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Infection by some human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates is enhanced by the binding of subneutralizing concentrations of soluble receptor, soluble CD4 (sCD4), or monoclonal antibodies directed against the viral envelope glycoproteins. In this work, we studied the abilities of different antibodies to mediate activation of the envelope glycoproteins of a primary HIV-1 isolate, YU2, and identified the regions of gp120 envelope glycoprotein contributing to activation. Binding of antibodies to a variety of epitopes on gp120, including the CD4 binding site, the third variable (V3) loop, and CD4-induced epitopes, enhanced the entry of viruses containing YU2 envelope glycoproteins. Fab fragments of antibodies directed against either the CD4 binding site or V3 loop also activated YU2 virus infection. The activation phenotype was conferred on the envelope glycoproteins of a laboratory-adapted HIV-1 isolate (HXBc2) by replacing the gp120 V3 loop or V1/V2 and V3 loops with those of the YU2 virus. Infection by the YU2 virus in the presence of activating antibodies remained inhibitable by macrophage inhibitory protein 1β, indicating dependence on the CCR5 coreceptor on the target cells. Thus, antibody enhancement of YU2 entry involves neither Fc receptor binding nor envelope glycoprotein cross-linking, is determined by the same variable loops that dictate enhancement by sCD4, and probably proceeds by a process fundamentally similar to the receptor-activated virus entry pathway.  相似文献   

In vivo passage of a poorly replicating, nonpathogenic simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV-HXBc2) generated an efficiently replicating virus, KU-1, that caused rapid CD4+ T-lymphocyte depletion and AIDS-like illness in monkeys (S. V. Joag, Z. Li, L. Foresman, E. B. Stephens, L.-J. Zhao, I. Adany, D. M. Pinson, H. M. McClure, and O. Narayan, J. Virol. 70:3189–3197, 1996). The env gene of the KU-1 virus was used to create a molecularly cloned virus, SHIV-HXBc2P 3.2, that differed from a nonpathogenic SHIV-HXBc2 virus in only 12 envelope glycoprotein residues. SHIV-HXBc2P 3.2 replicated efficiently and caused rapid and persistent CD4+ T-lymphocyte depletion in inoculated rhesus macaques. Compared with the envelope glycoproteins of the parental SHIV-HXBc2, the SHIV-HXBc2P 3.2 envelope glycoproteins supported more efficient infection of rhesus monkey peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Both the parental SHIV-HXBc2 and the pathogenic SHIV-HXBc2P 3.2 used CXCR4 but none of the other seven transmembrane segment receptors tested as a second receptor. Compared with the parental virus, viruses with the SHIV-HXBc2P 3.2 envelope glycoproteins were more resistant to neutralization by soluble CD4 and antibodies. Thus, changes in the envelope glycoproteins account for the ability of the passaged virus to deplete CD4+ T lymphocytes rapidly and specify increased replicative capacity and resistance to neutralization.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 transmembrane protein gp41 oligomer anchors the attachment protein, gp120, to the viral envelope and mediates viral envelope-cell membrane fusion following gp120-CD4 receptor-chemokine coreceptor binding. We have used mutation-directed chemical cross-linking with bis(sulfosuccinimidyl)suberate (BS3) to investigate the architecture of the gp41 oligomer. Treatment of gp41 with BS3 generates a ladder of four bands on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, corresponding to monomers, dimers, trimers, and tetramers. By systematically replacing gp41 lysines with arginine and determining the mutant gp41 cross-linking pattern, we observed that gp41 N termini are cross-linked. Lysine 678, which is close to the transmembrane sequence, was readily cross-linked to Lys-678 on other monomers within the oligomeric structure. This arrangement appears to be facilitated by the close packing of membrane-anchoring sequences, since the efficiency of assembly of heterooligomers between wild-type and mutant Env proteins is improved more than twofold if the mutant contains the membrane-anchoring sequence. We also detected close contacts between Lys-596 and Lys-612 in the disulfide-bonded loop/glycan cluster of one monomer and lysines in the N-terminal amphipathic α-helical oligomerization domain (Lys-569 and Lys-583) and C-terminal α-helical sequence (Lys-650 and Lys-660) of adjacent monomers. Precursor-processing efficiency, gp120-gp41 association, soluble recombinant CD4-induced shedding of gp120 from cell surface gp41, and acquisition of gp41 ectodomain conformational antibody epitopes were unaffected by the substitutions. However, the syncytium-forming function was most dependent on the conserved Lys-569 in the N-terminal α-helix. These results indicate that gp160-derived gp41 expressed in mammalian cells is a tetramer and provide information about the juxtaposition of gp41 structural elements within the oligomer.  相似文献   

