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Most traditional "biodiversity" indices have an uncertain ecological interpretation, unfavourable sampling properties, and excessive data requirements. A new index of taxonomic distinctness (the average evolutionary distance between species in an assemblage) has many advantages over traditional measures, but its ecological interpretation remains unclear. We used published behavioural species data in conjunction with bird atlas data to quantify simple functional metrics (the fraction of species engaged in non-competitive interactions, and the average between-species disparity in habitat preferences) for breeding-bird assemblages in Europe and North America. We then analysed correlations of functional metrics with taxonomic distinctness and species richness, respectively. All functional metrics had weak, positive correlations with species richness. In contrast, correlations between functional metrics and taxonomic distinctness ranged from slightly negative to strongly positive, depending on the relative habitat heterogeneity, and on the resource involved in the between-species interaction. Strong positive correlations between taxonomic distinctness and the fraction of interactive species occurred for resources with few producer species per consumer species, and we suggest that taxonomic distinctness is consistently correlated with conservation worth. With its favourable sampling properties and data requirements, this taxonomic distinctness measure is a promising tool for biodiversity research and for environmental monitoring and management.  相似文献   

Taxonomic distinctness, a measure of diversity that captures the phylogenetic relatedness of an assemblage, has been successfully applied in several marine communities and appears to have considerable potential for environmental assessment and conservation. This approach has, however, not hitherto been used in structured freshwater systems. We evaluated this technique in the context of vulnerable tropical river drainages in India. We found that the inherent physical structure of river systems and longitudinal gradients in habitat characteristics influenced the pattern of taxonomic distinctness. Downstream locations were in general more taxonomically diverse than upstream ones. This in turn means that highly perturbed sites in the lower reaches of rivers would not display a reduction in taxonomic distinctness relative to a random expectation. The utility of the approach for detecting habitat and other disturbances on stream fish communities is thus limited. Implications of these unique properties of river ecosystems and their communities to conservation are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Limnologists and landscape ecologists have illustrated how the spatial position of a lake in a landscape influences many of its properties, from the physical to the social. Taking a community ecology perspective, we investigated whether freshwater gastropod assemblages respond to lake landscape position.
2. We determined: (a) whether there is any spatial pattern among lakes in either the species richness or composition of gastropod assemblages; (b) the form of any spatial pattern; and (c) if any explanatory variables (e.g. dispersal corridors and limiting local conditions) show a similar pattern.
3. In three different hydrological catchments, snail species richness increased from isolated highland lakes to stream-connected lowland lakes, probably reflecting increased colonization potential and less limiting local factors for lowland drainage lakes. Catchments appear to differ from one another with regard to relative species abundance, both in terms of macrophyte-associated snail fauna and snails from all habitats aggregated. One or more historical events, such as chance dispersal, may have produced this pattern. Taken together, these results suggest that within-catchment constraints produce repeated gradients in species richness, regardless of what species composition persists in the catchment.  相似文献   

Savannas are characterized by a sharp seasonality, in which the water shortage defines the community functioning. Hyperseasonal savannas, however, experience additionally waterlogging in the rainy season. Since waterlogging may cause local extinctions of intolerant species, we asked whether waterlogging constricts the phylogenetic structure of a hyperseasonal savanna. We studied a hyperseasonal cerrado, comparing it with a nearby seasonal cerrado, never waterlogged, in Emas National Park, central Brazil. In each vegetation form, we sampled all vascular plants by placing fifty 1-m2 quadrats in five surveys. We compared the phylogenetic structure of both vegetation forms, calculating their taxonomic distinctness, taxonomic diversity, expected taxonomic distinctness, and species, genus, and family similarities. The taxonomic distinctness of both cerrados was similar and the values of similarities were high, but taxonomic diversity and expected taxonomic distinctness were lower in the hyperseasonal cerrado than in the seasonal one. Assuming that phenotypic attraction is the major process organizing local communities, the waterlogging in hyperseasonal cerrado assembles phylogenetically unrelated species that have converged on similar habitat use. As a consequence, the habitat use of hyperseasonal cerrado species is a trait widespread in the phylogeny of seasonal cerrado. Waterlogging constrains the phylogenetic structure of the hyperseasonal cerrado, especially by reducing species diversity. In more ecological terms, we can only fully assess the phylogenetic structure of a community if we consider the species abundance.  相似文献   

