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Bovine leukemia virus (BLV), a transactivating lymphotropic retrovirus, is the etiologic agent of enzootic lymphosarcoma or leukemia in cattle. Sera from BLV-infected animals possess high BLV-neutralizing antibody titres. The availability of the recombinant BLV receptor candidate, BLVRcp1, allowed us to determine a mechanism of virus neutralization by polyclonal sera and monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Bovine sera from animals naturally infected with BLV blocked gp51 binding to recombinant BLVRcp1. In contrast, virus-neutralizing MAbs specific for gp51 F, G, and H epitopes did not prevent gp51-receptor attachment. Furthermore, gp51 neutralization epitopes F, G, and H were accessible to antibodies following gp51 attachment to BLVRcp1. This finding implies that virus neutralization by MAbs to defined BLV gp51 epitopes can occur subsequent to virus engagement of the receptor while polyclonal sera can specifically block virus attachment to the receptor. In conclusion, these data suggest that cell infection by BLV is a multistep process requiring receptor binding (inhibited by polyclonal sera) followed by a second, postbinding event(s) at the cell membrane (inhibited by anti-gp51 MAbs).  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody against glycoprotein gp51 of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) envelope antigen was produced by in vitro immunization. This monoclonal antibody reacted with viral antigen was observed at the 69 kilodalton (kDa) glycoprotein. However, this monoclonal antibody was not involved in neutralizing. It was shown that in comparison with in vivo immunization, in vitro immunization has some advantages, namely a short immunization period and a small antigen quantity.  相似文献   



Although several attempts have been made to control enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) at the local level, a nationwide control program has not been implemented in Japan, except for passive surveillance. Effective control of EBL requires that the transmission routes of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) infection should be identified and intercepted based on scientific evidence. In this cross-sectional study, we examined the risk factors associated with within-herd transmission of BLV on infected dairy farms in Japan. Blood samples taken from 30 randomly selected adult cows at each of 139 dairy farms were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Information on herd management was collected using a structured questionnaire.  相似文献   

Detailed studies were made of the ability of HIRT supernatant (HS) from bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV1) infected cultures to sensitize plates for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The ultracentrifuged pellet of HS had less sensitizing activity than the supernatant, but the antigen was removed completely by 0.22 micron filters and to some extent by 0.45 micron filters; it was minimally affected by sonication; it was destroyed by the action of Pronase but not by DNAase I when a kallikrein inactivator was added and the mixture incubated; incubation with DNAase II had no effect. Thus the presence of DNA was not required for the sensitizing activity of HS and the antigens recognized by antibodies in HS in ELISA were directed to its protein component. Strong reactions were given in immunoblotting of HS from BHV1 infected tissue cultures with anti-BHV1 glycoprotein monoclonal IgG, but HS from uninfected tissue cultures did not react with the same monoclonal IgG.  相似文献   

I Callebaut  A Burny  D Portetelle 《FEBS letters》1991,292(1-2):148-150
Rabbit polyclonal antibodies were raised against synthetic peptides of the bovine leukemia virus envelope glycoprotein gp51 and tested against the full size protein by the Western blotting technique. We show that acetylation of gp51 by iodoacetamide either maintains or significantly increases the antigen-antibody reaction and conclude therefrom that the reactive potential of an anti-peptide antibody may require acetylation of the sulfhydryl groups of the blotted protein.  相似文献   

A battery of 19 synthetic peptides was used to characterize efficient neutralizing and helper T-cell epitopes on the bovine leukemia virus (BLV) external envelope glycoprotein gp51. Four of the antipeptide antisera raised in rabbits inhibited the formation of BLV-induced syncytia; these antisera are directed against peptides 64-73, 98-117, and 177-192. Only antisera directed against the 177-192 region also neutralized vesicular stomatitis virus-BLV pseudotypes. This study clearly demonstrates that neutralizing properties can be observed with antibodies raised to regions undescribed so far and included in both the amino-terminal and central parts of the antigen. In addition, some helper T-cell determinants were defined from gp51-immunized mice and from BLV-infected cattle. Although none of the peptides tested behaved as a universal helper T-cell epitope, peptide 98-117 stimulated T-cell proliferation from BALB/c mice and from three infected cows, while peptide 169-188 strongly stimulated T-cell proliferation from one infected cow. Further experiments performed with three peptides overlapping the 169-188 region (177-192, 179-192, 181-192) demonstrated the particular relevance of residue(s) P-177 and/or D-178 in the helper T-cell epitope. These data should assist in the design of an efficient subunit vaccine against BLV infection that contains peptides possessing both B-neutralizing and helper T-cell determinants.  相似文献   

