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The objective was to investigate the genetic epidemiology of figural stimuli. Standard figural stimuli were available from 5,325 complete twin pairs: 1,751 (32.9%) were monozygotic females, 1,068 (20.1%) were dizygotic females, 752 (14.1%) were monozygotic males, 495 (9.3%) were dizygotic males, and 1,259 (23.6%) were dizygotic male-female pairs. Univariate twin analyses were used to examine the influences on the individual variation in current body size and ideal body size. These data were analysed separately for men and women in each of five age groups. A factorial analysis of variance, with polychoric correlations between twin pairs as the dependent variable, and age, sex, zygosity, and the three interaction terms (age x sex, age x zygosity, sex x zygosity) as independent variables, was used to examine trends across the whole data set. Results showed genetic influences had the largest impact on the individual variation in current body size measures, whereas non-shared environmental influences were associated with the majority of individual variation in ideal body size. There was a significant main effect of zygosity (heritability) in predicting polychoric correlations for current body size and body dissatisfaction. There was a significant main effect of gender and zygosity in predicting ideal body size, with a gender x zygosity interaction. In common with BMI, heritability is important in influencing the estimation of current body size. Selection of desired body size for both men and women is more strongly influenced by environmental factors.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to evaluate the contribution of the genetic and environmental factors to the risk of teenage childbearing, and to study whether life style, socio-economic conditions, and personality traits could explain possible familial effects. We linked two population-based registers: the Swedish Twin Register and the Swedish Medical Birth Register. The study covers female twin pairs born between 1953 and 1958, having their first infant before the age of 30 years (n = 1885). In order to separate familial effects from other environmental influences, and genetic effects from shared environmental effects, only complete twin pairs with known zygosity were included, in all 260 monozygotic and 370 dizygotic twin pairs. We used quantitative genetic analyses to evaluate the importance of genetic and environmental effects for liability to teenage childbearing. Logistic regression analyses were used to estimate the effects of life style, socio-economic situation, and personality on the probability of teenage childbearing, and to study whether psychosocial factors could explain possible familial effects. Fifty-nine percent (0-76%) of the variance in being a teenage mother was attributable to heritable factors; 0% (0-49%) was due to shared environmental factors; and 41% (23-67%) was explained by non-shared environmental factors. Thus, the data were consistent with the hypothesis that the familial aggregation of teenage childbearing is completely explained by genetic factors, although the alternative hypothesis that familial aggregation is entirely explained by shared environmental factors cannot be ruled out. Significant effects of smoking habits, housing conditions, and educational level were found in relation to liability to teenage childbearing. However, the familial effects on risk of teenage childbearing were not mediated through similarities in life style and socio-economic factors. When studying risk factors for teenage childbearing, it is recommended to include life style and socio-economic variables as well as information about family history of teenage childbearing. Twin Research (2000) 3, 23-27.  相似文献   

For zygosity diagnosis in the absence of genotypic data, or in the recruitment phase of a twin study where only single twins from same-sex pairs are being screened, or to provide a test for sample duplication leading to the false identification of a dizygotic pair as monozygotic, the appropriate analysis of respondents' answers to questions about zygosity is critical. Using data from a young adult Australian twin cohort (N = 2094 complete pairs and 519 singleton twins from same-sex pairs with complete responses to all zygosity items), we show that application of latent class analysis (LCA), fitting a 2-class model, yields results that show good concordance with traditional methods of zygosity diagnosis, but with certain important advantages. These include the ability, in many cases, to assign zygosity with specified probability on the basis of responses of a single informant (advantageous when one zygosity type is being oversampled); and the ability to quantify the probability of misassignment of zygosity, allowing prioritization of cases for genotyping as well as identification of cases of probable laboratory error. Out of 242 twins (from 121 like-sex pairs) where genotypic data were available for zygosity confirmation, only a single case was identified of incorrect zygosity assignment by the latent class algorithm. Zygosity assignment for that single case was identified by the LCA as uncertain (probability of being a monozygotic twin only 76%), and the co-twin's responses clearly identified the pair as dizygotic (probability of being dizygotic 100%). In the absence of genotypic data, or as a safeguard against sample duplication, application of LCA for zygosity assignment or confirmation is strongly recommended.  相似文献   

