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Based on nine microsatellite loci, the aim of this study was to appraise the genetic diversity of 42 cassava (Manihot esculenta) landraces from selected regions in Brazil, and examine how this variety is distributed according to origin in several municipalities in the states of Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Amazonas and Mato Grosso. High diversity values were found among the five above-mentioned regions, with 3.3 alleles per locus on an average, a high percentage of polymorphic loci varying from 88.8% to 100%, an average of 0.265 for observed heterozygosity and 0.570 for gene diversity. Most genetic diversity was concentrated within the regions themselves (HS = 0.52). Cluster analysis and principal component based scatter plotting showed greater similarity among landraces from São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul and Amazonas, whereas those from Minas Gerais were clustered into a sub-group within this group. The plants from Mato Grosso, mostly collected in the municipality of General Carneiro, provided the highest differentiation. The migration of human populations is one among the possible reasons for this closer resemblance or greater disparity among plants from the various regions.  相似文献   

The use of DNA markers to evaluate genetic diversity is an important component of the management of animal genetic resources. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) has published a list of recommended microsatellite markers for such studies; however, other markers are potential alternatives. This paper describes results obtained with a set of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers as part of a genetic diversity study of European pig breeds that also utilized microsatellite markers. Data from 148 AFLP markers genotyped across samples from 58 European and one Chinese breed were analysed. The results were compared with previous analyses of data from 50 microsatellite markers genotyped on the same animals. The AFLP markers had an average within-breed heterozygosity of 0.124 but there was wide variation, with individual markers being monomorphic in 3-98% of the populations. The biallelic and dominant nature of AFLP markers creates a challenge for their use in genetic diversity studies as each individual marker contains limited information and AFLPs only provide indirect estimates of the allelic frequencies that are needed to estimate genetic distances. Nonetheless, AFLP marker-based characterization of genetic distances was consistent with expectations based on breed and regional distributions and produced a similar pattern to that obtained with microsatellites. Thus, data from AFLP markers can be combined with microsatellite data for measuring genetic diversity.  相似文献   

分子标记由于能够反映DNA水平上的遗传变异而成为研究遗传多样性的重要方法。本文综述了利用分子标记分析高粱遗传多样性的研究进展,并阐述了遗传多样性分析在种质创新中的应用方向,提出了利用分子标记分析高粱遗传多样性研究中尚需进一步加强的研究内容。  相似文献   

新疆甜瓜地方种质资源遗传多样性的SRAP分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究我国新疆甜瓜地方种质资源亲缘关系及其分类,充分高效的利用种质资源,利用SRAP(sequence-related amplified polymorphism technique)标记对117份中国新疆甜瓜地方品种和28份国内外对照材料进行亲缘关系和遗传多样性分析。结果表明,20对SRAP引物共扩增出224个带,其中多态性谱带216个,多态性比率达96%,平均每对引物扩增的带数和多态性带数分别为11.2个和10.8个,每对引物的多态性信息含量PIC值为0.73~0.94,平均为0.85;不同生态区域供试材料的Nei's基因多样性指数(H)和Shannon's信息指数(I)分别为0.1075~0.2560和0.1569~0.4061,中国新疆的南疆、东疆和北疆均高于其他生态区域供试材料,且以南疆最高,具有非常丰富的遗传多样性;不同生态区域甜瓜种质资源的遗传一致度和遗传距离分别为0.6384~0.9919和0.0081~0.4488,其中南疆、东疆和北疆两两之间的遗传一致度均在0.95以上,遗传距离均在0.04以下,三者之间遗传分化较小;中国新疆甜瓜与印度、西亚、西班牙的甜瓜种质资源亲缘关系较近,与韩国、日本、美国和前苏联的甜瓜种质资源亲缘关系较远。聚类分析结果表明,以遗传相似系数0.548为阈值,145份种质材料可分为3大类群;厚皮甜瓜与薄皮甜瓜间在分子水平上没有严格的界限,两者之间亲缘关系的远近在不同的种质材料间差异很大;117份中国新疆甜瓜地方种质资源可分为A(Ⅰ-1)、B(Ⅰ-2、Ⅰ-3、Ⅰ-5)、C(Ⅰ-6)、D(Ⅱ)等4大类6个亚类群,与传统4个变种10个品种群分类结果不同,但在每个大类或亚类群中属于同一变种或品种群的材料倾向于聚在一起。  相似文献   

