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Dihydrofolate reductase in immature oocytes of the starfish, Asterina pectinifera, is estimated to be 12 pg per oocyte. After completion of meiosis, the quantity of the enzyme is approximately 20 pg per egg. The content of the enzyme in the egg is kept nearly constant at this value from fertilization to the beginning of blastulation. Methotrexate, an analogue of dihydrofolate, at 20 μM did not affect meiotic maturational process and fertilization, but inhibited embryonic development at the 512-cell stage which corresponds to the beginning of blastulation. Incorporation of externally supplied deoxy[3H]uridine into DNA of the embryos cultured in the continuous presence of 20 μM of methotrexate stopped at the 256-cell stage, suggesting that the cessassion of development of the embryo at the 512-cell stage was caused by inhibition of DNA synthesis at the preceding stage. Uptake of [3H]methotrexate was low at early cleavage stages but increased just before blastulation. Externally supplied 1 mM of thymidine counteracted the inhibitory effect of methotrexate at 20 μM, suggesting that the starvation of the methotrexate-treated embryo for thymidine nucleotides halted DNA synthesis at the beginning of blastulation.  相似文献   

Onconase (Onc), is a novel amphibian cytotoxic ribonuclease with antitumor activity, and is currently in a confirmatory phase III clinical trial for the treatment of malignant mesothelioma. It was recently reported that Rana pipiens oocytes contain still another ribonuclease, named Amphinase (Amph). Amph shows 38 – 40 % amino acid sequence identity with Onc; presents as four variants varying between themselves from 87 to 99 % in amino acid sequence identity and has a molecular mass ~ 13,000. In the present study we describe the effects of Amph on growth of several tumor cell lines. All four variants demonstrated cytostatic and cytotoxic activity against human promyelocytic HL-60-, Jurkat T-cell- and U-937 monocytic leukemia cells. The pattern of Amph activity to certain extent resembled that of Onc. Thus, cell proliferation was suppressed at 0.5 – 10.0 µg/ml (40 – 80 nM) Amph concentration with distinct accumulation of cells in G1 phase of the cell cycle. In addition, the cells were undergoing apoptosis, which manifested by DNA fragmentation (presence of “sub-G1” cells, TUNEL-positivity), caspases and serine proteases activation as well as activation of transglutaminase. The cytotostatic and cytotoxic effects of Amph required its ribonuclease activity: the enzymatically inactive Amph-2 having histidine at the active site alkylated was ineffective. The effectiveness and cell cycle specificity was generally similar for all four Amph variants and at the equimolar concentrations was somewhat more pronounced than that of Onc. The observed cytostatic and cytotoxic activity of Amph against tumor cell lines suggests that similar to Onc this cytotoxic ribonuclease may have antitumor activity and find an application in clinical oncology.  相似文献   

During 1-methyladenine induced germinal vesicle breakdown, contents of the germinal vesicle of starfish oocytes are mixed with the surrounding cytoplasm. Upon injection of contents of the germinal vesicle from immature (fully grown) oocytes into enucleated and inseminated oocytes, incorporated spermatozoa were not observed to change structurally. Alternatively, after treatment of the above oocytes with 1-methyladenine, sperm asters and male pronuclei were developed and subsequent cleavage was also detected. From these results, it is concluded that both action of 1-methyladenine and participation of contents of the germinal vesicle are indispensable for male pronuclear development and subsequent cleavage.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology - Lipids are one of the most common and important cell components. Particularly, cytoplasmic lipid droplets (LDs) play a crucial role in cellular energy...  相似文献   

Bovine oocytes are less likely to undergo successful cryopreservation than cleavage-stage embryos. Bovine oocytes characteristically contain high levels of lipids that represent one of the major obstacles limiting efficient cryopreservation. These droplets together with structures such as cumulus cells, zona pellucida, cytoplasm membrane, cortical granules, mitochondria, spindle, and cytoskeleton (microtubles and microfilaments) often incur serious damage during cooling and warming. The cryoinjury could, to some extent, be decreased by selection of proper permeable and non-permeable cryoprotectants, and of vitrification with high cooling and warming rates. Additionally, such measures may also enhance their cryotolerance as partial removal of cumulus cells, modification of oocyte membrane constituents, polarization of the cytoplasmic lipid droplets by centrifugation, and addition of cytoskeleton relaxants or ice blockers into vitrification solutions. The improvement in cryopreservation methodology for bovine oocytes will no doubt augment other technologies such as bovine cloning and the establishment of gene bank for transgenic cattle.  相似文献   

