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植物园在植物科学研究、生物多样性保护和植物资源可持续利用中具有重要作用,也是公众教育和知识传播的重要平台,具有文化传承和历史延续性的功能。以中国科学院华南植物园、英国皇家植物园邱园和美国密苏里植物园为例,从物种保护、科学研究和科学传播3 个方面对植物园进行了全面的比较和分析,为华南植物园未来发展提出了一些建议,可为华南植物园乃至我国植物园的发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

任海  文香英  廖景平  郑祥慈  杨明  周桔 《生物多样性》2022,30(4):22113-R1078
植物资源是自然生态系统的基本组成部分, 是经济社会可持续发展的重要物质来源, 植物多样性是关系到国家生态安全和生物安全的战略资源。就地保护和迁地保护是植物多样性保护的两种主要方法, 构建以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系是就地保护的主要形式, 构建以国家植物园为引领的植物园体系是迁地保护的主要形式, 二者相辅相成, 共同形成我国较为完整的植物多样性保护体系。通过建设国家植物园体系对我国植物多样性进行迁地保护, 同时开展科学研究、园林展示、科普教育和资源开发利用, 对深入推进生态文明建设和高质量发展具有重要意义。本文回顾了植物园的功能变迁、全球和中国植物园分布与数量以及植物迁地保护现状,讨论了植物园与植物迁地保护的关系, 在此基础上, 提出了我国国家植物园的定义及设立标准, 进而讨论了建设国家植物园体系的意义、挑战、统筹迁地保护和就地保护等问题, 最后提出了我国国家植物园体系的建设目标、管理体制、空间布局和认证等方面的建议, 以期为我国的国家植物园体系建设提供参考。  相似文献   

中国植物学会将于今年8—9月间在庐山召开全国植物园学术会议。由于我国植物园的历史较短,解放前仅有南京、庐山两个植物园;解放后在党的领导和关怀下植物园和其他科学机构一样,逐步恢复并在各地先后建立起来。建园之始,即明确以植物引种驯化为植物园的中心研究工作,这一综合性较强的课题,不仅要求植物分类学、植物地理学、植物生态学、植物资源学、植物生理学、植物遗传学、生物化学、地理学、土壤学、气象学等理论学科为基础,而且还要有农学、林学、  相似文献   

上海辰山植物园于2005年开始筹建,与此同时启动了的植物收集工作。本文就辰山植物园基本情况、植物收集中长远规划、进展及技术策略进行了论述。活植物收集和标本收集是辰山植物园植物收集工作的两个方面。活植物收集包括以华东植物区系植物为主的物种收集和以上海适生的观赏植物为主的园艺品种收集,如鸢尾属、绣球属、荚蓬属、锦带属和绣线菊属的舭赏园艺品种。截止到2010年,辰山植物园共收集了9000种和园艺品种。其中,华东植物区系物种有1700种,来自世界范围专业苗圃的园艺品种有2800个,另有4500种和品种是种植于温室的热带和亚热带植物。目前共收集了近10000份标本,多数为研究和活植物收集的凭证标本,全部存放于上海辰山植物园标本馆(CSH)。  相似文献   

上海辰山植物园于2005年开始筹建,与此同时启动了的植物收集工作。本文就辰山植物园基本情况、植物收集中长远规划、进展及技术策略进行了论述。活植物收集和标本收集是辰山植物园植物收集工作的两个方面。活植物收集包括以华东植物区系植物为主的物种收集和以上海适生的观赏植物为主的园艺品种收集,如鸢尾属、绣球属、荚蒾属、锦带属和绣线菊属的观赏园艺品种。截止到2010年,辰山植物园共收集了9000种和园艺品种。其中,华东植物区系物种有1700种,来自世界范围专业苗圃的园艺品种有2800个,另有4500种和品种是种植于温室的热带和亚热带植物。目前共收集了近10000份标本,多数为研究和活植物收集的凭证标本,全部存放于上海辰山植物园标本馆(CSH)。  相似文献   

