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现存两栖类3个目的系统发生关系仍然没有统一意见,最广泛被接受的假说是单系起源,并且无尾类和有尾类为姐妹群关系而排斥蚓螈类(蛙类假说)。然而,这一假说一直存在争议。我们在测定了泽蛙线粒体基因组全序列的基础上,与已知其他的6种两栖类进行详细的比较分析,同时选择了11种高等脊椎动物的线粒体全基因序列,以硬骨鱼类作外群,用22个tRNA基因合并数据进行系统发生重建分析,结果表明MP、ML树都强力地支持现生两栖类动物为单系群,并且有尾目和蚓螈目为姐妹群关系。这个结果与蛙类假说是相矛盾的,与Bolt(1991)在形态学基础上提出的有尾类和蚓螈类为姐妹群关系的假说相一致,并得到建立在线粒体和核rRNA基因数据基础上的许多分子研究的支持。另外还探讨了本结果与前人的研究不一致的原因,以及利用线粒体全基因序列进行系统发生分析可能存在的偏差。  相似文献   

现存的两栖类系统发生关系一直存在争议,特别是3个目间的亲缘关系。本文设计了5对引物,扩增和测定了大头蛙和脆皮大头蛙线粒体12S和16S rRNA基因和Cytb基因的全序列。在对所测序列进行分析的同时,基于3个基因全序列的相加数据,运用MEGA 3.1和PHYLIP 3.64软件中的NJ法、MP法和ML法,对两爬类17个物种,以鱼类非洲肺鱼为外群,重建出3个树形完全一致的分子系统树。研究结果显示:现存两栖类中无尾目和有尾目为姐妹群关系,并推断有尾目内小鲵科和隐鳃鲵科亲缘关系较近。此外,在研究两栖类系统发生关系方面,作者分析前人研究中产生两种不同观点的可能原因,同时总结了在此类研究中产生偏差的几种影响因素。  相似文献   

对麝Moschus spp.的分子系统进化地位进行了再研究.结果 表明,不同的基因及序列长度、分析中不同的物种数目、不同的分析方法对研究结果产生明显影响.在用线粒体Cyt b、16S rRNA基因及二者的连接序列分别构建的NJ、MP树中,都支持麝与鹿有更近的亲缘关系.在使用γ干扰素核基因的编码序列构建的NJ树中,显示麝与鹿也有较近的亲缘关系;而MP树则暗示麝与牛科有更近的亲缘关系.当选用包括林麝在内的18个物种,使用线粒体基因组重链上12个蛋白编码基因的核苷酸串连序列构建系统发生树时,在NJ、MP、ML和BI树中都支持麝与鹿有更近的亲缘关系,与选用23个物种得到的支持麝为鹿科/牛科二者共同姐妹群的结果存在明显差异.这可能是因为麝科与鹿科和牛科的亲缘关系较近,分歧时间较短,其分子片段所累积的进化信息较少,而且不同的分子片段进化速率不一致等造成的.因此,要彻底解决麝在偶蹄目中的进化地位必须要找到更适合的分子标记.  相似文献   

对采自芜湖市三个不同水体中的萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)17个克隆的线粒体COⅠ基因和rDNAITS1序列进行的分析结果表明:萼花臂尾轮虫不同克隆间COⅠ基因序列差异百分比为0-14.0%,平均为5.1%;ITS1序列差异百分比为0-7.4%,平均为2.2%。基于COⅠ基因序列构建的分子系统树(NJ树、MP树、ML树和贝叶斯树)均支持将17个克隆划分为三个姐妹种,各姐妹种间的序列差异百分比为7.2%-14.0%。基于ITS1序列构建的同样四种分子系统树也支持将17个克隆划分为三个姐妹种,但其中的克隆HE5在姐妹种中的归属与基于COⅠ基因序列构建的分子系统树所得出的结果不同,各姐妹种间的序列差异百分比为1.9%-7.4%。混交雌体和雄体间的交配实验结果表明,轮虫各姐妹种间存在着明显的生殖隔离,克隆HE5在姐妹种中的归属应与基于COⅠ基因序列构建的分子系统树所得出的结果一致;ITS1序列进化速率较低,不宜用于轮虫姐妹种的准确甄别。COⅠ基因进化钟计算结果显示,三个姐妹种间,克隆LE9所属的姐妹种早在8百万年前便分化形成出来,HE1、HE2、HE4-7所属的姐妹种于5百万年前分化产生。  相似文献   

