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Lubna M. A. Hassan Danny Arends Siham A. Rahmatalla Monika Reissmann Henry Reyer Klaus Wimmers Sumaia M. A. Abukashawa Gudrun A. Brockmann 《European Journal of Wildlife Research》2018,64(5):52
Capra nubiana is a wild ibex species that is in danger of extinction. This study aimed at assessing the genetic diversity and population structure of Nubian ibex (Capra nubiana, n?=?8) in comparison to Alpine ibex (Capra ibex, n?=?8), Bezoar ibex (Capra aegagrus, n?=?4), and domesticated Taggar goats (Capra aegagrus hircus, n?=?24). All animals were genotyped with the 50K goat SNP chip. Since commercial SNP chips are not designed for wild species, data analysis was done in two ways: (1) using all callable SNPs (33,698) and (2) with a reduced set of SNPs segregating within three out of four populations (662). Using these two sets of SNPs, the observed heterozygosity in Nubian ibex ranged from 0.02 to 0.44, in Alpine ibex from 0.01 to 0.38, and in Bezoar ibex from 0.13 to 0.38, when analyzing 33,698 or 662 SNPs, respectively. In domesticated Taggar goats, the values for the observed heterozygosity using all 33,698 callable SNPs and the reduced set of 662 SNPs were similar (0.40–0.41). Pairwise FST values for the differentiation between species ranged from 0.17–0.35 (Bezoar ibex vs. Taggar goats) to 0.47–0.91 (Bezoar vs. Alpine ibex), and was 0.33–0.90 between Bezoar and Nubian ibex, respectively, to the two sets of SNPs. The analysis of molecular variance among all animals revealed that 74–78% can be explained by differences between species, while the residual 22–26% result from differences among individuals, respectively. Cluster analysis of Nei’s genetic distance allowed to detected two distinct clusters comprising Nubian and Alpine ibex on one hand and Taggar goats and Bezoar ibex on the other hand, and clear separation of all four breeds. Principal component (PC) analysis confirmed and further refined the clusters. SNPs that contributed most to PC1 allowed us to identify genomic regions accounting for the distances between species. These regions contain known milk protein genes. The identification of milk protein genes as contributors to the differentiation between species provides insights into the domestication of wild Capra breeds. 相似文献
Seven purebred Toggenburg fetuses in four does, six purebred Nubian fetuses in four does, and eight Angora fetuses in six does were repeatedly measured using transabdominal real-time ultrasound with a 5 MH(z) linear-array transducer from 40 d to 100 d gestational age (GA) and their biparietal diameters (BPD) were determined. For Toggenburg goats the GA = 27.9 + 1.64 BPD; for Nubian goats the GA = 26.8 + 1.74 BPD; for Angora goats the GA = 28.6 + 1.77 BPD. The breed differences in GA for equal BPD are insignificant at the beginning of the second trimester but are +3 d for Nubian and +6 d for Angora fetuses by the end of the second trimester. 相似文献
Eitedal H. Elsayed A.H. Barkawi M.M. Shafie G. Ashour E. Shehata 《Small Ruminant Research》2007,70(2-3):280-285
Ten Egyptian Nubian goat bucks were used to evaluate the effect of season on testicular hormonal activity and ultrastructure. Parameters were recorded for 7 consecutive weeks in the middle of the four seasons, with blood samples being collected weekly. At the end of each of these seasons, testicular biopsies were obtained surgically for histological and cytological studies. Season had a significant effect on plasma testosterone concentration, being at its lowest level (P < 0.01) during winter and spring (1.2 and 2.6 ng/ml, respectively), while at its highest during summer (10 ng/ml). The effect of season on plasma LH concentration was higher (P < 0.01) in autumn (2.9 mIU/ml) and less in spring and summer (0.4 mIU/ml). Season of the year influenced the percentage of sectional tissue area occupied by the seminiferous tubules and interstitial tissue. Seminiferous tubules occupied the majority of the testicular tissue during winter (76.6%), with the least being occupied during spring (49.8%). The thickness of the seminiferous tubules was maximal during autumn, followed by summer (53 and 36 μm, respectively). In summer the Leydig cells contained abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER), while some areas of the cytoplasm were occupied exclusively by tubular sER, arranged in parallel—indicating the highest activity of these cells. A characteristic multivesicular structure with numerous large lipid droplets and vacuoles was recorded in the Leydig cells during spring and winter, denoting low or even arrested activity of the cells. It could be concluded that season influences the activity of the Leydig cells of Egyptian Nubian bucks, and this is reflected by their ultrastructure and secretive activity. 相似文献
David S. Carlson 《American journal of physical anthropology》1976,45(3):467-484
