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Aggregation methods allow one to replace a large scale dynamical system (micro-system) by a reduced dynamical system (macro-system) governing a small number of global variables. This aggregation of variables can be performed when two time scales exist, a fast time scale and a slow time scale. Perturbation theory allows to obtain an approximated aggregated dynamical system which describes the behaviour of a few number of slow time varying variables which are constants of motion of the fast part of the micro-system. Aggregation methods are applied to the case of the devastation of the great barrier reef by the starfishes. We recall the Antonelli/Kazarinoff model which implies a stable limit cycle for the corals and starfish populations. This prey-predator model describes the interactions between two species of corals and the starfish. Then, we generalize the Antonelli/Kazarinoff model to the case of two spatial patches with a fast part describing the starfish migration on the patches and the human manipulation of the communities by divers and, a slow part describing the growth and the interactions between the populations. We obtain an aggregated model governing the total coral densities on the patches and the total starfish population. This model can exhibit stable limit cycle oscillations and a Hopf bifurcation. The critical value of the bifurcation parameter is expressed in terms of the proportions of coral species and starfish on the two patches. This implies for example that rather than random killing of starfish by the Australian military, it may be better to send teams of divers to outbreaking reefs when they first occur who will then manipulate the community structure to increase protection.  相似文献   

Plants as light traps   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Data mining, finding and integration of information about proteins of interest, is an essential component in modern biological and biomedical research. Even when focusing on a single organism and only on a small number of proteins, there are often dozens fo data sources containing relevant information. We are developing PRIME, a protein information environment, to serve as a virtual central database which integrates distributed heterogeneous information about proteins (linked by common identifier). PRIME has powerful capabilities to visualize all kinds of protein annotation in specialized views. These views can be displayed side by side at the same time and can be synchronized in order to show simultaneously different aspects of identical proteins. These features allow a quick and comprehensive overview of properties of single proteins or protein sets.  相似文献   

Synopsis The functional morphology of the feeding apparatus and the feeding ecology of an assemblage of ten species of butterflyfishes was investigated using a comparative ecomorphological approach. Behavioral observations in situ and in vivo, morphological measurements of fresh-killed specimens, scanning electron microscopy, and kinematic modeling were utilized. The fishes show varying degrees of morphological and behavioral specialization and generalization. The more specialized species group according to how they feed, rather than what they feed on. The feeding guild concept is therefore not very instructive in understanding the functional significance of the feeding apparatus. Many of the morphologically specialized butterflyfishes demonstrate evolutionary convergence in feeding morphology. Whereas the more morphologically specialized species do generally have more ecologically specialized diets, these data do not particularly support the ecomorphological hypothesis in that similar diets do not correspond to similar morphologies.  相似文献   

Adam K. Webb 《Bioethics》2021,35(1):79-89
Medical coverage often stops at borders, for both travellers and long‐term migrants. Such patchiness imposes a de facto limit on free movement. This article considers this phenomenon not as a mere policy choice or technical matter, but as a form of territorial discrimination that is incoherent and even unjust. This legacy of nationally bounded social citizenship rests on a mistaken version of solidarity. Moreover, with growing mobility and rising expectations of medical coverage around the world, the fragmenting of safety nets by the political honeycomb of statehood will become a vexing problem in coming decades. A proper understanding of the health sphere not only can justify incremental reforms that lessen territorial discrimination, without impairing either solidarity or sustainability. It also foreshadows a radically different vision of how social provision might work in a future global space beyond the nation‐state.  相似文献   

Aggregation phenomena of tannin with bovine serum albumin were investigated by light scattering techniques including photon correlation spectroscopy and Rayleigh scattering. Tannin and albumin formed particles with diameters less than 1 microm at neutral pH. As revealed by this study, light scattering methods are useful in investigating aggregation phenomena of biomolecules and in directly quantifying tannin content.  相似文献   

Light scattering is a powerful technique to study the structural and dynamical properties of biomolecular systems or other soft materials such as polymeric solutions and blends or gels. An important application of this technique is the study of the kinetics of formation of supramolecular structures. However, in such cases, the system under study is rapidly changing, and consequently the integration time for each measurement is limited. In order to overcome this difficulty, a statistical approach has been developed based on the analysis of the scattered light intensity distribution (Manno et al. 2006, 2004). Indeed the intensity distribution depends upon the ratio between the integration time of each measurement and the coherence time of scattered radiation. This method has been applied to protein aggregation (Manno et al. 2006) and to sol-gel transition (Manno et al. 2004), to obtain information on the heterogeneity of morphological and dynamical features during such processes. In the present work, we accurately test the validity of this approach by analyzing the statistical properties of the light scattered by a model system: a solution of polystyrene spherical macromolecules of different sizes. Each molecular size is related to a given diffusion coefficient and to a given coherence time of the scattered intensity. The effect of changing the experimental integration time is systematically investigated. A mixture of particles of two different sizes is also analyzed to test the validity and robustness of the model based on the convolution of a gaussian with an exponential distribution. Proceedings of the XVIII Congress of the Italian Society of Pure and Applied Biophysics (SIBPA), Palermo, Sicily, September 2006.  相似文献   

