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Microbial communities of ancient Mediterranean sapropels, buried sediment layers of high organic matter, were analyzed by most probable number (MPN) approaches. Mineral media containing different carbon sources in sub-millimolar concentrations were used. MPN numbers were elevated in sapropels and at the sediment surface, which mirrored total cell count distributions. Highest MPN counts were obtained with a mixture of different monomeric and polymeric substrates, with amino acids or with long-chain fatty acids as sole carbon sources. These values reached up to 2 x 10(7) cm(-3), representing 3.3% of the total cell count. A total of 98 pure cultures were isolated from the highest positive dilutions of the MPN series, representing the most abundant microorganisms culturable by the methods used. The strains were identified by molecular biological methods and could be grouped into 19 different phylotypes. They belonged to the alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-Proteobacteria, to the Actinobacteria and the Firmicutes. However, about half of the number of isolates was closely related to the genera Photobacterium and Agrobacterium. Regarding the high cultivation success, these organisms can be assumed to be typical sapropel bacteria, representing a substantial part of the culturable indigenous microbial community.  相似文献   

Bacteria were isolated from marine sponges from the Mediterranean and the Great Barrier Reef and characterized using numerical taxonomy techniques. A similar sponge-specific bacterial symbiont was found in 9 of 10 sponges examined from both geographic regions. This symbiont occurred in sponges of two classes and seven orders, and it probably has been associated with sponges over a long geological time scale. Another symbiont apparently specific to the spongeVerongia aerophoba was found. This sponge is yellow-orange, similar in color to the bacterial symbiont. These symbionts are two of a large mixed bacterial population present in many sponges.This paper constitutes No. V in the series Microbial Associations in Sponges.  相似文献   

Symbiotic bacteria play vital roles in the survival and health of marine sponges. Sponges harbor rich, diverse and species-specific microbial communities. Symbiotic marine bacteria have increasingly been reported as promising source of bioactive compounds. A culturomics-based study was undertaken to study the diversity of bacteria from marine sponges and their antimicrobial potential. We have collected three sponge samples i.e. Acanthaster carteri, Rhytisma fulvum (soft coral) and Haliclona caerulea from north region (Obhur) of Red Sea, Jeddah Saudi Arabia. Total of 144 bacterial strains were isolated from three marine sponges using culture dependent method. Screening of isolated strains showed only 37 (26%) isolates as antagonists against oomycetes pathogens (P. ultimum and P. capsici). Among 37 antagonistic bacteria, only 19 bacterial strains exhibited antibacterial activity against human pathogens (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) ATCC 43300, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212). Four major classes of bacteria i.e γ-Proteobacteria, α-Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria were recorded from three marine sponges where γ-Proteobacteria was dominant class. One potential bacterial strain Halomonas sp. EA423 was selected for identification of bioactive metabolites using GC and LC-MS analyses. Bioactive compounds Sulfamerazine, Metronidazole-OH and Ibuprofen are detected from culture extract of strain Halomonas sp. EA423. Overall, this study gives insight into composition and diversity of antagonistic bacterial community of marine sponges and coral from Red Sea and presence of active metabolites from potential strain. Our results showed that these diverse and potential bacterial communities further need to be studied to exploit their biotechnological significance.  相似文献   

Bacterial communities of marine sponges are believed to be an important partner for host survival but remain poorly studied. Sponges show difference in richness and abundance of microbial population inhabiting them. Three marine sponges belonging to the species of Pione vastifica, Siphonochalina siphonella and Suberea mollis were collected from Red sea in Jeddah and were investigated using high throughput sequencing. Highly diverse communities containing 105 OTUs were identified in S. mollis host. Only 61 and 43 OTUs were found in P. vastifica and S. siphonella respectively. We identified 10 different bacterial phyla and 31 genera using 27,356 sequences. Most of the OTUs belong to phylum Proteobacteria (29%–99%) comprising of Gammaproteobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, and Deltaproteobacteria where later two were only detected in HMA sponge, S. mollis. A number of 16S rRNA sequences (25%) were not identified to phylum level and may be novel taxa. Richness of bacterial community and Shannon, Simpson diversity revealed that sponge S. mollis harbors high diversity compared to other two LMA sponges. Dominance of Proteobacteria in sponges may indicate an ecological significance of this phylum in the Red sea sponges. These differences in bacterial composition may be due to difference in location site or host responses to environmental conditions. To the best of our knowledge, the microbial communities of these sponges have never been studied before and this is first attempt to unravel bacterial diversity using PCR-based 454-pyrosequencing method.  相似文献   

