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The Schizosaccharomyces pombe rad31 and hus5 genes are required for the DNA damage response, as mutants defective in these genes are sensitive to DNA damaging agents, such as UV and ionising radiation and to the DNA synthesis inhibitor hydroxyurea (HU). Sequence analysis has suggested that rad31 and hus5 encode components of the Pmt3 (SUMO) modification process in S.pombe. We show here that the rad31 null and hus5.62 mutants display reduced levels of Pmt3 modification. We have initiated a search for proteins required for the DNA damage response, which may be modified by Pmt3 and have identified Rad22, the fission yeast homologue of the recombination protein Rad52. Purification of myc + His-tagged Rad22 protein from cells expressing HA-tagged Pmt3 identifies an 83 kDa species which cross-reacts with anti-HA antisera. We show here that Rad22 interacts with Rhp51 and Rpa70 (the fission yeast homologues of Rad51 and the large subunit of RPA, respectively), but that neither of these proteins appears to be responsible for the 83 kDa species. The 83 kDa species is observed when extracts are prepared under both native and denaturing conditions, and is also observed when myc + His-tagged Rad22 and Pmt3 are expressed at wild type levels, suggesting that Rad22 is modified by Pmt3 in vivo. We have established an S.pombe in vitro Pmt3 modification system and have shown that Rad22 and Rhp51 are modified in vitro, but that Rpa70 is not.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in yeast are repaired by homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ). Rad51 forms nucleoprotein filaments at processed broken ends that effect strand exchange, forming heteroduplex DNA (hDNA) that gives rise to a gene conversion tract. We hypothesized that excess Rad51 would increase gene conversion tract lengths. We found that excess Rad51 reduced DSB-induced HR but did not alter tract lengths or other outcomes including rates of crossovers, break-induced replication, or chromosome loss. Thus, excess Rad51 appears to influence DSB-induced HR at an early stage. MAT heterozygosity largely mitigated the inhibitory effect of excess Rad51 on allelic HR, but not direct repeat HR. Excess Rad52 had no effect on DSB-induced HR efficiency or outcome, nor did it mitigate the dominant negative effects of excess Rad51. Excess Rad51 had little effect on DSB-induced lethality in wild-type cells, but it did enhance lethality in yku70Delta mutants. Interestingly, dnl4Delta showed marked DSB-induced lethality but this was not further enhanced by excess Rad51. The differential effects of yku70Delta and dnl4Delta indicate that the enhanced killing with excess Rad51 in yku70Delta is not due to its NHEJ defect, but may reflect its defect in end-protection and/or its inability to escape from checkpoint arrest. Srs2 displaces Rad51 from nucleoprotein filaments in vitro, suggesting that excess Rad51 might antagonize Srs2. We show that excess Rad51 does not reduce survival of wild-type cells treated with methylmethane sulfonate (MMS), or cells suffering a single DSB. In contrast, excess Rad51 sensitized srs2Delta cells to both MMS and a single DSB. These results support the idea that excess Rad51 antagonizes Srs2, and underscores the importance of displacing Rad51 from nucleoprotein filaments to achieve optimum repair efficiency.  相似文献   

Double-strand breaks (DSBs) can be repaired by homologous recombination (HR) in mammalian cells, often resulting in gene conversion. RAD51 functions with RAD52 and other proteins to effect strand exchange during HR, forming heteroduplex DNA (hDNA) that is resolved by mismatch repair to yield a gene conversion tract. In mammalian cells RAD51 and RAD52 overexpression increase the frequency of spontaneous HR, and one study indicated that overexpression of mouse RAD51 enhances DSB-induced HR in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. We tested the effects of transient and stable overexpression of human RAD51 and/or human RAD52 on DSB-induced HR in CHO cells and in human cells. DSBs were targeted to chromosomal recombination substrates with I-SceI nuclease. In all cases, excess RAD51 and/or RAD52 reduced DSB-induced HR, contrasting with prior studies. These distinct results may reflect differences in recombination substrate structures or different levels of overexpression. Excess RAD51/RAD52 did not increase conversion tract lengths, nor were product spectra otherwise altered, indicating that excess HR proteins can have dominant negative effects on HR initiation, but do not affect later steps such as hDNA formation, mismatch repair or the resolution of intermediates.  相似文献   