Most human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) strains require both CD4 and a chemokine receptor for entry into a host cell. In order to analyze how the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein interacts with these cellular molecules, we constructed single-molecule hybrids of CD4 and chemokine receptors and expressed these constructs in the mink cell line Mv-1-lu. The two N-terminal (2D) or all four (4D) extracellular domains of CD4 were linked to the N terminus of the chemokine receptor CXCR4. The CD4(2D)CXCR4 hybrid mediated infection by HIV-1(LAI) to nearly the same extent as the wild-type molecules, whereas CD4(4D)CXCR4 was less efficient. Recombinant SU(LAI) protein competed more efficiently with the CXCR4-specific monoclonal antibody 12G5 for binding to CD4(2D)CXCR4 than for binding to CD4(4D)CXCR4. Stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1) blocked HIV-1(LAI) infection of cells expressing CD4(2D)CXCR4 less efficiently than for cells expressing wild-type CXCR4 and CD4, whereas down-modulation of CXCR4 by SDF-1 was similar for hybrids and wild-type CXCR4. In contrast, the bicyclam AMD3100, a nonpeptide CXCR4 ligand that did not down-modulate the hybrids, blocked hybrid-mediated infection at least as potently as for wild-type CXCR4. Thus SDF-1, but not the smaller molecule AMD3100, may interfere at multiple points with the binding of the surface unit (SU)-CD4 complex to CXCR4, a mechanism that the covalent linkage of CD4 to CXCR4 impedes. Although the CD4-CXCR4 hybrids yielded enhanced SU interactions with the chemokine receptor moiety, this did not overcome the specific coreceptor requirement of different HIV-1 strains: the X4 virus HIV-1(LAI) and the X4R5 virus HIV-1(89. 6), unlike the R5 strain HIV-1(SF162), infected Mv-1-lu cells expressing the CD4(2D)CXCR4 hybrid, but none could use hybrids of CD4 and the chemokine receptor CCR2b, CCR5, or CXCR2. Thus single-molecule hybrid constructs that mimic receptor-coreceptor complexes can be used to dissect coreceptor function and its inhibition.  相似文献   

The lack of clinical progression in some individuals despite prolonged human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection may result from infection with less-pathogenic viral strains. To address this question, we examined the HIV-1 envelope protein from a donor with a low viral burden, stable CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts, and little evidence of CD8+ T-cell expansion, activation, or immune activity. To avoid potential changes in envelope function resulting from selection in vitro, envelope clones were constructed by using viral RNA isolated from uncultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The data showed that recombinant viruses containing envelope sequences derived from RNA isolated from patient PBMC replicated poorly in primary CD4+ T cells but demonstrated efficient growth in macrophages. The unusual phenotype of these viruses could not be explained solely by differential utilization of coreceptors since the chimeric viruses, as well as an uncloned isolate obtained from the same visit date, can utilize CCR5. In addition, the donor’s own cells appeared resistant to infection with chimeric viruses containing autologous envelope sequences. Genotype analysis revealed that the donor was heterozygous for the previously described 32-bp deletion in CCR5 which may be linked with prolonged survival in HIV-1-infected individuals. These data suggest that the changes in envelope sequences confer properties of viral attenuation, which together with the CCR5 +/Δ32 genotype could account for the long-term survival of this patient.  相似文献   

The coreceptors used by primary syncytium-inducing (SI) human immunodeficiency virus type 1 isolates for infection of primary macrophages were investigated. SI strains using only CXCR4 replicated equally well in macrophages with or without CCR5 and were inhibited by several different ligands for CXCR4 including SDF-1 and bicyclam derivative AMD3100. SI strains that used a broad range of coreceptors including CCR3, CCR5, CCR8, CXCR4, and BONZO infected CCR5-deficient macrophages about 10-fold less efficiently than CCR5+ macrophages. Moreover, AMD3100 blocked infection of CCR5-negative macrophages by these strains. Our results therefore demonstrate that CXCR4, as well as CCR5, is used for infection of primary macrophages but provide no evidence for the use of alternative coreceptors.  相似文献   

To evaluate the feasibility of using transgenic rabbits expressing CCR5 and CD4 as a small-animal model of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) disease, we examined whether the expression of the human chemokine receptor (CCR5) and human CD4 would render a rabbit cell line (SIRC) permissive to HIV replication. Histologically, SIRC cells expressing CD4 and CCR5 formed multinucleated cells (syncytia) upon exposure to BaL, a macrophagetropic strain of HIV that uses CCR5 for cell entry. Intracellular viral capsid p24 staining showed abundant viral gene expression in BaL-infected SIRC cells expressing CD4 and CCR5. In contrast, neither SIRC cells expressing CD4 alone nor murine 3T3 cells expressing CCR5 and CD4 exhibited significant expression of p24. These stably transfected rabbit cells were also highly permissive for the production of virions upon infection by two other CCR5-dependent strains (JR-CSF and YU-2) but not by a CXCR4-dependent strain (NL4-3). The functional integrity of these virions was demonstrated by the successful infection of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with viral stocks prepared from these transfected rabbit cells. Furthermore, primary rabbit PBMC were found to be permissive for production of infectious virions after circumventing the cellular entry step. These results suggest that a transgenic rabbit model for the study of HIV disease may be feasible.  相似文献   

