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By the end of June 1969 home nurses in Bristol were attached to 18 general practices caring for about 137,000 patients, or about one-third of the city''s population. Attachment was associated with an increase by about one-third in the number of patients referred by general practitioners for home nursing. Additional benefits derived from attachment during the nine months from January to September 1969 were 2,047 items of service performed by nurses in general practitioners'' surgeries, 65 home visits to patients who were not receiving domiciliary nursing care, improved communications between general practitioners and nurses, and opportunities for both doctors and nurses to widen their fields of work. The travelling expenses paid to Bristol''s nurses increased by 9·5%.It is suggested that the benefits to patients, doctors, and nurses of attachment far outweigh the costs and that there is scope for extending the role of the attached nurse in the surgery and in home visiting.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00554.x
Are the barriers to good oral hygiene in nursing homes within the nurses or the patients? Objective: To explore nursing home patients’ oral hygiene and their nurses’ assessments of barriers to improvement. Background: In nursing homes, nurses are responsible for patients’ oral hygiene. Materials and methods: This study assessed the oral hygiene of 358 patients in 11 Norwegian nursing homes. 494 nurses in the same nursing homes participated in a questionnaire study. Results: More than 40% of patients had unacceptable oral hygiene. ‘More than 10 teeth’ gave OR = 2, 1 (p = 0.013) and ‘resist being helped’ OR = 2.5 (p = 0.018) for unacceptable oral hygiene. Eighty percent of the nurses believed knowledge of oral health was important, and 9.1% often considered taking care of patients’ teeth unpleasant. Half of the nurses reported lack of time to give regular oral care, and 97% experienced resistant behaviour in patients. Resistant behaviour often left oral care undone. Twenty‐one percent of the nurses had considered making legal decisions about use of force or restraints to overcome resistance to teeth cleaning. Conclusion: Oral hygiene in the nursing homes needed to be improved. Resistant behaviour is a major barrier. To overcome this barrier nurses’ education, organisational strategies to provide more time for oral care, and coping with resistant behaviour in patients are important factors.  相似文献   



The practice of exclusive breastfeeding is still low despite the associated benefits. Improving the uptake and appropriating the benefits will require an understanding of breastfeeding as an embodied experience within a social context. This study investigates breastfeeding practices and experiences of nursing mothers and the roles of grandmothers, as well as the work-related constraints affecting nurses in providing quality support for breastfeeding mothers in Southwest Nigeria.


Using a concurrent mixed method approach, a structured questionnaire was administered to 200 breastfeeding mothers. In-depth interviews were also held with breastfeeding mothers (11), nurses (10) and a focus group discussion session with grandmothers.


Breastfeeding was perceived as essential to baby's health. It strengthens the physical and spiritual bond between mothers and their children. Exclusive breastfeeding was considered essential but demanding. Only a small proportion (19%) of the nursing mothers practiced exclusive breastfeeding. The survey showed the major constraints to exclusive breastfeeding to be: the perception that babies continued to be hungry after breastfeeding (29%); maternal health problems (26%); fear of babies becoming addicted to breast milk (26%); pressure from mother-in-law (25%); pains in the breast (25%); and the need to return to work (24%). In addition, the qualitative findings showed that significant others played dual roles with consequences on breastfeeding practices. The desire to practice exclusive breastfeeding was often compromised shortly after child delivery. Poor feeding, inadequate support from husband and conflicting positions from the significant others were dominant constraints. The nurses decried the effects of their workload on providing quality supports for nursing mothers.


Breastfeeding mothers are faced with multiple challenges as they strive to practice exclusive breastfeeding. Thus, scaling up of exclusive breastfeeding among mothers requires concerted efforts at the macro, meso and micro levels of the Nigerian society.  相似文献   

