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Plants synthesize an astonishing diversity of isoprenoids, some of which play essential roles in photosynthesis, respiration, and the regulation of growth and development. Two independent pathways for the biosynthesis of isoprenoid precursors coexist within the plant cell: the cytosolic mevalonic acid (MVA) pathway and the plastidial methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway. In at least some plants (including Arabidopsis), common precursors are exchanged between the cytosol and the plastid. However, little is known about the signals that coordinate their biosynthesis and exchange. To identify such signals, we arrested seedling development by specifically blocking the MVA pathway with mevinolin (MEV) or the MEP pathway with fosmidomycin (FSM) and searched for MEV-resistant Arabidopsis mutants that also could survive in the presence of FSM. Here, we show that one such mutant, rim1, is a new phyB allele (phyB-m1). Although the MEV-resistant phenotype of mutant seedlings is caused by the upregulation of MVA synthesis, its resistance to FSM most likely is the result of an enhanced intake of MVA-derived isoprenoid precursors by the plastid. The analysis of other light-hyposensitive mutants showed that distinct light perception and signal transduction pathways regulate these two differential mechanisms for resistance, providing evidence for a coordinated regulation of the activity of the MVA pathway and the crosstalk between cell compartments for isoprenoid biosynthesis during the first stages of seedling development.  相似文献   

Distinct origins of adult and embryonic blood in Xenopus   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Ciau-Uitz A  Walmsley M  Patient R 《Cell》2000,102(6):787-796
Whether embryonic and adult blood derive from a single (yolk sac) or dual (yolk sac plus intraembryonic) origin is controversial. Here, we show, in Xenopus, that the yolk sac (VBI) and intraembryonic (DLP) blood compartments derive from distinct blastomeres in the 32-cell embryo. The first adult hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are thought to form in association with the floor of the dorsal aorta, and we have detected such aortic clusters in Xenopus using hematopoietic markers. Lineage tracing shows that the aortic clusters derive from the blastomere that gives rise to the DLP. These observations indicate that the first adult HSCs arise independently of the embryonic lineage.  相似文献   

Independent origins of self-compatibility in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The evolution from outcrossing based on self-incompatibility (SI) to a selfing system is one of the most prevalent transitions in flowering plants. It has been suggested that the loss of SI in Arabidopsis thaliana is associated with pseudogene formation at the SCR male component of the S locus. Recent work, however, suggests that alternative alleles with large deletions at the S locus are also present and may be responsible for the evolution of self-compatibility in this species. We demonstrate that most of these deletion alleles are evolutionarily derived from an S haplotype (haplogroups A) that already possessed the SCR pseudogene. This haplotype and its deletion variants are nearly fixed in Europe. Together with previous transgenic data, these results suggest that the pseudogenization of PsiSCR1 gene changed the SI phenotype in the majority of A. thaliana accessions, and was a critical step in the evolution of selfing in this species. Two other haplogroups (B and C) were also identified, the former of which contains a novel and possibly functional SCR allele. In contrast to haplogroups A, these two haplogroups are found primarily in Africa and Asia. These results suggest that self-compatibility, which appears to be fixed in this species, arose multiple times with different genetic bases, and indicates that a species-specific trait is associated with parallel evolution at the molecular level.  相似文献   

The direct involvment of the Wilm's tumor suppressor gene (WT1) in Denys-Drash syndrome through mutations within exons 8 or 9 has recently been established. The absence of such alterations in three patients with Frasier syndrome provides a molecular basis for distinguishing these two syndromes that are associated with streak gonads, pseudohermaphroditism and renal failure.  相似文献   

We present a novel graphical Gaussian modeling approach for reverse engineering of genetic regulatory networks with many genes and few observations. When applying our approach to infer a gene network for isoprenoid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana, we detect modules of closely connected genes and candidate genes for possible cross-talk between the isoprenoid pathways. Genes of downstream pathways also fit well into the network. We evaluate our approach in a simulation study and using the yeast galactose network.  相似文献   

