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In a strain of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar phaseoli, three copies of the regulatory nodulation gene nodD were identified on the Sym plasmid and sequenced. Two were closely linked to each other and the third was near, but not adjacent, to the nodABC genes. Each of these nodD genes could correct the Nod- defect of a nodD mutant strain of R. leguminosarum biovar viciae on peas. A truncated form of nodD2 could also correct this mutant, indicating that the C-terminus of NodD2 is not needed for inducing activity. Upstream of nodD1 and in the same operon is a newly described gene, noIE, whose product appears to be exported into the periplasm. Close to nodD2 is another gene, noIP, with no known counterpart in other rhizobia. Both noIP and noIE-nodD1 are preceded by 'nod-box' sequences and, in the former case, there appear to be two tandemly repeated nod-box sequences. Mutations in each of the nodD genes and in the noIE and noIP genes did not abolish nodulation or nitrogen fixation on beans.  相似文献   

We have identified a nodD gene from the wide host-range Rhizobium strain MPIK3030 (termed nodD1) which is essential for nodulation on Macroptilium atropurpureum (siratro). Experiments with nodA–lacZ gene fusions demonstrate that the MPIK3030 nodD1 regulates expression of the nodABC genes. Additionally, we used nodC–lacZ fusions of Rhizobium meliloti to show that the MPIK3030 nodD1 gene induces expression of these fusions by interacting with plant factors from siratro and from the non-host Medicago sativa (alfalfa). The R. meliloti nodD genes, however, only interact with alfalfa exudate. In line with these results, no complementation of MPIK3030 nodD1 mutants could be obtained on siratro with the R. meliloti nodD genes, while the MPIK3030 nodD1 can complement nodD mutants of R. meliloti on alfalfa. Furthermore, R. meliloti transconjugants harbouring the MPIK3030 nodD1 efficiently nodulate the illegitimate host siratro. When compared with other nodD sequences, the amino acid sequence of the MPIK3030 nodD1 shows a conserved aminoterminus, whereas the carboxy-terminus of the putative gene product diverges considerably. Studies on a chimeric MPIK3030/R. meliloti nodD gene indicates that the carboxy-terminal region is responsible for the interaction with plant factor(s) and may have evolved in different rhizobia specifically to interact with plant–host factors.  相似文献   

We recently reported that a Tetrahymena thermophila 58-kilodalton (kDa) mitochondrial protein (hsp58) was selectively synthesized during heat shock. In this study, we show that hsp58 displayed antigenic similarity with mitochondrially associated proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (64 kDa), Xenopus laevis (60 kDa), Zea mays (62 kDa), and human cells (59 kDa). Furthermore, a 58-kDa protein from Escherichia coli also exhibited antigenic cross-reactivity to an antiserum directed against the T. thermophila mitochondrial protein. The proteins from S. cerevisiae and E. coli antigenically related to hsp58 were studied in detail and found to share several other characteristics with hsp58, including heat inducibility and the property of associating into distinct oligomeric complexes. The T. thermophila, S. cerevisiae, and E. coli macromolecular complexes containing these related proteins had similar sedimentation characteristics and virtually identical morphologies as seen with the electron microscope. The distinctive properties of the E. coli homolog to T. thermophila hsp58 indicate that it is most likely the product of the groEL gene.  相似文献   

AbrB is a key transition-state regulator of Bacillus subtilis. Based on the conservation of a betaalphabeta structural unit, we proposed a beta barrel fold for its DNA binding domain, similar to, but topologically distinct from, double-psi beta barrels. However, the NMR structure revealed a novel fold, the "looped-hinge helix." To understand this discrepancy, we undertook a bioinformatics study of AbrB and its homologs; these form a large superfamily, which includes SpoVT, PrlF, MraZ, addiction module antidotes (PemI, MazE), plasmid maintenance proteins (VagC, VapB), and archaeal PhoU homologs. MazE and MraZ form swapped-hairpin beta barrels. We therefore reexamined the fold of AbrB by NMR spectroscopy and found that it also forms a swapped-hairpin barrel. The conservation of the core betaalphabeta element supports a common evolutionary origin for swapped-hairpin and double-psi barrels, which we group into a higher-order class, the cradle-loop barrels, based on the peculiar shape of their ligand binding site.  相似文献   

