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The mechanism of transport of Pt(II) and Pd(II) into tissues through blood and that of their elimination in kidney is incompletely known so far. In this respect, the binding of palladium by the tripeptide glycyl-L-histidyl-L-lysine (GHL), a constituent of the human plasma, as a binary complex, and by the nucleotides 5'-IMP and 5'-GMP, as ternary complexes, has been studied by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. These studies have been conducted in aqueous media and at different ligand/metal ratios. At acidic pH, resonances were observed for binary and ternary kinetically stable complexes, and binding sites in these complexes were identified by the effect of binding on chemical shifts of protons and carbon resonances. From these data, stoichiometries and structures of these complexes were proposed.  相似文献   

A synthetic peptide with a structure analogous to a growth promoting human serum tripeptide was found to possess activities which, at nanomolar concentrations, increased the survival of normal hepatocytes from regenerating rat liver and which enhanced growth of a line of cultured hepatoma cells. The synthetic tripeptide (glycyl-histidyl-lysine) also stimulated the incorporation of labeled uridine and thymidine into trichloroacetic acid precipitable material.  相似文献   

The interaction between Cu(II) and the growth-modulating tripeptide glycyl-L-histidyl-L-lysine in the presence and absence of L-histidine was investigated by potentiometric titration and visible-absorption spectrophotometry at 25 degrees C in 0.15 M-NaCl. Analyses of the results in the pH range 3.5--10.6 indicated the presence of multiple species in solution in the binary system and extensive amounts of the ternary complexes in the ternary system. The species distribution and the stability constants, as well as the visible-absorption spectra of the species, were evaluated. The combined results were used to propose the structure of some of the complexes. The influence of the epsilon-amino group of the peptide in the enhancement of the stability constants was reflected prominently when compared with those complexes formed by either glycyl-L-histidine or glycyl-L-histidylglycine. The results obtained from the equilibrium-dialysis experiments showed that this tripeptide was able to compete with albumin for Cu(II) at pH 7.5 and 6 degrees C. At equimolar concentrations of albumin and the peptide, about 42% of the Cu(II) was bound to the peptide. At the physiologically relevant concentrations of Cu(II), albumin, L-histidine and this peptide, about 6% of the Cu(II) was associated with the low-molecular-weight components. This distribution could be due to the binary as well as the ternary complexes. The possible physiological role of these complexes in the transportation of Cu(II) from blood to tissues is discussed.  相似文献   

Human melanoma and rat hepatoma cells cultured in the presence of low concentrations (2.5 microM) of low-molecular-weight iron (Fe) chelates and Fe-transferrin complexes have been studied with 57Fe M?ssbauer spectroscopy. The spectra show that holoferritin is only a minor fraction of the total iron present in the cells. The major form of Fe was in a low-spin state unlike the high-spin Fe(III) found in ferritin. Only about 10% of the Fe could be attributed to ferritin. In addition, the hepatoma cells had a high-spin Fe(II) spectral component which made up about 20% of the Fe present.  相似文献   

We studied the role of protein kinase C (PKC) and protein threonine phosphorylation in the inhibition and stimulation of growth of the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica. PKC was activated after serum deprivation in E. histolytica and during this period proteins became threonine phosphorylated. Conversely, on serum stimulation of serum-deprived cells, PKC activation was rapidly reversed and the threonine phosphorylation of proteins quickly declined. Growth of E. histolytica was not affected by either PKC inhibitors H-7 and GF109203X or by down-regulation of PKC by Phorbol 12-Myristate 13-Acetate (PMA). Interestingly, very low doses of PMA which caused activation of PKC and were unable to down-regulate PKC after 48 h of culture, negatively influenced the growth of E. histolytica. Serine/threonine phosphatase inhibitors Okadaic acid and Calyculin A drastically inhibited growth of E. histolytica. In conclusion, the growth of E. histolytica is not adversely affected by PKC down-regulation. On the contrary, growth inhibition of E. histolytica is associated with activation of Ca(2+), Diacylglycerol (DAG)-dependent PKC, and threo nine phosphorylation of proteins.  相似文献   

