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Leg intravenous pressure during head-up tilt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leg vascular resistance is calculated as the arterial-venous pressure gradient divided by blood flow. During orthostatic challenges it is assumed that the hydrostatic pressure contributes equally to leg arterial, as well as to leg venous pressure. Because of venous valves, one may question whether, during orthostatic challenges, a continuous hydrostatic column is formed and if leg venous pressure is equal to the hydrostatic pressure. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to measure intravenous pressure in the great saphenous vein of 12 healthy individuals during 30 degrees and 70 degrees head-up tilt and compare this with the calculated hydrostatic pressure. The height difference between the heart and the right medial malleolus level represented the hydrostatic column. The results demonstrate that there were no differences between the measured intravenous pressure and the calculated hydrostatic pressure during 30 degrees (47.2 +/- 1.0 and 46.9 +/- 1.5 mmHg, respectively) and 70 degrees head-up tilt (83.9 +/- 0.9 and 85.1 +/- 1.2 mmHg, respectively). Steady-state levels of intravenous pressure were reached after 95 +/- 12 s during 30 degrees and 161 +/- 15 s during 70 degrees head-up tilt. In conclusion, the measured leg venous pressure is similar to the calculated hydrostatic pressure during orthostatic challenges. Therefore, the assumption that hydrostatic pressure contributes equally to leg arterial as well as to leg venous pressure during orthostatic challenges can be made.  相似文献   

Journal of Mathematical Biology - This study develops non-pulsatile and pulsatile models for the prediction of blood flow and pressure during head-up tilt. This test is used to diagnose potential...  相似文献   

The effects of age on cardiovascular and thermoregulatory responses to passive tilting were investigated using six old (61-73 yr) and 10 young (21-39 yr) unacclimatized men. Experiments were carried out at 26 degrees C and after exposure to 40 degrees C and 40% relative humidity for 105 min. Continuous measurements of esophageal (Tes) and mean skin (Tsk) temperatures and heart rate (HR) were recorded. Other variables studied included blood pressure (BP), forearm blood flow (FBF), and cardiac output (CO), which were measured at 4- to 5-min intervals. Measurements were made in the supine position and after 70 degrees head-up tilt for 15 min. Cardioacceleration during the tilt test was greater in the young men than in the old. Other cardiovascular responses of the old men to orthostatism were qualitatively similar to that of the young except for FBF and forearm vascular conductance. The old men did not show significant changes in FBF during tilting, suggesting a deterioration in the sympathetic nervous reflex in the aged. However, other circulatory adaptations seemed to overcome this deficiency resulting in orthostatic tolerance similar to that of the young. During head-up tilt at 26 and 40 degrees C, Tes of both age groups increased. This may reflect a decrease in conductive heat transfer presumably due to diminished blood flow to the periphery.  相似文献   

A double-blind paired protocol was used to evaluate, in eight male volunteers, the effects of the endogenous opiate antagonist naloxone (NAL; 0.05 mg· kg–1) on cardiovascular responses to 50° head-up tilt-induced central hypovolaemia. Progressive central hypovolaemia was characterized by a phase of normotensive-tachycardia followed by an episode of hypotensive-bradycardia. The NAL shortened the former from 20 (8–40) to 5 (3–10) min (median and range; (P < 0.02). Control head-up tilt increased the means of thoracic electrical impedance [from 35.8 (SEM 2.1) to 40.0 (SEM 1.8) ; P < 0.01 of heart rate [HR; from 67 (SEM 5) to 96 (SEM 8) beats · min–1, P < 0.02], of total peripheral resistance [TPR; from 25.5 (SEM 3.2) to 50.4 (SEM 10.5)mmHg min 1–1,P < 0.05] and of mean arterial pressure [MAP; from 96 (SEM 2) to 101 (SEM 2)mmHg, P < 0.02]. Decreases were observed in stroke volume [from 65 (SEM 12) to 38 (SEM 9) ml, P < 0.01], in cardiac output [from 3.7 (SEM 0.7) to 2.5 (SEM 0.5) 1 · mint, P < 0.01], in pulse pressure [from 55 (SEM 4) to 37 (SEM 3)mmHg, P < 0.01] and in central venous oxygen saturation [from 73 (SEM 2) to 59 (SEM 4)%, P < 0.01]. During NAL, mean HR increased from 70 (SEM 3); n.s. compared to control) to only 86 (SEM 9) beats · min–1 (P < 0.02 compared to control) and MAP remained stable. The episode of hypotensive-bradycardia appeared as mean control HR decreased to 77 (SEM 7)beats · min–1, TPR to 31.4(SEM 7.7)mmHg · min · 1–1 and MAP to 60 (SEM 5)mmHg (P < 0.01), and the volunteers were tilted supine. Cardiovascular effects of naloxone on central hypovolaemia included a reduced elevation of HR and blood pressures and provocation of the episode of hypotensive-bradycardia.  相似文献   