中国科学院正在南京(?)建一个规模较大的植物园。这个植物园建立在钟山山麓中山陵附近,面积约三千多亩,隶属中国科学院植物研究所。这个植物园将调查、蒐集国内外各种重要经济植物,并逐步开展各种植物的馴化、杂交、育种和栽培等试验研究。南京位置适中,宜於进行我国南北地区植物的馴化试验,使南北地区的有用植物能相互遷移,以扩大种植地区。这个植物园在今后几年内,准备以引种我国南北各地主要的绿化植物、果树和藥用植物为重点,并为植物学、农业、林业、药物学等  相似文献   

李飞飞  罗斌圣  崔夏  龙春林 《广西植物》2023,43(8):1383-1391
生物文化对生物多样性保护具有重要意义,植物园的形成和发展在历史长河中处处体现着人类因物质和精神需求而形成的植物文化。现代植物园在植物迁地保护上虽然做出了卓越贡献,但其植物文化的建设稍显滞后。在全球生物多样性保护工作的开展过程中,传统文化对生物多样性保护和生物资源可持续利用的重要作用越来越被重视。在此背景下,该文探讨了生物文化多样性和生物多样性之间紧密联系、共同演化的关系,回顾了早期植物园和我国古典园林中植物文化的体现; 通过对全球3 085个现代植物园主要功能的分析,发现开展了民族植物学研究的植物园占比7.36%,开展了保护生物学研究的植物园占比11.18%,制定了植物保护计划的占比17.18%,从而揭示了现代植物园保护功能的提升和文化功能的弱化。基于当前植物园植物多样性有效保护中对植物文化建设的需求,该文进一步分析了我国植物园植物文化建设的不足,主要包括:(1)植物物种多样性信息中植物文化信息数据不足;(2)对生物多样性保护中传统知识惠益分享的考虑欠缺;(3)缺少以文化展现植物多样性的主题园。在此基础上,该文聚焦国家植物园植物多样性保护和管理的目标,从植物多样性保护和利用、惠益共享、公众参与3个层面对国家植物园体系中的植物文化建设提出了建议,以期为我国建设具有中国生态文明特色的国家植物园体系提供参考。  相似文献   

山地植物园具有独特的自然条件,因而其规划设计就与其他类型的植物园及城市园林有较大差异。作者通过多年来在华西亚高山植物园这一典型的山地植物园的实践,对此深有体会。一、山地植物园的环境山地植物园常处于人迹罕至的山区,园地及其周围往往具有较好的原始植被和珍稀濒危植物分布。如龙池地区即有良好的天然林和珙桐、连香树、水青树、领春木、裂叶星果草、延龄草、灌县杜鹃、美容杜鹃、腺果杜鹃、圆叶玉兰等珍稀植物分布。这为植物的引种和植物园的园地建设提供了得天独厚的条件。山区地形复杂,生境多样,气候特殊。以我园为例,规…  相似文献   

启动实施以国家公园和国家植物园体系为主导的就地和迁地保护相结合的生物多样性保护大战略,是我国作为世界生物多样性大国之一的科学使命和责任担当。本文以国家重点保护、受威胁和中国特有维管植物为对象,系统梳理了这3类植物在我国植物园的迁地保护概况,对这些植物的生活型、物种组成和系统发育多样性进行了比较分析,以期为当下国家植物园体系建设提供科学参考和依据。结果表明,我国植物园保存的此3类植物共计7,141种,分属265科1,271属,分别占我国维管植物科、属、种总数的76%、42%和23%。在7,141种植物中,国家重点保护植物743种,受威胁植物2,095种,中国特有植物5,957种,分别占我国国家重点保护、受威胁和特有植物总数的72%、59%和37%。这些植物包括乔木2,555种、灌木1,025种、草本3,117种、攀缘类419种和水生类25种。3类植物在各植物园的物种组成共有比例较低,系统发育多样性存在显著差异。  相似文献   