For a quantitative genetic study of pre-school problem behaviours, we have collected data with the Child Behavior Checklist for 2 and 3-year-old children (CBCL 2/3). Questionnaires were completed by mothers of 3620 twin pairs: 633 monozygotic males, 581 dizygotic males, 695 monozygotic females, 519 dizygotic females and 1192 dizygotic opposite sex twin pairs. The genetic and environmental influences on the Externalising and Internalising Problem scales were estimated, simultaneously with sex differences and sibling interaction effects. Genetic factors explained most of the observed variance for both Externalising and Internalising Problems. Cooperative sibling interactions were found for Externalising Problems, indicating that twins reinforce each other's behaviour. Sex differences in genetic architecture were found for Externalising Problems. Genetic factors explained 75% of the variance in girls and 50% in boys. Shared environmental influences were only of importance in boys. For both problem scales, non-shared environmental factors accounted for 25 to 32% of the variance. The observed variances of Internalising Problems could be adequately explained by genetic and nonshared environmental factors, with genetic factors accounting for 68% of the variance.  相似文献   

Diagnostic advances have made it possible to use ultrasonograph to assess placentation and therefore zygosity in utero in the case of monochorionic-monozygotic twins. Foetal behaviour of 15 monozygotic and 15 unlike-sexed dizygotic twin pairs was studied serially with ultrasounds from 10 to 22 weeks gestational age. Each twin, regardless of its zygosity, showed individualised behavioural styles. One twin was found to be 'dominant' in the sense of being more active, but less reactive, possibly due to the fewer stimuli being generated by its co-twin. Monozygotic twins, as opposed to dizygotic twins, showed greater similarities in activity and reactivity levels, but were never behaviourally identical and decreased in likeness with increasing age. Our data suggest that so-called identical twins are very similar, but not behaviourally identical, from very early in pregnancy. The unequally shared intrauterine environment contributes to putting each monozygotic twin on a progressively distinct behavioural path.  相似文献   

Craniofacial anomalies in twins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies of twins provide insight into the relative contribution of genetic and environmental factors in the causality of structural anomalies. Thirty-five affected twin pairs were identified from a group of 1114 patients with congenital craniofacial deformities evaluated from 1972 to 1989. Forty-three of these 70 twins exhibited one or more craniofacial anomalies; these were analyzed for dysmorphic characteristics, zygosity, concordance, and family history. The anomalies were categorized into two groups: malformations and deformations. The malformations (n = 36) included hemifacial microsomia (n = 10), cleft lip and palate (n = 8), cleft palate (n = 4), rare facial cleft (n = 2), craniosynostosis (n = 2), Binder syndrome (n = 2), Treacher Collins syndrome (n = 2), craniopagus (n = 2), CHARGE association (n = 1), frontonasal dysplasia (n = 2), and constricted ears (n = 1). The deformations (n = 7) included plagiocephaly (n = 5), hemifacial hypoplasia (n = 1), and micrognathia (n = 1). Twenty-one monozygotic and 14 dizygotic twin pairs were identified. The concordance rate was 33 percent for monozygotic twins and 7 percent for dizygotic twins.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Genetic control of adrenergic receptors on human platelets. A twin study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It was examined whether genetic factors are involved in the expression of alpha-2 adrenergic receptors on human platelets, as measured with 3H-yohimbine as ligand. The twin series comprised 17 monozygotic and 15 dizygotic adult, healthy, male, drug-free twin pairs. For control of intraindividual and interassay variation, 13 unrelated pairs of subjects were examined. Bmax values for 3H-yohimbine binding (range 91-305 fmol/mg protein) proved to be under considerable genetic control; this was not the case for KD values. Different possible genetic mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Identifying environmental risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders is challenging due to the number of potential confounders. Twins are of particular interest for researchers interested in studying these types of problems due to their inherent control for the influence of genetic factors. In twin studies, this population can allow environmental risk factors to be more easily identified, and this type of study design may allow the role of biomechanics in injury and disease to be further explored. At present, it is unclear if foot function displays more similarity between certain types of twins. In this study, we hypothesized that the plantar pressures of monozygotic (identical) twins would be more similar between pairs than dizygotic (non-identical) twins. We measured static and dynamic plantar pressures from five pairs of each twin type. Statistical parametric modeling was used to compare pressure distributions at the sensor level. For >80% of stance phase, the pixel level analysis indicated that monozygotic twins had less variation in plantar pressure between pairs. The average z-statistic across the entire trial was 0.88 for the monozygotic group and 1.13 for the dizygotic group. In this study we provide evidence of greater similarity of plantar pressures in monozygotic twin pairs compared to dizygotic twins. This finding supports the use of co-twin studies investigating potentially modifiable environmental and biomechanical risk factors for musculoskeletal conditions that affect the foot and ankle.  相似文献   

