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The algistatic properties of aqueous barley straw (Hordeum vulgare) extracts have been observed in laboratory studies and in situ. This reported algistatic property has been used by farmers and horticulturists to control algal blooms in various systems and has become standard practice in some areas. However, both inhibition and stimulation of algal growth in freshwater and marine species have been demonstrated. While the number of taxa known to be inhibited by barley straw has increased, comparatively little has been done to isolate and classify the compound(s) responsible for this algistatic effect. A microplate assay system using Microcystis aeruginosa was developed to isolate and identify the inhibitory components of barley straw extract. M. aeruginosa was selected for the bioassay because it is consistently inhibited by barley straw extract in studies conducted by our laboratory and others. The 24-well plate assay utilizes in vivo fluorescence monitoring with a TECAN GENios plate reader to determine chlorophyll-a levels in each culture. Fractionation and partial chemical characterization of inhibitory extracts suggests that the inhibitors are polyphenolics with molecular weights (MW) between 1,000 and 3,000 Da. Percolation of the aqueous extract through a Polyamide CC6 resin or through various MW cutoff filters resulted in the loss of algistatic activity, which confirms this assertion, while hydrolysis resulted in little change in the activity profile. Fractionation by HPLC methods yielded a highly potent multi-compound fraction, showing toxicity at 353 mg L−1 and algistatic activity between 11.1 and 3.53 mg L−1.  相似文献   

A short-term laboratory study was conductedto investigate the effect of barley strawin controlling several common phytoplanktonand cyanobacterial species. Following aone-month incubation of barley straw incoarsely filtered fresh Potomac River andbrackish Patuxent River waters, the growthof six autotrophic taxa was followed inculture. Barley straw slurry reduced theyield of three taxa (Ankistrodesmusfalcatus, Chlorella capsulata, Isochrysis sp.) in comparison withcultures not receiving the slurry. Although no significant changes in growthwere detected with three other taxa (Cyclotella sp., Prorocentrumminimum, freshwater Pseudanabaenasp.), some patterns indicated potentialimpacts of the barley straw. First, ahigher addition of straw to Cyclotella sp. resulted in a lower biomassaccumulation than in cultures receivinglower levels. Second, the bloom-formingdinoflagellate Prorcentrum minimumwas apparently stimulated at low barleystraw levels, perhaps suggesting conditionsassociated with the straw(metals-chelation, bacterial-producednutrients) might stimulate dinoflagellategrowth. Third, species shifts wereobserved in two of the cultures, withbarley straw favoring shifts from Isochrysis to a Cyclotella sp. –Thalassiosira sp. mixture and shiftsfrom Pseudanabaena to a Pseudanabaena – Scenedesmus mixture. These results provide new records for thesusceptibility of freshwater and brackishphytoplankton taxa to barley strawexposure, including species-specificresponses and shifts in species dominancein mixed assemblages.  相似文献   

Summary From an F1 hybrid between the two barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars Golden Promise and Mazurka a series of doubled haploid (DH) lines were generated both from microspores by anther culture and from immature zygotic embryos after hybridization withH. bulbosum. The DH lines from both sources were used to monitor the segregation of the five major genes, rachilla hair length, DDT susceptibility, height, C hordein polymorphism and mildew resistance. Whereas the microspore-derived samples showed significant departures from the expected 11 ratio for three of the five genes, theH. bulbosum lines showed deviation for only one gene. Analysis of linkage data also showed differences between the two series of DH lines. Cytogenetic analysis revealed a mean chiasma frequency in theH. bulbosum lines which was very similar to the F1 hybrid. In contrast, four of the ten microspore derived lines examined showed a reduced chiasma frequency. One showed evidence of translocation heterozygosity.  相似文献   

Bioassays were conducted to determine the efficacy of barley straw liquor in controlling algal growth of 12 freshwater species of algae representing three divisions. Barley straw liquor inhibited the growth of three nuisance algae common in freshwater: Synura petersenii, Dinobyron sp., and Microcystis aeruginosa. However, Selenastrum capricornutum, Spirogyra sp., Oscillatoria lutea var. contorta, and Navicula sp. had significantly increased growth in the presence of straw liquor. The growth of the remainder, Ulothrix fimbriata, Scenedesmus quadricauda, Chlorella vulgaris, Anabaena flos-aquae, and Synedra sp. showed no significant difference from controls. In a related field study, we treated four of six ponds with barley straw and monitored their chlorophyll a levels for one growing season. While phytoplankton populations in all ponds decreased in midsummer, the phytoplankton biomass in treated ponds did not differ significantly from that of control ponds, suggesting that the application of barley straw had no effect on algal growth in these systems.  相似文献   

