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鸟类的营巢和产卵是它们在繁殖过程中的重要阶段。鸟巢的结构、形状,营巢(包括窝)的材料、处所、期间,卵的色泽.大小,形状,产卵的日期以及一窝卵的数目等,都是十分复杂的。不仅在不同种的鸟差异很大 即使是同种鸟也随着它们棲住地区的环境条件的不同,而有些变化。研究鸟巢和卵的目的下仅在于阐明鸟类生物学中的某些专门性问题,也给农林益鸟的保护和招引以及害鸟的防除,提供了科学资料。  相似文献   

生活史是鸟类生态学研究的重要内容之一,分析生活史的影响因子对于研究鸟类的生态适应具有重要意义。2007年3~9月,在广东省肇庆市江溪村对黄腹山鹪莺(Prinia flaviventris)和纯色山鹪莺(P.inornata)的繁殖参数进行了比较研究。结果表明:1)除筑巢集中期、窝卵数、巢捕食率和割草毁巢率外,两种山鹪莺各繁殖参数均存在显著性差异;2)黄腹山鹪莺的窝卵数相对较小,但卵重较大,而纯色山鹪莺则相反;3)与体重相似的9种雀形目鸟类相比,两种山鹪莺具有相对较高的年生产力;4)两种山鹪莺在部分繁殖参数上出现了分化,这可能是它们对不同巢捕食风险的响应,黄腹山鹪莺的巢捕食率相对较高,采取低窝卵数和高的卵重,而纯色山鹪莺则为高的窝卵数和低的卵重。  相似文献   

青海省海北地区高寒草甸雀形目鸟类的繁殖生产力   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张晓爱  赵亮  刘泽华 《动物学报》2000,46(3):265-270
通过对高寒草甸10种雀形目鸟类繁殖生产力研究表明,高寒草甸鸟类的繁殖生产与鸟类栖息地所处的地理环境、营巢类型和繁殖方式密切相关。其中繁殖季节长度和窝卵数是影响高寒草甸鸟类繁殖生产力的两个最重要的因子(P〈0.05)。鸟类平均繁殖生产力为2.80(只/对.年)。  相似文献   

巢捕食是影响鸟类繁殖成功率的一个重要因素,也是鸟类繁殖生态研究中的一项重要内容。确定鸟类的主要巢捕食者及影响巢捕食的因素对于了解鸟类繁殖成功率、种群增长率及种群数量等具有重要意义。2009—2012年,对辽宁仙人洞国家级自然保护区人工巢箱中繁殖的杂色山雀(Parus varius)、沼泽山雀(P.palustris)、大山雀(P.major)和白眉姬鹟(Ficedula zanthopygia)四种鸟类的巢捕食率及影响巢捕食的因素进行了研究。研究共记录到238个繁殖巢(杂色山雀74巢、沼泽山雀21巢、大山雀118巢、白眉姬鹟25巢),其中35巢被捕食,捕食率为14.7%,雏鸟期被捕食占91.4%。巢捕食率在4种鸟类之间无差异(x~2=0.429,df=3,P=0.934)。以锦蛇(Elaphe spp.)为代表的蛇类是该地区小型森林洞巣鸟类繁殖期主要捕食者,占总捕食率的94.3%。对影响巢捕食的22个相关因子进行二元逻辑斯蒂回归分析发现,坡度、地面裸露率、草本盖度对巢捕食具有显著性影响;出雏时间、坡位、距碎石块距离对巢捕食的影响接近显著水平;而巢高、树粗、巢箱年龄、窝卵数、距路距离等对巢捕食无显著影响。因此,处于坡度较陡,坡位较高,草本覆盖率较高,地面裸露率较低,距碎石块距离较近,且出雏时间较晚的巢更容易被捕食。  相似文献   

