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The midgut of Rhynchosciara americana larvae consists of a cylindrical ventriculus from which protrudes two gastric caeca formed by polyhedral cells with microvilli covering their apical faces. The basal plasma membrane of these cells is infolded and displays associated mitochondria which are, nevertheless, more conspicuous in the apical cytoplasm. The anterior ventricular cells possess elaborate mitochondria-associated basal plasma membrane infoldings extending almost to the tips of the cells, and small microvilli disposed in the cell apexes. Distal posterior ventricular cells with long apical microvilli are grouped into major epithelial foldings forming multicellular crypts. In these cells the majority of the mitochondria are dispersed in the apical cytoplasm, minor amounts being associated with moderately-developed basal plasma membrane infoldings. The proximal posterior ventriculus represents a transition region between the anterior ventriculus and the distal posterior ventriculus. The resemblance between the gastric caeca and distal posterior ventricular cells is stressed by the finding that their microvilli preparations display similar alkaline phosphatase-specific activities. The results lend support to the proposal, based mainly on previous data on enzyme excretion rates, that the endo-ectoperitrophic circulation of digestive enzymes is a consequence of fluid fluxes caused by the transport of water into the first two thirds of midgut lumen, and its transference back to the haemolymph in the gastric caeca and in the distal posterior ventriculus.  相似文献   

The digestive physiology and biochemistry of larvae of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex subterraneus were investigated here. The activity of digestive enzymes was evaluated in the labial glands, midgut epithelium (soluble and particulate fractions), and in the lumen contents, separated into endo and ectoperitrophic regions. Enzymes with high levels of activity were partially characterised using chromatography and electrophoresis techniques. Microscope observations were carried out and the anatomy of the larval digestive tract was described here for the first time. Larvae fed with pH indicator solutions showed the anterior portion of the midgut to be acidic and the posterior portion neutral to alkaline, indicating that the pH of the different regions of the midgut could optimise certain enzyme activities, whilst inhibiting others. The flow rate of the intestinal contents was also evaluated in larvae fed with a dye solution. The slow flow rate is probably due to closure of the rear end of the larval midgut. No compartmentalisation of digestive enzymes acting on oligosaccharides and disaccharides in the ectoperitrophic space and on polysaccharides in the endoperitrophic space was observed here, which could also be related to the closure of the midgut. The digestive physiology of these larvae is therefore similar to ancestral Holometabola, a paradox when considering the highly evolved nature of these insects. The larval midgut demonstrated a large diversity of enzyme activities with high levels of alpha-amylase, alpha-mannosidase, chitinase, alpha-glucosidase, beta-glucosidase and proteinase. High levels of chitinase and amylase activities were detected in the labial glands of larvae. The enzyme profile reflected the necessity of the larvae to degrade the fungal substrate, their sole diet, and a probable source of some of the digestive enzymes detected here. When compared to adults, the larvae had a greater diversity and higher levels of enzyme activity, highlighting their importance as the "digestive caste" of the colony.  相似文献   

报道中国啼蟋属Trelleora Gorochov 1新纪录种:褐啼蟋T.fumosa Gorochov,1988,对其进行了详细描述并提供了相关特征图。研究材料保存于河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

Enzyme activities associated with the labial glands, midgut and rectum of adult Acromyrmex subterraneus were investigated in order to understand their role in digestion of plant and fungal material. High chitinolytic activity was detected in the labial glands, indicating a possible role in the degradation of fungus ingested by the ants. Chitinolytic activity seen in other compartments of the alimentary canal probably originated in the labial glands. The highest activity detected in the midgut was for alpha-glucosidase, which was considered to be of insect origin due to its association with midgut epithelium and it is probably involved in glucose assimilation from nutrient sources such as maltose and sucrose present in plant material. A large range of enzyme activities were detected in the rectal lumen contents, and as in the midgut the highest values were for alpha-glucosidase activity. The absence of activity associated with the epithelium, in the particulate fraction, indicates that the rectal epithelium does not have a secretory function. The detection of enzymes in the rectal lumen contents, which were not detected in the midgut lumen contents, indicates that the rectum acts as a reservoir, accumulating enzymes. The major digestive enzymes were partially characterized using hydrophobic interaction chromatography, gel filtration and SDS-PAGE. The pH of the adult intestinal tract and flow rate of dye through the tract was investigated. A gradual acidification of the intestinal tract was noted commencing with the crop (pH 6-8.2) and terminating with the rectum (pH 3-5). The flow of dye through the different compartments of the tract showed a rapid fill time for all the gut compartments and a short residence time in the crop. In all other compartments, the dye remained detectable for 10 days or longer.  相似文献   