The interplay of balancing selection within a species and rapid gene evolution between species can confound our ability to determine the functional equivalence of interspecific and intergeneric pairs of alleles underlying reproduction. In crucifer plants, mating specificity in the barrier to self-fertilization called self-incompatibility (SI) is controlled by allele-specific interactions between two highly polymorphic and co-evolving proteins, the S-locus receptor kinase (SRK) and its S-locus cysteine rich (SCR) ligand. These proteins have diversified both within and between species such that it is often difficult to determine from sequence information alone if they encode the same or different SI specificity. The self-fertile Arabidopsis thaliana was derived from an obligate outbreeding ancestor by loss of self-incompatibility, often in conjunction with inactivation of SRK or SCR. Nevertheless, some accessions of A. thaliana can express self-incompatibility upon transformation with an SRKSCR gene pair isolated from its self-incompatible close relative A. lyrata. Here we show that several additional and highly diverged SRK/SCR genes from A. lyrata and another crucifer plant, Capsella grandiflora, confer self-incompatibility in A. thaliana, either as intact genes isolated from genomic libraries or after manipulation to generate chimeric fusions. We describe how the use of this newly developed chimeric protein strategy has allowed us to test the functional equivalence of SRK/SCR gene pairs from different taxa and to assay the functionality of endogenous A. thaliana SRK and SCR sequences.MATING reactions in plants, fungi, and animals are strongly influenced by molecular recognition machineries that act as gauges of genetic relatedness (Brown and Casselton 2001; Nasrallah 2005; Yamazaki and Beauchamp 2007). Many plants with hermaphroditic flowers have evolved inbreeding avoidance mechanisms, known as self-incompatibility (SI) systems. These systems are based on the ability of the female reproductive apparatus (the pistil) to discriminate among genetically distinct pollen grains, resulting in the failure of self-pollination despite functional female and male reproductive structures. In the Brassicaceae (crucifers), specific recognition of pollen by the epidermal cells of the stigma (a structure located at the tip of the pistil) is controlled by haplotypes of the S locus, and activation of the SI response leading to inhibition of pollen tube growth occurs if pollen and stigma are derived from plants that express the same S-locus haplotype (S haplotype). Within self-incompatible crucifer species, the number of S haplotypes and corresponding SI specificities is usually high, with >50 reported in some species (Watanabe et al. 2000), and SI dictates that self-incompatible plants are typically heterozygous and carry two S haplotypes. Each S haplotype is composed of two highly polymorphic genes that are the determinants of SI specificity in stigma and pollen (Stein et al. 1991; Schopfer et al. 1999). The S-locus receptor kinase (SRK) gene encodes a single-pass transmembrane serine/threonine kinase localized on the surface of stigma epidermal cells, and the S-locus cysteine-rich protein (SCR) gene encodes a small peptide localized in the pollen coat. SCR is the ligand for SRK and will bind to the extracellular domain of SRK (hereafter eSRK) only if both proteins are encoded by the same S-locus haplotype (Kachroo et al. 2001; Takayama et al. 2001; Chookajorn et al. 2004). The binding of SCR to its cognate eSRK triggers an intracellular phosphorylation cascade that results in pollen rejection by a poorly understood mechanism.A mechanistic understanding of the recognition phase of SI requires detailed structure–function analyses of SRK and SCR aimed at identifying the amino acid residues that determine their allele-specific interaction and explaining the puzzling dominance/recessive interactions exhibited by different SRK alleles in the heterozygous stigmas of self-incompatible plants (Hatakeyama et al. 2001; Mable et al. 2003; Prigoda et al. 2005). Such structure–function studies require an experimental system that allows efficient in vivo functional analysis of large numbers of SRK and SCR sequence variants generated in vitro by site-directed mutagenesis or domain swapping between proteins that determine different SI specificities. The recent transfer of the SI trait into Arabidopsis thaliana has established this species as a model organism for mechanistic and evolutionary studies of mating systems in crucifers (Nasrallah et al. 2002, 2004). However, to date, only one SI specificity, that which is determined by the Sb haplotype of A. lyrata, has been successfully introduced into A. thaliana and shown to alter the plant''s mating reaction from strict autogamy to full SI. To exploit fully the A. thaliana transgenic SI model, additional S haplotypes must be introduced into this species. In addition to facilitating mechanistic studies of the SRK–SCR interaction and dominance relationships, the expression of multiple SI specificities in A. thaliana promises to shed light on processes underlying the diversification of SRK and SCR genes. For example, expression in A. thaliana of SI specificities derived from different crucifer species will allow direct assays of the functional equivalence or nonequivalence of the corresponding S haplotypes, an issue that is difficult to resolve on the basis of sequence information alone.Although conceptually simple, expressing different SI specificities by transformation with different SRK/SCR gene pairs is not a straightforward proposition. Difficulties stem largely from the availability of appropriate cloned SRK/SCR variants for use in transformation experiments. A large number of SRK/SCR gene pairs are available from Brassica species as a result of extensive and long-standing studies of SI. However, attempts to restore SI in transgenic A. thaliana using Brassica S-locus genes had met with failure (Bi et al. 2000; J. B. Nasrallah, unpublished data), possibly because of the inability of Brassica SRKs to interact productively with A. thaliana components of the SI signal transduction pathway. In the past few years, studies of SI were initiated in self-incompatible species more closely related to A. thaliana, such as A. lyrata, A. halleri, and Capsella grandiflora. However, with a few exceptions, these studies produced only partial SRK and SCR sequences amplified from genomic DNA (Schierup et al. 2001; Prigoda et al. 2005; Bechsgaard et al. 2006; Paetsch et al. 2006). The challenging task of cloning the very highly polymorphic SCR sequences and complete SRK and SCR genes, which requires genomic library construction and in many cases chromosome walking, has only been accomplished for two S haplotypes of A. lyrata, Sb (hereafter AlSb, which was used in previous transformation studies (Nasrallah et al. 2002, 2004), and Sa (AlSa; Kusaba et al. 2001), and for the S7 haplotype of C. grandiflora (CgS7; Nasrallah et al. 2007).In this article, we report the isolation of two new SRK/SCR gene pairs from genomic libraries of A. lyrata and expression of the corresponding SI specificities in A. thaliana. We also describe a novel strategy for rapid and efficient transfer of several distinct SI specificities into A. thaliana, which only requires knowledge of the eSRK sequence and SCR second-exon sequences that encode the mature SCR protein.  相似文献   