该文测序了湾鳄的线粒体基因组全序列,全长为16,917bp。湾鳄mtDNA结构与其他脊椎动物相似,由22个tRNA,2个rRNA和13个蛋白质编码基因及1个非编码的控制区(D-loop)所组成。除NADH6和tRNAGln、tRNAAla、tRNAAsn、tRNACys、tRNATyr、tRNASer(UCN)、tRNAGlu、tRNAPro在L-链上编码之外,其余基因均在H-链编码。基因排列顺序与已测序的鳄类一致,这显示了鳄类线粒体基因排列顺序上的保守性。但鳄类线粒体基因排列顺序与脊椎动物的典型排列方式相比,有较大的差异,尤其是tRNAPhe基因的重排、tRNASer-tRNAHis-tRNALeu基因族的排列方式等。湾鳄mtDNA和已测序的鳄类一样,缺失轻链复制起始点(OLR)。基于17种鳄mtDNA控制区保守区,采用PAUP4.0最大简约法(Maximumparsimony,MP)构建MP树,邻接法(Neighbor-joiningmethod,NJ)构建NJ树,结果显示:食鱼鳄(Gavialisgangeticus)和假食鱼鳄(Tomistomaschlegelii)聚为一支后再与鳄科(Crocodylidae)的其他物种形成姐妹群,这与基于食鱼鳄和假食鱼鳄的线粒体全序列的分析结果一致,支持将食鱼鳄并入鳄科的观点。结果还支持非洲窄吻鳄(Crocodyluscataphractus)与鳄属(Crocodylus)构成姐妹群,可以单独划分为属的观点。  相似文献   

基于12S rRNA基因序列探讨崇安地蜥的分类地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨崇安地蜥Platyplacous sylvaticus的分类地位,测定了崇安地蜥线粒体12S rRNA基因全序列,并从GenBank中下载了东亚产10种草蜥、3种地蜥的同源序列进行分析,采用Mega V2.1软件的NJ法和ME法、PAUP4.0软件的MP法构建分子系统树.结果表明:崇安地蜥线粒体12S rRNA基因全序列(952 bp)中T、C、A、G碱基含量分别为23.1%、22.9%、35.9%、18.1%;与其它同源序列比对后有978 bp,发现321个位点出现变异,占总位点数32.8%,其中199个简约信息位点,为总变异位点的62%;转换/颠换之比平均为2.16.构建的分子系统树中,NJ树和ME树完全一致,与MP树略有差异.3种构树法中崇安地蜥与南台草蜥Takydromus sauteri、峨眉地蜥P.intermedius、先岛地蜥P.dorsalis均聚为一支,崇安地蜥与先岛地蜥亲缘关系最近.本实验结果支持将地蜥属并入草蜥属和取消地蜥亚属的观点.  相似文献   

从线粒体16S rDNA序列探讨绒螯蟹类的系统发生关系   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
测定了绒螯蟹类各物种的线粒体16SrDNA部分片段的序列,构建了NJ树、ML树和MP树。序列歧异数据比较和各系统发生树都支持新绒螯蟹属(Neoeriocheir)为一个独立的属。在3种系统发生树中,直额绒螯蟹(Eriocheir recta)都是绒螯蟹属(Eriocheir)所有其它成员的姐妹群,并且广东珠江1只直额绒螯蟹标本的16SrDNA部分序列与台湾产台湾绒螯蟹(Eriocheir formasa)的相应序列相同。这些结果不支持平绒螯蟹属(Platyeriocheir)是一个有效的属,并表明E.formosa是E.recta的同物异名。绒螯蟹属(Eriocheir)所有其它成员聚为一个单系的分支,支持中华绒螯蟹、合浦绒螯蟹与日本绒螯蟹属于同一个物种Eriocheir japonica。16SrDNA部分序列的比对表明,产于台湾的日本绒螯蟹的此段序列与合浦绒螯蟹的相同,产于崇明岛的和产于美国旧金山海湾的中华绒螯蟹的此段序列与中华绒螯蟹单元型B的序列相同。  相似文献   