The development of PCR-based, easily automated molecular genetic markers, such as SSR markers, are required for realistic cost-effective marker-assisted selection schemes. This paper describes the development and characterization of 172 new SSR markers for the cassava genome. The placement of 36 of these markers on the existing RFLP framework map of cassava is also reported. Two similar enrichment methods were employed. The first method yielded 35 SSR loci, for which primers could be designed, out of 148 putative DNA clones. A total of 137 primer pairs could be designed from 544 putative clones sequenced for the second enrichment. Most of the SSRs (95%) were di-nucleotide repeats, and 21% were compound repeats. A major drawback of these methods of SSR discovery is the redundancy – 20% duplication; in addition, primers could not be designed for many SSR loci that were too close to the cloning site – 45% of the total. All 172 SSRs amplified the corresponding loci in the parents of the mapping progeny, with 66% of them revealing a unique allele in at least one of the parents, and 26% having unique alleles in both of the parents. Of the 36 SSRs that have been mapped, at least 1 was placed on 16 out of the 18 linkage groups of the framework map, indicating a broad coverage of the cassava genome. This preliminary mapping of the 36 markers has led to the joining of a few small groups and the creation of one new group. The abundance of allelic bridges as shown by these markers will lead to the development of a consensus map of the male- and female-derived linkage groups. In addition, the relatively higher number of these allelic bridges, 30% as against 10% for RFLPs in cassava, underscores SSR as the marker of choice for cassava. The 100% primer amplification obtained for this set of primers also confirms the appropriateness of SSR markers for use in cassava genome analysis and the transferability of the technology as a low-cost approach to increasing the efficiency of cassava breeding. Current efforts are geared towards the generation of more SSR markers to attain a goal of 200 SSR markers, or 1 SSR marker every 10 cM. Received: 15 November 1999 / Accepted: 14 April 2000  相似文献   

Molecular techniques play a critical role in studies of phylogeny and, thus, have been applied to understand the distribution and extent of genetic variation within and between species. In the present study, a genetic analysis was undertaken using molecular markers (9 ISSR and 13 SSR) on 60 ginger cultivars from different regions of the eastern coast of India (Odisha). The data obtained with 22 polymorphic markers revealed moderate to high diversity in the collection. Both ISSR and SSR markers were efficient in distinguishing all the 60 ginger cultivars. A total of 42 and 160 polymorphic bands were observed with ISSR and SSR markers, respectively. However, SSR markers were observed to be better at displaying average polymorphism (63.29%) than ISSR markers (55%). Analysis of molecular variance results showed that 52 and 66% of the variation occurred among different ginger populations, whereas 48 and 34% of the variation was found within populations, respectively, using ISSR and SSR markers, indicating that ginger cultivars display significant genetic diversity at the population level. Principal coordinates analysis and the dendrogram constructed out of combined data of both markers showed grouping of ginger accessions to their respective area of collection, indicating geographical closeness due to genetic similarity irrespective of the relationship that exists at the morphological level.  相似文献   

Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants - Dearth of information on extent of genetic variability in cassava limits the genetic improvement of cassava genotypes in Sierra Leone. The aim of this...  相似文献   

Recent development of DNA markers provides powerful tools for population genetic analyses. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers result from a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based DNA fingerprinting technique that can detect multiple restriction fragments in a single polyacrylamide gel, and thus are potentially useful for population genetic studies. Because AFLP markers have to be analysed as dominant loci in order to estimate population genetic diversity and genetic structure parameters, one must assume that dominant (amplified) alleles are identical in state, recessive (unamplified) alleles are identical in state, AFLP fragments segregate according to Mendelian expectations and that the genotypes of an AFLP locus are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). The HWE assumption is untestable for natural populations using dominant markers. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers segregate as codominant alleles, and can therefore be used to test the HWE assumption that is critical for analysing AFLP data. This study examined whether the dominant AFLP markers could provide accurate estimates of genetic variability for the Aedes aegypti mosquito populations of Trinidad, West Indies, by comparing genetic structure parameters using AFLP and RFLP markers. For AFLP markers, we tested a total of five primer combinations and scored 137 putative loci. For RFLP, we examined a total of eight mapped markers that provide a broad coverage of mosquito genome. The estimated average heterozygosity with AFLP markers was similar among the populations (0.39), and the observed average heterozygosity with RFLP markers varied from 0.44 to 0.58. The average FST (standardized among-population genetic variance) estimates were 0.033 for AFLP and 0.063 for RFLP markers. The genotypes at several RFLP loci were not in HWE, suggesting that the assumption critical for analysing AFLP data was invalid for some loci of the mosquito populations in Trinidad. Therefore, the results suggest that, compared with dominant molecular markers, codominant DNA markers provide better estimates of population genetic variability, and offer more statistical power for detecting population genetic structure.  相似文献   

