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Summary A diverse collection of mutants of Arabidopsis with altered seed lipid compositions was isolated by determining the fatty acid composition of samples of seed from 3,000 mutagenized lines. A series of mutations was identified that caused deficiencies in the elongation of 181 to 201, desaturation of 181 to 182, and desaturation of 182 to 183. In each of these cases the wild type exhibited incomplete dominance over the mutant allele. These results, along with results from earlier studies, point to a major influence of gene dosage in determining the fatty acid composition of seed lipids. A mutation was also isolated that resulted in increased accumulation of 183. On the basis of the effects on fatty acid composition, the nature of the biochemical lesion in three of the mutants could be tentatively attributed to deficiencies in activities of specific enzymes. The other mutant classes had relatively less pronounced changes in fatty acid composition. These mutants may represent alterations in genes that regulate lipid metabolism or seed development. The availability of the mutants should provide new opportunities to investigate the mechanisms that control seed lipid fatty acid composition.Abbreviations FAMES (fatty acid methyl esters) - PC (phosphatidylcholine) - 181 (oleic acid) - 182 (linoleic acid) - 183 (linolenic acid) - 201 (eicosenoic acid) Supported in part by grants from the USDA (No. 89-37262-4388), USDA/NSF/DOE Plant Science Center Program, the U.S. Department of Energy (No. AC02-76ER01338), Karlshamns Research Foundation, and the WSU Research and Arts Committee  相似文献   

Summary Mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana were identified by screening pedigreed M3 seed collections from EMS-treated plants for changes in fatty acid (FA) composition. The FA phenotypes of the most dramatic mutants are as follows: G30 and 1E5 (allelic) lack linolenic acid (183) and are elevated in linoleic acid (182); 4A5 is deficient in 182 and 183 and fourfold increased in oleic acid (181); 9A1 lacks all FAs > C18 and is twofold increased in 181; 1A9 is twofold increased in palmitic acid (160) and decreased by one-half in 181; 2A11 is two-to threefold increased in stearic acid (180) and decreased by one-half in 181. Based on segregation of F2 selfed plants derived from crosses to wild type, all of these phenotypes are the result of single gene mutations.  相似文献   

Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by the presence of abnormally large cytoplasmic organelles in all body granule producing cells. The molecular mechanism for this disease is still unknown. Functional disorders in membrane-related processes have been reported. Erythrocyte membranes from four CHS patients and 15 relatives including obligatory heterozygous were studied to examine potential alterations in the lipid and fatty acid profile of erythrocyte membranes associated with this syndrome. Plasma concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids, and apolipoproteins AI and B100, and the lipid components of very low-, intermediate-, low- and high-density lipoproteins were also determined. CHS erythrocyte membranes were found to be enriched with lipids in relation to protein and to show: (1) an increase in cholesterol and choline-containing phospholipids (sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine) that predominate in the outer monolayer, which is higher than the increase in phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine, that are chiefly limited to the inner monolayer in normal red blood cells; (2) a relative palmitic acid and saturated fatty acid increase and arachidonic acid and unsaturated fatty acid decrease, this resulting in a lower unsaturation index than controls. Changes in CHS erythrocyte membrane lipids seem to be unrelated to serum lipid disorders as plasma lipid and apolipoprotein concentrations were apparently in the normal range, with the exception of a modest hypertriglyceridemia in patients and relatives and a decreased concentration of HDL cholesterol in patients. These findings indicate that CHS erythrocyte membranes contain an abnormal lipid matrix with which membrane proteins are defectively associated. The anomalous CHS membrane composition can be explained on the postulated effects of the CHS1/Lyst gene.  相似文献   

Alteration of the fatty acid composition of monolayer cultures of LM cells grown in chemically defined medium was achieved by supplementation with fatty acids complexed to bovine serum albumin. Phospholipids containing up to 40% linoleate were found in cells grown in medium containing 20 mu g of linoleate/ml. Incorporation of linoleate into phospholipids reached a plateau after 12-24 hr, and cells remained viable for at least 3-4 days. Although linoleic, linolenic, and arachidonic acids were incorporated into LM cells equally well, only the latter was elongated by these cells under these experimental conditions. Nonadecanoic acid was incorporated to a lesser extent than the polyunsaturated fatty acids. Phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine of LM cells had different fatty acid compositions; phosphatidylethanolamine contained more longer chain and unsaturated fatty acids. Cells were also grown in the absence of choline and presence of choline analogs such as N,N-dimethylethanolamine, N-methylethanolamine, 3-amino-1-propanol, and 1-2-amino-1-butanol. The analog phospholipids in these cells had fatty acid compositions which were intermediate between those of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine of control cells grown in the presence of choline. Linoleate was found in both phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine of cells supplemented with linoleate. The sphingolipid fraction of these cells, however, did not contain significant amounts of linoleate. When linoleate was present in the phospholipids, compensatory decreases in the oleate and palmitoleate content of phospholipids were observed. Lowering of the growth temperature to 28 degrees produced an increase in unsaturate fatty acid content of the phospholipids. When linoleate was supplied to cells grown at 28 degrees, there was no further increase in the unsaturated fatty acid composition of the phospholipids. Using both fatty acid supplementation and lowered growth temperature, LM cell membranes can be produced which have phospholipids with vastly different fatty acid compositions.  相似文献   