During meiosis, homologous recombination occurs between allelic sequences. To evaluate the biological significance of such a pathway in somatic cells, we used transgenic tobacco plants with a restriction site for the rare cutting endonuclease I-SceI within a negative selectable marker gene. These plants were crossed with two tobacco lines containing, in allelic position, either a deletion or an insertion within the marker gene that rendered both marker gene and restriction site inactive. After the double-strand break induction, we selected for repair events resulting in a loss of marker gene function. This loss was mostly due to deletions. We were also able to detect double strand break-induced allelic recombination in which the break was repaired by a faithful copying process from the homologue carrying the shortened transgene. The estimated frequency indicates that homologous recombination in somatic cells between allelic sites appears to occur at the same order of magnitude as between ectopic sites, and is thus far too infrequent to act as major repair pathway. As somatic changes can be transferred to the germ line, the prevalence of intrachromatid rearrangements over allelic recombination might be an indirect prerequisite for the enhanced genome plasticity postulated for plants.  相似文献   

Rad54 plays key roles in homologous recombination (HR) and double-strand break (DSB) repair in yeast, along with Rad51, Rad52, Rad55 and Rad57. Rad54 belongs to the Swi2/Snf2 family of DNA-stimulated ATPases. Rad51 nucleoprotein filaments catalyze DNA strand exchange and Rad54 augments this activity of Rad51. Mutations in the Rad54 ATPase domain (ATPase) impair Rad54 function in vitro, sensitize yeast to killing by methylmethane sulfonate and reduce spontaneous gene conversion. We found that overexpression of ATPase Rad54 reduced spontaneous direct repeat gene conversion and increased both spontaneous direct repeat deletion and spontaneous allelic conversion. Overexpression of ATPase Rad54 decreased DSB-induced allelic conversion, but increased chromosome loss and DSB-dependent lethality. Thus, ATP hydrolysis by Rad54 contributes to genome stability by promoting high-fidelity DSB repair and suppressing spontaneous deletions. Overexpression of wild-type Rad54 did not alter DSB-induced HR levels, but conversion tract lengths were reduced. Interestingly, ATPase Rad54 decreased overall HR levels and increased tract lengths. These tract length changes provide new in vivo evidence that Rad54 functions in the post-synaptic phase during recombinational repair of DSBs.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination (HR) is the major mechanism used to repair double-strand breaks (DSBs) that result from replication, but a study of repair of DSBs specifically induced during S-phase is lacking. Using an inverted-repeat assay in which a DSB is generated by the encountering of the replication fork with nicks, we can physically detect repair by sister-chromatid recombination (SCR) and intra-chromatid break-induced replication (IC-BIR). As expected, both events depend on Rad52, but, in contrast to previous data, both require Rad59, suggesting a prominent role of Rad59 in repair of replication-born DSBs. In the absence of Rad51, SCR is severely affected while IC-BIR increases, a phenotype that is also observed in the absence of Rad54 but not of its paralog Rdh54/Tid1. These data are consistent with SCR occurring by Rad51-dependent mechanisms assisted by Rad54, and indicate that in the absence of strand exchange-dependent SCR, breaks can be channeled to IC-BIR, which works efficiently in the absence of Rad51. Our study provides molecular evidence for inversions between repeats occurring by BIR followed by single-strand annealing (SSA) in the absence of strand exchange.  相似文献   

Mitotic double-strand break (DSB)-induced gene conversion involves new DNA synthesis. We have analyzed the requirement of several essential replication components, the Mcm proteins, Cdc45p, and DNA ligase I, in the DNA synthesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae MAT switching. In an mcm7-td (temperature-inducible degron) mutant, MAT switching occurred normally when Mcm7p was degraded below the level of detection, suggesting the lack of the Mcm2-7 proteins during gene conversion. A cdc45-td mutant was also able to complete recombination. Surprisingly, even after eliminating both of the identified DNA ligases in yeast, a cdc9-1 dnl4 Delta strain was able to complete DSB repair. Previous studies of asynchronous cultures carrying temperature-sensitive alleles of PCNA, DNA polymerase alpha (Pol alpha), or primase showed that these mutations inhibited MAT switching (A. M. Holmes and J. E. Haber, Cell 96:415-424, 1999). We have reevaluated the roles of these proteins in G(2)-arrested cells. Whereas PCNA was still essential for MAT switching, neither Pol alpha nor primase was required. These results suggest that arresting cells in S phase using ts alleles of Pol alpha-primase, prior to inducing the DSB, sequesters some other component that is required for repair. We conclude that DNA synthesis during gene conversion is different from S-phase replication, involving only leading-strand polymerization.  相似文献   