The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis are often measured with Clark-type oxygen electrodes yet the irradiance level inside aqueous oxygen electrode reaction vessels is seldom reported due to the difficulty of measuring light inside a small volume chamber. We describe a simple light guide terminating in a 90° prism that can be inserted into a reaction vessel. Incoming irradiation is directed to a commercially available quantum sensor positioned at the other end of the light guide. Both materials for and construction of the device are inexpensive. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The morphology and evolution of the internal framework, primary inner sphere, and various spines of radiolarian skeletons are considered. A new scheme of successive stages of spine formation is offered. The convergent similarity of radiolarian spines and sponge spicules are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Perinatal depression is an important public health problem affecting 10-20% of childbearing women. Perinatal depression is associated with significant morbidity, and has enormous consequences for the well-being of the mother and child. Treatment of depression during the perinatal period poses a complex problem for both mother and clinician, as antidepressant treatment strategies must consider the welfare of both mother and child during pregnancy and lactation. Bright light therapy may be an attractive treatment for perinatal depression because it is low cost, home-based, and has a much lower side effect profile than pharmacotherapy. The antidepressant effects of bright light are well established, and there are several rationales for expecting that bright light might also be efficacious for perinatal depression. This review describes these rationales, summarizes the available evidence on the efficacy of bright light therapy for perinatal depression, and discusses future directions for investigation of bright light therapy as a treatment for perinatal depression.  相似文献   

Embryonic cleavage depends on the distribution in the cytosol of molecular signals that influence mitotic spindle positioning. By implementing the New Kind of Science (NKS) theory in which a simple rule can evolve with a complex overall behavior, here we propose a new theoretical approach that is capable of modeling the mechanisms of early embryonic cleavage dynamics in the ascidian Styela Partita. The model shows that the same spindle pole orientation rule governs the first five embryonic cleavages, which progressively allow the transition from one to thirty-two daughter cells. Finally, we present evidence of a strong similarity between Kepler's Sphere Packing Problem and embryonic cleavage, which thus represents a prominent example of natural computing.  相似文献   

In a dense stand, individuals compete with each other for resources, especially for light. Light availability decreases with increasing depth in the canopy, thus light competition becoming stronger with time in the vegetative phase. In the reproductive phase, on the other hand, leaves start senescing, and the light environment, particularly of smaller individuals, will be improved. To study the effect of change in light climate on reproduction of individuals, we established an experimental stand of an annual, Xanthium canadense, and assessed temporal changes in whole plant photosynthesis through the reproductive phase with particular reference to light availability of individuals. At flowering, 83% of individuals were still alive, but only 27% survived to set seeds. Most of the individuals that died in the reproductive phase were smaller than those that produced seeds. Individuals that died at the early stage of the reproductive phase had a lower leaf to stem mass ratio, suggesting that the fate of individuals was determined partly by the pattern of biomass allocation in this period. At the early stage of the reproductive phase, leaf area index (LAI) of the stand was high and larger individuals had higher whole plant photosynthesis than smaller individuals. Although light availability at later stages was improved with reduction in LAI, whole plant photosynthesis was very low in all individuals due to a lower light use efficiency, which was caused by a decrease in photosynthetic N use efficiency. We conclude that light competition was still strong at the early stage of the reproductive phase and that later improvement of light availability did not ameliorate the photosynthesis of smaller individuals.  相似文献   

1. Twenty‐eight diadromous fish species occurred in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East in historical times. Their current distributions were assessed in terms of abundance classes (missing, rare, common and abundant) in 196 basins ranging from Morocco to northern Norway and from Greenland to Iran. 2. Their current distributions were modelled using abiotic, biotic, climatic and anthropogenic (regional anthropogenic pressures) variables. Anthropogenic variables were derived from characteristics of large dams (height, distance from the outlet, percentage of main stem river available downstream of dam) and human population density. These data were taken from the EEA Eldred 2.08 (European Lakes, Dams and Reservoirs Database) that deals comprehensively with large European dams and includes all obstacles of this type. To deal with ordinal response variables, we applied proportional odds models. 3. Twenty‐two species‐specific models were successfully built according to the reduction of deviance and the validation process, of which eight included one or more anthropogenic variables. No model could be established for six endemic or highly endangered species such as Acipenser sturio and Coregonus oxyrinchus. 4. Most response curves were easily interpretable since they were related to specific aspects of species’ ecology. Anthropogenic variables related to large dams impacted negatively on the distribution of diadromous fishes through the perturbation of river discharge patterns, the loss of river connectivity and the accessibility to essential habitats, particularly for Salmonid species that spawn in headwater streams. However, one species which can complete its life cycle using only the most downstream part of the basin, Liza ramada, was found to be favoured by the changes in hydrological regime. The bell‐shaped curves obtained from human population density for three diadromous species were connected on one side to a common settlement history of human and animal populations and on the other side to negative impacts of human activities arising at high population density. 5. Our approach can provide the basis for identifying special areas of conservation prior to planning restoration programmes at country or basin scales, as well as for more specialized studies focusing on one species only or at the local scale.  相似文献   