The Nef protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 downregulates the CD4 coreceptor from the surface of host cells by accelerating the rate of CD4 endocytosis through a clathrin/AP-2 pathway. Herein, we report that Nef has the additional function of targeting CD4 to the multivesicular body (MVB) pathway for eventual delivery to lysosomes. This targeting involves the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) machinery. Perturbation of this machinery does not prevent removal of CD4 from the cell surface but precludes its lysosomal degradation, indicating that accelerated endocytosis and targeting to the MVB pathway are separate functions of Nef. We also show that both CD4 and Nef are ubiquitinated on lysine residues, but this modification is dispensable for Nef-induced targeting of CD4 to the MVB pathway.Primate immunodeficiency viruses infect helper T lymphocytes and cells of the macrophage/monocyte lineage by binding of their viral envelope glycoprotein, Env, to a combination of two host cell-specific surface proteins, CD4 and either the CCR5 or CXCR4 chemokine receptors (reviewed in reference 62). Ensuing fusion of the viral envelope with the host cell plasma membrane delivers the viral genetic material into the cytoplasm. Remarkably, the most highly transcribed viral gene in the early phase of infection does not encode an enzyme or structural protein but an accessory protein named Nef. Early expression of Nef is thought to reprogram the host cell for optimal replication of the virus. Indeed, Nef has been shown to enhance virus production (19, 24, 59, 74) and to promote progression to AIDS (23, 47, 48), making it an attractive candidate for pharmacologic intervention.Nef is an N-terminally myristoylated protein with a molecular mass of 27 kDa for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and 35 kDa for HIV-2 and simian immunodeficiency virus (27, 29, 50, 65). Nef has been ascribed many functions, the best characterized of which is the downregulation of the CD4 coreceptor from the surface of infected cells (28, 35, 57). CD4 downregulation is believed to prevent superinfection (8, 52) and to preclude the cellular retention of newly synthesized Env (8, 49), thus allowing the establishment of a robust infection (30, 71).The molecular mechanism by which Nef downregulates CD4 has been extensively studied. A consensus has emerged that Nef accelerates the endocytosis of cell surface CD4 (2, 64) by linking the cytosolic tail of CD4 to the heterotetrameric (α-β2-μ2-σ2) adaptor protein-2 (AP-2) complex (17, 25, 34, 45, 67). Determinants in the CD4 tail bind to a hydrophobic pocket comprising tryptophan-57 and leucine-58 on the folded core domain of Nef (34). On the other hand, a dileucine motif (i.e., ENTSLL, residues 160 to 165) (14, 22, 32) and a diacidic motif (i.e., DD, residues 174 and 175) (3) (residues correspond to the NL4-3 clone of HIV-1) within a C-terminal, flexible loop of Nef bind to the α and σ2 subunits of AP-2 (17, 18, 25, 51). AP-2, in turn, binds to clathrin, leading to the concentration of CD4 within clathrin-coated pits (15, 33). These pits eventually bud from the plasma membrane as clathrin-coated vesicles that deliver internalized CD4 to endosomes. In essence, then, Nef acts as a connector that confers on CD4 the ability to be rapidly internalized in a manner similar to endocytic receptors (75).Unlike typical endocytic recycling receptors like the transferrin receptor or the low-density lipoprotein receptor, however, CD4 that is forcibly internalized by Nef does not return to the cell surface but is delivered to lysosomes for degradation (4, 64, 68). Thus, expression of Nef decreases both the surface and total levels of CD4. What keeps internalized CD4 from returning to the plasma membrane? We hypothesized that Nef might additionally act on endosomes to direct CD4 to lysosomes. This is precisely the fate followed by signaling receptors, transporters, and other transmembrane proteins that undergo ubiquitination-mediated internalization and targeting to the multivesicular body (MVB) pathway (40, 46). This targeting involves the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT), including the ESCRT-0, -I, -II, and -III complexes, which function to sort ubiquitinated cargoes into intraluminal vesicles of MVBs for eventual degradation in lysosomes (40, 46). Herein, we show that Nef indeed plays a novel role in targeting internalized CD4 from endosomes to the MVB pathway in an ESCRT-dependent manner. We also show that both Nef and CD4 undergo ubiquitination on lysine residues, but, strikingly, this modification is not required for CD4 targeting to the MVB pathway.  相似文献   

Incorporation of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoproteins into assembling particles is crucial for virion infectivity. Genetic and biochemical data indicate that the matrix (MA) domain of Gag and the cytoplasmic tail of the transmembrane glycoprotein gp41 play an important role in coordinating Env incorporation; however, the molecular mechanism and possible role of host factors in this process remain to be defined. Recent studies suggested that Env incorporation is mediated by interactions between matrix and tail-interacting protein of 47 kDa (TIP47; also known as perilipin-3 and mannose-6-phosphate receptor-binding protein 1), a member of the perilipin, adipophilin, TIP47 (PAT) family of proteins implicated in protein sorting and lipid droplet biogenesis. We have confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy titration experiments and surface plasmon resonance that MA binds TIP47. We also reevaluated the role of TIP47 in HIV-1 Env incorporation in HeLa cells and in the Jurkat T-cell line. In HeLa cells, TIP47 overexpression or RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated depletion had no significant effect on HIV-1 Env incorporation, virus release, or particle infectivity. Similarly, depletion of TIP47 in Jurkat cells did not impair HIV-1 Env incorporation, virus release, infectivity, or replication. Our results thus do not support a role for TIP47 in HIV-1 Env incorporation or virion infectivity.  相似文献   