To address the limitations in current classic twin/family research on the genetic and/or environmental causes of human methylomic variation, we measured blood DNA methylation for 479 women (mean age 56 years) including 66 monozygotic (MZ), 66 dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs and 215 sisters of twins, and 11 random technical duplicates using the HumanMethylation450 array. For each methylation site, we estimated the correlation for pairs of duplicates, MZ twins, DZ twins, and siblings, fitted variance component models by assuming the variation is explained by genetic factors, by shared and individual environmental factors, and by independent measurement error, and assessed the best fitting model. We found that the average (standard deviation) correlations for duplicate, MZ, DZ, and sibling pairs were 0.10 (0.35), 0.07 (0.21), -0.01 (0.14) and -0.04 (0.07). At the genome-wide significance level of 10?7, 93.3% of sites had no familial correlation, and 5.6%, 0.1%, and 0.2% of sites were correlated for MZ, DZ, and sibling pairs. For 86.4%, 6.9%, and 7.1% of sites, the best fitting model included measurement error only, a genetic component, and at least one environmental component. For the 13.6% of sites influenced by genetic and/or environmental factors, the average proportion of variance explained by environmental factors was greater than that explained by genetic factors (0.41 vs. 0.37, P value <10?15). Our results are consistent with, for middle-aged woman, blood methylomic variation measured by the HumanMethylation450 array being largely explained by measurement error, and more influenced by environmental factors than by genetic factors.  相似文献   

In an earlier report, we evaluated familial factors in deaths from all causes before age 62 among the 31,848 white male twin veterans who were followed during 1946–1978 through the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Twin Registry. We now report data for this group on twin concordances and heritabilities of cancer recorded on the death certificate as an underlying or associated cause. The study subjects have a mortality from cancer 0.88 times, and one from all causes 0.84 times, that of U.S. white males [12], but this is very similar to the mortality of other U.S. veterans [9].

Among 11,350 monozygotic (MZ) and 14,450 dizygotic (DZ) individuals in twin pairs alive on January 1, 1946, 1,162 MZ and 1,646 DZ individuals died before January 1, 1979. Cancer was diagnosed for 223 MZ and 323 DZ twins as an underlying or associated cause of death. Among the latter were 176 MZ and 274 DZ pairs with the only death in the pair a cancer death, 10 MZ and eight DZ pairs concordant for cancer, and 12 MZ and 14 DZ pairs in which the first death in the pair from cancer was followed by death of the other twin from another cause. When account is taken of the three MZ and two DZ pairs concordant for lung cancer, most likely related to cigarette smoking, the twin cancer death concordance rates are very low, and they are not appreciably different between the two zygosity groups.

Genetic factors may be important in some specific forms of cancer. However, these data suggest that genetic factors and early familial environment, generally shared by twin-pair members, do not contribute much to mortality from most cancers between 30 and 60 years of age.


Risk factors to prolonged fatigue syndromes (PFS) are controversial. Pre-morbid and/or current psychiatric disturbance, and/or disturbed cell-mediated immunity (CMI), have been proposed as etiologic factors. Self-report measures of fatigue and psychologic distress and three in vitro measures of CMI were collected from 124 twin pairs. Crosstwin-crosstrait correlations were estimated for the complete monozygotic (MZ; 79 pairs) and dizygotic (DZ; 45 pairs) twin groups. Multivariate genetic and environmental models were fitted to explore the patterns of covariation between etiologic factors. For fatigue, the MZ correlation was more than double the DZ correlation (0.49 versus 0.16) indicating strong genetic control of familial aggregation. By contrast, for in vitro immune activation measures MZ and DZ correlations were similar (0.49-0.69 versus 0.42-0.53) indicating the etiologic role of shared environments. As small univariate associations were noted between prolonged fatigue and the in vitro immune measures (r = -0.07 to -0.12), multivariate models were fitted. Relevant etiologic factors included: a common genetic factor accounting for 48% of the variance in fatigue which also accounted for 4%, 6% and 8% reductions in immune activation; specific genetic factors for each of the in vitro immune measures; a shared environment factor influencing the three immune activation measures; and, most interestingly, unique environmental influences which increased fatigue but also increased markers of immune activation. PFS that are associated with in vitro measures of immune activation are most likely to be the consequence of current environmental rather than genetic factors. Such environmental factors could include physical agents such as infection and/or psychologic stress.  相似文献   