于2010、2011和2012年5—7月在广西弄岗国家级自然保护区对喀斯特森林繁殖鸟类群落的集团结构进行了研究。对44种繁殖鸟类的取食方式、取食基层和取食高度进行聚类分析和主成分分析。其结果如下:(1)鸟类群落可分为6个取食集团,分别为地面取食集团、下层取食集团、上层取食集团、多层取食集团、树干取食集团和空中出击集团;(2)与其他森林类型的鸟类群落集团结构相比,喀斯特季节性雨林的鸟类群落以中、下层取食鸟类为主,多层取食集团次之。其原因可能是:弄岗喀斯特森林植被结构和鸟类食性特点形成了中下层取食的鸟类种数占优势的现象;鸟类以扩展各自生态位宽度方式来缓解竞争压力,从而形成了多层取食集团这一特点。  相似文献   

弄岗国家级自然保护区森林是典型的喀斯特森林。2010年2月—2013年2月对其中的鸟类群落进行了研究。利用样线法、样点法和数理统计等方法对弄岗森林鸟类群落结构、多样性等进行了调查和数据分析。结果如下:(1)共记录到鸟类222种,隶属13目42科。其中留鸟148种,夏候鸟31种,冬候鸟39种,旅鸟4种。弄岗喀斯特森林鸟类群落的特点为留鸟所占比例远大于候鸟,雀形目构成鸟类群落的主要组成成分。弄岗喀斯特森林鸟类区系组成在华中、华南、西南这三区广泛分布的种类最多,鸟类的区系组成具有一定的华南、华中、西南三区区系特征,但总体上以华南区区系特征为主。(2)对弄岗喀斯特森林林缘、弃耕地、森林内部3种生境进行多样性研究。3种生境的夏季和冬季鸟类多样性指数、均匀性指数和优势度指数均较高。鸟类群落结构组成在夏冬两季的波动并不明显,总体上较为稳定。  相似文献   

2009~2010年对江西省吉安地区乌鸫Turdus merula的繁殖进行了调查研究,结果表明:当地乌鸫的营巢时间在3月9日至16日,产卵时间是3月18日至26日,平均窝卵数5.14(4~6)枚(n=14),平均卵大小29.71 mm×21.16 mm,平均卵重6.63 g(n=71).孵卵和暖巢主要由雌鸟承担,但雄鸟也有暖巢行为,孵化率为65.83%,育雏期13~15 d,离巢率高达100%.与高海拔的乌鸫相比,当地乌鸫产大窝小卵,这一特征保证了大窝雏数和高离巢率,繁殖对策属于r-选择.  相似文献   

魏颐凊  崔国发 《生态学杂志》2014,25(12):3451-3457
人工巢能提高鸟类繁殖成功率,在濒危鸟类保护中已取得显著成效.本文对黑龙江洪河自然保护区东方白鹳天然巢结构特征和人工巢利用情况进行了调查,应用单因素方差分析比较未利用的人工巢、已利用的人工巢和天然巢的结构差异.结果表明: 3种巢穴的支架直径、支架夹角、支架交点高及巢位高等结构因子均存在显著差异.结合天然巢结构特征,东方白鹳人工巢架立柱直径应在15.0~25.0 cm,高度5.0~12.0 m,使用水泥等抗酸性腐蚀材料建造.支架数量应为3~4个,直径9.0~12.0 cm,夹角45°~60°,长度90.0~140.0 cm.  相似文献   

