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Ultraviolet (UV) radiation-induced DNA damage evokes a complex network of molecular responses, which culminate in DNA repair, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Here, we provide an in-depth characterization of the molecular pathway that mediates UV-C-induced apoptosis of meiotic germ cells in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We show that UV-C-induced DNA lesions are not directly pro-apoptotic. Rather, they must first be recognized and processed by the nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway. Our data suggest that NER pathway activity transforms some of these lesions into other types of DNA damage, which in turn are recognized and acted upon by the homologous recombination (HR) pathway. HR pathway activity is in turn required for the recruitment of the C. elegans homolog of the yeast Rad9-Hus1-Rad1 (9-1-1) complex and activation of downstream checkpoint kinases. Blocking either the NER or HR pathway abrogates checkpoint pathway activation and UV-C-induced apoptosis. Our results show that, following UV-C, multiple DNA repair pathways can cooperate to signal to the apoptotic machinery to eliminate potentially hazardous cells.  相似文献   

The evolutionarily conserved process of programmed cell death, apoptosis, is essential for development of multicellular organisms and is also a protective mechanism against cellular damage. We have identified dynein light chain 1 (DLC-1) as a new regulator of germ cell apoptosis in Caenorhabditis elegans. The DLC-1 protein is highly conserved across species and is a part of the dynein motor complex. There is, however, increasing evidence for dynein-independent functions of DLC-1, and our data describe a novel dynein-independent role. In mammalian cells, DLC-1 is important for cellular transport, cell division and regulation of protein activity, and it has been implicated in cancer. In C. elegans, we find that knockdown of dlc-1 by RNA interference (RNAi) induces excessive apoptosis in the germline but not in somatic cells during development. We show that DLC-1 mediates apoptosis through the genes lin-35, egl-1 and ced-13, which are all involved in the response to ionising radiation (IR)-induced apoptosis. In accordance with this, we show that IR cannot further induce apoptosis in dlc-1(RNAi) animals. Furthermore, we find that DLC-1 is functioning cell nonautonomously through the same pathway as kri-1 in response to IR-induced apoptosis and that DLC-1 regulates the levels of KRI-1. Our results strengthen the notion of a highly dynamic communication between somatic cells and germ cells in regulating the apoptotic process.  相似文献   

A Transparent Window into Biology: A Primer on Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A little over 50 years ago, Sydney Brenner had the foresight to develop the nematode (round worm) Caenorhabditis elegans as a genetic model for understanding questions of developmental biology and neurobiology. Over time, research on C. elegans has expanded to explore a wealth of diverse areas in modern biology including studies of the basic functions and interactions of eukaryotic cells, host–parasite interactions, and evolution. C. elegans has also become an important organism in which to study processes that go awry in human diseases. This primer introduces the organism and the many features that make it an outstanding experimental system, including its small size, rapid life cycle, transparency, and well-annotated genome. We survey the basic anatomical features, common technical approaches, and important discoveries in C. elegans research. Key to studying C. elegans has been the ability to address biological problems genetically, using both forward and reverse genetics, both at the level of the entire organism and at the level of the single, identified cell. These possibilities make C. elegans useful not only in research laboratories, but also in the classroom where it can be used to excite students who actually can see what is happening inside live cells and tissues.  相似文献   

The Rho GTPase members and their effector proteins, such as the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP), play critical roles in regulating actin dynamics that affect cell motility, endocytosis, cell division, and transport. It is well established that Caenorhabditis elegans wsp-1 plays an essential role in embryonic development. We were interested in the role of the C. elegans protein WSP-1 in the adult nematode. In this report, we show that a deletion mutant of wsp-1 exhibits a strong sensitivity to the neuromuscular inhibitor aldicarb. Transgenic rescue experiments demonstrated that neuronal expression of WSP-1 rescued this phenotype and that it required a functional WSP-1 Cdc42/Rac interactive binding domain. WSP-1-GFP fusion protein was found localized presynaptically, immediately adjacent to the synaptic protein RAB-3. Strong genetic interactions with wsp-1 and other genes involved in different stages of synaptic transmission were observed as the wsp-1(gm324) mutation suppresses the aldicarb resistance seen in unc-13(e51), unc-11(e47), and snt-1 (md290) mutants. These results provide genetic and pharmacological evidence that WSP-1 plays an essential role to stabilize the actin cytoskeleton at the neuronal active zone of the neuromuscular junction to restrain synaptic vesicle release.  相似文献   

