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广东海丰紫水鸡种群密度调查   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
2005年12月~2006年6月对广东海丰公平大湖保护区的紫水鸡(Porphyrio porphyrio)种群密度进行了调查。繁殖期和非繁殖期的种群密度分别为13.33只/km2和9.33只/km2。通过对大湖和东关联安围总的样线平均个体数比较,差异性显著(P<0.05);在种群密度上,发现东关联安围不同时期的种群密度均较高,分别达16.11只/km2和11.67只/km2,大湖分别为9.17只/km2和5.83只/km2。对种群影响因素分析表明,非法猎捕和栖息地质量下降是导致紫水鸡种群变化的重要原因。  相似文献   

刘天天  邓文洪 《生态学报》2015,35(8):2622-2627
2007年4月至7月,2007年12月至2008年1月,分别在北京市门头沟区小龙门森林公园、百花山自然保护区以及延庆县松山自然保护区,对同域分布的普通(Sitta europaea)和黑头(Sitta villosa)两种同域分布的类种群密度进行了调查。普通在小龙门森林公园、百花山自然保护区和松山自然保护区的种群密度分别是40.92、96.67只/km2和16.67只/km2。而黑头在上述3个调查区域的种群密度分别是2.03、16.67只/km2和23.33只/km2。普通的总体平均密度(51.4只/km2)高于黑头(20.68只/km2)。两种类分布的海拔和林型存在着差异。普通在海拔高度1070—1350 m的分布比较多。在海拔段1070—1250 m区间,普通的数量随海拔高度的增加呈递增的趋势。而黑头在海拔600—800 m分布较多,随着海拔高度的增加,种群数量呈递减趋势。普通主要分布在阔叶林和针阔混交林中,而黑头主要分布在针叶林中。  相似文献   

2006年5~7月和2008年10~11月,采用访问和小区蹲点绝对数量统计法对弄岗自然保护区黑叶猴种群数量进行调查.结果 表明,弄岗黑叶猴分布区约为26 km2,2008年有黑叶猴13群76只,平均群大小5.85只/群,群密度0.5群/km2,种群密度为2.92只/km2.与2006年相比,2008年猴群增加3个两性群,个体数量增加10只,即增加15.15%,种群密度增加14.96%,平均群大小增加6.36%.弄岗黑叶猴种群数量呈现出增长趋势,这可能与保护区加强管护和宣传有关.  相似文献   

2004年和2005年的4~7月,采用绝对数量调查与样线调查相结合的方法,分别对甘肃省东大山自然保护区和盐池湾自然保护区的高山雪鸡繁殖期种群密度进行了调查研究.结果表明,东大山核心区高山雪鸡繁殖期的种群密度为7.12±1.05只/km2(5.85~8.33),总体密度为4.88±1.50只/km2(3.33~6.32);盐池湾高山雪鸡繁殖期的种群密度为4.25±2.10只/km2(2.86~6.67).东大山核心区高山雪鸡的种群密度与1990年相比稍有下降,而总体密度则有所上升.人工捕捉和偷猎等是影响研究区内高山雪鸡种群数量的主要因素.  相似文献   

贺兰山岩羊的数量与分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2003年11~12月,采用样线调查法对贺兰山东坡(宁夏贺兰山国家级自然保护区)和西坡(内蒙古贺兰山国家级自然保护区)境内岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)种群的数量与分布进行了调查。共记录岩羊实体141群746只。在宁夏贺兰山国家级自然保护区和内蒙古贺兰山国家级自然保护区范围内均有岩羊分布,但东坡岩羊的平均群大小为6·03只,西坡为3·24只;东坡的遇见率为0·32只/km,西坡的遇见率为0·19只/km。卡方检验表明,贺兰山东、西坡的平均群大小和遇见率均存在极显著差异,东坡是岩羊的主要分布区。利用DISTANCE5·0软件估计贺兰山东坡岩羊的密度为5·144只/km2,种群数量为10611只;西坡的密度为2·532只/km2,种群数量为1714只;整个贺兰山地区岩羊的估计密度是4·445只/km2,种群数量为12178只。  相似文献   