The effects of a low temperature (13 degrees C) treatment known to provide protection against sulphur dioxide (SO2) injury were assessed on leaf lipid composition in two cultivars of Coleus blumei Benth, found previously to differ in sensitivity to SO2 and other environmental stresses. After 5 days growth at 13 degrees C, there were significant differences in membrane lipid fatty acid composition as well as in free fatty acid (FFA) levels between SO2-sensitive 'Buckley Supreme' ('BS') and SO2-insensitive 'Marty' ('M'). Molecular species of chloroplast galactolipids in 'M' contained increased levels of linolenic acid (18:3). In the leaf FFA pools, the saturated components, palmitic (16:0) and stearic (18:0) acids, were predominant at 20 degrees C. After temperature hardening at 13 degrees C, the total amount of FFAs decreased in 'M' but increased in 'BS.' These modifications in lipid composition suggest an additional mechanism for cultivar differences in tolerance to SO2 and other stressors in coleus.  相似文献   

Cultures of T. pyriformis-NT1 were grown at 20 degrees C (Tg 20 degrees C) and 38 degrees C (Tg 38 degrees C). G.L.C. analysis and D.P.H. fluorescence polarization measurements in extracted phospholipids indicated that there was increased saturation of fatty acids and relatively reduced fluidity as growth temperature was increased. Breakpoints occurred in the Arrhenius plots of fluorescence polarization at 16 degrees C for Tg 38 degrees C total extracted phospholipids and 9 degrees C for Tg 20 degrees C lipids.  相似文献   

Lead-induced tissue fatty acid alterations and lipid peroxidation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Previous work showed that dietary lead (Pb) increases the relative concentration of arachidonic acid (20∶4) as a percentage of total fatty acids, and decreases the relative proportion of linoleic acid (18∶2) to arachidonic acid (18∶2/20∶4) in chick liver, serum, and erythrocyte membranes. The present investigation was undertaken to examine the time-course and magnitude of the fatty acid alterations with increasing dietary Pb levels. We also examined the effects of Pb on the fatty acid composition and lipid peroxide content of hepatic subcellular organelles. In Exp. 1, chicks were fed diets containing 0, 62.5, 125, 250, 500, or 1000 ppm added Pb (as Pb acetate trihydrate) from 1 to 21 d of age. After 21 d, no growth effects were observed; however, Pb lowered the 18∶2/20∶4 ratio and increased 20∶4 concentration in total liver and serum lipids, and in total hepatic phospholipids in a dose-dependent manner. Hepatic mitochondrial membrane fatty acids were not altered, nor was there any increase in hepatic lipid peroxidation. In Exp. 2, chicks were fed diets containing 0, 500, 1000, or 2000 ppm added Pb from 1 to 21 or 22 d of age. Pb depressed growth in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, Pb lowered the 18∶2/20∶4 ratio and increased 20∶4 concentration in total liver lipids and in hepatic mitochondrial and microsomal membranes in a dose-dependent manner. Total hepatic lipid peroxidation was increased over control values by 1000 ppm Pb, and hepatic microsomal lipid peroxidation was increased by dietary Pb levels of 1000 and 2000 ppm. In Exp. 3, body weight, hepatic microsomal lipid peroxidation, and fatty acid composition were determined in 4-, 9-, 14-, 18-, and 23-d-old chicks fed 0 or 1500 ppm added Pb. Body weights of Pb-treated chicks were significantly lower than those of control chicks by day 18. Microsomal 20∶4 concentration and peroxidation increased, and the 18∶2/20∶4 ratio decreased with age in both groups, but the changes were of greater magnitude in the Pb-treated chicks. The results suggest that some of the manifestations of Pb toxicity may be a reflection of increased concentration of 20∶4 in specific membranes. Further, since the Pb-induced alterations in fatty acid composition were noted in the absence of any growth depression, we propose that fatty acid composition is more sensitive than growth rate to the presence of lead in the diet.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster V79 cell mutants resistant to compactin (ML236B), a specific inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, are defective in endocytosis of low-density lipoprotein (1). Two resistant clones, MF-2 and MF-3, differ in lipid composition from the parental V79 strain. In both the total cells and membrane fraction, the ratio of palmitoleic acid (16:1)/palmitic acid (16:0) is 0.4-0.5 in MF-2 and 1.7-1.8 in MF-3 while that in V79 is 0.2-0.3. By contrast, a hybrid clone between V79 and MF-3 shows a ratio of palmitoleic acid to palmitic acid very similar to that of V79. The synthesis of palmitoleic acid from acetate in the resistant clone is higher than in V79.  相似文献   

Adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) has been shown to be involved in regulating a number of membrane functions in Escherichia coli cells, including various respiratory and transport activities. In this report we show that this regulation is mediated by the cAMP receptor protein (CRP). In addition, data are presented which show that the cAMP-CRP system is involved in regulating the E. coli fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of cyclopropene fatty acids, sterculic and malvalic, on the lipids of yeasts grown under nitrogen limiting, lipid accumulating, conditions was studied. The ratio of stearic to oleic acid showed a dose response effect, with an increase in stearic acid content as the dose of cyclopropene fatty acid increased, and a corresponding reduction in oleic acid. Linoleic and linolenic acids were not affected to the same extent. These effects are shown for the yeasts Candida sp. 107, Trichosporon cutaneum, and Rhodosporidium toruloides.  相似文献   

In the presence of sublethal concentrations of phenol, 4-chlorophenol, and p-cresol in the growth medium, cells of Escherichia coli modified the fatty acid composition of their lipids. The result of these changes was an increase in the degree of saturation of lipids probably in order to compensate an increase of fluidity of the membrane induced by the phenols. Supplementation of the growth medium with saturated fatty acids could also enhance the degree of lipid saturation due to the incorporation of the acyl chains in the phospholipids. At the same time the growth of cells was less inhibited than in unsupplemented cells. The increase of tolerance of cells by manipulating the lipid composition indicates that the membrane structure plays a crucial role in the mode of action of phenols.  相似文献   

Low pH-induced membrane fatty acid alterations in oral bacteria   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Four oral bacterial strains, of which two are considered aciduric and two are considered acid-sensitive, were grown under glucose-limiting conditions in chemostats to determine whether their membrane fatty acid profiles were altered in response to environmental acidification. Streptococcus gordonii DL1, as well as the aciduric strains S. salivarius 57.I, and Lactobacillus casei 4646 increased the levels of mono-unsaturated membrane fatty acids. The non-aciduric strain S. sanguis 10904 did not alter its membrane composition in response to pH values examined here. Thus, in response to low pH, aciduric oral bacteria alter their membrane composition to contain increased levels of long-chained, mono-unsaturated fatty acids. This suggests that membrane fatty acid adaptation is a common mechanism utilized by bacteria to withstand environmental stress.  相似文献   

We previously showed changes in protein and carbohydrate selection in response to qualitative differences in dietary fat. Alterations in macronutrient selection were specifically related to changes in dietary saturated fat, but not to relative or absolute differences in dietary essential fatty acids. Three experiments were conducted to determine if changes in specific fatty acids in bulk phase neural membranes were associated with differences in macronutrient selection. For each experiment, specific fatty acid profiles were achieved by blending dietary fat sources. Rats consumed 20% (w/w) fat diets varying only in their fatty acid composition. After 2 weeks, rats were challenged with a selection paradigm. Each experiment showed a significant effect of dietary fat on neural membrane fatty acid composition (p less than 0.05) and alterations in individual fatty acids were correlated with changes in dietary fatty acids (p less than 0.05). However, dietary fat had no consistent effect with respect to which particular neural membrane fatty acids were modified, and there was no correlation between changes in specific membrane fatty acids and macronutrient selection. These findings suggest that alteration of specific fatty acids in bulk phase neural membranes do not mediate macronutrient selection behavior.  相似文献   