In C. elegans, the BH3-only domain protein EGL-1, the Apaf-1 homolog CED-4 and the CED-3 caspase are required for apoptosis induction, whereas the Bcl-2 homolog CED-9 prevents apoptosis. Mammalian B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) inhibits apoptosis by preventing the release of the Apaf-1 (apoptotic protease-activating factor 1) activator cytochrome c from mitochondria. In contrast, C. elegans CED-9 is thought to inhibit CED-4 by sequestering it at the outer mitochondrial membrane by direct binding. We show that CED-9 associates with the outer mitochondrial membrane within distinct foci that do not overlap with CED-4, which is predominantly perinuclear and does not localize to mitochondria. CED-4 further accumulates in the perinuclear space in response to proapoptotic stimuli such as ionizing radiation. This increased accumulation depends on EGL-1 and is abrogated in ced-9 gain-of-function mutants. CED-4 accumulation is not sufficient to trigger apoptosis execution, even though it may prime cells for apoptosis. Our results suggest that the cell death protection conferred by CED-9 cannot be solely explained by a direct interaction with CED-4.  相似文献   

Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, known as favism, is classically manifested by hemolytic anemia in human. More recently, it has been shown that mild G6PD deficiency moderately affects cardiac function, whereas severe G6PD deficiency leads to embryonic lethality in mice. How G6PD deficiency affects organisms has not been fully elucidated due to the lack of a suitable animal model. In this study, G6PD-deficient Caenorhabditis elegans was established by RNA interference (RNAi) knockdown to delineate the role of G6PD in animal physiology. Upon G6PD RNAi knockdown, G6PD activity was significantly hampered in C. elegans in parallel with increased oxidative stress and DNA oxidative damage. Phenotypically, G6PD-knockdown enhanced germ cell apoptosis (2-fold increase), reduced egg production (65% of mock), and hatching (10% of mock). To determine whether oxidative stress is associated with G6PD knockdown-induced reproduction defects, C. elegans was challenged with a short-term hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The early phase egg production of both mock and G6PD-knockdown C. elegans were significantly affected by H2O2. However, H2O2-induced germ cell apoptosis was more dramatic in mock than that in G6PD-deficient C. elegans. To investigate the signaling pathways involved in defective oogenesis and embryogenesis caused by G6PD knockdown, mutants of p53 and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways were examined. Despite the upregulation of CEP-1 (p53), cep-1 mutation did not affect egg production and hatching in G6PD-deficient C. elegans. Neither pmk-1 nor mek-1 mutation significantly affected egg production, whereas sek-1 mutation further decreased egg production in G6PD-deficient C. elegans. Intriguingly, loss of function of sek-1 or mek-1 dramatically rescued defective hatching (8.3- and 9.6-fold increase, respectively) induced by G6PD knockdown. Taken together, these findings show that G6PD knockdown reduces egg production and hatching in C. elegans, which are possibly associated with enhanced oxidative stress and altered MAPK pathways, respectively.  相似文献   

Jordan D. Ward 《Genetics》2015,201(4):1279-1294
Recent and rapid advances in genetic and molecular tools have brought spectacular tractability to Caenorhabditis elegans, a model that was initially prized because of its simple design and ease of imaging. C. elegans has long been a powerful model in biomedical research, and tools such as RNAi and the CRISPR/Cas9 system allow facile knockdown of genes and genome editing, respectively. These developments have created an additional opportunity to tackle one of the most debilitating burdens on global health and food security: parasitic nematodes. I review how development of nonparasitic nematodes as genetic models informs efforts to import tools into parasitic nematodes. Current tools in three commonly studied parasites (Strongyloides spp., Brugia malayi, and Ascaris suum) are described, as are tools from C. elegans that are ripe for adaptation and the benefits and barriers to doing so. These tools will enable dissection of a huge array of questions that have been all but completely impenetrable to date, allowing investigation into host–parasite and parasite–vector interactions, and the genetic basis of parasitism.  相似文献   