Summary A diallel cross analysis of gum content in barley (Hordeum vulgare) was made using six cultivars of two-rowed spring barley as parents. A Jinks-Hayman analysis of F2 progeny means showed that gum content was controlled by a simple additive-dominance genetic system and that low gum content was strongly dominant. The analysis suggested that gum content was principally controlled by two or three genes showing a high degree of dominance. Some genotype-environment interaction was detected in a comparison between the F2 and F3 generations which were grown in different years and locations. However, the character was found to be highly heritable both within and between generations, suggesting that the selection and breeding of barleys of reduced gum content should not be difficult.  相似文献   

Isolated chloroplasts of barley seedlings ( Hordeum vulgare L.) when kept in light, released a soluble, thermostable factor that inhibited phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) in vitro . Highest inhibition was found when chloroplasts were suspended in PAL-containing extract and kept in light. Efficiency of PAL activity inhibition did not depend greatly on the type of medium used for chloroplast isolation, nor on the composition of buffer in which the enzymatic activity was measured. It is proposed that in green tissues chloroplasts may participate in regulation of cytoplasmic PAL activity.  相似文献   

A map of the barley genome consisting of 295 loci was constructed. These loci include 152 cDNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), 114 genomic DNA RFLP, 14 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), five isozyme, two morphological, one disease resistance and seven specific amplicon polymorphism (SAP) markers. The RFLP-identified loci include 63 that were detected using cloned known function genes as probes. The map covers 1,250 centiMorgans (cM) with a 4.2 cM average distance between markers. The genetic lengths of the chromosomes range from 124 to 223 cM and are in approximate agreement with their physical lengths. The centromeres were localized to within a few markers on all of the barley chromosomes except chromosome 5. Telomeric regions were mapped for the short (plus) arms of chromosomes 1, 2 and 3 and the long (minus) arm of chromosomes 7.This research was also supported by other members of the NABGMP: K. Kasha, Department of Crop Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada NIG 2W1; W. Kim, Agriculture Canada Research Station, 195 Dafoe Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2M9; A. Laroche, Agriculture Canada Research Station, P.O. Box 3000 Main, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada,TU 4B1; S. Molnar, Plant Research Centre Agriculture Canada, Central Experimental farm, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0C6; G. Scoles, Department of Crop Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N OWOThis research is part of the North American Barley Genome Mapping Project, R. A. Nilan and K. Kasha, Coordinator and Associate Coordinator, respectively Permanent address: Department of Plant Genetics, NI Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow  相似文献   

Summary A crossing programme for trispecific hybridization including cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) as the third parent was carried out. The primary hybrids comprised 11 interspecific combinations, each of which had either H. jubatum or H. lechleri as one of the parents. The second parent represented species closely or distantly related to H. jubatum and H. lechleri. In trispecific crosses with diploid barley, the seed set was 5.7%. Crosses with tetraploid barley were highly unsuccessful (0.2% seed set). Three lines of diploid barley were used in the crosses, i.e. Gull, Golden Promise and Vada. Generally, cv Gull had high crossability in crosses with related species in the primary hybrid. It is suggested that Gull has a genetic factor for crossability not present in cv Vada and cv Golden Promise. One accession of H. brachyantherum used in the primary hybrid had a very high crossability (seed set 54.7%) in combination with cv Vada but no viable offspring was produced. In all, two trispecific hybrids were raised, viz. (H. lechleri x H. brevisubulatum) x Gull (2n=7–30) and (H. jubatum x H. lechleri) x Gull (2n=20–22). The first combination invariably had a full complement of seven barley chromosomes plus an additional chromosome no. 7, but a varying number of chromosomes (19–22) of the wild-species hybrid. The second combination had a full set of barley chromosomes. The meiotic pairing was low in both combinations.  相似文献   

 Electroporation is becoming an increasingly important technique for plant transformation. Nevertheless, no positive results were achieved in barley when uninucleate microspores were used as target cells. Since it was previously demonstrated that electric shocks create pores in the microspore cell wall, experiments were designed to verify the presence of nucleases in the electroporation mix. Aliquots of all the solutions used for microspore extraction, purification and transformation were collected and analysed using supercoiled pBI 221 as a substrate; a nuclease activity was detected in all samples. Though microspore rinsing removed most nucleolytic activity in the supernatants, DNA preservation in the electroporation buffer was difficult to achieve, because microspores appeared capable of synthesising and releasing endonucleases at any time. Microspore chilling at 0°C was fairly effective in reducing nuclease secretion in the mix, whereas 1%PEG or 10 mM EDTA maintained most of the DNA in a supercoiled or circular relaxed form. EDTA effects were counterbalanced by Mg2+, but not Ca2+ or Zn2+, and enhanced by Mn2+. Barley microspore nucleases actively degraded different DNAs as well as TMV RNA, and apparently had a molecular weight above 30 kDa. Nuclease inactivation with EDTA did not alter microspore viability and allowed a transient expression of the uidA gene in electroporated barley microspores. Received: 13 January 1997 / Accepted: 28 February 1997  相似文献   