FLK cells are fetal lamb kidney cells persistently infected with bovine leukemia virus (BLV). 3178 cells, originating from calf-form bovine lymphosarcoma, also showed persistent production of BLV and alteration of cell morphology, after treatment with 5'-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine. In the present paper, the first in vitro transformation of sheep fibroblasts by inoculation with BLV materials from these two cell lines is described. In a few passages after inoculation with these viral materials, morphological alteration occurred. The morphologically altered cells were grown as stable cultures and showed such transformed phenotypes as growth in soft agar medium, increased uptake of 2-deoxy-D-glucose and tumorigenicity in athymic nude mice. This result, together with our previous observation of simultaneous induction of BLV expression and morphological alteration of 3178 cells, suggests the presence of some transforming capacity in these BLV materials similar to that in, for example, murine or avian acute leukemia viruses. The possible acquisition of such capacity during the prolonged passage is discussed.  相似文献   

Early research indicated that bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) would not adhere to zona pellucida-intact (ZP-I), in vivo-derived bovine embryos. However, in a recent study, viral association of BVDV and in vivo-derived embryos was demonstrated. These findings raised questions regarding the infectivity of the embryo-associated virus. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the infectivity of BVDV associated with in vivo-derived bovine embryos through utilization of primary cultures of uterine tubal cells (UTC) as an in vitro model of the uterine environment and to determine if washing procedures, including trypsin treatment, were adequate to remove virus from in vivo-derived embryos. One hundred and nine ZP-I morulae and blastocysts (MB) and 77 non-fertile and degenerated (NFD) ova were collected on day 7 from 34, BVDV-negative, superovulated cows. After collection, all MB and NFD ova were washed according to International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS) standards and exposed for 2h to approximately 10(6) cell culture infective doses (50% endpoint) per milliliter of viral strain SD-1. Following exposure, some groups of <10 MB or NFD ova were washed in accordance with IETS standards. In addition, an equivalent number of MB and NFD ova were subjected to IETS standards for trypsin treatment. Subsequently, NFD ova were immediately sonicated and sonicate fluids were assayed for presence of virus, while individual and groups of MB were placed in microdrops containing primary cultures of UTCs and incubated. After 3 days, embryos, media, and UTCs were harvested from each microdrop and assayed for BVDV. Virus was detected in the sonicate fluids of 56 and 43% of the groups of NFD ova that were washed and trypsin-treated, respectively. After 3 days of microdrop culture, virus was not detected in media or sonicate fluids from any individual or groups of MB, regardless of treatment. However, virus was detected in a proportion of UTC that were co-cultured with washed groups of MB (30%), washed individual MB (9%) and trypsin treated individual MB (9%), but no virus was detected in the UTC associated with groups of trypsin-treated embryos. In conclusion, virus associated with developing embryos was infective for permissive cells. Further, the quantity of virus associated with a proportion of individual embryos (both washed and trypsin treated) was sufficient to infect the UTC. In light of these results, an attempt should be made to determine if the quantity of a high-affinity isolate of BVDV associated with an individual embryo would infect recipients via the intrauterine route.  相似文献   

Insertion of 48 amino acid long sequence of envelope protein gp51 of bovine leukemia virus (BLV), located from position 56 till 103 of mature protein, into Pro144 position of hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) leads to the formation of chimeric capsids. These capsids preserve morphology of intact HBcAg but expose on their outer surface BLV epitopes which are localised in the inserted gp51 fragment and responsible for the recognition of chimeras by monoclonal anti-gp51 antibodies MAK14. The anti-genicity of gp51 epitopes within chimeric capsids is not disturbed after shortening of C terminal part of inserted gp51 fragment by deletion of amino acids 73-103. The resulting chimeras show the same capsid-forming ability as well as HBcAg and gp51 antigenic properties.  相似文献   