初冬的西双版纳热带植物园,气候宜人,花红草绿.1992年11月10日至15日,由中国环境科学学会植物园保护分会主持的年会在这里举行,来自各地的代表92人.会议以“植物园与经济植物的开发利用”为主题.大会期间贺善安研究员作了世界植物园进展的专题报告,冯国楣先生阐述了植物种质保存的意义及其与开发利用的关系,邹寿青副主任介绍了西双版纳植物园经济植物的研究情况,还有17位代表作了学术报告.  相似文献   

The processing and transport of the envelope glycoprotein complex of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) in the persistently infected Crandell feline kidney (CRFK) cell line were investigated. Pulse-chase analyses revealed that the glycoprotein is synthesized as a precursor with an Mr of 145,000 (gp145) and is quickly trimmed to a molecule with an Mr of 130,000 (gp130). Treatment of gp130 with endoglycosidase H (endo H) resulted in a protein with an Mr of 75,000, indicating that nearly half the weight of the gp130 precursor consists of endo H-sensitive glycans during biosynthesis. Chase periods of up to 8 h revealed intermediates during the further processing of this glycoprotein precursor. Initially, two minor protein species with apparent Mrs of 100,000 and 90,000 were detected along with gp130. At later chase times these two species appeared to migrate as a single dominant species with an Mr of 95,000 (gp95). Concomitant with the appearance of gp95 was another protein with an Mr of approximately 40,000 (gp40). Chase periods of up to 8 h revealed that approximately half of the precursor was processed into the gp95-gp40 complex within 4 h. gp95 was efficiently transported from the cell into the culture medium by 1 to 2 h after labeling, whereas gp40 was not observed to be released from infected CRFK cells. Analysis of the processing in the presence of monensin, castanospermine, and swainsonine also suggests the existence of these intermediates in the processing of this lentivirus glycoprotein. As with human immunodeficiency virus, virus produced in the presence of glucosidase inhibitors and reduced infectivity for T-lymphocyte cultures.  相似文献   

The impact of feed processing and in vitro ruminal cultures on the persistence of recombinant and canola-specific endogenous DNA was studied using various canola substrates (whole seed, cracked seed, meal and diet). For both, parental and genetically modified substrates, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase gene was amplifiable up to varying time points. Persistence of recombinant DNA, encoding 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (1,363 bp) was detected up to 8 h for meal and 4 h for mixed diet. Upon processing of canola, DNA large enough to contain intact plant genes remains. In an in vitro environment, plant DNA was rapidly degraded upon its release into rumen fluid.  相似文献   

Selective inhibition of enzymes involved in antigen processing such as cathepsin E and cathepsin D is a valuable tool for investigating the roles of these enzymes in the processing pathway. However, the aspartic protease inhibitors, including the highly potent pepstatin A (PepA), are inefficiently transported across the cell membrane and thus have limited access to antigen processing compartments. Previously described mannose-pepstatin conjugates were efficiently taken up by the cells via receptor mediated uptake. However, cells without mannose receptors are unable to take up these conjugates efficiently. The aim of the present study was to synthesize new cell-permeable aspartic protease inhibitors by conjugating pepstatin A with well-known cell penetrating peptides (CPPs). To achieve this, the most commonly used CPPs namely pAntp(43-58) (penetratin), Tat(49-60), and 9-mer of l-arginine (R9), were synthesized and coupled to pepstatin. The enzyme inhibitory properties of these bioconjugates and their cellular uptake into MCF7 (human breast cancer cell line), Boleths (EBV-transformed B-cell line) and dendritic cells (DC) were the focus of our study. We found that the bioconjugate PepA-penetratin (PepA-P) was the most efficient cell-permeable aspartic protease inhibitor tested, and was more efficient than unconjugated PepA. Additionally, we found that PepA-P efficiently inhibited the tetanus toxoid C-fragment processing in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), primary DC and in primary B cells. Therefore, PepA-P can be used in studying the role of intracellular aspartic proteases in the MHC class II antigen processing pathway. Moreover, inhibition of tetanus toxoid C-fragment processing by PepA-P clearly implicates the role of aspartic proteinases in antigen processing.  相似文献   