Maintaining blood pressure during orthostatic challenges is primarily achieved by baroreceptor-mediated activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which can be divided into preganglionic and postganglionic parts. Despite their preganglionic autonomic failure, spinal cord-injured individuals demonstrate a preserved peripheral vasoconstriction during orthostatic challenges. Whether this also applies to patients with postganglionic autonomic failure is unknown. Therefore, we assessed leg vasoconstriction during 60° head-up tilt in five patients with pure autonomic failure (PAF) and two patients with autonomic failure due to dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH) deficiency. Ten healthy subjects served as controls. Leg blood flow was measured using duplex ultrasound in the right superficial femoral artery. Leg vascular resistance was calculated as the arterial-venous pressure gradient divided by blood flow. DBH-deficient patients were tested off and on the norepinephrine pro-drug l-threo-dihydroxyphenylserine (l-DOPS). During 60° head-up tilt, leg vascular resistance increased significantly in PAF patients [0.40 ± 0.38 (+30%) mmHg·ml(-1)·min(-1)]. The increase in leg vascular resistance was not significantly different from controls [0.88 ± 1.04 (+72%) mmHg·ml(-1)·min(-1)]. In DBH-deficient patients, leg vascular resistance increased by 0.49 ± 0.01 (+153%) and 1.52 ± 1.47 (+234%) mmHg·ml(-1)·min(-1) off and on l-DOPS, respectively. Despite the increase in leg vascular resistance, orthostatic hypotension was present in PAF and DBH-deficient patients. Our results demonstrate that leg vasoconstriction during orthostatic challenges in patients with PAF or DBH deficiency is not abolished. This indicates that the sympathetic nervous system is not the sole or pivotal mechanism inducing leg vasoconstriction during orthostatic challenges. Additional vasoconstrictor mechanisms may compensate for the loss in sympathetic nervous system control.  相似文献   

We studied the role of cardiac and arterial baroreceptors in the reflex control of arginine vasopressin (AVP) and renin secretion during graded hypotension in conscious dogs. The dogs were prepared with Silastic cuffs on the thoracic inferior vena cava and catheters in the pericardial space. Each experiment consisted of a control period followed by four periods of inferior vena caval constriction, during which mean arterial pressure (MAP) was reduced in increments of approximately 10 mmHg. The hormonal responses were measured in five dogs under four treatment conditions: 1) intact, 2) acute cardiac denervation (CD) by intrapericardial infusion of procaine, 3) after sinoaortic denervation (SAD), and 4) during combined SAD+CD. The individual slopes relating MAP to plasma AVP and plasma renin activity (PRA) were used to compare the treatment effects using a 2 x 2 factorial analysis. There was a significant (P < 0.01) effect of SAD on the slope relating plasma AVP to MAP but no effect of CD and no SAD x CD interaction. In contrast, the slope relating PRA and MAP was increased (P < 0.05) by SAD but was not affected by CD. These results support the hypothesis that stimulation of AVP secretion in response to graded hypotension is primarily driven by unloading arterial baroreceptors in the dog.  相似文献   

Complexity (or its opposite, regularity) of heart period variability has been related to age and disease but never linked to a progressive shift of the sympathovagal balance. We compare several well established estimates of complexity of heart period variability based on entropy rates [i.e., approximate entropy (ApEn), sample entropy (SampEn), and correct conditional entropy (CCE)] during an experimental protocol known to produce a gradual shift of the sympathovagal balance toward sympathetic activation and vagal withdrawal (i.e., the graded head-up tilt test). Complexity analysis was carried out in 17 healthy subjects over short heart period variability series ( approximately 250 cardiac beats) derived from ECG recordings during head-up tilt with table inclination randomly chosen inside the set {0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90}. We found that 1) ApEn does not change significantly during the protocol; 2) all indices measuring complexity based on entropy rates, including ad hoc corrections of the bias arising from their evaluation over short data sequences (i.e., corrected ApEn, SampEn, CCE), evidence a progressive decrease of complexity as a function of the tilt table inclination, thus indicating that complexity is under control of the autonomic nervous system; 3) corrected ApEn, SampEn, and CCE provide global indices that can be helpful to monitor sympathovagal balance.  相似文献   