记述采自中国广西扩胸蟋属1新种,即周氏扩胸蟋 Cacoplistes (Laminogryllus) choui sp. nov.。新种与罗根扩胸蟋 Cacoplistes (Laminogryllus) rogenhoferi(Saussure, 1877)近似,可通过如下特征区别:后翅明显长于前翅;阳茎基背片向后渐变窄,且后缘中部具1凹口;内侧的阳茎基外侧突形状不同。模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

Summary Columnar cells of the larval midgut of the cassava hornworm, Erinnyis ello, display microvilli with vesicles pinching off from their tips (anterior and middle midgut) or with a large number of double membrane spheres budding along their length (posterior midgut). Basal infoldings in columnar cells occur in a parallel array with many openings to the underlying space (posterior midgut) or are less organized with few openings (anterior and middle midgut). Goblet cells have a cavity, which is formed by invagination of the apical membrane and which occupies most of the cell (anterior and middle midgut) or only its upper part (posterior midgut). The infolded apical membrane shows modified microvilli, which sometimes (posterior midgut) or always (anterior and middle midgut) contain mitochondria. The cytoplasmic side of the membrane of the microvilli that contain mitochondria are studded with small particles. The results suggest that the anterior and middle region of the midgut absorbs water, whereas the posterior region secretes it. This results in a countercurrent flux of fluid, which is responsible for the enzyme recovery from undigested food before it is expelled. Intermediary and final digestion of food probably occur in the columnar cells under the action of plasma membrane-bound and glycocalix-associated enzymes.  相似文献   

黄脸油葫芦线粒体基因组:一种新的基因排列方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用长距PCR扩增及保守引物步移法测定并注释了黄脸油葫芦(Teleogryllus emma)线粒体基因组全序列。结果表明,黄脸油葫芦的线粒体基因组全长15 660 bp,A+T含量为73.1%。谷氨酸、色氨酸及天冬酰胺的转运RNA基因由N链编码,形成了直翅目中的第三种基因排列顺序,其余结构与其它螽亚目昆虫的线粒体结构一致。基因间隔序列共计73 bp,间隔长度从1—24 bp不等;有14对基因间存在共54 bp重叠,重叠碱基数在1—11 bp之间。13个蛋白质编码基因中12个基因(除COⅠ基因外)的起始密码为标准的ATN组成,COI基因的起始密码子为TTA。有10个基因在基因3'端能找到完全的TAA或TAG终止密码子,而有三个基因(COII,ND5和ND4)终止密码子为不完整的T。除tRNASer(AGN)外,其余21个tRNA基因的二级结构均属典型的三叶草结构。黄脸油葫芦940bp的A+T富集区中存在一个被认为与复制起始有关的保守的二级结构,该结构不仅存在于直翅目昆虫中,而且也存在于双翅目、鳞翅目和膜翅目中,但是未见于昆虫纲的早期分化类群——弹尾目中。  相似文献   

Two species of closely related wood crickets, Gryllus vernalis (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) and G. fultoni, occur together in the eastern USA and have a similar calling‐song structure, consisting of three‐pulse chirps. Previous studies revealed that male calling song and female selectivity were divergent between sympatric and far allopatric populations of G. fultoni, consistent with the pattern expected of reproductive character displacement. We studied the reproductive isolation of G. vernalis in relation to G. fultoni by investigating the geographic variation in calling songs of G. vernalis and by examining close‐range mating behaviors. Neither field nor laboratory studies revealed differences in any of the calling‐song characters between sympatric and allopatric populations, but this could reflect the limited sampling within the relatively small region of allopatry for G. vernalis. Although close‐range mating trials revealed that females of both species discriminated against heterospecific mating partners, the strength of discrimination was especially strong in females of sympatric G. vernalis populations. Our studies of long‐range and close‐range mating behaviors suggest that selection pressures for reproductive isolation are exerted primarily on close‐range mating behaviors in G. vernalis but on long‐range mating behaviors in G. fultoni.  相似文献   