In everyday life, signals of danger, such as aversive facial expressions, usually appear in the peripheral visual field. Although facial expression processing in central vision has been extensively studied, this processing in peripheral vision has been poorly studied.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using behavioral measures, we explored the human ability to detect fear and disgust vs. neutral expressions and compared it to the ability to discriminate between genders at eccentricities up to 40°. Responses were faster for the detection of emotion compared to gender. Emotion was detected from fearful faces up to 40° of eccentricity.


Our results demonstrate the human ability to detect facial expressions presented in the far periphery up to 40° of eccentricity. The increasing advantage of emotion compared to gender processing with increasing eccentricity might reflect a major implication of the magnocellular visual pathway in facial expression processing. This advantage may suggest that emotion detection, relative to gender identification, is less impacted by visual acuity and within-face crowding in the periphery. These results are consistent with specific and automatic processing of danger-related information, which may drive attention to those messages and allow for a fast behavioral reaction.  相似文献   

Isolated muscle cells from adult rat heart were used to study the relationship between myocardial insulin processing and insulin action on 3-O-methylglucose transport at 37 degrees C. Internalization of the hormone as measured by determination of the non-dissociable fraction of cell-bound insulin increased linearly up to 10 min, reaching a plateau by 30-60 min at 3 nM-insulin. At this hormone concentration the onset of insulin action was found to be biphasic, with a rapid phase up to 8 min, followed by a much slower phase, reaching maximal insulin action by 30-60 min. Insulin internalization was totally blocked by phenylarsine oxide, whereas dansylcadaverine had no effect on this process. Initial insulin action (5 min) on glucose transport was not affected by chloroquine and dansylcadaverine, but was completely abolished by treatment of cardiocytes with phenylarsine oxide. This drug effect was partly prevented by the presence of 2,3-dimercaptopropanol. Under steady-state conditions (60 min), the stimulatory action of insulin was decreased by about 60% by both chloroquine and dansylcadaverine. This study, demonstrates that insulin action on cardiac glucose transport is mediated by processing of the hormone. The data suggest dual pathways of insulin action involving initial processing of hormone-receptor complexes and lysosomal degradation.  相似文献   