Mammalian RAD51 protein plays essential roles in DNA homologous recombination, DNA repair and cell proliferation. RAD51 activities are regulated by its associated proteins. It was previously reported that a ubiquitin-like protein, UBL1, associates with RAD51 in the yeast two-hybrid system. One function of UBL1 is to covalently conjugate with target proteins and thus modify their function. In the present study we found that non-conjugated UBL1 forms a complex with RAD51 and RAD52 proteins in human cells. Overexpression of UBL1 down-regulates DNA double-strand break-induced homologous recombination in CHO cells and reduces cellular resistance to ionizing radiation in HT1080 cells. With or without overexpressed UBL1, most homologous recombination products arise by gene conversion. However, overexpression of UBL1 reduces the fraction of bidirectional gene conversion tracts. Overexpression of a mutant UBL1 that is incapable of being conjugated retains the ability to inhibit homologous recombination. These results suggest a regulatory role for UBL1 in homologous recombination.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a double-strand chromosome break created by the HO endonuclease is frequently repaired in mitotically growing cells by recombination between flanking homologous regions, producing a deletion. We showed that single-stranded regions were formed on both sides of the double-strand break prior to the formation of the product. The kinetics of the single-stranded DNA were monitored in strains with the recombination-deficient mutations rad52 and rad50 as well as in the wild-type strain. In rad50 mutants, single-stranded DNA was generated at a slower rate than in the wild type, whereas rad52 mutants generated single-stranded DNA at a faster rate. Product formation was largely blocked in the rad52 mutant. In the rad50 rad52 double mutant, the effects were superimposed in that the exonucleolytic activity was slowed but product formation was blocked. rad50 appears to act before or at the same stage as rad52. We constructed strains containing two ura3 segments on one side of the HO cut site and one ura3 region on the other side to characterize how flanking repeats find each other. Deletions formed preterentially between the homologous regions closest to the double-strand break. By varying the size of the middle ura3 segment, we determined that recombination initiated by a double-strand break requires a minimum homologous length between 63 and 89 bp. In these competition experiments, the frequency of recombination was dependent on the length of homology in an approximately linear manner.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cells with a single unrepaired double-strand break adapt after checkpoint-mediated G(2)/M arrest. We have found that both Rad51 and Rad52 recombination proteins play key roles in adaptation. Cells lacking Rad51p fail to adapt, but deleting RAD52 suppresses rad51Delta. rad52Delta also suppresses adaptation defects of srs2Delta mutants but not those of yku70Delta or tid1Delta mutants. Neither rad54Delta nor rad55Delta affects adaptation. A Rad51 mutant that fails to interact with Rad52p is adaptation defective; conversely, a C-terminal truncation mutant of Rad52p, impaired in interaction with Rad51p, is also adaptation defective. In contrast, rad51-K191A, a mutation that abolishes recombination and results in a protein that does not bind to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), supports adaptation, as do Rad51 mutants impaired in interaction with Rad54p or Rad55p. An rfa1-t11 mutation in the ssDNA binding complex RPA partially restores adaptation in rad51Delta mutants and fully restores adaptation in yku70Delta and tid1Delta mutants. Surprisingly, although neither rfa1-t11 nor rad52Delta mutants are adaptation defective, the rad52Delta rfa1-t11 double mutant fails to adapt and exhibits the persistent hyperphosphorylation of the DNA damage checkpoint protein Rad53 after HO induction. We suggest that monitoring of the extent of DNA damage depends on independent binding of RPA and Rad52p to ssDNA, with Rad52p's activity modulated by Rad51p whereas RPA's action depends on Tid1p.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the RAD52 gene is indispensable for homologous recombination and DNA repair. Rad52 protein binds DNA, anneals complementary ssDNA strands, and self-associates to form multimeric complexes. Moreover, Rad52 physically interacts with the Rad51 recombinase and serves as a mediator in the Rad51-catalyzed DNA strand exchange reaction. Here, we examine the functional significance of the Rad51/Rad52 interaction. Through a series of deletions, we have identified residues 409-420 of Rad52 as being indispensable and likely sufficient for its interaction with Rad51. We have constructed a four-amino acid deletion mutation within this region of Rad52 to ablate its interaction with Rad51. We show that the rad52delta409-412 mutant protein is defective in the mediator function in vitro even though none of the other Rad52 activities, namely, DNA binding, ssDNA annealing, and protein oligomerization, are affected. We also show that the sensitivity of the rad52delta409-412 mutant to ionizing radiation can be complemented by overexpression of Rad51. These results thus demonstrate the significance of the Rad51-Rad52 interaction in homologous recombination.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination (HR) is critical for DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair and genome stabilization. In yeast, HR is catalyzed by the Rad51 strand transferase and its “mediators,” including the Rad52 single-strand DNA-annealing protein, two Rad51 paralogs (Rad55 and Rad57), and Rad54. A Rad51 homolog, Dmc1, is important for meiotic HR. In wild-type cells, most DSB repair results in gene conversion, a conservative HR outcome. Because Rad51 plays a central role in the homology search and strand invasion steps, DSBs either are not repaired or are repaired by nonconservative single-strand annealing or break-induced replication mechanisms in rad51Δ mutants. Although DSB repair by gene conversion in the absence of Rad51 has been reported for ectopic HR events (e.g., inverted repeats or between plasmids), Rad51 has been thought to be essential for DSB repair by conservative interchromosomal (allelic) gene conversion. Here, we demonstrate that DSBs stimulate gene conversion between homologous chromosomes (allelic conversion) by >30-fold in a rad51Δ mutant. We show that Rad51-independent allelic conversion and break-induced replication occur independently of Rad55, Rad57, and Dmc1 but require Rad52. Unlike DSB-induced events, spontaneous allelic conversion was detected in both rad51Δ and rad52Δ mutants, but not in a rad51Δ rad52Δ double mutant. The frequencies of crossovers associated with DSB-induced gene conversion were similar in the wild type and the rad51Δ mutant, but discontinuous conversion tracts were fivefold more frequent and tract lengths were more widely distributed in the rad51Δ mutant, indicating that heteroduplex DNA has an altered structure, or is processed differently, in the absence of Rad51.  相似文献   