1. A variety of species richness measures have been used to assess the effects of environmental degradation on biodiversity. Such measures can be highly influenced by sample size, sampling effort, habitat type or complexity, however, and typically do not show monotonic responses to human impact. In addition to being independent of the degree of sampling effort involved in data acquisition, effective measures of biodiversity should reflect the degree of taxonomical relatedness among species within ecological assemblages and provide a basis for understanding observed diversity for a particular habitat type. Taxonomic diversity or distinctness indices emphasize the average taxonomic relatedness (i.e. degree of taxonomical closeness) between species in a community. 2. Eutrophication of freshwater ecosystems, mainly due to the increased availability of nutrients, notably phosphorus, has become a major environmental problem. Two measures of taxonomic distinctness (Average Taxonomic Distinctness and Variation in Taxonomic Distinctness) were applied to surface sediment diatoms from 45 lakes across the island of Ireland to examine whether taxonomic distinctness and nutrient enrichment were significantly related at a regional scale. The lakes span a range of concentrations of epilimnic total phosphorus (TP) and were grouped into six different types, based on depth and alkalinity levels, and three different categories according to trophic state (ultra‐oligotrophic and oligotrophic; mesotrophic; and eutrophic and hyper‐eutrophic). 3. The taxonomic distinctness measures revealed significant differences among lakes in the three different classes of trophic state, with nutrient‐rich lakes generally more taxonomically diverse than nutrient‐poor lakes. This implies that enrichment of oligotrophic lakes does not necessarily lead to a reduction in taxonomic diversity, at least as expressed by the indices used here. Furthermore, taxonomic distinctness was highly variable across the six different lake types regardless of nutrient level. 4. Results indicate that habitat availability and physical structure within the study lakes also exert a strong influence on the pattern of taxonomic diversity. Overall the results highlight problems with the use of taxonomic diversity measures for detecting impacts of freshwater eutrophication based on diatom assemblages.  相似文献   

The tropical niche conservatism hypothesis suggests that most groups should be most phylogenetically clustered in cold, dry environments. This idea has been well-tested in plants and some animal groups, but not for fishes. We assess the geographic patterns of freshwater fish phylogenetic structure and investigate the relationships between these patterns and environmental variables across North America and within two biogeographic realms. Phylogenetic relatedness and diversity of 360 freshwater fish assemblages across North America were quantified with three metrics based on a well-dated phylogeny, and were related to 15 environmental variables using correlation and regression analyses. Geographically, the data were analyzed for North America as well as for separate biogeographic realms. We found that cold temperatures are the strongest determinant of phylogenetic clustering overall. However, in the arid west, clustering is most pronounced in the driest regions. In eastern North America, phylogenetic clustering increases at higher latitudes, while the reverse is true in western North America. The strongest phylogenetic clustering for freshwater fish assemblages on the continent is found in the most arid, rather than the coldest, climate in North America. Our results highlight that patterns of phylogenetic structure of freshwater fishes in North America are driven by both ecological and evolutionary processes that differ regionally.  相似文献   

Seasonality in Southern Hemisphere freshwater phytoplankton assemblages   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
P. J. Ashton 《Hydrobiologia》1985,125(1):179-190
Seasonal climatic cycles induce corresponding fluctuations in phytoplankton abundance and productivity at all latitudes, the magnitude of these fluctuations tending to increase with distance from the Equator. In equatorial regions seasonality is dependent on prevailing wind and rainfall patterns while annual temperature fluctuations exert increasing control over seasonal events at higher latitudes. The small annual temperature range of equatorial aquatic systems increases their sensitivity to localized climatic events which can bring about diel changes that exceed normal month-to-month variations. Long-term hydrological cycles with a periodicity greater than one year can also cause dramatic changes in equatorial and tropical aquatic systems leading to greater unpredictability.The factors regulating seasonal patterns of phytoplankton abundance and species composition in equatorial and low-latitude temperate regions of the Southern Hemisphere are examined and compared with similar features in the Northern Hemisphere. Despite the striking diversity of phytoplankton populations and the wide variety of habitats they occupy, seasonal succession follows a common sequence controlled, successively, by physical, chemical and biotic factors. This permits a high degree of predictability in the environmental conditions promoting growth of different taxa.Examination of Southern Hemisphere data indicates that, at class level, phytoplankton successional sequences in Southern Hemisphere aquatic systems are in agreement with the successional paradigm formulated for northern tropical and temperate latitudes. Diatoms characterize early successional episodes and these are followed by chlorophytes, and finally blue-green algae. Extreme habitat modification (e.g. hypertrophy, salinity) tends to lead to dominance of the habitat by a single taxon, often represented by a single species. Predictions of within-taxon species succession in phytoplankton assemblages are far less precise.  相似文献   