Fluorescent timers are useful tools for studying the spatial and temporal cellular or molecular events. Based on the trans-splicing mechanism in Caenorhabditis elegans, we constructed a “fluorescent timer” through bicistronic expression of two fluorescent proteins with different maturation times. When used in vivo, this “timer” changes its color over time and therefore can be used to monitor the activity of the targeted promoters in C. elegans. Using this “timer”, we have successfully traced the time-dependent activity of myo-3 promoter which drives expression in body wall muscle and vulval muscle. We found that the myo-3 promoter started to be active about 7 h after egg-laying and sustained its activity in the following hatching process. We have also determined the myo-3 promoter activity during larval development by this “timer”. We anticipate that more new “fluorescent timers” with variable time-resolution could be designed by bicistronic expression of different fluorescent protein pairs.  相似文献   

Autophagy involves the sequestration of a portion of the cytosolic contents in an enclosed double-membrane autophagosomal structure and its subsequent delivery to lysosomes for degradation. Autophagy activity functions in multiple biological processes during Caenorhabditis elegans development. The basal level of autophagy in embryos removes aggregate-prone proteins, paternal mitochondria and spermatid-specific membranous organelles (MOs). Autophagy also contributes to the efficient removal of embryonic apoptotic cell corpses by promoting phagosome maturation. During larval development, autophagy modulates miRNA-mediated gene silencing by selectively degrading AIN-1, a component of miRNA-induced silencing complex, and thus participates in the specification of multiple cell fates controlled by miRNAs. During development of the hermaphrodite germline, autophagy acts coordinately with the core apoptotic machinery to execute genotoxic stress-induced germline cell death and also cell death when caspase activity is partially compromised. Autophagy is also involved in the utilization of lipid droplets in the aging process in adult animals. Studies in C. elegans provide valuable insights into the physiological functions of autophagy in the development of multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at identifying, in 203 patients with Alzheimer's disease followed during long-term treatment with Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs), the predictive factors of the clinical response among cognition (MMSE), functioning (BADL and IADL) measures and age and gender at the baseline (T0). The ANCOVA test showed a significant association between MMSE scores at time T0 and T3, and the variation T9 to T0, T15 to T0 and T21 to T0 of the MMSE scores, using also gender, age and drug as covariates. The significance was higher for the patients affected by mild dementia. Regarding functional activities, a significant relationship was detected, by the ANCOVA test, only between the scores at T3 and the variation T15 to T0 for BADL, and the variation T9 to T0, T15 to T0 for IADL, respectively. Our results confirm, in a real world setting, that ChEIs provide long-term cognitive benefit, which is correlated to, and predictable by, the short-term response (within the third month) as well as the cognitive status (evaluated by means of the MMSE) at the beginning of the treatment. These factors should be the basis of any cost/effectiveness algorithm in health economic decision models.  相似文献   

Intake of caffeine during pregnancy can cause retardation of fetal development. Although the significant influence of caffeine on animal development is widely recognized, much remains unknown about its mode of action because of its pleiotropic effects on living organisms. In the present study, by using Caenorhabditis elegans as a model organism, the effects of caffeine on development were examined. Brood size, embryonic lethality, and percent larval development were investigated, and caffeine was found to inhibit the development of C. elegans at most of the stages in a dosage-dependent fashion. Upon treatment with 30 mM caffeine, the majority (86.1 ± 3.4%) of the L1 larvae were irreversibly arrested without further development. In contrast, many of the late-stage larvae survived and grew to adults when exposed to the same 30 mM caffeine. These results suggest that early-stage larvae are more susceptible to caffeine than later-stage larvae. To understand the metabolic responses to caffeine treatment, the levels of expression of cytochrome P450 (cyp) genes were examined with or without caffeine treatment using comparative micro-array, and it was found that the expression of 24 cyp genes was increased by more than 2-fold (p < 0.05). Among them, induction of the cyp-35A gene family was the most prominent. Interestingly, depletion of the cyp-35A family genes one-by-one or in combination through RNA interference resulted in partial rescue from early larval developmental arrest caused by caffeine treatment, suggesting that the high-level induction of cyp-35A family genes can be fatal to the development of early-stage larvae.  相似文献   



In metazoans, Piwi-related Argonaute proteins play important roles in maintaining germline integrity and fertility and have been linked to a class of germline-enriched small RNAs termed piRNAs. Caenorhabditis elegans encodes two Piwi family proteins called PRG-1 and PRG-2, and PRG-1 interacts with the C. elegans piRNAs (21U-RNAs). Previous studies found that mutation of prg-1 causes a marked reduction in the expression of 21U-RNAs, temperature-sensitive defects in fertility and other phenotypic defects.