Much of the earlier work on the prehistory of Sudanese Nubia has emphasized discontinuity between early Nubian populations. However, recent investigations suggest the converse - that a remarkable degree of cultural and biological continuity exists among indigenous Nubian groups, perhaps as far back as the Paleolithic. Thus, cultural and biological differences between Nubian populations can be most effectively perceived as the result of in situ evolutionary development. The present analysis has two major purposes: (1) to describe the morphological differences in the craniofacial complex between indigenous Nubian populations extending from the A-Group (c. 3,400 B.C.) through the Christian (c. 1,500 A.D.) horizons; and (2) to account for these differences within an evolutionary framework. The multiple discriminant analysis of radiographically derived variables revealed a trend from a substantially lower and more elongated cranial vault to a shorter and taller vault throughout the almost 5,000 year time span. Associated with this pattern was a tendency for the face to become more inferiorly-posteriorly located with respect to the vault in the latter groups. Finally, the masseter and temporalis muscles underwent a reduction and slight relocation through time. We speculate that this trend may be associated with behavioral changes associated with transition from a hunting and gathering to a totally agricultural subsistence pattern. 相似文献
For 12 months, ten Nubian doe goats were examined daily for oestrus and blood was obtained twice weekly for serum progesterone (P) analysis. Before the onset of regular ovulatory cycles in the autumn, brief increases in serum P were noted. Ovulation without oestrus was associated with the onset of the breeding season in five of 13 instances. Ovarian activity as assessed by corpus luteum (CL) function began in either September or October and ceased in either January or February in nonpregnant does. CL function was absent postpartum until the beginning of the next breeding season. An instance of male pseudohermaphroditism and mucometra is noted. 相似文献
The rate of elimination from rat and goat circulation of 125I-labelled goat haemoglobin and its complexes with human and goat haptoglobin in goat circulation, was studied. The half-life time t1/2 of haemoglobin in rat circulation was 1.5h, whereas in goat circulation -- 4 h, and was 10 times shorter than t1/2 for its complexes. 相似文献
Hyperostosis frontalis interna: a Nubian case 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The aim of this article is to present evidence of hyperostosis frontalis interna in a 40-year-old female recovered from a Meroitic cemetery (ca. 300 A.D.) in Sudanese Nubia. A review of the literature concerning the Morgagni-Stewart-Morel (MSM) syndrome suggests that the changes in the skull fragment are consistent with this diagnosis. This case is the earliest example of the condition so far reported, and therefore, in archaeological time and space, this is a disease not only of modern civilization, but also of antiquity. Current endocrinological reports suggest that the hyperostosis is the hallmark of a generalized disorder of bone metabolism, with increased androgens, prolactin, and somatotropins. Hyperostosis frontalis interna is the central feature of a syndrome first described over 200 years ago by the early pathologist Giovanni Batistta Morgagni, professor of anatomy at Padua (1719). He found thickening of the internal tables of the frontal bones in association with virilism and obesity. Stewart (1928) and Morel (1929) independently added several neuropsychiatric problems to this complex and questioned the possibility of an endocrine basis for the syndrome. 相似文献
Stéphanie J. Madill Marie-Andrée Harvey Linda McLean 《Journal of electromyography and kinesiology》2010,20(5):804-812
IntroductionThis study compared the patterns of pelvic floor muscle (PFM) activity during coughing between women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and continent women, using surface electromyography (EMG) and posterior vaginal wall (PVW) pressure.MethodsTwenty-four women participated: eight continent, eight with mild SUI and eight with severe SUI. Volunteers performed three maximum coughs in supine and standing. Maximum PFM EMG and PVW pressure amplitudes and the timing of the EMG peak relative to the PVW pressure peak were determined. Ensemble average PVW pressure versus EMG curves were created.ResultsThere were no significant differences among the groups in the maximum EMG or PVW pressure amplitudes. The EMG and PVW pressure peaked simultaneously in both positions in the continent group. In the mild SUI group, the EMG and PVW pressure peaked simultaneously in supine, but the EMG peaked before the PVW pressure in standing. In the severe SUI group, the EMG peaked before the PVW pressure in both positions. The shapes of the PVW pressure versus EMG curves were similar among the groups and positions, however the SUI groups displayed higher EMG-intercepts than the continent women. Conclusion: These findings suggest that urine leakage during coughing in women with SUI may be related to delays in force generation rather than PFM weakness. 相似文献