Diversity in 26 microsatellite loci from section Caulorrhizae germplasm was evaluated by using 33 accessions of A. pintoi Krapov. & W.C. Gregory and ten accessions of Arachis repens Handro. Twenty loci proved to be polymorphic and a total of 196 alleles were detected with an average of 9.8 alleles per locus. The variability found in those loci was greater than the variability found using morphological characters, seed storage proteins and RAPD markers previously used in this germplasm. The high potential of these markers to detect species-specific alleles and discriminate among accessions was demonstrated. The set of microsatellite primer pairs developed by our group for A. pintoi are useful molecular tools for evaluating Section Caulorrhizae germplasm, as well as that of species belonging to other Arachis sections.  相似文献   

This study compares the properties of dominant markers, such as amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), with those of codominant multiallelic markers, such as microsatellites, in reconstructing parentage. These two types of markers were used to search for both parents of an individual without prior knowledge of their relationships, by calculating likelihood ratios based on genotypic data, including mistyping. Experimental data on 89 oak trees genotyped for six microsatellite markers and 159 polymorphic AFLP loci were used as a starting point for simulations and tests. Both sets of markers produced high exclusion probabilities, and among dominant markers those with dominant allele frequencies in the range 0.1-0.4 were more informative. Such codominant and dominant markers can be used to construct powerful statistical tests to decide whether a genotyped individual (or two individuals) can be considered as the true parent (or parent pair). Gene flow from outside the study stand (GFO), inferred from parentage analysis with microsatellites, overestimated the true GFO, whereas with AFLPs it was underestimated. As expected, dominant markers are less efficient than codominant markers for achieving this, but can still be used with good confidence, especially when loci are deliberately selected according to their allele frequencies.  相似文献   

G. Agar  J. Halasz 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(2):347-352

Rubus is a large genus of flowering plants in the rose family, Rosaceae, subfamily Rosoideae. The blackberries, as well as various other Rubus species with mounding or rambling growth habits, are often called brambles. Little information is available on the genetic diversity of wild-grown blackberries. The objective of this study was to determine the genetic relationships among nine promising (high-yield capacity, free of pest and diseases, better fruit traits) wild blackberry (Rubus caucasicus L.) selections and the well-known cultivar, “Chester” by using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Genotypes were evaluated with three selective primer-enzyme combinations, producing a total of 223 AFLP fragments with 53% polymorphism ratio. Clustering of genotypes using unweighted pair-group method of arithmetic average cluster analysis clearly separated groups of wild blackberry genotypes while the variety “Chester” was clustered independently. Wild selections represented a distinct germplasm source on the basis of the estimated genetic distance among them. Genetic diversity data from this study will be helpful in using and exploiting the wild genetic material for breeding purposes as well as for further research.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymophism was assessed in 20 land races and nine elite lines of cassava from Africa, resistant and susceptible to the cassava mosaic disease (CMD). Eleven accessions from a representative core collection from Latin America, previously studied by AFLPs, were included as a reference. AFLP data from all accessions was analyzed by both the unweighted pair group mean average (UPGMA) and multiple cluster analysis (MCA) methods of analysis. Genetic differentiation between clusters and the coefficient of genetic differentiation was also calculated. Results reveal a genetic divergence between African and Latin American accessions, although some overlap was found between them. African land races resistant to CMD, were also found to be genetically differentiated from susceptible land races and from resistant elite lines. AFLP analysis identified a considerable number of duplicates in the African accessions, suggesting a sizeable percentage of redundancy. A unique AFLP fragment, found in a relatively high frequency in African accessions, but absent in the Latin American accessions, was found to be associated with branching pattern by QTL mapping in an F1 progeny derived from African and Latin American parents. The likely source and the utility of the unique AFLP fragment in understanding the processes of genetic divergence in Africa is discussed. Received: 15 May 1999 / Accepted: 28 July 1999  相似文献   