目的:初步探讨中国绿水螅(Hydra sinensis)分子系统发生地位以及水螅属内部各类群系统发生关系。方法:采用酚-氯仿法提取中国绿水螅总DNA,扩增线粒体COI和16S r RNA基因片段并进行DNA序列测定,再利用Clustal及MEGA等生物信息学分析软件进行系统发生分析。结果:在本研究重建的所有系统发生树中,中国绿水螅始终与绿水螅Hydra viridissima的不同种群一起构成绿水螅单系群。同时,棕色水螅群的单系性被基于COI基因的NJ树以及基于16S r RNA基因的NJ树和ML树支持,唯独基于COI基因的ML树不支持棕色水螅群的单系发生。在基于COI基因的ML树中纤弱水螅族在系统树的基部独立为一支系,而绿水螅群和其他棕色水螅群水螅一起组成另一支系,提示纤弱水螅族水螅的系统发生地位值得进一步探讨。值得注意的是,根据本文的结果,棕色水螅群内3族的划分仍然有一定疑问。基于COI基因的NJ树和ML树支持普通水螅族、寡水螅族和纤弱水螅族各自族内的单系发生,但16S r RNA基因的NJ树和ML树中仅普通水螅族水螅聚为单系群,而寡水螅族和纤弱水螅族水螅各自并非单系发生。结论:把水螅属划分为绿水螅群及棕色水螅群有一定的合理性,但棕色水螅群内寡水螅族、普通水螅族和纤弱水螅族3族的划分还有待商榷。  相似文献   

基于ITS序列探讨忍冬属的系统发育关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以七子花(Heptacodium miconioides)为外类群,运用MEGA软件对20种忍冬属植物进行系统发育分析,采用邻接法(NJ)和最大简约法(MP)构建系统发育树,从分子系统学角度探讨忍冬属下的亲缘关系.结果表明:(1)在NJ和MP系统树中,没有形成系统树的基部分支,忍冬亚属(Subg.Chamaecerasus)和轮花亚属(Subg.Lonicera)没有形成姐妹群关系.(2)在各系统树中,囊管组内的各种没有聚为一支,故认为对囊管组的划分应进一步探讨.(3)忍冬属ITS区(ITS1+ITS2)的信息位点达到11.0%,信息位点比较丰富,证明ITS序列可以为解决忍冬属植物的系统发育问题提供较强的证据.  相似文献   

文中分析现生介形类 (Ostracoda) 4目 2 1科 2 9属的 18SrDNA部分序列 ,采用最大似然法 (ML)、邻接法 (NJ)和最大简约法 (MP) ,尝试构建介形类的分子系统树 ;结合介形类的形态特征和化石记录 ,主要对速足目(Podocopida)、丽足目 (Myodocopida)及其超科级分类阶元的系统发生关系进行探讨。 3种分析方法均支持形态学上Podocopida ,Myodocopida和海萤超科 (Cypridinacea)的界定 ;但对Podocopida目土菱介超科 (Bairdiacea)的系统地位提出质疑 ,该类群可能不是单系发生的自然类群。上述分析显示 ,Podocopida,Myodocopida,Platycopida和Halo cypridina组成一个单系群 ;介形类在目、超科、科和属的水平上可能发生过多次辐射分化  相似文献   