The scarcity of rural doctors has undermined the ability of health systems in low and middle-income countries like India to provide quality services to rural populations. This study examines job preferences of doctors and nurses to inform what works in terms of rural recruitment strategies. Job acceptance of different strategies was compared to identify policy options for increasing the availability of clinical providers in rural areas. In 2010 a Discrete Choice Experiment was conducted in India. The study sample included final year medical and nursing students, and in-service doctors and nurses serving at Primary Health Centers. Eight job attributes were identified and a D-efficient fractional factorial design was used to construct pairs of job choices. Respondent acceptance of job choices was analyzed using multi-level logistic regression. Location mattered; jobs in areas offering urban amenities had a high likelihood of being accepted. Higher salary had small effect on doctor, but large effect on nurse, acceptance of rural jobs. At five times current salary levels, 13% (31%) of medical students (doctors) were willing to accept rural jobs. At half this level, 61% (52%) of nursing students (nurses) accepted a rural job. The strategy of reserving seats for specialist training in exchange for rural service had a large effect on job acceptance among doctors, nurses and nursing students. For doctors and nurses, properly staffed and equipped health facilities, and housing had small effects on job acceptance. Rural upbringing was not associated with rural job acceptance. Incentivizing doctors for rural service is expensive. A broader strategy of substantial salary increases with improved living, working environment, and education incentives is necessary. For both doctors and nurses, the usual strategies of moderate salary increases, good facility infrastructure, and housing will not be effective. Non-physician clinicians like nurse-practitioners offer an affordable alternative for delivering rural health care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To investigate annual health checks for patients of 75 years and over required by the 1990 contract for general practitioners. DESIGN--Visits to practices to collect information on how assessments were organised and carried out; completion of questionnaires for every patient who had been assessed in a sample month, using information provided by the practice records. SETTING--20 general practices in one family health services authority. SUBJECTS--Patients of 75 years and over in 20 general practices. RESULTS--Three practices (15%) had not performed checks. Thirteen practices sent a letter to invite patients to undergo a check. Of these practices, seven followed up non-responders. Two practices visited patients'' homes unannounced, and two did checks on an opportunistic basis only. Sixteen practices used a checklist. Sixteen practices involved their practice nurses; at eight of these, doctors also performed checks; in six practices the nurses undertaking the checks had no training in assessing old people. Ten practices assessed more than 75% of their old people in the first year of the new contract. Practices that did not follow up patients who had not responded to the invitation for assessment completed significantly fewer checks. During the sample month, 331 patients were assessed in the 17 practices. 204 new problems were discovered in 143 patients. Significantly more problems per patient were found in inner city areas. CONCLUSIONS--The way health checks were performed varied greatly, both in their organisation and the practices'' attitudes. Many old people did not respond to letters asking if they wanted an assessment but very few refused one if followed up. Forty three per cent of those assessed had some unmet need. The number of new problems found per patient may reduce over the next few years if the assessments are successful. The need for annual assessment should be kept under review and adequate resources made available for the needs uncovered. Improved training for practice nurses in assessment is needed. Effectiveness of the checks must be monitored. If most unmet need falls in particular high risk groups it would seem sensible to modify the annual check to target these groups.  相似文献   

Honey bee workers normally produce brood food at an age of 5 to 15 days. However, natural events like swarming or brood diseases may lead to the occurrence of over-aged nurses. Here we investigated the physiological consequences of prolonged nursing for both the nurses and the brood they rear, and tried to separate the effects of chronological age and of task affiliation on some important physiological parameters. Brood was reared in groups of colonies with either a normal age structure or with moderately over-aged workers.The haemolymph concentrations of total protein and vitellogenin, the development of mandibular and hypopharyngeal glands, and the activity of α-glucosidase in the hypopharyngeal glands of nurses from these groups of colonies were compared. Moreover, we used the fertility of young workers reared by normal- and overaged nurses as a bioindicator for the quality of the brood care they had received. It showed that parameters linked to the production of brood food proteins remained stable in over-aged nurses, whereas the development of mandibular glands regressed. Workers reared by over-aged nurses had more ovarioles and showed stronger ovary development under queenless conditions. Our results indicate that while over-aged nurses remain capable of producing brood food, they are not functionally equivalent to young nurses. The partial degeneration of the mandibular glands normally occurring at the end of the nursing period cannot be prevented by prolonged nursing. The distinct phenotype of workers reared by old nurses raises the question of possible age-related specialisations among nurses in colonies with a normal age structure. Received 14 July 2008; revised 18 November 2008; accepted 21 November 2008.  相似文献   

