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The DNA damage checkpoint controls cell cycle arrest in response to DNA damage, and activation of this checkpoint is in turn cell cycle-regulated. Rad9, the ortholog of mammalian 53BP1, is essential for this checkpoint response and is phosphorylated by the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Previous studies suggested that the CDK consensus sites of Rad9 are important for its checkpoint activity. However, the precise CDK sites of Rad9 involved have not been determined. Here we show that CDK consensus sites of Rad9 function in parallel to its BRCT domain toward checkpoint activation, analogous to its fission yeast ortholog Crb2. Unlike Crb2, however, mutation of multiple rather than any individual CDK site of Rad9 is required to completely eliminate its checkpoint activity in vivo. Although Dpb11 interacts with CDK-phosphorylated Rad9, we provide evidence showing that elimination of this interaction does not affect DNA damage checkpoint activation in vivo, suggesting that additional pathway(s) exist. Taken together, these findings suggest that the regulation of Rad9 by CDK and the role of Dpb11 in DNA damage checkpoint activation are more complex than previously suggested. We propose that multiple phosphorylation of Rad9 by CDK may provide a more robust system to allow Rad9 to control cell cycle-dependent DNA damage checkpoint activation.  相似文献   

The DNA damage checkpoint controls cell cycle arrest in response to DNA damage, and activation of this checkpoint is in turn cell cycle-regulated. Rad9, the ortholog of mammalian 53BP1, is essential for this checkpoint response and is phosphorylated by the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Previous studies suggested that the CDK consensus sites of Rad9 are important for its checkpoint activity. However, the precise CDK sites of Rad9 involved have not been determined. Here we show that CDK consensus sites of Rad9 function in parallel to its BRCT domain toward checkpoint activation, analogous to its fission yeast ortholog Crb2. Unlike Crb2, however, mutation of multiple rather than any individual CDK site of Rad9 is required to completely eliminate its checkpoint activity in vivo. Although Dpb11 interacts with CDK-phosphorylated Rad9, we provide evidence showing that elimination of this interaction does not affect DNA damage checkpoint activation in vivo, suggesting that additional pathway(s) exist. Taken together, these findings suggest that the regulation of Rad9 by CDK and the role of Dpb11 in DNA damage checkpoint activation are more complex than previously suggested. We propose that multiple phosphorylation of Rad9 by CDK may provide a more robust system to allow Rad9 to control cell cycle-dependent DNA damage checkpoint activation.  相似文献   

Rad9, a key component of genotoxin-activated checkpoint signaling pathways, associates with Hus1 and Rad1 in a heterotrimeric complex (the 9-1-1 complex). Rad9 is inducibly and constitutively phosphorylated. However, the role of Rad9 phosphorylation is unknown. Here we identified nine phosphorylation sites, all of which lie in the carboxyl-terminal 119-amino acid Rad9 tail and examined the role of phosphorylation in genotoxin-triggered checkpoint activation. Rad9 mutants lacking a Ser-272 phosphorylation site, which is phosphorylated in response to genotoxins, had no effect on survival or checkpoint activation in Mrad9-/- mouse ES cells treated with hydroxyurea (HU), ionizing radiation (IR), or ultraviolet radiation (UV). In contrast, additional Rad9 tail phosphorylation sites were essential for Chk1 activation following HU, IR, and UV treatment. Consistent with a role for Chk1 in S-phase arrest, HU- and UV-induced S-phase arrest was abrogated in the Rad9 phosphorylation mutants. In contrast, however, Rad9 did not play a role in IR-induced S-phase arrest. Clonogenic assays revealed that cells expressing a Rad9 mutant lacking phosphorylation sites were as sensitive as Rad9-/- cells to UV and HU. Although Rad9 contributed to survival of IR-treated cells, the identified phosphorylation sites only minimally contributed to survival following IR treatment. Collectively, these results demonstrate that the Rad9 phospho-tail is a key participant in the Chk1 activation pathway and point to additional roles for Rad9 in cellular responses to IR.  相似文献   