The complexation processes of vanadium(III) with L-cysteinate and s-methyl-L-cysteinate ligands have been studied in aqueous solutions in the pH range 2-7 by the pH-potentiometric, UV-Vis absorption and CD spectroscopy methods. The equilibria model of complex formation, evaluated by SUPERQUAD program, so as careful inspection of spectroscopic data have allowed to determine the speciation and the coordination mode of vanadium(III) ion in the major species present in aqueous solutions. Relatively stable ML2 species of vanadium(III)-L-cysteinate system exists in aqueous solutions above pH 5. It was deduced from spectral data that the coordination sphere of vanadium(III) ion in V(Cys)2 is completed by oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur atoms of two L-cysteinate ligands. Solution of vanadium(III) with L-cysteine (pH approximately 7, L/M=20) was administrated to the culture medium of hepatoma Morris 5123 growing cells. Cytotoxic effect of this solution towards tumor cells was observed. The viability of these cells depended on the complex concentration. It was reduced by 70% at 100 microM of the vanadium species concentration in the culture medium. The death of cancer cells seems to be induced on apoptotic route. The statistically significant increase of total actin level and filamentous to monomeric actin ratios (F/G) were found in the cytoplasm of cells exposed to the vanadium(III)-L-cysteine complex. It was accompanied by the rearrangement of actin cytoskeleton architecture. These factors are important for migration and metastasis formation of the cancer cells.  相似文献   

Coordinately unsaturated Cu(II) and Fe(III) complexes of the stoichiometry [Cu(L)Cl] and [Fe(L)Cl2], where L=tridentate anion of 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone 1-thiosemicarbazone (2HNQTSC) and its 3-methyl derivative (3M2HNQTSC), were screenedin vitro against P388 lymphocytic leukemia cells. Copper complexes were found to be more effective inhibitors of DNA synthesis than analogous Fe(III) compounds. The inhibitory activities are suggested to be related to Cu(II)–Cu(I) redox couple or nitrogen adduct formation.  相似文献   

l-Glutamine is required by mouse teratoma cells and other mouse ascites tumor cells in the synthesis of complex carbohydrates involved in intercellular adhesion. Since l-glutamine is synthesized by the enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS) (EC, these studies were undertaken to determine if a relationship exists between cellular adhesiveness and GS specific activity. Two types of experiment were performed to examine this relationship. Actinomycin D enhanced both teratoma cell GS specific activity and cellular adhesiveness over controls in batch cultures at confluency. Also, the relationship between cell adhesiveness and GS specific activity during the cell cycle was studied using cell populations synchronized with thymidine plus Colcemid. In these synchronized cultures, cellular adhesiveness displayed an oscillatory pattern with peaks of GS specific activity occurring just prior to peaks of adhesiveness. The levels of GS specific activity and intercellular adhesiveness were enhanced by the addition of hydrocortisone, a steroid known to induce GS specific activity in mouse teratoma cells. These results demonstrate a correlation between GS specific activity and cellular adhesiveness. Based upon previous work which implicates l-glutamine in intercellular adhesion, it is not unreasonable to speculate that GS specific activity and cellular adhesiveness may be causally related.  相似文献   

The respiration of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells is inhibited by 3-ethoxy-2-oxobutyraldehyde bis (thiosemicarbazanato) copper (II). State 3 oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria from tumor cells is also inhibited, with the effect more pronounced using glutamate or pyruvate-malate as substrates than with succinate. The disruption of oxidative phosphorylation in bovine heart mitochondria is qualitatively similar. The principal site of inhibition is in coupling site one, energetically between the electron transport site chain and the locus of uncoupling by 2,4-dinitrophenol. This appears to contain thiol groups which are oxidized by the complex. For a series of bis (thiosemicarbazonato) copper complexes, the extent of inhibition of heart mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation is correlated with the reduction potentials of the complexes and with their in vitro cytotoxic effects against Walker 256 carcinoma tumor cells.  相似文献   