Manglietia patungensis Hu is an endangered plant native to China. Knowledge of its genetic diversity and structure would aid its conservation. This study assessed nine natural populations of M. patungensis using two methods: inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers. Using 10 ISSR primer pairs, 334 bands were generated, and 10 SRAP primer pairs generated 276 bands. The percent of polymorphic bands (91.32% and 93.48%), Nei's genetic diversity (0.3448 and 0.3323), and Shannon's information index (0.5075 and 0.4935) revealed a high level of genetic diversity at the species level. Total heterozygosity was 0.3439 by ISSR and 0.3281 by SRAP. The mean heterozygosity was 0.2323 by ISSR and 0.2521 by SRAP. The coefficient of genetic differentiation among natural populations was 0.3245 by ISSR and 0.2316 by SRAP. These data indicated higher levels of genetic diversity of M. patungensis within, rather than among, populations. Estimates of gene flow among natural populations were 1.0411 and 1.0589, which implied a certain amount of gene exchange among populations. A Mantel test revealed no significant correlation between genetic and geographic distance. ISSR and SRAP markers are both effective for genetic diversity research in M. Patungensis. Based on these results, conservation of M. patungensis should be performed both in situ and ex situ.  相似文献   

In the present study, the extent of inter and intra-population genetic variation was evaluated in Leonurus cardiaca accessions naturally growing in Iran by AFLP and IRAP markers. The fingerprints corresponding to AFLP and IRAP markers revealed high levels of heterozygosity, indicating that L. cardiaca is predominantly an out-crossing species. The average percentage polymorphism was detected as 58% and 90.8% on utilizing AFLP and IRAP data, respectively. Gene diversity values within populations varied 0.14 to 0.20 for AFLP and 0.12 to 0.21 for IRAP. The overall levels of genetic variation present in the L. cardiaca germplasm in Iran were finally determined by combining the AFLP and IRAP datasets to ensure wide genome coverage. The phenogram depicted that the accessions of Dargaz population were genetically distinct from other populations. Based on AFLP and IRAP analysis, it is concluded that L. cardiaca maintains high levels of genetic variation at inter and intra-population level.  相似文献   

European chestnut (Castanea sativa) is an important multipurpose tree that has been cultivated for wood and fruit in the Mediterranean basin since ancient times. Cultivation of traditional chestnut varieties has a long tradition in Italy, where cultivars have been selected over centuries as a function of the best nut traits. In this study, 94 grafted chestnuts corresponding to 26 representative cultivars from Italy were evaluated by seven simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to establish whether they corresponded to varieties in the narrow sense. The results allowed 20 genotypes to be identified that corresponded to the same number of clones. In total, 52 alleles were identified, eight of which were exclusive. Cases of homonymies and synonymies were detected. Moreover, our results highlighted a considerable genetic uniformity among ‘Marrone-type’ cultivars and, on the contrary, a high genetic diversity among the evaluated cultivars demonstrating that this is a valuable germplasm and an important genetic resource to be preserved.  相似文献   

AIMS: Erwinia amylovora is one of the most important pathogens of pear and apple and is subject to strict quarantine regulations worldwide, although its patterns of dispersal are largely unknown. Previous attempts to fingerprint E. amylovora strains by molecular techniques have detected very little polymorphism because of the high genetic homogeneity of this bacterium. Our aim was to establish and test a typing method to quantify genetic diversity among strains of this plant pathogen. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twenty-two strains from different hosts and geographical locations were examined by PCR fingerprinting with four primers and by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) with four selected combinations of primers with a single base extension. PCR fingerprinting revealed little polymorphism producing the same amplification patterns for 17 strains, while the combined AFLP patterns yielded 78 polymorphic bands (34% of total bands) and allowed the differentiation of all but two strains. Clustering of strains in the resulting dendrogram was not correlated with host, year or country of isolation, and questions previous genealogies based on PFGE patterns. CONCLUSIONS: The AFLP technique allowed the detection of an unprecedented number of genetic markers in E. amylovora and proved to be the most useful tool so far for discriminating among strains of this pathogen. The results obtained in this study strongly suggest the occurrence of multiple introductions of the pathogen in Spain and other European countries. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A major limitation in understanding the ecology of fire blight is the lack of typing techniques with a high power of discrimination. This study demonstrates the high resolution and the usefulness of the AFLP technique to differentiate among E. amylovora strains.  相似文献   

