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The vertebrate hypothalamic–pituitary axis (HP) is the main link between the central nervous system and endocrine system. Although several signal pathways and regulatory genes have been implicated in adenohypophysis ontogenesis, little is known about hypothalamic–neurohypophysial development or when the HP matures and becomes functional. To identify markers of the HP, we constructed subtractive cDNA libraries between adult zebrafish hypothalamus and pituitary. We identified previously published genes, ESTs and novel zebrafish genes, some of which were predicted by genomic database analysis. We also analyzed expression patterns of these genes and found that several are expressed in the embryonic and larval hypothalamus, neurohypophysis, and/or adenohypophysis. Expression at these stages makes these genes useful markers to study HP maturation and function.  相似文献   

Reproduction is a complex physiological process that is regulated by multiple genes and pathways. Compared with studies of common livestock, fewer studies of genes related to the fertility of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) have been reported, and the molecular mechanism of their high productivity is still poorly understood. To identify candidate genes associated with development and prolificacy in rabbits, we analyzed gene expression differences among the ovaries of mature Californian rabbit (LC), and mature (HH) and immature Harbin white rabbit (IH) using digital gene expression technology. We detected 885 and 321 genes that were significantly differentially expressed in comparisons between HH/IH and HH/LC, respectively. The functions of the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were determined by GO classification and KEGG pathway analysis. The results suggest that most of the DEGs between the mature and immature developmental stages were predominantly associated with DNA replication, cell cycle, and progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation, and most were up-regulated in the IH group compared with the HH group. The DEGs involved in disparate fecundities between HH and LC were associated with reproduction, fructose and mannose metabolism, steroid hormone biosynthesis, and pyruvate metabolism. Our results will contribute to a better understanding of changes in the regulatory network in ovary at different developmental stages and in different fertility of rabbit.  相似文献   

Müllerian ducts of male chickens undergo regression around day 12 of incubation, but the underlining mechanisms remain unclear. The purpose of this study was to identify factors that contribute to regression of the Müllerian duct in the chicken. We first employed annealing control primer-based RT-PCR to screen candidate genes differentially expressed in the Müllerian ducts between male and female. Four differentially expressed genes (MSX2, GAL10, VCP and PLCH1) were partially sequenced. The expression of mRNA of the latter genes and MSX1 in the male and female Müllerian ducts were compared at 7.5, 8 and 9 days of incubation using semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The results indicated that both MSX1 and MSX2 mRNA was highly expressed in the male Müllerian duct at day 9 of incubation, whereas, PLCH1 mRNA was lower in the male duct at day 9 of incubation compared to that of the female duct. Although VCP mRNA was expressed in both left and right female Müllerian ducts, no expression was detected in the male duct. Whole mount in situ hybridyzation analysis showed that the expression of MSX1 and MSX2 mRNA were localized specifically in the mesenchymal cells of the male Müllerian duct at day 9 of incubation. In contrast, VCP mRNA expression was observed in both mesenchymal and epithelial cells of the female Müllerian duct but not detected in the male duct. These results suggest that both up-regulation of MSX1 and MSX2 mRNA expression is involved in the regression of the Müllerian duct in male chicken embryo, whereas VCP expression is involved in development of the female duct.  相似文献   

Head and neck cancer (HNC) remains one of the most malignant tumors with a significantly high mortality. DNA methylation exerts a vital role in the prognosis of HNC. In this study, we try to screen abnormal differential methylation genes (DMGs) and pathways in Head–Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma via integral bioinformatics analysis. Data of gene expression microarrays and gene methylation microarrays were obtained from the Cancer Genome Atlas database. Aberrant DMGs were identified by the R Limma package. We conducted the Cox regression analysis to select the prognostic aberrant DMGs and site-specific methylation. Five aberrant DMGs were recognized that significantly correlated with overall survival. The prognostic model was constructed based on five DMGs (PAX9, STK33, GPR150, INSM1, and EPHX3). The five DMG models acted as prognostic biomarkers for HNC. The area under the curve based on the five DMGs predicting 5-year survival is 0.665. Moreover, the correlation between the DMGs/site-specific methylation and gene expression was also explored. The findings demonstrated that the five DMGs can be used as independent prognostic biomarkers for predicting the prognosis of patients with HNC. Our study might lay the groundwork for further mechanism exploration in HNC and may help identify diagnostic biomarkers for early stage HNC.  相似文献   

