size and polyphagy. A complex pattern of interrelationships links body size (and egg size) to other traits, although correlations other than mat between egg size and body size are generally low. The results suggest the necessity of separating climate and seasonality into components that are relevant to insect life histories in comparative studies.  相似文献   

Small populations may be expected to harbour less genetic variation than large populations, but the relation between census size (N), effective population size (N e), and genetic diversity is not well understood. We compared microsatellite variation in four small peripheral Atlantic salmon populations from the Iberian peninsula and three larger populations from Scotland to test whether genetic diversity was related to population size. We also examined the historical decline of one Iberian population over a 50-year period using archival scales in order to test whether a marked reduction in abundance was accompanied by a decrease in genetic diversity. Estimates of effective population size (N e) calculated by three temporal methods were consistently low in Iberian populations, ranging from 12 to 31 individuals per generation considering migration, and from 38 to 175 individuals per generation if they were regarded as closed populations. Corresponding N e/N ratios varied from 0.02 to 0.04 assuming migration (mean=0.03) and from 0.04 to 0.18 (mean=0.10) assuming closed populations. Population bottlenecks, inferred from the excess of heterozygosity in relation to allelic diversity, were detected in all four Iberian populations, particularly in those year classes derived from a smaller number of returning adults. However, despite their small size and declining status, Iberian populations continue to display relatively high levels of heterozygosity and allelic richness, similar to those found in larger Scottish populations. Furthermore, in the R. Asón no evidence was found for a historical loss of genetic diversity despite a marked decline in abundance during the last five decades. Thus, our results point to two familiar paradigms in salmonid conservation: (1)␣endangered populations can maintain relatively high levels of genetic variation despite their small size, and (2) marked population declines may not necessarily result in a significant loss of genetic diversity. Although there are several explanations for such results, microsatellite data and physical tagging suggest that high levels of dispersal and asymmetric gene flow have probably helped to maintain genetic diversity in these peripheral populations, and thus to avoid the negative consequences of inbreeding.  相似文献   

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