刘利敏  郭晓东  江岚  李新颖  王玲  张慧  田宏  兰云 《生物磁学》2013,(24):4770-4772
摘要目的:探讨在特需病房护理工作中所面临的相关问题及相应的解决办法。方法:选取2010年11月至2012年11月在我院特需病房接受过“一切以病人为中心”的护理观念和人性化护理方式的1000例相关病症患者的临床资料,并对患者在护理过程中的护理方式的满意度评价等进行回顾性分析。结果:该护理方法得到了患者以及患者家属的一致好评。在我院接受特需病房护理的1000例患者中,有900例(90.00%)患者表示非常愿意接受该种护理方法。有950例(95.00%)患者的家属也十分赞同该护理方法。但仍有部分患者在护理过程中对人性化护理有更高的要求,这对于护理人员是一个重大的挑战;另外,特需病房护理人员的素质以及专业技能也存在不足;护理环境以及护理方法仍存在些许漏洞。结论:本着“一切以病人为中心”的原则,结合患者的相关病症及相应需求采用人性化的护理模式,与患者以及患者家属进行合理的沟通。在进行特需病房患者的护理过程中注重人性化对于患者的康复具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Two surveys of private nursing homes, designated geriatric wards, and a sample of social service part III homes were carried out in the Brighton Health District using questionnaires supplemented (in the second survey) by some interviews. The dependency of old people in the private nursing homes was more like that of long stay hospital patients rather than that of residents in social services homes. In the private nursing homes, however, a smaller proportion of patients were in the medium to heavy nursing category (178 (31%) compared with 158 (63%) in the hospital long stay wards) and a larger proportion in the heavy nursing category (170 (30%) compared with 44 (17%) in the long stay wards). Of the patients in private nursing homes, 401 (82%) were local residents, 488 (86%) were long stay, and 459 (88%) were women; their mean age was 88 years. Two thirds of the patients were over 80. There were no significant differences between the private nursing homes and the wards in nursing workloads or staffing, except for a slightly higher provision of state registered nurses in the private sector. In the private nursing homes 348 (63%) of the patients had fees paid by private funds, 26 (5%) were in contract beds paid for by the National Health Service, and 176 (32%) were subsidized by the Department of Health and Social Security. Private nursing homes make a substantial contribution to the care of the elderly in the Brighton Health District, and the health authority should develop a more active partnership with this sector.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To evaluate the local use of written "Do not resuscitate" orders to designate inpatients unsuitable for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the event of cardiac arrest. DESIGN--Point prevalence questionnaire survey of inpatients'' medical and nursing records. SETTING--10 acute medical and six acute surgical wards of a district general hospital. PARTICIPANTS--Questionnaires were filled in anonymously by nurses and doctors working on the wards surveyed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Responses to questionnaire items concerning details about each patient, written orders not to resuscitate in the medical case notes and nursing records, whether prognosis had been discussed with patients'' relatives, whether a "crash call" was perceived as appropriate for each patient, and whether the "crash team" would be called in the event of arrest. RESULTS--Information was obtained on 297 (93.7%) of 317 eligible patients. Prognosis had been discussed with the relatives of 32 of 88 patients perceived by doctors as unsuitable for resuscitation. Of these 88 patients, 24 had orders not to resuscitate in their medical notes, and only eight of these had similar orders in their nursing notes. CONCLUSIONS--In the absence of guidelines on decisions about resuscitation, orders not to resuscitate are rarely included in the notes of patients for whom cardiopulmonary resuscitation is thought to be inappropriate. Elective decisions not to resuscitate are not effectively communicated to nurses. There should be more discussion of patients'' suitability for resuscitation between doctors, nurses, patients, and patients'' relatives. Suitability for resuscitation should be reviewed on every consultant ward round.  相似文献   

A group of nurses who formerly had performed office functions received a special university-based educational program designed to prepare them to assume much of primary care management as nurse practitioners. The associated family physicians would shift their role to general supervision and attention to difficult clinical problems. To test this new form of practice, two complementary randomized trials have been conducted in south-central Ontario. The particular trial reported here was intended to assess the influence of the educational program on the changing roles of the professional personnel. The nurses of 14 family medical practices, with the physicians'' support and commitment to participation, applied for the new training. Seven applicants were randomly selected to receive the training and their corresponding practices became the experimental group, while the remaining nurses and practices were retained as controls. During the subsequent year of investigation important changes occurred in professional roles of the experimental group. Nurse practitioners spent more time in clinical activities than conventional office nurses. The shift was not at the expense of time devoted to clinical work by physicians. Doctors delegated more professional activities to nurse practitioners than to conventional nurses. Except for remuneration (affected by legal constraints) job satisfaction among experimental physicians and nurses remained high after one year of experience with the new method.  相似文献   



Although nurses play an important role in humanitarian aid and disaster relief (HA/DR), little is known about the nursing activities that are performed in HA/DR. We aimed to clarify the nursing activities performed by Japanese nurses in HA/DR and to examine the factors associated with the frequency of nursing activities.