The relative efficiencies of different protein-coding genes of the mitochondrial genome and different tree-building methods in recovering a known vertebrate phylogeny (two whale species, cow, rat, mouse, opossum, chicken, frog, and three bony fish species) was evaluated. The tree-building methods examined were the neighbor joining (NJ), minimum evolution (ME), maximum parsimony (MP), and maximum likelihood (ML), and both nucleotide sequences and deduced amino acid sequences were analyzed. Generally speaking, amino acid sequences were better than nucleotide sequences in obtaining the true tree (topology) or trees close to the true tree. However, when only first and second codon positions data were used, nucleotide sequences produced reasonably good trees. Among the 13 genes examined, Nd5 produced the true tree in all tree-building methods or algorithms for both amino acid and nucleotide sequence data. Genes Cytb and Nd4 also produced the correct tree in most tree-building algorithms when amino acid sequence data were used. By contrast, Co2, Nd1, and Nd41 showed a poor performance. In general, large genes produced better results, and when the entire set of genes was used, all tree-building methods generated the true tree. In each tree-building method, several distance measures or algorithms were used, but all these distance measures or algorithms produced essentially the same results. The ME method, in which many different topologies are examined, was no better than the NJ method, which generates a single final tree. Similarly, an ML method, in which many topologies are examined, was no better than the ML star decomposition algorithm that generates a single final tree. In ML the best substitution model chosen by using the Akaike information criterion produced no better results than simpler substitution models. These results question the utility of the currently used optimization principles in phylogenetic construction. Relatively simple methods such as the NJ and ML star decomposition algorithms seem to produce as good results as those obtained by more sophisticated methods. The efficiencies of the NJ, ME, MP, and ML methods in obtaining the correct tree were nearly the same when amino acid sequence data were used. The most important factor in constructing reliable phylogenetic trees seems to be the number of amino acids or nucleotides used.   相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of mushrooms and their relatives within the order Agaricales were addressed by using nuclear large subunit ribosomal DNA sequences. Approximately 900 bases of the 5' end of the nucleus-encoded large subunit RNA gene were sequenced for 154 selected taxa representing most families within the Agaricales. Several phylogenetic methods were used, including weighted and equally weighted parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), and distance methods (NJ). The starting tree for branch swapping in the ML analyses was the tree with the highest ML score among previously produced MP and NJ trees. A high degree of consensus was observed between phylogenetic estimates obtained through MP and ML. NJ trees differed according to the distance model that was used; however, all NJ trees still supported most of the same terminal groupings as the MP and ML trees did. NJ trees were always significantly suboptimal when evaluated against the best MP and ML trees, by both parsimony and likelihood tests. Our analyses suggest that weighted MP and ML provide the best estimates of Agaricales phylogeny. Similar support was observed between bootstrapping and jackknifing methods for evaluation of tree robustness. Phylogenetic analyses revealed many groups of agaricoid fungi that are supported by moderate to high bootstrap or jackknife values or are consistent with morphology-based classification schemes. Analyses also support separate placement of the boletes and russules, which are basal to the main core group of gilled mushrooms (the Agaricineae of Singer). Examples of monophyletic groups include the families Amanitaceae, Coprinaceae (excluding Coprinus comatus and subfamily Panaeolideae), Agaricaceae (excluding the Cystodermateae), and Strophariaceae pro parte (Stropharia, Pholiota, and Hypholoma); the mycorrhizal species of Tricholoma (including Leucopaxillus, also mycorrhizal); Mycena and Resinomycena; Termitomyces, Podabrella, and Lyophyllum; and Pleurotus with Hohenbuehelia. Several groups revealed by these data to be nonmonophyletic include the families Tricholomataceae, Cortinariaceae, and Hygrophoraceae and the genera Clitocybe, Omphalina, and Marasmius. This study provides a framework for future systematics studies in the Agaricales and suggestions for analyzing large molecular data sets.  相似文献   

Cyprinidae, the largest fish family, comprises ap-proximately 210 recognized genera and 2010 species that are distributed widely in Eurasia, East Indian Is-land, Africa, and North America[1]. Species richness of this family is the greatest in East Asia, for example, China has 122 genera and more than 600 species. It is difficult to build a comprehensive phylogeny of Cy-prinidae due to the large number of genera and species. The classification of this family has been subject to revisions an…  相似文献   

王江  方盛国 《兽类学报》2005,25(2):105-114
原羚属物种在羚羊亚科中的分类地位尚存在很多争议。本文测定了原羚属的黄羊和藏原羚细胞色素b基因全序列(1140bp),并与牛科其它属31个种的同源序列进行比较,对其碱基组成变异情况及核苷酸序列差异进行了分析。基于细胞色素b基因全序列,用简约法(MP)、邻接法(NJ)和似然法(ML)构建了系统进化树。结果表明:黄羊和藏原羚的序列差异为3.78%,颠换数目近乎为0,其突变远未饱和;原羚属内黄羊和藏原羚为不同种,单系发生;原羚属与赛加羚羊属、犬羚属及跳羚属等并系发生,原羚属隶属于羚羊亚科,应为独立属;羚羊亚科组成属间多为并系起源。根据序列差异值2%/百万年的细胞色素6分子钟,推测黄羊和藏原羚分歧时间大约为1~2百万年;原羚属与羚羊亚科其它属分歧时间大约在5.7~8百万年。  相似文献   

Lu S  Yuan ZG  Pang J  Yang D  Yu F  McGuire P  Xie F  Zhang YP 《Biochemical genetics》2004,42(5-6):139-148
To elucidate the phylogeny of the genus Paramesotriton (Caudata: Salamandridae), we investigated three mitochondrial DNA gene fragments (1207 bp in total) of cytochrome b, ND2, and ND4 for its six recognized species. The phylogenetic relationships within Paramesotriton were reconstructed by maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) methods. Phylogenetic trees (MP and ML trees) that were constructed from the combined data set of the three gene fragments indicated that all six species of Paramesotriton formed a monophyletic group, with P. caudopunctatus as basal to the other five species. This result suggests that P. fuzhongensis is a valid species in Paramesotriton.  相似文献   