In budding yeast, the Rad9 protein is an important player in the maintenance of genomic integrity and has a well-characterised role in DNA damage checkpoint activation. Recently, roles for different post-translational histone modifications in the DNA damage response, including H2A serine 129 phosphorylation and H3 lysine 79 methylation, have also been demonstrated. Here, we show that Rad9 recruitment to foci and bulk chromatin occurs specifically after ionising radiation treatment in G2 cells. This stable recruitment correlates with late stages of double strand break (DSB) repair and, surprisingly, it is the hypophosphorylated form of Rad9 that is retained on chromatin rather than the hyperphosphorylated, checkpoint-associated, form. Stable Rad9 accumulation in foci requires the Mec1 kinase and two independently regulated histone modifications, H2A phosphorylation and Dot1-dependent H3 methylation. In addition, Rad9 is selectively recruited to a subset of Rad52 repair foci. These results, together with the observation that rad9Delta cells are defective in repair of IR breaks in G2, strongly indicate a novel post checkpoint activation role for Rad9 in promoting efficient repair of DNA DSBs by homologous recombination.  相似文献   

The RAD52 epistasis group of proteins, including Rad51, Rad52, and Rad54, plays an important role in the homologous recombination repair of double strand breaks. A well characterized feature associated with the ability of these proteins to repair double strand breaks is inducible nuclear foci formation at the sites of damage. How the process is functionally regulated in response to DNA damage, however, remains elusive. We show here that c-Abl tyrosine kinase associates with and phosphorylates Rad52 on tyrosine 104. Importantly, the very same site of Rad52 is phosphorylated on exposure of cells to ionizing radiation (IR). The functional significance of c-Abl-dependent phosphorylation of Rad52 is underscored by our findings that cells that express the phosphorylation-resistant Rad52 mutant, in which tyrosine 104 is replaced by phenylalanine, exhibit compromised nuclear foci formation in response to IR. Furthermore, IR-induced Rad52 nuclear foci formation is markedly suppressed by the expression of dominant-negative c-Abl. Together our data support a mode of post-translational regulation of Rad52 mediated by the c-Abl tyrosine kinase.  相似文献   

The interaction between the 911 complex, via Rad9A, and Claspin is required for activation of the Chk1-mediated checkpoint response, along with ATR, TopBP1, and the 911 clamp loader complex Rad17/RFC. Despite the importance of the Rad9A-Claspin interaction in the cell cycle, this interaction has yet to be characterized. In this work we show this interaction persists in a variety of different conditions. During the course of this study we also determined the nuclear localization of Rad9A affected the localization of the Claspin protein, leading us to the conclusion that Rad9A is able to affect Claspin cellular localization. This was verified experimentally using a Rad9A-null cell line and reconstitution of WT Rad9A. We also show that in mES cells the Rad9A paralog, Rad9B, is also capable of affecting Claspin localization. Together, these data suggest that Rad9 plays a role in locating Claspin to sites of DNA damage, facilitating its role during the Chk1-mediated checkpoint response. Since disruption of both Rad9A and Claspin has been shown to abolish Chk1 activation, we postulate that Rad9A-mediated Claspin localization is a vital step during checkpoint activation.  相似文献   

Tsao CC  Geisen C  Abraham RT 《The EMBO journal》2004,23(23):4660-4669
Human Rad17 (hRad17) is centrally involved in the activation of cell-cycle checkpoints by genotoxic agents or replication stress. Here we identify hMCM7, a core component of the DNA replication apparatus, as a novel hRad17-interacting protein. In HeLa cells, depletion of either hRad17 or hMCM7 with small-interfering RNA suppressed ultraviolet (UV) light- or aphidicolin-induced hChk1 phosphorylation, and abolished UV-induced S-phase checkpoint activation. Similar results were obtained after transfection of these cells with a fusion protein containing the hMCM7-binding region of hRad17. The hMCM7-depleted cells were also defective for the formation of ATR-containing nuclear foci after UV irradiation, suggesting that hMCM7 is required for stable recruitment of ATR to damaged DNA. These results demonstrate that hMCM7 plays a direct role in the transmission of DNA damage signals from active replication forks to the S-phase checkpoint machinery in human cells.  相似文献   