The literature describes different rooting protocols for Arabidopsis thaliana as models to study adventitious rooting, and results are generally perceived as comparable. However, there is a lack of investigations focusing on the distinct features, advantages and limitations of each method in the study of adventitious rooting with both wild-type (WT) ecotypes and their respective mutants. This investigation was undertaken to evaluate the adventitious rooting process in three different experimental systems, all using A. thaliana, analysing the same rooting parameters after transient exposure to auxin (indole-3-acetic acid) and control conditions: excised leaves, de-rooted plants and etiolated seedlings. The founding tissues and sites of origin of roots differed depending on the system used, whereas all rooting patterns were of the direct type (i.e., without callus formation). None of the systems had an absolute requirement for exogenous auxin, although rooting was enhanced by this phytohormone, with the exception of de-rooted plants, which had adventitious rooting strongly inhibited by exogenous auxin. Root elongation was much favoured in isolated leaves. Auxin-overproducing mutants could not be used in the detached leaf system due to precocious senescence; in the de-rooted plant system, these mutants had a WT-like rooting response, whereas the expression of the 'rooty' phenotype was only evident in the etiolated seedling system. Adventitious rooting of etiolated WT seedlings in the presence of exogenous auxin was inhibited by exogenous flavonoids, which act as auxin transport inhibitors; surprisingly, the flavonoid-deficient mutant chs had a lower rooting response compared to WT. Although Arabidopsis is an excellent model system to study adventitious rooting, physiological and developmental responses differed significantly, underlining the importance of avoiding data generalisation on rooting responses derived from different experimental systems with this species.  相似文献   