Summary Barley yellow dwarf (BYDV) is a group a closely related viruses which cause economic losses in a wide range of graminaceous species throughout the world. Barley plants can be protected from the effects of BYDV by the Yd2 resistance gene. Plants which contain the Yd2 gene also contain a constitutively expressed polypeptide which was not found in any plants without Yd2. Conversely, BYDV susceptible plants contain another constitutively expressed polypeptide which was not found in any of the BYDV-resistant lines examined. These two polypeptides appear to have the same molecular weight (as assessed by SDS-PAGE) and only slightly different iso-electric points. They also appear to contain an extensive range of similar antigenic determinants. Both polypeptides were found in F1 hybrids made from resistant and susceptible plants. We suggest that these two polypeptides are the products of two allelic genes. Analysis of near-isogenic lines showed that the locus which controls the Yd2 resistance gene and the locus controlling the synthesis of the two polypeptides may be within ± 9 cM of each other. We have developed a Western blot technique which allows assessment of barley lines, 4-days after seed imbibition, for the presence of the Yd2 gene.  相似文献   

Summary A possible method of manipulating allelopathy would be to develop crop varieties showing an increased tolerance to allelopathic chemicals. We therefore examined four flax (Linum usitatissimum) varieties and two wild Linum species in the presence of p-coumaric acid and four barley (Hordeum vulgare) varieties in the presence of p-coumaric acid, scopoletin and wild oat (Avena fatua) extract. Analysis of variance indicates significant interaction between variety and treatment for shoot and root growth for seedling flax, shoot growth for older flax, and root growth for seedling barley. These differences in tolerance between varieties could be exploited to develop-varieties with greater tolerances to the allelochemicals produced by weeds or in crop residues and therefore potentially more tolerant of the presence of weeds.  相似文献   

Summary Three acrotrisomic lines, Triplo IL1S, 3L3S, and 4L4S, each carrying an extra acrocentric chromosome, were used for cytogenetic linkage mapping of barley chromosomes. The cytological structures of the acrocentric chromosome of the three acrotrisomic lines were studied with an improved Giemsa N-banding technique. The long (1L) and short arm (1S) of chromosome 1 had deficiencies of approximately 38% and 65%, respectively. The percentages of deficiencies were 0 and 77.8% for 3L and 3S, and 31.7 and 59.3% for 4L and 4S, respectively. All three genes tested (br, f c , gs3) in 1S and all three genes tested, f8, n and 1k2 in 1L showed a disomic ratio indicating that they are located in the deficient segments. Two genes (a c , yst2) located in the middle segment of 3S in linkage map showed a trisomic ratio, and two others a n , x s showed a disomic ratio. The only gene(f9) tested in 4L showed a trisomic ratio. Two genes (1g4, g1) located in the proximal segment of 4S in the linkage map showed a trisomic ratio, whereas two genes (br2, g13) located distally in 4S showed a disomic ratio, indicating that the breakage occurred between g1 and br2. This experiment demonstrates a new method for physical localization of genes on chromosome segments in material such as barley in which pachytene analysis can not be effectively used for accurate determination of break points in structural changes. Problems associated with this new technique are discussed.Contribution from the Department of Agronomy and published with the approval of the Director of Colorado State University Experiment Station as Scientific Series Paper No. 2823. Supported by USDA/SEA Competitive Research Grant Nos. 5901-0410-9-0334-0 and 82-CRCR-1-1020 and USDA-CSU Cooperative Research Grant 58-9AHZ-2-265  相似文献   

Summary The objective was to find the optimum range of water contents for inducing better growth, physiological efficiency and yield potential of barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L. var. K18). A pot culture experiment was conducted in the Division of Crop Physiology and Biochemistry Kanpur-2. The plants were subjected to various soil moisture stresses,i.e., 0.15, 0.30, 0.45, 0.60 and 0.75 atm tension throughout the crop growth period measured by irrometers.Plants maintained at 0.45 soil moisture tension required 19.07 litre of water and had the best water use efficiency (1765 mg dm/litre of water) which favourably influenced the leaf water balance (85.9%), plant growth as measured by plant height (85.4 cm) and tiller production (35.6) per hill, photosynthetic efficiency (2.185 mg CO2/g dm/h), grain number (722) and grain yield (33.7 g) per hill while plants irrigated at a tension greater than 0.45 SMT did not develop as well. However, protein and gluten percentage increased gradually with the subsequent increase in soil moisture tension. On the other hand respiration rate (2.090 mg CO2/g dm/hr) and leaf area (4375 cm2) were recorded to be the highest at 0.60 and 0.30 atm SMT respectively.Thus it is suggested that for reaping high harvest of barley crop, the physiological need of water (19.07 litre) in total of plant life should be made available through scheduled irrigation based on maintenance of plant at 0.45 SMT from seeding to maturity.  相似文献   