The importance of the fourth variable (V4) region of the human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein (Env) in virus infection has not been well clarified, though the polymorphism of this region has been found to be associated with disease progression to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). In the present work, we focused on the correlation between HIV-1 gp120 V4 region polymorphism and the function of the region on virus entry, and the possible mechanisms for how the V4 region contributes to virus infectivity. Therefore, we analyzed the differences in V4 sequences along with coreceptor usage preference from CCR5 to CXCR4 and examined the importance of the amino acids within the V4 region for CCR5- and CXCR4-tropic virus entry. In addition, we determined the influence of the V4 amino acids on Env expression and gp160 processing intracellularly, as well as the amount of Env on the pseudovirus surface. The results indicated that V4 tended to have a shorter length, fewer potential N-linked glycosylation sites (PNGS), greater evolutionary distance, and a lower negative net charge when HIV-1 isolates switched from a coreceptor usage preference for CCR5 to CXCR4. The N- and C-terminals of the HIV-1 V4 region are highly conserved and critical to maintain virus entry ability, but only the mutation at position 417 in the context of ADA (a R5-tropic HIV-1 strain) resulted in the ability to utilize CXCR4. In addition, 390L, 391F, 414I, and 416L are critical to maintain gp160 processing and maturation. It is likely that the hydrophobic properties and the electrostatic surface potential of gp120, rather than the conformational structure, greatly contribute to this V4 functionality. The findings provide information to aid in the understanding of the functions of V4 in HIV-1 entry and offer a potential target to aid in the development of entry inhibitors.  相似文献   

Chemokine receptor CXCR4 (also known as LESTR and fusin) has been shown to function as a coreceptor for T-cell-tropic strains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). We have developed a binding assay to show that HIV envelope (Env) can interact with CXCR4 independently of CD4 but that this binding is markedly enhanced by the previous interaction of Env with soluble CD4. We also show that nonglycosylated HIV-1SF-2 gp120 or sodium metaperiodate-treated oligomeric gp160 from HIV-1451 bound much more readily to CXCR4 than their counterparts with intact carbohydrate residues did.In the recent past, several members of the family of chemokine receptors have been identified as cofactors for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) entry (1, 6, 8, 10). Specifically, CCR5 (as well as CCR3 and CCR2b in some instances) has been shown to mediate entry of viruses characterized as macrophage tropic or dual tropic (1, 58), while CXCR4 has been shown to mediate entry of T-cell-tropic or dual-tropic strains (7, 10). While several ligands have been found for CCR5, CXC chemokine stromal derivative factor (SDF1) remains the only known ligand for CXCR4 (4, 24). Coimmunoprecipitation studies have shown that HIV-1 Env from T-cell-tropic strains forms a complex with CD4 and CXCR4 (18), but the nature of the binding events leading to the formation of this complex and the possibility of a direct interaction between HIV Env and CXCR4 remained speculative. Data from Hesselgesser et al. (15) have more recently shown that gp120 from the T-cell-tropic strains IIIB or BRU was able to compete with SDF1 for binding to CXCR4 in hNT cells (a neuronal CD4-negative cell line), indicating the possibility of a direct interaction between CXCR4 and gp120, but no information was presented on the relevance of the interaction with CD4. Other data have shown that gp120 from macrophage-tropic strains of HIV might be able to bind directly to CCR5 and that the affinity for binding between the two molecules can be increased significantly by the presence of soluble CD4 (sCD4) (34), although this effect could not be reproduced by a different group (32).We have performed the following studies to determine if HIV Env binds to CXCR4 independently of CD4 and, if so, what would be the effect of previous binding of HIV Env to sCD4.

CD4-independent binding of HIV Env to CXCR4.