Complete mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences of 54 species, including 18 newly sequenced, were analyzed to infer the phylogenetic relationships within the family Cyprinidae in East Asia. Phylogenetic trees were generated using various tree-building methods, including Neighbor-joining (NJ), Maximum Parsimony (MP) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) methods, with Myxocyprinus asiaticus (family Catostomidae) as the designated outgroup. The results from NJ and ML methods were mostly similar, supporting some existing subfamilies within Cyprinidae as monophyletic, such as Cultrinae, Xenocyprinae and Gobioninae (including Gobiobotinae). However, genera within the subfamily “Danioninae” did not form a monophyletic group. The subfamily Leuciscinae was divided into two unrelated groups: the “Leuciscinae” in East Asia forming as a monophyletic group together with Cultrinae and Xenocyprinae, while the Leuciscinae in Europe, Siberia, and North America as another monophyletic group. The monophyly of subfamily Cyprininae sensu Howes was supported by NJ and ML trees and is basal in the tree. The position of Acheilognathinae, a widely accepted monophyletic group represented by Rhodeus sericeus, was not resolved.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among embryophytes (tracheophytes, mosses, liverworts, and hornworts) were examined using 21 newly generated mitochondrial small-subunit (19S) rDNA sequences. The "core" 19S rDNA contained more phylogenetically informative sites and lower homoplasy than either nuclear 18S or plastid 16S rDNA. Results of phylogenetic analyses using parsimony (MP) and likelihood (ML) were generally congruent. Using MP, two trees were obtained that resolved either liverworts or hornworts as the basal land plant clade. The optimal ML tree showed hornworts as basal. That topology was not statistically different from the two MP trees, thus both appear to be equally viable evolutionary hypotheses. High bootstrap support was obtained for the majority of higher level embryophyte clades named in a recent morphologically based classification, e.g., Tracheophyta, Euphyllophytina, Lycophytina, and Spermatophytata. Strong support was also obtained for the following monophyletic groups: hornworts, liverworts, mosses, lycopsids, leptosporangiate and eusporangiate ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms. This molecular analysis supported a sister relationship between Equisetum and leptosporangiate ferns and a monophyletic gymnosperms sister to angiosperms. The topologies of deeper clades were affected by taxon inclusion (particularly hornworts) as demonstrated by jackknife analyses. This study represents the first use of mitochondrial 19S rDNA for phylogenetic purposes and it appears well-suited for examining intermediate to deep evolutionary relationships among embryophytes.  相似文献   

隙蛛亚科Coelotinae主要分布于东亚地区,其中我国的已有种类占到全世界种数的一半以上,因此对于我国隙蛛类蜘蛛的研究已经成为世界暗蛛科研究的重点之一。隙蛛亚科属于无筛器类群,于1893年,由Cambridge以隙蛛属为模式属而建立,归属于无筛器的漏斗蛛科。之后,虽然经历了数次修订  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic relationships among most Chinese species of lizards in the genus Phrynocephalus (118 individuals collected from 56 populations of 14 well-defined species and several unidentified specimens) using four mitochondrial gene fragments (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, cytochrome b, and ND4-tRNA(LEU)). The partition-homogeneity tests indicated that the combined dataset was homogeneous, and maximum-parsimony (MP), neighbor-joining (NJ), maximum-likelihood (ML) and Bayesian (BI) analyses were performed on this combined dataset (49 haplotypes including outgroups for 2058bp in total). The maximum-parsimony analysis resulted in 24 equally parsimonious trees, and their strict consensus tree shows that there are two major clades representing the Chinese Phrynocephalus species: the viviparous group (Clade A) and the oviparous group (Clade B). The trees derived from Bayesian, ML, and NJ analyses were topologically identical to the MP analysis except for the position of P. mystaceus. All analyses left the nodes for the oviparous group, the most basal clade within the oviparous group, and P. mystaceus unresolved. The phylogenies further suggest that the monophyly of the viviparous species may have resulted from vicariance, while recent dispersal may have been important in generating the pattern of variation among the oviparous species.  相似文献   

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