广东海丰鸟类自然保护区褐翅鸦鹃数量调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为掌握褐翅鸦鹃(Centropus sinensis)在广东海丰鸟类自然保护区的种群现状,提出有针对性的保护措施,2005年对保护区内褐翅鸦鹃数量行了调查.4个季节中,夏季记录的个体数最多(32只),其样线平均个体数与春季、秋季相比,差异性显著(P<0.05);夏季种群密度最大,达17.78只,km2,冬季仅为1.11只/km2.单次记录到的多为单只个体.不同季节在3个保护站记录到的褐翅鸦鹃数量存在一定的差异.总体上,东关联安围记录到的个体数最多.  相似文献   

艾比湖国家级湿地自然保护区鹅喉羚种群数量与分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年6月—2014年4月,在艾比湖国家级湿地自然保护区采用样线法及粪便堆计数法调查了鹅喉羚Gazella subgutturosa的种群数量。样线总长1276.6 km,发现79头鹅喉羚。采用Distance 6.0估算了鹅喉羚的密度和遇见率。从春季到冬季,鹅喉羚遇见率在(0.014~0.034)头/km之间变化。春季鹅喉羚种群密度为(0.104±0.033)头/km2,夏季为(0.057±0.025)头/km2,秋季为(0.048±0.030)头/km2,冬季为(0.131±0.043)头/km2。鹅喉羚适宜栖息平均面积2404 km2,估算该区域春季鹅喉羚数量为240头,夏季为137头,秋季为115头,冬季为314头。粪便堆计数法估算春季种群数量为146头,夏季为90头,秋季为61头,冬季为200头。根据野外考察全球定位系统数据并解译艾比湖鹅喉羚分布生境2009年的Landsat ETM遥感影像,将生境分为森林、灌丛、湖泊、沼泽、荒漠、草原6种类型,其中,森林、灌丛为艾比湖鹅喉羚适宜生境。本研究结果将为艾比湖国家级湿地自然保护区鹅喉羚长期监测及有效保护管理提供基础数据。  相似文献   

2012年11月至2013年7月间研究了独龙江乡区域羚牛指名亚种Budorcas taxicolor taxicolor(后文简称羚牛)的种群分布、数量和保护现状的问题。研究采用了改良的访问调查和实地调查相结合的方法。其中实地调查独龙江乡羚牛种群一群,调查面积35.70 km2,目测羚牛种群数量58头,适宜生境面积24.46 km2。计算羚牛适宜生境种群密度为2.4头/km2。种群数量和访查信息相符合,说明采用访问调查的方法是可靠的。本研究共计访问调查了独龙江乡的25个村庄,发现共有12个羚牛种群分布在独龙江乡,分布区羚牛适宜生境面积总和为167 km2。综合羚牛分布区面积和访查结果,本研究估算当前独龙江羚牛种群数量为400~450头。根据实地调查中羚牛利用的生境类型,利用GIS分析获得全独龙江羚牛适宜生境面积为1726 km2,可承载超过4000头,因此独龙江区域应为羚牛指名亚种的主要分布区。基于访查结果本研究还分析了羚牛的垂直分布和保护现状,提出降低人为干扰和保护羚牛生境廊道是独龙江羚牛保护的关键。  相似文献   

为分析古田山自然保护区内小麂种群资源的现状,制定合理的保护和管理措施,本研究结合传统的样带调查法和非损伤性标志重捕法进行小麂种群资源的调查与评估。2014年4月、7月、10月和2015年1月在古田山自然保护区内进行了4次调查,结果显示:样带法得到全区的种群密度为(5.8±0.4)只/km2,种群数量为(473.5±29.2)只,其中核心区种群密度最高,为(7.5±0.7)只/km2,种群数量为(160.8±14.0)只;缓冲区为(5.7±0.6)只/km2,种群数量为(98.2±10.4)只;实验区密度最低,为(3.3±0.5)只/km2,种群数量为(140.5±20.7)只。非损伤性标志重捕法得到全区种群密度为(4.9±0.3)只/km2,种群数量为(397±26)只。样带法调查显示,不同功能区之间的种群密度随季节发生变化,核心区、缓冲区和实验区均是春季种群密度最高,保护区内小麂主要栖息在海拔400-800 m之间,夏季向高海拔区域迁移,冬季则向低海拔迁移。SRY性别鉴定结果表明,古田山小麂种群季节间平均雌雄性比1.17∶1,周年雌雄性比为1.11∶1(9只雌性,84只雄性)(x=0.458,P=0.499),雌性个体的数量优势并不是很明显,若要进一步提高种群数量,则需要加强保护。  相似文献   