The cellular response to ionizing radiation is not limited to cells irradiated directly but can be demonstrated in neighboring "bystander" populations. The ability of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells to express a bystander effect and the role of the radioresistance gene Rad9 were tested. Mouse ES cells differing in Rad9 status were exposed to broad-beam 125 keV/ microm 3He alpha particles. All populations, when confluent, demonstrated a dose-independent bystander effect with respect to cell killing, and the Rad9-/- genotype did not selectively alter that response or cell killing after direct exposure to this high-LET radiation. In contrast, relative to Rad9+/+ cells, the homozygous mutant was sensitive to direct exposure to alpha particles when in log phase, providing evidence of a role for Rad9 in repair of potentially lethal damage. Direct exposure to alpha particles induced an increase in the frequency of apoptosis and micronucleus formation, regardless of Rad9 status, although the null mutant showed high spontaneous levels of both end points. All populations demonstrated alpha-particle-induced bystander apoptosis, but that effect was most prominent in Rad9-/- cells. Minimal alpha-particle induction of micronuclei in bystander cells was observed, except for the Rad9-/- mutant, where a significant increase above background was detected. Therefore, the Rad9 null mutation selectively sensitizes mouse ES cells to spontaneous and high-LET radiation-induced bystander apoptosis and micronucleus formation, but it has much less impact on cell killing by direct or bystander alpha-particle exposure. Results are presented in the context of defining the function of Rad9 in the cellular response to radiation and its differential effects on individual bystander end points.  相似文献   

Rad9 is required for the MEC1/TEL1-dependent activation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA damage checkpoint pathways mediated by Rad53 and Chk1. DNA damage induces Rad9 phosphorylation, and Rad53 specifically associates with phosphorylated Rad9. We report here that multiple Mec1/Tel1 consensus [S/T]Q sites within Rad9 are phosphorylated in response to DNA damage. These Rad9 phosphorylation sites are selectively required for activation of the Rad53 branch of the checkpoint pathway. Consistent with the in vivo function in recruiting Rad53, Rad9 phosphopeptides are bound by Rad53 forkhead-associated (FHA) domains in vitro. These data suggest that functionally independent domains within Rad9 regulate Rad53 and Chk1, and support the model that FHA domain-mediated recognition of Rad9 phosphopeptides couples Rad53 to the DNA damage checkpoint pathway.  相似文献   

Large-scale expansion of (GAA)n repeats in the first intron of the FXN gene is responsible for the severe neurodegenerative disease, Friedreich’s ataxia in humans. We have previously conducted an unbiased genetic screen for GAA repeat instability in a yeast experimental system. The majority of genes that came from this screen encoded the components of DNA replication machinery, strongly implying that replication irregularities are at the heart of GAA repeat expansions. This screen, however, also produced two unexpected hits: members of the CST complex, CDC13 and TEN1 genes, which are required for telomere maintenance. To understand how the CST complex could affect intra-chromosomal GAA repeats, we studied the well-characterized temperature-sensitive cdc13-1 mutation and its effects on GAA repeat instability in yeast. We found that in-line with the screen results, this mutation leads to ∼10-fold increase in the rate of large-scale expansions of the (GAA)100 repeat at semi-permissive temperature. Unexpectedly, the hyper-expansion phenotype of the cdc13-1 mutant largely depends on activation of the G2/M checkpoint, as deletions of individual genes RAD9, MEC1, RAD53, and EXO1 belonging to this pathway rescued the increased GAA expansions. Furthermore, the hyper-expansion phenotype of the cdc13-1 mutant depended on the subunit of DNA polymerase δ, Pol32. We hypothesize, therefore, that increased repeat expansions in the cdc13-1 mutant happen during post-replicative repair of nicks or small gaps within repetitive tracts during the G2 phase of the cell cycle upon activation of the G2/M checkpoint.  相似文献   

The Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) pathway plays important roles in embryogenesis, stem cell maintenance, tissue repair, and tumorigenesis. Haploinsufficiency of Patched-1, a gene that encodes a repressor of the Shh pathway, dysregulates the Shh pathway and increases genomic instability and the development of spontaneous and ionizing radiation (IR)–induced tumors by an unknown mechanism. Here we show that Ptc1+/− mice have a defect in the IR-induced activation of the ATR–Chk1 checkpoint signaling pathway. Likewise, transient expression of Gli1, a downstream target of Shh signaling, disrupts Chk1 activation in human cells by preventing the interaction of Chk1 with Claspin, a Chk1 adaptor protein that is required for Chk1 activation. These results suggest that inappropriate Shh pathway activation promotes tumorigenesis by disabling a key signaling pathway that helps maintain genomic stability and inhibits tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

In response to DNA damage or replication stress, the protein kinase ATR is activated and subsequently transduces genotoxic signals to cell cycle control and DNA repair machinery through phosphorylation of a number of downstream substrates. Very little is known about the molecular mechanism by which ATR is activated in response to genotoxic insults. In this report, we demonstrate that protein phosphatase 5 (PP5) is required for the ATR-mediated checkpoint activation. PP5 forms a complex with ATR in a genotoxic stress-inducible manner. Interference with the expression or the activity of PP5 leads to impairment of the ATR-mediated phosphorylation of hRad17 and Chk1 after UV or hydroxyurea treatment. Similar results are obtained in ATM-deficient cells, suggesting that the observed defect in checkpoint signaling is the consequence of impaired functional interaction between ATR and PP5. In cells exposed to UV irradiation, PP5 is required to elicit an appropriate S-phase checkpoint response. In addition, loss of PP5 leads to premature mitosis after hydroxyurea treatment. Interestingly, reduced PP5 activity exerts differential effects on the formation of intranuclear foci by ATR and replication protein A, implicating a functional role for PP5 in a specific stage of the checkpoint signaling pathway. Taken together, our results suggest that PP5 plays a critical role in the ATR-mediated checkpoint activation.  相似文献   

Yang C  Tang X  Guo X  Niikura Y  Kitagawa K  Cui K  Wong ST  Fu L  Xu B 《Molecular cell》2011,44(4):597-608
The ATM kinase plays a critical role in the maintenance of genetic stability. ATM is activated in response to DNA damage and is essential for cell-cycle checkpoints. Here, we report that ATM is activated in mitosis in the absence of DNA damage. We demonstrate that mitotic ATM activation is dependent on the Aurora-B kinase and that Aurora-B phosphorylates ATM on serine 1403. This phosphorylation event is required for mitotic ATM activation. Further, we show that loss of ATM function results in shortened mitotic timing and a defective spindle checkpoint, and that abrogation of ATM Ser1403 phosphorylation leads to this spindle checkpoint defect. We also demonstrate that mitotically activated ATM phosphorylates Bub1, a critical kinetochore protein, on Ser314. ATM-mediated Bub1 Ser314 phosphorylation is required for Bub1 activity and is essential for the activation of the spindle checkpoint. Collectively, our data highlight mechanisms of a critical function of ATM in mitosis.  相似文献   

The ATR-mediated checkpoint is not only critical for responding to genotoxic stress but also essential for cell proliferation. The RFC-related checkpoint protein Rad17, a phosphorylation substrate of ATR, is critical for ATR-mediated checkpoint signaling and cell survival. Here, we show that phosphorylation of Rad17 by ATR is important for genomic stability and restraint of S phase but is not essential for cell survival. The phosphomutant Rad17AA exhibits distinct defects in hydroxyurea- (HU) and ultraviolet- (UV) induced Chk1 activation, indicating that separate Rad17 functions are required differently in response to different types of replication interference. Although cells expressing Rad17AA can initiate Chk1 phosphorylation after HU treatment, they fail to sustain Chk1 phosphorylation after withdrawal of HU and are profoundly sensitive to HU. Importantly, we found that phosphorylated Rad17 interacts with Claspin and regulates its phosphorylation. These findings reveal a phosphorylation-dependent function of Rad17 in an ATR-Rad17-Claspin-Chk1-signaling cascade that responds to specific replication stress.  相似文献   