The plasmid incidence of two bacterial communities from soil and freshwater was determined by endogenous plasmid isolation. The overall plasmid incidence for the communities was about 10%, while the frequency of plasmid-containing members in different subgroups ranged from 0% to 100%. Both communities included a minor population where all members contained several plasmids.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes of bird communities and use of foraging substrates by the birds were studied in two forests with contrasting vegetation structure in montane and subalpine levels of central Spanish mountains throughout complete annual cycles. Common factors contributing most to foraging segregation among species were found to be the foraging on the ground vs that on vegetation and use of proximal vs distal tree parts. A complete dissimilarity exists between the composition of the respective foliage-gleaning guilds, the converse being true for the trunk-searchers.
Temporal distribution of bird species is to a great extent determined by their use of space, thus existing a gradient of seasonality with maxima for ground-searchers, minima for trunk-gleaners and intermediate positions for foliage-gleaners. A close relationship among temporal variability, mean annual density and niche breadth is found for the subalpine pinewood community, but not for that from the montane oakwood, this being related with their contrasting migratory patterns and the structural stability of vegetation in each wood. The pattern of covariation in community parameters mirrors the summed response of individual bird species to the changing environmental conditions. Increases in community richness, density and diversity are related to temporal invasion by ground and foliage-gleaners of these highly seasonal Mediterranean habitats.  相似文献   

Microbial communities are linked with marine sponge are diverse in their structure and function. Our understanding of the sponge-associated microbial diversity is limited especially from Red Sea in Saudi Arabia where few species of sponges have been studied. Here we used pyrosequencing to study two marine sponges and coral species sampled from Obhur region from Red sea in Jeddah. A total of 168 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified from Haliclona caerulea, Stylissa carteri and Rhytisma fulvum. Taxonomic identification of tag sequences of 16S ribosomal RNA revealed 6 different bacterial phyla and 9 different classes. A proportion of unclassified reads were was also observed in sponges and coral sample. We found diverse bacterial communities associated with two sponges and a coral sample. Diversity and richness estimates based on OUTs revealed that sponge H. caerulea had significantly high bacterial diversity. The identified OTUs showed unique clustering in three sponge samples as revealed by Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). Proteobacteria (88–95%) was dominant phyla alonwith Bacteroidetes, Planctomycetes, Cyanobacteria, Firmicutes and Nitrospirae. Seventeen different genera were identified where genus Pseudoalteromonas was dominant in all three samples. This is first study to assess bacterial communities of sponge and coral sample that have never been studied before to unravel their microbial communities using 454-pyrosequencing method.  相似文献   

Invasibility depends on the interaction of the introduced species with the abiotic and biotic factors of the recipient community. In particular, the biotic resistance posed by native herbivores has been claimed to be of great importance in controlling plant invasion. We investigated fruit and seed predation of two exotic Opuntia species within and between Mediterranean communities in order to determine how patterns of predation matched patterns of invasion. Predators were small mammals, presumably mice, which could consume more than 50% of the seeds produced. Predators could be equally effective in consuming fruit and single seeds. O. maxima fruits were slightly preferred to O. stricta fruits, but predators did not distinguish between seeds. Seed predation was more intense in invaded than in non-invaded communities. However, there was a high spatial variation in seed predation that did not always match patterns of invasion, suggesting that seed predation alone is not a good predictor of community invasibility to Opuntia. According to these results invasibility to Opuntia is limited in some (but not all) communities by native mice. Seed losses by predation were high for both species. However, we estimated that more than 75% of seeds dispersed by birds to non-invaded areas are not predated.  相似文献   