2011年1月至11月使用瞬时扫描法及焦点动物取样法对云南省大理市洱源县西湖湿地(26°00′~26°01′N,100°02′~100°03′E,平均海拔1 970 m)的紫水鸡(Porphyrio porphyrio)行为进行了观察,将行为定义为取食、寻食、休息、修饰、警戒、位移和其他共7类,扫描时将取食和寻食合并为觅食,分析非繁殖期的日节律和时间分配特点。觅食高峰出现在早晨和傍晚,低谷在秋季为下午14:30时(占所有行为类型56.56%)、冬季12:30时(55.61%)、春季11:00时(55.80%)。休息高峰秋季出现在12:30时(26.79%),冬季一日内呈上升趋势,春季呈双峰型,低谷在13:30时(14.64%)。从时间分配来看,寻食、取食、修饰等行为在不同季节间存在显著差异,寻食时间从高至低依次为冬季、春季、秋季,分别占总活动时间的19.87%、9.36%、3.03%;取食时间则相反,依次为秋季(72.54%)、春季(56.78%)及冬季(44.59%);与新西兰Pukepuke Lagoon种群相比,西湖湿地紫水鸡种群在秋季大量取食,在冬季增加寻食和休息时间,以应对高原湿地的温度和食物变化。修饰行为在繁殖期前(春季)最多(15.84%),繁殖期后(秋季)减少(11.10%)。以上结果说明,为适应气候、食物等条件的年周期变化,紫水鸡行为策略在不同时期和地点具有可塑性,这可能是该物种在滇西北地区得以繁衍及扩散的原因之一。  相似文献   

A central biological parameter in the study of any animal population is the accurate assignment of sex. Indeed any ecological study of a population requires information on sex composition in relation to such biological factors as behaviour, movement, mortality and birth rate. However, our ability to assign the sex of adults of many avian species is poor and the sexing of young is universally difficult. We report here the successful application of a molecular technique for the assignment of sex in the communally breeding pukeko or purple swamphen ( Porphyrio porphyrio melanotus ). W- and Z-linked chromosome fragments in digested genomic DNA of pukeko were detected with the DNA probe pMg1. We consequently show that this species breeds in polyandrous, polygynous and polygynandrous groups. Finally we discuss why recent molecular methods represent important new tools in ecology.  相似文献   

Instances of range contraction and population decline in bird species in Europe are more common than cases of recovery following decline. Here we report on the recovery and expansion processes of an endangered bird species in Europe, the purple swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio L., Rallidae), with special reference to the Iberian Peninsula, its main distribution area in Western Europe. After a drastic decline during the first half of the 20th century, which restricted its range to a few areas in southern Spain, the Iberian population has recovered. Currently, the species occurs in a range similar to the one it had at the beginning of the 20th century, and has even colonized new areas. These processes seem to be the result of both human-mediated (effective protection of the species and suitable habitats; success of reintroduction programs as expansion focuses of birds colonizing nearby and distant regions [>300 km] wetlands) and natural factors (inter- and intra-seasonal cycles of wet and dry years). Thus, we found a significant relationship between rainfall and bird abundance and productivity, suggesting that such inter- and intra-seasonal cycles may have significant effects on demographic parameters that could be related to the expansion process. Finally the species shows remarkable adaptability, as proven by data on breeding success in recently colonized areas and the ability to breed shortly after reintroduction. We hypothesize that saturation of breeding habitats in established areas, a reasonable habitat continuity and favorable environmental conditions, and protection have facilitated the dispersion of birds.  相似文献   