A series of subclones of the H4II line of the Reuber H35 rat hepatoma produce substantial amounts of three plasma proteins, transferrin, alpha 1-antitrypsin and fibrinogen. Immunocytochemical staining demonstrated that each of these proteins is synthesized by essentially every cell of these cell populations. Cells of dedifferentiated variant clones either cease to produce the proteins, or exhibit a substantial reduction that is accompanied by variability in the synthetic activity of individual cells of the population. As previously observed with regard to angiotensinogen production, the variant clones clearly divide into two categories: those that show only a reduction in synthesis are able to give rise to revertants, whereas the negative clones fail to do so. Revertant cells exhibit a dramatic restoration of the synthesis of plasma proteins, which in some cases, exceeds by severalfold the rates seen in the differentiated clones of origin. In addition, the revertant cells synthesize alpha-fetoprotein, a function that is not expressed by H4II cells or its daughter subclones. Immunocytochemical staining revealed that, with regard to several plasma proteins including albumin, fibrinogen and alpha-fetoprotein, the cell populations of revertant clones are very heterogeneous, for only a fraction of the cells synthesizes each protein. Hybrid cells resulting from several types of crosses, exhibited extinction of the plasma proteins, the exception being transferrin, whose production was maintained, but at a reduced level and in only a fraction of the cells. Taken together, our results show that the expression of albumin and transferrin can be dissociated from one to another, and from that of fibrinogen, alpha 1-antitrypsin and angiotensinogen.  相似文献   

Interactions of micronutrients can affect absorption and bioavailability of other nutrients by a number of mechanisms. In aqueous solutions, and at higher uptake levels, competition between elements with similar chemical characteristics and uptake process can take place. The consequences of these interactions may depend on the relative concentrations of the nutrients. In this work, we measure the effects of increasing concentrations of iron, zinc, and copper on iron and copper uptake in Caco-2 cells. Intracellular Fe or Cu levels were affected by incubating with increased concentrations of metals. However, when the cells already had different intracellular metal concentration, the uptake of Fe or Cu was nor affected. In competition studies, we showed that Cu and Zn inhibited Fe uptake, and while Fe inhibited Cu uptake, Zn did not. When the three metals were given together (1:1:1 ratio), Fe or Cu uptake was inhibited approximately 40%. These results point to a potential risk in the absorption and bioavailability of these minerals by the presence of other minerals in the diet. This aspect must be considered in food supplementation and fortification programs.  相似文献   