大黄鱼是中国东部沿海养殖的重要经济鱼类品种,多年来受到假单胞菌引起的内脏白点病的危害,疫苗免疫是预防该病的理想手段,减毒活疫苗(live attenuated vaccine,LAV)或DNA疫苗等能有效刺激宿主细胞免疫应答的疫苗可能是该菌疫苗发展的重要方向。为了评估减毒活疫苗的有效性,解悉大黄鱼对疫苗的免疫应答机制,本研究以重要毒力基因缺失的减毒活菌株ΔpcrV NB2011免疫鱼体,在免疫后0 h和48 h分别采取实验鱼的脾脏组织进行转录组测序。通过美吉云平台在线分析,一共注释了30 438条Unigene和70 618条转录本。筛选出上调和下调表达基因分别为311个和313个,其中免疫相关的显著性差异基因28个,涉及抗原加工呈递、补体系统、细胞因子、模式识别受体和吞噬作用,尤其是MHCI型抗原加工和递呈通路显著上调。对上调表达基因进行KEGG富集分析,涉及的最主要通路包括谷胱甘肽代谢通路、精氨酸-脯氨酸代谢通路、抗原提呈与加工通路和溶菌酶通路等。选取5个显著性差异表达的免疫相关基因进行qRT-PCR验证,验证结果与测序结果变化趋势基本一致,提示了LAV免疫后有效激发鱼体的细胞免疫应答,有助于快速清除胞内病原。本研究部分揭示了大黄鱼对致病性假单胞菌LAV的免疫应答机制,可以为疫苗的研制提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Porous 3-D scaffolds from regenerated silk fibroin   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Three fabrication techniques, freeze-drying, salt leaching and gas foaming, were used to form porous three-dimensional silk biomaterial matrixes. Matrixes were characterized for morphological and functional properties related to processing method and conditions. The porosity of the salt leached scaffolds varied between 84 and 98% with a compressive strength up to 175 +/- 3 KPa, and the gas foamed scaffolds had porosities of 87-97% and compressive strength up to 280 +/- 4 KPa. The freeze-dried scaffolds were prepared at different freezing temperatures (-80 and -20 degrees C) and subsequently treated with different concentrations (15 and 25%) and hydrophilicity alcohols. The porosity of these scaffolds was up to 99%, and the maximum compressive strength was 30 +/- 2 KPa. Changes in silk fibroin structure during processing to form the 3D matrixes were determined by FT-IR and XrD. The salt leached and gas foaming techniques produced scaffolds with a useful combination of high compressive strength, interconnected pores, and pore sizes greater than 100 microns in diameter. The results suggest that silk-based 3D matrixes can be formed for utility in biomaterial applications.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The possible effect of preanalytical conditions such as blood sample preparation and handling on TIMP-1 levels in blood needs thorough investigation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Blood was collected in dry tubes and tubes containing EDTA and kept at 4 degrees C or 20 degrees C for 1, 3, 8, 24 or 72 hours before processing into serum or EDTA plasma. In addition, serum and EDTA plasma samples were frozen and thawed 1-8 times. TIMP-1 was measured by ELISA. RESULTS: Time to processing for up to 72 hours did not significantly affect TIMP-1 levels in serum. In EDTA plasma, TIMP-1 levels were stable for up to eight hours; however, if samples were kept for 24 hours or longer the TIMP-1 levels increased (p < 0.0001). Repeated freezing and thawing had a significant effect on TIMP-1 levels in serum (p = 0.04). In plasma, repeated freezing and thawing for up to six times did not influence TIMP-1. However, in plasma samples exposed to seven or eight freeze/thaw cycles TIMP-1 levels decreased, although not significantly (p = 0.23). CONCLUSIONS: Handling and processing of blood samples is crucial for TIMP-1 measurement by immunoassay. In serum, TIMP-1 levels are unaffected by time to processing. Plasma samples should be processed within eight hours to avoid a TIMP-1 increase. For the measurement of TIMP-1 in archival material, serum should not be used because TIMP-1 levels are significantly affected by repeated freezing and thawing; archival plasma can readily be used provided that samples have not been frozen and thawed more than six times.  相似文献   

Processing of Proenkephalin in Adrenal Chromaffin Cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The processing of proenkephalin was studied using [35S]methionine pulse-chase techniques in primary cultures of bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin cells. Following radiolabeling, proenkephalin-derived peptides were extracted from the cells and separated by reverse-phase HPLC. Fractions containing proenkephalin fragments were digested with trypsin and carboxypeptidase B to liberate Met-enkephalin sequences and subjected to a second HPLC step to demonstrate association of radiolabel with Met-enkephalin. Processing of proenkephalin is complete within 2 h of synthesis, suggesting completion at or soon after incorporation into storage vesicles. Pretreatment of the cells with nicotine, histamine, or vasoactive intestinal peptide to enhance the rate of proenkephalin synthesis failed to alter the time course of processing and had minimal effects on the distribution of products formed. Addition of tetrabenazine, an inhibitor of catecholamine uptake into chromaffin vesicles, during radiolabeling and a 6-h chase period caused enhanced proenkephalin processing. These results suggest that the full range of proenkephalin fragments normally found in the adrenal medulla (up to 23.3 kDa) represents final processing products of the tissue and that termination of processing may depend on the co-storage of catecholamines.  相似文献   

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