In a continuing study of nicotine-induced mechanisms in brain areas associated with cognitive processes, the effects of cholinergic and dopaminergic antagonists on nicotine-induced changes in dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin were examined. These effects were measured via in vivo microdialysis in the dorsal and ventral hippocampus and in the prefrontal and medial temporal cortex of conscious, freely moving, adult male rats. Nicotine (0.3 mg/kg, free base) was administered subcutaneously and the antagonists were infused locally via the microdialysis probe. Nicotine alone induced an increase of dopamine and its metabolites in all areas, an increase of norepinephrine in the cortex, and an increase of the norepinephrine metabolite 4–hydroxy-3-methoxy-phenylglycol in all areas. Serotonin was decreased in the hippocampus and increased in the cortex. Nicotine-induced dopamine increases were inhibited by nicotinic (mecamylamine 100 μM, methyllycaconitine 500 μM), muscarinic (atropine 100 μM), and dopaminergic D1 (SCH23390 100 μM) and D2 (eticlopride 100 μM) antagonists, in the hippocampal and cortical areas. In the hippocampal areas, these antagonists had less significant effect on norepinephrine and serotonin. However, in the cortical areas, all antagonists inhibited the nicotine-induced increase of serotonin to varying degrees; and some, primarily nicotinic and dopamine D1 antagonists, inhibited the induced increase of norepinephrine. In the hippocampal and cortical areas, the mechanisms of nicotine-induced dopamine increase seem to be similar, but the mechanisms seem to be different for noradrenergic and serotonergic systems, as shown by the fact that nicotine induces no change in norepinephrine and a decrease in serotonin in the hippocampus, while it induces an increase in both in the cortex. Nicotine-induced dopamine release seems to be mediated, in part locally, by nicotinic and muscarinic receptors on dopaminergic cells. In contrast, nicotine’s effect on norepinephrine and serotonin is at least partially mediated by initial changes at other than local sites, and through different receptors. Thus, the effects of nicotine and the mechanisms involved differ for different neurotransmitters and in different brain areas.  相似文献   

Starfish blastomeres are reported to be totipotent up to the 8-cell stage. We reinvestigated the development of blastomeres of 8-cell stage embryos with a regular cubic shape consisting of two tiers of 4 blastomeres. On dissociation of the embryo by disrupting the fertilization membrane at the 8-cell stage, each of the 4 blastomeres of the vegetal hemisphere gave rise to an embryo that gastrulated, whereas blastomeres from the animal hemisphere did not. By injection of a cell lineage tracer into blastomeres of 8-cell stage embryos, we found that only those of the vegetal hemisphere formed cells constituting the archenteron. Next, we compressed 4-cell stage embryos along the animal-vegetal axis so that all the blastomeres in the 8-cell stage were in a single layer. When these 8 blastomeres were then dissociated, an average of 7 of them developed into gastrulae. By cell lineage analysis, all the blastomeres in single-layered embryos at the 8-cell stage were shown to have the capacity to form cells constituting an archenteron. Taken together, these findings indicate that the fate to form the archenteron is specified by a cytoplasmic factor(s) localized at the vegetal hemisphere, and that isolated blastomeres that have inherited this factor develop into gastrulae.  相似文献   

目的:考察X射线对斑马鱼早期胚胎发育的影响,探讨其影响机制.方法:用X射线照射不同发育时段的斑马鱼胚胎,统计死亡率和畸形率;应用单细胞凝胶电泳(SCGE)技术检测X射线对胚胎DNA损伤的影响;采用DCFH-DA测定胚胎活性氧;总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)测定;结果:X射线照射对斑马鱼胚胎发育有明显的影响,能够导致胚胎发育畸形如围心腔水肿、脊柱扭曲、尾部弯曲等多种畸形甚至死亡;检测X射线对斑马鱼胚胎DNA损伤时,发现X射线照射对胚胎中的DNA能够产生明显的损伤,且DNA损伤程度随胚胎发育的进行而减弱;胚胎经X射线照射后活性氧的产生增加;胚胎总抗氧化能力随着胚胎发育的进行而逐渐增强;结论:X射线照射明显影响斑马鱼胚胎发育,并造成胚胎细胞DNA损伤,发育早期胚胎敏感性高;发育后期胚胎对X射线敏感性降低,可能与胚胎细胞抗氧化能力增强有关.  相似文献   