Winterhardiness in cereals is the consequence of a number of complex and interacting component characters: cold tolerance, vernalization requirement, and photoperiod sensitivity. An understanding of the genetic basis of these component traits should allow for more-effective selection. Genome map-based analyses hold considerable promise for dissecting complex phenotypes. A 74-point linkage map was developed from 100 doubled haploid lines derived from a winter x spring barley cross and used as the basis for quantitative trait locus (QTL) analyses to determine the chromosome location of genes controlling components of winterhardiness. Despite the greater genome coverage provided by the current map, a previously-reported interval on chromosome 7 remains the only region where significant QTL effects for winter survival were detected in this population. QTLs for growth habit and heading date, under 16 h and 24 h light, map to the same region. A QTL for heading date under these photoperiod regimes also maps to chromosome 2. Contrasting alleles at these loci interact in an epistatic fashion. A distinct set of QTLs mapping to chromosomes 1, 2, 3, and 5 determined heading date under 8 h of light. Under field conditions, all QTLs identified under controlled environment conditions were determinants of heading date. Patterns of differential QTL expression, coupled with additive and additive x additive QTL effects, underscore the complexity of winterhardiness. The presence of unique phenotype combinations in the mapping population suggests that coincident QTLs for heading date and winter survival represent the effects of linkage rather than pleiotropy.  相似文献   

For transformation and somatic hybridisation of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.), it is necessary to develop an efficient and reliable system for routne plant regeneration from protoplasts. Freshly-isolated cell suspension-derived protoplasts were treated with both rectangular and exponential electric pulses with the aim of increasing plating efficiency as well as to stimulate regenerative capacity. Suspensions were initiated from callus from immature embryos of barley (cv. Dissa). Increasing field strength, capicitance, or number of applied pulses resulted in a decreased protoplast viability and plating efficency. However, the regeneration of albino leaves and albino plantlets from electro-treated protoplasts was stimulated in comparison with controls.  相似文献   

Seven biochemical loci, AmpA, Amy1, Amy2, Est-H5, Hor1, Hor2, and Wsp-H1, have been intrachromosomally mapped in the barley genome using a previously published RFLP-based genetic map. In all cases, the map locations confirmed prior chromosome assignments and agreed closely with the map positions of their homoeoloci in hexaploid wheat.  相似文献   

 This study was conducted to detect the optimum conditions for DNA transfer into mature embryos of barley via electroporation. Cultured mature embryos of barley were directly electroporated in the presence of the pBI 121 vector carrying both the β-glucuronidase (GUS) and neomycin phosphotransferase II (npt II) genes. It was found that 500 v/cm and 500 μFd capacitance was the optimum combination for healthy germination of the transformed plants from mature electroporated embryos. Effects of culture duration before electroporation and selection antibiotic concentrations on germination were also examined. Gene transfer performed on 3-day-old cultures resulted in the highest germination frequencies. GUS expression was observed on transversal sections of embryos and mature leaves from 3 month-old regenerants. PCR and Southern blot analyses show the presence of the npt II transgene in the genome of a plant. Received: 15 June 1999 / Revision received: 27 September 1999 / Accepted: 26 October 1999  相似文献   

A cDNA library containing approximately 5,000 clones from germinating barley embryos was constructed and used to examine the variation in gene expression patterns during the first 4 days postimbibition. The expression profiles of embryos (including scutellum) from 4 to 96 h postimbibition were compared to a reference profile from 24 h postimbibition using microarray analysis. A subset of clones exhibiting tenfold or greater differential expression patterns was sequenced to elucidate function. All of the sequenced clones could be identified to at least EST level with 64% exhibiting homology to published protein sequences. Almost 95% of the library exhibited similar expression levels at the 4 h time point as at the 24 h reference point. From 24 to 96 h, however, considerable fluctuations in gene expression occurred. The observed patterns of gene expression for the classified genes are consistent with the expected genetic changes required to prepare an embryo for germinative development. A replicate set of clones for the 23-kDa jasmonate-induced protein was identified. The current data not only provides conclusive evidence for the expression patterns of this abundant stress-response protein in germinating embryos, but also serves to validate previous research into JIP-23 isoforms, function and the relationship between timing of mRNA upregulation and protein abundance.  相似文献   

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