Trans-zeatin is a kind of cytokinins that plays a crucial role in plant growth and development. The master trans-zeatin O-glucosyltransferase of Arabidopsis thaliana, UGT85A1, has been previously identified through biochemical approach. To determine the in planta role of UGT85A1 gene, the characterization of transgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing UGT85A1 was carried out. Under normal conditions, transgenic Arabidopsis did not display clearly altered phenotypes. A remarkable alteration is that the accumulation level of the trans-zeatin O-glucosides was significantly increased in UGT85A1 overexpressing transgenic Arabidopsis, while other forms of cytokinins kept the similar concentrations compared to the wild type. When treated with exogenously applied trans-zeatin, UGT85A1 overexpressing Arabidopsis showed much less sensitivity to trans-zeatin in primary root elongation and lateral root formation. Meanwhile, the chlorophyll content of detached leaves of transgenic Arabidopsis was much lower than wild type. Studies of spatial–temporal expression patterns showed that UGT85A1 was mainly expressed in the early seedlings and developing seeds. Analysis of subcellular localization suggested that UGT85A1 was localized to cytoplasm and nucleus. Taken together, our data suggest that overexpression of Arabidopsis glucosyltransferase UGT85A1 influences trans-zeatin homeostasis and trans-zeatin responses likely through O-glucosylation in planta.  相似文献   

Plastid isoprenoids are synthesized via the 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate pathway. A few years after its discovery, most of the Escherichia coli genes involved in the pathway have been identified, including gcpE. In this work, we have identified an Arabidopsis thaliana protein with homology to the product of this gene. The plant polypeptide, GCPE, contains two structural domains that are absent in the E. coli protein: an N-terminal extension and a central domain of 30 kDa. We demonstrate that the N-terminal region targets the Arabidopsis protein to chloroplasts in vivo, consistent with its role in plastid isoprenoid biosynthesis. Although the presence of the internal extra domain may have an effect on activity, the Arabidopsis mature GCPE was able to complement a gcpE-defective E. coli strain, indicating the plant protein is a true functional homologue of the bacterial gcpE gene product.  相似文献   

The isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway provides intermediates for the synthesis of a multitude of natural products which serve numerous biochemical functions in plants: sterols (isoprenoids with a C30 backbone) are essential components of membranes; carotenoids (C40) and chlorophylls (which contain a C20 isoprenoid side-chain) act as photosynthetic pigments; plastoquinone, phylloquinone and ubiquinone (all of which contain long isoprenoid side-chains) participate in electron transport chains; gibberellins (C20), brassinosteroids (C30) and abscisic acid (C15) are phytohormones derived from isoprenoid intermediates; prenylation of proteins (with C15 or C20 isoprenoid moieties) may mediate subcellular targeting and regulation of activity; and several monoterpenes (C10), sesquiterpenes (C15) and diterpenes (C20) have been demonstrated to be involved in plant defense. Here we present a comprehensive analysis of genes coding for enzymes involved in the metabolism of isoprenoid-derived compounds in Arabidopsis thaliana. By combining homology and sequence motif searches with knowledge regarding the phylogenetic distribution of pathways of isoprenoid metabolism across species, candidate genes for these pathways in A. thaliana were obtained. A detailed analysis of the vicinity of chromosome loci for genes of isoprenoid metabolism in A. thaliana provided evidence for the clustering of genes involved in common pathways. Multiple sequence alignments were used to estimate the number of genes in gene families and sequence relationship trees were utilized to classify their individual members. The integration of all these datasets allows the generation of a knowledge-based metabolic map of isoprenoid metabolic pathways in A. thaliana and provides a substantial improvement of the currently available gene annotation.  相似文献   

Distinct mechanisms promote polarity establishment in carpels of Arabidopsis.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Y Eshed  S F Baum  J L Bowman 《Cell》1999,99(2):199-209