Temperature-dependent compositional changes of phospholipids and their fatty acids were analysed in Yersinia enterocolitica grown at 5°, 25° and 37°C. The relative amounts of the four phospholipids, phosphatidylethanolamine (75–78%), phosphatidylglycerol (10–11%), cardiolipin (<7%) and lysophosphatidylethanolamine (<5%), were essentially the same at all growth temperatures. The degree of fatty acid unsaturation of the four phospholipids increased with decrease in growth temperature, mainly due to an increase of C16:1 and C18:1 and a corresponding decrease of C16;0, C18:0 and cyclo C17:0. An electron spin resonance spectroscopic study of the membrane lipids showed that membrane lipid fluidity was enhanced by decreasing the growth temperatures. The changes in fatty acid composition of phospholipids in response to varied temperatures were consistent with the temperature-dependent changes in the membrane lipid fluidity of Y. enterocolitica , and were similar to those reported for other bacteria.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and host fatty acids on the fatty acid contents of Spirometra erinaceieuropaei plerocercoids were investigated to clarify their role in sparganosis. After 24 hr incubation at 18 C in host snake serum, omega6 series fatty acids, especially arachidonic acid in the phospholipid fraction of the plerocercoids, increased compared with those of plerocercoids incubated at 37 C. The changes in the ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids in the phospholipid fraction of plerocercoids incubated in physiological saline for 6 hr at 10 C were almost the same as the changes at 37 C. The ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids of the triglyceride fraction showed almost opposite change versus the phospholipid fraction. The percentage of arachidonic acid in the phospholipid fraction of plerocercoids increased during the first 3 hr of incubation and then decreased, regardless of temperature. At 37 C, the percentage of arachidonic acid in the free fatty acid fraction fell for the first 3 hr of incubation and was significantly elevated at the end of the 6-hr incubation. At 10 C, however, arachidonic acid in the free fatty acid fraction decreased for the first hour of incubation, increased at 3 hr of incubation, then decreased again. These results suggest that fatty acids of the plerocercoids are frequently exchanged between fractions. Plerocercoids can mobilize arachidonic acid to the free fatty acid fraction more quickly at lower temperature than at higher temperature. They may utilize mobilized arachidonic acid early in the infection stage to produce prostaglandins. Alternatively, they can incorporate arachidonic acid into the phospholipid fraction again when arachidonic acid is readily available in the environment.  相似文献   

Abstract cDNA-RNA liquid hybridization analysis was used to compare the RNA sequence homology between two members of the Nudaurelia β virus family, Trichoplusia ni virus ( T.ni V) and Dasychira pudibunda virus ( D.p V). Heterologous hybridization experiments demonstrated that these viruses shared little sequence homology. Using oligo(dT) chromatography and oligo(dT)12–18 as a primer for cDNA synthesis it was shown that neither T.ni V nor D.p V RNA genomes possess a poly(A) tract at the 3' end.  相似文献   

Many avian species reduce their body temperature (T b) to conserve energy during periods of inactivity, and we recently characterized how ambient temperature (T a) and nutritional stress interact with one another to influence physiologically controlled hypothermic responses in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). In the present study, we examined how the fatty acid (FA) composition of the diet influences the FA composition of phospholipids in major organs and how these affect controlled hypothermic responses and metabolic rates in fasted birds. For 5 weeks prior to fasting, quail were fed a standard diet and gavaged each morning with 0.7 ml of water (control), or a vegetable oil comprising saturated fatty acids (SFA; coconut oil), or unsaturated fatty acids (UFA; canola oil). Birds were then fasted for 4 days at a T a of 15°C. We found that, while fasting, both photophase and scotophase T b decreased significantly more in the SFA treatment group than in the control group; apparently the former down-regulated their T b set point. This deeper hypothermic response was correlated with changes in the phospholipid composition of the skeletal muscle and liver, which contained significantly more oleic acid (18:1) and less arachidonic acid (20:4), respectively. Our data imply that these two FAs may be associated with thermoregulation.  相似文献   

The low level of endogenous fatty acid synthesis in Acholeplasma laidlawii A strain EF22 was found to be caused by a deficiency of pantetheine in the lipid-depleted growth medium. By supplementing the oleic acid-containing medium with increasing concentrations of pantetheine, saturated fatty acid synthesis was stimulated (having an apparent Km of 5 μM for pantetheine) and the incorporation of endogenously synthesized fatty acids in membrane lipids increased markedly. Furthermore, carotenoid biosynthesis was stimulated. Exogenous palmitic acid was found to inhibit partially the endogenous fatty acid synthesis. A gradual stimulation of fatty acid synthesis was accompanied by a linear increase in the molar proportion between the two dominating membrane glucolipids, monoglucosyldiacylglycerol and diglucosyldiacylglycerol. The total amount of charged membrane lipids decreased upon increasing the degree of fatty acid saturation. These regulations are discussed in terms of membrane stability, and influence of membrane molecular ordering and surface charge density on lipid polar head group synthesis.  相似文献   

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