Microsatellite amplification was performed on cassava (Manihot esculenta) and six other different species (all wild) of the Manihot genus. We used ten pairs of microsatellite primers previously developed from cassava, detecting 124 alleles in a sample of 121 accessions of the seven species. The number of alleles per locus ranged from four to 21 alleles, and allelic diversity was greater in the wild species than in cassava. Seventy-nine alleles, including unique ones, were detected in the wild species but were not found in the crop. The lower level of heterozygosity in some wild species probably resulted from a combination of fine-scale differentiation within the species and the presence of null alleles. Overall, microsatellite primers worked across the genus, but, with increasing genetic distance, success in amplifying loci tended to decrease. No accession of M. aesculifolia, M. carthaginensis, and M. brachyloba presented a banding pattern at locus Ga-140; neither did one appear for M. aesculifolia at locus Ga-13. Previous work with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers and this microsatellite analysis show that these three wild taxa are the most distant relatives of the crop, whereas the wild forms M. esculenta subsp. flabellifolia and M. esculenta subsp. peruviana appear to be the closest.  相似文献   

Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is an allogamous, vegetatively propagated, Neotropical crop that is also widely grown in tropical Africa and Southeast Asia. To elucidate genetic diversity and differentiation in the crop's primary and secondary centers of diversity, and the forces shaping them, SSR marker variation was assessed at 67 loci in 283 accessions of cassava landraces from Africa (Tanzania and Nigeria) and the Neotropics (Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Guatemala, Mexico and Argentina). Average gene diversity (i.e., genetic diversity) was high in all countries, with an average heterozygosity of 0.5358 ± 0.1184. Although the highest was found in Brazilian and Colombian accessions, genetic diversity in Neotropical and African materials is comparable. Despite the low level of differentiation [Fst(theta) = 0.091 ± 0.005] found among country samples, sufficient genetic distance (1-proportion of shared alleles) existed between individual genotypes to separate African from Neotropical accessions and to reveal a more pronounced substructure in the African landraces. Forces shaping differences in allele frequency at SSR loci and possibly counterbalancing successive founder effects involve probably spontaneous recombination, as assessed by parent-offspring relationships, and farmer-selection for adaptation.Communicated by H.C. Becker  相似文献   

Genetic variation within and between four naturally occurring Phragmites australis land populations, DBS, QG, SS1 and SS2 (named after locality), which colonise distinct habitats (different edaphic conditions) in the Songnen Prairie in northeast China, were investigated by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and sequence‐specific amplification polymorphism (S‐SAP) markers. It was found that the selected primer combinations of both markers were highly efficient in revealing the inter‐clonal genetic diversity and inter‐populational genetic differentiation in P. australis from a molecular ecological perspective. Cluster analysis categorised the plants into distinct groups (DBS, QG and SS groups), which were in line with their localities, albeit the two SS group populations (SS1 and SS2) showed a lower degree of inter‐populational differentiation. These results were strongly supported by multiple statistical analysis including Mantel’s test, principal coordinate analysis, allocation test and analysis of molecular variance, which further suggested that gene flow, genetic drift and differences in as yet unidentified edaphic factors may all underpin the inter‐clonal genetic diversity and inter‐populational differentiation at the nucleotide sequence level. Analysis of intra‐population clonal diversity also revealed that the QG population harboured a strikingly lower amount of within‐population variation compared with those of the other three populations, presumably being caused by genetic drift and followed by physical and/or biological isolation. Homology analysis of a subset of population‐specific or population‐private AFLP and S‐SAP bands suggested that regulatory genes and retroelements might play important roles in the ecological adaptation and differentiation of the P. australis populations. Possible causes for and implications of the extensive genetic variability in P. australis were discussed for its future genetic conservation and use in ecological revegetation.  相似文献   

Molecular mapping of Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance quantitative trait loci (QTL) and marker-assisted selection of these QTL will aid in the development of resistant cultivars. Most reported FHB resistance QTL are from 'Sumai 3' and its derivatives. 'Wangshuibai' is a FHB-resistant landrace that originated from China and is not known to be related to 'Sumai 3'. A mapping population of 139 F(5:6) recombinant inbred lines was developed from a cross of 'Wangshuibai' and 'Wheaton'. This population was developed to map the FHB-resistant QTL in 'Wangshuibai' and was evaluated twice for Type II FHB resistance. A total of 1196 simple sequence repeat and amplified fragment length polymorphism markers were screened on this population, and four FHB resistance QTL were detected. A major QTL near the end of 3BS explained 37.3% of the phenotypic variation. Another QTL on 3BS, located close to the centromere, explained 7.4% of the phenotypic variation. Two additional QTL on 7AL and 1BL explained 9.8% and 11.9% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. The simple sequence repeat and amplified fragment length polymorphism markers closely linked to these QTL may be useful for stacking QTL from 'Wangshuibai' and other sources to develop cultivars with transgressive FHB resistance.  相似文献   

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