The phenotypes of the T-cell lines CEM-SS and Jurkat 25 (J25) were evaluated with respect to surface expression of both CD4 and CXCR4. J25 clone 22F6 cells (3, 21) were grown in complete medium (RPMI 1640, 2% penicillin-streptomycin, 2% l-glutamine; BioWhittaker, Walkersville, Md.) containing heat-inactivated 10% fetal calf serum at 37°C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere. CEM-SS is a T-cell line that was obtained from the AIDS Research and Reference Reagent Program and maintained in complete medium. CEM-SS cells were derived from a human lymphoblastoid tumor (22, 23). Commercial monoclonal antibody (MAb) to CD4 (mouse immunoglobulin G2a [IgG2a], clone S3.5), fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) labeled, and the necessary isotypic controls were obtained from Caltag Laboratories (San Francisco, Calif.). Mouse MAb 12G5 against CXCR4 was raised in BALB/c mice and has been described previously (9). Goat anti-mouse IgG–FITC was purchased from Becton Dickinson (San Jose, Calif.). Flow cytometric analysis was performed on a Becton Dickinson FACScan cytometer equipped with a 15-mW argon laser emitting at 488 nm. Dead cells were detected on the basis of their scatter and eliminated from the analysis. Live cells (10,000) were analyzed for each marker. CXCR4 surface expression was determined by washing the cells taken in logarithmic growth phase with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing 1% horse serum and incubating them with 10 μl of 12G5 antibody/100 μl (0.16 mg/ml) at 4°C for 30 min. The cells were then washed again in PBS, and a secondary goat anti-mouse IgG–FITC (Becton Dickinson) was incubated with the cells for another 30 min at 4°C. Finally, the cells were washed with PBS and fixed with 2% paraformaldehyde. As a control, equal amounts of mouse IgG2a (the same isotype as 12G5) were used. Both cell lines expressed significant levels of CXCR4 on their surfaces (Fig. (Fig.1),1), but only CEM-SS had measurable levels of surface CD4. This characteristic of the phenotype of J25 cells, with respect to CD4 expression, has been reported before (3). To assess binding of HIV Env to CXCR4, the following binding assay was developed. Oligomeric gp160 (ogp160) was purified from cell cultures (obtained from T. C. Van Cott (Henry M. Jackson Foundation, Rockville, Md.) infected with HIV451 (17). The cells were washed once with PBS and then incubated with ogp160 for 1 h at 37°C in RPMI medium. The cells were washed again in PBS and incubated with 10 μg of human MAb 1331A [IgG3(λ)]/ml, which is specific for the C terminus of gp120 (i.e., amino acids 510 to 516 of HIVLAI), or with a human MAb against p24 (MAb 71-31) as a control (12) for 30 min at 4°C. The secondary antibody was a goat anti-human IgG phycoerythrin labeled (Caltag). The cells were fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde, and the fluorescence intensity was determined by flow cytometry. Background was obtained by adding MAb 1331 and goat anti-human IgG, phycoerythrin labeled, to the cells in the absence of ogp160. The results of the binding assay with ogp160 from HIV451 and both cell lines are shown in Fig. Fig.2A.2A. By using the high-affinity human MAb 1331A against the C-terminal region of gp120, our assay was able to detect significant binding of the ogp160 molecule to the surfaces of both cell lines even at concentrations of only 88 nM. The very high relative affinity of MAb 1331A for the gp120 molecule appears to be critical to demonstrate this interaction, as other antibodies with lower relative affinities for gp120 were incapable of detecting this low-level binding (data not shown). The binding of ogp160 to the CD4-expressing CEM-SS cells was several orders of magnitude higher than that to the J25 cells. To prove the specificity of the binding assay for CXCR4, a synthetic form of SDF1 was produced and tested for its ability to block infection by the HIV-1 strain NL4-3 in HeLa CD4-positive long terminal repeat (LTR)-LacZ cells. These data have been published elsewhere (2). SDF1 synthesis and composition have been described previously (24). Exposure of J25 cells to SDF1 was shown to produce a dose-dependent blockage of the binding of ogp160 to the surfaces of the J25 cells (Fig. (Fig.2B),2B), indicating the specific nature of the assay. Open in a separate windowFIG. 1Phenotype analysis of CEM-SS and J25 cell lines. Thin solid line, background; thick solid line, CD4; dashed line, CXCR4.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2(A) Binding of ogp160 from HIV451 to the surfaces of CEM-SS or J25 cells. Fluorescence intensity is expressed on a logarithmic scale on the x axis, with each line representing one-half log. Concentrations of ogp160 are shown at the right of each graph. The experiments were done in duplicate to ensure consistency of results. (B) Effect of RANTES (250 nM) or increasing amounts of SDF1 (up to 250 nM) on binding of ogp160 (355 nM) to J25 cells. The results are expressed as mean channel fluorescence. Experiments were repeated twice to ensure consistency of results.To further test the fact that HIV Env binding to CXCR4 could occur independently of CD4, and to evaluate the effect of prior binding of Env to sCD4, the following experiments were performed. We preexposed CEM-SS as well as J25 cells to either the anti-CD4 antibody Leu3a (Becton Dickinson), which blocks the CD4 binding domain of HIV Env, or OKT4 (Ortho Diagnostics, Costa Mesa, Calif.), which does not block binding of HIV Env to CD4. The cells were then tested for their ability to bind ogp160 to their surfaces. As shown in Fig. Fig.3,3, OKT4 had no significant effect on the binding of ogp160 to either CEM-SS or J25 cells while Leu3a readily inhibited binding of ogp160 to CEM-SS cells but had no such effect on J25 cells. Furthermore, when ogp160 was allowed to react in advance with recombinant sCD4 produced in CHO cells (Intracel, Issaquah, Wash.) for 30 min at 4°C at a concentration of 1 μg/ml, we were able to show a clear decrease in the surface binding of ogp160 to CEM-SS cells while the opposite, an obvious enhancement in surface binding, was demonstrated for J25 cells (Fig. (Fig.3).3). Open in a separate windowFIG. 3Binding of ogp160 to CEM-SS or J25 cells after exposure of the cells to the anti-CD4 antibodies Leu3a (thin solid lines), OKT4 (dotted lines), or a combination of ogp160 with sCD4 (dashed lines). The shaded areas represent background. The thick solid lines represent binding in the absence of antibodies or sCD4. The experiments were performed in quadruplicate with similar results. Mean channel fluorescence is represented on the x axis.Taken together, these data indicate that HIV Env can bind to CXCR4 independently of CD4. On the other hand, prior interaction of HIV Env with CD4 results in a clear increase in the binding of HIV Env to CXCR4.

Relevance of the glycosylation state of HIV Env in binding to CXCR4.

