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Population variation in ridge-count asymmetry and diversity from finger to finger has received scant attention in dermatoglyphic studies. Asymmetry, in particular, has generally been attributed to environmental effects operating during the formation of dermal ridges. Examination of samples from several groups of diverse racial background revealed the existence of considerable population variation with respect to finger ridge-count asymmetry and diversity from finger to finger. Patterning along population lines suggests a genetic rather than environmental basis for such variation. The genetic mechanisms responsible for ridge-counts may also mediate asymmetry and diversity, or the degree of developmental stability in different populations may itself be under genetic control.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry was measured by the Pearson correlation coefficient between a-b ridge-counts of the right and left hands. Such data were available for 38 samples, which were grouped by major geographical regions. Significant heterogeneity exists within some of the geographical groups but the between geographical group component is highly significant in both sexes. Our results show that a sizable fraction of variation in fluctuating asymmetry is related to geographical race. There is no evidence that it follows environmental or ecological lines. The variation between geographical races suggests that there is a genetic component in the magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry.  相似文献   

Differences between the sexes and between the sides and the correlations between four quantitative characteristics of palmar dermatoglyphics in a sample population of 809 individuals (418 males and 391 females) from the city of Cagliari, Sardinia, are tested. Males have a greater number of ridges than females, shown by a greater a-b ridge count and A-d ridge count, and a more transverse slope of the main lines, shown by a greater main line index and papillary number. The left palm shows a greater number of ridges than the right palm between the A line and the triradius d and between the triradii a and b, with a lower main line index and papillary number. The a-b ridge count has a negative correlation with the main line index and with the papillary number and a positive one with the A-d ridge count; these correlations are greater in the left palms, especially in the males.  相似文献   

Principal components analysis was used to evaluate finger ridge–count variability as an indicator of genetic relationships between populations. The analysis was carried out on American White, American Black and African Black samples, each including both sexes. Each individual is represented as a vector of 20 counts, a radial and an ulnar count for each digit. No assumptions were made prior to analysis concerning the number of meaningful components, and all were examined sequentially. The first five eigenvectors extracted from the within-group correlation matrix have loadings very similar to those previously described by Roberts and Coope ('75). However, it is the component scores derived from the sixth eigenvector which show the most marked variation, accounting for 45% or more of the D2in all Black-White comparisons. A number of other components also show significant intergroup heterogeneity, but they often do not accord with what is known of the genetic relationships between the populations. Apparently a large amount of ridge-count variation is not genetically meaningful, at least as far as these populations are concerned.  相似文献   

Summary The cytological aspects of sexual dimorphism in the rat adrenal cortex and its relationship to the gonads have been investigated. The adrenal glands of mature female rats were heavier than those of males, and morphometry showed that this was almost exclusively due to conspicuous differences in the volume of cells of the zona fasciculata (ZF) and zona reticularis (ZR). Stereology demonstrated that the volume of the mitochondrial and lipid droplet compartments, as well as the surface area per cell of mitochondrial cristae and smooth endoplasmic reticulum tubules, were markedly higher in the ZF and ZR cells of female animals. Orchiectomy increased and ovariectomy decreased the adrenal weight, by eliciting hypertrophy and atrophy, respectively, of ZF and ZR cells; these effects of gonadectomy were reversed by the appropriate gonadal hormone replacement. It is suggested that the sexual dimorphism of the rat adrenal cortex may depend upon the inhibitory action of testosterone and the stimulatory effect of estradiol on the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenal axis.  相似文献   

Use of dermatoglyphics in population studies has been marked by a great deal of methodological variation among investigators. We compare various dermatoglyphic approaches using data derived from four groups in the Kumaon region of India. Dermatoglyphic data included ridge-counts and other quantitative variables, and the classification systems of Cummins and Midlo and Penrose and Loesch. Results were evaluated against anthropometric and serological relationships. No clearly superior approach emerges, although it is generally true that palmar variables exhibit more intergroup heterogeneity than digital variables and produce more reasonable results than the other approaches. The conventional method of treating ridge-counts, that of choosing the larger of the two counts, was the most unsatisfactory of the quantitative approaches, leading to the recommendation that both radial and ulnar counts be retained. We conclude that environmental variation may contribute substantially to intergroup variation.  相似文献   