Marine sponges are well known for their associations with highly diverse, yet very specific and often highly similar microbiota. The aim of this study was to identify potential bacterial sub-populations in relation to sponge phylogeny and sampling sites and to define the core bacterial community. 16S ribosomal RNA gene amplicon pyrosequencing was applied to 32 sponge species from eight locations around the world''s oceans, thereby generating 2567 operational taxonomic units (OTUs at the 97% sequence similarity level) in total and up to 364 different OTUs per sponge species. The taxonomic richness detected in this study comprised 25 bacterial phyla with Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi and Poribacteria being most diverse in sponges. Among these phyla were nine candidate phyla, six of them found for the first time in sponges. Similarity comparison of bacterial communities revealed no correlation with host phylogeny but a tropical sub-population in that tropical sponges have more similar bacterial communities to each other than to subtropical sponges. A minimal core bacterial community consisting of very few OTUs (97%, 95% and 90%) was found. These microbes have a global distribution and are probably acquired via environmental transmission. In contrast, a large species-specific bacterial community was detected, which is represented by OTUs present in only a single sponge species. The species-specific bacterial community is probably mainly vertically transmitted. It is proposed that different sponges contain different bacterial species, however, these bacteria are still closely related to each other explaining the observed similarity of bacterial communities in sponges in this and previous studies. This global analysis represents the most comprehensive study of bacterial symbionts in sponges to date and provides novel insights into the complex structure of these unique associations.  相似文献   

Diverse microbial communities inhabit Antarctic sponges   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Genetic techniques were employed to investigate the archaeal, bacterial and eukaryotic communities associated with the Antarctic sponges Kirkpatrickia varialosa, Latrunculia apicalis, Homaxinella balfourensis, Mycale acerata and Sphaerotylus antarcticus. The phylogenetic affiliation of sponge-derived bacteria was assessed by 16S rRNA sequencing of cloned DNA fragments. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was used to determine the stability of bacterial associations within each sponge species and across spatial scales. Of the 150 archaeal clones from L. apicalis, K. varialosa and M. acerata screened by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, four unique operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were observed and all clustered closely together within the Crenarchaeota. Of the 250 sponge-derived bacterial clones screened by RFLP analysis, 61 were unique OTUs that were not detected during examination of 160 seawater-derived clones. Rarefaction analysis indicated that the clone libraries represented between 44 and 83% of the total estimated diversity. Phylogenetic analysis of sequence data revealed that the bacterial communities present in Antarctic sponges primarily clustered within the Gamma and Alpha proteobacteria and the Cytophaga/Flavobacterium of Bacteroidetes group. Bacterial DGGE analysis for replicate sponge and seawater samples at each Antarctic site revealed that bacterial communities were consistently detected within a particular species regardless of the collection site, with six bacterial bands exclusively associated with a single sponge species. Phylogenetic analysis of sequence data from eukaryotic DGGE analysis revealed that the communities present in Antarctic sponges fell into diatom and dinoflagellate clusters with many sequences having no known close relatives. In addition, seven eukaryotic sequences that were not detected in seawater samples or other sponge species were observed in K. varialosa.  相似文献   

Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB), which can mineralize nanosized magnetite or greigite crystals within cells, play important roles in biogeochemical processes, for example iron and sulfur cycling, and depositional remanent magnetization acquisitions. Despite decades of research, the knowledge of MTB distribution and ecology is still limited. In the present study, we investigated the temporal variation of MTB communities in freshwater sediment microcosms based on 16S rRNA genes and unifrac analyses. Two microcosms (MY8 and MY11) collected from two separate sites in Lake Miyun (Beijing, China) were analyzed. The majority of retrieved sequences belonged to alphaproteobacterial magnetotactic cocci in both microcosms (representing 64.29% of clones from MY8 and 100% of clones from MY11), whereas so-called ' Magnetobacterium bavaricum '-like MTB affiliated within Nitrospira phylum were exclusively found in microcosm MY8. Over a 3-month period, the temporal variation of MTB communities was evident in both microcosms. In addition, the phylogenetic discrepancy of MTB communities between two microcosms is more prominent than that of the same microcosm at different times, implying adaptation of MTB phylogenetic lineages to specific microenvironments. Among the physical–chemical parameters measured, a strong correlation was shown between nitrate and the main genetic variability of MTB communities, indicating that nitrate may influence the occurrence of MTB phylogenetic lineages in natural environments.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variation of macroinvertebrate assemblages was studied in two Portuguese commercial rice agroecosystems under the effect of field management involving the application of pesticides and fertilizers. A faunal succession of organisms was observed on both fields. Grazers were the first to colonize the paddies after a dry period when pesticides were applied, followed by development into nymphs and by an increase in the abundance of the species after the application of fertilizers. At the end of the season when no pesticides or fertilizers were applied, the communities changed with the presence of adult predators as a result of an increase in prey. Insecticide application revealed specific taxa increase due to the lack of competition with the target organism. Macroinvertebrates tended to prefer infested field margins with aquatic, submerged vegetation, revealing a spatial distribution along the paddies. Two different sampling devices were used and proved necessary in documenting the macroinvertebrate communities (grab for benthic and hand-net for pelagic organisms).  相似文献   

Diversity of symbiotic archaeal communities in marine sponges from Korea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A molecular analysis of archaeal communities in eight sponges collected along the coast of Cheju Island, Korea was conducted using terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) in conjunction with sequencing analysis of 16S rDNA clones. The terminal-restriction fragment (T-RF) profiles showed that each sponge had a simple archaeal community represented by a single major peak of the same size except for one unidentified sponge (01CJ20). In order to identify the components of the community, 170 archaeal 16S rDNA clones were recovered from sponges and analyzed by RFLP typing. Sequences of 19 representative clones for all RFLP types found in each sponge were determined and phylogenetic analysis was carried out. Seventeen of these archaeal 16S rDNA clones showed a high similarity to marine group I, belonging to the crenarchaeotes. In the phylogenetic tree, 15 archaeal clones were grouped into five sponge-associated archaeal clusters. In the unidentified sponge sample (01CJ20), one major T-RF peak was represented by a single RFLP type (40 clones), which implied a specific relationship between the sponge and its symbiotic archaeal components.  相似文献   

The Antitrichetalia curtipendulae epiphytic climax communities of Šmarda & Hadàč from the Spanish Mediterranean area have been classified by numerical and traditional floristic methods. Ninety-eight phytosociological relevés have been recorded from a number of Iberian forests. Our results indicate two clusters that can be easily related to two different alliances: Lobarion pulmonariae (Nephrometum resupinati) and Pterogonio gracile-Antitrichion californicae (Antitrichielum californicae). A phytogeographical and syntaxonomical discussion is followed by a suggested Red List of threatened lichens and bryophytes occurring in these communities in the Spanish Mediterranean area with the aim of advancing conservation of endangered and vulnerable species.  相似文献   

Krossfjorden and Kongsfjorden are Arctic fjords on the western side of Spitsbergen. These fjords share a common mouth to the open sea, and both are influenced by the input of sediment-rich glacial meltwater leading to decreased surface salinity, increased turbidity and decreased light penetration during summer. Earlier classical taxonomic studies had described the pelagic protistan composition of the Kongsfjorden during summer, revealing the dominance of flagellates of often unresolved taxonomic origin. Only little information existed on microbial eukaryote composition of the Krossfjorden as well as the bacterial composition of both fjords. The aim of the present study was to analyze and compare surface summertime protistan and bacterial communities in both fjords, using molecular approaches (16S and 18S rRNA DGGE, sequencing). Samples were collected three times a week from the central Kongsfjorden over a 1-month period. Additionally, 10 marine and 2 freshwater sites were sampled within a 1-week period in both Kongsfjorden and Krossfjorden. The central Kongsfjorden revealed a relatively stable protistan community over time with dinoflagellates, chlorophytes and small heterotrophs dominating. In contrast, the bacterial community varied over time and appeared to be correlated with the inflow of glacial meltwater. The Kongsfjorden and Krossfjorden were found to harbor distinctive bacterial and eukaryotic communities. We speculate that differences in glacial meltwater composition and fjord bathymetry affect the surface water properties and therefore the observed spatial variability in the community fingerprints.  相似文献   