Follicle cells from the ovaries of starfish Asterina pectinifera collected in the breeding season and then kept in an aquarium for three months did not produce 1-methyladenine (1-MeAde) in response to genad-stimulating substance (GSS). The cyclic AMP content of follicle cells of the ovaries was much lower in the post-spawning season than in the spawning season. In the post-spawning season, the cyclic AMP level was increased slightly by GSS, but nor insufficiently for production of 1-MeAde. Addition of 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, a potent phosphodiesterase inhibitor, stimulated the productions of GSS-induced 1-MeAde and cyclic AMP. Adenylate cyclase in membrane preparations of follicle cells from ovaries in the post-spawning season was stimulated by nonhydrolyzable GTP analogs and forskolin. An experiment on ADP-ribosylation with [α-32P]NAD in the presence of cholera toxin and pertussis toxin showed the presence of two types (stimulatory and inhibitory) of guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (G-proteins). However, GSS has no effect on the adenylate cyclase activity regardless of the presence of GTP. These findings suggest that GSS does not bind to its receptor in follicle cells of the overy in the post-spawning season, although these cells possess G-proteins and adenylate cyclase. Thus the absence of 1-MeAde production by follicle cells obained from ovaries in the post-spawning season appears to be due to lack of receptor protein for GSS.  相似文献   

Intact acrosomal vesicles and their surrounding membranes were isolated from starfish sperm. The identification of the acrosomal vesicle and confirmation of its purification away from other sperm organelles was made by electron microscopy and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

When immature oocytes of Asterina pectinifera were separated into karyoplasts (nuclear fragments) and cytoplasts (anuclear fragments) by cytochalasin B treatment and centrifugation in a sucrose gradient, almost all their DNA ligase activity was recovered in the karyoplasts. Thus, DNA ligase seems to be localized in the germinal vesicles or their vicinity in starfish oocytes. No ontogenic change in the activity of DNA ligase per oocyte, egg or embryo, or in its sedimentation coefficient (4.1 S) was observed during oocyte maturation, fertilization, or early development.  相似文献   

In the present study, we tested the effects of glutamate and GABA receptor antagonists on nicotine-induced neurotransmitter changes in the hippocampal (dorsal and ventral) and cortical (medial temporal and prefrontal) brain areas of conscious freely moving rats via microdialysis. Both the antagonists and nicotine were administered intracerebrally. The antagonists tested were NMDA, AMPA–kainate, and metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype antagonists (MK801, CNQX, and LY 341495, respectively) and GABAA and GABAB receptor subtype antagonists (bicuculline and hydroxysaclofen, respectively). We assayed nicotine-induced changes in dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE), serotonin (5-HT), and their metabolites. We found with the antagonists, both decreases and increases in nicotine-induced neurotransmitter responses. In the presence of nicotine all the antagonists (except LY 341495) caused a decrease in DA levels in the regions tested. NE levels were decreased in the cortex by all antagonists. In the hippocampus, GABA antagonists decreased NE levels, as did the metabotropic glutamate antagonist, LY 341495, while the other glutamate antagonists increased NE levels. The results of the 5-HT assay were more variable and dependent on the region and antagonist examined; increases were found slightly more often than decreases. The changes in metabolites were not often parallel with changes in their associated neurotransmitters, indicating that the antagonists also affect the metabolism of the neurotransmitters. The effect of the antagonists in the absence of nicotine was mostly to decrease the level of neurotransmitters, although increases were seen in a few cases. The results suggest that the excitatory glutamatergic- and inhibitory GABAergic-amino acid receptors are both involved in mediating nicotine-induced neurotransmitter responses, and their inhibitory or stimulatory effects are receptor subtype and brain region dependent. * To John P. Blass, an outstanding scientist, clinician and a great friend.  相似文献   

稻属植物胚的形态结构与二(异)型子叶   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
长久以来植物学界认定稻 (OryzasativaL .)是单子叶植物。作者从稻胚发育的研究中确认稻胚具二型子叶 ,并非单子叶。稻属其他种的胚胎形态与O .sativa是否相同 ?是否具二型子叶 ?根据扫描电子显微镜的观察结果 ,稻属 (Oryza) 2 2个种和亚种的胚的形态结构可以分为两种类型。O .sativa等 16个种胚具腹鳞和侧鳞 ,属第一类型 ;O .meyeriana (Zoll.etMor.exSteud .)Baill.ssp .tuberculataW .C .WuetY .G .Lu ,G .C .Wang等 6个种 (亚种 )胚缺腹鳞和侧鳞 ,属第二类型。O .sativa和O .meyerianassp .tuberculata的胚胎发育过程所出现的盾片原基、胚根鞘原基、胚芽鞘原基和生长锥均来自原胚 ,前二者发育成胚套 ,是外围子叶 ;胚芽鞘原基发育成围在生长锥外并盖住生长锥的空心的倒锥状胚芽鞘 ,是顶生子叶。第一类型与第二类型稻胚都具有二型子叶。第二类型稻胚在盾片原基发育过程中并不分化出腹鳞和侧鳞 ,因而造成第二类型稻胚缺腹鳞与侧鳞。稻的二型子叶源于原胚的背腹极性分化  相似文献   