In this study, we wanted to systematically demonstrate the function of PRG-1 in the regulation of small RNAs and their targets. By analyzing small RNAs and mRNAs with and without a mutation in prg-1 during C. elegans development, we demonstrated that (1) mutation of prg-1 leads to a decrease in the expression of 21U-RNAs, and causes 35 ~ 40% of miRNAs to be down-regulated; (2) in C. elegans, approximately 3% (6% in L4) of protein-coding genes are differentially expressed after mutating prg-1, and 60 ~ 70% of these substantially altered protein-coding genes are up-regulated; (3) the target genes of the down-regulated miRNAs and the candidate target genes of the down-regulated 21U-RNAs are enriched in the up-regulated protein-coding genes; and (4) PRG-1 regulates protein-coding genes by down-regulating small RNAs (miRNAs and 21U-RNAs) that target genes that participate in the development of C. elegans.


In prg-1-mutated C. elegans, the expression of miRNAs and 21U-RNAs was reduced, and the protein-coding targets, which were associated with the development of C. elegans, were up-regulated. This may be the mechanism underlying PRG-1 function.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-321) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Pancreatic ribonuclease gene (RNASE1) was previously shown to have undergone duplication and adaptive evolution related to digestive efficiency in several mammalian groups that have evolved foregut fermentation, including ruminants and some primates. RNASE1 gene duplications thought to be linked to diet have also been recorded in some carnivores. Of all mammals, bats have evolved the most diverse dietary specializations, mainly including frugivory and insectivory. Here we cloned, sequenced and analyzed RNASE1 gene sequences from a range of bat species to determine whether their dietary adaptation is mirrored by molecular adaptation. We found that seven insect-eating members of the families Vespertilionidae and Molossidae possessed two or more duplicates, and we also detected three pseudogenes. Reconstructed RNASE1 gene trees based on both Bayesian and maximum likelihood methods supported independent duplication events in these two families. Selection tests revealed that RNASE1 gene duplicates have undergone episodes of positive selection indicative of functional modification, and lineage-specific tests revealed strong adaptive evolution in the Tadarida β clade. However, unlike the RNASE1 duplicates that function in digestion in some mammals, the bat RNASE1 sequences were found to be characterized by relatively high isoelectric points, a feature previously suggested to promote defense against viruses via the breakdown of double-stranded RNA. Taken together, our findings point to an adaptive diversification of RNASE1 in these two bat families, although we find no clear evidence that this was driven by diet. Future experimental assays are needed to resolve the functions of these enzymes in bats.  相似文献   

Ribosomal RNAs are generally stable in growing Escherichia coli cells. However, their degradation increases dramatically under conditions that lead to slow cell growth. In addition, incomplete RNA molecules and molecules with defects in processing, folding, or assembly are also eliminated in growing cells in a process termed quality control. Here, we show that there are significant differences between the pathways of ribosomal RNA degradation during glucose starvation and quality control during steady-state growth. In both processes, endonucleolytic cleavage of rRNA in ribosome subunits is an early step, resulting in accumulation of large rRNA fragments when the processive exoribonucleases, RNase II, RNase R, and PNPase are absent. For 23S rRNA, cleavage is in the region of helix 71, but the exact position can differ in the two degradative processes. For 16S rRNA, degradation during starvation begins with shortening of its 3' end in a reaction catalyzed by RNase PH. In the absence of this RNase, there is no 3' end trimming of 16S rRNA and no accumulation of rRNA fragments, and total RNA degradation is greatly reduced. In contrast, the degradation pattern in quality control remains unchanged when RNase PH is absent. During starvation, the exoribonucleases RNase II and RNase R are important for fragment removal, whereas for quality control, RNase R and PNPase are more important. These data highlight the similarities and differences between rRNA degradation during starvation and quality control during steady-state growth and describe a role for RNase PH in the starvation degradative pathway.  相似文献   

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