胡兀鹫(Gypaetus barbatus)是峭壁生境营巢鸟类,其领域是关系到繁殖与生存的必需资源。2010~2013年,在青藏高原4个省区中的7个胡兀鹫繁殖地进行了调查,结合1990~1993年的调查资料,用直接观察法记录了12个胡兀鹫繁殖巢域(距巢址500 m范围内)中的峭壁生境营巢繁殖鸟类,并初步评估了这些鸟类与胡兀鹫的种间关系。结果表明,巢区中观察到其体型可引起胡兀鹫警觉反应的鸟类计有23种,营巢繁殖的有11种。繁殖鸟类中猛禽有高山兀鹫(Gyps himalayensis)、猎隼(Felco cherrug)、金雕(Aquila chrysaetos)、大鵟(Buteo hemilasius)、长耳鸮(Asio otus)5种,鸦科鸟类有红嘴山鸦(Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)、黄嘴山鸦(P.graculus)和大嘴乌鸦(Corvus macrorhynchos)3种。前述23种可引起胡兀鹫警觉反应的鸟类在胡兀鹫巢域中被记录到的活动行为频次为1 298次·只,观察到12种鸟与胡兀鹫发生种间互动行为,频次合计65次,其中鸦科鸟类与胡兀鹫发生的种间互动行为频次最高(34次)。观察到胡兀鹫驱赶巢域内的捕猎金雕导致其放弃猎物的行为。对种间关系的初步评估结论为:(1)毗邻高山兀鹫繁殖巢的胡兀鹫,表现出同种繁殖对之间巢间距明显缩短的现象,其巢间距由35.84 km(25.10~47.30 km,n=6个巢)缩短至7.39 km(6.22~8.58 km,n=5个巢);(2)在胡兀鹫巢域中营巢繁殖的猎隼,其同种间巢间距缩短至150~360 m(n=4个巢);(3)由于高山兀鹫在当地传统文化习俗中的重要地位,胡兀鹫与其毗邻营巢,可以在很大程度上降低人类直接干扰活动对其繁殖成功率的不利影响;(4)在人为干扰活动或其他原因导致胡兀鹫亲鸟离巢的情况下,鸦科鸟类和捕食性猛禽(尤其是猎隼)的存在,在很大程度上增加了胡兀鹫卵和幼雏被天敌掠食的可能性;(5)胡兀鹫育雏早期需要获取肉含量高的食物(体型较小的死亡动物),在胡兀鹫巢域或附近区域营巢的捕食性猛禽所遗落的猎物,很可能具有一定程度的补充作用。  相似文献   

种间竞争会导致鸟类对自身的生存策略进行多方面调整,将多种因素结合起来分析不同鸟类的同域共存机制具有十分重要的意义.2009-2011年的3-7月,在辽宁省东部山区以悬挂人工巢箱的方法招引杂色山雀(Parus varius)和大山雀(Parus major),通过比较这两种鸟类在繁殖时间、繁殖参数和巢址选择上的差异,分析其繁殖期的栖息地选择及繁殖对策,探讨这两种鸟类同域共存的机制.结果表明,生态位的部分分离是大山雀和杂色山雀能够长期共存的基础.两者都是在繁殖期到来立即开始繁殖,均出现两次繁殖高峰,采用消减窝卵数的对策来适应环境质量的下降.对繁殖参数的分析表明,两种鸟类的繁殖对策都为k-选择,但大山雀略偏向r端,大山雀倾向高窝卵数、低繁殖成功率的繁殖策略;杂色山雀倾向低窝卵数、高繁殖成功率的繁殖策略.两种鸟类都选择在林龄较长的森林中筑巢,但是大山雀较注重巢址的安全性能,巢距地面较高,周围乔木密集;杂色山雀较为注重植被类型的选择,巢址多选择在植被多样、灌木生长茂盛的针阔混交林中,推测可能与杂色山雀的食物构成有关.  相似文献   

1. Bird nests are ubiquitous but patchy resources in many terrestrial habitats. Nests can support diverse communities of commensal invertebrates, especially moths (Lepidoptera). However, there is a shortage of information on the moths associated with bird nests, and the factors influencing their abundance, diversity and composition. 2. Two hundred and twenty‐four nests, from 16 bird species, were sampled from sites in mid‐Wales (UK) and the moths that emerged from them were recorded. 3. Seventy eight percent of nests produced moths, with 4657 individuals of ten species recorded. Moth communities were dominated by generalist species rather than bird nest specialists. 4. Open nests built in undergrowth supported significantly fewer moths than nests in enclosed spaces (for example, nesting boxes). The occurrence of fleas was positively associated with the incidence and abundance of moths. There was no evidence that different nest types supported different moth communities.  相似文献   

A synopsis of 20 species of Diptera Cyclorrhapha from 10 families occurring in bird nests is presented. Some species were found for the first time in bird nests. The roles of each fly species in the bird nest consortia, the mode of larval life, associations with nestlings or nest substrate are discussed. Most flies are widely distributed, the possible explanations for which are proposed.  相似文献   