This study examines the responses of mothers of twin girls about similarities and differences of their monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins. After these measures had been completed and scored, the investigator obtained zygosity diagnoses of the twins made by extensive blood‐group analyses. Of the 61 pairs of twins, 11 were misclassified by their mothers. Despite these mothers’ erroneous beliefs about the zygosity of their twins, they described the twins as having similarities and differences appropriate to their true degree of genetic relatedness.  相似文献   

Data from 16-year-old Finnish twin pairs were used to estimate familial effects on religiosity and the modification of those effects by sex and residential region. The sample of 2265 twin boys and 2521 twin girls formed 779 monozygotic and 1614 dizygotic pairs, 785 of the same sex and 829 of opposite sex. We compared religiosity scores of twins living in more rural and traditional northern Finland with those living in the more urban and secular southern region. Girls had higher religiosity scores than did boys, and twins living in northern Finland had higher religiosity scores than those resident in southern Finland. Correlations for monozygotic twins were slightly higher than those for dizygotic twins, and covariance modeling found modest heritability of religiosity [11% (95% CI 0-24) for girls; 22% (95% CI 6-38) for boys], and substantial shared environmental effects [60% (95% CI 49-69) and 45% (95% CI 31-57)] among girls and boys, respectively. The correlation between shared environmental effects in boys and girls was estimated to be 0.84 (95% CI 0.73-0.99). In analyses distinguishing region of residence, girls living in southern Finland were found to have significantly higher unshared environmental effects than girls in northern Finland, while boys living in the urban south appeared to have lower shared environmental effects, and higher additive genetic effects, than boys living in the rural north.  相似文献   

The relative importance of genetic influences (heritability) on five general textural quality characteristics of the human iris was assessed using sex and age limitation models. Colour photographs of irises were available from 100 monozygotic twin pairs, 99 dizygotic twin pairs, and 99 unrelated randomly paired age-matched German subjects. Comparative scales were constructed and two judges who were blind to zygosity independently rated five characteristic of the subjects' left iris. Inter-rater reliabilities were larger than.90 for all five scales. The heritabilities for the five iris characteristics ranged from.51-.90. No sex-specific genetic factors were found for the iris characteristics. Age-group differences in heritability were found for one of the five iris characteristics - "distinction of white dot rings". Heritability was greater for the older cohort (90%) than the younger (73%). The iris characteristics that showed the next highest additive-genetic effect were "contractional furrows" (78%) and "frequency of crypts" in the main stroma leaf (66%).  相似文献   

Differences in genetic background and/or environmental exposure among individuals are expected to give rise to differences in measurable characteristics, or phenotypes. Consequently, genetic resemblance and similarities in environment should manifest as similarities in phenotypes. The metabolome reflects many of the system properties, and is therefore an important part of the phenotype. Nevertheless, it has not yet been examined to what extent individuals sharing part of their genome and/or environment indeed have similar metabolomes. Here we present the results of hierarchical clustering of blood plasma lipid profile data obtained by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry from 23 healthy, 18-year-old twin pairs, of which 21 pairs were monozygotic, and 8 of their siblings. For 13 monozygotic twin pairs, within-pair similarities in relative concentrations of the detected lipids were indeed larger than the similarities with any other study participant. We demonstrate such high coclustering to be unexpected on basis of chance. The similarities between dizygotic twins and between nontwin siblings, as well as between nonfamilial participants, were less pronounced. In a number of twin pairs, within-pair dissimilarity of lipid profiles positively correlated with increased blood plasma concentrations of C-reactive protein in one twin. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that in healthy individuals, the individual genetic background contributes to the blood plasma lipid profile. Furthermore, lipid profiling may prove useful in monitoring health status, for example, in the context of personalized medicine.  相似文献   