Japanese cormorants, Phalacrocorax capillatus, are sexually dimorphic seabirds with males that are heavier and that dive deeper than females. Sex differences in prey composition and foraging behavior of those rearing chicks at Teuri Island, Hokkaido, were examined by collecting food-loads from parents in 1992–1998 and by radio-tracking ten birds each in 1997 and 1998 when prey availability was different. Males fed more on benthic and epibenthic fishes (82% mass) than did females (34%) while females fed more on epipelagic and coastal fishes (53%) than did males (18%). Males made longer dives (53 s) at feeding sites closer to the island (7 km) than females (39 s, 13 km) in 1997. In 1998 when the availability of epipelagic fish seemed to be higher, there were no sex differences in dive duration and distance to the feeding sites (35 s and 9 km for males, 36 s and 10 km for females). This sex difference in foraging behavior with a poor availability of epipelagic fish suggests that high diving ability possibly enables males to feed on demersal fish. Birds specializing in coastal shallow waters around the island made long dives; hence they were probably foraging in bottom layers. Those foraging in deeper shelf waters made short dives and they were thought to forage in surface layers. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Sex differences in metabolic rate (MR) can result from dimorphism in the performance of energetically demanding activities. Male crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) engage in costly calling and aggressive activity not performed by females. Consistent with this difference, we found higher maximal MR, factorial scope, and fat content in males than females. T. oceanicus song is also costly because it attracts the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea. Parasitized crickets had reduced maximal MR consistent with a metabolic cost to harboring larvae. This cost was greater for females, either because females invest more heavily into reproduction at the expense of metabolic capacity, or because males are under stronger selection to respond to infection. Little is known about O. ochracea outside of its auditory system and parasitic lifestyle. We observed greater resting MR in male flies, possibly reflecting a sex difference in the requirement for metabolic power output, because male flies perform potentially costly mating behavior not seen in females. We found a positive relationship between larval density within a cricket and pupal resting MR, suggesting that crickets in good condition are able to both harbor more larvae and produce larvae with higher resting MR. These results reveal a complex interplay between the metabolism of crickets and their fly parasitoids.Communicated by G. Heldmaier  相似文献   

One of the stronger empirical generalizations to emerge from the study of genetic systems is that achiasmate meiosis, which has evolved 25–30 times, is always restricted to the heterogametic sex in dioecious species, usually the male. Here we collate data on quantitative sex differences in chiasma frequency from 54 species (4 hermaphroditic flatworms, 18 dioecious insects and vertebrates and 32 hermaphroditic plants) to test whether similar trends hold. Though significant sex differences have been observed within many species, only the Liliaceae show a significant sexual dimorphism in chiasma frequency across species, with more crossing over in embryo mother cells than in pollen mother cells; chiasma frequencies are unrelated to sex and gamety in all other higher taxa studied. Further, the magnitude of sexual dimorphism, independent of sign, does not differ among the three main ecological groups (dioecious animals, plants, and hermaphroditic animals), contrary to what would be expected if it reflected sex-specific selection on recombination. These results indicate that the strong trends for achiasmate meiosis do not apply to quantitative sex differences in recombination, and contradict theories of sex-specific costs and benefits. An alternative hypothesis suggests that sex differences may be more-or-less neutral, selection determining only the mean rate of recombination. While male and female chiasma frequencies are more similar than would be expected under complete neutrality, a less absolute form of the hypothesis is more difficult to falsify. In female mice the sex bivalent has more chiasmata for its length than the autosomes, perhaps compensating for the absence of recombination in males. Finally, we observe that chiasma frequencies in males and females are positively correlated across species, validating the use of only one sex in comparative studies of recombination.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the morphology and function of the hippocampus have been reported in several species, but it is unknown whether a sexual dimorphism exists in glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) expression in the rat hippocampus. We analyzed GFAP immunoreactivity in the hippocampus of intact adult male rats as well as in females during diestrus and proestrus phases of the estrous cycle. We found that in CA1, CA3, and dentate gyrus, GFAP immunoreactivity was higher in proestrus females as compared with males and diestrus females. In CA1, a similar GFAP immunoreactivity was found in males and in diestrus females, but in dentate gyrus, males presented the lowest GFAP content. Interestingly, differences in astrocyte morphology were also found. Rounded cells with numerous and short processes were mainly observed in the hippocampus during proestrus whereas cells with stellate shape with few and long processes were present in the hippocampus of males and diestrus females. The marked sex and estrous cycle-dependent differences in GFAP immunoreactivity density and in astrocyte number and morphology found in the rat hippocampus, suggest the involvement of sex steroid hormones in the sexually dimorphic functions of the hippocampus, and in the change in its activity during the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