In the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, deep hypersaline anoxic basins (DHABs) and deep-sea sediment contain anoxic environments where sulfate reduction is an important microbial metabolic process. The objective of this study was to characterize the sulfate-reducing community in the brine and interface of the DHABs L'Atalante and Urania based on a phylogenetic analysis of the dissimilatory sulfite reductase gene (dsrA). Results demonstrated that the sulfate-reducing community was diverse, except for the sulfidogenic brine of the Urania basin. The similarity of the dsrA sequences between different environments was very low demonstrating that each environment had a unique sulfate-reducing community. Sequences had 67.6-93.3% similarity to dsrA sequences from GenBank database and were mostly related to the delta-proteobacteria. Each environment was dominated by a different family within the delta-proteobacteria except for the Urania interface, which was dominated by sequences related to the Gram-positive Peptococcaceae. We conclude that sulfate-reducing communities inhabiting the L'Atalante and Urania basins are highly diverse with low similarities to each other and contain a sulfate-reducing species composition that is very different from sulfate-reducing species compositions in previously studied ecosystems.  相似文献   

The impact that the alien mussel Musculista senhousia has on benthic biodiversity and community structure was investigated in two Italian transitional environments, where the species was particularly abundant: the Sacca di Goro (Adriatic Sea), and the Rio Padrongiano Deltaic area (Sardinia, Tyrrhenian Sea). Sampling campaigns were conducted by sampling mussel beds from each of two different patch size classes (small: <1.0 m2, and large: >10.0 m2), and the surrounding bare sediments. At both study sites, mussel density varied greatly with time within and between patches. Despite the huge difference in benthic species complement at Goro and Padrongiano (33 and 115 taxa, respectively), at both sites the presence of mussel patches had a gross positive effect on the benthic community. At Goro, many trophic guilds showed a positive relationship with mussel abundance. At Padrongiano, a continuous and directional process of patches colonization (both large and small) through time seemed evident, while at Goro the process was interrupted by high-summer mortalities. At both study sites, M. senhousia played a double role: (1) as secondary substratum, enhancing the environmental structural complexity, and (2) as densely aggregated, living organisms, thus giving rise to a number of possible interactions with other invertebrates. The outcome, however, was strictly dependent by the level of anthropogenic stress, in this case water oxygen deficiency, which was different at the two study sites. Guest editors: A. Razinkovas, Z. R. Gasiūnaitė, J. M. Zaldivar & P. Viaroli European Lagoons and their Watersheds: Function and Biodiversity  相似文献   

A large proportion of forest-dependent bird species have disappearedfrom Singapore, probably due to heavy forest loss that started in the 1800s. Thebird fauna seems to have relaxed (attained a lower and relatively stablediversity following habitat destruction) in Singapore. Using mist-netting, Icompared understory bird communities of two lowland rainforest fragments inSingapore (Nee Soon and MacRitchie) with two continuous forests in Sarawak(Malaysia) (Matang Wildlife Sanctuary and Gunung Gading National Park). Icompared community characteristics (e.g. rarity [<2 individuals/1000mist-netting hours]), population characteristics (e.g. sex ratio) and individualquality (e.g. prevalence of ectoparasites) among avifaunas of the forests. Onaverage, more bird species and individuals were caught in continuous foreststhan in fragments. There were more rare species in Gading. The proportion ofadults and the sex ratios did not differ among the forests. Ectoparasiteprevalence and intensity also did not differ among the forests. Proportionallymore individuals contained fault bars in MacRitchie. My study shows that aviancommunities in rainforest fragments are depauperate but show few signs ofenvironmental stress. Thus there may be long-term resilience in some forest birdspecies. However, it is essential to protect large tracts of tropical lowlandrainforest to preserve rare forest-dependent avifauna.  相似文献   

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