Assembly and disassembly of Rad51 and Rad52 complexes were monitored by immunofluorescence during homologous recombination initiated by an HO endonuclease-induced double-strand break (DSB) at the MAT locus. DSB-induced Rad51 and Rad52 foci colocalize with a TetR-GFP focus at tetO sequences adjacent to MAT. In strains in which HO cleaves three sites on chromosome III, we observe three distinct foci that colocalize with adjacent GFP chromosome marks. We compared the kinetics of focus formation with recombination intermediates and products when HO-cleaved MATalpha recombines with the donor, MATa. Rad51 assembly occurs 1 h after HO cleavage. Rad51 disassembly occurs at the same time that new DNA synthesis is initiated after single-stranded (ss) MAT DNA invades MATa. We present evidence for three distinct roles for Rad52 in recombination: a presynaptic role necessary for Rad51 assembly, a synaptic role with Rad51 filaments, and a postsynaptic role after Rad51 dissociates. Additional biochemical studies suggest the presence of an ssDNA complex containing both Rad51 and Rad52.  相似文献   

Cells from individuals with the recessive cancer-prone disorder ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation (I-R). ATM (mutated in A-T) is a protein kinase whose activity is stimulated by I-R. c-Abl, a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase, interacts with ATM and is activated by ATM following I-R. Rad51 is a homologue of bacterial RecA protein required for DNA recombination and repair. Here we demonstrate that there is an I-R-induced Rad51 tyrosine phosphorylation, and this induction is dependent on both ATM and c-Abl. ATM, c-Abl, and Rad51 can be co-immunoprecipitated from cell extracts. Consistent with the physical interaction, c-Abl phosphorylates Rad51 in vitro and in vivo. In assays using purified components, phosphorylation of Rad51 by c-Abl enhances complex formation between Rad51 and Rad52, which cooperates with Rad51 in recombination and repair. After I-R, an increase in association between Rad51 and Rad52 occurs in wild-type cells but not in cells with mutations that compromise ATM or c-Abl. Our data suggest signaling mediated through ATM, and c-Abl is required for the correct post-translational modification of Rad51, which is critical for the assembly of Rad51 repair protein complex following I-R.  相似文献   