Integration of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) in the genomes of infected cells was investigated in cattle with enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) and sporadic bovine leukosis (SBL). Southern blot hybridization of BLV cDNA to Eco RI and Xba I restriction fragments of EBL tumor DNAs revealed that: 1) one to four or more copies of proviral DNA were integrated per genome; 2) the restriction pattern of the integrated proviral DNA was the same in two or three different tumors from the same animals; and 3) different patterns were observed among tumors from four different animals. These findings suggest the monoclonal origin of different tumors in an individual animal and the existence of multiple chromosomal integration sites of BLV provirus. DNAs from several SBL tumors were also analyzed with the same restriction enzymes, but with both representative and cDNA3'-enriched's of BLV RNA. No hybridization bands reactive with representative BLV cDNA could be detected, while several bands appeared to hybridize with cDNA3'-enriched.  相似文献   

Antigen-specific immune T lymphocytes of male C57BL/6 mice were enriched in vitro on monolayers of antigen-pulsed syngeneic macrophages. The cells were treated in vitro with RadLV and inoculated intrathymically into irradiated female C56BL/6 animals. Thymomas arising in the inoculated recipients were characterized as donor- (male) type according to their karyotype. In vivo and in vitro cell lines were established from the primary lymphomas, two of which (designated ROT/6.1 and ROT/6.2) were capable of providing antigen- (carrier) specific help in normal or preimmunized mice. None of the lymphomas could induce antigen-specific DTH reaction. Five months after their establishment, ROT/6.2 alone retained its carrier specificity. ROT/6.2 consisted mainly of Lyt-1+ cells, whereas the ROT/6.1 population was more heterogeneous and contained Lyt-1+, Lyt-2+, and Lyt-3+ cells. The carrier specificity of the latter may have been lost due to selection against the specific helper cells during prolonged passages.  相似文献   

Heparin‐binding proteins (HBP) recognized by a monoclonal antibody (M1) are produced by male accessory sex glands and bind to distinct regions of ejaculated bull sperm. Immunoblots of sperm proteins probed with M1 identified HBP variants of approximately 31‐, 24‐, and 21.5‐kDa that were associated with increased fertility of bulls. The purpose of this study was to identify the 31‐kDa HBP known as fertility‐associated antigen (FAA). FAA was isolated by heparin‐affinity chromatography and reversed‐phase high performance liquid chromatography near homogeneity. Biochemical characterization indicated that FAA was an unglycosylated, basic protein. FAA protein was detected in seminal vesicle and prostate gland homogenates, and FAA extracted from sperm membranes by treatment with hypertonic media was identical biochemically to seminal fluid‐derived FAA. N‐terminal sequence analysis of purified FAA yielded a 26 amino acid sequence (L K I X S F N V R S F G E S K K A G F N A M R V I V) with 73% identity to a recently identified human deoxyribonuclease (DNase) I‐like protein. Two internal amino acid sequences generated from lys‐C digested FAA were 85% and 92% identical to the same DNase I‐like protein. In conclusion, we have identified a bovine seminal heparin‐binding protein that binds to sperm and is indicative of bull fertility as being similar to the family of DNase I‐like proteins. These data demonstrate the presence of a novel DNase I‐like protein in bull accessory sex glands and form the groundwork for the identification of a candidate genetic marker for fertility of bulls. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 54:145–153, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) translocates the viral proteolytic peptides generated by the proteasome and other proteases in the cytosol to the endoplasmic reticulum lumen. There, they complex with nascent human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecules, which are subsequently recognized by the CD8(+) lymphocyte cellular response. However, individuals with nonfunctional TAP complexes or tumor or infected cells with blocked TAP molecules are able to present HLA class I ligands generated by TAP-independent processing pathways. Herein, using a TAP-independent polyclonal vaccinia virus-polyspecific CD8(+) T cell line, two conserved vaccinia-derived TAP-independent HLA-B*0702 epitopes were identified. The presentation of these epitopes in normal cells occurs via complex antigen-processing pathways involving the proteasome and/or different subsets of metalloproteinases (amino-, carboxy-, and endoproteases), which were blocked in infected cells with specific chemical inhibitors. These data support the hypothesis that the abundant cellular proteolytic systems contribute to the supply of peptides recognized by the antiviral cellular immune response, thereby facilitating immunosurveillance. These data may explain why TAP-deficient individuals live normal life spans without any increased susceptibility to viral infections.  相似文献   

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