Canines of fossil hominoids and primitive catarrhines from several early, middle, and late Miocene sites were analyzed according to the shape indices described in Kelley (1995) and compared to those of males and females of extant great apes. In bivariate plots of the fossil canines utilizing the indices, 90% of the upper canines and 85% of the lower canines fell within or just outside the exclusively male or exclusively female territories delimited by the extant great apes. The remainder fell in the male-female overlap zones. Sex assignments based on these distributions were nearly 100% concordant with classifications according to canine height, suggesting a high degree of accuracy. There were various taxon-specific shifts in bivariate space among fossil genera, reflecting subtle differences in canine shape between taxa within the overall pattern of similarity to extant great apes as a whole. In many cases these shifts are matched by particular extant-ape species and subspecies, while other fossil taxa have no exact analogue for canine shape among the extant great apes. However, the pattern of spatial segregation of canines identified as either male or female at each of the sites largely mirrors that of males and females within the extant-ape sample, indicating that Miocene catarrhines shared with extant great apes a common pattern of shape differences between male and female canines, regardless of taxonspecific morphologies. These observations demonstrate that the canines of fossil catarrhines can be sexed with a high degree of confidence based solely on intrinsic features of shape. This will permit more reliable characterizations of morphological sexual dimorphism among fossil species. It is also argued that canine shape is a more reliable indicator of sex in fossil taxa than are canine/molar size ratios. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Many studies involve comparison of measures of sexual dimorphism between two samples. This comparison is used to test a variety of hypotheses, such as changing environmental conditions. Methods for testing the significance of the difference between two populations tend to be complex, and/or require access to complete original data. We offer a simplified approach which is based on a linear regression model using dummy variables. Our method is computationally simple and can be used with summary statistics (sample size, means, standard deviations) instead of raw data. We present three examples of the application of our method to problems in physical anthropology. We also note that our method has a broader range of applications apart from that of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Males and females often age at different rates resulting in longevity 'gender gaps', where one sex outlives the other. Why the sexes have different lifespans is an age-old question, still fiercely debated today. One cellular process related to lifespan, which is known to differ according to sex, is the rate at which the protective telomere chromosome caps are lost. In humans, men have shorter lifespans and greater telomere shortening. This has led to speculation in the medical literature that sex-specific telomere shortening is one cause of sex-specific mortality. However, telomere shortening may be a cause for and/or a consequence of the processes that govern survival, and to infer general principles from single-taxon studies may be misleading. Here, we review recent work on telomeres in a variety of animal taxa, including those with reverse sexual lifespan dimorphism (i.e., where males live longer), to establish whether sex-specific survival is generally associated with sex differences in telomere dynamics. By doing this, we attempt to tease apart the potential underlying causes for sex differences in telomere lengths in humans and highlight targets for future research across all taxa.  相似文献   

Sex differences in growth were studied in a longitudinal study of 39 boys and 31 girls for sitting height. Individual growth patterns were determined by means of Preece Baines model 1. The results showed no significant bias in the fits of height and sitting height in boys and girls. Girls fits were significantly better than those of the boys for both height and sitting height. Univariate analysis by means of Mann-Whitney test showed significant sex differences for all function and biological parameters of height and sitting height excepted for s1 parameter (the rate constant controlling pubertal velocity). Linear discriminant analysis revealed that the strongest sex differences for the timing and size parameters at adolescent. Peak velocity at adolescent was slightly less discriminating between the two sexes and velocity at take-off showed the least sex difference. These trends were similar for height and sitting height. Decomposition of sex differences in adult size showed that the major contributor to adult the sex differences is the effect of the later onset of the adolescent growth spurt in boys than in girls. Sex differences in adult phenotypes of height and sitting height are to a slightly lesser extent due to the greater adolescent gain in boys while prepubertal sex differences are almost negligible.  相似文献   