Deborah I. Olszewski Harold L. Dibble Utsav A. Schurmans Jennifer R. Smith 《Journal of human evolution》2010,59(2):188-201
Systematic survey by the Abydos Survey for Paleolithic Sites project has recorded Nubian Complex artifact density, distribution, typology, and technology across the high desert landscape west of the Nile Valley in Middle Egypt. Our work contrasts with previous investigations of Nubian Complex settlement systems in Egypt, which focused on a small number of sites in the terraces of the Nile Valley, the desert oases, and the Red Sea Mountains. Earlier research interpreted the Nubian Complex, in particular, as a radiating settlement system that incorporated a specialized point production. Our high desert data, however, indicate that the Nubian Complex associated with early modern humans in this region of the high desert reflects a circulating, rather than a radiating, settlement system, and that point production has been over-emphasized. Data available from our work, as well as sites investigated by others, do not conclusively identify Nubian Complex behavioral strategies as modern. These data, however, do contribute to the understanding of landscape use by early modern human populations living along the Nile Valley Corridor route out of Africa. 相似文献
Pan CY Lan XY Zhao HY Hu SR Huai YT Lei CZ Chen H 《Genetics and molecular research : GMR》2011,10(4):3888-3900
We looked for novel genetic variations within the Six6 gene by PCR-SSCP, DNA sequencing and forced RFLP-PCR and estimated their associations with production traits in 2132 goats of eight indigenous Chinese breeds. A novel single nucleotide polymorphism (NM_001104993.1: g.232T>C) within the goat Six6 gene was identified. The frequencies of allele "C" varied from 0.8621 to 1.000, which were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Genotype and allele frequencies were found to be significantly different in the breeds. Association analysis revealed a significant relationship between genotypes and cannon circumference in Hainan black goats (P = 0.047); adult individuals with genotype CT showed higher cannon circumference than those with genotype CC. Another significant association of genotypes with five-year-old fiber length was found in Inner Mongolia white cashmere goats (P = 0.002). In addition, individuals with genotype CT had longer fiber length than those with genotype CC. The data revealed that the Six6 gene positively affects growth traits and cashmere traits. Polymorphism of Six6-PstI could be useful as a DNA marker for goat breeding and genetics via marker-assisted selection. 相似文献
James E. Harris Duane Burnor Samir Loutfy Paul Ponitz 《American journal of physical anthropology》1966,24(2):265-273
The cephalometer, a clinical and research instrument employed by the orthodontic profession to record standardized x-rays of the human skull, has been modified for research work in remote areas where the usual laboratory facilities are not available. This cephalometer was specifically designed to record cephalograms (head radiographs) on the living Nubian population and their extensive skeletal record. The cephalometer consists of a light, portable tripod stand and an aluminum beam to which is attached at one end a Wehmer cephalostat (head holder), and on the other end an isotope radiation source. Hence, the radiation source and the cephalostat were held in the standard relationship of five feet from source to the mid-saggittal plane of the cranium. Ytterbium-169, with a half life of 32.5 days, was used to expose the film. The isotope and the use of the new Experimental Polaroid X-ray Film permitted the x-ray examination of Nubian skulls with no conventional power source or darkroom facilities. 相似文献
DENNIS P. VAN GERVEN SUSAN GUISE SHERIDAN and WILLIAM Y. ADAMS 《American anthropologist》1995,97(3):468-480
Human remains from two cemeteries at Kulubnarti in Sudanese Nubia present an ideal opportunity to assess the biological impact of political and economic change. Remains from the early cemetery come from Nubia's medieval period, characterized by political unification and important achievements in art and architecture. Remains from the second cemetery come from the later emergent feudal age, characterized by regional isolation and return to a subsistence economy. Patterns of mortality, growth, development, nutrition, and disease revealed by the remains converge on one conclusion: the transformation from the medieval to the feudal age at Kulubnarti witnessed an improvement in human health and survival. 相似文献