The evolutionary conserved Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 complex functions as one of the guardians of genome integrity in eukaryotes; it is required for the double-strand break repair, meiosis, DNA checkpoint, and telomere maintenance. To better understand the role of the MRE11 gene in Arabidopsis, we performed comparative analysis of several mre11 alleles with respect to genome stability and meiosis. The mre11-4 and mre11-2 alleles presumably produce truncated MRE11 proteins composed of the first 499 and 529 amino acids, respectively. Although the putative MRE11 truncated proteins differ only by 30 amino acids, the mutants exhibited strikingly different phenotypes in regards to growth morphology, genome stability and meiosis. While the mre11-2 mutants are fully fertile and undergo normal meiosis, the mre11-4 plants are sterile due to aberrant repair of meiotic DNA breaks. Structural homology analysis suggests that the T-DNA insertion in the mre11-4 allele probably disrupted the putative RAD50 interaction and/or homodimerization domain, which is assumed to be preserved in mre11-2 allele. Intriguingly, introgression of the atm-2 mutant plant into the mre11-2 background renders the double mutant infertile, a phenotype not observed in either parent line. This data indicate that MRE11 partially compensates for ATM deficiency in meiosis of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Vascular plants diverged more than 400 million years ago into two lineages, the lycophytes and the euphyllophytes . Leaf-like organs evolved independently in these two groups . Microphylls in lycophytes are hypothesized to have originated as lateral outgrowths of tissue that later became vascularized (the enation theory) or through the sterilization of sporangia (the sterilization hypothesis) . Megaphylls in euphyllophytes are thought to represent modified lateral branches . The fossil record also indicates that the seed plant megaphyll evolved uniquely in the ancestor of seed plants, independent of megaphylls in ferns, because seed plants evolved from leafless progymnosperm ancestors . Surprisingly, a recent study of KNOX and ARP gene expression in a lycophyte was reported to indicate recruitment of a similar mechanism for determinacy in both types of leaves . We examined the expression of Class III HD-Zip genes in the lycophyte Selaginella kraussiana and in two gymnosperms, Ginkgo and Pseudotsuga. Our data indicate that mechanisms promoting leaf initiation, vascularization, and polarity are quite different in lycophytes and seed plants, consistent with the hypotheses that megaphylls originated as lateral branches whereas microphylls originated as tissue outgrowths.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, Dicer-like 3 (DCL3) and Dicer-like 4 (DCL4) cleave long, perfect double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) into 24 and 21 nucleotides (nt) small interfering RNAs, respectively, which in turn function in RNA-directed DNA methylation and RNA interference, respectively. To reveal how DCL3 and DCL4 individually recognize long perfect dsRNAs as substrates, we biochemically characterized DCL3 and DCL4 and compared their enzymatic properties. DCL3 preferentially cleaves short dsRNAs with 5′ phosphorylated adenosine or uridine and a 1 nt 3′ overhang, whereas DCL4 cleaves long dsRNAs with blunt ends or with a 1 or 2 nt 3′ overhang with similar efficiency. DCL3 produces 24 nt RNA duplexes with 2 nt 3′ overhangs by the 5′ counting rule. Inorganic phosphate, NaCl and KCl enhance DCL3 activity but inhibit DCL4 activity. These results indicate that plants use DCLs with distinct catalytic profiles to ensure each dsRNA substrate generates only a specific length of siRNAs that trigger a unique siRNA-mediated response.  相似文献   