A growth factor (EDGF) derived from the retina controls the proliferation and shape of adult bovine epithelial lens (BEL) cells in vitro as well as extracellular matrix (ECM) assembly. In order to analyse this mechanism and the specificity of the interactions between BEL cells and the extracellular matrix we have investigated the adhesion and growth of BEL cells on various substrata (fibronectin, laminin, ECM). BEL cells treated with EDGF adhered more slowly to plastic Petri dishes than untreated cells, in part due to EDGF inhibition of fibronectin deposition. The untreated BEL cells spread less well on ECM or laminin than on fibronectin-coated plastic. The preferential adhesiveness of BEL cells on fibronectin vs laminin was confirmed by attachment experiments performed on replicas of SDS-PAGE of these proteins. However, in long-term cultures, 8 days after seeding, BEL cells were very differently arranged on plastic or on ECM. ECM by itself did not increase the proliferation rate but helped to restore an organized cell monolayer. BEL cells stimulated to grow on ECM by treatment with EDGF exhibited at least transiently contact inhibition producing a perfectly organized epithelium similar to the one observed in vivo. These results suggest specific interactions between ECM or ECM components with BEL cell that restrain excessive cell spreading and restore an original polarized phenotype of the cells seen in vivo.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane of the hepatoma cell line, HTC cells, has been characterized and purified by cell fractionation techniques. In the absence of true 5′-nucleotidase in HTC cells, alkaline phosphodiesterase I has been used as a marker enzyme, following conclusions gained from differential and isopycnic centrifugation studies (Lopez Saura, P., Trouet A. and Tulkens P. (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 543, 430–449). To confirm this localization, HTC cells were exposed to anti-plasma membrane IgG at 4°C and fractionated. Alkaline phosphodiesterase I and IgG showed super imposable distribution patterns in linear sucrose gradients. Alkaline phosphodiesterase I is, however, only poorly resolved from enzyme markers of other organelles, especially NADPH-cytochrome c reductase (endoplasmic reticulum) and galactosyltransferase (Golgi complex). Maximal purification from the homogenate is only 13-fold, on a protein basis, even when using a microsomal fraction (67 and 13% of alkaline phosphodiesterase I and protein, respectively) as the starting material. Improved resolution can be obtained after the addition of small quantities of digitonin (equimolar with respect to the cholesterol content). Digitonin increases the buoyant density of alkaline phosphodiesterase I by approx. 0.05 g/cm3, whereas the buoyant densities of galactosyltransferase and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase are increased only by 0.03 and 0.015 g/cm3, respectively. Accordingly, a procedure has been designed which yields a fraction containing 22.8% of alkaline phosphodiesterase I with a purification of 21-fold on a protein basis. The content of NADPH-cytochrome c reductase and galactosyltransferase is 1.2 and 2.1%, respectively. Electron microscopy shows smooth surface membrane elements and vesicles, with only occasional other recognizable elements.  相似文献   

A series of silver and copper coordination complexes has been studied using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Results are presented for the monomeric silver(I) complexes [Ag(CNR)4]X, where R = cyclohexyl for X  ClO4, and R = methyl or t-butyl for X  PF6. Likewise, Cu(I) complexes [Cu(CNR)4]PF6, where R =methyl, t-butyl, or cyclohexyl, were examined. The presence of AgL2+ (L represents the intact RNC ligand) and the absence of AgL3+ and AgL4+ species attests to the gas phase stability of two-coordinate silver(I). Similar results to these were obtained for the Cu(I) complexes, with the exception of [Cu(CNCH3)4]PF6 whose spectrum contains CuL4+, CuL3+, CuL2+, CuL+, and Cu+ ions. The latter result reflects the enhanced stability of the tetrahedral Cu(I) geometry compared to Ag(I) in the gas phase. Cross labeling experiments and isotopic labeling studies have provided insights into fragmentation mechanisms. Ligand exchange occurs when mixtures are examined. These exchange reactions provide evidence for extensive molecular mixing which can accompany SIMS even under low primary ion dose conditions. Cluster ion formation as well as the observation of α-cleavage of the NC bonds of RNC ligands have been observed and these results are discussed. Granulated graphite and ammonium chloride were employed to study matrix effects. Granulated graphite enhanced NC cleavage for the silver complexes but had little effect on the relative abundance of silver cluster ions. On the other hand, copper cluster ions were more sensitive to matrix effects.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence points to a role for catalytic forms of iron and copper in mediating oxidative damage associated with degenerative processes.  相似文献   

The iron(III)-1,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxy-4-pyridinone (Deferiprone) system is carefully characterized by a combined potentiometric-spectrophotometric procedure at 25 and 37 degrees C at different ionic strengths, and by thermochemical and quantum-chemical studies. The main purpose of this work was to determine how the temperature dependence of both complex-formation and protonation constants can affect the pFe values on going from 25 degrees C (pFe is normally calculated using 25 degrees C stability constants) to the physiological temperature of 37 degrees C at which chelating agents are active in vivo. The copper(II)-Deferiprone system is also studied and the iron(III)-Deferiprone distribution diagrams in presence of variable copper(II) amounts are shown so as to explain possible side effects due to a competing metal ion during the chelating therapy of iron overload.  相似文献   

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