Turbellarians, which typically feed on bacteria, algae, rotifers, oligochaetes, dipteran larvae, microcrustaceans, and other organisms, are abundant in diverse types of wetlands. Despite their importance, abundance, and species richness in freshwater environments, turbellarians are seldom considered in studies on biodiversity. We analyzed the structure of turbellarian communities in shore areas of three categories of permanent wetlands classified according to their perimeter as small, intermediate, and large during an annual cycle. In total, 1847 turbellarians were collected representing 42 species and 15 genera, from the orders Catenulida, Macrostomida, Lecithoepitheliata, Rhabdocoela, and Tricladida. Sixteen species were common to the three categories of wetlands, whereas nineteen species were unique to a particular category. Species composition varied among wetlands of different sizes; small, intermediate, and large wetlands had different dominant species. We found seasonal differences in community composition over the year, but no significant differences in mean values of observed species richness among wetlands with different sizes and among seasonal samples. The estimated species richness was, however, higher in the small wetlands, followed by the large and intermediate wetlands. In the summer, abundance was significantly lower in the small water bodies than in the intermediate and large bodies of water. Our results reinforce the need for conservation of wetlands of different sizes.  相似文献   

Implications of species loss in freshwater fish assemblages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Freshwater systems are vulnerable to pollution and species loss often ensues. Are there additional implications for assemblage structure? Here we use Berger‐Parker d. Simpson's I/D and Simpson's F to measure the ecological diversity of pristine and perturbed freshwater fish assemblages in Trinidad. West Indies, and Oklahoma. USA. Although the impacted sites typically had fewer species than expected, they could not be distinguished from unperturbed ones of equivalent richness. Changes in the evenness of these assemblages are thus driven by changes in richness. One practical outcome is that diversity indices may not provide independent verification of the detrimental consequences of pollution. The similarity in structure of naturally and anthropogenically impoverished assemblages provides no grounds for complacency, however, since it ignores the evolutionary history of the species concerned. On the basis of our results we suggest that species provenance may be important in tests of ecological function. Moreover, these investigations should replicate natural patterns of evenness as well as richness.  相似文献   

山东近海鱼类群落分类多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李凡  周兴  张岚  任中华  吕振波 《生态学报》2015,35(7):2322-2330
根据相关文献整理了山东近海鱼类名录,并根据1998—2009年山东近海鱼类调查名录,应用平均分类差异指数(Δ+)和分类差异变异指数(Λ+)研究了鱼类分类学多样性特征。结果表明,山东近海鱼类名录包括2纲28目91科169属225种,1998年调查仅2纲11目41科58属62种,2006年调查为1纲13目41科71属78种,2009年调查为1纲9目32科55属62种。1998年—2009年调查鱼类种类远远低于鱼类名录记录的种数,分类阶元包含指数较低,平均每属包含1.1种。根据山东近海鱼类名录计算鱼类平均分类差异指数为66.1,分类差异变异指数为141.7;1998—2009年历次调查鱼类平均分类差异指数在60.9—62.7之间,分类差异变异指数在65.4—92.3之间。将1998—2009年历次调查鱼类群落分类多样性指数计算值叠加到山东近海鱼类总名录的95%置信漏斗曲线图,结果表明大部分调查值在置信漏斗曲线之外,目前山东近海鱼类分类多样性已大幅下降。  相似文献   

Tengku Dahril 《Hydrobiologia》1997,358(1-3):211-215
Brachionus calyciflorus is one of freshwaterrotifers found in fish ponds in Pekanbaru, Riau,Indonesia. Its density varied depending on that ofphytoplankton. Maximum of 2.5 ×103 ind. l–1 was found in ponds fertilised with animal wastes.The fecundity and population growth of B.calyciflorus was studied. Results indicated that the fecundity of amictic females was higher thanthat of unfertilized mictic females. During their life span, amictic and mictic females produced29.7 and 12.5 eggs per female, respectively. In the mass culture of 500 ml media, the highestdensity of female and male rotifers was 975.8 and 9.6 ind. ml–1, respectively. During 8 days cultureperiod, they also produced eggs as many as 124.2 ml–1.Human and animal wastespromoted the growth of phytoplankton as food forrotifers in the pond. A laboratory study confirms this. The best growth of B. calyciflorus at a density of 109 ind. ml–1 was found at 0.5 g l–1 of humanexcreta. A high density of B. calyciflorus (542ind. ml–1) was also found in semi-continuous culturewith chicken excreta.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The diel patterns of reproduction were studied for three rotifer populations from Lake Valencia, Venezuela. Significant departures from uniformity were recorded for egg eclosion and egg deposition rates in Keratella americana and Brachianus calyciflorus , but only from egg deposition rates in B. havanaensis . The existence of non-random reproduction has practical ramifications for studies of population dynamics and secondary production.  相似文献   