In response to ionizing radiation, checkpoint kinase 2 (Chk2) is activated in an ataxia telangiectasia mutation-dependent manner and induces either cell cycle arrest or apoptosis. Chk2 is also autophosphorylated following DNA damage. It is proposed that autophosphorylation of Chk2 may contribute to Chk2 activation. To fully understand the regulation of Chk2, we mapped an in vitro Chk2 autophosphorylation site at C-terminal serine 516 site (Ser-516). Ser-516 of Chk2 is phosphorylated following radiation in vivo, and this phosphorylation depends on the kinase activity of Chk2. Mutation of this autophosphorylation site (S516A) results in reduced Chk2 kinase activity, suggesting that Chk2 autophosphorylation is required for full kinase activation following DNA damage. Moreover, the S516A mutant of Chk2 is defective in ionizing radiation-induced apoptosis, suggesting that Chk2 autophosphorylation is critical for Chk2 function following DNA damage.  相似文献   

Rad9 functions in the DNA-damage checkpoint pathway of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In whole-cell extracts, Rad9 is found in large, soluble complexes, which have functions in amplifying the checkpoint signal. The two main soluble forms of Rad9 complexes that are found in cells exposed to DNA-damaging treatments were purified to homogeneity. Both of these Rad9 complexes contain the Ssa1 and/or Ssa2 chaperone proteins, suggesting a function for these proteins in checkpoint regula-tion. Consistent with this possibility, genetic experiments indicate redundant functions for SSA1 and SSA2 in survival, G2/M-checkpoint regulation, and phosphorylation of both Rad9 and Rad53 after irradiation with ultraviolet light. Ssa1 and Ssa2 can now be considered as novel checkpoint proteins that are likely to be required for remodelling Rad9 complexes during checkpoint-pathway activation.  相似文献   

DNA damage checkpoints are signal transduction pathways that are activated after genotoxic insults to protect genomic integrity. The Rad9 protein functions in the DNA damage checkpoint pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and is essential for the Mec1-dependent activation of the effector kinase Rad53. We recently described the purification of two soluble distinct Rad9 complexes. The large 850 kDa complex consists of hypophosphorylated Rad9 and the chaperone proteins Ssa1/2. This complex is found both in undamaged cells as well as in cells treated with DNA damaging agents. The smaller 560 kDa complex contains hyperphosphorylated Rad9, Ssa1/2 and, in addition, Rad53. This complex forms only in cells with compromised DNA integrity. Once bound to the smaller complex, Rad53 can be activated by in trans autophosphorylation. Here, we propose a model in which the large Rad9 complex is remodelled after a genomic insult by chaperone activity to a smaller Rad53 activating complex.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that adenoviral E1A exerts its influence on recipient cells through binding to the retinoblastoma (Rb) family proteins, followed by a global release of E2F factors from pocket-protein control. Our study challenges this simple paradigm by demonstrating previously unappreciated complexity. We show that E1A-expressing primary and transformed cells are characterized by the persistence of Rb-E2F1 complexes. We provide evidence that E1A causes Rb stabilization by interfering with its proteasomal degradation. Functional experiments supported by biochemical data reveal not only a dramatic increase in Rb and E2F1 protein levels in E1A-expressing cells but also demonstrate their activation throughout the cell cycle. We further show that E1A activates an Rb- and E2F1-dependent S-phase checkpoint that attenuates the growth of cells that became hyperploid through errors in mitosis and supports the fidelity DNA replication even in the absence of E2F complexes with other Rb family proteins, thereby functionally substituting for the loss of p53. Our results support the essential role of Rb and E2F1 in the regulation of genomic stability and DNA damage checkpoints.  相似文献   

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