Objectives : A twin‐based comparative study on the genetic influences in metabolic endophenotypes in two populations of substantial ethnic, environmental, and cultural differences was performed. Design and Methods : Data on 11 metabolic phenotypes including anthropometric measures, blood glucose, and lipids levels as well as blood pressure were available from 756 pairs of Danish twins (309 monozygotic and 447 dizygotic twin pairs) with a mean age of 38 years (range: 18‐67) and from 325 pairs of Chinese twins (183 monozygotic and 142 dizygotic twin pairs) with a mean age of 40.5 years (range: 18‐69). Twin modeling was performed on full and nested models with the best fitting models selected. Results : Heritability estimates were compared between Danish and Chinese samples to identify differential genetic influences on each of the phenotypes. Except for hip circumference, all other body measures exhibited similar heritability patterns in the two samples with body weight showing only a slight difference. Higher genetic influences were estimated for fasting blood glucose level in Chinese twins, whereas the Danish twins showed more genetic regulation over most lipids phenotypes. Systolic blood pressure was more genetically controlled in Danish than in Chinese twins. Conclusions : Metabolic endophenotypes show disparity in their genetic determinants in populations under distinct environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Attention to factors influencing cooperation and competition during human social interaction has increased within recent years. This study tested the hypothesis that higher levels of cooperation would be associated with increased genetic relatedness between interactants, and explored questions concerning the expression of cooperative behavior over time. A Prisoner’s Dilemma game, in which participants elect to display cooperative, competitive, or exploitative behaviors relative to a partner, was administered to 59 monozygotic and 37 dizygotic twin pairs, between 10.92 and 82.67 years of age. Results from multivariate analysis of variance procedures, cross-lag sequential analyses, and hierarchical linear modeling supported associations between zygosity, and frequency and continuity of cooperation. Mechanisms by which zygosity may affect cooperation were explored by examining relationships between response combinations, and twins’ IQ similarity and social closeness. The findings are considered with reference to an evolutionary perspective on behavior that offers a theoretical basis for considering how the relative genetic relatedness of social partners affects their social-interactional processes and outcomes. This report is the first in a series of studies designed to address mechanisms underlying differences in cooperation among pairs who vary in average genetic commonality.  相似文献   

To compare genetic and environmental factors that determine lung function and dimensions, chest radiographs and pulmonary function were measured in 17 pairs of nonsmoking twin adolescent boys (12 monozygotic pairs and 5 dizygotic pairs). Genetic factors dominated in tracheal width and lung dimensions (height, width, and apicofissural and fissurodiaphragmatic distances) at residual volume. Genetic factors also affected forced vital capacity, functional residual capacity, forced expiratory volume in 1 s, maximum expiratory flow at 25% vital capacity, and maximum flow at 50% vital capacity-to-forced vital capacity ratio. Peak expiratory flow correlated with tracheal width at residual volume. Age correlated with lung dimensions (width and depth) but not with tracheal width. These results indicate that genetic factors determine the dimensions and function of central airways, peripheral airways, and lung parenchyma in adolescent males. The effects of genetic factors on some functional measurements (airway resistance, closing volume-to-vital capacity ratio, and phase III in single-breath N2 washout) may be masked because of poor reproducibility of the tests.  相似文献   

We examined birth records from Japanese statistics, 1975–1994, to investigate the seasonality of twin births. We could identify 198 924 pairs of twins (97.9% of all the registered twin records) and estimated the numbers of mono- and dizygotic twin pairs. The seasonal index of the twinning rate for each month was calculated by dividing the crude rate by the estimated trend value for the month. There were significant variations in the seasonal index for overall, dizygotic and monozygotic twinning rates. Peak months with values more than 3% higher than expected were July and October–December for dizygotic twins, and April and June for monozygotic twins; these seasonalities were statistically significant by analysis of variance and the patterns were similar in recent years, with a sharp increase in the total twinning rate. When observed year-by-year, however, there were years that did not show these typical seasonalities. It is suggested that the mechanisms for probable seasonal variations in twinning rates are different for dizygotic and monozygotic twin pregnancies, and that factors involved in these variations are not effective every year. Received: 2 September 1998 / Revised: 6 May 1999 / Accepted: 26 May 1999  相似文献   

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