长久以来植物学界认定稻(Oryza sativa L.)是单子叶植物.作者从稻胚发育的研究中确认稻胚具二型子叶,并非单子叶.稻属其他种的胚胎形态与O.sativa是否相同?是否具二型子叶?根据扫描电子显微镜的观察结果,稻属(Oryza) 22个种和亚种的胚的形态结构可以分为两种类型.O.sativa等16个种胚具腹鳞和侧鳞,属第一类型;O. meyeriana (Zoll. et Mor. ex Steud.) Baill.ssp. tuberculata W. C. Wu et Y. G. Lu, G. C. Wang等6个种(亚种)胚缺腹鳞和侧鳞,属第二类型.O.sativa和O. meyeriana ssp. tuberculata的胚胎发育过程所出现的盾片原基、胚根鞘原基、胚芽鞘原基和生长锥均来自原胚,前二者发育成胚套,是外围子叶;胚芽鞘原基发育成围在生长锥外并盖住生长锥的空心的倒锥状胚芽鞘,是顶生子叶.第一类型与第二类型稻胚都具有二型子叶.第二类型稻胚在盾片原基发育过程中并不分化出腹鳞和侧鳞,因而造成第二类型稻胚缺腹鳞与侧鳞.稻的二型子叶源于原胚的背腹极性分化.  相似文献   

雄性受体小鼠性腺对移植卵巢卵母细胞生长发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索雄性受体性腺对移植卵巢卵母细胞生长发育的影响。方法将1日龄小鼠卵巢移植入成年雄鼠肾囊下,将雄性受体小鼠分为性腺摘除组和性腺在位组,于21d回收移植卵巢,以评价雄性小鼠性腺对新生小鼠卵巢移植体卵母细胞生长发育的影响。结果移植后21d,性腺摘除组和性腺在位组卵巢回收率分别为80.0%和92.9%,移植体生长增大;每个卵巢平均回收卵母细胞数分别为(30.4±4.3)和(42.4±11.1)个,两者差异不显著(P0.05);性腺摘除组回收的均为GV期卵母细胞,性腺在位组大部分为GV期卵母细胞,有的达到MII期。结论雄性受体小鼠能够支持移植卵巢卵母细胞的生长发育,雄性受体的性腺对其影响不明显。  相似文献   



Starfish oocytes are arrested at the first prophase of meiosis until they are stimulated by 1-methyladenine (1-MA). The two most immediate responses to the maturation-inducing hormone are the quick release of intracellular Ca2+ and the accelerated changes of the actin cytoskeleton in the cortex. Compared with the later events of oocyte maturation such as germinal vesicle breakdown, the molecular mechanisms underlying the early events involving Ca2+ signaling and actin changes are poorly understood. Herein, we have studied the roles of G-proteins in the early stage of meiotic maturation.

Methodology/Principal Findings

By microinjecting starfish oocytes with nonhydrolyzable nucleotides that stabilize either active (GTPγS) or inactive (GDPβS) forms of G-proteins, we have demonstrated that: i) GTPγS induces Ca2+ release that mimics the effect of 1-MA; ii) GDPβS completely blocks 1-MA-induced Ca2+; iii) GDPβS has little effect on the amplitude of the Ca2+ peak, but significantly expedites the initial Ca2+ waves induced by InsP3 photoactivation, iv) GDPβS induces unexpectedly striking modification of the cortical actin networks, suggesting a link between the cytoskeletal change and the modulation of the Ca2+ release kinetics; v) alteration of cortical actin networks with jasplakinolide, GDPβS, or actinase E, all led to significant changes of 1-MA-induced Ca2+ signaling.