Taxonomic distinctness combines species richness and phylogenetic diversity to detect changes in taxonomic structure. Most studies have reported on changes due to marine impacts, with little emphasis on habitat influences or freshwater systems. The composition and organizational structure of aquatic Coleoptera assemblages are susceptible to local influence, yet their colonization capacities suggest greater assemblage similarity over larger spatial scales. Surveys were conducted in two contrasting local streams (approximately 20 km apart), one intermittent with multiple stair-step cascades and intervening pools during the rainy season (and only pools during the dry season), and the other perennial with low gradient, in Hidalgo, Mexico. Published information from these initial surveys and their associated collections of adults were examined and the data converted to monthly presence/absence data for analysis using taxonomic distinctness. Despite reported physicochemical differences between the streams, only the average monthly proportion of swimmer species was significantly higher in the intermittent stream where elmids and psephenids were largely missing due to the general absence of protective substrate and the presence of pools; higher taxonomic structure was not affected. Well-developed colonization capabilities and a widely distributed species pool likely reduced detectable differences between the stream assemblages. Although the average monthly value of Sorenson’s Similarity Index for aquatic Coleoptera between both streams was low, differentiation was not achieved using taxonomic distinctness and presence/absence data.  相似文献   

The diversity of parasite species exploiting a host population varies substantially among different host species. This review summarizes the main predictions generated by the two main theoretical frameworks used to study parasite diversity. The first is island biogeography theory, which predicts that host features, such as body size, that are associated with the probability of colonization by new parasite species, should covary with parasite species richness. The second predictive framework derives from epidemiological modelling; it predicts that host species with features that increase parasite transmission success among host individuals, such as high population density, will sustain a greater diversity of parasite species. A survey of comparative studies of parasite diversity among fish and mammalian host species finds support for most of the predictions derived from the above two theoretical perspectives. This empirical support, however, is not universal. It is often qualitative only, because quantitative predictions are lacking. Finally, the amount of variance in parasite diversity explained by host features is generally low. To move forward, the search for the determinants of parasite diversity will need to rely less on theories developed for free-living organisms, and more on its own set of hypotheses incorporating specific host–parasite interactions such as immune responses.


Die Diversität der Parasitenarten, die eine Wirtspopulation nutzen, variiert erheblich zwischen verschiedenen Wirtsarten. Dieser Review fasst die hauptsächlichen Vorhersagen zusammen, die von den zwei wichtigsten theoretischen Rahmenkonzepten hervorgebracht werden, die für die Untersuchung der Parasitendiversität genutzt werden. Die erste ist die Inselbiogeografie, die vorhersagt, dass Wirtsmerkmale, die mit der Besiedlungswahrscheinlichkeit durch einen neuen Parasiten verknüpft sind, wie beispielsweise die Körpergröße, mit dem Artenreichtum der Parasiten kovariieren sollten. Das zweite Rahmenkonzept ist aus der epidemiologischen Modellierung abgeleitet. Es sagt vorher, dass Wirtsarten mit Merkmalen, die den Übertragungserfolg der Parasiten zwischen den Wirtsindividuen erhöhen, wie beispielsweise hohe Populationsdichten, eine größere Diversität von Parasitenarten erhalten werden. Eine Begutachtung von vergleichenden Untersuchungen über Parasitendiversität bei Fischen und Säugetieren als Wirtsarten unterstützt die meisten der Vorhersagen, die von den oben genannten zwei theoretischen Perspektiven abgeleitet sind. Diese empirische Bestätigung ist jedoch nicht allgemein gültig. Sie ist häufig nur qualitativ, da quantitative Vorhersagen fehlen. Schließlich ist der Anteil der Varianz in der Parasitendiversität, der durch die Wirtsmerkmale erklärt wird, normalerweise gering. Um vorwärts zu kommen muss sich die Suche nach den bestimmenden Faktoren der Parasitendiversität weniger auf Theorien, die für freilebende Organismen entwickelt wurden, und mehr auf ihre eigene Menge von Hypothesen verlassen, die spezifische Wirt-Parasit-Interaktionen, wie beispielsweise Immunreaktionen, mit einbeziehen.  相似文献   

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