The Wolbachia bacterium is one of the most prevalent intracellular symbionts of invertebrates, particularly insects. This bacterium induces four distinct reproductive anomalies such as cytoplasmic incompatibility, feminization, male killing, and parthenogenesis of its hosts. Here we report that three closely related cricket species, Loxoblemmus doenitzi, L. campestris, and L. equestris can become infected with Wolbachia. Based on the 16s rRNA sequences, all three species were single infections. However, Wolbachia infecting L. campestris showed diverse Wolbachia surface protein gene sequences resembling multiple infections. In addition, all Wolbachia strains in the three host species harbored the Wolbachia specific bacteriophage.  相似文献   

Polymorphic di‐, tri‐ and tetranucleotide repeats were examined in Allonemobius to determine whether they could serve as useful markers in studies of sperm precedence, population genetics and hybrid zone structure. Ten microsatellite DNA loci were sufficiently polymorphic to be used for paternity tests and showed no evidence of linkage disequilibrium or deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in Allonemobius socius. Nine of 10 of these microsatellites can be amplified from three other Allonemobius species, suggesting that these markers will have widespread utility in this ground cricket genus.  相似文献   

The process of mating in C. canariensis follows basically the same pattern as in other crickets: adoption of the female-above-male position, hooking of the male onto the female's subgenital plate, spermatophore transfer, and separation of the mates. Two crucial modifications can, however, be distinguished: Hooking is not accomplished by means of a sclerotized process from the protruded epiphallus, but with paired hooklets on the paraproct (paraproct processes; sternite 11). The paraproct processes are about 0.4 mm long and covered with bristles, and a group of campaniform sensilla is found in the tip region. The time course of copulation is also modified. Usually, in crickets an already fully formed spermatophore is transferred immediately after mounting, and remains attached for a considerable period. C. canariensis, however, needs about 15 min for spermatophore production, while the couple is already hooked. After transfer the spermatophore remains attached only for an average of 31 s. With both hooklets severed, copulation is unsuccessful. Severance of only one hooklet prolongs the initial hooking phase but shortens the following interval, which suggests that spermatophore production is triggered during a definite interval before hooking, and continues as an autonomous internal process.  相似文献   

Arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT), constituting a large family of enzymes, catalyzes the transacetylation from acetyl-CoA to monoamine substrates, although homology among species is not very high. AANAT in vertebrates is photosensitive and mediates circadian regulation. Here, we analyzed AANAT of the cricket, Dianemobius nigrofasciatus. The central nervous system contained AANAT activity. The optimum pHs were 6.0 (a minor peak) and 10.5 (a major peak) with crude enzyme solution. We analyzed the kinetics at pH 10.5 using the sample containing collective AANAT activities, which we term AANAT. Lineweaver-Burk plot and secondary plot yielded a Km for tryptamine as substrate of 0.42 µM, and a Vmax of 9.39 nmol/mg protein/min. The apparent Km for acetyl-CoA was 59.9 µM and the Vmax was 8.14 nmol/mg protein/min. AANAT of D. nigrofasciatus was light-sensitive. The activity was higher at night-time than at day-time as in vertebrates. To investigate most effective wavelengths on AANAT activity, a series of monochromatic lights was applied (350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600 and 650 nm). AANAT showed the highest sensitivity to around 450 nm and 550 nm. 450 nm light was more effective than 550 nm light. Therefore, the most effective light affecting AANAT activity is blue light, which corresponds to the absorption spectrum of blue wave (BW)-opsin.  相似文献   

用RAPD技术研究了我国油葫芦属Teleogryllus 5种蟋蟀的系统发生关系。研究中使用了15个标本,在所试用的54种随机引物中,有9种引物能扩增出清晰而稳定的多态性片断,多态性片断共计167条。应用UPGMA法对多态性片断进行聚类分析,构建树状图,推测其系统发生关系。每一种蟋蟀先各自聚为一类,聚类结果所呈现的属内种间关系与传统分类研究结果基本一致,且支持黑脸油葫芦与黄脸油葫芦为独立种的观点。  相似文献   