In physiological conditions, heart period (HP) affects systolic arterial pressure (SAP) through diastolic runoff and Starling's law, but, the reverse relation also holds as a result of the continuous action of baroreflex control. The prevailing mechanism sets the dominant temporal direction in the HP-SAP interactions (i.e., causality). We exploited cross-conditional entropy to assess HP-SAP causality. A traditional approach based on phases was applied for comparison. The ability of the approach to detect the lack of causal link from SAP to HP was assessed on 8 short-term (STHT) and 11 long-term heart transplant (LTHT) recipients (i.e., less than and more than 2 yr after transplantation, respectively). In addition, spontaneous HP and SAP variabilities were extracted from 17 healthy humans (ages 21-36 yr, median age 29 yr; 9 females) at rest and during graded head-up tilt. The tilt table inclinations ranged from 15 to 75° and were changed in steps of 15°. All subjects underwent recordings at every step in random order. The approach detected the lack of causal relation from SAP to HP in STHT recipients and the gradual restoration of the causal link from SAP to HP with time after transplantation in the LTHT recipients. The head-up tilt protocol induced the progressive shift from the prevalent causal direction from HP to SAP to the reverse causality (i.e., from SAP to HP) with tilt table inclination in healthy subjects. Transformation of phases into time shifts and comparison with baroreflex latency supported this conclusion. The proposed approach is highly efficient because it does not require the knowledge of baroreflex latency. The dependence of causality on tilt table inclination suggests that "spontaneous" baroreflex sensitivity estimated using noncausal methods (e.g., spectral and cross-spectral approaches) is more reliable at the highest tilt table inclinations.  相似文献   

Effects of head-down tilt on intracranial pressure were studied in anesthetized and conscious rabbits. Adult Japanese white rabbits of both sexes, weighing 2.5-3.5 kg, were used in the experiments. Experiment 1. Animals were anesthetized with pentobarbital, and ICP was monitored through a catheter inserted into the subarachnoid space. ICP elevated immediately after the onset of 45 degrees HDT and gradually reduced toward the baseline level in the next 8 hours. Experiment 2. Each rabbit was exposed to 45 degrees HDT for 24 hours and the ICP was measured through a catheter which had been implanted 7 days before. In the conscious rabbits, ICP increased about 4 mmHg after the onset of 45 degrees HDT, further increased gradually to the peak at 11 hours of HDT, and then started to return to the baseline. These results suggest that the time course of the change in ICP during HDT is considerably different between anesthetized and conscious rabbits.  相似文献   

Oxygen transport in conscious newborn dogs during hypoxic hypometabolism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We questioned whether the decrease inO2 consumption(O2) during hypoxia innewborns is a regulated response or reflects a limitation inO2 availability. Experiments wereconducted on previously instrumented conscious newborn dogs.O2 was measured at a warmambient temperature (30°C, n = 7)or in the cold (20°C, n = 6),while the animals breathed air or were sequentially exposed to 15 minof fractional inspired O2(FIO2): 21, 18, 15, 12, 10, 8, and 6%. In normoxia,O2 averaged 15 ± 1 (SE)and 25 ± 1 ml · kg1 · min1in warm and cold conditions, respectively. In the warmcondition, hypometabolism (i.e., hypoxicO2 < normoxicO2) occurred at FIO2 10%, whereas in thecold condition, hypometabolism occurred atFIO2 12%. The sameresults were obtained in a separate group(n = 14) of noninstrumented puppies.For all levels of FIO2 withhypometabolism, the relationships between measures ofO2 availability (arterialO2 saturation or content, venousPO2 or saturation,x-axis) vs.O2(y-axis) had lower slopes in warm than in coldconditions. Hence, O2 during hypometabolism in the warm condition was not the maximal attainable for the level of oxygenation. The results do not support thepossibility that the hypoxic drop inO2 in the newborn reflects a limitation in O2availability. The results are compatible with the ideathat the phenomenon is one of "regulated conformism" tohypoxia.


The systemic and regional hemodynamics during antiorthostatic hypokinesia were studied in male Wistar rats using the radioactive microsphere technique. The animals were hanged up by the tail with the head tilted down (30 degrees) and were able to exercise using only front limbs. Twenty four hours long exposure to antiorthostasis induced significant changes in systemic hemodynamics as well as in regional blood flow in skeletal muscles, spleen, liver and pancreas. Antiorthostasis induced blood flow changes in lungs, heart and brain were less pronounced.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that acetylcholine-induced relaxation of the renal artery decreases with postnatal age, we measured parameters of renal hemodynamics before and for 35 s after aortic suprarenal injection of acetylcholine in conscious, chronically instrumented lambs aged approximately 1 wk (n = 5) and approximately 6 wk (n = 5). Acetylcholine was administered in one of five doses ranging from 0 to 10 mg/kg body wt; doses were administered randomly, in the same volume. There were significant age- and dose-dependent changes in renal vascular resistance after acetylcholine administration, such that the response was greater in 1-wk-old lambs. After the highest dose tested, renal vascular resistance decreased by 13.6 +/- 7.3 (SD) mmHg. ml(-1). min. g kidney wt in 1-wk-old lambs and by 9.1 +/- 3.2 mmHg. ml(-1). min. g kidney wt in 6-wk-old lambs at 35 s. We also observed a transient renal vasoconstriction before the renal vasodilatation in 6-wk-old lambs but not in 1-wk-old animals. These data provide the first age- and dose-dependent effects of exogenous administration of acetylcholine on renal hemodynamics during maturation in conscious animals.  相似文献   

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