The organization of U2 genes was compared in apes, Old World monkeys, and the prosimian galago. In humans and all apes (gibbon, orangutan, gorilla, and chimpanzee), the U2 genes were organized as a tandem repeat of a 6-kb element; however, the restriction maps of the 6-kb elements in these divergent species differed slightly, demonstrating that mechanisms must exist for maintaining sequence homogeneity within this tandem array. In Old World monkeys, the U2 genes were organized as a tandem repeat of an 11-kb element; the restriction maps of the 11-kb elements in baboon and two closely related macaques, bonnet and rhesus monkeys, also differed slightly, confirming that efficient sequence homogenization is an intrinsic property of the U2 tandem array. Interestingly, the 11-kb monkey repeat unit differed from the 6-kb hominid repeat unit by a 5-kb block of monkey-specific sequence. Finally, we found that the U2 genes of the prosimian galago were dispersed rather than tandemly repeated, suggesting that the hominid and Old World monkey U2 tandem arrays resulted from independent amplifications of a common ancestral U2 gene. Alternatively, the 5-kb monkey-specific sequence could have been inserted into the 6-kb array or deleted from the 11-kb array soon after divergence of the hominid and Old World monkey lineages.  相似文献   

Transfer of soybean seedlings to low-water-potential vermiculite (w = –0.3 MPa) results in a reversible decrease in hypocotyl growth and modulation of several polysomal mRNAs (Plant Physiol 92: 205–214). We report here the isolation of two cDNA clones (pGE16 and pGE95) which correspond to genes whose mRNA levels are increased, and one cDNA clone (pGE23) which corresponds to a gene whose mRNA level is decreased in the hypocotyl zone of cell elongation by water deficit. In well-watered seedlings mRNAs hybridizing to pGE16 and pGE95 are most abundant in mature regions of the seedling, but in water-deficient seedlings mRNA levels are reduced in mature regions and enhanced in elongating regions. RNA corresponding to soybean proline-rich protein 1 (sbPRP1) shows a similar tissue distribution and response to water deficit. In contrast, in well-watered seedlings, the gene corresponding to pGE23 was highly expressed in the hypocotyl and root growing zones. Transfer of seedlings to low-water-potential vermiculite caused a rapid decrease in mRNA hybridizing to pGE23. Sequence analysis revealted that pGE23 has high homology with -tubulin. Water deficit also reduced the level of mRNA hybridizing to JCW1, an auxin-modulated gene, although with different kinetics. Furthermore, mRNA encoding actin, glycine-rich proteins (GRPs), and hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs) were down-regulated in the hypocotyl zone of elongation of seedlings exposed to water deficit. No effect of water deficit was observed on the expression of chalcone synthase. Decreased expression of -tubulin, actin, JCW1, HRGP and GRP and increased expression of sbPRP1, pGE95 and pGE16 in the hypocotyl zone of cell elongation could participate in the reversible growth inhibition observed in water-deficient soybean seedlings.  相似文献   

PurposeLumbar multifidus is a complex muscle with multi-fascicular morphology shown to be differentially controlled in healthy individuals during sagittal-plane motion. The normal behaviour of multifidus muscle regions during walking has only received modest attention in the literature. This study aimed to determine activation patterns for deep and superficial multifidus in young adults during walking at different speeds and inclination.MethodsThis observational cohort study evaluated ten healthy volunteers in their twenties (three women, seven men) as they walked on a treadmill in eight conditions; at 2 km/h and 4 km/h, each at 0, 1, 5, and 10% inclination. Intramuscular EMG was recorded from the deep and superficial multifidus unilaterally at L5. Activity was characterized by: amplitude of the peak of activation, position of peak within the gait cycle (0–100%), and duration relative to the full gait cycle.ResultsAcross all conditions superficial multifidus showed higher normalised EMG amplitude (p < 0.01); superficial multifidus peak amplitude was 232 ± 115% higher when walking at 4 km/h/10%, versus only 172 ± 77% higher for deeper region (p < 0.01). The percentage of the gait cycle where peak EMG amplitude was detected did not differ between regions (49 ± 13%). Deep multifidus duration of activation was longer when walking at the faster vs slower speed at all inclinations (p < 0.01), which was not evident for superficial multifidus (p < 0.05). Thus, a significantly longer activation of deep multifidus was observed compared to superficial multifidus when walking at 4 km/h (p < 0.05).ConclusionsDifferential activation within lumbar multifidus was shown in young adults during walking. The prolonged, more tonic activation of deep relative to superficial regions of multifidus during gait supports a postural function of deeper fibres.  相似文献   

