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MicroRNAs are small (20-22 nucleotides) none coding, regulatory RNAs, whose pivotal role in gene expression has been associated in number of diseases, therefore prediction of miRNA is an essential yet challenging field. In this study miRNAs of C. roseus are predicted along with their possible target genes. A total of 19,899 ESTs were downloaded from dbEST database and processed and trimmed through SeqClean. Nine sequences were trashed and 31 sequences were trimmed by the program and the resulting sequences were submitted to Repeatmasker and TGICL for clustering and assembly. This contig database was now used to find the putative miRNAs by performing a local BLAST with the miRNAs of B. rapa retrieved from miRBase. The targets were scanned by hybridizing screened ESTs with the UTRs of human using miRanda software. Finally, 7 putative miRNAs were found to hybridize with the various targets of signal transduction and apoptosis that may play significant role in preventing diseases like Leukemia, Arthritis and Alzheimer.  相似文献   

MY Xu  Y Dong  QX Zhang  L Zhang  YZ Luo  J Sun  YL Fan  L Wang 《BMC genomics》2012,13(1):421
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous regulators of a broad range of physiological processes and act by either degrading mRNA or blocking its translation. Oilseed rape (Brassica napus) is one of the most important crops in China, Europe and other Asian countries with publicly available expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and genomic survey sequence (GSS) databases, but little is known about its miRNAs and their targets. To date, only 46 miRNAs have been identified in B. napus. RESULTS: Forty-one conserved and 62 brassica-specific candidate B. napus miRNAs, including 20 miRNA* sequences, were identified using Solexa sequencing technology. Furthermore, 33 non-redundant mRNA targets of conserved brassica miRNAs and 19 new non-redundant mRNA targets of novel brassica-specific miRNAs were identified by genome-scale sequencing of mRNA degradome. CONCLUSIONS: This study describes large scale cloning and characterization of B. napus miRNAs and their potential targets, providing the foundation for further characterization of miRNA function in the regulation of diverse physiological processes in B. napus.  相似文献   

TICs are characterized by their ability to self-renew, differentiate and initiate tumor formation. miRNAs are small noncoding RNAs that bind to mRNAs resulting in regulation of gene expression and biological functions. The role of miRNAs and TICs in cancer progression led us to hypothesize that miRNAs may regulate genes involved in TIC maintenance. Using whole genome miRNA and mRNA expression profiling of TICs from primary prostate cancer cells, we identified a set of up-regulated miRNAs and a set of genes down-regulated in PSs. Inhibition of these miRNAs results in a decrease of prostatosphere formation and an increase in target gene expression. This study uses genome-wide miRNA profiling to analyze expression in TICs. We connect aberrant miRNA expression and deregulated gene expression in TICs. These findings can contribute to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms governing TIC development/maintenance and the role that miRNAs have in the fundamental biology of TICs.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of development frequently implies the isolation and characterization of genes with specific spatial and temporal expression patterns. Several methods have been developed to identify such DNA sequences. The most comprehensive technique involves the genomewide probing of DNA sequence microarrays with mRNA sequences. However, at present this technology is limited to the few organisms for which the entire genome has been sequenced. Here, we describe a subtractive hybridization technique, called selective amplification via biotin and restriction-mediated enrichment (SABRE), which allows the selective amplification of cDNA fragments representing differentially expressed mRNA species. The method involves the competitive hybridization of an excess of driver cDNA fragments (D) to a trace of tester cDNA fragments (T), and the subsequent purification of tester homohybrids (in which both strands are contributed by the tester cDNA). After competitive hybridization, cDNA fragments that are more abundant in the tester than in the driver are enriched in the tester homohybrids. However, as the fraction of tester homohybrids is very small [T(2)/(D + T)(2)], their purification requires highly efficient procedures. In SABRE, the isolation of tester homohybrids is afforded by a combination of three successive steps: removal of biotinylated terminal sequences from most of the heterohybrids by S1 nuclease digestion, capture of biotinylated hybrids with streptavidin-coated paramagnetic beads, and specific release of homohybrids from the beads by restriction nuclease digestion. If several rounds of SABRE selection are performed in series, even relatively rare differentially expressed mRNA sequences may result in the production of predominant cDNA fragments in the final tester homohybrid population.  相似文献   

The RNA-binding protein IGF2BP1 (IGF-II mRNA binding protein 1) stabilizes the c-myc RNA by associating with the Coding Region instability Determinant (CRD). If and how other proteins cooperate with IGF2BP1 in promoting stabilization of the c-myc mRNA via the CRD remained elusive. Here, we identify various RNA-binding proteins that associate with IGF2BP1 in an RNA-dependent fashion. Four of these proteins (HNRNPU, SYNCRIP, YBX1, and DHX9) were essential to ensure stabilization of the c-myc mRNA via the CRD. These factors associate with IGF2BP1 in a CRD-dependent manner, co-distribute with IGF2BP1 in non-polysomal fractions comprising c-myc mRNA, and colocalize with IGF2BP1 in the cytoplasm. A selective shift of relative c-myc mRNA levels to the polysomal fraction is observed upon IGF2BP1 knockdown. These findings suggest that IGF2BP1 in complex with at least four proteins promotes CRD-mediated mRNA stabilization. Complex formation at the CRD presumably limits the transfer of c-myc mRNA to the polysomal fraction and subsequent translation-coupled decay.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) regulate target mRNAs by silencing them. Reciprocally, however, target mRNAs can also modulate miRNA stability. Here, we uncover a remarkable efficacy of target RNA-directed miRNA degradation (TDMD) in rodent primary neurons. Coincident with degradation, and while still bound to Argonaute, targeted miRNAs are 3′ terminally tailed and trimmed. Absolute quantification of both miRNAs and their decay-inducing targets suggests that neuronal TDMD is multiple turnover and does not involve co-degradation of the target but rather competes with miRNA-mediated decay of the target. Moreover, mRNA silencing, but not TDMD, relies on cooperativity among multiple target sites to reach high efficacy. This knowledge can be harnessed for effective depletion of abundant miRNAs. Our findings bring insight into a potent miRNA degradation pathway in primary neurons, whose TDMD activity greatly surpasses that of non-neuronal cells and established cell lines. Thus, TDMD may be particularly relevant for miRNA regulation in the nervous system.  相似文献   