To analyse the regulation of the nodulation (nod) genes of Rhizobium meliloti RCR2011 we have isolated lacZ gene fusions to a number of common, host-range and regulatory nod genes, using the mini-Mu-lac bacteriophage transposon MudII1734. Common (nodA, nodC, nod region IIa) and host-range (nodE, nodG, nodH) genes were found to be regulated similarly. They were activated (i) by the regulatory nodD1 gene in the presence of flavones such as chrysoeriol, luteolin and 7,3',4'-trihydroxyflavone, (ii) by nodD2 in the presence of alfalfa root exudate but not with the NodD1-activating flavones, and (iii) by the regulatory genes syrM-nodD3 even in the absence of plant inducers. Thus common and host-range nod genes belong to the same regulon. In contrast to the nodD1 gene, the regulatory nodD3 gene was not expressed constitutively and exhibited a complex regulation. It required syrM for expression, was activated by nodD1 in the presence of luteolin and was positively autoregulated.  相似文献   

TheinteractionbetweenRhizobiaandtheirspecifichostlegumesinvolvingthecomplicatedsequentialeventsresultsintheformationofsymbioticnitrogenfixationnodules[1].TheearlyeventforinitiatingthenoduleformationisgovernedbythenodgenesinRhizobium.Thenodgenesareregul…  相似文献   

The nodD3 gene ofRhizobium meliloti is transcribed via promoter P1 or P2. Gel retardation assay showed binding of SyrM to the P1 upstream region of nodD3. DNaseI footprint analysis demonstrated that the binding site of SyrM in nodD3 P1 region consists of two inverted repeat sequences arranged in tandem. SyrM seems to bind to DNA in the form of dimer or tetramer and requires the two inverted repeat sequences for binding. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 39370027).  相似文献   

Abstract Using a Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae strain harboring nodD :: lacZ or nodC :: lacZ translational fusions, grown in minimal media containing different concentrations of nitrate and/or ammonium salts, lacZ expression was monitored. Based on these experiments it is shown that the induction of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae nodD and nodABC operons by the flavanone naringenin is not regulated in response to nitrate and/or ammonium salts.  相似文献   

Xyloglucans are the principal glycans that interlace cellulose microfibrils in most flowering plants. The mur3 mutant of Arabidopsis contains a severely altered structure of this polysaccharide because of the absence of a conserved alpha-L-fucosyl-(1-->2)-beta-D-galactosyl side chain and excessive galactosylation at an alternative xylose residue. Despite this severe structural alteration, mur3 plants were phenotypically normal and exhibited tensile strength in their inflorescence stems comparable to that of wild-type plants. The MUR3 gene was cloned positionally and shown to encode a xyloglucan galactosyltransferase that acts specifically on the third xylose residue within the XXXG core structure of xyloglucan. MUR3 belongs to a large family of type-II membrane proteins that is evolutionarily conserved among higher plants. The enzyme shows sequence similarities to the glucuronosyltransferase domain of exostosins, a class of animal glycosyltransferases that catalyze the synthesis of heparan sulfate, a glycosaminoglycan with numerous roles in cell differentiation and development. This finding suggests that components of the plant cell wall and of the animal extracellular matrix are synthesized by evolutionarily related enzymes even though the structures of the corresponding polysaccharides are entirely different from each other.  相似文献   

The predicted protein sequence of the nodL gene from Rhizobium leguminosarum was screened against translations of the GenBank DNA sequence database. A very strong homology was found to lacA, which encodes thiogalactoside transferase; homology between NodL and the cysE gene product (serine acetyl transferase) was also found. Comparison of the conserved regions of the three protein sequences indicated a domain that may be an active site of the enzymes.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus, an autochthonous inhabitant of the estuarine environment, was detected in water and oysters from the Great Bay Estuary System of New Hampshire and Maine. Previously, it had not been detected north of Boston Harbor on the east coast of the United States. V. vulnificus was detected in water and shellfish samples at five out of ten sites, and only in areas that were not open to recreational shellfishing. Although samples were collected from May into December, V. vulnificus was only detected in shellfish in July and August. Water sampling began in August, and V. vulnificus persisted at one site into October.  相似文献   

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