高山松(Pinus densata)是油松(P. tabuliformis)和云南松(P. yunnanensis)的天然二倍体杂交种, 是为数不多的与亲本种没有严格生殖隔离的同倍体杂交种。为了检测3个种在油松生境下的苗期适应性和生长发育特点, 为高山松成种机制提供数据, 选取了代表高山松及其亲本种遗传多样性的25个种群, 在油松生境下对比分析了苗期11个适应性指标和3个生长发育指标。结果表明, 大部分适应性指标和生长发育指标在种间和种内群体间差异显著, 主要变异存在于种间及种内群体间; 出苗率、2011年11月和2012年10月的封顶率、二年生苗在2012年10月的保存率等指标的种间方差分量较大, 种内变异较小, 是体现种间苗期适应性和生长发育状况的重要指标。油松在大部分适应性指标和3个生长发育指标上均表现最好, 总体适合度高于云南松和高山松; 云南松在封顶率和保存率上都居于最低值, 大部分一年生苗木到11月底仍未出现封顶现象且黄苗比例最高, 二年生苗的存活率为0, 表明云南松在油松生境下适合度最低; 高山松除了在紫苗比例上表现出超亲优势外, 大部分性状居于亲本种之间。此外, 位于青藏高原东北部的高山松祖先种群在适应性上表现较好, 具有在油松生境下发展的潜力; 而位于青藏高原西部的高山松种群及东南部的康定种群对油松生境的适应性较差。研究揭示出生态选择在高山松的同倍性杂交物种形成中起到了关键作用。  相似文献   

The distribution of mast cells in various ovarian compartments was studied during different stages of the reproductive cycles in Rattus rattus. Two types of mast cell populations were recognized with light microscopy i.e., light purple and deep purple, the latter also includes deeply stained cells with extruded granules. Mast cells identified by electron microscopy showed the ultrastructural features during granule formation and release of their content. Significantly higher numbers of mast cells per unit area of ovary were seen at estrus and diestrus. Numbers of mast cells also remained high during pregnancy with possible involvement of mast cell products in vascularization of corpora lutea. A positive correlation existed between mast cell counts and embryo number during pregnancy. However, numbers of mast cells declined significantly after parturition.  相似文献   

The impact of invasive predators on native prey has attracted considerable scientific attention, whereas the reverse situation (invasive species being eaten by native predators) has been less frequently studied. Such interactions might affect invasion success; an invader that is readily consumed by native species may be less likely to flourish in its new range than one that is ignored by those taxa. Invasive cane toads (Rhinella marina) in Australia have fatally poisoned many native predators (e.g., marsupials, crocodiles, lizards) that attempt to ingest the toxic anurans, but birds are more resistant to toad toxins. We quantified prey preferences of four species of wading birds (Nankeen night heron, purple swamphen, pied heron, little egret) in the wild, by offering cane toads and alternative native prey items (total of 279 trays offered, 14 different combinations of prey types). All bird species tested preferred the native prey, avoiding both tadpole and metamorph cane toads. Avoidance of toads was strong enough to reduce foraging on native prey presented in combination with the toads, suggesting that the presence of cane toads could affect predator foraging tactics, and reduce the intensity of predation on native prey species found in association with toads.  相似文献   

Multiyear and multilocation studies were conducted to investigate the within‐ and the between‐year spatial dynamics of corn rootworms Diabrotica spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), adults and their spatial associations with environmental factors in cornfields. Grid‐based spatial sampling was conducted by trapping adults emerging from the soil (i.e., ‘emergence‐trap counts’) and by counting the number of adults in the ear zone of corn plant (i.e., ‘ear‐zone count’). Spatial analysis with distance indices (SADIE) was used to determine spatial distribution patterns and to investigate spatial associations. Ear‐zone counts and emergence‐trap counts were spatially dynamic within a year and more frequently aggregated in the middle of growing seasons and random early and late in the season. However, during the peak population periods, spatial distribution of ear‐zone counts and emergence‐trap counts were significantly consistent between years, indicating predictability of future spatial distributions. Spatial distribution of emergence‐trap counts and ear‐zone counts were positively associated with soil moisture and presence of corn plants with silks, respectively. This study demonstrated that within‐year spatial distribution patterns were dynamic and that there was between‐year spatial consistency of corn rootworm adult distributions. Such information can be used to improve preventative management of corn rootworms.  相似文献   