The binding of HIV Env to CD4 is dependent on the appropriate conformation of the Env molecule (27), which can be significantly altered by changes in its carbohydrate content. We next tested the hypothesis that alterations in the carbohydrate moieties of Env would affect its binding to CXCR4. To do so, we used the gp120 molecule from HIVSF2, produced in CHO cells, and its counterpart, nonglycosylated HIVSF2 Env 2-3, produced in yeast strain 2150, and tested both in the binding assay with CEM-SS or J25 cells. HIVSF-2 gp120 and its nonglycosylated counterpart, Env 2-3, were obtained through the AIDS Research and Reference Reagent Program, Division of AIDS, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, from Kathelyn Steimer, Chiron Corp. (13, 14, 19, 26, 2931). The results are shown in Fig. Fig.4.4. As expected, nonglycosylated HIVSF2 Env 2-3 bound to the surfaces of the CEM-SS cells to a lesser extent than did HIVSF2 gp120. On the other hand, and unexpectedly, nonglycosylated HIVSF2 Env 2-3 bound much more readily to the surfaces of the J25 cells than its glycosylated counterpart, HIVSF-2 gp120, even when used at equal molar concentrations. To determine whether these findings could be generalized to other Env molecules that lacked intact carbohydrate molecules, we treated ogp160 with sodium metaperiodate. ogp160 from HIV451 at 1.25 μg/ml was treated with sodium metaperiodate (Sigma, St. Louis, Mo.) in acetate buffer for 2 h at 4°C in the dark (33). The cells to be tested had been treated previously with 1% glycine (Sigma) for 30 min at 37°C. Such treatment results in the oxidation and cleavage of the carbohydrate hydroxyl groups without affecting the structure of the polypeptide chains (33). Nonspecific binding by the resulting aldehyde groups was prevented by blocking the target cells beforehand with 1% glycine. The results are shown in Fig. Fig.4.4. Sodium metaperiodate treatment of ogp160 resulted in a marked inhibition of the binding of ogp160 to the surfaces of the CEM-SS cells. In contrast, sodium metaperiodate treatment of ogp160 resulted in a very clear increase in the binding of HIV Env to the surfaces of the J25 cells. The preexposure of CEM-SS cells to SDF1 did not significantly affect the binding of ogp160 or sodium metaperiodate-treated ogp160. On the other hand, preexposure of J25 cells to 250 nM SDF1 resulted in a marked decrease in binding of both ogp160 and sodium metaperiodate-treated ogp160. These data indicate the specificity of the interaction of the deglycosylated form of ogp160 with CXCR4. The results of these experiments suggest that the alteration in the carbohydrate content of the HIV Env molecules resulted in a better exposure of the epitopes involved in gp120 binding to CXCR4. Open in a separate windowFIG. 4Binding of HIVSF-2 gp120 or the nonglycosylated form, HIVSF-2 Env 2-3 (Non-glyc SF-2 gp120), to CEM-SS or J25 cells. The concentration was 355 nM for both. The binding of ogp160 and sodium metaperiodate-treated ogp160 (De-glyc ogp160), each at a concentration of 355 nM, to CEM-SS or J25 cells is also shown. The two right-hand bars in each graph show results for cells preexposed to SDF1 at 150 nM. The results are expressed as mean channel fluorescence. The experiments were performed in duplicate with similar results.The understanding of the underlying mechanisms by which HIV Env, CD4, and the newly discovered HIV coreceptors interact to mediate viral entry remains a very significant issue. The way that HIV Env and CD4 interact is well established (28), and some information exists about the interaction between HIV Env, CCR5, and CD4 (34). In this paper we have shown that HIV Env is able to interact in a CD4-independent manner with CXCR4. Still, the extent of such interaction was clearly lower than that of the sCD4-HIV Env complex and CXCR4. This effect of sCD4 seems to be consistent with the observation that the complexing of this molecule with HIV Env from the strains JRFL or BAL resulted in a significant increase in the affinity of HIV Env for CCR5 (34). We speculate that this interaction between sCD4 and HIV Env results in a conformational change that exposes the binding epitopes in HIV Env relevant for binding to CXCR4, as it does with other gp120 epitopes (16). A different scenario would involve a change in both molecules, resulting in a newly formed common binding epitope. This second alternative seems less likely given our data showing CD4-independent binding of HIV Env to CXCR4, as well as previous data showing the existence of HIV strains capable of CD4-independent entry into target cells (9, 15).The gp120 molecule from HIV contains 20 potential N-linked glycosylation sites, with N-linked glycans representing at least 50% of the molecular mass. Their role in CD4 binding has been studied extensively, although some of the results remain somewhat controversial. Most of the available data seem to indicate that complete lack of glycosylation completely (20), or at least partially (25), inhibits HIV Env binding to CD4. Also, enzymatic manipulation of the carbohydrate residues results in a significant decrease but not in complete abrogation of the binding of HIV Env to CD4 (11, 20, 25). It was therefore somewhat unexpected to find that the nonglycosylated form, as well as the sodium metaperiodate-treated form, of HIV Env was able to bind in such an enhanced way to CXCR4. This would appear to reinforce the concept of the existence of a binding epitope for CXCR4 within HIV Env which is different from the one for CD4. It also suggests that the changes occurring as a consequence of the manipulation of the carbohydrate residues likely result in a better exposure of the CXCR4 binding epitope(s) within the HIV Env molecule.In summary, we have shown that HIV Env can interact with CXCR4 in a CD4-independent manner. We have also shown how the interaction of CD4 with HIV Env results in a significant increase in the binding of the latter to CXCR4 and how the alterations in the carbohydrate composition of the HIV Env molecule affect its binding to CXCR4. The complete definition of these interactions may result in novel approaches to protect against cell infection by HIV.  相似文献   