Digestive assimilation efficiency is considered a trait with important implications for animal ecology. However, practically all studies have ignored the importance of sex differences in food assimilation efficiency (AE). Here, we investigated sex differences in dietary and physiological parameters in the Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa limosa feeding on rice seeds, a species with sexual dimorphism in body size and body mass. Gross daily food intake, gross energy intake, gross energy output and metabolizable energy intake did not vary significantly between sexes, but godwit females showed lower faeces energy density and higher AE than males. Mass-specific AE was similar in males and females, and the difference in AE could be attributed to the females' greater body mass. We suggest that a differential AE could play a role in explaining sex differences in habitat or micro-habitat selection during the non-breeding season in bird species with sexual dimorphism in size. Finally, we addressed the question about assimilation efficiency accuracy in models that estimate prey acquisitions by declining shorebirds as the Black-tailed Godwit.  相似文献   

A study was made of ranges of variation of the anterior dentition of various African nonhuman primates. Comparisons of the dentitions were made between different species and sex differences within each species were determined. Among the nonhuman primate groups studied were: Gorilla gorilla gorilla, Pan troglodytes, Pan paniscus, Cercopithecus nictitans, Cercocebus albigena and Colobus badius. In monkeys the canine teeth of the males are considerably larger than those of the females. There are also considerable differences in size in the rest of the anterior dentition. In apes, and specifically only gorillas, distinct sex differences are only found in the maxillary canines. In the chimpanzees, sex differences in the dentition are much smaller and there is considerable overlap in the ranges of variation. There are no fundamental differences in the size of the rest of the anterior dentition in the apes. The present study shows that differences due to sex in the anterior dentition, excluding the canine, are not as great as has been considered. If we consider the fossil record of man, whose morphological complex includes a much reduced canine, the probability will be that sex differences in the rest of the dentition will be negligible. Given the fragmentary nature of the fossil record, it is, therefore, highly unlikely that the determination of the sex of any fossil hominid specimen can be accurately made based solely on the evidence of its dentition.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that great ape and macaque males achieve large canine crown sizes primarily through extended canine growth periods. Recent work has suggested, however, that platyrrhine males may achieve larger canine sizes by accelerating rather than prolonging growth. This study tested the hypothesis that the ontogenetic pathway leading to canine sexual dimorphism in catarrhines differs from that of platyrrhines. To test this hypothesis, males and females of several catarrhine genera (Hylobates, Papio, Macaca, Cercopithecus, and Cercocebus) and three platyrrhine genera (Cebus, Ateles, and Callicebus) were compared in the number and spacing of perikymata (enamel growth increments) on their canine crowns. In addition, perikymata periodicities (the number of days of growth perikymata represent) were determined for five genera (Hylobates, Papio, Macaca, Cebus, and Ateles) using previously published as well as original data gathered for this study. The central findings are as follows: 1) males have more perikymata than females for seven of eight genera (in five of the seven, the differences are statistically significant); 2) in general, the greater the degree of sexual dimorphism, the greater the sex difference in male and female perikymata numbers; 3) there is no evidence of a systematic sex difference in primate periodicities; and 4) there is some evidence that sex differences in enamel formation rates may make a minor contribution to canine sexual dimorphism in Papio and Cercopithecus. These findings strongly suggest that in both catarrhines and platyrrhines prolongation of male canine growth is the primary mechanism by which canine crown sexual dimorphism is achieved. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Sexual dimorphism of the ear of an undescribed species of zaprochiline tettigoniid is described. The internal trachea, dedicated to hearing in other tettigoniids, is unmodified in the male but fully developed in the female. The external auditory spiracle is also lost in the male. In contrast, there is no difference between the sexes in the number of sensilla within the hearing organ. The male is 10 dB less sensitive than the female. The characteristic frequency of the hearing organ at 35 kHz does not match the carrier frequency of the male's call at 51 kHz. As a result of this mismatch the female is remarkably insensitive to the male's call (threshold at 75 dB SPL), and the male is even less sensitive (thresholds80 dB SPL). In nature this provides a maximum hearing range of the male of less than 50 cm.  相似文献   

Jian Cheng 《Steroids》2010,75(11):754-759
Biologic sex and sex steroids are important factors in clinical and experimental stroke. This review evaluates key evidence that biological sex strongly alters mechanisms and outcomes from cerebral ischemia. The role of androgens in male stroke is understudied and important to pursue given that male sex is a well known risk factor for human stroke. To date, male sex steroids remain largely evaluated at the bench rather than the bedside. We review recent advances in our understanding of androgens in the context of ischemic cell death and neuroprotection. We also highlight some possible molecular mechanisms by which androgens impact ischemic outcomes.  相似文献   

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