Taken together, these results indicate that G-proteins are implicated in the early events of meiotic maturation and support our previous proposal that the dynamic change of the actin cytoskeleton may play a regulatory role in modulating intracellular Ca2+ release.  相似文献   

Administration of 3,3'-iminodipropionitrile (IDPN) (1 g/kg, i.p. for 3 days) in mice leads to the development of a characteristic syndrome consisting of lateral and vertical head and neck movements, hyperactivity, random circling, increased locomotor activity, and increased startle response. Nifedipine, verapamil, and diltiazem (10 mg/kg) inhibited significantly the symptoms of IDPN-induced dyskinesia. However, there was no change in the affinity (KD) or the density of PN 200-110 binding sites (Bmax) in whole brains of IDPN-treated mice. Similarly, the K(+)-depolarization-dependent Ca2+ uptake in synaptosomes from whole brain, cortex, or striatum was not altered following IDPN treatment. However, IDPN caused a significant increase in the Bmax value (from 157 +/- 7 fmol/mg to 237 +/- 31 fmol/mg in control and treated groups, respectively) of PN 200-110 binding to the striatum without change of KD value (38 +/- 4.7 pM versus 33 +/- 1.6 pM). IDPN also caused a slight but significant decrease in the KD value (from 68 +/- 10.1 pM to 45 +/- 4.5 pM in control and treated groups, respectively), without significant change of Bmax value (563 +/- 51 fmol/mg versus 485 +/- 41 fmol/mg) of PN 200-110 binding to the cortex. IDPN did not alter omega-conotoxin binding in whole brain, striatum, or cortex. The behavioral effects of chronic IDPN treatment as inhibited by L-type calcium channel antagonists and this may be associated with the observed increase in striatal L-type calcium channels.  相似文献   

目的:探讨激活处理对人未受精卵子和早期胚胎三磷酸腺苷(ATP)含量影响。方法:收集辅助生殖治疗周期中体外受精(IVF)以及单精子卵母细胞浆内注射(ICSI)时的未受精卵子(包括GV期、MⅠ期、MⅡ期卵母细胞),以及早期胚胎(2-cell、4-cell胚胎),采用生物化学发光法测定在未处理和进行激活处理后的ATP含量。结果:1未处理的GV期、MⅠ期、MⅡ期卵子和2-cell、4-cell期胚胎的ATP含量分别为1.14±0.15、1.41±0.14、1.45±0.12、1.61±0.25、2.05±0.23 pmol,激活处理后GV期、MⅠ期、MⅡ期卵子和2-cell、4-cell期胚胎的ATP含量分别为1.60±0.17、1.86±0.25、2.06±0.38、2.26±0.53、2.55±0.46 pmol;2激活处理后GV期、MⅠ期卵子的ATP含量显著性高于未处理组(P0.05)。结论:人GV期、MⅠ期、MⅡ期卵子和2-cell、4-cell期胚胎中ATP含量逐渐增加;经激活处理后,仅GV期、MⅠ期卵子的ATP含量有显著性变化。  相似文献   

Development of animal cap-less Xenopus gastrulae was examined. In vegetal halves from which the animal cap was removed 0.6 mm above the blastopore, an apparently normal array of craniocaudal structures developed. Histological examination showed differentiation of central nervous system (CNS) structures in the cap-less embryos, but differentiation of sensory organs, such as a lens and ear vesicle in only a few embryos. Only the dorsal midline of the embryos was covered with epidermis, and its lateral-ventral areas consisted of bare endoderm and mesoderm. The development of animal cap was also investigated by exchanging the animal cap of X. laevis embryos with that of X. borealis embryos, which can be distinguished by quinacrine fluorescence staining. The central nervous system of chimera embryos consisted mainly of X. laevis cells stained homogeneously with quinacrine but a small number of punctately-stained X. borealis cells was in the anterior tip of the forebrain. Cells of the lens and ear vesicle were punctately stained. More than two-thirds of the epidermal area consisted of punctately-stained cells and only the dorsal midline of the posterior head- and trunk-epidermis consisted of homogeneously-stained cells.
Areas of the prospective central nervous system and their movement during embryogenesis of Xenopus are discussed.  相似文献   

小鼠单个植入前胚胎cDNA文库的构建及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哺乳动物合子基因组激活和植入前胚胎阶段特异性表达基因的研究一直是发育生物学研究的重点。发现和克隆植入前胚胎阶段特异性表达的基因需要有效的方法,阶段特异性cDNA文库的构建和筛选是一种较好的方法。用小鼠单个成熟卵细胞、受精卵、2细胞、4细胞和8细胞胚胎分别构建了cDNA文库。滴度分别为:62×105、83×105、104×106、151×106和162×106。随机挑选了29个克隆并进行了序列分析,结果表明,和已知表达序列标签(ESTs)同源的序列为6552%(1929),未知序列为1379%(429),并发现了2个重复序列。用特异性引物,分别对小鼠持家基因(βactin)和发育特异基因(OCT4)进行PCR扩增,结果表明,所建立的cDNA文库可以反映小鼠胚胎在不同发育阶段整个基因群体的转录活性,为阶段特异性基因的筛选和小鼠早期阶段基因表达模式的研究提供了一种有价值的资源库 。  相似文献   

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