Tetherin (CD317/BST-2), an interferon-induced membrane protein, restricts the release of nascent retroviral particles from infected cell surfaces. While human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) encodes the accessory gene vpu to overcome the action of tetherin, the lineage of primate lentiviruses that gave rise to HIV-2 does not. It has been previously reported that the HIV-2 envelope glycoprotein has a Vpu-like function in promoting virus release. Here we demonstrate that the HIV-2 Rod envelope glycoprotein (HIV-2 Rod Env) is a tetherin antagonist. Expression of HIV-2 Rod Env, but not that of HIV-1 or the closely related simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) SIVmac1A11, counteracts tetherin-mediated restriction of Vpu-defective HIV-1 in a cell-type-specific manner. This correlates with the ability of the HIV-2 Rod Env to mediate cell surface downregulation of tetherin. Antagonism requires an endocytic motif conserved across HIV/SIV lineages in the gp41 cytoplasmic tail, but specificity for tetherin is governed by extracellular determinants in the mature Env protein. Coimmunoprecipitation studies suggest an interaction between HIV-2 Rod Env and tetherin, but unlike studies with Vpu, we found no evidence of tetherin degradation. In the presence of HIV-2 Rod Env, tetherin localization is restricted to the trans-Golgi network, suggesting Env-mediated effects on tetherin trafficking sequester it from virus assembly sites on the plasma membrane. Finally, we recapitulated these observations in HIV-2-infected CD4+ T-cell lines, demonstrating that tetherin antagonism and sequestration occur at physiological levels of Env expression during virus replication.Various stages of the replication cycle of primate lentiviruses can be targeted by host antiviral restriction factors (reviewed in reference 49). In addition to the well-characterized antiviral effects of members of the APOBEC3 family of cytidine deaminases, particularly APOBEC3G and -3F, and species-specific variants of tripartite motif family 5α, the release of nascent retroviral particles has recently been shown to be a target for a novel restriction factor, tetherin (CD317/bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2 [BST-2]) (31, 46). Tetherin is an interferon-inducible gene that was originally shown to impart a restriction on the release of mutants of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) that lack a vpu gene (31, 46). In tetherin-positive cells, mature Vpu-defective HIV-1 particles are retained on the cell surface, linked to the plasma membrane (PM) and each other via protease-sensitive tethers, and can be subsequently endocytosed and accumulate in late endosomes (30, 31). Tetherin is not HIV specific and restricts the release of virus-like particles derived from all retroviruses tested (18), as well as those of filoviruses and arenaviruses (18, 19, 39).Tetherin is a small (181-amino-acid) type II membrane protein with an unusual topology that exists mainly as a disulfide-linked dimer (34). It consists of an N-terminal cytoplasmic tail, a transmembrane anchor, an extracellular domain that includes three cysteine residues important for dimerization, a putative coiled-coil, and finally a glycophosphatidyinosityl-linked lipid anchor (22) that is essential for restriction (31). Tetherin localizes to retroviral assembly sites on the PM (18, 31), and this unusual structure is highly suggestive that tetherin restricts virion release by incorporation into the viral membrane and cross-linking virions to cells. Such a mechanism would make tetherin a powerful antiviral effector that can target an obligate part of most, if not all, enveloped virus assembly strategies. Moreover, since tetherin restriction has no specific requirement for virus protein sequences, to avoid its action, mammalian viruses have evolved to encode several distinct countermeasures that specifically inhibit tetherin''s antiviral function.The Vpu accessory protein antagonizes tetherin-mediated restriction of HIV-1 (31, 46). In the presence of Vpu, tetherin is downregulated from the cell surface (2, 46) and is targeted for degradation (10, 13, 14), although whether these processes are required for antagonism of tetherin function is unclear (27). HIV-1 Vpu displays a distinct species specificity in that it is unable to target tetherin orthologues from rhesus macaques or African green monkeys (14, 25). This differential sensitivity maps to the tetherin transmembrane domain, particularly residues that are predicted to have been under high positive selection pressure during primate evolution (14, 16, 25). This suggests that tetherin evolution may have been driven in part by viral countermeasures like Vpu. Vpu, however, is only encoded by HIV-1 and its direct simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) lineage precursors. The majority of SIVs, including the SIVsm, the progenitor of both HIV-2 and SIVmac, do not encode a Vpu protein (21). In some of these SIVs, tetherin antagonism was recently shown to map to the nef gene (16, 51). SIV Nef proteins, however, are generally ineffective against human tetherin because they target a (G/D)DIWK motif that was deleted from the human tetherin cytoplasmic tail sometime after the divergence of humans and chimpanzees (51). This raises the question of how HIV-2 is able to overcome human tetherin, as recent data show chronically HIV-2-infected CEM T cells have reduced tetherin levels on their surface (10).Interestingly, it has long been known that the envelope glycoprotein of certain HIV-2 isolates can stimulate the release of Vpu-defective HIV-1 virions from cells we now know to be tetherin positive (5, 6, 43). HIV and SIV Envs form trimeric spikes of dimers of the surface subunit (SU-gp105 in HIV-2/SIVmac and gp120 in HIV-1) that bind CD4 and the chemokine coreceptor and gp41 (the transmembrane [TM] subunit that facilitates fusion with and entry into the target cell). Envelope precursors (gp140 or gp160) are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum, where they become glycosylated and are exported to the surface via the secretory pathway (8). During transit through the Golgi apparatus and possibly in endosomal compartments, the immature precursors are cleaved by furin-like proteases to form mature spikes (15, 29). Multiple endocytosis motifs in the gp41 cytoplasmic tail lead to only minor quantities of Env being exposed at the cell surface at any given time (7, 40). Recent data demonstrated that the conserved GYxxθ motif, a binding site for the clathrin adaptor protein AP-2 (3), in the membrane-proximal region of HIV-2 gp41 is required to promote Vpu-defective HIV-1 release from HeLa cells (1, 32). Based on experiments with HIV-1/HIV-2 chimeric envelopes, an additional requirement in the extracellular component was suggested (1). In this study we set out to examine the Vpu-like activity of HIV-2 envelope in light of the discovery of tetherin. We demonstrate that the HIV-2 Env is a tetherin antagonist, and we provide mechanistic insight into the basis of this antagonism.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) entry into target cells involves sequential binding of the gp120 exterior envelope glycoprotein to CD4 and to specific chemokine receptors. Soluble CD4 (sCD4) is thought to mimic membrane-anchored CD4, and its binding alters the conformation of the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins. Two cross-competing monoclonal antibodies, 17b and CG10, that recognize CD4-inducible gp120 epitopes and that block gp120-chemokine receptor binding were used to investigate the nature and functional significance of gp120 conformational changes initiated by CD4 binding. Envelope glycoproteins derived from both T-cell line-adapted and primary HIV-1 isolates exhibited increased binding of the 17b antibody in the presence of sCD4. CD4-induced exposure of the 17b epitope on the oligomeric envelope glycoprotein complex occurred over a wide range of temperatures and involved movement of the gp120 V1/V2 variable loops. Amino acid changes that reduced the efficiency of 17b epitope exposure following CD4 binding invariably compromised the ability of the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins to form syncytia or to support virus entry. Comparison of the CD4 dependence and neutralization efficiencies of the 17b and CG10 antibodies suggested that the epitopes for these antibodies are minimally accessible following attachment of gp120 to cell surface CD4. These results underscore the functional importance of these CD4-induced changes in gp120 conformation and illustrate viral strategies for sequestering chemokine receptor-binding regions from the humoral immune response.  相似文献   