记述了采自青海省的夕蚖属2新种,即西宁夕蚖Hesperentomon ciningense sp.nov.和南山夕蚖Hesperentomon nanshanensis sp.nov.,两新种腹部第Ⅱ~Ⅵ节背板后排具有6对刚毛,毛序为8/12,第Ⅳ~Ⅵ节腹板缺失后排中刚毛Pc,毛序为4/8.西宁夕蚖和南山夕蚖相似,二者可以通过颚腺、雌性外生殖器、前足跗节的长度、感器形状以及腹部第Ⅹ节的毛序加以区分.新种模式标本保存在上海昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   

The irregular sequence of counts of a microbial population, in the absence of observable corresponding environmental changes (e.g., temperature), can be regarded as reflecting the interplay of several unknown or random factors that favor or inhibit growth. Since these factors tend to balance one another, the fluctuations usually remain within bounds, and only by a coincidence—when all or most act in unison—does an ‘outburst’ occur. This situation can be represented mathematically as a sequence of independent random variables governed by a probability distribution. The concept was applied to reported microbial counts of ground meat and wastewater. It is found that the lognormal distribution could serve as a model, and that simulations from this model are indistinguishable from actual records. The parameters of the lognormal (or other) distribution can then be used to estimate the probability of a population outburst, i.e., an increase above a given threshold. Direct estimation of the outburst probability based on frequency of occurrence is also possible, but in some situations requires an impractically large number of observations. We compare the efficiency of these two methods of estimation. Such methods enable translation of irregular records of microbial counts into actual probabilities of an outburst of a given magnitude. Thus, if the environment remains ’stable’ or in dynamic equilibrium, the fluctuations should not be regarded merely as noise, but as a source of information and an indicator of potential population outbursts even where obvious signs do not exist.  相似文献   

The presumed amphiatlantic distribution of Leptopontia cwmicauda T. Scott, 1902 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) is reviewed and the species being redescribed on the basis of a single male from the Isle of Sylt. Examination of other material previously attributed to L. curvicauda , collected in South Carolina and a wide range of localities in northwestern Europe, resulted in the discovery of four new, morphologically similar species: L. dovpori sp. no v., L. flandrica sp. no v., L. punctata sp. nov. and L. americana sp. Nov . In addition, two new species, L. mediterranea sp. Nov . and L. breviarticulata sp. Nov . are described from the Mediterranean and the Galapagos archipelago, respectively. L. curvicauda sensu Marinov (1971) and sensu Apostolov (1973) from the Black Sea and sensu Klie (1950) from Helgoland are regarded as species inquirendae. A revised diagnosis of the genus Leptopontia T. Scott is presented.  相似文献   

Large carnivores are difficult to monitor because they tend to be sparsely distributed, sensitive to human activity, and associated with complex life histories. Consequently, understanding population trend and viability requires conservationists to cope with uncertainty and bias in population data. Joint analysis of combined data sets using multiple models (i.e., integrated population model) can improve inference about mechanisms (e.g., habitat heterogeneity and food distribution) affecting population dynamics. However, unobserved or unobservable processes can also introduce bias and can be difficult to quantify. We developed a Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach for inference on an integrated population model that reconciles annual population counts with recruitment and survival data (i.e., demographic processes). Our modeling framework is flexible and enables a realistic form of population dynamics by fitting separate density-dependent responses for each demographic process. Discrepancies estimated from shared parameters among different model components represent unobserved additions (i.e., recruitment or immigration) or removals (i.e., death or emigration) when annual population counts are reliable. In a case study of gray wolves in Wisconsin (1980–2011), concordant with policy changes, we estimated that a discrepancy of 0% (1980–1995), −2% (1996–2002), and 4% (2003–2011) in the annual mortality rate was needed to explain annual growth rate. Additional mortality in 2003–2011 may reflect density-dependent mechanisms, changes in illegal killing with shifts in wolf management, and nonindependent censoring in survival data. Integrated population models provide insights into unobserved or unobservable processes by quantifying discrepancies among data sets. Our modeling approach is generalizable to many population analysis needs and allows for identifying dynamic differences due to external drivers, such as management or policy changes.  相似文献   

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