Development of Phaeophilacris bredoides Kalt. was studied under stable laboratory conditions: temperature of 26°C, air humidity 60%, and 12L: 12D photoperiod (Knyazev, 1985). The life cycle of Ph. bredoides includes four stages: egg, pronymph, nymph, and adult. The duration of embryonic development is 28 days. The nymphal ontogeny lasts 230 days and consists of 25 instars. The duration of nymphal instars (days) is: 1st—16, 2nd—6, 3rd—8, 4th—10, 5th—10, 6th—15, 7th—10, 8th—8, 9th—9, 10th—11, 11th—11, 12th—8, 13th—9, 14th—10, 15th—7, 16th—9, 17th—7, 18th—7, 19th—7, 20th—10, 21st—11, 22nd—7, 23rd—9, 24th—6, and 25th—9. The duration of adult life is 126 days in males and 125 days in females. Three periods were distinguished in the imaginal ontogeny of males and females: pre-reproductive, reproductive, and post-reproductive. The pre-reproductive period begins with the molt to the adult and ends with the onset of reproductive behavior in males and with the first copulation in females. Its duration is 4 (3–6) days in males and 5 (2–7) days in females. The reproductive period in males starts with the onset of reproductive behavior on the 4th (3rd–6th) day and lasts 119 (98–135) days. In females it begins when they start responding to males’ courtship behavior and lasts 116 (97–133) days. The female reproductive period includes two alternating phases: copulation and egg-laying. The egg-laying phase is initiated by successful copulation. The post-reproductive period in females starts when oviposition ceases and in males, when their reproductive behavior disappears. This period lasts about 3 (2–3) days in males and 4 (2–7) days in females, until the insect dies.  相似文献   

We have isolated an iridescent virus from commercially produced colonies of Gryllus bimaculatus in Germany, which showed apparent mortality. Transmission electron microscopy studies on adult cricket specimens revealed the paracrystalline assembly of icosahedral virus particles in the cytoplasm of hypertrophied abdominal fat body cells. The infecting agent could be cultivated in the lepidopteran cell line sf-9, where it caused cytopathogenic effects such as cell hypertrophy, cytoplasmic vacuolization, and cell death within 8 days postinfection. Infection titers of the first virus passage reached 10(7.5) TCID(50)/ml. Negatively stained virus particles (n = 100) had dimensions of 172 +/- 6 nm (apex to apex) and 148 +/- 5 nm (side to side). SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of virus proteins showed more than 20 distinct polypeptides with a major species of approximately 50 kDa. Analysis of the restriction fragment length profiles from digestion of purified viral DNA with the endonucleases EcoRI, BamHI, and HindIII showed marked differences from the profiles of iridoviruses of lower vertebrates (genus Ranavirus), e.g., Rana esculenta Iridovirus and Frog virus 3. Restriction enzyme digests with the endonucleases MspI and HpaII indicated the lack of methylation of viral DNA. Polymerase chain reaction led to the amplification of a 420-bp gene fragment with 97% sequence homology to the major capsid protein gene of Chilo iridescent virus. These data indicate that this new isolate, which we propose to be termed Gryllus bimaculatus iridescent virus, belongs to the genus Iridovirus of the family Iridoviridae.  相似文献   

In members of the cricket subfamily Eneopterinae (Orthoptera, Grylloidea), songs with powerful high-frequency (HF) harmonics have evolved, which likely represents a distinctive acoustic adaptation. In this study, we analysed or reanalysed the songs of the three eneopterine genera present in the Neotropics to evaluate whether they also possess high-amplitude HF components. We present new data and combine several lines of evidence to interpret or reinterpret the calling signals of a representative species for each genus. We used new recordings in order to detect and analyse potential HF components of the songs. Stridulatory files were measured, and stridulation was studied using high-speed video recordings. The results suggest that all eneopterine genera from the Neotropics use HFs to communicate, based on the rich harmonic content of their songs. Strikingly, the Neotropical eneopterines possess high dominant frequencies, recalling the patterns observed in the tribe Lebinthini, the most speciose tribe of the subfamily distributed in the Western Pacific region and in Southeast Asia: Ligypterus and Ponca show dominant harmonic peaks, whereas Eneoptera possesses unique features. The three species under study, however, deal differently with HFs.  相似文献   

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