Repairing a double-strand break by homologous recombination requires binding of the strand exchange protein Rad51p to ssDNA, followed by synapsis with a homologous donor. Here we used chromatin immunoprecipitation to monitor the in vivo association of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad51p with both the cleaved MATa locus and the HML alpha donor. Localization of Rad51p to MAT precedes its association with HML, providing evidence of the time needed for the Rad51 filament to search the genome for a homologous sequence. Rad51p binding to ssDNA requires Rad52p. The absence of Rad55p delays Rad51p binding to ssDNA and prevents strand invasion and localization of Rad51p to HML alpha. Lack of Rad54p does not significantly impair Rad51p recruitment to MAT or its initial association with HML alpha; however, Rad54p is required at or before the initiation of DNA synthesis after synapsis has occurred at the 3' end of the invading strand.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination (HR) is crucial for maintaining genome integrity by repairing DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and rescuing collapsed replication forks. In contrast, uncontrolled HR can lead to chromosome translocations, loss of heterozygosity, and deletion of repetitive sequences. Controlled HR is particularly important for the preservation of repetitive sequences of the ribosomal gene (rDNA) cluster. Here we show that recombinational repair of a DSB in rDNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae involves the transient relocalization of the lesion to associate with the recombination machinery at an extranucleolar site. The nucleolar exclusion of Rad52 recombination foci entails Mre11 and Smc5-Smc6 complexes and depends on Rad52 SUMO (small ubiquitin-related modifier) modification. Remarkably, mutations that abrogate these activities result in the formation of Rad52 foci within the nucleolus and cause rDNA hyperrecombination and the excision of extrachromosomal rDNA circles. Our study also suggests a key role of sumoylation for nucleolar dynamics, perhaps in the compartmentalization of nuclear activities.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are highly cytotoxic lesions and pose a major threat to genome stability if not properly repaired. We and others have previously shown that a class of DSB-induced small RNAs (diRNAs) is produced from sequences around DSB sites. DiRNAs are associated with Argonaute (Ago) proteins and play an important role in DSB repair, though the mechanism through which they act remains unclear. Here, we report that the role of diRNAs in DSB repair is restricted to repair by homologous recombination (HR) and that it specifically relies on the effector protein Ago2 in mammalian cells. Interestingly, we show that Ago2 forms a complex with Rad51 and that the interaction is enhanced in cells treated with ionizing radiation. We demonstrate that Rad51 accumulation at DSB sites and HR repair depend on catalytic activity and small RNA-binding capability of Ago2. In contrast, DSB resection as well as RPA and Mre11 loading is unaffected by Ago2 or Dicer depletion, suggesting that Ago2 very likely functions directly in mediating Rad51 accumulation at DSBs. Taken together, our findings suggest that guided by diRNAs, Ago2 can promote Rad51 recruitment and/or retention at DSBs to facilitate repair by HR.  相似文献   

The UV hypersensitive CHO cell mutant UV41 is the archetypal XPF mammalian cell mutant, and was essential for cloning the human nucleotide excision repair (NER) gene XPF by DNA transfection and rescue. The ERCC1 and XPF genes encode proteins that form the heterodimer responsible for making incisions required in NER and the processing of certain types of recombination intermediates. In this study, we cloned and sequenced the CHO cell XPF cDNA, determining that the XPF mutation in UV41 is a +1 insertion in exon 8 generating a premature stop codon at amino acid position 499; however, the second allele of XPF is apparently unaltered in UV41, resulting in XPF heterozygosity. XPF expression was found to be several-fold lower in UV41 compared to its parental cell line, AA8. Using approaches we previously developed to study intrachromosomal recombination in CHO cells, we modified UV41 and its parental cell line AA8 to allow site-specific gene targeting at a Flp recombination target (FRT) in intron 3 of the endogenous adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) locus. Using FLP/FRT targeting, we integrated a plasmid containing an I-SceI endonuclease sequence into this site in the paired cell lines to generate a heteroallelic APRT duplication. Frequencies of intrachromosomal recombination between APRT heteroalleles and the structures of resulting recombinants were analyzed after I-SceI induction of site-specific double-strand breaks (DSBs) in a non-homologous insertion contained within APRT homology. Our results show that I-SceI induced a small proportion of aberrant recombinants reflecting DSB-induced deletions/rearrangements in parental, repair-proficient AA8 cells. However, in XPF mutant UV41, XPF heterozygosity is responsible for a similar, but much more pronounced genomic instability phenotype, manifested independently of DSB induction. In addition, gene conversions were suppressed in UV41 cells compared to wild-type cells. These observations suggest that UV41 exhibits a genomic instability phenotype of aberrant recombinational repair, confirming a critical role for XPF in mammalian cell recombination.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR) is an essential process for preserving genomic integrity in all organisms. To investigate this process at the cellular level, we engineered a system of fluorescently marked DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to visualize in vivo DSBR in single cells. Using this system, we demonstrate for the first time that Rad52 DNA repair foci and DSBs colocalize. Time-lapse microscopy reveals that the relocalization of Rad52 protein into a focal assembly is a rapid and reversible process. In addition, analysis of DNA damage checkpoint-deficient cells provides direct evidence for coordination between DNA repair and subsequent release from checkpoint arrest. Finally, analyses of cells experiencing multiple DSBs demonstrate that Rad52 foci are centres of DNA repair capable of simultaneously recruiting more than one DSB.  相似文献   

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