A self-administered questionnaire survey was completed by 147 nurses with HA/DR experience. The survey extracted information on demographic characteristics, past experience (e.g., disaster medical training experience, HA/DR experience), circumstances surrounding their dispatched to HA/DR (e.g., team size, disaster type, post-disaster phase, mission term), and the frequency of nursing activities performed under HA/DR. The frequency of nursing activities was rated on a 5-point Likert scale. Evaluation of nursing activities was conducted based on the “nursing activity score”, which represents the frequency of each nursing activity. Factors related to the nursing activity score were evaluated by multiple logistic regression analysis.


Nurses were involved in 27 nursing activities in HA/DR, 10 of which were performed frequently. On analysis, factors significantly associated with nursing activity score were nursing license as a registered nurse (OR 7.79, 95% CI 2.95–20.57), two or more experiences with disaster medical training (OR 2.90 95%, CI 1.12–7.49) and a post-disaster phase of three weeks or longer (OR 8.77, 95% CI 2.59–29.67).


These results will contribute to the design of evidence-based disaster medical training that improves the quality of nursing activities.  相似文献   

梁洁 《蛇志》2021,(1):59-62
目的了解并分析广西新生儿专科护士的现况,为广西新生儿专科护士的培训提供客观依据。方法通过查阅文献,结合广西新生儿专科护士培训方案及培训计划,采用自制调查表及自评式问卷对3期共163名广西新生儿专科护士进行培训技能需求调查,并对培训前、培训后的专科技能掌握现况进行自评。结果基本技能需求构成比为80.98%,重症护理需求构成比为93.25,外科护理需求构成比为51.53%,科研指导需求构成比为41.72%。培训前后新生儿专科基本技能和科研能力掌握评分比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);新生儿重症护理技术和新生儿外科护理技术培训前后的评分比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论广西新生儿专科护士在重症护理技术和外科护理技术能力较低,系统、全面、规范的人才培养及培训有助于提高专科护士的专业技术水平。  相似文献   

目的 调查国内三级医院急诊科护士灾害护理能力现状及其影响因素.方法 采用一般情况资料表、临床护士灾害护理能力评估量表对12个省市、18家三级医院的418名急诊科护士进行问卷调查,并对回收问卷数据进行统计分析.结果 急诊护士灾害护理能力总体评分为(114.55±7.70)分,最高分和最低分别为159、93分.得分较高的灾...  相似文献   

目的调查肿瘤科护士预防导管相关性血流感染(CRSBI)的认知与行为情况。方法采用方便抽样法,应用自行设计的"预防CRSBI认知与行为问卷"对107名肿瘤科在职护士进行调查,并进行结果分析。结果 107名护士预防CRSBI知识得分20~105分,平均得分(54.95±14.77)分,平均正确率52.34%。预防CRSBI操作行为得分25~45分,平均得分(39.72±4.26)分。肿瘤科护士预防CRSBI认知情况与工作年限、技术职称和是否接受过CRSBI的知识培训有关,行为情况与是否接受过CRSBI的知识培训有关。结论应加强肿瘤科护士CRSBI相关知识的培训和考核,加强管控,进一步提高肿瘤科护士预防CRSBI的认知水平。  相似文献   



Medical professionals’ practices and knowledge regarding cancer pain management have often been cited as inadequate. This study aimed to evaluate knowledge, practices and perceived barriers regarding cancer pain management among physicians and nurses in Korea.


A nationwide questionnaire survey was administered to physicians and nurses involved in the care of cancer patients. Questionnaire items covered pain assessment and documentation practices, knowledge regarding cancer pain management, the perceived barriers to cancer pain control, and processes perceived as the major causes of delay in opioid administration.


A total of 333 questionnaires (149 physicians and 284 nurses) were analyzed. Nurses performed pain assessment and documentation more regularly than physicians did. Although physicians had better knowledge of pain management than did nurses, both groups lacked knowledge regarding the side effects and pharmacology of opioids. Physicians working in the palliative care ward and nurses who had received pain management education obtained higher scores on knowledge. Physicians perceived patients’ reluctance to take opioids as a barrier to pain control, more so than did nurses, while nurses perceived patients’ tendency to under-report of pain as a barrier, more so than did physicians. Physicians and nurses held different perceptions regarding major cause of delay during opioid administration.