Several peptide antibiotics have been described as potent inhibitors of bacterial growth. With respect to their biosynthesis, they can be devided into two classes: (i) those that are synthesized by a non-ribosomal mechanism and (ii) those that are ribosomally synthesized. Subtilin and nisin belong to the ribosomally synthesized peptide antibiotics. They contain the rare amino acids dehydroalanine, dehydrobutyrine, meso-lanthionine, and 3-methyl-lanthionine. They are derived from prepeptides which are post-translationally modiffied and have been termed lantibiotics because of their characteristic lanthionine bridges (Schnell et al. 1988). Nisin is the most prominent lantibiotic and is used as a food preservative due to its high potency against certain gram-positive bacteria (Mattick & Hirsch 1944, 1947; Rayman & Hurst 1984). It is produced by Lactococcus lactis strains belonging to serological group N. The potent bactericidal activities of nisin and other lantibiotics are based on depolarization of energized bacterial cytoplasmic membranes. Breakdown of the membrane potential is initiated by the formation of pores through which molecules of low molecular weight are released. A trans-negative membrane potential of 50 to 100 mV is necessary for pore formation by nisin (Ruhr & Sahl 1985; Sahl et al. 1987). Nisin occurs as a partially amphiphilic molecule (Van de Ven et al. 1991). Apart from the detergent-like effect of nisin on cytoplasmic membranes, an inhibition of murein synthesis has also been discussed as the primary effect (Reisinger et al. 1980). In several countries nisin is used to prevent the growth of clostridia in cheese and canned food. The nisin peptide structure was first described by Gross & Morall (1971), and its structural gene was isolated in 1988 (Buchman et al. 1988; Kaletta & Entian 1989). Nisin has two natural variants, nisin A and nisin Z, which differ in a single amino acid residue at position 27 (histidin in nisin A is replaced by asparagin in nisin Z (Mulders et al. 1991; De Vos et al. 1993). Subtilin is produced by Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633. Its chemical structure was first unravelled by Gross & Kiltz (1973) and its structural gene was isolated in 1988 (Banerjee & Hansen 1988). Subtilin shares strong similarities to nisin with an identical organization of the lanthionine ring structures (Fig. 1), and both lantibiotics possess similar antibiotic activities. Due to its easy genetic analysis B. subtilis became a very suitable model organism for the identification and characterization of genes and proteins involved in lantibiotic biosynthesis. The pathway by which nisin is produced is very similar to that of subtilin, and the proteins involved share significant homologies over the entire proteins (for review see also De Vos et al. 1995b). The respective genes have been identified adjacent to the structural genes, and are organized in operon-like structures (Fig. 2). These genes are responsible for post-translational modification, transport of the modified prepeptide, proteolytic cleavage, and immunity which prevents toxic effects on the producing bacterium. In addition to this, biosynthesis of subtilin and nisin is strongly regulated by a two-component regulatory system which consists of a histidin kinase and a response regulator protein.  相似文献   

Gibberellin (GA) 3-oxidase, a class of 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases, catalyzes the conversion of precursor GAs to their bioactive forms, thereby playing a direct role in determining the levels of bioactive GAs in plants. Gibberellin 3-oxidase in Arabidopsis is encoded by a multigene family consisting of at least four members, designated AtGA3ox1 to AtGA3ox4. It has yet to be investigated how each AtGA3ox gene contributes to optimizing bioactive GA levels during growth and development. Using quantitative real-time PCR analysis, we have shown that each AtGA3ox gene exhibits a unique organ-specific expression pattern, suggesting distinct developmental roles played by individual AtGA3ox members. To investigate the sites of synthesis of bioactive GA in plants, we generated transgenic Arabidopsis that carried AtGA3ox1-GUS and AtGA3ox2-GUS fusions. Comparisons of the GUS staining patterns of these plants with that of AtCPS-GUS from previous studies revealed the possible physical separation of the early and late stages of the GA pathway in roots. Phenotypic characterization and quantitative analysis of the endogenous GA content of ga3ox1 and ga3ox2 single and ga3ox1/ga3ox2 double mutants revealed distinct as well as overlapping roles of AtGA3ox1 and AtGA3ox2 in Arabidopsis development. Our results show that AtGA3ox1 and AtGA3ox2 are responsible for the synthesis of bioactive GAs during vegetative growth, but that they are dispensable for reproductive development. The stage-specific severe GA-deficient phenotypes of the ga3ox1/ga3ox2 mutant suggest that AtGA3ox3 and AtGA3ox4 are tightly regulated by developmental cues; AtGA3ox3 and AtGA3ox4 are not upregulated to compensate for GA deficiency during vegetative growth of the double mutant.  相似文献   



Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in DNA have been traditionally thought of as functionally unimportant and have been studied mainly as genetic markers. A recent handful of studies have shown, however, that SSRs in different positions of a gene can play important roles in determining protein function, genetic development, and regulation of gene expression. We have performed a detailed comparative study of the distribution of SSRs in the sequenced genomes of Arabidopsis thaliana and rice.  相似文献   

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