Summary Belowground processes in light gap openings are poorly understood, particularly in tropical forests. Fine roots in three zones of light gap openings and adjacent intact forest were regularly measured in buried bags and surface litter envelopes for 2 years. Fine root biomass does not vary significantly within gaps for either buried bags or for surface litter envelopes. When entire gaps are compared without regard for within gap zones, root growth into both surface litter and buried bags is significantly different between gaps, with highest rates of fine root biomass accumulation in the smallest gap. These results suggest that the aboveground within-gap zones do not result in a congruent pattern of below-ground zonation. Gap size, decomposition of the fallen tree, and pre-gap fine root growth rates should be considered to determine fine root growth patterns following the formation of light gap openings.  相似文献   

Retinal damage by light: Possible implication of singlet oxygen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new hypothesis is proposed in an attempt to explain the mechanism of the irreversible damage which can be induced in the retina by visible light. Upon illumination, retinal generates singlet oxygen and this reactive species can produce lipid peroxidation which in turn may induce membrane instability.Presented at the EMBO-Workshop on Transduction Mechanism of Photoreceptors, Jülich, Germany, October 4–8, 1976  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(1):82-85
Firefly populations are threatened globally by habitat alteration, pesticide use, and anthropogenic sources of light. Lamprigera fireflies were recently reported at an urban city park in Kuala Lumpur, Peninsular Malaysia. Here we report on the responses of Lamprigera larvae to artificial light from street lamps on paved park trails. Larvae were located farther from artificial light sources when street lamps were illuminated than when they were not, and mostly where light intensities were lowest, off park trails. Larvae that were located within the direct field of illumination tended to be immobile, whereas, when street lamps were turned off, they actively travelled paved trails. Larvae positioned directly in the path of downwelling light from street lamps at dusk may therefore experience an effectively longer diurnal period, limited time for active foraging, and greater exposure to pedestrian traffic.  相似文献   

Summary Pre-embedding immunohistochemistry with subsequent embedding in hydroxypropyl methacrylate enables one to obtain high resolution staining of antigens in 1 tissue sections. A routine method using formaldehyde fixation, methanol permeation, and an indirect method with fluoresceinlabeled second antibody is described. This method is compared with other pre-embedding staining procedures. To illustrate the method the mouse small intestine was chosen as a model and stained with antibodies to tubulin, actin, and fibronectin. Some anticipated and some unusual staining patterns were found.  相似文献   

Light is crucial for the synchronization of internal biological rhythms with environmental rhythms. Hospitalization causes a range of unfavorable medical conditions, including delirium, sleep disturbances, depressed mood, and increased fall, especially in elderly people. The hospital room environment contributes significantly to patients’ circadian physiology and behavior; however, few studies have evaluated light intensity in hospital settings. In this study, bedside light intensity during the daytime (6:00–21:00) was measured at 1-min intervals using a light meter on 4869 bed-days at the Inabe General Hospital in Mie, Japan (latitude 35°N), for approximately 1 month in each season. Daytime light exposure in home settings was measured in nonhospitalized elderly individuals (n = 1113) for two consecutive days at 1-min intervals using a wrist light meter. Median daytime light intensities at window and nonwindow hospital beds were 327.9 lux [interquartile range (IQR), 261.5–378.4] and 118.4 lux (IQR, 100.6–142.9), respectively, and daytime light intensity measured in nonhospitalized elderly individuals was 337.3 lux (IQR, 165.5–722.7). Compared with data in nonhospitalized elderly individuals, nonwindow beds were exposed to significantly lower daytime light intensity (p < 0.001), whereas window beds were exposed to similar daytime light intensity to that of home settings (p = 1.00). These results were consistent regardless of seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter) or room directions (north vs. south facing). The lowest median daytime light intensity was observed at nonwindow beds in north-facing rooms during the winter (84.8 lux; IQR, 76.0–95.8). Further studies evaluating the incidence of in-hospital outcomes between patients hospitalized in window and nonwindow beds are needed.  相似文献   

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