M. SCHULZ 《Mammal Review》1998,28(2):69-76
Bats (Microchiroptera) utilize few types of bird nests as roosts. Ten species of bats (Molossidae and Vespertilionidae) were recorded roosting in the enclosed bottle-shaped mud nests of the Fairy Martin Hirundo ariel; two species (Vespertilionidae) were located in the hanging nests of scrubwrens Sericornis spp. and the Brown Gerygone Gerygone mouki; two species (Vespertilionidae) in the enclosed plant material nests of the Grey-crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis and Fernwren Oreoscopus gutturalis; and one species (Emballonuridae) was recorded in the open cup-shaped nest of the White-rumped Swiftlet Collocalia spodiopygius. No information was available on the importance of bird nests as breeding sites and only one species, the Chocolate Wattled Bat Chalinolobus morio, has been recorded hibernating in a nest. Bird nests in Australia provide roosting habitat for four threatened bats and may be important to the conservation of these species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Nest predation is the primary cause of nest failure in most passerine birds, and increases in nest predation associated with anthropogenic habitat disturbance are invoked as explanations for population declines of some bird species. In most cases, however, the identity of the nest predators is not known with certainty. We monitored active bird nests with infrared time-lapse video cameras to determine which nest predators were responsible for depredating bird nests in northern New Hampshire. We monitored 64 nests of 11 bird species during three breeding seasons, and identified seven species of predators during 14 predation events. In addition, we recorded two instances of birds defending nests from predators and, in both cases, these nests were ultimately lost to predation. These results contrast with other studies in terms of the relatively high proportion of nests depredated by raptors and mice, as well as the absence of any predation by snakes. The diverse suite of predators in this and other studies is likely to confound our understanding of patterns of nest predation relative to fragmentation and habitat structure.  相似文献   

A study was performed on the numbers and species diversity of thermophilic fungi (growing at 45 °C in vitro) in 38 nests of 9 species of wetland birds, taking into account the physicochemical properties of the nests and the bird species. It was found that in nests with the maximum weight (nests of Mute Swan), the number and diversity of thermophilic fungi were significantly greater than in other nests, with lower weight. The diversity of the thermophilic biota was positively correlated with the individual mass of bird and with the level of phosphorus in the nests. The dominant species within the mycobiota under study was Aspergillus fumigatus which inhabited 95 % of the nests under study, with average frequency of ca. 650 cfu g?1 of dry mass of the nest material. In a majority of the nests studied (nests of 7 bird species), the share of A. fumigatus exceeded 50 % of the total fungi growing at 45 °C. Significantly higher frequencies of the fungal species were characteristic of the nests of small and medium-sized piscivorous species, compared with the other bird species. The number of A. fumigatus increased with increase in the moisture level of the nests, whereas the frequency of occurrence of that opportunistic pathogen, opposite to the general frequency of thermophilic mycobiota, was negatively correlated with the level of phosphorus in the nest material, and with the body mass and length of the birds. The authors indicate the causes of varied growth of thermophilic fungi in nests of wetland birds and, in particular, present a discussion of the causes of accumulation of A. fumigatus, the related threats to the birds, and its role as a source of transmission in the epidemiological chain of aspergillosis.  相似文献   

北京小龙门自然保护区四种苔藓鸟巢的观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2004年8月20~22日在北京小龙门自然保护区,分别对宝兴歌鸫(Turdus mupinensis)、黄眉姬鹪(Ficedula narcissina)、白腹蓝鸫(Cyanoptila cyanomelana)和北红尾鸲(Phoenicurusauroreus)4种鸟的鸟巢的结构和巢材进行了观察,发现他们均用藓类植物作为巢材。经过鉴定,这些藓类植物共7种,分属于4科,其中最多是小牛舌藓(Anomodon minor)。该文还对巢材中藓类植物的分布、生物学特性和鸟类取材的行为等进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