The AbH6H gene for hyoscyamine 6-hydroxylase (H6H), which converts hyoscyamine to scopolamine, was isolated from Atropa belladonna. This plant also possesses a related sequence, AbH6H, which appears to be a non-functional pseudo-gene. AbH6H RNA was detected in cultured root, native root and anther, but not in stem, leaf, pistil, petal, and sepal tissues. In situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry and promoter::GUS transgene analysis showed that AbH6H is expressed specifically in root pericycle cells, and in tapetum and pollen mother cells. A 671 bp 5-upstream region from AbH6H was sufficient for pericycle-specific expression in hairy roots of A. belladonna and Hyoscyamus niger, which both produce scopolamine, but cell-specific regulation was severely compromised in tobacco hairy roots, which do not produce scopolamine.  相似文献   

The ascomycetous fungus Monascus ruber is one of the most well-known species widely used to produce Monascus-fermentation products for natural food colorants and medicine. Our previous research on the Gα subunit Mga1 and the regulator of G protein signaling MrflbA indicated that heterotrimeric G protein signaling pathways were involved in aspects of growth, sporulation and secondary metabolite production in M. ruber. To better understand the G protein signaling pathways in this fungus, a Gβ subunit gene (Mgb1) and a GΓ subunit gene (Mgg1) were cloned and investigated in the current study. The predicted Mgb1 protein consisted of 353 amino acids and Mgg1 consisted of 94 amino acids, sharing marked similarity with Aspergillus Gβ and GΓ subunits, respectively. Targeted deletion (Δ) of Mgb1 or Mgg1 resulted in phenotypic alterations similar to those resulting from ΔMga1, i.e., restricted vegetative growth, lowered asexual sporulation, impaired cleistothecial formation, and enhanced citrinin and pigment production. Moreover, deletion of Mgg1 suppressed the defects in asexual development and in biosynthesis of citrinin and pigment caused by the absence of MrflbA function. These results provide evidence that Mgb1 and Mgg1 form a functional GβΓ dimer and the dimer interacts with Mga1 to mediate signaling pathways, which are negatively controlled by MrflbA, for growth, reproduction and citrinin and pigment biosynthesis in M. ruber.  相似文献   

Li ZK  Sanchez A  Angeles E  Singh S  Domingo J  Huang N  Khush GS 《Genetics》2001,159(2):757-765
The resistance of rice to its bacterial blight pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) has both qualitative and quantitative components that were investigated using three near-isogenic line sets for four resistance (R) genes (Xa4, xa5, xa13, and Xa21) and 12 Xoo races. Our results indicate that these two resistance components of rice plants were associated with the properties of the R genes. The qualitative component of the R genes was reflected by their large effects against corresponding avirulent Xoo races. The quantitative component of the R genes was their residual effects against corresponding virulent races and their epistatic effects, which together could lead to high-level resistance in a race-specific manner. Our results revealed important differences between the different types of R genes. Two R genes, Xa4 and Xa21, showed complete dominance against the avirulent Xoo races and had large residual effects against virulent ones. They acted independently and cumulatively, suggesting they are involved in different pathways of the rice defensive system. The third R gene, xa5, showed partial dominance or additivity to the avirulent Xoo races and had relatively small but significant residual effects against the virulent races. In contrast, xa13 was completely recessive, had no residual effects against the virulent races, and showed more pronounced race specificity. There was a strong interaction leading to increased resistance between xa13 and xa5 and between either of them and Xa4 or Xa21, suggesting their regulatory roles in the rice defensive pathway(s). Our results indicated that high-level and durable resistance to Xoo should be more efficiently achieved by pyramiding different types of R genes.  相似文献   

Among primate species there is pronounced variation in the relationship between social status and measures of stress physiology. An informal meta-analysis was designed to investigate the basis of this diversity across different primate societies. Species were included only if a substantial amount of published information was available regarding both social behavior and rank-related differences in stress physiology. Four Old World and three New World species met these criteria, including societies varying from small-group, singular cooperative breeders (common marmoset and cotton top tamarin) to large-troop, multi-male, multi-female polygynous mating systems (rhesus, cynomolgus, talapoin, squirrel monkeys, and olive baboon). A questionnaire was formulated to obtain information necessary to characterize the stress milieu for individuals in particular primate societies. We standardized cortisol values within each species by calculating the ratio of basal cortisol concentrations of subordinates to those of dominants in stable dominance hierarchies and expressing the ratio as a percentage (relative cortisol levels). The meta-analysis identified two variables that significantly predicted relative cortisol levels: subordinates exhibited higher relative cortisol levels when they (1). were subjected to higher rates of stressors, and (2). experienced decreased opportunities for social (including close kin) support. These findings have important implications for understanding the different physiological consequences of dominant and subordinate social status across primate societies and how social rank may differ in its behavioral and physiological manifestations among primate societies.  相似文献   

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