There were differences between physicians and nurses in knowledge and practices for cancer pain management. An effective educational strategy for cancer pain management is needed in order to improve medical professionals’ knowledge and clinical practices.  相似文献   

为了解我院护理人员对绩效考核的评价及满意度,以更好的修订和完善绩效考核评价指标体系.方法:采用任意抽样的方法,运用医院护理人员对绩效考核评价调查问卷,对我院262名护理人员进行调查.结果:基本工资和奖金是护理主要收入来源;工作能力和工作年限是培训和晋升机会主要依据;护理人员对医院绩效考核满意度较低.结论:对护理人员绩效考核评价体系进行全面改革,以调动护理人员积极性,提高满意度.  相似文献   

During a four-year study period 43 985 patients were seen in the treatment room and 61 806 coded procedures carried out. Thirty per cent of these procedures were not part of usual nursing curricula and required initial supervision and assessment or training (or both). Nearly 15% of the patients seen were making a first visit and did not require referral to a doctor. A further 17% were also making a first visit but were referred to a doctor. The treatment room made an important contribution to the work of the practice, but this would not have been possible if the staff concerned had been attached nurses requiring area health authority authorisation for procedures carried out as opposed to practice nurses for whom procedures were authorised on a personal basis.  相似文献   



A tailored implementation programme to improve cardiovascular risk management (CVRM) in general practice had little impact on outcomes. The questions in this process evaluation concerned (1) impact on counselling skills and CVRM knowledge of practice nurses, (2) their use of the various components of the intervention programme and adoption of recommended practices and (3) patients’ perceptions of counselling for CVRM.


A mixed-methods process evaluation was conducted. We assessed practice nurses’ motivational interviewing skills on audio-taped consultations using Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity (MITI). They also completed a clinical knowledge test. Both practice nurses and patients reported on their experiences in a written questionnaire and interviews. A multilevel regression analysis and an independent sample t test were used to examine motivational interviewing skills and CVRM knowledge. Framework analysis was applied to analyse qualitative data.


Data from 34 general practices were available, 19 intervention practices and 14 control practices. No improvements were measured on motivational interviewing skills in both groups. There appeared to be better knowledge of CVRM in the control group. On average half of the practice nurses indicated that they adopted the recommended interventions, but stated that they did not necessarily record this in patients’ medical files. The tailored programme was perceived as too large. Time, follow-up support and reminders were felt to be lacking. About 20% of patients in the intervention group visited the general practice during the intervention period, yet only a small number of these patients were referred to recommended options.


The tailored programme was only partly used by practice nurses and had little impact on either their clinical knowledge and communication skills or on patient reported healthcare. If the assumed logical model of change is valid, a more intensive programme is needed to have an impact on CVRM in general practice at all.

OBJECTIVE--To establish the prevalence of counselling services in English and Welsh general practices and factors associated with their distribution; to describe qualifications, working arrangements, and case mix of "counsellors." DESIGN--Postal questionnaire and telephone interview survey of a sample of about one in 20 general practitioners in England and Wales. SETTING--English and Welsh general practices. SUBJECTS--1880 general practitioners of whom 1542 (82%) completed questionnaires. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Prevalence and distribution of practice counselling services; counsellors'' qualifications and funding; types of patients referred. RESULTS--586 counsellors were distributed among 484 of the 1542 practices. Three types of counsellor predominated: community psychiatric nurses (187); "practice counsellors" (145); and clinical psychologists (95). Practice characteristics which independently predicted the presence of a counsellor were for community psychiatric nurses four or more partners (odds = 1.72, 95% confidence interval 1.18 to 2.26); for practice counsellors stress clinic (odds = 2.22; 1.83 to 2.61), training practice (odds = 1.70; 1.24 to 2.16), and health region (chi 2 = 55.94; df = 14; p < 0.001); and for clinical psychologists list size of > or = 10,500 (odds = 1.79; 1.09 to 2.49), training practice (odds = 1.78; 1.31 to 2.25), health region (chi 2 = 48.31; df = 14; p < 0.001). 197 counsellors had training in counselling. The qualifications of 85 were unknown to the general practitioner. The principal source of funding was the district health authority for community psychiatric nurses (150) and clinical psychologists (58) and the family health services authority for practice counsellors (76). All counsellors were referred a wide range of problems. CONCLUSIONS--Counselling services are wide-spread in general practice, but a high proportion of counsellors lack qualifications, and many may be referred problems outside their knowledge.  相似文献   

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