CD4-immunoglobulin G2 (IgG2) is a fusion protein comprising human IgG2 in which the Fv portions of both heavy and light chains have been replaced by the V1 and V2 domains of human CD4. Previous studies found that CD4-IgG2 potently neutralizes a broad range of primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates in vitro and ex vivo. The current report demonstrates that CD4-IgG2 protects against infection by primary isolates of HIV-1 in vivo, using the hu-PBL-SCID mouse model. Passive administration of 10 mg of CD4-IgG2 per kg of body weight protected all animals against subsequent challenge with 10 mouse infectious doses of the laboratory-adapted T-cell-tropic isolate HIV-1LAI, while 50 mg of CD4-IgG2 per kg protected four of five mice against the primary isolates HIV-1JR-CSF and HIV-1AD6. In contrast, a polyclonal HIV-1 Ig fraction exhibited partial protection against HIV-1LAI at 150 mg/kg but no significant protection against the primary HIV-1 isolates. The results demonstrate that CD4-IgG2 effectively neutralizes primary HIV-1 isolates in vivo and can prevent the initiation of infection by these viruses.  相似文献   

Cell surface receptors exploited by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) for infection are major determinants of tropism. HIV-1 usually requires two receptors to infect cells. Gp120 on HIV-1 virions binds CD4 on the cell surface, triggering conformational rearrangements that create or expose a binding site for a seven-transmembrane (7TM) coreceptor. Although HIV-2 and SIV strains also use CD4, several laboratory-adapted HIV-2 strains infect cells without CD4, via an interaction with the coreceptor CXCR4. Moreover, the envelope glycoproteins of SIV of macaques (SIV(MAC)) can bind to and initiate infection of CD4(-) cells via CCR5. Here, we show that most primary HIV-2 isolates can infect either CCR5(+) or CXCR4(+) cells without CD4. The efficiency of CD4-independent infection by HIV-2 was comparable to that of SIV, but markedly higher than that of HIV-1. CD4-independent HIV-2 strains that could use both CCR5 and CXCR4 to infect CD4(+) cells were only able to use one of these receptors in the absence of CD4. Our observations therefore indicate (i) that HIV-2 and SIV envelope glycoproteins form a distinct conformation that enables contact with a 7TM receptor without CD4, and (ii) the use of CD4 enables a wider range of 7TM receptors to be exploited for infection and may assist adaptation or switching to new coreceptors in vivo. Primary CD4(-) fetal astrocyte cultures expressed CXCR4 and supported replication by the T-cell-line-adapted ROD/B strain. Productive infection by primary X4 strains was only triggered upon treatment of virus with soluble CD4. Thus, many primary HIV-2 strains infect CCR5(+) or CXCR4(+) cell lines without CD4 in vitro. CD4(-) cells that express these coreceptors in vivo, however, may still resist HIV-2 entry due to insufficient coreceptor concentration on the cell surface to trigger fusion or their expression in a conformation nonfunctional as a coreceptor. Our study, however, emphasizes that primary HIV-2 strains carry the potential to infect CD4(-) cells expressing CCR5 or CXCR4 in vivo.  相似文献   

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