The arachnofauna of bird burrows, which are excavated in the soil, is incompletely understood. The bird burrows have a potential to serve as refugia for cavity-adopting spider species particularly in anthropogenic habitats formed by sand mining, which otherwise suffer from a limited availability of other types of cavities. We hypothesized that the presence of abundant food resources and safe shelter in bird burrows excavated in the soil allow the existence of specialized assemblage of spiders, similarly to those known from cavities and nests made by other birds and mammals. Here we examined 353 burrows that had been previously occupied by Riparia riparia, Merops apiaster or Passer montanus. The burrows were examined in early May and early September in 24 Czech sand pits and construction sites. The burrows hosted a species-rich assemblage of spiders that, however, occurred at low abundances. The spiders were represented prevalently by species known to have distributions centered in anthropogenic and urban habitats, including species that were never observed outside of heated buildings in the study area and species that only were previously known from mammalian burrows and loess and karstic soil crevices. Spider assemblages strongly differed between bird burrows and cavities and nests made by other birds and mammals. The species composition and overall low abundance of spiders in bird burrows was unexpected and was in strong contrast to previous observations of spider assemblages in cavities and nests made by other birds and mammals. Concluded, we rejected the initial hypothesis and, instead, we have shown that bird burrows are rarely occupied by spiders and if occupied, the spider species that adopt old bird burrows and the nests inside of them predominantly consist of species known to have their distribution centered to anthropogenic and urban habitats.  相似文献   

Floating bird nests occur ephemerally in many wetlands, providing resources for wildlife, but the species using such nests and their ecological roles are poorly studied. Grebes (Podicipedidae) construct floating nests anchored to vegetation. During 2010–2017 we studied the vertebrates using nests of the colonially-nesting western grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis) and Clark’s grebe (A. clarkii) at Clear Lake, California. In addition to both grebe species using each other’s nests for copulation and egg dumping, we identified 47 other species of vertebrates using Aechmophorus grebe nests, including one fish, one amphibian, two turtles, one snake, 39 birds, and three mammals. Ecological roles of vertebrates using grebe nests included: egg dumping (one bird); predation on grebe eggs, chicks, or adults (four birds and three mammals); scavenging on broken grebe eggs (five birds); resting (one amphibian, three reptiles, and 15 birds); foraging for non-avian prey on nests (13 birds) or in adjacent water (five birds); and incidental destruction of grebe eggs (one fish and two reptiles) and nests (many species). Floating grebe nests undergo a process of ecological succession. Egg dumping, predation, and scavenging occur during early stages of nest development and maintenance. Once abandoned, older nests are used for resting or foraging for prey in nearby water. Decomposing nests are colonized by arthropods which are preyed upon by birds. Because floating bird nests increase food web complexity by attracting aquatic, semiaquatic, and terrestrial organisms at all trophic levels, protecting the engineers and their nests should be considered a conservation priority by wetland managers.  相似文献   

Summary To examine if differences in egg predation rates could explain differences in bird community composition, egg predation was studied in two years on small islands in a South Swedish lake and on the nearby mainland using both natural and artificial nests.In plots with similar vegetation, the combined density of ground- and tree-nesting bird species did not differ between the islands and the mainland. Egg predation rates were similar on islands and the mainland for natural Turdus nests in two years, and for artificial Turdus and Phylloscopus nests. Unmarked and unvisited experimental nests suffered similar rate of egg predation as marked and visited nests. Egg predation rates were higher on natural nests when artificial nests were also put out, increasing the total nest density. Initial egg predation rates in artificial nests were also higher than later when nest density had decreased by 75%.The egg predators involved differed for artificial Phylloscopus nests between the islands and the mainland. Small mammals were apparently responsible for 29% of the predation on the mainland, but none on the islands. Artificial Turdus nests near crow nests suffered from a higher egg predation rate than nests further away from crow nests. Daily survival rates of Turdus nests increased from the laying to the incubation and further to the fledging state.Egg predation can not explain differences in bird community composition between islands and mainland in the present case.  相似文献   

黄佳亮  梁伟 《动物学杂志》2017,52(4):565-573
部分鸟类在繁殖过程中,为避免被捕食、减少繁殖投入等而选择占用其他鸟类的巢。2014~2016年每年的4~8月,在吉林向海国家级自然保护区记录到4种占用喜鹊巢进行繁殖的鸟类,其中绿头鸭(Anas platyrhynchos)8巢,纵纹腹小鸮(Athene noctua)4巢,长耳鸮(Aiso otus)5巢,麻雀(Passer montanus)6巢。大部分(82.6%)为利用喜鹊的废弃旧巢,而绿头鸭(1巢)、长耳鸮(2巢)和纵纹腹小鸮(1巢)少数侵占喜鹊当年新建的巢。  相似文献   

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