Classification and differentiation of Bacillus anthracis isolates by genetic markers play an important role in anthrax research. We used a PCR based method--Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)--to identify genetic markers in B. anthracis strains. Twenty-five differential genetic markers were identified which divided the strains into five different groups. Three selected RAPD-markers were cloned and sequenced. The five RAPD-derived genotypes could be defined by integration of these three markers. This system offers a simple non-expensive method to classify B. anthracis strains in laboratories involved in the research of this bacterium.  相似文献   

Identification of cellular mRNA targets for RNA-binding protein Sam68   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

tRNase Z(L)-utilizing efficacious gene silencing (TRUE gene silencing) is a newly developed technology to suppress mammalian gene expression. TRUE gene silencing works on the basis of a unique enzymatic property of mammalian tRNase Z(L), which is that it can recognize a pre-tRNA-like or micro-pre-tRNA-like complex formed between target RNA and artificial small guide RNA (sgRNA) and can cleave any target RNA at any desired site. There are four types of sgRNA, 5'-half-tRNA, RNA heptamer, hook RNA, and ~14-nt linear RNA. Here we show that a 14-nt linear-type sgRNA against human miR-16 can guide tRNase Z(L) cleavage of miR-16 in vitro and can downregulate the miR-16 level in HEK293 cells. We also demonstrate that the 14-nt sgRNA can be efficiently taken up without any transfection reagents by living cells and can exist stably in there for at least 24 hours. The naked 14-nt sgRNA significantly reduced the miR-16 level in HEK293 and HL60 cells. Three other naked 14-nt sgRNAs against miR-142-3p, miR-206, and miR-19a/b are also shown to downregulate the respective miRNA levels in various mammalian cell lines. Our observations suggest that in general we can eliminate a specific cellular miRNA at least by ~50% by using a naked 14-nt sgRNA on the basis of TRUE gene silencing.  相似文献   

Highly specific gene silencing by artificial miRNAs in rice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Septic shock is a common medical condition with a mortality approaching 50% where early diagnosis and treatment are of particular importance for patient survival. Novel biomarkers that serve as prompt indicators of sepsis are urgently needed. High‐throughput technologies assessing circulating microRNAs represent an important tool for biomarker identification, but the blood‐compartment specificity of these miRNAs has not yet been investigated. We characterized miRNA profiles from serum exosomes, total serum and blood cells (leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets) of sepsis patients by next‐generation sequencing and RT‐qPCR (n = 3 × 22) and established differences in miRNA expression between blood compartments. In silico analysis was used to identify compartment‐specific signalling functions of differentially regulated miRNAs in sepsis‐relevant pathways. In septic shock, a total of 77 and 103 miRNAs were down‐ and up‐regulated, respectively. A majority of these regulated miRNAs (14 in serum, 32 in exosomes and 73 in blood cells) had not been previously associated with sepsis. We found a distinctly compartment‐specific regulation of miRNAs between sepsis patients and healthy volunteers. Blood cellular miR‐199b‐5p was identified as a potential early indicator for sepsis and septic shock. miR‐125b‐5p and miR‐26b‐5p were uniquely regulated in exosomes and serum, respectively, while one miRNA (miR‐27b‐3p) was present in all three compartments. The expression of sepsis‐associated miRNAs is compartment‐specific. Exosome‐derived miRNAs contribute significant information regarding sepsis diagnosis and survival prediction and could serve as newly identified targets for the development of novel sepsis biomarkers.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) regulate gene expression for diverse functions, but only a limited number of mRNA targets have been experimentally identified. We show that GW182 family proteins AIN-1 and AIN-2 act redundantly to regulate the expression of miRNA targets, but not miRNA biogenesis. Immunoprecipitation (IP) and mass spectrometry indicate that AIN-1 and AIN-2 interact only with miRNA-specific Argonaute proteins ALG-1 and ALG-2 and with components of the core translational initiation complex. Known miRNA targets are enriched in AIN-2 complexes, correlating with the expression of corresponding miRNAs. Combining IP with pyrosequencing and microarray analysis of RNAs associated with AIN-1/AIN-2, we identified 106 previously annotated miRNAs plus nine new candidate miRNAs, but nearly no siRNAs, and more than 3500 potential miRNA targets, including nearly all known ones. Our results demonstrate an effective biochemical approach to systematically identify miRNA targets and provide valuable insights regarding the properties of miRNA effector complexes.  相似文献   

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